UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /18 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <gnomefreak> gwp: from the alternate ISO
[00:00] <gnomefreak> it allows you to install server style
[00:00] <gwp> I have the alternate ISO
[00:00] <gwp> how do I select that function
[00:01] <gnomefreak> gwp: it should be on the main list
[00:01] <gnomefreak> maybe choice number 3 atleast that is wher eit used to be
[00:02] <gwp> From the actuall install or boot menu?
[00:02] <gwp> Im in the install right now
[00:02] <gnomefreak> as soon as the disk boots you get 4 maybe 5 choices on what to do
[00:02] <gnomefreak> on that screen should be the choice to install server
[00:03] <gwp> k
[00:03] <gnomefreak> i dont have a kubuntu disk handy atm
[00:03] <gwp> Ive got: Install Kubuntu, Check Cd for defects, Rescue a broken system, Test memory, Boot from first hard disk
[00:04] <gnomefreak> hmmmmmm
[00:04] <gnomefreak> gwp: do you see at bottom an F# to hit for more options
[00:05] <gwp> oh yeah, let me reboot back to that
[00:05] <gnomefreak> gwp: maybe pushed into there
[00:05] <gnomefreak> ill be back smoke time
[00:11] <darkalien> so can you help me please
[00:11] <darkalien> http://www.onlyfree.de/php/pasteservice/show.php?id=11306
[00:11] <darkalien> much packets are missing but i dont witch
[00:15] <darkalien> can anyone helps me please
[00:15] <lookin_kubu> hey guyz & girlz! .........is there a FTP client with kubuntu?
[00:16] <crankcaller> you can add one from "Add remove programs" or use ftp from the cli
[00:16] <Jucato> lookin_kubu: Konqueror functions as an FTP client
[00:16] <Jucato> !ftp | lookin_kubu
[00:16] <ubottu> lookin_kubu: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd
[00:17] <gnomefreak> gwp: did you find it?
[00:17] <gwp> no, im just going to do a console install and then install the items i want seperately
[00:18] <gwp> which should work, this is the thrid time ive installed today, the first two i got error 18
[00:18] <gwp> dont know why i kept getting that, hopefully this one works
[00:19] <TeslaTony> My system is having a problem with not being able to play music after I've played flash, even after Firefox 3 is closed. Also, all the fixes I can find are for rather different issues and/or for older implementations of flash or ubuntu. Can anyone help?
[00:19] <o0Chris0o> how do I edit my registery?
[00:19] <o0Chris0o> o.0
[00:19] <o0Chris0o> nvm
[00:19] <o0Chris0o> duh me
[00:19] * Jucato prepares to whack o0Chris0o
[00:19] <o0Chris0o> :)
[00:19] <gnomefreak> gwp: kubuntu might have a separate disk for server installs
[00:20] <gwp> yeah id imagine so
[00:20] <Jucato> gnomefreak: I don't think we have a kubuntu-server edition
[00:20] <gwp> lets see if i error code this itme
[00:20] <Jucato> only the alternate install cd you mentioned earlier for a command-line system install
[00:21] <gwp> cross ur fingers!
[00:21] <gnomefreak> Jucato: its called command line install now?
[00:21] <Jucato> gnomefreak: in the boot menu it's "Install a command line system" iirc
[00:21] <gwp> whats the command to apt-get kde4?
[00:22] <TeslaTony> apt-get
[00:22] <Jucato> !kde4 | gwp
[00:22] <ubottu> gwp: KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[00:22] <gwp> yeah but the rest
[00:22] <TeslaTony> Or Adept, if you want a GUI
[00:22] <TeslaTony> apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop
[00:22] <Jucato> kubuntu-kde4-desktop I think...
[00:22] <gnomefreak> gwp: why would you do sever install instead of installing using the kde4 iso
[00:23] <crankcaller> not got the disc?
[00:24] <gnomefreak> crankcaller: alternate install will still install kde3 than just install kde4
[00:25] <gnomefreak> i have a feeling hes not gonna get everything from server - kde4. like with Ubuntu server install it didnt install things i needed for sound (its been long time dont remember what they were)
[00:25] <gwp> Because I downloaded the KDE4 iso but still had to Adept get KDE4 maybe it was something i missed in the initial system install, and i didnt like the two of ech program (1 was KDE3 and the other listed KDE4 or just the program title)
[00:25] <gwp> each even
[00:25] <gnomefreak> gwp: the kubuntu kde4 iso didnt install kde4?
[00:25] <gwp> And i had to reinstall anyway because I kept getting error 18 on bootup
[00:26] <ubuntu> !it
[00:26] <ubottu> Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!
[00:26] <gwp> gnomefreak: no
[00:26] * gnomefreak wonders what it installed
[00:26] <gwp> KDE3
[00:26] <gnomefreak> gwp: than you got wrong ISO
[00:26] <gwp> so when I did install KDE4 i had two of each program in my kicker
[00:26] <gnomefreak> or links are messed up
[00:27] <gwp> possibly, I got amd64 hardy
[00:27] <gwp> So it should have had KDE4 correct?
[00:27] <gnomefreak> gwp: yes
[00:27] <gwp> yeah so I dunno what the deal is with it, its installing hardy
[00:28] <gnomefreak> if it didnt than you grabed wrong disk or something was messed up. didnt you check the md5sum of the ISO after downloading?
[00:28] <gwp> just not KDE4 which maybe I should be going to install options and selecting advanced for more control of what im getting
[00:28] <gwp> just check disk before install
[00:29] <gnomefreak> do you have link handy maybe ill install kubuntu 4 on one of these pcs
[00:29] <gwp> Its installing and unpacking everything, if all else id rather download and install each program I want
[00:29] <gwp> no, some1 gave me college ftp, let me check my history
[00:30] <gwp> heres the name of the iso (reading it directly from the file i downloaded) kubuntu-kde4-8.04-alternate-amd64
[00:31] <gnomefreak> gwp: hmmm
[00:31] <gnomefreak> gwp: dont know than maybe a remix went wrong
[00:31] <gwp> yeah, possibly
[00:33] <gwp> ooh installed kde4 and I have no errors so far from the reboot
[00:33] <gwp> hope this goes well
[00:34] <gwp> wtf, I just got an error from mkdir: cannot create directory'/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/volatile/' No such file or directory [fail]
[00:34] <gwp> in bootup
[00:35] <gwp> how do I fix that?
[00:35] <gwp> then it has stopped at * Setting the system clock
[00:35] <gwp> I just have a blinking underscore now.
[00:36] <o0Chris0o> hey gues, I get this error "The desktop entry file usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop has n invalid menu entry addAsPodcast...anyidea how to fix this?
[00:37] <o0Chris0o> I think before, when I got this error, somehow copied or cut the file to the desktop and deleted it and it worked
[00:37] <o0Chris0o> not sure exactly
[00:37] <gwp> ok I rebooted and it has loaded correctly this time. woooh :)
[00:43] <Steve-cal> I'm having problems with choppy sounding audio playback; it is the same for different audio players. I'm using ALSA, and I've tried assigning higher priority to my audio player with no success. Any ideas?
[00:44] <o0Chris0o> !scratcy
[00:44] <ubottu> Factoid scratcy not found
[00:44] <o0Chris0o> !skip
[00:44] <ubottu> Factoid skip not found
[00:44] <o0Chris0o> hrmm
[00:45] <o0Chris0o> !alsa
[00:45] <ubottu> If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[00:46] <Steve-cal> o0Chris0o: Thanks I'll check it out.
[00:46] <o0Chris0o> :) np
[00:48] <o0Chris0o> hey gues, I get this error "The desktop entry file usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop has n invalid menu entry addAsPodcast...anyidea how to fix this?
[01:04] <wthoang> could i get help with kde4, no one talks on that channel?
[01:05] <Toejam> wthoang: Which chan?
[01:07] <gwp> is there an apt-get install for the latest wine?
[01:09] <Toejam> darkalien: did you get help?
[01:09] <gwp> I downloaded wine_1.0~rc1~Winehq0~ubuntu~8.04-1_amd64.deb
[01:09] <gwp> how do I install it?
[01:09] <p_quarles> gwp, Wine has it's own deb repository -- enable that if you want to stay up with development
[01:10] <p_quarles> gwp, to install the standalone package:
[01:10] <gwp> p_quarles, i did enable it, and it still installed the old stuff
[01:10] <p_quarles> sudo dpkg -i wine.. . .
[01:10] <ubuntu> hi, i intalled kubuntu from the live CD onto my external usb hard disk... now, I get error 21 when grub tries to load. any ideas what to do?
[01:10] <gwp> Now is there stomething else i needed p_quarles? As you said the stand alone.
[01:12] <p_quarles> gwp, basically, there are two separate things you can do: 1) install the file you downloaded with dpkg, or 2) add the Wine repository to /etc/apt/sources.list -- either way will install the version most recently packaged by the Wine developers, rather than the one by the Ubuntu developers
[01:13] <ubuntu> how do I know what grub is loading at startup?
[01:13] <ubuntu> I have 2 installations of kubuntu, one on my internal hard drive, one on the external hard drive
[01:13] <gwp> uh oh, KDE4 did not install sound drivers, what the heck do I do now?
[01:13] <darkalien> yes
[01:14] <darkalien> i have the problem found it works fine now :) thx @all
[01:17] <Toejam> darkalien: What was it?
[01:17] <p_quarles> ubuntu, do you want to pastebin the contents of /boot/grub/menu.lst ?
[01:18] <p_quarles> gwp, install alsa-base?
=== jimz976 is now known as debutant
[01:19] <crimsun> gwp: err, it should have. What hardware do you have? lspci -nv|grep -A1 040[13]
[01:19] <darkalien> kde-packets has missing
[01:19] <darkalien> was missing sry im from german
[01:19] <Toejam> darkalien: Ok. I noticed teh De from the paste
[01:19] <Toejam> darkalien: Why do you need the new one?
[01:19] <darkalien> i have the cubeaddon plugin
[01:20] <ubuntu> p_quarles: yes, in a sec
[01:20] <darkalien> and this is work only with 7.4 version of compiz
[01:21] <gwp> whats the term command to install alsa-base?
[01:21] <Toejam> darkalien: Tha's the one to turn the cube to a sphere?
[01:22] <darkalien> yessss :) its great
[01:22] <darkalien> whats time is it @ you?
[01:23] <gwp> p_quarles: when i typed that I got 00:10.1 0403: 10de:026c (rev a2) subsystem 147b:1c2d
[01:25] <ljenux> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrghhhhhhhh
[01:26] <ljenux> damnit
[01:26] <zonycs> gao (?)
[01:26] <ljenux> i went crazy with my kubuntu now
[01:26] <darkalien> whats wrong
[01:26] <ljenux> first it won't get below 1400xsomething resolution
[01:26] <ljenux> than i restart
[01:26] <ljenux> now i'm on 640*400??????
[01:26] <Toejam> :-)
[01:27] <ljenux> and i can't change it????
[01:27] <ljenux> and i have original nvidia driver?????
[01:27] <darkalien> run sudo nvidia-settings
[01:27] <ljenux> ok
[01:28] <ljenux> not found??
[01:28] <darkalien> oh
[01:29] <darkalien> ok in the control center can you change the resolutuion?
[01:29] <ljenux> no i can't
[01:29] <ubuntu> http://pastebin.com/m44b79c45
[01:29] <ubuntu> this is on my external hard drive
[01:29] <ljenux> 640*480 is maximum
[01:29] <darkalien> can change it in the xorg.conf?
[01:29] <darkalien> mom
[01:30] <ubuntu> this is on my internal hard drive
[01:30] <darkalien> witch card you have
[01:30] <ubuntu> http://pastebin.com/m34c9ab12
[01:30] <ljenux> well, i do not prefer editing configuration files manually
[01:30] <ljenux> nvidia series 7
[01:30] <darkalien> yes i have the same
[01:30] <darkalien> i have to nvidia sli 9750 gtx
[01:30] <fernando> good evening everybody :)
[01:30] <darkalien> ok so you on nvidia.de
[01:31] <jckffyi> I was wondering if there was a way to speed up my graphics performance, I have noticed that kde is really slow, the menues take time to render, and many other glitches. For a while I just thought the computer was getting old, however, I randomly decided to use ssh -X and run an application on this (the slow) computer over my local network on my laptop. To my suprise the app (which was konqueror) ran much faster over ssh, than it
[01:31] <jckffyi> did on my actual desktop. Is there any way to speed up the Xserver?
[01:31] <darkalien> mom
[01:31] <darkalien> one moment you need this
[01:31] <darkalien> NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12-pkg1.run
[01:31] <darkalien> you have to compile the driver then it works fine
=== fernando is now known as Zeon
[01:33] <ubuntu> so guys: I have one installation of kubuntu on /dev/sda2, one installation of winxp on /dev/sda1, and one (the most recent one) installation of kubuntu on /dev/sdb2
[01:33] <darkalien> so you downloaded it from the site and then tell me
[01:33] <ubuntu> I get an error 21 in grub
[01:34] <artur_> my taskbar disappeared suddenly. What could i do? How do i init the taskbar?
[01:34] <Toejam> kicker
[01:35] <ubuntu> anyone? grub? error 21?
[01:35] <darkalien> so edit youre grub
[01:36] <ubuntu> edit how?
[01:36] <ubuntu> darkalien: i pasted my menu.lst
[01:36] <darkalien> oh
[01:37] <Toejam> bug 8978
[01:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 8978 in grub "Grub - Error 21 returned" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8978
[01:41] <Firefishe> hewwo :)
[01:41] <Firefishe> I have a Sony Clie PEG-TJ37 palm pilot I use kpilot to sync with. I'm having problems syncing. Here's some output: http://pastebin.com/m11fc1b64
[01:41] <Firefishe> kubuntu feisty
[01:42] <kgx> does anyone find that phpmyadmin on hardy has really hard to read colors?
[01:52] <artur_> my taskbar disappeared suddenly. What could i do? How do i init the taskbar?
[01:53] <Toejam> artur_: kicker
[01:58] <vonte> does anyone no how to install java on kubuntu
[01:59] <Toejam> !java
[01:59] <ubottu> To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.
[02:00] <vonte> do u think you can give me step by step instructions because im new to linux and ive looked at many forums and none of them helped
[02:01] <Toejam> vonte: What do you need?
[02:01] <Firefishe> I have a Sony Clie PEG-TJ37 palm pilot I use kpilot to sync with. I'm having problems syncing. Here's some output: http://pastebin.com/m11fc1b64
[02:02] <Toejam> Firefishe: #kpilot
[02:02] <vonte> im a newbie and i have an old 1.4 java installed but when i try to run frostwire it says i need to upgrade my java
[02:02] <artur_> Toejam: thank's very much!
[02:02] <Toejam> vonte: Ahm ok how did you install 1.4 ?
[02:03] <vonte> it was already installed
[02:03] <Firefishe> Toejam: Ya, but it's dead as a doornail, I was just hoping....*sigh* ;)
[02:03] <Toejam> what version of kubuntu are you using?
[02:03] <Firefishe> Toejam: Moi?
[02:03] <Toejam> no vonte
[02:03] <vonte> 6.10
[02:03] <Firefishe> k
[02:04] <Toejam> Firefishe: Good place to hang out :)
[02:04] <Toejam> They need feedback
[02:04] <vonte> Toejam: im using kubuntu 6.10
[02:05] <Toejam> vonte: Ah Do you have multiverse enabled?
[02:05] <vonte> i dont no what that is..how am i supposed to enable it
[02:05] <Firefishe> Toejam: I'll lurk regularly from now on ;). I've tried a number of fixes, and although lsusb indicates the device is there when I press hotsync, it does not sync to kpilot. Puzzling.
[02:06] <Toejam> Firefishe: wonderful :)
[02:06] <Toejam> !multiverse | vonte
[02:06] <ubottu> vonte: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories
[02:07] <o0Chris0o> my xorg.conf look alright? /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[02:07] <o0Chris0o> err
[02:08] <o0Chris0o> http://pastebin.com/fa2a81c8
[02:08] <fitoria> hi
[02:08] <Toejam> !hi
[02:08] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[02:09] <kotori> hi
[02:09] <fitoria> I've made some changes in compiz-fusion and now Katapult doesnt start with alt + space
[02:09] <fitoria> what can I do?
[02:10] <kotori> someone with kubuntu 8.0.4? Just installed it and there's something odd.. "Add/Remove programs" doesn't launch at all, the taskbar button loads for a few seconds then fades. Also, trying to setup monitors/video, I click Admin mode and there's a red frame all around, but then resets itself, wont let me edit anything
[02:10] <kotori> any tips?
[02:10] <NightBird> kotori: kde 3.5 or kde4?
[02:11] <kotori> 4 I think
[02:11] <kotori> it's the last kubuntu 8.0.4
[02:11] <NightBird> kubuntu 8.4 comes in two flavors, one with kde 3.5, and one with kde4
[02:11] <kotori> where can I check?
[02:11] <NightBird> does your start menu have multiple tabs?
[02:11] <Toejam> fitoria: Kwin registers global shortcuts
[02:11] <Toejam> compiz probably took it for something else
[02:11] <kotori> just 1
[02:12] <kotori> like a win95 menu or so
[02:12] <NightBird> one with favorites(up by default), one with applications, one with computer, one with recently used, and one for leave?
[02:12] <NightBird> kotori: than that's 3.5
[02:12] <fitoria> Toejam: how can I reconfigure kwin?
[02:12] <NightBird> kotori: I won't be able to help you then, sorry for getting your hopes up
[02:12] <Toejam> fitoria: you don't wanna run compiz anymore?
[02:13] * NightBird doesn't have kde3.5 installed on his laptop anymore
[02:13] <fitoria> Toejam: I want compiz
[02:13] <kotori> all applications (few menus), Actions, then switch/log session/out
[02:13] <fitoria> it used to work with it
[02:13] <fitoria> but not now
[02:13] <Toejam> fitoria: Well it's a compiz question then I think
[02:13] <kotori> shouldn't the last kubuntu come with kde4?
[02:13] <o0Chris0o> I need help configuring my xorg, http://pastebin.com/fa2a81c8
[02:13] <fitoria> I think the same ... :(
[02:14] <Toejam> kotori: it does if you want it to
[02:14] <NightBird> kotori: kde4 isn't fully stable, so it's not the default
[02:14] <Toejam> NightBird: It is stable :-p
[02:14] <Toejam> just doesn't have all the features of kde3
[02:14] <kotori> so I guess I just format and pick some other distro? :p
[02:14] <Toejam> kotori: You want KDE 4?
[02:14] <NightBird> kotori: you can install kde4 on your current install
[02:14] <kotori> dunno, I just want it to work
[02:14] <Toejam> !kde4
[02:14] <ubottu> KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[02:15] <Toejam> kotori: Then you probably want kde3 :)
[02:15] <kotori> but not even add/remove programs works
[02:15] <Toejam> kotori: Alt+space ->type adept -> press enter
[02:16] <kotori> taskbar button with "Adept Manager" and a sand clock moving
[02:16] <kotori> now it's gone
[02:16] <kotori> just like add/remove programs does
[02:16] <Toejam> kotori: Run it from a konsole
[02:17] <Toejam> adept_manager
[02:17] <Toejam> See if it throws an error
[02:17] <kotori> it worked, only warned about needing admin privs
[02:17] <Toejam> hmm
[02:17] <Toejam> ok close it
[02:17] <kotori> used sudo now
[02:18] <Toejam> try kdesudo adept_manager
[02:18] <Toejam> !kdesu | kotori
[02:18] <ubottu> kotori: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)
[02:18] <kotori> doesnt work, it does with sudo though
[02:19] <Toejam> kotori: That s the problem then
[02:19] <kotori> some kinda package manager opened
[02:19] <Toejam> try kdesudo kate
[02:19] <kotori> "sudo: timestamp too far in the future: (Date)"
[02:19] <Toejam> ha ha
[02:20] <kotori> (then it shows my date with 1+h than it really is)
[02:20] <Toejam> That would be the problem
[02:20] <kotori> need to edit my timezone?
[02:20] <Toejam> you'll be cool in an hour
[02:20] <kotori> rofl I need to wait 1h?
[02:21] <Toejam> no
[02:21] <Toejam> But safe to say you will be cool in an hour :-)
[02:21] <kotori> so how do I fix this :P
[02:22] <Toejam> fix the sudo timestamp
[02:22] <kotori> how
[02:22] <Toejam> gimmie a sec
[02:22] <kotori> sure
[02:22] <kotori> thanks
[02:23] <Toejam> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173505
[02:26] <kotori> "adjust date and time" doesn't work, nothing comes up ;(
[02:27] <o0Chris0o> <--need help configuring my xorg, having video issues
[02:27] <o0Chris0o> blah
[02:27] <o0Chris0o> :(
[02:27] <o0Chris0o> what is the name of th xorg example conf file?
[02:28] <o0Chris0o> xorg.example?
[02:35] <kotori> downloading kde4 through adept manager (i think)
[02:36] <Exe> can i ask for a newbie's question?
[02:36] <Toejam> !ask
[02:36] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[02:37] <Exe> ok sorry
[02:38] <Exe> i want to install one of ubuntu or kubuntu distr ... wich one i can take?
