UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /19 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[01:15] <mtaylor> is there a sensible way to specifiy how to find tarballs hosted on launchpad in a debian/watch file for use with uscan?
[01:16] <mtaylor> this link: http://launchpad.net/quoins/1.0/1.0.14/+download/Quoins-1.0.14.tar.gz - translated to this: http://launchpad.net/quoins/1.0/(.*)/+download/Quoins-(.*)\.tar\.gz didn't quite work out
[01:18] <spiv> mtaylor: I guess you could screenscrape https://edge.launchpad.net/quoins/+download
[01:18] <spiv> s/edge.//
[01:18] <mtaylor> hrm
[01:18] <spiv> It would be good to do better than that, though.
[01:18] <mtaylor> yes. I don't really want to do that
[01:19] <spiv> Working nicely with debian/watch files sounds like a useful feature.
[01:19] <mtaylor> I'm honestly suprised it hasn't come up already
[01:19] <spiv> Perhaps file a bug report for that?
[01:19] <mtaylor> ok
[01:39] <mtaylor> done
[01:40] <spiv> mtaylor: thanks!
[01:41] <mtaylor> my pleasure - always love creating work for folks
[01:44] <spiv> :)
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[07:36] <lpd79> Hi all, I have a question about PPA. Would this be a good place to ask?
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[07:43] <RAOF> lpd79: Yes.
[07:45] <thumper> some would say this is the best place to ask
[07:54] <lpd79> OK, I have a source package with the latest changelog entry pointing to unstable
[07:55] <lpd79> I uploaded it to ~lpname/ubuntu/hardy
[07:55] <lpd79> and it created hardy packages
[07:55] <lpd79> But when I tried to upload the same package to ~lpname/ubuntu/gutsy, I got a reject
[07:56] <lpd79> Is this not a good way to create binaries for both gutsy and hardy from the same source package?
[07:58] <lpd79> I learned this method (~lpname/ubuntu/distro) from https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart
[07:59] <lpd79> The reject said "is already accepted in ubuntu/hardy and you cannot upload the same version within the same distribution. You have to modify the source version and re-upload"
[07:59] <lpd79> But I'm quite sure I uploaded to ~lpname/ubuntu/gutsy
[07:59] <lpd79> OK, I'll stop now :)
[08:00] <RAOF> lpd79: I'm not sure, but I _think_ you can copy from sections of your PPA now.
[08:01] <RAOF> However, yes. You need to make source changes (namely, change the distribution and version) to upload to more than one pocket.
[08:02] <lpd79> Ah, I found the copy packages, I'll give it a spin
[08:02] <lpd79> Thanks RAOF
[08:02] <lpd79> Though I think uploading to a different directory (implying a different section) should ideally work
[08:09] <lpd79> Oops. I did Copy packages, and it queued them for Gutsy. Then I reloaded the page (in Opera, this would be a GET request, even if the initial form was a POST)
[08:10] <lpd79> And now there are two pending packages for the same destination (Gutsy). Looks like launchpad doesn't have GET idempotence
[08:10] <lpd79> And there seems to be no way to cancel a request
[08:12] <RAOF> Oops
[08:45] <wgrant> lpd79: Your browser is bad. It's a POST request, and at least Firefox prompts about it.
[08:46] <wgrant> And I believe there are tests to ensure that GET requests don't mutate anything.
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[09:10] <Hobbsee> oh goody. time to write another hate mail.
[09:10] <\sh> Hobbsee, hmm?
[09:12] <Hobbsee> \sh: something along the lines of the janitor expiring questions, and hte LP devs not answering them. if the LP devs arent' going to answer questions in a set time, then fine, but don't set the janitor to auto expire the questions, just because the LP devs didn't respond.
[09:12] <\sh> nasty
[09:13] * Hobbsee really shouldn't have to keep going back and saying "yes, this is still an issue. it doesn't not become an issue, because the people supposed to be answering them ignored it"
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[09:13] <Hobbsee> can understand that people are busy, but then, turn off the janitor for questions that have never had a response....
