UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /19 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
=== tanner__ is now known as tanner
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
=== sourcode_ is now known as nat2
=== nat2 is now known as sourcode
=== freeman_ is now known as freeman
[14:14] <mohbana> how do i change the number of lines scrolled with the mouse
[14:20] <IdleOne> in the mouse settings
[15:19] <mohbana> hi guys, i'd like to pack something for ubuntu
[15:20] <shirish> hi all,
[15:21] <shirish> does anybody have a nice sources.list for Intrepid
[15:24] <TheInfinity> mohbana: just do so :)
[15:24] <mohbana> how?
[15:25] <Pici> !newpackage | mohbana
[15:25] <ubottu> mohbana: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports
[15:30] <shirish> Pici: any idea from where I can get a nice sources.list
[15:30] <shirish> Pici: which has intrepid instead of hardy
[15:31] <Pici> shirish: your favorite text editor?
[15:32] <shirish> Pici: its leafpad
[15:32] <shirish> I know gksudo /etc/apt/sources.list
[15:33] <shirish> Pici: also is broken X still an issue or has it been resolved through the updates/upgrades scenario.
[15:34] <Pici> shirish: I dont know, I'm actually not running Intrepid yet
[15:34] <shirish> Pici: aha, ok
=== Stormx2` is now known as Stormx2
[16:07] <mohbana> how do i control the access right on a ntfs partion?
[17:25] <hdevalence> In 8.10, can someone fix the zone.tab file so it has a consistent naming scheme?
[17:28] <Pici> Log a bug?
[17:28] <hdevalence> on launchpad?
[17:39] <hdevalence> I filed a bug on launchpad.
=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd
[21:19] <Luckrider> does anyone know of a time line for the release of Intrepid Ibex? I want to know when it is supposed to turn beta, that is when I will upgrade.
[21:20] <danbhfive> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule
[21:20] <danbhfive> Its the first link on the page in the topic...
[21:21] <Oli``> Well I'm glad you asked before me... Otherwise I would have looked like an idiot too... Oh.. Damn.
[21:22] <jbroome> /topic knows all
[21:23] <Oli``> Is there a feature list for what's planned to go into II?
[21:23] <danbhfive> Oli``: take a look at the second line of the page in /topic :p
[21:24] <Oli``> "For more info, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex" ?
[21:24] <danbhfive> ya
[21:24] <Oli``> ...
[21:25] <danbhfive> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Intrepid
[21:25] <Oli``> I see
=== sebner_ is now known as sebner
[23:27] <ethana2> Will intrepid come with matching gnome, kde, and WINE themes?
[23:28] <ethana2> my desktop is pretty functional, but it has no unified look at all