[02:38] <Toejam> both
[02:39] <Exe> yes both, i'm not english, sorry again
[02:39] <Toejam> Exe: I'm saying you can install either or both
[02:40] <Toejam> It's up to you
[02:40] <Exe> oh ok,
[02:40] <Exe> but the differents
[02:40] <Toejam> Ubuntu is Kubuntu with gnome
[02:40] <Exe> yes i know
[02:41] <Toejam> Exe: Are you new to linux? or just kubuntu?
[02:41] <Exe> new to linux :D
[02:41] <Toejam> ok do you know the difference between gnome and KDE?
[02:41] <Exe> not perfectly
[02:42] <Toejam> Well they perform the same job It is just which one you like more
[02:43] <Exe> and in your personal opinion, for a newbie in linux, wich one is better?
[02:43] <mr> !it @ exe
[02:43] <ubottu> Factoid it @ exe not found
[02:43] <Toejam> So if you like you can get both Live Cds and see which one you like best
[02:43] <Toejam> Exe: i'd say KDe but then thats why I'm here :)
[02:43] <Exe> :D
[02:44] <Exe> there are some difficults in kde...so, like to check the drivers for the storages?
[02:45] <Toejam> nope
[02:45] <Exe> (i would take kubuntu 8.04 with kde 3.5.9)
[02:45] <Toejam> Thats a safe choice
[02:45] <georgewp> o0Chris0o, did you fix your wow problem?
[02:46] <georgewp> !Winedoors
[02:47] <ubottu> Factoid winedoors not found
[02:47] <georgewp> !Sidenet
[02:47] <ubottu> Factoid sidenet not found
[02:47] <baudthief> Two things lol - 1) how do I get USB support under virtualbox? and 2) Where is all my RAM going?
[02:47] <o0Chris0o> I think so
[02:47] <Exe> if i install kubuntu 8.04 completly, with kde 3.5.9 can i install the pakage with gnome, and choose what i want at OS restart?
[02:47] <o0Chris0o> georgewp: I ran nvidia-xconfig
[02:48] <georgewp> o0Chris0o, but why did it work pre-expansion and what did you set, I have an nvidia card too
[02:48] <Toejam> Exe: No You choose at login
[02:48] <Toejam> Exe: No need to restart
[02:48] <Exe> ever?
[02:48] <o0Chris0o> georgewp: I have noidea, trying to figure out that problem
[02:48] <Toejam> for a new kernel
[02:48] <kotori> kde4 apparently installed, guess I need to relog, brb
[02:48] <Toejam> Like once a year :)
[02:49] <Exe> ok, it's possible, good
[02:50] <georgewp> brb
[02:51] <Exe> i think that i install kubuntu 8.04 with kde 3.5.9 and if it don't satisfy me...i will install the pakages for gnome...it's a good solution?
[02:52] <nosrednaekim> Exe: install "ubuntu-desktop"
[02:52] <Toejam> Exe: Yes
[02:52] <Toejam> we will be here to help you
=== georgewp is now known as gwp
[02:53] <Exe> thanks so much for all... my english is comprehensible? XD
[02:53] <gwp> wb Chris whats the info you got with nvidia-xconfig
[02:53] <Toejam> Exe: yes very
[02:53] <baudthief> Toejam tea!
[02:53] <gwp> Or where can I read about it
[02:54] <Chrysalis> amarok keeps freezing everytime i start it and asks me to terminate, but then it wont start again
[02:55] <Exe> ok, thank you! i will install kubuntu tomorrow, now i go to sleep! :)
[02:55] <Exe> 'night !
[02:55] <nosrednaekim> goo night
[02:55] <Toejam> night!
[03:01] <gwp> Do people still use BitchX?
[03:02] <Toejam> yes
=== uga|away is now known as uga
=== onechard is now known as slinker
[03:04] <_CrashMaster_> lol bitchx
[03:04] <_CrashMaster_> kinda like asking if people still use mIRC
[03:05] <nosrednaekim> which they do...
[03:05] <gwp> \lol
[03:05] <Boohbah> lol ircii
[03:05] <gwp> mIRC is awesome
[03:06] <gwp> i should wine it
[03:06] <gwp> infact i think I will, and use a BX script
[03:06] <gwp> on it
[03:06] <gwp> lol
[03:07] <pedro> Olá
[03:07] <uga> !pt | pedro
[03:07] <ubottu> pedro: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.
[03:08] <uga> !br | pedro
[03:08] <uga> heh, no brazilian specifics
[03:08] <pedro> #ubuntu-br
[03:08] <uga> yes, but !br fails
[03:09] <gwp-> hah. nice
[03:09] <uga> pedro: dicen los brasileiros que brasileño != portugues. Es cierto?
=== gwp- is now known as gwp
[03:09] <uga> (/me hopes that's comprehensible for a brazilian)
[03:10] * gwp searches for a BX script
[03:10] <pedro> non, non es cierto.
[03:11] <uga> heh
[03:11] <pedro> usted es de?
[03:11] <gwp> !spanish
[03:11] <ubottu> Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[03:11] <uga> pedro: .es
[03:12] <uga> gwp: lol, it sounds like you didn't get what I was saying ;)
[03:12] <pedro> excuse me
[03:13] <uga> gwp: I was asking in spanish, hoping he could understand given he's a portuguese/brazilian speaker
[03:13] <uga> and sounds like he did
[03:15] <gwp> uga: ah, I cant speak spanish
[03:16] <o0Chris0o> anyway I can get rid of this error: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop has an invalid menu entry addAsPodcast? everytime I clik on a folder or file it says that
[03:16] <uga> gwp: the question was... "it's said by brazilians that brazilian lang is different from portuguese. Is that true?"
[03:16] <uga> gwp: I was pondering if the bot had to be changed to distinguish the two
[03:17] <uga> he answered that it's not
[03:17] <gwp> o0Chris0o; thats not as important as the WoW issue, whatcha find out?
[03:17] <gwp> oh
[03:17] <o0Chris0o> :-p
[03:17] <gwp> lol
[03:17] <o0Chris0o> not sure...still crashing :(
[03:17] <gwp> oh
[03:17] <gwp> that sucks
[03:18] <o0Chris0o> yeah
[03:18] <gwp> Now only if i could get my wine folder in the KDE4 menu like it was in KDE3
[03:18] <gwp> im downloading and reinstalling
[03:18] <gwp> I think I will do two installs. 1 with BC and 1 without
[03:19] <gwp> I would do without BC untill I could figure it out, it may be an nVidia thing
[03:20] <o0Chris0o> hrmm
[03:20] <marcelo> Hi all
[03:21] <marcelo> kubuntu rocks!
[03:21] <uga> gwp: I have such a menu in kde4 svn trunk, and I didn't do anything to get it there
[03:21] <uga> I mean the wine one
[03:22] <nosrednaekim> thanks marcelo:)
[03:22] <gwp> I wonder why i dont have one
[03:22] <gwp> My new program installs havnt been showing up in there inless I search them
[03:23] <marcelo> I just not understand why the xorg.conf of hardy heron is so clean
[03:23] <marcelo> without any configuration
[03:23] <mr> go to winehq.org
[03:24] <marcelo> I had to kill X and put some extra lines in xorg.conf to make X go up
[03:24] <nosrednaekim> marcelo: its the new 7.3 release... everything (should be) autodetected
[03:25] <uga> nosrednaekim: shit, really?
[03:25] <nosrednaekim> yes
[03:25] <uga> arghl. linux is too easy these days
[03:25] <uga> isn't there alternatives?
[03:26] <uga> I'll go back to windows
[03:26] <uga> I think it's harder. At least one gotta figure out how to install the drivers, there
[03:26] <gwp> lol
[03:27] <gwp> well im a fuckstick, how do I unzip a file in kubuntu? is it bzunzip or something like that?
[03:27] <Dr_willis> unzip command
[03:27] <Dr_willis> bunzip is for bz2 archives
[03:27] <Dr_willis> or install the unp command.
[03:27] <Dr_willis> !info unp
[03:27] <ubottu> unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.14 (hardy), package size 9 kB, installed size 68 kB
[03:29] <shadowbox> Hello all
[03:29] <uga> gwp: .zip -> unzip foo.zip .tar.gz -> tar -zxf foo.tar.gz .bz2-> bunzip2 foo.bz2 .tar.gz -> tar -jxf foo.tar.bz2 .gz -> gunzip foo.gz
[03:29] <marcelo> Well... after this problem.... I saw that nvidia is much better than ati....
[03:29] <marcelo> keep the good work
[03:30] <gwp> k, brb
[03:30] <uga> gwp: rar -> unrar x foo.rar .exe -> unrar x foo.exe usually works too
[03:30] <nosrednaekim> yeah.. nvidia is
[03:30] <Toejam> o0Chris0o: Dump that script if you don't use it
[03:30] <shadowbox> Byte Me Computers in NC is offering Kubuntu only machines in their line up
[03:30] <o0Chris0o> huh
[03:30] <Toejam> nosrednaekim: Unless you have a CRT :-P
[03:31] <nosrednaekim> eh?
[03:31] <shadowbox> not just as an option but have demo pcs on display that let the people play with it
[03:31] <_CrashMaster_> shadowbox: got a url for that?
[03:31] <Toejam> o0Chris0o: The Podcast one
[03:31] <shadowbox> www.bytemecomputers.net
[03:31] <Toejam> nosrednaekim: Everythign is auto detected unless you have a CRT
[03:31] <o0Chris0o> trying to cut it and copy it to desktop and delete it
[03:32] <nosrednaekim> Toejam: ah... I see
[03:32] <kunim> hello, i messed up a bit and moved files from a vfat fs with iso-8859 to a ext3 partition (now some filenames are messed up) - is there a tool / stable script that does some magic? so something that recodes the filenames to utf-8? does anyone know something like that?
[03:32] <uga> Toejam: why would a CRT be different from a TFT screen with the same vga connector?
[03:32] <shadowbox> I havent seen it on their website though, but they told me they are updating it now
[03:32] <Toejam> uga: dunno but it sucks on detection if you havea CRT
[03:32] <mr> crt = cathode ray tube or old style tv like screen instead of flat screens
[03:32] <shadowbox> their stores grand opening is in 2 or so weeks
[03:32] <_CrashMaster_> uga: Most flatpanels pass data to the OS about it capabilites
[03:33] <kotori> that didnt go too well
[03:33] <shadowbox> I thought that was pretty sweet
[03:33] <Toejam> IANAXD
[03:33] <_CrashMaster_> uga: CRT's (well, most) don't.
[03:33] <uga> _CrashMaster_: through the vga connector???
[03:33] <kotori> relogged to load kde4, this shit crashed or something, rebooted, never booted again
[03:33] <uga> or you mean the new digital interfaces
[03:33] <nosrednaekim> shadowbox: I don't see any kubuntu PC's there
[03:33] <kotori> back with a fresh kubuntu
[03:33] <_CrashMaster_> uga: Both.
[03:33] <uga> _CrashMaster_: uhm, first time I hear the vga connector does feedback from the monitor
[03:33] <shadowbox> they said they were updating it now
[03:33] <_CrashMaster_> uga: Feel free to check my facts.
[03:34] <shadowbox> the webstore opened first
[03:34] <shadowbox> their store dont open for another 2 or so weeks
[03:34] <uga> _CrashMaster_: be assured I will. Not because I don't trust you, I'm all curiosity to know what it does
[03:34] <kotori> picked a wrong timezone this time to match the real time/date, it's all wrong in the setup
[03:34] <kotori> admin mode etc works now
[03:35] <uga> _CrashMaster_: I thoguht there was only synchronisation signals
[03:36] <_CrashMaster_> uga: Im honestly not to sure on details. All I know is, the OS is always able to ID most LCD's and certain CRTs as soon as the vga cable plugs in.
[03:36] <shadowbox> I have a question on installing linux on my bro-in-laws laptop
[03:36] <mr> uga its true
[03:37] <shadowbox> it installed fine... but when booting into kde for the first time, nothing will display, just a black screen
[03:37] <uga> mr: I didnt' say it's not. I only said I didn't know
[03:38] <gwp> that was cool, this mirc script works for mirc using wine
[03:38] <gwp> and it doesnt look bad either
[03:38] <mr> often ive been mis-detected though
[03:38] <shadowbox> I have a display question
[03:39] * gwp slaps himself around with Windows Me
[03:39] <gwp> hah!
[03:39] <uga> gwp: nice idea
[03:39] <uga> it must be hard making new hw work on win me
[03:39] <Toejam> gwp: that bit o putty?
[03:39] <uga> anybody got a cd of that?
[03:39] <_CrashMaster_> yup
[03:39] <gwp> lol i do
[03:39] <gwp> actually
[03:39] <shadowbox> how do correct a black screen properly?
[03:40] <Toejam> uga: ME? try winxp :)
[03:40] <_CrashMaster_> I have original install media for every OS microsoft has ever released.
[03:40] <uga> shadowbox: what do you mean by "a black screen", and what do you mean by "correct". color correct?
[03:40] <gwp> you should install 3.11
[03:40] <_CrashMaster_> I have the floppies.
[03:40] <_CrashMaster_> What I lack is a floppy drive
[03:40] <uga> Toejam: I need something as broken as possible
[03:41] <gwp> 3.11 was awesome, when you finish, play the original Doom
[03:41] <uga> Toejam: linux is too easy
[03:41] <shadowbox> it installed fine... but when booting into kde for the first time, nothing will display, just a black screen
[03:41] <shadowbox> fresh install
[03:41] <Toejam> uga: With respects attached hardware :)
[03:41] <Toejam> !doom
[03:41] <ubottu> Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php
[03:41] <Toejam> :)
[03:41] <gwp> lol, im gonna go check that out
[03:42] <shadowbox> I get the same problem with different versions ofKubuntu
[03:42] <_CrashMaster_> gwp: Quake on a TI-86.
[03:42] <_CrashMaster_> Go.
[03:43] <shadowbox> the install is on a Dell laptop (no laughing please)
[03:43] <billytwowilly> LOL!
[03:43] * _CrashMaster_ runs Kubuntu on a dell laptop
[03:43] * billytwowilly also owns a dell laptop
[03:43] <billytwowilly> m1300. It's solid
[03:44] <_CrashMaster_> Inspiron 1200, its crap
[03:44] <_CrashMaster_> which is why I put linux on it.
[03:44] <billytwowilly> yah, you gotta go for the gaming equipment.
[03:44] <billytwowilly> Usually solid.
[03:44] <_CrashMaster_> hm
[03:44] <gwp> _CrashMaster_ lol that would be nuts
[03:44] <shadowbox> this one is an 1100
[03:44] <_CrashMaster_> we should probably move this to !ot
[03:44] <billytwowilly> Go acer if you want something not gamerish
[03:45] <_CrashMaster_> With the acer aquisition of Gateway, Im not so sure about that anymore
[03:45] <nosrednaekim> yeah.. just make sure tis all INtel hardware and you should be golden
[03:45] <shadowbox> yeah, he has an acer too
[03:46] <billytwowilly> acer bought gateway?
[03:46] <shadowbox> (my bro-in-laws) I'm installing kubuntu for him
[03:46] <shadowbox> well I was trying
[03:46] <billytwowilly> I gotta read the tech news more;)
[03:47] <shadowbox> I finally convenced him to make the switch and now the laptop screen goes black when booting into KDE
[03:47] * billytwowilly crosses acer off his list of potential laptop vendors.
[03:48] <shadowbox> acer deff. better than Gateway or Dell
[03:48] <shadowbox> or Asus in my opinion
[03:49] <shadowbox> I got to have this PC fixed my tomorrow
[03:49] <jilalxp> im trying to install kubuntu on another computer but it keeps freezing after "Starting powernowd..." any ideas? searched alot of forums but came up with nothing
[03:49] <billytwowilly> I always go with asus and then have problems... I don't learn.
[03:49] <shadowbox> laptop I mean
[03:50] <shadowbox> lol, yeah, I went GB this time (m/b) and actually like it
[03:50] <shadowbox> asus screwed me 3 times in a row
[03:50] <mr> Ive got an old amd athlon that won't work with kubuntu but works fine with ubuntu
[03:51] <shadowbox> wierd, kde does take a little more resources
[03:52] <mr> something from 7.10 to 8.04 i think
[03:52] <Toejam> jilalxp: try disabling powernowd ?
[03:52] <jilalxp> i tried removing the package, which now that i think about it doesnt do anything
[03:52] <jilalxp> since they are all on the cd
[03:52] <Toejam> ha ha :)
[03:52] <jilalxp> after i press ctrl alt f3 to get console
[03:52] <Toejam> jilalxp: Mount the drive that you installed on
[03:53] <Toejam> jilalxp: This is booting the live CD?
[03:53] <jilalxp> im trying to install it, the second option from the menu
[03:54] <Toejam> Hmm
[03:54] <Toejam> Thats more difficult
[03:54] <Toejam> jilalxp: That's Safe graphics?
[03:54] <mr> you can boot the live cd and then istall can't you?
[03:55] <jilalxp> this is all new to me, friend recommended kubuntu
[03:55] <Toejam> mr: That would be the problem
[03:55] <Toejam> jilalxp: How are you going to install?
[03:55] <Toejam> on a machine with windows?
[03:55] <jilalxp> theres nothign on there right now
[03:55] <jilalxp> its a blank slate
[03:56] <jilalxp> other than the failed kubuntu install
[03:56] <juan> i hate an ubuntu
[03:56] <Toejam> jilalxp: Wait You got as far as installing?
[03:56] <jilalxp> it freezes in the middle of install
=== word|sleep is now known as word
[03:56] <jilalxp> where it says Starting powernowd...
[03:56] <juan> i can do nothink!
[03:56] <Toejam> jilalxp: Thats not an install
[03:56] <jilalxp> after Starting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd
[03:57] <jilalxp> i guess its after installing ?
[03:57] <Toejam> jilalxp: reboot and press F6 at the start add the word single to the string of words there
[03:58] <Toejam> tell me if you get a command prompt after a little bit
[03:58] <jilalxp> add to the beginning?
[03:58] <Toejam> no end
[04:02] <jilalxp> it brought me to the recovery menu
[04:02] <jilalxp> 3 options resume, root, xfix
[04:02] <Toejam> ok type startx
[04:02] <Toejam> oh
[04:02] <Toejam> umm
[04:02] <Toejam> root
[04:02] <jilalxp> hm i cant choose
[04:03] <Toejam> what do you mean?
[04:03] <jilalxp> when i press down it types ^[[B
[04:03] <jilalxp> instead of going down on the list
[04:03] <Toejam> tab?
[04:04] <jilalxp> idunno but it gave me command prompt after a while
[04:04] <Toejam> then space or enter to select
[04:04] <jilalxp> i typed startx
[04:04] <Toejam> great :)
[04:04] <Toejam> type startx
[04:04] <jilalxp> and now its frozen again at Starting powernows
[04:04] <jilalxp> powernowd
[04:04] <Toejam> argh :)
[04:04] <Toejam> Ok Press alt+ctrl+F1
[04:04] <Toejam> oh wait
[04:04] <Toejam> press Ctrl+C
[04:05] <jilalxp> woops lol
[04:05] <Toejam> jilalxp: Ha ha see if you can get back to Powernowd
[04:05] <Toejam> alt+Right
[04:05] <Toejam> till you see it
[04:05] <jilalxp> k
[04:05] <Toejam> though it may be on alt+ctrl+F8
[04:05] <jilalxp> wont respond to ctrl c
[04:06] <Toejam> ok Did alt+f1 get you to the startx command prompt?
[04:06] <jilalxp> yea
[04:06] <jilalxp> no
[04:06] <jilalxp> alt +f1 brings me to a "loading, please wait...
[04:06] <jilalxp> alt f3 gives me a promptp
[04:06] <Toejam> alt+right
[04:06] <Toejam> Ok great
[04:06] <Toejam> ctrl+C that
[04:06] <jilalxp> ok
[04:07] <Toejam> and type ls /etc/init.d
[04:07] <Toejam> wait
[04:07] <Toejam> and type ls /etc/init.d/S*
[04:07] <Toejam> argh :)
[04:07] <jilalxp> no such file or directory
[04:07] <Toejam> ls /etc/init.d/p*
[04:07] <jilalxp> ok
[04:08] <jilalxp> lists 6 directories
[04:08] <Toejam> any of them are powernow ?
[04:08] <jilalxp> powernowd,powernowd.early
[04:08] <jilalxp> and 4 others
[04:08] <Toejam> hmm
[04:08] <Toejam> mv /etc/init.d/powernow /etc/init.d/powernow-banned
[04:09] <Toejam> mv /etc/init.d/powernow.early /etc/init.d/powernow.early-banned
[04:10] <jilalxp> permission denied
[04:10] <Toejam> wot?
[04:10] <jose__> hola
[04:10] <jose__> como baa todo
[04:10] <Toejam> jilalxp: press up and put sudo in front of it
[04:10] <Toejam> !es
[04:10] <ubottu> Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[04:11] <jilalxp> ok done
[04:11] <Toejam> jilalxp: for both ?