[09:14] <philn> hi
[09:14] <gmb_> Morning philn.
[09:14] <thumper> Hobbsee: make sure mrevell knows as he can bring it up in the team meeting
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[09:15] <Hobbsee> thumper: will do, thanks.
[09:15] <Hobbsee> thumper: sorry to be complaining again :)
[09:16] <philn> how was the weekend?
[09:21] <thumper> Hobbsee: np
[09:21] <mrevell> hi Hobbsee
[09:22] <Hobbsee> hey mrevell :)
[09:22] <mrevell> Hobbsee: How are you?
[09:23] <Hobbsee> mrevell: annoyed at the LP janitor, but otherwise good. and lamenting the fact that i don't still have a gutsy install, so i'm not quite sure what i'm going to do for voip for UDS.
[09:23] <mrevell> Hobbsee: What's happening with the LP janitor?
[09:23] <Hobbsee> mrevell: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/29988
[09:23] * mrevell looks
[09:23] <Hobbsee> mrevell: LP admins aren't answering quickly enough, so janitor keeps doing its' job.
[09:25] <mrevell> Hobbsee: I can understand that would be frustrating. I could really do with speaking to Tom and Herb, the LP admins, to understand what's happening. They won't be around for another five to eight hours. Do you mind giving me some time to speak to them?
[09:26] <Hobbsee> mrevell: not at all. i'm actually somewhat amused, and regarding it as a science experiment as to how long it takes to get it fixed.
[09:26] <Hobbsee> mrevell: (if this is the case with this one, is it also the case with other requests on that answer tracker? what does that mean for launchpad support?)
[09:27] <mrevell> Hobbsee: Heh, well, I'm glad the janitor's amused you :) I'm sorry, though, that you're frustrated by it.
[09:27] <mrevell> Hobbsee: As for LP support
[09:27] <Hobbsee> mrevell: the bug is closed, so there is little urgency, per se, for that particular request - so it is more easy for it to be amusing.
[09:27] <Hobbsee> for some reason, he hasn't repeated it elsewhere
[09:28] <mrevell> Hobbsee: Have you had this with other questions, or just this one?
[09:28] <Hobbsee> mrevell: i've only filed a couple of questions, so...
[09:29] <Hobbsee> mrevell: my email (@ubuntu.com question) and merge accounts got done pretty quickly, iirc.
[09:29] <Hobbsee> but they were 1+ years ago, too.
[09:29] <mrevell> Hobbsee: Okay, cool. I'll have a chat with Tom or Herb and get back to you on that. I know the whole team is incredibly busy right now, so that may be leading to a slow-down.
[09:30] <Hobbsee> mrevell: likely. suggest that you look at turning the janitor off for those incredibly busy times, then :)
[09:30] <mrevell> Hobbsee: With these sorts of things - y'know, if there's an Answers request that's not getting attention - mail me using feedback@launchpad.net (because a few people see that) - and I can always try to get it pushed up the queue.
[09:30] <Hobbsee> mrevell: true. OTOH, it's of limited importance, so....
[09:30] <mrevell> Hobbsee: Yes, that's one suggestion. I'll see what Tom and Herb say, before I make any of my own :)
[09:31] <Hobbsee> (but, i will remember that)
[09:31] <spiv> Well, https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+questions?field.sort=RELEVANCY&field.actions.search=Search&field.status=EXPIRED finds 104 expired questions. The first one is very similar to Hobbsee's case, I haven't looked at the others.
[09:32] <spiv> s/104/103/
[09:32] <Hobbsee> spiv: is there a more granular search for that?
[09:32] <spiv> I guess it should be possible to do a DB query to find all the questions that are expired but have no responses from anyone but the janitor.
[09:32] <Hobbsee> spiv: ie, is there a way to search for those that never got a response?
[09:33] <spiv> Maybe for answers the janitor should never expire questions with no response?
