UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /19 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
[01:53] <vorian> anyone speak bulgarian? (that's awake?)
=== cheester is now known as czester
[09:24] <Amaranth> wth
[09:25] <Amaranth> oh, i thought ompaul was sending me here :P
[09:25] <ompaul> Amaranth, na - my typo
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
=== elkbuntu is now known as elky
[15:04] <erUSUL> Pici: cc__ has returned
[15:04] <Pici> I see, thanks erUSUL
[15:04] <erUSUL> np
[15:56] <jdavies> PriceChild: you may wish to watch over (dechiper) the stuff in -ru, the ones that were trolling in -ca and chating in there
[15:57] <jdavies> hey, you're already popular...
[16:04] <PriceChild> jdavies: have you been using a translation tool?
[16:05] <jdavies> PriceChild: nop
[16:10] <jdavies> PriceChild: I wonder what UTFeR is doing in -ca
[16:14] <jdavies> PriceChild: russians in #kubuntu-offtopic now
[16:45] <erUSUL> faggots is not nice in english is it?
[16:46] <bazhang> indeed not
[16:46] <erUSUL> bazhang: bossanac on #ubuntu
[16:46] <bazhang> erUSUL, I saw he posted and quit; now is banned
[16:47] <bazhang> oops not yet
[16:48] <no0tic> hi all, I left the ubuntu-it irc team and passed all contacts to jester-, he is now the new point of reference for the italian group. Unfortunately he doesn't speak english
[16:49] <Myrtti> no0tic: would you mind asking him to search for a co-admin who would?
[16:50] <Myrtti> or even a single op
[16:50] <Myrtti> doesn't have to be the admin of the channel
[16:51] <no0tic> Myrtti, yes, there's twilight (an ubuntu-it loco councillor) that is a co-admin and the alternate contact for the main channel
[16:51] <Myrtti> great
[16:51] <no0tic> s/that/who/
[16:52] <Myrtti> excellent
[16:53] <no0tic> Myrtti, could you tell this change to the irc-council?
[16:54] <Myrtti> consider it done
[16:56] <no0tic> thanks a lot
[16:56] <no0tic> bye :)
[16:56] <Myrtti> bye :-)
=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd
[20:16] <fetova> hi
[20:16] <fetova> i wanna ask for LoCobot...
[20:17] <fetova> someone knows how to contact with the manager?