[04:12] <jilalxp> yep
[04:12] <Toejam> startx again
[04:12] <jilalxp> awesome, straight into the gui
[04:12] <Toejam> :-)
[04:12] <jilalxp> thx alot =)
[04:13] <adm1n> aaaaa
[04:13] <adm1n> sad world
[04:14] <Apokalipz> http://www.prizerebel.com/index.php?r=225026 Go there to get awesome free prizes such as Anime, Video Games, Nexon Cards and much more! Click on the link, sign up, and start earning points by completing the surveys and 100% free offers (No credit card required). Redeem the points that you earned to get those free prizes. Its that easy! So what are you waiting for? Click on that link, sign up, and start earning those points
[04:14] <Toejam> !kops
[04:14] <ubottu> Help! Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild or jussi01!
[04:14] <nixternal> that ass made it in here too
[04:14] <nixternal> thanks Toejam
[04:14] <Toejam> asspokalpiz :)
[04:15] <nixternal> haha
[04:16] <illriginal> Is it possible to password protect folders?... I have adult material that I would like to password protect.
[04:16] <Toejam> sure
[04:19] <stoffer> can someone help me figure out how to mount the sd card I have in my internal card reader?
[04:20] <Toejam> illriginal: Probably start by looking at encrypt folder
[04:20] <Toejam> the only ways I know aren't very friendly
[04:21] <Toejam> stoffer: that's an interesting one I've neer tried that
[04:21] <illriginal> right click the folder and use encrypt?
[04:21] <Toejam> It didn't notify you that it was put in
[04:22] <stoffer> Toejam, no, I've been having problems with it for a while
[04:22] <stoffer> the little light on it went on for a sec, but hasn't turned on since
[04:22] <Toejam> illriginal: You can probably get it to that point but I'm the wrong person to ask my ways of doing it are not for the casual person who needs to get to the adult material for a quick peek
[04:24] <mr> could he just create a new user and restrict access to that user?
[04:25] <Toejam> stoffer: Does it turn up in System settings -> advanced -> disk and file systems?
[04:25] <stoffer> Toejam, no
[04:25] <stoffer> Toejam, and I don't see any entries for it in dmesg
[04:25] <Toejam> stoffer a dell?
[04:26] <stoffer> Toejam, no I built it myself
[04:26] <Toejam> don't irc as root!
[04:26] <illriginal> Toejam, sometimes I have my little sister come over and I let her the computer. I wouldn't want her to open the wrong folder.
[04:26] <Toejam> illriginal: give her her own login
[04:27] <illriginal> Nah... I much rather password protect lol.
[04:28] <stoffer> Toejam, I'm starting to think a cable's disconnected somewhere. I haven't really looked inside at the connections for a while. I'm gonna try booting into xp to see if it makes any difference.
[04:28] <Toejam> !encrypt
[04:28] <ubottu> Factoid encrypt not found
[04:28] <Toejam> :-p
[04:28] <illriginal> lol
[04:29] <p_quarles> Toejam, you have to give ubottu the passphrase for that one :)
[04:29] <Toejam> illriginal: as I said there are quite a few ways to do it but encryption is what you are looking for
[04:29] <Toejam> p_quarles: >_<
[04:29] <Toejam> p_quarles: No bribes?
[04:29] <Toejam> !botsnack
[04:29] <ubottu> Yum! Err, I mean, APT!
[04:30] <p_quarles> encryption is kind of overkill for trying to keep a kid out of a particular file folder, imo
[04:30] <Toejam> p_quarles: It's what he asked for
[04:30] <p_quarles> if it were me, I would give ownership of the folder to another user, and use "sudo" to access it
[04:31] <p_quarles> if encryption is really needed, one could tar it up and then encrypt it with gpg
[04:31] <p_quarles> or create a loopback device for AES encryption
[04:32] <Toejam> p_quarles: that's pretty easy to bypasee
[04:32] <Toejam> p_quarles: you aren't considering he may have more than 50% of his drive being adult material :)
[04:32] <p_quarles> Toejam, it is, yes, with unmonitored physical access to the computer
[04:32] <Toejam> tarring it up would make it explode!!
[04:32] <p_quarles> true
[04:33] <Toejam> encryption with a simple key makes it un sudo bypassable takes up almost no extra space gives him privacy and he doesn't have to make new accounts
[04:33] <p_quarles> the loopback volume would be most secure option, I suppose
[04:34] <Toejam> With the assumption that illriginal is male :)
[04:34] * Toejam steps aside to let p_quarles lead the way
[04:35] <p_quarles> the loop volume is kind of complex to explain, but I'll give it a shot if illriginal is still here . . .
[04:39] <stoffer> Yeah, xp recognized it just fine
[04:39] <stoffer> it's formatted as FAT
[04:39] <stoffer> does that matter?
[04:40] <Toejam> shouldn't
[04:40] <illriginal> lol yes Toejam, I'm male :P
[04:41] <illriginal> damn this sucks... I don't understand encryption, I Just simply want someone to type in the password in order to access the folder and it's contents.
[04:42] <Toejam> p_quarles: can he do that in a GUI at the end?
[04:42] <illriginal> kinda of like "mounting" the folder in order to access it, if that makes any sense.
[04:43] <p_quarles> illriginal, what I was suggesting would be creating a file that pretended to be a drive -- you would mount it with a passphrase when so desired
[04:43] <p_quarles> illriginal, how much data are we talking?
[04:45] <Dr_willis> There are encrypted fuse filesystem things out also.
[04:45] <illriginal> About 80GBs.
[04:45] <Dr_willis> There may be other enctypted filesystem/file tools out also.
[04:45] <Toejam> What he needs is a service menu
[04:46] <p_quarles> TrueCrypt, perhaps? I've never used it, but that has a graphical interface and everything
[04:46] <illriginal> i hate to be complicated, trust me. i don't want you guys to think I'm purposely disregarding all your advice.
[04:46] <Dr_willis> Its a complex topic. with a dozen+ ways to do somthing.
[04:46] <Toejam> illriginal: well we are trying to make it as simple as possible :)
[04:46] <Dr_willis> It all depends on how paranoid you want to be.
[04:47] <p_quarles> plus, as convenient as the Windows way ("password protecting" a folder) may seem, it's about as secure as putting an extra key under your doormat
[04:47] <illriginal> well for example, remember back in the day when we had a 2nd hard drive, and it would show itself in the "computer" folder, then when you would double click it, it would ask for a password, you enter it correctly and you could access it
[04:48] <Dr_willis> illriginal, linux works differently at very very low levels.
[04:48] <p_quarles> illriginal, yes, but it's trivial to bypass that
[04:48] <illriginal> hm....
[04:48] <Dr_willis> You could do a similer thing but the integeration with kde/the file manager may be the issue
[04:48] <Dr_willis> http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/EncryptedFileSystems?PHPSESSID=91d1d940ca1a34fe7bcdac02074f61fc
[04:48] <illriginal> you know that would be a very good perk for linux, just right click the folder and set permission :P
[04:48] <Dr_willis> has like 5 different enctypted filesystem tools that would be rather easy to use.
[04:48] <Toejam> Dr_willis: maybe hit up kde-apps to see wht there is a service menu for and run with that?
[04:48] <p_quarles> illriginal, you can easily get a similar effect by taking my suggestion of changing ownership of the folder -- but it's not safe against anyone looking to bypass it
[04:49] <Toejam> illriginal: you can do that we are jsut trying to pick from dozens of ways :)
[04:49] <illriginal> i see...
[04:49] <Dr_willis> Description: MetFS is a filesystem software in userspace that is encrypted, dynamic sized (increase when new data added, decrease when data removed), single file when it's unmounted and very fast. MetFS 's been written in C language for performance reasons; proved to be running on Linux and FreeBSD.
[04:49] <Dr_willis> That seems promising. :)
[04:50] <Dr_willis> In 'theory' with the fuse things, you may be ble to make a fstab entry. that mounts/unmounts the thing. but not sure how ya get a gui-password dialog.
[04:50] <Dr_willis> or you just write a script that does it.
[04:50] <Dr_willis> !find cryptofs
[04:51] <illriginal> oh i see.
[04:51] <ubottu> Package/file cryptofs does not exist in hardy
[04:51] <Dr_willis> CryptoFS is a encryption filesystem for Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE). Files written to the mount point will be stored encrypted (data and filename) in a directory on a normal filesystem.
[04:51] <illriginal> in terms of GUI it's really not possible? instead you would have to root to access it via terminal?
[04:51] <Toejam> illriginal: it is
[04:51] <p_quarles> illriginal, simple way to do what you're after, with graphical dialogue:
[04:52] <p_quarles> sudo chmod -R 700 /path/to/pr0n
[04:52] <Dr_willis> 'gui' is rather vague. :) kde and gnome both have their own 'way' of giving a gui way to mount things. But they are not inteegerated with the various encrypted 'methods' out there that i know of to ask a password.
[04:52] <Dr_willis> PLUS what ifyour user is sshing in and wants to access the stuff? no gui.
[04:52] <Toejam> p_quarles: doesn't help if his sister walks in and open is while he's in the kitchen making cookies
[04:52] <Dr_willis> what if there are a dozen users all vnc'd in, which one gets the gui. :)
[04:53] <p_quarles> then create a special user, give that user ownership of the folder -- then create a launcher like so:
[04:53] <Toejam> Dr_willis: Lil sister. No ssh
[04:53] <p_quarles> gksu -c special-user nautilus /path/to/pr0n
[04:53] <Dr_willis> theres 'paranoid' then theres 'really paranoid'
[04:53] <Toejam> illriginal: KDE ?
[04:53] <p_quarles> Toejam, the separate user account does, and the kdesu dialogue does the graphical thingy
[04:53] <illriginal> oh no no Toejam... Trust me, I wouldn't have pron open if I know my sister would come over.
[04:53] <p_quarles> yes, kdesu, sorry
[04:54] <illriginal> no Toejam, GNOME.
[04:54] <Dr_willis> Keep in mind that kde/linux (in general) does not cripple itself to make things trivial for a single user, when that can cause problems for a multiuser system.
[04:54] <p_quarles> I'm so used to translating for Gnome users :)
[04:54] <Toejam> illriginal: I"m not saying you would I'm saying she may use the computer that you had up and accidently find it
[04:54] <Toejam> which is what we are trying to stop
[04:54] <Toejam> illriginal: Ok then follow what p_quarles said
[04:54] <illriginal> woot
[04:55] <illriginal> and it should pop up GUI for password?
[04:55] <Toejam> illriginal: as a warning it's the easiest way to bypass
[04:55] <p_quarles> yes
[04:55] <Toejam> Yes it will
[04:55] <SteamMachine> Hey all
[04:55] <illriginal> Omg.. I see what you mean.
[04:55] <p_quarles> it will ask for your password, so make sure no one else has that (goes without saying)(
[04:55] <illriginal> once I log in... it's open at all times.
[04:55] <SteamMachine> I'm having a strange issue with firefox.
[04:55] <Toejam> p_quarles: actually. he could rename the folder to /path/to/.pr0n
[04:55] <p_quarles> that would work too
[04:55] <Toejam> p_quarles: and replace pr0n with the desktop file ;0
[04:56] <Toejam> :-)
[04:56] <SteamMachine> When I open links in a tab, I find that I get multiple tabs opening.
[04:56] <Toejam> then it would be seamless :)
[04:56] <SteamMachine> Sometimes up to five, six tabs.
[04:56] <Dr_willis> !info encfs
[04:56] <ubottu> encfs (source: encfs): encrypted virtual filesystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.2-1-1 (hardy), package size 261 kB, installed size 1136 kB
[04:56] <Toejam> SteamMachine: all websites?
[04:56] <SteamMachine> Yup.
[04:57] <Toejam> Errk sounds like bug filing time
[04:58] <SteamMachine> Sorry to be so naive, but I haven't filed a bug in a long time. How might that work under kubuntu?
[04:59] <Toejam> !bugs
[04:59] <ubottu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots
[05:01] <illriginal> if I log into the folder, how do I "log out" of the folder so that people later cannot access it?
[05:01] <illriginal> :X
[05:01] <Dr_willis> illriginal, you will have to rember to unmount it.
[05:01] <Toejam> illriginal: Press back
[05:01] <Dr_willis> of course it depends on the specifics. :)
[05:01] <Toejam> illriginal: ack wait no
[05:01] <Toejam> close the new nautilus that opens
[05:02] <Toejam> That x's the user
[05:02] <_CrashMaster_> if I remove usplash, will I get rid of that stupid screen at startup (the winxp ripoff boot graphic) ?
[05:02] <Dr_willis> _CrashMaster_, use the nosplash, boot option.
[05:02] <Toejam> _CrashMaster_: You can do it even faster
[05:02] <Dr_willis> You dont need to remove any packages.
[05:02] <Toejam> Edit your grub menu
[05:03] <_CrashMaster_> good thought
[05:03] <Toejam> I don't mind it so much it's the quiet that sends me nuts
[05:03] <Toejam> all of my stuff has quiet removed
[05:04] <terrestre> http://img213.imageshack.us/my.php?image=diagramadeclasesqx2.jpg <---- can someone see this class diagram and tell me if its ok, its my first class diagram
[05:04] <Toejam> I'm really upset they decided to silence the output
[05:04] <Toejam> blessedbeef!
[05:05] <_CrashMaster_> terrestre: Looks nice. No idea if it's accurate or not, but its pretty.
[05:05] <terrestre> lol
[05:06] <Toejam> I like the link between student and career
[05:06] <terrestre> lol
[05:07] <terrestre> i had read a lot but i dont figured out when use a association or a aggregation
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[05:07] <Vmubuntu> i ask
[05:08] <Toejam> terrestre: :-) Unfortunatly this isn't the chan for that discussion
[05:08] <Toejam> terrestre: ##programming per chance?
[05:09] <Toejam> or #ubuntuprogramming :)
[05:09] <Toejam> maybe #PSPprogramming if you have aspirations
[05:09] <oem> bonjour
[05:09] <terrestre> actually i am in a lot of channels lol
[05:09] <_CrashMaster_> !fr
[05:09] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[05:09] <Toejam> terrestre: I see :)
[05:09] <oem> ah merci
[05:10] <_CrashMaster_> :)
[05:10] <Toejam> terrestre: ack wait #psp-programming
[05:11] <Toejam> Ou est le piscine?
[05:11] <terrestre> Toejam, thanks i will try there
[05:11] <Toejam> terrestre: they will probably kick your butt :) ##programming is a much better bet
[05:12] <terrestre> lol lol
[05:12] <terrestre> Toejam, the php people already kick me
[05:13] <Toejam> yeah don't step into a programming chan unless you are asking for docs to start programming or are actually programming
[05:13] <Toejam> _CrashMaster_: http://teamsugar.com/group/546220/blog/553111
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[05:14] <vonte> can anyone give me step by step instructions on download java on kubuntu 6.10 im a newbie to linux and computers period
[05:14] <Toejam> vonte: still on that?
[05:14] <Toejam> vonte: did you add multiverse ?
[05:15] <_CrashMaster_> Toejam: What in the ever loving penguin did you send me to?
[05:15] <Toejam> _CrashMaster_: Oui oui :)
[05:15] <vonte> Toejam: i forgot how you told me to download it..can u tell me again
[05:15] <Toejam> _CrashMaster_: It's a song made from the phrases in all French learning books
[05:15] <Toejam> Except the Ou est le piscine?
[05:15] <terrestre> vonte, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java <-- did you read that?
[05:15] <Toejam> which confuses him :)
[05:16] <_CrashMaster_> Toejam: Im going to hbave to kill you
[05:16] <Toejam> terrestre: he needs help setting up multiverse it seems
[05:16] <Toejam> vonte: open adept
[05:16] <vonte> terrestre: ill look at that right now
[05:16] <Toejam> When it's open Adept -> Manage Repos
[05:17] <vonte> Toejam, then what
[05:17] <Toejam> What do you see?
[05:17] <Toejam> alternating coloured lines ?
[05:17] <Toejam> or checkboxes ?
[05:18] <vonte> Toejam: just a list and at the bottoom it says reset,apply,close
[05:18] <Toejam> vonte: look on the list for a line that ends in multiverse
[05:18] <yao_ziyua1> my Get New Wallpapers button doesn't work
[05:19] <yao_ziyua1> says The file or folder http://download.kde.org/khotnewstuff/wallpaper-providers.xml does not exist.
[05:19] <Toejam> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy main restricted multiverse universe
[05:19] <Toejam> Something like that
[05:19] <yao_ziyua1> how do i fix it with a good xml link?
[05:19] <Dr_willis> The web sites have changed things and broken some of the tools. gotta go get your wallpapers the old fashioned way :) i thinl
[05:20] <vonte> Toejam: yea thats already installed
[05:20] <Toejam> vonte: right click it and enable it
[05:20] <Toejam> illriginal: yo yo
[05:21] <Toejam> how's the hidey-ho go ?
[05:21] <vonte> Toejam: ok i enabled it now how do i get the java to work
[05:21] <Toejam> vonte: click apply then close
[05:21] <Toejam> then fetch updates
[05:22] <vonte> Toejam: then what
[05:22] <Toejam> close adept and open a konsole
[05:22] <_CrashMaster_> sudo apt-get update
[05:23] <Toejam> _CrashMaster_: clicked fetch updates already
=== oem is now known as Juli3n57
[05:24] <Toejam> vonte: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin
[05:24] <_CrashMaster_> Toejam: oh. Thought he was asking how to fetch updates
[05:24] <dany> hey ubunteros how are you..?
[05:24] <Toejam> vonte: You may also want sun-java5-jfr
[05:24] <Toejam> jre
=== Maska_ is now known as maska
[05:25] <vonte> Toejam: this came up (
[05:25] <vonte> Package sun-java5-bin is not available, but is referred to by another package.
[05:25] <vonte> This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
[05:25] <vonte> is only available from another source
[05:26] <_CrashMaster_> try java6
[05:26] <Toejam> _CrashMaster_: this is edgy
[05:26] <_CrashMaster_> shouldnt matter
[05:26] <Toejam> vonte: try sun-java5-jre let me see
[05:26] <Toejam> _CrashMaster_: Java 6 wasn't out then. it won't be on the server
[05:26] <_CrashMaster_> oh.
[05:27] <terrestre> maybe universe instead multiverse?
[05:27] <_CrashMaster_> Question then: Why cant get just get it from java.com?
[05:27] <_CrashMaster_> I went there, and it pretty much autoinstalled
[05:27] <vonte> Toejam: it says invalid operation
[05:27] <terrestre> theres a easy way to add a line to the sources.list with echo but i dont remember
[05:27] <Toejam> pretty sure it was multiverse but p.u.c should tell us
[05:28] <Toejam> Duh that'swhy we have a bot
[05:28] <Toejam> !info sun-java5-bin
[05:28] <ubottu> sun-java5-bin (source: sun-java5): Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 (architecture dependent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-15-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 21884 kB, installed size 65376 kB
[05:28] <terrestre> jajaja
[05:28] <Toejam> !info sun-java5-bin edgy
[05:28] <SteamMachine> Hm.
[05:28] <Toejam> !info sun-java5-bin feisty
[05:28] <ubottu> sun-java5-bin (source: sun-java5): Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 (architecture dependent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-15-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 21884 kB, installed size 65376 kB
[05:28] <Toejam> Ha ha
[05:29] <SteamMachine> Is there a way to force kubuntu to check for a new version of a file?
[05:29] <Toejam> edgy is no longer supported
[05:29] <Toejam> !edgy
[05:29] <ubottu> Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. It is now in end of life, and is unsupported. Please upgrade to a newer release.
[05:29] <vonte> Toejam: it said the same thing
[05:29] <SteamMachine> supposing I wished to ensure that I was not using a buggy version of firefox.
[05:29] <Toejam> SteamMachine: apt-cache policy firefox will tell you if there is a newer version
[05:29] <Toejam> SteamMachine: May want a sudo apt-get update before that
[05:29] <holycow> SteamMachine: oh super easy
[05:30] <holycow> download the binary from mozilla.com
[05:30] <holycow> just extract and run it
[05:30] <Toejam> vonte: Why are you on edgy ?
[05:30] <holycow> it will even recognize your .firefox dir and bookmarks
[05:30] <vonte> what is edgy
[05:30] <Toejam> vonte: 6.10
=== maska is now known as Maska
[05:30] <holycow> a fantastic release that we still use on all our desktops
[05:30] <Toejam> holycow: I'd say feisty was better :)
[05:31] <vonte> toejam: i had 8.04 but i couldnt change the screen resolution
[05:31] <holycow> SteamMachine: you can also add some lauchers fo ryour self and remove the old version to make things easy
[05:31] <SteamMachine> holycow: but that's a tarball.
[05:31] <holycow> no need to really follow debian protocl and put it in the right places
[05:31] <holycow> yeah
[05:31] <holycow> extract it
[05:31] <tmaleshafske> anyone help me out with apache2 and php5
[05:31] <holycow> open folder and double click on the binary in there
=== Maska is now known as maska
[05:31] <SteamMachine> um, but isn't that kinda messy?
[05:32] <holycow> no, why?
[05:32] <holycow> all installing things on linux is just putting bianries in the right folders
[05:32] <SteamMachine> I assumed there would be issues upgrading and the like.
[05:32] <holycow> all you are doing is putting yours in your user folder until you upgrade
[05:32] <holycow> you aren't upgrading
[05:32] <vonte> toejam: i had 8.04 but i couldnt change the screen resolution..wats the best one
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[05:32] <holycow> you are downloading a copy and running tha tlocal copy
[05:32] <SteamMachine> Hrm... and if I wish to uninstall it?