[09:33] <Hobbsee> spiv: yeah, i mean, that's the part that i'm really worried about. if no one's ever seen it, there's potentially something rather important there, which just gets expired, so falls through the crack.
[09:33] <Hobbsee> er, cracks.
[09:33] <spiv> Hobbsee: there isn't a more granular search that I know of
[09:34] <spiv> (Short of getting a DBA to poke at things with SQL directly, anyway)
[09:34] <Hobbsee> spiv: 6/7 from the top of that list got expired without a response.
[09:34] <Hobbsee> spiv: might be worth a sql query, because i'm thinking mine isn't isolated :)
[09:35] <Hobbsee> the other one looks like the guy solved his own problem.
[09:35] <spiv> That doesn't sound good.
[09:35] * Hobbsee looks for a few more
[09:35] <Hobbsee> another one with a double expiry.
[09:36] <Hobbsee> x2
[09:36] <Hobbsee> x3
[09:37] <Hobbsee> spiv: so that's 15/16 questions that got incorrectly expired, with no response, including 3 of them which got reopened, and then expired again. ouch.
[09:37] <Hobbsee> mrevell: looks like you have some very fun talking to do :)
[09:37] <gmb> spiv, Hobbsee, mrevell: The current logic for the bug janitor is that we only expire bugs that have been incomplete and have had no response for n days. I see no reason (off the top of my uninformed head) why we can't do that for answers, too.
[09:38] <Hobbsee> gmb: yeah, i can't say i see the rationale in expiring questions that have never had a response at all.
[09:38] <Hobbsee> gmb: i would have expected it to behave exactly as you suggest.
[09:39] <spiv> gmb: yeah, me too.
[09:40] <spiv> gmb: (off the top of my also uninformed head)
[09:41] <telemaco> how can i remove sources from my ppa ? (i delete it in actions menu)
[09:42] <philn> gmb: got news for me? ;) elisa import doesn't seem to be on demo.lp anymore?
[09:42] <gmb> spiv: It looks like finding the expirable questions is done an a big hunk'o'SQL; it shouldn't be too hard to add a "hasn't been commented on" clause
[09:43] <Hobbsee> gmb: that's probably a "we don't want to add this" problem, rather than a "hard to solve" problem, though.
[09:43] <cprov> telemaco: that's it, they will be removed from the archive pool as soon as they are not used in other packages.
[09:43] <gmb> philn: So, the database has been reset (there were other, sundry issues at the end of last week that delayed that). once one of our Sysadmins comes online this afternnon I'll get a reimport done and we can proceed from there.
[09:43] <gmb> philn: Sorry for the delay; unfortunately our sysadmins are 6-8 hours behind me ;)
[09:44] <telemaco> cprov: this package is not used by other packages
[09:44] <philn> hehe.. no problem
[09:44] <gmb> Hobbsee: How do you mean?
[09:44] <telemaco> cprove: is there any way to clean the "cache" ?
[09:45] <cprov> telemaco: can you point me to the file and PPA in question, please ?
[09:45] <Hobbsee> gmb: if that's the main contact method for getting in touch with launchpad people to get stuff done, having an indication of how many of those requests are getting ignored isn't something that you want to give easy statistics on, from a marketing perspective.
[09:45] <telemaco> cprov: sure
[09:45] <Hobbsee> gmb: (if the statistics aren't good)
[09:45] <telemaco> gprov : https://launchpad.net/~roberto-majadas/
[09:45] <spiv> Hobbsee: well, if publish the statistics, we have an incentive to make them good ;)
[09:46] <spiv> (an extra incentive, that is)
[09:46] <Hobbsee> spiv: sure, but the problem, i thought, was that your people were too busy to answer - no real point in stressing them more like that.
[09:47] <gmb> Hobbsee: I don't think that that's the reason for it not being implemented that way; my suspicion is that this is a bug rather than a somewhat cynical feature.
[09:47] <gmb> After all, sweeping the problem under the carpet rarely helps.
[09:47] <Hobbsee> gmb: oh, i'm sure it is, but it's not one that might be a good one to fix :P
[09:48] <Hobbsee> true, that.