[05:32] <Toejam> vonte: Woah. Umm
[05:33] <holycow> *sigh*
[05:33] <holycow> fuck me, why do a ibother helping people that can't think
[05:33] <holycow> c'mon
[05:33] <Toejam> !ohmy | holycow
[05:33] <ubottu> holycow: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[05:33] <holycow> i'm just giving you some options if you don't want to do a dist-upgrade
[05:33] <holycow> its not that hard dude
[05:33] <Toejam> holycow: For some people it is
[05:34] <holycow> yeah you are right
[05:34] <holycow> i guess i was there once too
[05:34] <SteamMachine> ...
[05:34] <Toejam> SteamMachine: It would be a personal install would not interfere with the rest of the system to uninstall just remove teh folder
[05:34] <holycow> SteamMachine: sorry abou that Toejam is right
[05:34] <vonte> tojam: is 7.04 good..when i tried to install it a message said that it failed to many times so wait 2 minutes
[05:34] <Toejam> vonte: When was this?
[05:34] <vonte> toejam:last week
[05:34] <SteamMachine> Okay. Fine. I only said that because I've previously had some bad experiences with self-compiled applications.
[05:35] <Toejam> vonte: how did you try to install ?
[05:35] <terrestre> i preferd 8.04
[05:35] <vonte> toejam:by live cd
[05:35] <holycow> SteamMachine: it goes without saying tha twhen you run someone elses software
[05:35] <Toejam> SteamMachine: this is not compiled by you
[05:35] <holycow> that it won't behave how you expect it
[05:35] <holycow> thats just the cost of you not wanting to code it up your self
[05:35] <holycow> however
[05:35] <Toejam> holycow: Does that mean when you run your own made software it goes as you expect? :)
[05:35] <holycow> you will do your self a huge favour BY ALWAYS making sure you have backups of all your files
[05:36] <holycow> Toejam: lol, i can assure you NONE of mine ever does :)
[05:36] <SteamMachine> Of course, I could just do a proper upgrade, no?
[05:36] <Toejam> holycow: there You go ;-)
[05:36] <holycow> sure
[05:36] <Toejam> SteamMachine: From what?
[05:36] <Toejam> vonte: ok what would you like to do? go to 7.04 or 8.04 ?
[05:37] <vonte> toejam: i would like to go to 8.04
[05:37] <Toejam> vonte: Alright A few questions. Do you have a /home directory ?
[05:37] <SteamMachine> From gutsy
[05:38] <Toejam> SteamMachine: Oh yes you could
[05:38] <vonte> Toejam: what is that excatly
[05:38] <Toejam> vonte: can you open a konsole and type mount
[05:38] <Toejam> pastebin the output
[05:38] <SteamMachine> Though is that likely to solve my firefox problem/is it a good idea, considering it is relatively new?
[05:38] <Toejam> !paste | vonte this is the pastebin
[05:38] <ubottu> vonte this is the pastebin: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[05:39] <Toejam> SteamMachine: I think that Hardy is less buggy than Gutsy. It's also LTS so you can sit on it for a long time
[05:39] <SteamMachine> Oh, well then I suppose I might as well.
[05:39] <vonte> Toejam: i typed mount in the console now what
[05:40] <holycow> does anyone know if hardy has issues with the new scheduler on the desktop?
[05:40] <Toejam> vonte: go to the URL given above ^^ copy what was printed there. Give me the URL it generates when you are done
[05:40] <holycow> i've been meaning to look into it, i read somewhere that there are lots of reports of hard locking and other performance issues
[05:40] <Toejam> holycow: scheduler ?
[05:40] <SteamMachine> I hope that Amarok issue is resolved. I can't remeber what caused it, but it kept asking for me to upgrade certain files... which it then informed me "require no action"
[05:40] <SteamMachine> *sigh*
[05:40] <Toejam> Certain files?
[05:41] <SteamMachine> the name libxine comes to mind.
[05:41] <Toejam> oh yeah that's a good one to upgrade
[05:41] <vonte> toejam: this is the url (http://paste.ubuntu.com/12895/)
[05:42] <Toejam> vonte: Ok you don't have a home partition.
[05:42] <Toejam> how much data do you have in the Home directory?
[05:42] <SteamMachine> Uh. Toejam: That was the one I had an issue with.
[05:42] <Toejam> in the konsole type du -sh
[05:42] <Toejam> tell me what number it gives you at the end
[05:42] <Toejam> Don't IRC as root!
[05:42] <vonte> Toejam; can i still upgrade to 8.04 and have the correct screen resolutions
[05:43] <Toejam> vonte: quite likely I'm trying to find out what I need to save for you
[05:43] <Toejam> vonte: when did you install this machine?
[05:44] <vonte> Toejam: i installed it yesterday
[05:44] <Toejam> vonte: Ha ha ok so you don't have anything that is drastically needed on the computer ?
[05:45] <vonte> Toejam: no i dont have anything save on it yet
[05:45] <SteamMachine> anyway, back later!
[05:46] <Toejam> vonte: alright type tar czf mydisplay.tgz /etc/X11
[05:47] <Toejam> you should get a file named mydisplay.tgz in the home directory Email that to your self
[05:47] <vonte> Toejam: you want me to type that in konsole
[05:47] <Toejam> vonte: yes
[05:48] <vonte> toejam: it says cannot open permission denied
[05:49] <Toejam> vonte: hmm
[05:49] <mattycoze> hey can someone tell me how to access the session start up log?
[05:49] <Toejam> vonte: type pwd and tell me what it says
[05:49] <mattycoze> my login is really slow compared to a fresh user boot into the kdm
[05:50] <vonte> toejam: this is what it says (/home/vonte)
[05:51] <Toejam> vonte: ok press up twice then put sudo in front of the tar
[05:51] <mattycoze> !session
[05:51] <ubottu> To make programs start up automatically when you log into your KDE session, run all programs that you want to be started and close all other programs, then select 'Save Session' in the K menu. Alternatively, create a !symlink to the wanted program in ~/.kde/Autostart - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot
[05:51] <firecrotch> Here's my situation: I have a Kubuntu laptop (this machine) connected to a wireless network. I have a machine running Ubuntu Server that I would like to be able to connect to the internet through this laptop (need to install some packages and cannot connect via wireless). Any clue as to how I would go about doing that?
[05:51] <Toejam> it will ask for your password
[05:51] <mattycoze> !boot
[05:51] <ubottu> Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto
[05:51] <vonte> toejam: i put in my password then it said (tar: Removing leading `/' from member names)
[05:52] <Toejam> vonte: Do you have the file in your home folder?
[05:53] <vonte> toejam: what file
[05:53] <Toejam> mydisplay.tgz
[05:54] <mattycoze> hey guys how do i get a list of all programs in the autrostart process... i've checked here "/home/mattycoze/.kde/Autostart" but nothing seems to be there
[05:54] <vonte> toejam; yes its in there
[05:54] <Toejam> mattycoze: then there is nothing in the autostart process
[05:55] <Toejam> vonte: mail that to yourself. It will help with the resolution problem in 8.04
[05:55] <mattycoze> oh... Toejam how come it takes so much longer for me to login to my own user account session as opposed to a newly created one?
[05:55] <mattycoze> what takes up so much time?
[05:56] <Toejam> mattycoze: KDE remembers the programs you had open when you logged out and reopens them
[05:56] <vonte> Toejam: how do i mail it to myself and do i juss try and use the live cd again
[05:56] <Toejam> mattycoze: would you prefer to boot into a clean desktop ?
[05:57] <Toejam> vonte: you have mail?
[05:57] <mattycoze> yeah pretty much... toejam
[05:57] <vonte> toejam: r u talkin about an email if so yes i do
[05:57] <Toejam> vonte: ok then email it to yourself
[05:58] <Toejam> mattycoze: Look under the advanced tab in System Settings
[05:58] <mattycoze> yep
[05:59] <Toejam> mattycoze: set the session manager to what you want
[05:59] <vonte> toejam: when i right click it theres no email option
[05:59] <mattycoze> oh okay kewl thanx for that Toejam
[05:59] <Toejam> vonte: Where is your mail at?
[06:00] <Toejam> @gmail.com ?
[06:00] <vonte> Toejam: what do you mean i go to yahoo and i log into my email there
[06:00] <Toejam> vonte: right
[06:01] <mattycoze> also Toejam i was wondering, on a different subject - whether i would be able to get rid of the gdm service without any problem... (i transfered to KDE using synaptic)
[06:01] <Toejam> mattycoze: sure. install KDM and remove GDM
[06:01] <mattycoze> both kdm and gdm are currently checked as services... toejam
[06:02] <vonte> toejam: how do i actually get the file in my email
[06:02] <Toejam> mattycoze: uncheck gdm
[06:02] <Toejam> vonte: when you are sending it there is an option for an attachment
[06:02] <mattycoze> when i unchecked gdm the pc crashed (just before) was that expected?
[06:02] <Toejam> select it and click browse then choose the file
[06:02] <Toejam> mattycoze: Ha ha I don't know. Did you login to GDM?
[06:03] <firecrotch> Ok, so I currently have 2 network interfaces up, eth0 and wlan0. All of my outgoing requests are, for some reason, going through eth0 (except IRC)
[06:03] <mattycoze> ahh well i was able to login with the GDM into this KDE session lol (using the sudo start gdm)
[06:03] <firecrotch> I need all traffic from this machine going out to go through eth0
[06:03] <mattycoze> (or a random command that worked like that)
[06:03] <firecrotch> er.... wlan0
[06:03] <Toejam> mattycoze: that's why it crashed
[06:04] <mattycoze> ahh i see lol
[06:04] <mattycoze> but if i uncheck it, let it crash and restart the thing should log in via the kdm right?
[06:05] <Toejam> mattycoze: easier to uninstall it it shouldn't crash
[06:05] <mattycoze> oh okay
[06:05] <bdizzle> hi
[06:06] <vonte> Toejam: is it supposed to take a while to attach in my email
[06:06] <mattycoze> thanx toejam
[06:06] <bdizzle> I'm running Kubuntu 8.04 and Windows XP Pro dual boot with a third partition for media files and such (plus the obligatory swap partition).
[06:07] <bdizzle> for some reason, it prompts me for my password for each session when I want to load the windows partition within Kubuntu (and same for the third partition)
[06:07] <Toejam> vonte: yes
[06:07] <bdizzle> how do I get around this?
[06:07] <Toejam> vonte: not an elaborate amount of time but it doesn't happen in an instant
[06:07] <vonte> toejam:how am i supposed to upgrade? do i just use the live cd again
[06:08] <Toejam> vonte: yes
[06:08] <Toejam> once you send the email
[06:09] <vonte> Toejam: how does this file help the resolution and how am i supposed to use it
[06:09] <Toejam> vonte: It's the settings that give you the resolution now. You can use it as a reference
[06:11] <vonte> toejam: so after i install the 8.04 version iim supposed to get the file out of my email and then what do i type in the terminal for it to be effective
[06:12] <Toejam> vonte: we will see if we need it first :)
[06:12] <firecrotch> !test
[06:12] <ubottu> Failed
[06:13] <baudthief> My NVidia onboard sound sucks ass - If I get an Audigy card, is it as simple as plug and play? or is there something I need to screw around with in the system settings?
[06:13] <vonte> Toejam: ok ill talk to you after i install it
[06:15] <baudthief> guess I'll just try it ;\
[06:18] <talius> Hi there
[06:19] <robotgeek> hey talius
[06:20] <Dr_willis> Audigy cards should work very well
[06:21] <talius> sorry but, can anybody help me about à shell script problem?
[06:22] <robotgeek> talius: sure, go ahead. what is the problem
[06:25] <talius> I've to test some text in a file, so i'm using something like : cat /tmp/file|grep -i "n\nn"; and it doesn't work as i hope. I just will have "n" characters in this file. So i wanna test if n (carriage return) and another n, is present in the file. Do you think I'll be able to do this whith grep?
[06:26] <alucardromero> Anybody know how to get a broadcom modem going?
[06:27] <Dr_willis> talius, you are wanting to find a n at the end of a line?
[06:27] <Dr_willis> cr then n --> will be n at the start of the next line. Im thinking.
[06:29] <talius> Dr_willis : Yes, my tested file will be like "anythin(carriage return)n(carriage return)n(carriage return)" and i want to trigger something when the two lines with only the n charater will be presents.
[06:29] <Toejam> talius: grep ^n$
[06:30] <Toejam> talius: grep '^n$' of course :)
[06:31] <Dr_willis> So you are wanting lines with JUST a single n in them?
[06:31] <talius> Toejam : thank you i'll try this right now
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=== wthoang_ is now known as wthoang
[06:32] <talius> Dr_willis : yes, i want to grep return me 0, when the two last lines of my file will only contains a single "n"
[06:34] <Toejam> that's easy
[06:34] <mot_> you know what
[06:34] <mot_> i need to go on a drunken tirade.
[06:34] <mot_> but this...this isn't the channel.
[06:34] <Toejam> !ot
[06:34] <ubottu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[06:34] <mot_> i need to find the right channel.
[06:34] <holycow> lol
[06:35] <mot_> i love you. that's the channel
[06:35] <mot_> i'll be in #kubuntu-offtopic drunkenly rambling.
[06:35] <mot_> thanks bro
[06:35] <Toejam> holycow: should jump in looks to be good
[06:36] <Toejam> talius: sorry
[06:37] <Toejam> if [ 2 -eq tail -2 file | grep -c '^n$' ]
[06:37] <talius> no problem i'm triing a lot of things :D
[06:37] <talius> hey thank you a lot :)
[06:43] <dmitriy> :O
[06:43] <PeanutHorst> wow, drunken rambling has improved in standards a lot since i was first here ;)
[06:43] <wthoang> lol...gotta love mot
[06:44] <wthoang> http://www.thingsididlastnight.com/
[06:46] <mike2105> ciao
[06:46] <wthoang> yeh..
[06:46] <wthoang> http://www.thingsididlastnight.com/
[06:47] <mike2105> parli italiano?
[06:47] <wthoang> no...
[06:47] <wthoang> just
[06:47] <wthoang> http://www.thingsididlastnight.com/
[06:47] <Toejam> wthoang: You will get kicked doing that
[06:47] <wthoang> soz
[06:47] <Toejam> !it | mike2105
[06:47] <ubottu> mike2105: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!
[06:47] <baudthief> I just installed a SoundBlaster AUdigy card, I can see it in the dropdown menu under KMix - how do I set it as the default card?
[06:47] <Toejam> wthoang: You can wave that around in OT not here
[06:48] <wthoang> sorry...its just soo funny
[06:48] <wthoang> i noe its childish..but sitll
[06:48] <Toejam> just don't invite p_quarles there just to let him know
[06:49] <p_quarles> say what Toejam?
[06:49] <talius> Toejam : It's cool everything works, thank you a lot :)
[06:49] * p_quarles is having weird X crashes
[06:49] <Toejam> talius: ok :)
[06:49] <talius> Toejam : thank you a lot
[06:49] <talius> good bye everybody, have a nice day.
[06:50] <Toejam> Bye
[06:55] * flaccid burps
[06:56] <wthoang> ok..then..
[06:56] * Toejam lights it on fire
[07:00] <alfteck> hi
[07:00] <Toejam> !hi
[07:00] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[07:07] <Toejam> vonte: hey
[07:22] <PeanutHorst> um
[07:22] <PeanutHorst> i have a mild problem here
[07:23] <wthoang> soo quiet..
[07:23] <wthoang> wat did u do now..
[07:23] <PeanutHorst> i can't compile with the kubuntu livecd's gcc
[07:23] <wthoang> dont ask me..im linux nooblite
[07:23] <Toejam> Why are you compiling on the Cd ?
[07:24] <PeanutHorst> Toejam: grub. i need some of the files that are made from the compile
[07:24] <Dr_willis> the live cd has gcc?
[07:24] <PeanutHorst> it doesn't matter that it's all in RAM, it's going to a floppy disk anyhow
[07:24] <p_quarles> PeanutHorst, the lice cds don't have gcc
[07:24] <PeanutHorst> Dr_willis: mine does
[07:24] <Choreboy> Can anyone tell me how to mount a networked windows drive?
[07:24] <PeanutHorst> root@ubuntu:~/grubsrc/grub-0.97# which gcc
[07:24] <PeanutHorst> /usr/bin/gcc
[07:24] <PeanutHorst> this is kubuntu 7.10 amd64
[07:25] <p_quarles> PeanutHorst, I stand corrected -- it doesn't have the full suite of build tools, though, so things are going to be very hit or miss
[07:25] <Dr_willis> Choreboy, i know of 3 ways (at least) use the smbfuse tool, or moun them with the mount command, or you can 'browse' samba shares with the kde file manager.
[07:25] <PeanutHorst> p_quarles: so i need to apt-get build-essential first?
[07:26] <wthoang> mite i just ask...wats a reccommened dock for linux..
[07:26] <Toejam> 1dock
[07:26] <Toejam> !dock
[07:26] <p_quarles> PeanutHorst, yes that -- and apt-get build-dep $package-name
[07:26] <ubottu> Factoid dock not found
[07:26] <Toejam> dumb bot
[07:26] <Dr_willis> Thers about 6+ docks you could use.. depending on your needs
[07:26] <wthoang> wat the..
[07:26] <PeanutHorst> hah, packkage headers
[07:27] <wthoang> which are the ones u guys use
[07:27] <PeanutHorst> i use kicker.
[07:27] <PeanutHorst> :)
[07:27] <Choreboy> Dr_willis: I have a drive that shows up in Dolphin or Konqueror, I'm able to view and access the files... is it considered "mounted"?
[07:27] <p_quarles> the fluxbox systray here
[07:27] <Dr_willis> http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/05/08/the-best-and-worst-docks-for-ubuntu/
[07:28] <p_quarles> Choreboy, if the files show up, it's mounted
[07:28] <Choreboy> OK here's my problem then...
[07:28] <Toejam> !dock is http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/05/08/the-best-and-worst-docks-for-ubuntu/
[07:28] <Dr_willis> Choreboy, yes. a 'filesystem' must be mounted for accessing files on the filesystem. BUT those 2 filemanagers. can browse samba 'shares' without mounting them. a 'share' is not a 'drive' :)
[07:29] <Choreboy> well I can access the files and copy them locally
[07:29] <Dr_willis> Choreboy, check the output of the 'mount' command to see whats mounted where. Most likely those shares are not mounted anywhere.
[07:29] <Choreboy> but I can not "transparently" stream music or video
[07:29] <Choreboy> someone in the Samba channel said I had to mount the drive to do that
[07:29] <Choreboy> but from what you're telling me, it IS mounted.
[07:29] <Dr_willis> Choreboy, No i did NOT say that.
[07:29] <Dr_willis> :)
[07:29] <Dr_willis> those 2 file managers can BROWSE not 'mount' a share.
[07:30] <Dr_willis> you CAN mount a share. Or you can browse a share.
[07:30] <Choreboy> oh
[07:30] <Choreboy> I can't figure out how to mount it :-(
[07:30] <Dr_willis> mount command, or the smbfuse tool,
[07:30] <Dr_willis> May be some other gui ways to do it also.
[07:31] <Dr_willis> You may need to install some samba packages to mount them
[07:31] <Choreboy> I'll have to look that stuff up. I know nothing of commands
[07:31] <Dr_willis> !info smbfuse
[07:31] <ubottu> Package smbfuse does not exist in hardy
[07:31] <Dr_willis> !info fusesmb
[07:31] <ubottu> fusesmb (source: fusesmb): filesystem client based on the SMB file transfer protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.7-1 (hardy), package size 30 kB, installed size 140 kB
[07:31] <Dr_willis> I tend to use fusesmb. Theres a ubuntu fusesmb wiki page on it also.
[07:31] <Choreboy> is fusesmb included in 8.04 or would I have to go grab it
[07:32] <Dr_willis> fusesmb 'mounts' the whole 'network' so you see all shares as if they were a local directory
[07:32] <Choreboy> ahhh.
[07:32] <Dr_willis> No idea. :) not like its hard to install things.
[07:32] <Choreboy> true.
[07:32] <Dr_willis> it says 'optional'
[07:34] <Choreboy> is fusesmb a gui app?
[07:34] <Dr_willis> Nope
[07:34] <PeanutHorst> :|
[07:34] <Choreboy> that would be why I don't see it anywhere
[07:34] <Dr_willis> google for 'ubuntu fusesmb wiki'
[07:35] <Dr_willis> Not everything needs a gui :)
[07:36] <Choreboy> things need a gui if you know nothing of command line :-\
[07:36] <Choreboy> so far I've been trying to memorize commands I need to use, but I need to start understanding them
=== leo_ is now known as terrestre
[07:38] <Dr_willis> read the wiki page befor you give up so easially.
[07:38] <Dr_willis> took me 20 sec to get fusesmb going on this new machine just now.
[07:38] <Choreboy> I'm not giving up, I just get CLI stuff confused
[07:38] <Dr_willis> install package, edit 1 file, run 1 command.
[07:39] <Dr_willis> I will say that during the Beta of hardy. I had issues with the fusesmb tool.. Hope its working good now.
[07:40] <Choreboy> I particularly like one of the lines in the wiki: "So for example if your login-name is bgates you should type..."
[07:42] <Dr_willis> :)
[07:42] <PeanutHorst> "is it in adept?" best question EVER. :(
[07:42] <PeanutHorst> not.
[07:42] * Dr_willis wonders who wrote a lot of that wiki........
[07:42] <Dr_willis> I need to update it someday
=== ubuntu__ is now known as vonte
[07:43] <vonte> Toejam: i have kubuntu 8.04 installed how do i change the screen resolution
[07:44] <vonte> how can i change the screen resolution in kubuntu 8.04
[07:46] <vonte> how can i change the screen resolution in kubuntu 8.04.04
[07:46] <terrestre> menu K
[07:46] <terrestre> config something?
[07:46] <terrestre> sorry
[07:46] <terrestre> i dont remember
[07:47] <PeanutHorst> vonte:
[07:47] <PeanutHorst> it's in kcontrol
[07:47] <PeanutHorst> K menu -> System Settings -> Monitor and Display
[07:48] <terrestre> kcontrol its installed in 8.04?
[07:48] <terrestre> i remember trying to lunch kcontrol from katapult
[07:48] <schatje> !doom
[07:48] <ubottu> Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php
[07:48] <terrestre> and then i have to installed with aptitude
[07:49] <dasKreecH> vonte: sorry what?
[07:50] <Dr_willis> Choreboy, You may want to try out 'smb4k' its a nice tool with gui for the task. For some odd reason Ive had issues with samba and finding shares under hardy. the normal kde share browser, and the fuse tool are both failingfor me. but smb4k is working
[07:51] <vonte> i have mydisplay.tgz on my desktop how do i install it
[07:51] <Dr_willis> vonte, what is it supposed to be?
[07:52] <vonte> its supposed to fix the screen resolution in kubuntu 8.04
[07:52] <dasKreecH> Dr_willis: It's his Xconfig from Edgy
[07:52] <dasKreecH> vonte: what's the resolution in 8.04 ?
[07:52] <Choreboy> Dr_willis: I'll give it a look, thanks
[07:52] <vonte> its 800 x 600 thats too big and blurry do you no a different way to change it
[07:53] <dasKreecH> vonte: can you open a konsole and type xrandr -s 0 ?
[07:53] <dasKreecH> woah
[07:53] <dasKreecH> 5 of you joined on the same second
[07:54] <Choreboy> If I'm editing a config file in Konsole, how do I save/exit? Exit says " ^X "
[07:54] <dasKreecH> Choreboy: What are you using to edit it?
[07:54] <vonte> that doesnt do anything
[07:54] <dasKreecH> vonte: alright
[07:54] <Choreboy> GNU Nano maybe? It's being edited inside Konsole
[07:55] <dasKreecH> Choreboy: if it's nano it's Ctrl+X
[07:55] <Choreboy> that is save & exit, or just exit?
[07:55] <Jucato> Choreboy: Ctrl+O to WriteOut (save). and Ctrl+X to exit
[07:55] <Choreboy> beautiful. Thanks.
[07:55] <vonte> how do i install .tgz files to my computer
[07:56] <Jucato> vonte: depends on what it is. if it's source code, you'll have to compile it
[07:56] <Jucato> vonte: but have you tried changing the resolution from System Settings -> Monitor & Display?
[07:57] <vonte> yes ive tried it
[07:57] <dasKreecH> Jucato: It's his X config
[07:58] <dasKreecH> /etc/X11 from Edgy
[07:58] <Jucato> oh
[07:58] <Jucato> why wouldn't it work though?
[07:58] <Jucato> er.. nvm.. gtg
[08:00] <dasKreecH> bye
[08:01] <dasKreecH> vonte: Bah
[08:03] <yao_ziyua1> woah
[08:06] <Choreboy> Dr_willis: SMB4K works like a charm!!
[08:06] <Choreboy> Dr_willis: muchos gracias
[08:06] <Dr_willis> Choreboy, yea. that program had security issues in the past. so it was frowned upon. I much perfer the fuse tools.. but theres some nasty bug with them thats keeping them from working for me.
[08:07] <Choreboy> Dr_willis: Security on the Linux side, or on the Windows side?
[08:07] <Dr_willis> the tool used to require some linxu commands to be 'suid' which was a bad thing. it seems to be using sudo now.
[08:08] <Choreboy> suid? Never heard of it. Is that like a permanent sudo?
[08:09] <wthoang> umm everytime i install something i have to reboot in order to see and use it
[08:10] <Choreboy> sounds like windows? ;-)
[08:10] <wthoang> lol..its kubuntu...and its kde4.0.4
[08:10] <wthoang> but still...
[08:10] <wthoang> wat can i do about it
[08:11] <dasKreecH> wthoang: alt=f2 ?
[08:11] <joe_> wthoang: Why are you rebooting? What kind of applications are you installing?
[08:11] <dasKreecH> alt+F2
[08:11] <wthoang> no..i noe..ive searched
[08:11] <Dr_willis> wthoang, most likely - you dont need to reboot.. just log out/back in
[08:11] <wthoang> and im just installing simple things like vlc
[08:11] <wthoang> well yeh..that does work
[08:11] <Dr_willis> kde4 may not be updating its menus properly
[08:12] <wthoang> well toejam sed that it should even occur on kde4
[08:12] <Dr_willis> the menus SHOULD update.. but thers often some issues with them
[08:13] <Dr_willis> Ive seen simile rissues under gnome, and the older kde as well
[08:13] <wthoang> k..
[08:14] <wthoang> are there any fixes for it..
[08:14] <wthoang> i guess not
[08:14] <wthoang> oh well
[08:14] <Choreboy> Dr_willis: thanks again for the assistance. Goodnight folks.
[08:14] <eagles05> !samba
[08:14] <ubottu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[08:14] <joe_> !compiz
[08:14] <ubottu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[08:15] <joe_> !compiz-fusion
[08:15] <joe_> #compiz-fusion
[08:17] <jussi01> joe_: do: /join #compiz-fusion
[08:18] <joe_> jussi01: Thanks
[08:18] <jussi01> :)
[08:18] <Dr_willis> wthoang, a lot of times its the package thats not doing somthing 100% right.
[08:19] <senao> всем привет
[08:21] <exp_> can someone explain to me why i cannot create new folders on a hard drive unless i have root privleges
[08:21] <dasKreecH> exp_: cause of the permissions on the directories above it
[08:21] <dasKreecH> !ru
[08:21] <ubottu> Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[08:21] <wthoang> Dr_willis: asin the package im installing? its not just one package...its like all the ones i get
[08:22] <jackpot_2001> how do i upgrade kde 3.5.9 to kde4 on 8.04
[08:23] <Dr_willis> jackpot_2001, you just install the kde4 packages. :) its not a upgrade. it installs alongside the other.
[08:23] <jackpot_2001> easiest way to do that would be?
[08:24] <Dr_willis> kubuntu-kde4-desktop - Kubuntu desktop system
[08:24] <Dr_willis> install the package. :)
[08:24] <eagles05> Dr_willis: how do i check the name of the machine
[08:24] <Dr_willis> fire up the package manager - install the kubuntu-kde4-desktop meta-package.
[08:24] <Dr_willis> !hostname | eagles05
[08:24] <ubottu> eagles05: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab
[08:25] <eagles05> ty working on setting up samba share
[08:26] <Dr_willis> samba is not exactly related to the hostname.
[08:26] <Dr_willis> !samba
[08:26] <ubottu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[08:27] <eagles05> Dr_willis: already did that lol
[08:32] <wthoang> hey..i just installed compiz fusion..ive done all this weird stuff from the ubuntu site, but...it doesnt work
[08:35] <wthoang> !compiz
[08:35] <ubottu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[08:36] <wthoang> i dont get it...bah
[08:37] <eagles05> im having an issue accessing samba share from a vista machine
[08:39] <eagles05> Dr_willis: u there
[08:40] <Dr_willis> Im in and out
[08:40] <Dr_willis> wthoang, you normally dont mixx kde4 and compiz
[08:40] <wthoang> why not
[08:40] <Dr_willis> because kde4 has its own alternatives to the compiz features. in the kde4 window manager
[08:40] <Dr_willis> You may as well just run gnome and launch kde4 apps.
[08:41] <wthoang> so all the cube effects and stuff wont work?
[08:41] <Dr_willis> kde4 is also VERY VERY much a work in progress
[08:41] <Dr_willis> you could proberly get compiz going with kde4 apps.. but then you will not be getting the full kde4 benifits i imagine.
[08:42] <wthoang> k
[08:42] <wthoang> i'll just get rid of it then
[08:43] <hsn_> !compiz
[08:43] <ubottu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[08:43] <eagles05> Dr_willis: im having issues with samba
[08:43] <Dr_willis> eagles05, ive been having issues with samba ever since hardy has came out. :( of coure it depends on the issue i guess. :)
[08:44] <eagles05> Dr_willis: my issue is getting access to a share from windows vista says something about permissions what permissions do i need to set on this end
[08:45] <Dr_willis> eagles05, you did give your linux user a samba password with 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME' ?
[08:46] <eagles05> doh
[08:46] <Dr_willis> :)
[08:46] <eagles05> thing is i logged in as rot on the windows end
[08:46] <eagles05> root
[08:47] <eagles05> cuz thats the default user that was there
[08:47] <Dr_willis> windows user name was root?
[08:47] * Dr_willis is thinking somthing is backwards here.
[08:48] <eagles05> Dr_willis: ya lol
[08:48] <eagles05> lol
[08:48] <Dr_willis> You actually made a windows user with the name of 'root' ? Thats SICK.
[08:48] <wthoang> should i completely remove compiz
[08:48] <PeanutHorst> Dr_willis: i think someone is sharing their SMB out as root
[08:48] <Dr_willis> wthoang, it wont hurt to leave it there.
[08:49] <eagles05> PeanutHorst: lol how do i fix that
[08:49] <wthoang> k..well its just that once i typed kwin --replace
[08:49] <wthoang> this really annoying adept notifier came up
[08:49] <wthoang> i cant get rid of it
[08:49] <wthoang> its just this tiny spec
[08:49] <wthoang> ah got rid of it
[08:49] <Dr_willis> You just ran kwin whichis the kde3 window manager? under kde4?
[08:49] <wthoang> all cool
[08:50] <wthoang> im a linux noob
[08:50] <eagles05> Dr_willis: it was default in system settings when i created the samba share
[08:50] <wthoang> but..i think ive fixed everything
[08:51] <Dr_willis> eagles05, i normally share the users HOMES and thats abut it.
[08:51] <Dr_willis> or make a Public share.
[08:51] <eagles05> i was trying to make a public share but ill go back and make the users home
[08:51] <eagles05> im restarting my windows machine right now
[08:52] <Dr_willis> you are tryng to get Linux to see a windows share? or windows to see a linux share? :)
[08:52] <eagles05> windows to see linux share
[08:52] <eagles05> which its seeing permissions seem to be the issue
[08:52] <eagles05> im going to change the share to my home
[08:52] <Dr_willis> if you are trying to connect as root..i can understand there being issues. :)
[08:53] <eagles05> Dr_willis: i have it set once i tell it to use it as a windows share under it there is an option u can go in and change more settings which i did and gave root admin privs
[08:53] <eagles05> Dr_willis: how do i add another user
[08:54] <Dr_willis> i configure my samba shares with editing the smb.conf file
[08:54] <Dr_willis> eagles05, you should have a user on the linux box other then root.
[08:54] <eagles05> i do
[08:54] <eagles05> im logged on as jonathan
[08:54] <eagles05> it kept rejecting my login and password
[08:55] <eagles05> im adding the share using the sharing option in system settings
[08:55] <Dr_willis> you did give jonathan a samba password? with sudo smbpasswd -a jonathan
[08:55] <eagles05> doh
[08:55] <Dr_willis> of course you will still need to defind a share that he can use.
[08:56] <eagles05> so i add user to the home share i have
[08:56] <Dr_willis> you did --> sudo apt-get install samba also?
[08:56] <eagles05> yep
[08:56] <Dr_willis> you enable the 'homes' share. and each user can access theor own home dir. as a share.
[08:56] <Dr_willis> homes is a special share - in the smb.conf file
[08:56] <Dr_willis> I have no idea on the gui or how it does it. I manually edit the file
[08:57] <eagles05> thing is i wanna be able to access it from here cant i use my current user name and pass that im logged onto this machine right now use that name and pass
[08:57] <Dr_willis> i recall windows being a pain at changing the user name to connect to shares.
[08:58] <eagles05> thing is user name nad pass on both machines r the same
[08:58] <eagles05> *are
[08:58] <Dr_willis> for the home shares under - #======================= Share Definitions =======================
[08:58] <Dr_willis> theres a few lines that you need to uncomment
[08:58] <eagles05> holy cow its probably my firewall
[08:58] <Dr_willis> eagles05, thats somthing else i disable on windows. :)
[08:58] <eagles05> i dont use windows firewall i use comodo firewall pro
[08:59] <eagles05> its working now
[08:59] <eagles05> it didnt like my previous share i created
[09:00] <eagles05> lol making a copy of about 30gb of music
[09:00] <Dr_willis> i also make the home share be 'browseable' in the config. Seems tomake it easier to get to.
[09:01] <eagles05> i have no issues getting to it
[09:01] <eagles05> woudl love at some pt to figure out how to get a streaming audio server to work
[09:01] <Dr_willis> give it a chance... :) windows can be a real pain at times.
[09:01] <Dr_willis> !info icecast
[09:01] <ubottu> Package icecast does not exist in hardy
[09:01] <eagles05> lol
[09:01] <Dr_willis> Hmm
[09:01] <Dr_willis> !find icecast
[09:01] <ubottu> Found: icecast-server, icecast2
[09:01] <eagles05> icecast configuration confuses me like no other
[09:02] <eagles05> is there a gui front end for configuring an icecast server
[09:02] <Dr_willis> aparently not - sice it dident print out the names of any. :)
[09:02] <eagles05> :(
[09:02] <eagles05> thats what pisses me off and gets me confused on how to setup
[09:04] <eagles05> man so many commands in linux
[09:04] <eagles05> so lil time to remember em
[09:04] <eagles05> !umask
[09:04] <ubottu> Factoid umask not found
[09:04] <Dr_willis> checking the icecast2 docs/website shows
[09:04] <Dr_willis> A script is included in the contrib subdirectory called run_ices (latest available here). This creates a config file from command line parameters and spawns ices2 for live streaming
[09:04] <eagles05> kool
[09:04] <eagles05> ill have to mess around with it sometime
[09:06] <Dr_willis> theres proberly a dozen other ways to stream audio.
[09:06] <Dr_willis> Or set up a upnp server
[09:06] <jussi01> !info peercast
[09:06] <ubottu> peercast (source: peercast): P2P audio and video streaming servent. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1218+svn20071220+2-1 (hardy), package size 178 kB, installed size 972 kB
[09:07] <eagles05> not vry user friendly
[09:07] <Dr_willis> there appears to be 3 different upnp media servers in the repos now.
[09:08] <Dr_willis> depends on the user. :)
[09:09] <Dr_willis> bbl
[09:09] <eagles05> ok
=== nathan is now known as mhz128
[09:21] <mhz128> hi all
[09:21] <mhz128> I have enabled the Compiz Fusion desktop effects, how do I modify their settings????
[09:22] <mhz128> There is Compiz setting manager pre installed
[09:22] <mhz128> no
[09:23] <mhz128> I cant even do the desktop cube trick
[09:23] <CoCaInE> !compiz
[09:23] <ubottu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[09:24] <eagles05> lol i get it to work in both kde3 and 4
[09:24] <eagles05> have yet to set that up
[09:25] <eagles05> Dr_willis: wanna know something funny
[09:25] <mhz128> cool thanks
[09:26] <eagles05> mhz128: if u cant get it to work let me know ill help ya out
[09:30] <Dr_willis> Hmmm?
[09:31] <mhz128> eagles: cool, I've got it installed now. Cant figure out the cube
[09:34] <mhz128> ok, my Window Decorator just crashed...
[09:34] <mhz128> how do I restart the damn thing
[09:35] <eagles05> mhz128: which window decorator u using
[09:35] <eagles05> u might also wanna install emerald theme manager
[09:35] <mhz128> i think its the kde one
[09:35] <mhz128> whichever is default
[09:35] <mhz128> ok, why do I need to install Emerald?
[09:36] <Dr_willis> emerald is ONE of the 3 window decorators that compiz can use
[09:36] <mhz128> ohhhh ic, what are the other 2?
[09:37] <Dr_willis> as mentioned at the compiz wiki page
[09:37] <Dr_willis> !compiz
[09:37] <ubottu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[09:37] <eagles05> Dr_willis: its amazing what changing the share can do lol
[09:37] <mhz128> ARGH hehe, so WHY isn't Emerald a dependency of Compiz????
[09:37] <mhz128> makes no sense
[09:38] <Dr_willis> because it is NOT a dependcy
[09:38] <Dr_willis> its one of the 3 you can use.
[09:38] <eagles05> mhz128: it allows the user to choose between one of 3
[09:38] <eagles05> i use emerald
[09:38] <Dr_willis> I use jwm :)
[09:38] <mhz128> interesting
[09:38] <mhz128> I just installed compiz, and immediately the Window deco crashed
[09:38] <eagles05> lol so the theme manager is up to u which one u want
[09:38] <mhz128> Emerald is the best?
[09:39] <mjponce> what means that about Emerald ?
[09:39] <eagles05> ?
[09:39] <eagles05> what u mean mjponce
[09:40] <mjponce> no matter. sorry
[09:40] <eagles05> its ok
[09:40] <mhz128> so how do I restart the window decorator? I cant move anything windows around!
[09:40] <Dr_willis> alt-f2 to get the run dialog
[09:40] <mjponce> i must learn to read more quickly
[09:40] <eagles05> mjponce: lol
[09:41] <mhz128> Dr_Willis: then what?
[09:41] <mjponce> it's a no joke! =(
[09:41] <mjponce> sorry.
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
[09:41] <Dr_willis> mhz128, use the command to start whatever deforator you want
[09:41] <mhz128> uhh i dont even know which one crashed
[09:41] <mhz128> and alt-f2 isn't doing anything
[09:43] <Dr_willis> time to lot out i guess
[09:43] <Dr_willis> Now ya know oneof the reasons i dont use compiz :)
[09:43] <mhz128> hahaha
[09:43] <mhz128> ok ill be back
[09:43] <mhz128> dont go anywhere
[09:44] <Dr_willis> quick - lets all change nicks!
[09:44] <Dr_willis> :P
[09:44] <eagles05> lol
[09:44] <eagles05> u do it doc
=== nathan is now known as mhz128
[09:45] <mhz128> ok im back
[09:45] <jussi01> run!
[09:46] <eagles05> !run
[09:46] <ubottu> Factoid run not found
[09:46] <eagles05> loll
[09:46] <eagles05> !find run
[09:46] <ubottu> Found: cracklib-runtime, firefox-trunk-dev, gij, gij-4.2, java-gcj-compat (and 87 others)
[09:48] <eagles05> i dispize ide performance compared to sata drives
[09:50] <mhz128> where do I get Emerald themes?
[09:51] <eagles05> sudo apt-get install emerald
[09:52] <miranda> anyone in here running iptables?
[09:52] <Dr_willis> most all of us are.. :) with empty rules.. for iptables..
=== pascalFR is now known as PascalFR
[09:53] <thebosch> morgu
[09:55] <miranda> http://www.spinics.net/lists/netfilter/msg42050.html
[09:57] <miranda> Dr_willis: when I do iptables -t filter -A FORWARD --match state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
[09:57] <miranda> I get iptables: match `state' v1.3.8 (I'm v1.3.6).
=== cihan is now known as CoNtEmPT
[09:58] <miranda> This post makes me think maybe it is an issue with the way the package compiles.
[09:58] <Dr_willis> i use itables very little.
[10:01] <miranda> Dr_willis: did you do a clean install or upgrade from feisty?
[10:01] <Dr_willis> i alwyas do clean installs
[10:04] <miranda> would you mind trying to see if the above command is a problem with all systems or just upgrades?
[10:04] <uhriventis> Hello, guys.
[10:12] <jonathan_> good morning!
[10:12] <jonathan_> i've a problem
=== uga_ is now known as uga
[10:12] <jonathan_> i installed a windows application from cd on my kubuntu pc
[10:12] <jonathan_> and know the program wants to know my cd-drive
[10:13] <jonathan_> (it was for windows 98 or something like this so it wasn't detected automatically even under windows)
[10:13] <jonathan_> but how can i give him a cd drive?
[10:14] <Dr_willis> with wine. theres some config files/options to set what disk label the cd is.
[10:14] <jonathan_> thank you!
[10:16] <apinder> Can anyone help me. Unable to connect to IRC and download site but konqueror not working at all
[10:16] <Dr_willis> apinder, i see that every so often in here asked.
[10:16] <koheleth> installed skype, it starts to load then fails, any ideas?
[10:16] <Dr_willis> i THINK it has somthign to do with kde'd network manager being confused. or a proxy server
[10:17] <apinder> Dr willis, what should I do?