[09:48] <spiv> Hobbsee: well, personally I don't believe in sweeping problems under the carpet :)
[09:48] <gmb> Hobbsee: I'll file a bug and discuss it with the PTB.
[09:48] <Hobbsee> gmb: sorry, PTB?
[09:49] <Hobbsee> spiv: true. just thinking of workloads and such :)
[09:49] <gmb> Hobbsee: Powers That Be
[09:49] <spiv> If it really is true that we simply can't deal with all those questions (I have no idea if that's true or not), we should probably just stop inviting questions.
[09:49] <Hobbsee> gmb: ahhh
[09:50] <spiv> (Although I suspect it isn't true)
[09:50] <spiv> Anyway, dinner time.
[09:50] <Hobbsee> mmm, dinner.
[09:51] <spiv> Hobbsee: I recommend it!
[09:51] <spiv> It is an excellent meal.
[09:51] <Hobbsee> spiv: but i just had lunch!
[09:58] <gmb> Hobbsee: bug 231861
[09:58] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 231861 in launchpad-answers "Questions Janitor shouldn't expire open questions that haven't had a response" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/231861
[09:59] <Hobbsee> gmb: i hope that bug doesn't get set to incomplete, and left...
[10:00] <Hobbsee> :)
[10:00] <gmb> Oh, the irony.
[10:00] <gmb> Hobbsee: I'll make sure it doesn't.
[10:00] <Hobbsee> yes :)
[10:00] <telemaco> cprov: https://launchpad.net/~roberto-majadas/
[10:03] <cprov> telemaco: http://ppa.launchpad.net/roberto-majadas/ looks pretty empty to me. Isn't it what you want ?
[10:15] <telemaco> cprov: i try to upload a sources, but launchpad said me : Rejected: The source mobile-manager - 0.1-1 is already accepted in ubuntu/hardy and you cannot upload the same version within the same distribution. You have to modify the source version and re-upload.
[10:16] <cprov> telemaco: yes, as said in the help text for +delete-packages, deleting a source doesn't allow it to re-upload it
[10:16] <cprov> telemaco: source versions are "blacklisted" once they are uploaded.
[10:17] <telemaco> cprov: so i've to update a bigger versions, haven't i ?
[10:18] <cprov> yes, a higher version will be accepted.
[10:19] <Hobbsee> cprov: please, you can't accept anyone to actually understand what's in the help text there.
[10:20] <Hobbsee> cprov: even wgrant and i had trouble understanding what it meant, and only understood it partially, iirc.
[10:20] <Hobbsee> it looks like the text from in a blueprint, which is fine for a soyuz dev, but doesn't make good user doc.
[10:21] <telemaco> cprov: thanks :)
[10:21] <Hobbsee> (if, they somehow manage to find it in the first place, which, iirc, mpt already filed a bug on)
[10:22] <cprov> Hobbsee: you can always file a bug ...
[10:22] <Hobbsee> cprov: about the doc being hard to understand? yes, i could.
[10:22] <mpt> I don't remember a bug report about that in particular
[10:22] <Hobbsee> mpt: the left hand side help slide-out panel.
[10:23] <mpt> on which page?
[10:23] <Hobbsee> mpt: https://edge.launchpad.net/~hobbsee/+archive/+delete-packages
[10:24] <Hobbsee> mpt: and the "Read the page help to understand how removals work.", and people going "so, where's the help page?"
[10:26] <mpt> I don't have permission to view that page
[10:26] * mpt looks for a local version
[10:26] <Hobbsee> mpt: if you have your own archive,or a team that you're in does, that would work too
[10:29] <mpt> Hobbsee, you're right, I did report that
[10:30] <mpt> bug 195984
[10:30] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 195984 in soyuz ""Delete packages" page says "Read the page help"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195984
[10:33] <Hobbsee> mpt: ah good, so i'm *not* going insane :)
[10:34] <mpt> I don't remember all the bugs I've reported
[10:34] <mpt> sometimes I go to report a bug and find it was already reported by some Matthew Paul Thomas person
[10:35] <Hobbsee> cprov: added to ^
[10:35] <Hobbsee> mpt: heh :)
[10:35] <cprov> Hobbsee: thanks
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[12:48] <joyrom> hi all
[12:49] <joyrom> any italian?