[10:17] <koheleth> skype?
[10:17] <koheleth> ah
[10:17] <Dr_willis> apinder, could install a different browser and check out the kubuntu frorums. This is so common - it has to be mentioned there. :)
[10:18] <apinder> Dr willis, downloading other browser but it would be better if konqueror works
[10:18] <Dr_willis> sudo apt-get install firefox
[10:18] <Dr_willis> :)
[10:18] <koheleth> uninstalled skype then reinstalled, same thing, starts to load and then fails?
[10:19] <Dr_willis> why do you think you need konqueror? :)
[10:19] <Dr_willis> heh - lets see ya do THAT in windows. :)
[10:20] <Dr_willis> wget 'http://www.opera.com/download/get.pl?id=30657&location=259&nothanks=yes&sub=marine' should get opera also.. *i think*
[10:20] <apinder> It works faster than firefox
[10:20] <Dr_willis> of course ya could try some littel browser with apt-get
[10:21] <Dr_willis> !info dilo
[10:21] <ubottu> Package dilo does not exist in hardy
[10:21] <Dr_willis> what! no dilo!
[10:21] <JoshOvki> lol
[10:23] <p_quarles> !info dillo
[10:23] <ubottu> dillo (source: dillo): Small and fast web browser. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6-2 (hardy), package size 390 kB, installed size 1088 kB
[10:24] <JoshOvki> Dr_willis: there is dillo just you cant spell;)
[10:24] <JoshOvki> wel done p_quarles
[10:24] <Dr_willis> JoshOvki, thats way too close to a dirty typo :)
[10:24] <JoshOvki> Dr_willis: someone mght have called !language on you
[10:24] <Dr_willis> !find seamonkey
[10:24] <ubottu> Found: seamonkey, seamonkey-browser, seamonkey-chatzilla, seamonkey-dbg, seamonkey-dev (and 3 others)
[10:25] <Dr_willis> !info seamonkey
[10:25] <ubottu> seamonkey (source: seamonkey): The Seamonkey Internet Suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.9+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 22 kB, installed size 88 kB
[10:25] <Dr_willis> Ive been using seamonkey under PuppyLinux lately
[10:25] <Dr_willis> !info seamonkey-browser
[10:25] <ubottu> seamonkey-browser (source: seamonkey): Seamonkey Navigator (Internet browser) and Composer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.9+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8944 kB, installed size 28780 kB
[10:25] <Dr_willis> Hmm.. i wonder what 'nobinonly' means after the version
[10:30] <florian> Hi!
[10:31] <florian> KDE4: how can i make my own folder in the start-menu? E.g. KDE -> Programs -> Florians Programs
[10:35] <JoshOvki> florian: run sudo kmenuedit
[10:36] <Pennycook> florian: You have to run /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kmenuedit
[10:37] <florian> Thank you. Is it also possible to make a own "Main-Folder"?
[10:38] <florian> Where Favorit, Program, Computer, Exit is
[10:38] <JoshOvki> umm, no i dont think it is sorry
[10:39] <florian> ok
[10:43] <florian> does anyone has an idea why i cannot navigate well in vi? When i press "i" and try to press left/right i get a newline and a "B" or something else. It's also not possible to insert something at the end of the line :-(
[10:46] <florian> in insert-mode pressing "right" i got a newline before the current line and the char "C" is inserted
[10:47] <cihan> selam
[10:47] <cihan> türkçe bilen varmı?
[10:47] <cihan> turkish ?
[10:47] <florian> that was already the same using kubuntu 7.04
[10:51] <kadim> hi, I'm kinda new to kubuntu and linux, well I have x1600 pro agp, I'm trying to play scorched3d, nexuiz and some other 3d games but it is very hard because its like I don't have any graphic card at all, does anybody know why?
[10:51] <mattchewie> kadim, did you install the 3rd party drivers?
[10:52] <kadim> I guess no
[10:52] <kadim> how do I do it
[10:52] <mattchewie> Are you using the newest version of Kubuntu?
[10:52] <kadim> yes 8.04
[10:53] <mattchewie> click on the K (start if you will) then go to systemthen Hardware Drivers Manger
[10:54] <kadim> I've done that yhanks, but still the same
[10:54] <kadim> thanks
[10:54] <mattchewie> Is the box enable box checked?
[10:54] <kadim> yes
[10:54] <kadim> says in use
[10:54] <mattchewie> did you restart your machine after selecting enable?
[10:54] <kadim> yes
[10:55] <kadim> I also installed ati catalyst, it sees my vga but still the same
[10:56] <kadim> how can I install the drivers from ati's official website?
[10:56] <florian> Does anyone has a solution for playing fullscreen-games like "Barrage" on a two-monitor system? The problem is, that the graphics is half out of the screen :-(
[10:56] <kadim> I've downloaded them but I can't install them
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[10:57] <Dr_willis> florian, with nvidia cards. the 'twinview' feature of the nvidi driver handles that
[10:57] <florian> Dr_willis: I have selected "twinview" in the nvidia server settings
[10:58] <Dr_willis> you did restart the X server? you do have xinerama disabled?
[10:58] <florian> everything works find except fullscreen-games
[10:58] <Dr_willis> Ive only had issues with a FEW very brain dead programs.
[10:58] <Dr_willis> some of those were java based games/apps i recall
[10:59] <florian> Dr_willis: this is my xorg.conf: http://www.pastebin.org/36771
[11:02] <florian> "Barrage" is a c-application using sdl
[11:02] <Dr_willis> looks about right. how about video players going fullscreen?
[11:02] <Dr_willis> enable twinview, disable xinerama - is all ive ever had to do.
[11:03] <kadim> is there a way to make kubuntu work fine with ati x1600pro? I have a great stall with 3d games, help please
[11:03] <kadim> is suse any better, cause if yes I will try it
[11:04] <Dr_willis> if the ati drivers for that card are sucky.. well they will be sucky in all the disrtos.
[11:04] <Dr_willis> now suse MIGHT have newer versions of the drivers.
[11:04] <Dr_willis> theres also that envyng tool in ubuntu to get the latest ati/nvdidia drivers. but i dont use it.
[11:05] <florian> Dr_willis: fullscreen video works fine
[11:05] <kadim> thanks doc.
[11:05] <Dr_willis> florian, sounds to me like its the game is getting the monitor size the wrong way.
[11:06] <Dr_willis> could try some other games, like wesnoth, and that tron game as a test
[11:06] <florian> Dr_willis, yes, i think so too. Thought there is a trick to fake the screen size :-)
[11:07] <Dr_willis> theres the 2 nvidia config tools.. but I rarely mess with them
[11:07] <Dr_willis> im not going to bend over backwards to play barrage. :)
[11:07] <Dr_willis> !info barrage
[11:07] <ubottu> barrage (source: barrage): Rather violent action game. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1 (hardy), package size 399 kB, installed size 1956 kB
[11:07] <amerigo> hello ... I'd like to know if there are GPL program for translation in kubuntu
[11:08] <florian> Dr_willis: I don't know barrage, but i'm also not able to get it known :-)
[11:09] <amerigo> ! traductor
[11:09] <ubottu> Factoid traductor not found
[11:09] <amerigo> ! traslation
[11:09] <ubottu> Factoid traslation not found
[11:09] <amerigo> !translation
[11:09] <ubottu> Factoid translation not found
[11:09] <amerigo> ! languages
[11:09] <ubottu> Factoid languages not found
[11:10] <amerigo> ! language
[11:10] <ubottu> Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[11:12] <kadim> ok, I've downloaded new drivers from ati's website, how can I install them to kubuntu 8
[11:15] <kadim> ok, I've downloaded new drivers from ati's website, how can I install them to kubuntu 8? help please
[11:17] <kadim> thanks anyway,
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[11:26] <kaminix> How do I change the KMenu icon?
[11:30] <Dragonath> I have a really silly question - how do I find files in kubuntu without terminal commands? is there a GUI for that?
[11:31] <Dragonath> ah ctrl f worked
[11:37] <jonathan_> hm i've another problem...
[11:38] <jonathan_> how can i disable the buttons to switch between the desktops in the taskbar?
[11:39] <jonathan_> sorry, i found it
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[11:51] <narkotek> ciao a tutti
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[11:53] <marcreichelt> hi there
[11:54] <marcreichelt> I got a problem: yesterday all videos worked properly, and right now all videos only show a black window :-(
[11:54] <marcreichelt> it seems that is a grahpics card problem, or?
[11:57] <marcreichelt> I had no problems with 7.10, but right now it seems that the graphics card driver makes problems (sometimes the system even hangs up)
[12:00] <Kred> Hi
[12:00] <Kred> I have a problem with two of my laptops. The sound level is low even when I've put sound to the fullest from KMix
[12:01] <Kred> This is not an issue in Windows XP, but then again there I have manufaturer supplied drivers installed
[12:02] <JoshOvki> Kred: i have a simular problem with mine, turned out that the audio control for the speakers was acctualy on the surround channel, so make sure that all the levels are up
[12:02] <JoshOvki> might not fix it, but might be worth a try
[12:04] <Kred> JoshOvki: I do have that on the max so that didn't help :(U
[12:07] <fildo\a> back.
[12:07] <fildo\a> away: sleep
[12:08] <JoshOvki> Kred: what programs have you tryed sound in?
[12:08] <fildo\a> back.
[12:09] <JoshOvki> fildo/a: stop posting useless things
[12:12] <Xbehave> i just installed some exerimental drivers for a webcam how can i check if theyre working?
[12:13] <JoshOvki> Xbehave: try it out with the program you planned on using it with?
[12:14] <Xbehave> well it doesnt work in kopete but i figured thered be some lowere down way of testing if atleast the drivers work
[12:14] <pim> What command do I use to find out where software is installed?
[12:15] <SlimeyPete> you can do "whereis <exectuable name>"
[12:15] <SlimeyPete> or dpkg -L <package name>
[12:16] <JoshOvki> Xbehave: you could try to install webcam
[12:16] <Xbehave> thx
[12:17] <pim> What I wanted to do was: download warsow via apt-get, but it was outdated. Now I wanted to update it from the net, so I got an update
[12:17] <pim> So how do I proceed now?
[12:17] <pim> extract the .zip to the right directory?
[12:18] <Xbehave> pim: you have to uninstall the repo version then unpack the tar into opt and install it manually
[12:18] <pim> Xbehave, what is opt?
[12:19] <Xbehave> its a directory in /(root) that is usually used for optional software
[12:21] <pim> Xbehave, I think I like it in /usr/games/warsow
[12:21] <pim> but how would I manually install software?
[12:23] <JoshOvki> Kred: in termianl run sudo alasmixer
[12:23] <Xbehave> just unpack the tar into whereever you want it, then ln -s the binary eg /usr/games/warsow/wesnoth to /usr/bin
[12:25] <Xbehave> or /usr/local/bin/ (i think that one leaves your system cleaner, e.g to install firefox i unpacked firefox into /opt (sudo mv firefox.tar /opt, cd opt, sudo tar -xf firefox.tar) then linked it ( cd /usr/bin , sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox firefox)
[12:32] <suze> hello i have a problem with my alc861vd
[12:32] <suze> every works fine but...
[12:33] <suze> when i try to record my desktop microfone volume is very low
[12:33] <suze> instead with audacity volume is very nice
[12:33] <suze> so why?
[12:33] <Xbehave> suze: are check the volumes in kmix
[12:33] <suze> of course every single volumes is max
[12:34] <suze> alsamixer too
[12:34] <suze> well it's the same
[12:34] <suze> but the strange thing is this audacity works fine recordmydestkop no
[12:34] <suze> with the same volumes on kmix
[12:34] <suze> LOL
[12:35] <suze> *are max
[12:35] <suze> :D
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[12:35] <Xbehave> and tha cpature channels set to max too :( in that case i have no idea
[12:36] <suze> :D i have all to max
[12:36] <suze> damned souund card
[12:36] <suze> ah anyone use fuoco tools ?
[12:40] <suze> well bye bye
[12:41] <pim> what was the command for testing your graphics card?
[12:41] <Xbehave> glxgears
[12:41] <Jucato> "glxinfo | grep render"
[12:41] <pim> oh of course, thanks
[12:42] <DexterF> hi
[12:43] <DexterF> has anyone GoogleEarth version 4.2 lying around and can dcc or upload? the new 4.3 is troublesome on my system
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[12:44] <len> hi guy`s sorry but i`m new to linux could someone please direct me to a game site for linux thanx
[12:45] <SlimeyPete> len: www.happypenguin.org
[12:45] <jackpot_2001> hey guys.. i installed kde4 on my kubuntu 8.04.. but loging into the destop .. i don;t see windows title or border or any application
[12:45] <YildirimPars> hi
[12:45] <len> thank you so much
[12:45] <jackpot_2001> *for any application
[12:45] <jackpot_2001> any idea..whats going on?
[12:46] <SlimeyPete> jackpot_2001: sounds like the window decorator has crashed. I don't know much about kde4 though - have you asked in #kubuntu-kde4?
[12:46] <Exe> hi! why ubuntu 8.04 is 3.7 GB and kubuntu is 3.3 GB?
[12:46] <SlimeyPete> Exe: they come with different default applications
[12:46] <SlimeyPete> so there will be a size difference
[12:47] <Exe> thank you!
[12:47] <ashmaus> !apt-fix
[12:47] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
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[12:52] <silent> hi
[12:54] <uga> SlimeyPete: you should have used that chance to call gnome bloatware ;)
[12:54] <SlimeyPete> heh
[12:55] <len> is there no better games then that
[12:56] <fildo> away: gone . .
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[12:56] <Ontolog> Hey guys I have been a KDE fan in the past and I'm thinking about installing Kubuntu but I want to know if it looks as good and is as well integrated as Gnome is with Ubuntu
[12:56] <Ontolog> Be honest! haha
[12:57] <pim> I think it is.
[12:57] <pim> But Iḿ new :-)
[12:57] <len> those are 1960 games please arent there better then that
[12:58] <Jucato> !games | len
[12:58] <ubottu> len: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php
[12:58] <len> thanx i`ll go and see
[12:59] <pablo> Hi ! Does someone know how to install a TV capture card in KUBUNTU ? (Conceptronic CTVFMI) ?
[12:59] <ubuntu> hi
[12:59] <Dr_willis> do some googling to see how well supported the card is under linux. for a start pablo
[13:00] <Dr_willis> pablo, if it is. and you are lucky. :) power down, plug it in.. power up.
[13:00] <pablo> ok thanks
[13:00] <pablo> Iĺl let you know
[13:00] <Xbehave> Ontolog: yes if you only use KDE apps it is just as integrated, i mean some apps dont strickly follow kde rules (amarok is an example) but they all look integrated
[13:01] <deever> juk can't play most of my files although i've installed the restricted-extras...
[13:01] <deever> ...why?
[13:01] <Dr_willis> the term integerated is getting to be the next big buzzword that dosent seem to mean a whole lot.
[13:01] <Dr_willis> deever, what kind of files?
[13:02] <deever> Dr_willis: some mp3s for example...
[13:03] <deever> ...but kaffeine plays them well
[13:03] <Dr_willis> just some mp3s? but not all? weird ness
[13:03] <DexterF> len: linux just isn't the right platform for gaming yet. there's a couple of ports like Doom3 and Unreal Tournament 2003, btu apart from that your only chance is Cedega, and quite frankly, I wouldn't waste the money, time and nerves to go there. keep a windows installation for gaming or get a console.
[13:03] <Dr_willis> Given the hassles ive had with windows and games.. Im not sure windows is the right platform either......
[13:03] <Dr_willis> :)
[13:03] <DexterF> len: plus if you happen to have an ati card you can pack it in anyway
[13:03] <JoshOvki> Dr_willis: good point
[13:03] * Dr_willis seconds the ati comment
[13:04] <Dr_willis> Savage2 has a native linux port however. :)
[13:04] <DexterF> Dr_willis: heh. well, it's the least troublesome alternative when it comes to regular computers
[13:04] <Dr_willis> and theres 'rumors' of valve looking at linux ports.
[13:04] <Dr_willis> of course it all depends on the game you want to play.
[13:04] <deever> Dr_willis: and even files that kaffeine plays well...
[13:08] <DexterF> Dr_willis: keeping it real it boils down to "yes, there are a few, and the number is slightly growing but we are nowhere near beind an alternative for gaming". heck we don't even have decent 3D drivers. closed nv has its issues, radeonhd won't be feature complete before a year or so and fglrx... still is about as feature rich and bug ladden as in 2005. I wonder why the keep upping the version number, I rarely see any improvements. probably
[13:08] <DexterF> so the fanbois at Moronix have something to go praising about
[13:08] * Dr_willis goes back to playing Bookwork Deluxe and Peggle Under wine.
[13:08] <Dr_willis> :P
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[13:20] <pteague> is there a way to find out how much ram is attached to a video card?
[13:21] <Dr_willis> built in? or what?
[13:21] <Dr_willis> the xorg logs at one time mentioned the ram.
[13:28] <milian-laptop> hi jemand hier der sich mit ati grafikkarten auskennt? versuche grad ne hd 2400xt mit fgrlx zum laufen zu bekommen
[13:28] <milian-laptop> geht einfach nicht
[13:29] <len> ok guys www.thepiratebay.org has a good selection but u need KTorrent to download the content there go and see for games music programs and more
[13:29] <milian-laptop> sorry wrong channel
[13:29] <milian-laptop> my bad
[13:31] <Jucato> !piracy | len
[13:31] <ubottu> len: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o
[13:31] <milian-laptop> Kohlrabi: sorry I'm not registered with this user
[13:31] <milian-laptop> which driver shall I use?
[13:31] <milian-laptop> if not fglrx?
[13:31] <Kohlrabi> I wouldn't know
[13:32] <milian-laptop> what do you use?
[13:32] <Kohlrabi> The one kubuntu uses automatically
[13:32] <Kohlrabi> I don't have any DRI or something in kubuntu right now
[13:32] <Kohlrabi> then again I don't need it, because I have a Win XP runinng for gaming
[13:32] <michele> aiutooooooooooooooooooo
[13:32] <michele> help
[13:32] <jussi01> !ask
[13:33] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[13:33] <michele> someone can help me?
[13:33] <michele> !ask
[13:33] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[13:34] <len> ok cool no harm done
[13:34] <len> sorry
[13:34] <jussi01> michele: we are not mind readers, wtell us what the problem is?
[13:34] <michele> thanks. I've install mercury messenger, but nothing, it's not ok... What can I do?
[13:36] <michele> mercury messenger doesn't run
[13:36] <jussi01> michele: what is mecury messenger?
[13:37] <jussi01> Ive not heard of it before
[13:37] <michele> mercury messenger is an instant messenger like kopete...
[13:37] <JoshOvki> jussi01: its a java msn client
[13:37] <Jucato> http://www.mercury.im/
[13:38] <michele> i don't know... I know it because i've it on my macintosh
[13:38] <jussi01> michele:did you install it from the repositories? how are you trying to start it?
[13:38] <michele> what is repositories??
[13:38] <michele> i click it on
[13:38] * JoshOvki pats jussi01 on the back
[13:39] <jussi01> !find mercury
[13:39] <ubottu> Found: jukebox-mercury, mercury, mercury-doc
[13:39] <jussi01> !info mercury
[13:39] <ubottu> mercury (source: mercury): A new logic/functional programming language. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.0.rotd.20040511-5ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 4585 kB, installed size 20180 kB
[13:39] <jussi01> hrm
[13:39] <Jucato> not packaged :D
[13:40] <michele> so?
[13:40] <JoshOvki> michele: do you have java installed?
[13:40] <milian-laptop> epic Kohlrabi I did it!
[13:40] <Kohlrabi> How? :)
[13:40] <Kohlrabi> envy?
[13:40] <michele> no i don't... Is it the problem? I think is the installation
[13:41] <JoshOvki> michele: well the messenger is based on java hence Java MSN Messenger.... so yes, you will need java installed
[13:41] <michele> ok thanks a lot
[13:42] <|Dreams|> michele: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JavaInstallation
[13:42] <milian-laptop> Kohlrabi: na I had to add a DefaultDepth and a SubSection Display with depth and resolution to the screen section in xorg.conf
[13:42] <milian-laptop> woha
[13:42] <jussi01> michele: you may also want to check out amsn for msn messenger type thing
[13:42] <|Dreams|> yeahi use amsn it works a treat
[13:42] <Kohlrabi> milian-laptop: looks like the fglrx-installer is b0rken, then
[13:43] <michele> i can't install amsn... similar problem like mercury messenger
[13:44] <JoshOvki> i just looked at the screen shots of mercury and its ugly
[13:45] <michele> josh i can't install java runtime because it's a binary file... heeeellllppppp
[13:46] * JoshOvki rests head on the table
[13:46] <Dr_willis> !java
[13:46] <ubottu> To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.
[13:46] <vlado> hi
[13:46] <Dr_willis> one of thse days they need to update the factoids
[13:46] <Dr_willis> !info sun-java5-jre
[13:46] <ubottu> sun-java5-jre (source: sun-java5): Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 (architecture independent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-15-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 7290 kB, installed size 16192 kB
[13:46] <JoshOvki> michele: read the information that ubotu just put up.