[12:52] * warp10 raises an hand
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[14:58] <thekorn> hi, when is the new date-left-new attribute in the +text view of a bug triggered?
[14:59] <wgrant> thekorn: At a guess, when the bug leaves New? Or is that clear meaning not correlating with the empirical data?
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[15:02] <thekorn> wgrant, ok, sounds good, isn't this date equal to date-{triaged,inprogress,confirmed}
[15:02] <thekorn> one of these
[15:03] <thekorn> as out-of-new always means one of this status or fixed
[15:04] <wgrant> Or Incomplete, I guess.
[15:05] <thekorn> ok, thanks
[15:29] <chips> hallo...ich habe eine Frage zu Launchpad und E-Mail Notification... und zwar wuesste ich gerne wie ich die Notification deaktivier, da ich dadurch am Tag bestimmt 20 -30 Mails erhalte...
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[15:43] <chips> hi...can anybody help me, please...
[15:47] <gmb> chips: What's your launchpad username?
[15:56] <chips> gmb:my username is Tobias Kuppelhuber
[15:57] <gmb> chips: When you go to launchpad, what does the URL say after the ~? I.e, for me it reads http://launchpad.net/~gmb
[15:58] <gmb> chips: Are you kuppi?
[15:58] <chips> gmb: it`s "kuppi"
[15:59] <gmb> chips: Hmm. I can't see that you're subscribed to any bugs. Can you send a copy, including headers, of one of the bug notification emails that you're receiving? Please send it to <my nick> AT canonical DOT com.
[16:00] <chips> gmb: i want to deactivate the e-mail notifications, because i become up to 20 Mails on a day. How can i do that?
[16:01] <gmb> chips: Well, first I need to know what notifications you're getting, hence why I'd like you to forward one to me.
[16:01] <gmb> If I can find out why you're receiving the emails then I'll be able to help you more easily.
[16:02] <chips> gmb: i`m subscriped to "Ubuntu Documentation Students" and i become Mails from all Bugs...
[16:03] <gmb> chips: I know you're a member of that team. However, you won't be receiving mails for all bugs. I really need to see one of these emails, since its headers will tell me exactly why you're receiving the emails, which should allow me to help you. At this point, without knowing more, all I can suggest is "leave the Ubuntu Documentation Students team," which is obviously not very helpful.
[16:07] <chips> gmb: at the moment I`ve deleted all the messages....i have to wait of a new message and then I can forward the mail to you
[16:07] <gmb> chips: Okay, thank you. Please do that.
[16:11] <chips> gmb: ok, thanks for your help
[16:21] <vagrantc> so, i'm trying to import a key into launchpad, but when i try to paste the key it doesn't fit on a single line and gets "Invalid public key"
[16:23] <stgraber> vagrantc: I assume the key wasn't generated with a broken ssl right ?
[16:23] <vagrantc> stgraber: it was generated in 2004
[16:24] <vagrantc> stgraber: ssh-vulnkey on debian says: Unknown (no blacklist information): 1024 57:cf:23:fb:da:cc:f2:ce:c7:64:60:04:93:0f:62:b1
[16:24] <vagrantc> stgraber: it's an rsa key
[16:26] <vagrantc> i seem to recall this problem when i initially tried to get my key in ...
[16:27] <vagrantc> my screen isn't very big, and iceweasel's text-entry field word-wraps between the ssh-rsa and the key itself
[16:37] <vagrantc> ah, it was https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/60601
[16:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 60601 in launchpad "Add an ssh key should allow adding a key without comments" [Low,Confirmed]
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[19:11] <devfil> hi
[19:12] <devfil> anyone know when we will get ppa with intrepid build machine?
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