[13:46] <Dr_willis> !info sun-java6-jre
[13:46] <ubottu> sun-java6-jre (source: sun-java6): Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture independent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-06-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 6185 kB, installed size 14188 kB
[13:46] <JoshOvki> thanks Dr_willis
[13:47] <Dr_willis> really one would want the java6 runtime wouldent they?
[13:47] <Dr_willis> dosent kubuntu-restricted-extras install java and some other parts?
[13:47] <michele> bu
[13:49] <wthoang> how mite i be able to watch flash videos e.g youtube from konqueror
[13:50] <Kred> JoshOvki: alsamixer doesn't help. Everything there's set to max
[13:50] <wthoang> !flash
[13:50] <ubottu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[13:51] <michele> how install any application on linux?
[13:51] <wthoang> !install
[13:51] <ubottu> Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate
[13:52] <wthoang> any other thing u need...just go !watuneed
[13:52] <michele> no, no to install linux, but any application
[13:52] <wthoang> use the adept manager
[13:52] <wthoang> thats the easiest gui for kde
[13:52] <michele> cioè?
[13:53] <michele> name?
[13:53] <michele> ark?
[13:53] <wthoang> adept manager
[13:53] <tonky> hi guys. after upgrade to hardy xorg is usually eating about 1G out of my 2G ram. intel945 video. any fixes for this?
[13:53] <wthoang> its in the system section
[13:53] <michele> is it an application i kubuntu?
[13:53] <wthoang> yeh
[13:54] <wthoang> go to the system catefory, it should be at the top
[13:55] <michele> no wthoang it isn't
[13:55] <wthoang> i promise u it is
[13:56] <wthoang> an alternative
[13:56] <wthoang> is to find wat program u want trough googl
[13:56] <michele> system>adept manager?
[13:56] <wthoang> yep
[13:57] <bin4ry> hi together
[13:57] <bin4ry> i wih u a nice sunday
[13:57] <michele> nothing
[13:57] <petgrill> hi there, i have a problem when i shut down my pc it doesn't turn off... monitor closes but the tower is still on till i click the power button does anyone can help me?
[13:57] <bin4ry> i need a translation tool, the best would be a nice tool for kde
[13:57] <wthoang> find wat app u want through google, and they will tell u how to do it through terminal
[13:57] <wthoang> but tis very odd that u dont have adept manager
[13:57] <wthoang> wat about add/remove program?
[13:58] <wthoang> if you have that, theres a smaller selection of apps, but still decent
[13:58] <St> petgrill => is it a new install ? upgrade ?
[13:58] <petgrill> yes it is a new install and i am new too :P
[13:58] <St> or is it an old os ?
[13:58] <St> ok
[13:59] <michele> yes i find it
[13:59] <St> I think you need a daemon...
[13:59] <petgrill> even when i restart i have to push the power button
[14:00] <petgrill> deamon?
[14:00] <St> a daemon is a program which is launch at a time
[14:00] <St> (boot, or launch of kde or other...)
[14:01] <Dr_willis> with some machines there can be APCI issues that prevent the pc from actually powering down at shutdown
[14:01] <St> and it is executed without you are doing anything
[14:01] <St> yes
[14:01] <Dr_willis> How old a machine is this anyway?
[14:01] <St> it is maybe this !
[14:01] <petgrill> new
[14:01] <petgrill> 6 months old
[14:01] <St> you need acpid
[14:01] <St> ok
[14:02] <St> I need acpid on all my computer
[14:02] <St> they are old or no, I need it !
[14:02] <petgrill> i go to add/remove and find acpid?
[14:02] <St> wait a minute
[14:02] <St> I search
[14:03] <St> I think it is "sudo apt-get install apmd acpid"
[14:03] <petgrill> i did it
[14:04] <petgrill> should i restart now?
[14:04] <petgrill> and see if it works?
[14:04] <St> you need to reboot or poweroff
[14:05] <petgrill> ok brb :)
[14:05] <St> If necessary with power button
[14:05] <wthoang> so...i cant get flash working in konqueror
[14:05] <wthoang> ive got the Konqueror-nsplugin installed
[14:06] <wthoang> i then installed flashplugin-nonfree
[14:06] <andor> wthoang: you have to seatch for the plugin
[14:06] <wthoang> everything seemed fine
[14:06] <wthoang> but it doesnt work
[14:06] <wthoang> should i reboot?
[14:06] <wthoang> log bak in?
[14:06] <andor> i dont needed that
[14:06] <wthoang> it seems i need to do that after every install
[14:06] <wthoang> it really bugs me
[14:06] <Dr_willis> apci and apcid should be there allready.
[14:06] <wthoang> everytime i install something, i have to start a new session to see it
[14:07] <Dr_willis> wthoang, i normally just install the kubuntu-restricted-extras package.
[14:07] <wthoang> ok
[14:07] <andor> wthoang: Extra Step for Konqueror. In Konqueror, click Settings → Configure Konqueror. Scroll down the side to Plugins. Click Scan for new plugins, done that ?
[14:08] <wthoang> nope
[14:08] <andor> try that :)
[14:08] <romunov> when ./configure, I get an error: configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
[14:08] <romunov> any ideas what's wrong?
[14:09] <wthoang> andor: didnt work
[14:09] <wthoang> i think i will start a new session
[14:09] <andor> try restart browser to
[14:09] <Jucato> romunov: install the package "build-essential"
[14:09] <petgrill> it didn't work
[14:09] <wthoang> i have this problem where i install something, and i have to start a new session..
[14:09] <Jucato> !compile | romunov
[14:09] <ubottu> romunov: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)
[14:09] <andor> wthoang: ok try that
[14:10] <Dr_willis> romunov, you did install build-essential package? so you HAVE a c compiler?
[14:10] <petgrill> i needed to push the power button again
[14:10] <lucky__> i installed kde on ubuntu, can i make so that gnome-desktop applications are not on kde menu...??
[14:11] <St> petgrill => It's ok for the last time
[14:11] <St> but at present, it may work
[14:11] <wthoang> yeh..there we go
[14:11] <wthoang> all good
[14:11] <andor> nice :)
[14:11] <romunov> silly apt-get install aks me to insert a cd
[14:12] <petgrill> you mean i have to restart again?
[14:12] <St> no
[14:12] <St> I mean it may work now
[14:12] <St> to look
[14:12] <St> you need a Konsole
[14:12] <St> or to reboot
[14:12] <St> but it 's your choice
[14:13] <JoshOvki> romunov: kdesu kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list run that in konsole and comment out with a # the ling that says CD
[14:13] <petgrill> i have an open konsole
[14:13] <St> ok
[14:13] <St> ps -a|grep ac
[14:14] <lucky__> someone knew is my question posible?
[14:14] <petgrill> did it
[14:14] <rophy> hello
[14:14] <St> I said you a bad think
[14:14] <St> thing
[14:15] <petgrill> ?
[14:15] <rophy> hello ?
[14:15] <romunov> JoshOvki: that's the funny part. all the sources are from the internet
[14:15] <St> It's ok if you installed it
[14:15] <St> rophy: hello
[14:15] <rophy> may i ask somethin ?
[14:15] <St> petgrill: just use your computer
[14:16] <JoshOvki> romunov: wow, would you mind pastebining you sources.list so i can take a look?
[14:16] <St> rophy : you're here for this I think !
[14:16] <romunov> sure
[14:16] <St> petgrill : at poweroff you will know if it's ok
[14:16] <romunov> JoshOvki: no, you're right
[14:16] <romunov> there was a cd source
[14:16] <JoshOvki> :)
[14:17] <romunov> at the very top
[14:17] <JoshOvki> yeh
[14:17] <petgrill> ok brb
[14:17] <rophy> i cant c the network computers .is this normal in kubuntu
[14:17] <JoshOvki> romunov: im glad thats what it is or your system is really strange
[14:17] <St> cant c ?
[14:17] <romunov> rophy: that's normal for my network :
[14:17] <rophy> yeah i mean they r not there
[14:17] <romunov> i can never get the damn thing to work :D
[14:18] <Dr_willis> if you are refering to 'samba /network neighborhood shares' it depends. :)
[14:18] <JoshOvki> brb
[14:18] <rophy> *confused*
[14:18] <rophy> u know the network places in windows
[14:18] <rophy> is there somthin like this
[14:18] <Dr_willis> I just wish to point out that seeing machines on the windows 'networ neighborhood' is NOT the only way to network machines.
[14:18] <rophy> in kubunyu
[14:19] <Dr_willis> rophy, window machines can access 'samba' shares on a linux box. from the network neighborhood.
[14:19] <rophy> dr:english please
[14:20] <andor> Who i get the mouse button 4and5 to work. So i can go "back" one back when im suring on the internet
[14:20] <Dr_willis> rophy, time to read up on some computer basics i guess.
[14:20] <Dr_willis> !samba | rophy
[14:20] <ubottu> rophy: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[14:20] <andor> Who i get the mouse button 4and5 to work. So i can go "back" one back when im suring on the internet. like when im clicken the backspave button.
[14:21] <rophy> thank u i am reading this
[14:21] <Dr_willis> andor, ive been using the tool btnx for mouse button configuring -> http://www.ollisalonen.com/btnx/
[14:21] <wthoang> wait, by mounting windows shares permantely, is tat like over a server...
[14:22] <petgrill> St: it doesn't work :(
[14:22] <St> petgrill: sorry
[14:22] <smeril> how do i get subtitles to work with vlc player?
[14:22] <wthoang> cos ive been wondering whether there is a way that i can keep my ntfs permanantly mounted, cos i hate having to type in a password, and if i have a folder icon on the desktop, it doesnt work with a new session...
[14:22] <rophy> dr. it looks like i should know the compuetr names or IP in order to mount them
[14:22] <rophy> right
[14:22] <andor> tr willis i will take a look
[14:23] <andor> ty*
[14:23] <kaminix> Are there any known problems with mounting an fs on another mounted fs?
[14:23] <St> petgrill : make in Konsole "sudo bash /etc/init.d/acpid start"
[14:24] <petgrill> St: done
[14:25] <Dr_willis> rophy, that helps. but the file manager under kde, and other tools can 'scan' and browse the network-shares
[14:25] <JackWinter> might there be a problem accessing mac dvds from kubuntu. i have some that at dual PC/Mac which work fine under XP, have not tried Mac. When trying to install under kubuntu I get access errors like i'm not allowed access to them. i can still get at the data as root...
[14:25] <Dr_willis> kaminix, you mean mount the same fs twice?
[14:25] <smeril> anybody who knows about subtitles ?
[14:26] <wthoang> anything on windows hardrive?
[14:26] <petgrill> St : should i shut down again?
[14:26] <Dr_willis> smeril, depends on the video source also - you trying to get them from a DVD movie? or a video file? i know that gmplayer can handle subtitles. vlc proberly can also. check its menus
[14:26] <smeril> i will thanks
[14:27] <romunov> anyone playing "netpanzer"?
[14:27] <rophy> okai when it comes to computer stuff i am mentaly retarded and i need to be treated like one , can i have a step by step instructions
[14:27] <Dr_willis> rophy, depends on exactly WHAT you are trying to do.
[14:28] <Dr_willis> rophy, the kde file manager has a 'network' place that should show all windows machines and shares
[14:28] <rophy> swell it doesn't
[14:28] <rophy> well*
[14:28] <rophy> i maybe mentaly retareded but not blind
[14:28] <wthoang> argh...i have so many questions..im a linux noob
[14:28] <wthoang> umm..ive been using this program called cultris in windows
[14:28] <Dr_willis> rophy, ive had some issues with hardy not showing them as well.. You may want to isntall the 'smb4k' program and let it scan and mount the shares
[14:29] <wthoang> ive downloaded the linux version
[14:29] <wthoang> it says to run the file called cultris.sh
[14:29] <rophy> can i get that by the apt get
[14:29] <Dr_willis> rophy, thers some odd bug in hardy thats keeping kde and gnome file manager from seeing the shares.
[14:29] <St> petgrill: you don't need to shutdown
[14:29] <wthoang> i run it, but then wat do i do
[14:29] <Dr_willis> !info smb4k
[14:29] <ubottu> smb4k (source: smb4k): A Samba (SMB) share advanced browser for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1779 kB, installed size 3992 kB
[14:29] <JackWinter> here is the output of ls -l: http://rafb.net/p/HnjkQu96.htm
[14:29] <Dr_willis> rophy, yes. Its in the 'universe' repostory
[14:30] <rophy> okai
[14:30] <rophy> will try that thank u
[14:30] <St> smb4k and all smb softwares don't work under hardy I think
[14:31] <wthoang> soo..wat do i do with this cultris.sh
[14:31] <wthoang> it asks wat program to run
[14:32] <Dr_willis> st i used it just earlier today. and its worked for other people.
[14:32] <romunov> !compile
[14:32] <ubottu> Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)
[14:32] <Dr_willis> smb4k has seen some improvements it seems also.
[14:32] <romunov> !make
[14:33] <Dr_willis> Now i cant get the fuse-smb tools or kde, OR gnomes file manger tobrowse samba networks.. oddly enough.. but smb4k does work
[14:34] <kaminix> Dr_willis: No, if I have /dev/sdc1 mounted to /media/mybook, is there any known problem mounting /dev/sdd to /media/mybook/video/karagarga/temp?
[14:35] <wthoang> !sh
[14:35] <ubottu> The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal
[14:35] <Dr_willis> kaminix, not really. You could just do a soft link however. :)
[14:36] <Dr_willis> lleyt me reread that..You mean nested mounts.. no thats not an issue either
[14:37] <Dr_willis> kaminix, if you think about it.. all mounts are nested like that.. since / is mounted somewhere. :)
[14:39] <kaminix> Dr_willis: Yeah, thought about that. Still, my drive stranged up when I ran sudo umount temp in that directory
[14:40] <kaminix> A bunch of nodes are being fixed in fsck now.
[14:40] <Dr_willis> you could always mount it in /mnt/tmp and set up a soft link
[14:43] <gsa> hi all,when i try to extract a tar file i get a error no such file or directory
[14:43] <gsa> what do i have to do
[14:46] <SlimeyPete> gsa: what command are you using?
[14:46] <gsa> tar xzvf ieee80211-1.1.14.tgz
[14:46] <SlimeyPete> and the tgz is definitely in the directory that you're currently in?
[14:47] <gsa> yes
[14:47] <gsa> wait ill try again
[14:47] <SlimeyPete> might be worth checking the permissions using "stat ieee80211-1.1.14.tgz"
[14:48] <wthoang> is there a quick way to the desktop?
[14:48] <Dr_willis> wthoang, huh?
[14:49] <gsa> i get a same error no such file or direktory
[14:49] <SlimeyPete> gsa: does it show up when you run the "ls" command?
[14:49] <wthoang> like...to get strait to the desktop, though hotkeys or something
[14:49] <gsa> yes
[14:49] <wthoang> instead of minimising everything
[14:49] <Feijo_BR> how can I burn mp3 files as audio cd? k3b cant
[14:49] <Dr_willis> wthoang, from what program? You could always put the Desktop in your Konqueror bookmarks if you want
[14:49] <SlimeyPete> gsa: k, and what does "stat ieee80211-1.1.14.tgz" show?
[14:49] <wthoang> from any program
[14:49] <Dr_willis> Feijo_BR, it can - if you install the proper extras for it.
[14:50] <Dr_willis> wthoang, 'any program' is very broad. your desktop is ~/Desktop
[14:50] <Feijo_BR> Dr_willis: thru adept?
[14:50] <Dr_willis> Feijo_BR, i forget the package name. check this link
[14:50] <gsa> gsa@gsa-laptop:~$ stat ieee80211-1.1.14.tgz
[14:50] <gsa> stat: cannot stat `ieee80211-1.1.14.tgz': No such file or directory
[14:50] <Dr_willis> !mp3 | Feijo_BR
[14:50] <ubottu> Feijo_BR: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[14:50] <Dr_willis> gsa, try stat ie<TABKEY> to complete the name
[14:51] <Feijo_BR> thanks!
[14:51] <wthoang> yeh, like rite now..ive got konversation, theres kopete in the background, plus 2open office files, and konqueror..
[14:51] <wthoang> i wanna get straight to the desktop
[14:51] <gsa> i dont understand can u spell it pls?
[14:51] <wthoang> having the same result as minimising everything
[14:52] <Dr_willis> You hit the tabkey to name-complete the file name. If youa re in the wrong dir.. then you are in the wrong dir.. if you are SPELLING the name wrong the tab key will fillin the whole name
[14:52] <Feijo_BR> Dr_willis: I found this googling http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21044
[14:52] <SlimeyPete> gsa: hrm... odd. Could you do "ls -alt" and put the result in a pastebin?
[14:52] <Dr_willis> wthoang, you mean minimize all windows?
[14:52] <wthoang> yeh
[14:52] <wthoang> but without clicking everything
[14:52] <Dr_willis> wthoang, that wasent what you asked. :)
[14:52] <wthoang> oh...i just put it badly..lol
[14:52] <Zefir> Running Kubuntu + Compiz-Fusion, whenever I try to write to someone in Kopete, X server crashes on opening the IM window. Geforce 8800 GTS 320MB, driver 173.08. Is there any solution for this?
[14:52] <Dr_willis> i though the kde panel had a 'show desktop' button.
[14:52] <Dr_willis> no idea on a hotkey.
[14:53] <wthoang> i dont have this button
[14:53] <wthoang> im on kde4
[14:53] <wthoang> i noe kde3 has it
[14:54] <Dr_willis> wthoang, with kde4 all bets are off.. KDE4 is VERY VERY much a work in progress.. such feature may not exist yet.
[14:54] <wthoang> k
[14:55] * Feijo_BR love adept
[14:55] <tonky> ok, i found why Xorg was eating over 1Gb of my memory. and it's because of... KPDF! if kpdf is set to normal memory usage(default) or agressive(god forbid!) - xorg will eat all the RAM available while changing pages in pdf file. JFYI. how to fix - change memory consumption in KPDF settings to "minimum".
=== dan__ is now known as \\dan\\
[14:58] <BluesKaj> Howdy
[14:58] <\\dan\\> hey
[14:59] <Feijo_BR> too bad, Dr_willis left. His tip solved my issue... thanks Dr
[14:59] <\\dan\\> is there a way to get the live cd to run a text installer? x refuses to start on one of my boxes
[15:00] <\\dan\\> else i'll have to download the alternate install cd
[15:01] <BluesKaj> /dan//, isn't there an option for a text install in the cd bootmenu ?
[15:01] <gsa> SlimeyPete i managed to extrakt 1 tar.bz2 file and i got a new tar file what ddo i di now?
[15:02] <Jucato> \\dan\\, BluesKaj: if it's the live cd? no
[15:02] <BluesKaj> bummer
[15:02] <\\dan\\> BluesKaj: it skips loading the desktop and starts the gui installer
[15:02] <\\dan\\> Jucato: thanks, another download it is
[15:03] <BluesKaj> I've forgotten cuz I did a net upgrade the last 2 releases
[15:05] <jco> hi, anyone using kitchensync here?
[15:07] <wthoang> i'll ask again..
[15:08] <wthoang> i have this game that ive been playing on windows, but now i want to play it in linux. ive downloaded the linux version, and the readme says to try the cultris.sh file
[15:08] <wthoang> when i click this it comes up with the wat program thingy
[15:08] <wthoang> ive tried f4 ./cultris.sh
[15:08] <wthoang> but nothing
[15:08] <wthoang> KLauncher could not be reached via D-Bus, error when calling start_service_by_desktop_path:
[15:08] <wthoang> empty
[15:08] <wthoang> thats wat happens
[15:10] <wthoang> wat do i do
[15:10] <BluesKaj> wthoang, in the terminal
=== ichigo is now known as ichigo_nl
[15:11] <wthoang> wat do i do in terminal?
[15:12] <wthoang> sorry..its getting late here in aus
[15:12] <besitzer> Hi zusammen
[15:12] <SlimeyPete> gsa: just do tar xvf tarfile
[15:13] <gsa> oh tnx it work
[15:13] <BluesKaj> wthoang, /cultris.sh
[15:13] <BluesKaj> err ./cultris.sh
[15:14] <wthoang> yeh..been done
[15:14] <mirena> hi
[15:14] <mirena> i am frim germany
[15:14] <wthoang> nothing happens
[15:14] <Daisuke_Ido> wthoang: chmod +x cultris.sh
[15:14] <Daisuke_Ido> then ./cultris.sh
[15:14] <mirena> hi
[15:14] <BluesKaj> wthoang, have to cd to the dir that contains the ./cultris.sh first
[15:15] <mirena> hi
[15:15] <wthoang> ummm
[15:15] <wthoang> how? im noob
[15:15] <BluesKaj> right Daisuke_Ido, I forgot about that
[15:15] <BluesKaj> BBL
[15:16] <wthoang> its just in a tar.gz in my wthoang folder
[15:16] <Daisuke_Ido> ah
[15:16] <wthoang> tar:/home/wthoang/cultris-19.tar.gz
[15:16] <Daisuke_Ido> well you're going to have to extract it
[15:16] <Daisuke_Ido> open a terminal
[15:16] <wthoang> yep
[15:17] <Zefir> Using Kubuntu + Compiz-fusion, whenever I run Kopete and try to IM someone, when opening the IM window X server crashes. Geforce 8800 GTS 320MB, driver 173.08. Any solutions?
[15:17] <Daisuke_Ido> tar zxvf cultris-19.tar.gz
[15:17] <Daisuke_Ido> should have created a directory, probably called cultris
[15:17] <gsa> Slimey when i try a make command i get a error that says make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
[15:18] <wthoang> yep
[15:18] <Daisuke_Ido> cd cultris
[15:18] <Daisuke_Ido> (or whatever the directory is called
[15:18] <Daisuke_Ido> )
[15:18] <wthoang> yep
[15:19] <Daisuke_Ido> ./cultris.sh
[15:19] <wthoang> yep
[15:19] <wthoang> chmod +x cultris.sh
[15:20] <wthoang> ah
[15:20] <wthoang> soz
[15:20] <Daisuke_Ido> no need
[15:20] <wthoang> ./cultris.sh: 3: java: not found
[15:20] <wthoang> thats the result
[15:20] <Daisuke_Ido> ah ha
[15:20] <Daisuke_Ido> sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre
[15:22] <wthoang> ok done
[15:22] <wthoang> should it work now
[15:22] <Daisuke_Ido> *now* try ./cultris.sh
[15:22] <Daisuke_Ido> i know the game works, i just downloaded it myself :D
[15:22] <Daisuke_Ido> just a matter of fulfilling dependencies...
[15:23] <wthoang> thnx!!
[15:23] <Daisuke_Ido> you're welcome :D
[15:24] <wthoang> its ridiculously laaggy..
[15:26] <wthoang> its pretty much unusable
[15:31] <sigma_1234> does anyone know why there hasnt been a kde commit digest for ages?
[15:32] <emilsedgh> sigma_1234: dannya is busy
[15:33] <sigma_1234> couldnt someone else do it for now? i feel so out of touch with kde developments without it
[15:35] <sigma_1234> and the screenshot tours he gave were great as well
[15:36] <axel_> Hello! How to add an folder to the system menue (pers. folder, storage media, network) in the control bar?
[15:40] <Tecumseh> hi there
[15:41] <Tecumseh> could someone help me with my son's camera? I get a error from digiKam
=== ubuntu is now known as rmribeiro
[15:44] <rmribeiro> hi
[15:44] <wthoang> hey..sorry..yet another question, how can i get amarok or some other program to recognise my ipodtouch
[15:44] <rmribeiro> anybody can helpe
[15:44] <wthoang> gtkpod doesnt work
[15:45] <Tecumseh> rmribeiro: problem that appears to bug me that I don't have the rights to access the camera
[15:45] <Zefir> Using Kubuntu + Compiz-fusion, whenever I try to open a IM window in Kopete X server restarts. Geforce 8800 GTS 320 MB, driver 173.08. Any solutions?
[15:45] <rmribeiro> i update kubuntu with adpt and i restart my pc and now i cant enter in the screen to login
[15:45] <wthoang> did u update to kde4
[15:46] <wthoang> wat was the update
[15:46] <BluesKaj> Tecumseh, what kind of camera connection to the pc ?
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[15:46] <rmribeiro> i update libs
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[15:47] <rmribeiro> i have to reinstall?
[15:47] <Tecumseh> BluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13032/
[15:47] <Tecumseh> device 4 on bus 1
[15:48] <Tecumseh> By Digikam it lists as a AEG Snap 300
[15:50] <BluesKaj> Tecumseh, do you have a media card port on the pc that might accept the camera's memory card ?
[15:50] <gurpreet> hi
[15:50] <atramkhasis> Hi!
[15:50] <gurpreet> is there some vim plugin to support fluxbox's syntax?
[15:50] <Tecumseh> nope, that's not possible with this camera. It's a vga children's camera with an onboard memory chip
[15:51] <atramkhasis> Someone got problems with emerald themes in kubuntu 8.04 hardy?
[15:51] <atramkhasis> ( and resolved them :P )
[15:53] <BluesKaj> Tecumseh, then from the info on the post , I think the camera needs a driver
[15:54] <Tecumseh> [ 2565.191461] /build/buildd/linux-2.6.24/drivers/media/video/stv680.c: STV0680 USB Camera Driver v0.25
[15:55] <Tecumseh> driver is found and loaded
[15:55] <TimS> I have three commands I want to run when i log in, how can I make this happen? Whats the file I need to add them to again?
[15:56] <Jucato> TimS: make a script, make it executable, put in ~/.kde/Autostart
[15:56] <Jucato> (depends of course on what kind of commands)
[15:56] <TimS> Three bash commands
[15:56] <TimS> Not sure how to do a script :p
[15:57] <Jucato> !autostart | TimS
[15:57] <ubottu> TimS: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html
[15:57] <Jucato> there's a sample there at the bottom, but put it in ~/.kde/Autostart/ instead of ~/.kde/env/ (or it doesn't matter much,depending on the commands)
[15:58] <TimS> Thanks =]
[15:59] <BluesKaj> Tecumseh, maybe this site can help , http://stv0680-usb.sourceforge.net/
[15:59] <atramkhasis> can someone help me with emerald?
[16:00] <Tecumseh> thx BluesKaj
[16:00] <BluesKaj> Tecumseh, you can thank me if it works :)
[16:01] <Tecumseh> but no help: The stv680 video driver is now part of the kernel tree
=== Guni is now known as Gunirus
[16:01] <Tecumseh> and the camera did work on Feisty, but not on Hardy
[16:02] <BluesKaj> is it liated in the system menu/storage media ?
[16:02] <BluesKaj> listed
[16:02] <TimS> Jucato, thats confused me
[16:02] <Tecumseh> nope, not as storage media
[16:02] <TimS> :p
[16:02] <Jucato> TimS: I was pointing to the example of a script at the bottom
[16:02] <TimS> I just need to run "sudo /etc/init.d/ushare restart" twice, then "ushare -x"
[16:03] <TimS> Jucato: Oh, I see. So would it be #!/bin/sh then the 3 commands?
[16:03] <Jucato> TimS: yes
[16:04] <Jucato> TimS: then make the file/script executable
[16:04] <TimS> And would the commands need a "&" or does it run in the background anyway
[16:04] <Jucato> (right-click -> Properties -> Permissions)
[16:04] <Jucato> you'd need a & I guess
[16:04] <Tecumseh> BluesKaj: all I can find on launchpad is udev failure but no tips helped me so far
[16:05] <TimS> Jucato: I've just realised, the command needs to but run sudo :r
[16:05] <Jucato> :P
[16:06] <BluesKaj> Tecumseh, the fact that the USB port doesn't show the camera in storage media is a clue but I have no clue why the connection doesn't show up.
[16:06] <gsa> Hi all i cant get any sound i have Realtek ALC861VD sound card
[16:08] <alpaco> how do i install bind?
[16:09] <BluesKaj> gsa, to make sure your sound card is recognized , lspci | grep audio , in the terminal
[16:10] <gsa> nothing happens
[16:10] <crankcaller> http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Host-Your-Own-Domain-With-Bind9-on-Ubuntu-49585.shtml
[16:10] <emilsedgh> !info bind
[16:10] <ubottu> Package bind does not exist in hardy
[16:10] <gurpreet> is there some vim plugin to understand fluxbox's syntax?
[16:10] <alpaco> i got 7.10
[16:11] <alpaco> emilsedgh: salam
[16:11] <gsa> Blues i dont get anything
[16:12] <alpaco> emilsedgh: how do i obtain my isp's dns settings
[16:12] <alpaco> emilsedgh: trying to workaround the censorship i deleted them altogether
[16:13] <emilsedgh> alpaco: dunno
[16:14] <Tecumseh> BluesKaj: It does indeed seem that the driver is not loaded: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13041/
[16:15] <Tecumseh> Although I do have it on my system in /usr/lib/libgphoto2/2.4.0
[16:17] <alpaco> emilsedgh: age ba parsonline vasli ye tirip nigah kon bebin dns ha chie
[16:17] <alpaco> emilsedgh: ghorbooset
[16:17] <emilsedgh> na nistam
[16:17] <alpaco> ok
[16:18] <BluesKaj> gsa, then you need to find a driver for your soundcard
[16:19] <gsa> how do i do that?
[16:19] <gsa> i tryed but cant find any for linux
[16:25] <BluesKaj> gsa, check this out http://hardware4linux.info/component/13572/
[16:27] <gsa> what dose that rating means?
[16:29] <gsa> that means that i cant get any sound at all?
[16:29] <tinin> Hi, how could I connect a kubuntu hardy machine with a vista pc?
[16:29] <tinin> I'bve yet installed samba
[16:32] <wthoang> !samba
[16:32] <ubottu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[16:34] <rmribeiro> hi
[16:34] <rmribeiro> how installl wine
[16:35] <paolo> hi, what can i use instead of devede on ubuntu, in order to create a video dvd ?
[16:35] <gsa> Blues u there?
[16:35] <wthoang> !wine
[16:35] <ubottu> WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
[16:35] <BluesKaj> gsa , here's the driver ,http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/149/Realtek_HD_Audio_Driver_v1.61.html
[16:36] <wthoang> !AppDB
[16:36] <ubottu> The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org
[16:36] <rmribeiro> i write this?
[16:37] <gsa> thnx Blues but isnt that just for windows?
[16:41] <wthoang> !wine
[16:41] <ubottu> WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
[16:43] * farchord yawns. Wonders who he hurt in order to get to work on weekends...
[16:44] <BluesKaj> gsa, yeah sorry , gawd i'm begining to despise google linux ..it doesn't work !
[16:44] <gsa> ok thnx
[16:45] <BluesKaj> I assumed it was the linux driver
[16:46] <gsa> so there is no chance geting it to work at all?
[16:46] <jdunn> hello
[16:53] <jeroen--> I try to find a How To or somehow, how to use syncing in Kontact
[16:53] <Tyreus> Moin moin, kann mir jemand mit der installtion einer bin-datei helfen?
[16:55] <Tyreus> Whoops, wrong language. Well, can anyone help me with the install of a bin-file?
[16:56] <uga> what's a "bin-file". An exe, a .deb, a .rar, or an .mpeg? =)
[16:57] <Tyreus> name.bin
[16:57] <uga> heh
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=== Onkel is now known as OnkelTag
[17:05] <Tonren> Is there a way to configure Konsole to automatically copy text selected with the mouse, like PuTTY?
[17:06] <OnkelTag> don't know, sry
[17:06] <SlimeyPete> hrm... I thought it did that automatically
[17:07] <SlimeyPete> it certainly should do - PuTTY nicked that behaviour from Unix, and it's an X-server feature
[17:07] <SlimeyPete> !mousebuffer
[17:07] <ubottu> Factoid mousebuffer not found
[17:07] <SlimeyPete> hrm
[17:07] <SlimeyPete> ah... probably depends how you paste, Tonren
[17:07] <SlimeyPete> the mousebuffer content is pasted using the middle mouse button
[17:08] <SlimeyPete> rather than ctrl-v/shift-insert
[17:08] <Tonren> SlimeyPete: Oh, nifty. I've been using Shift-Insert.
[17:09] <SlimeyPete> yeah... in Linux you tend to have two clipboards. The mousebuffer is provided by the x-server, and the standard clipboard is provided by the desktop environment e.g. KDE.
[17:09] <RuyalarPrensi> nabıonuz beyler
[17:09] <RuyalarPrensi> !turk
[17:09] <ubottu> Factoid turk not found
[17:09] <SlimeyPete> !turkish
[17:09] <ubottu> Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.
[17:10] <\\dan\\> uga: ./foo.bin
[17:10] <uga> \\dan\\: it wasn't me asking. he disappeared
[17:10] <BluesKaj> gsa , keep searching , there must be a fix
[17:11] <BluesKaj> oops
[17:15] <alpaco> does "bind9" or "bind" exist on ubuntu's repos?
[17:16] <uga> alpaco: bind command is part of bash
[17:16] <uga> it's not a separate binary
[17:16] <alpaco> uga: thanks
[17:16] <alpaco> uga: how come there is no manpage for it?
[17:16] <alpaco> uga: internal command, right?
[17:16] <uga> I don't really know, but I noticed that
[17:17] <uga> alpaco: help bind, or http://www.geocities.com/h2428/petar/bash_bind.htm
[17:17] <alpaco> uga: thx
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[17:25] <BluesKaj> !INTEL-HDA
[17:25] <ubottu> Factoid intel-hda not found
[17:26] <BluesKaj> !intel-audio
[17:26] <ubottu> Factoid intel-audio not found
[17:26] <BluesKaj> !info intel audio
[17:26] <ubottu> Package intel does not exist in hardy
[17:29] <BluesKaj> !snd-hda-intel
[17:29] <ubottu> Factoid snd-hda-intel not found
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[17:32] <PyTh0n> hi millet ((:
[17:37] <hellgruen> hallo ihr lieben kubuntu nutzer
[17:38] <D_eagle> !aptfix
[17:38] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[17:38] <hellgruen> schreibt hier einer auch mal was?
[17:38] <hellgruen> all people just speak english?
[17:40] <blacklips> Hallo ich habe ein Problem beim einbinden von Kubuntu in den Grub von Sidux
[17:40] <blacklips> Eigentlich sollte der Eintrag richtig sein. Kubuntu liegt auf /dev/sda6. http://rafb.net/p/tKkCRB70.html
[17:41] <RurouniJones> !de | blacklips
[17:41] <ubottu> blacklips: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[17:42] <blacklips> Can anyone tell me how this entry in the menu.lst has to look. In this version Grub always show me Error2
[17:42] <gwp> QEMU
[17:42] <gwp> !QEMU
[17:43] <ubottu> qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo
[17:43] <BluesKaj> blacklips, post your /boot/grub/menu.lst in pastebin
[17:43] <federico> buenas... tengo un problema con el sonido, no se si puedo preguntar algo por aca...
[17:43] <blacklips> [18:40:59] <blacklips> Eigentlich sollte der Eintrag richtig sein. Kubuntu liegt auf /dev/sda6. http://rafb.net/p/tKkCRB70.html
[17:44] <BluesKaj> !es | federico
[17:44] <ubottu> federico: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[17:44] * farchord opens /etc/lib/whatchamacallit_dictionnary..... File not found.
[17:44] <federico> ok sorry...
[17:45] <farchord> lol i dont really mind, go right ahead
[17:45] <federico> i have a trouble with a sound... i can do a question
[17:47] <uga> federico: you don't need to ask to ask, just ask =)
[17:48] <BluesKaj> blacklips, other than the setkey list , which is totally unfamiliar to me, your /boot/grub/menu.lst looks exactly right .. dunno how to help :(
[17:49] <federico> ok i have a notebook acer 3102, and when linux start only play one speaker, if i touch de control volumen i can listen the two speakers...
[17:49] <blacklips> ok
[17:49] <kreib> i managed to activate "slow keys", what is the key-combo? that was annyoing as hell!
[17:50] <busfahrer> Hi, any *easy* way of getting Amarok in Ubuntu Gutsy?
[17:51] <BluesKaj> busfahrer, sudo apt-get install amarok
[17:51] <federico> and mark this "error amixer: Mixer hw:0 load error: Invalid argument"
[17:51] <busfahrer> BluesKaj: That gives me 1.4.8
[17:51] <BluesKaj> 1.4.9 comes with hardy i guess
[17:52] <BluesKaj> busfahrer, is there a difference ?
[17:52] <busfahrer> BluesKaj: Yeah, in they have fixed cover fetching ;-)
[17:53] <BluesKaj> oh busfahrer , I didn't notice :)
[17:59] <D_eagle> i cannot sign in from kopete-kde3 to msn passport
[17:59] <D_eagle> i updated few packages and this happened
[18:00] <D_eagle> does anyone know which lib create such problem
[18:01] <jhutchins> D_eagle: Most likely MSN changed their protocol. They do that from time to time.
[18:01] <gwp> !Envy
[18:01] <ubottu> envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.
[18:01] <javi> :D
[18:02] <javi> :D
[18:02] <fildo\a> away: g0ne
[18:03] <D_eagle> jhutchins_wk: no no... but kopete kde4 is working fine
[18:03] <D_eagle> anu i installed fresh linux in another comp and it works fine there too
[18:03] <D_eagle> and**
[18:03] <slinkeepie> Has anyone had an issue with using nVidia drivers and losing the resolution set whenever they log back into X? I'm on Hardy.
[18:05] <D_eagle> jhutchins_wk: kopete kde4 is working fine and kopete-kde3 is also works in another comp
[18:06] <D_eagle> any idea?
[18:06] <D_eagle> may be some lib caused that problem
[18:07] <D_eagle> i really hate kopete-kde4
[18:07] <D_eagle> kde3- kopete is the best
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[18:11] <derdui> Hi, i wanna install virtualbox, but i dont know which module, in adept, 1 see a lot of module, i run kubuntu hardy heron with the kernel 2.6.24-16-generic
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[18:13] <slinkeepie> Try virtualbox-ose-modules-generic. That should work
[18:14] <derdui> oki, thanks slinkeepie
[18:14] <slinkeepie> np...although, I haven't personally installed VB
[18:14] <slinkeepie> But, that looks right
[18:15] <Javi> asd
[18:15] <derdui> well yesterday, i hat installed a beta of vbox.... and at first i hat crashed my xserver, then i had all the different kinds of vbox in my grub menu....
[18:20] <psych> is there a way to remove kde-desktop entirely at once?
[18:20] <broha> hello
[18:20] <farchord> yeah apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop I do believe, not like it's not gonna screw your distro up tho
[18:21] <psych> i installed kde4
[18:21] <psych> i tried that command yesterday
[18:21] <farchord> I'd still be careful
[18:21] <broha> can someone tell me how to claim my *unclaimed wireless network
[18:21] <psych> it showed me 35kb will be freed
[18:21] <D_eagle> kopete kde3 cannot sign in to msn passport, i m using kde4 hardy but kopete-kde4 works finei updated few packages and this happenedanyone has any suggestions ?? :s
[18:22] <farchord> psych: you do know that doing that will also remove alot of the apps that you might need for kde4 right? Like the email client for example
[18:22] <psych> farchord, ye, im using gnome
[18:22] <farchord> D_eagle: I got rid of kopete myself, go get KMess imo
[18:22] <psych> Package kubuntu-kde4-desktop is not installed, so not removed
[18:23] <psych> thats coz i removed kdm-kde4 first
[18:23] <broha> anyone?
[18:23] <psych> seems like i cant remove it at once
[18:23] <farchord> D_eagle: dont use the Ubuntu repos tho go get it here: www.kmess.org
[18:24] <D_eagle> but kmess is for msn only!
[18:24] <D_eagle> i use googletalk irc and more
[18:24] <D_eagle> for that i found kopete-kde3 is the best
[18:24] <JackWinter> am considering installing hackintosh on an empty partition, any howto on restoring grub afterwards ? at the moment its on /sda6
[18:24] <D_eagle> but kopete-kde4 sucks
[18:25] <farchord> D_eagle: no idea then :S
[18:25] <slinkeepie> So, no one's had any issues with their resolution being set back to something like 800x600 whenever they log back into X?
[18:26] <slinkeepie> Everytime I start it up, I have to reset it back to 1680x1050 in the nVidia X Server Settings
=== arthur__ is now known as Calve
[18:27] <Calve> hi guys
[18:27] <adan> Hi!
[18:27] <Calve> does someone can send me the return of this command : cat /dev/hp0 > foobar
[18:27] <Calve> ? :)
[18:28] <adan> Disculpen pero estoy tratando de acceder al msn de kubuntu y no lo consigo
[18:28] <adan> me podria alguno de ustedes guiar
[18:30] <javi> descarga aMSN
[18:30] <alxju> try kopete
[18:30] <adan> trate con kopete pero al terminar la configuracion de la cuenta se cierra
[18:33] <jussi01> !en | adan
[18:33] <ubottu> adan: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat
=== cihan is now known as ConTempT_
[18:42] <Calve> does someone can send me the return of this command : cat /dev/hp0 > foobar ? :)
[18:42] <Schuenemann> Calve, huh?
[18:42] <Schuenemann> the return will be written to that gile
[18:42] <Schuenemann> file*
[18:43] <Calve> yeah i know
[18:43] <Calve> so, the file :p
[18:43] <Calve> what is in the file ? :D
[18:43] <alxju> ca donne rien calve
[18:43] <alxju> mais arrete, ca se fait pas de demander à des gens de taper un commande sur leur ordi ettvoir ce que ca donne
[18:43] <Calve> je sais bien
[18:43] <alxju> c'est potentiellement dangereux comme nière de faire
[18:43] <Schuenemann> !fr
[18:43] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[18:43] <alxju> d'autant que tu ne t'explique pas
[18:44] <alxju> sorry Schuenemann
[18:44] <Schuenemann> =D
[18:44] <Calve> because i have to know what give this command because i don't have any // on this laptop
[18:44] <Schuenemann> did you say it was dangerous and requires more explanation?
[18:44] <Calve> :)
[18:44] <Calve> and sorry for the english :)
[18:45] <Schuenemann> Calve, why don't you look in the file to see? I don't understand
[18:46] <Calve> Schuenemann: because i don't have a paralel port on my laptop
[18:46] <Schuenemann> ahh...
[18:46] <Calve> but it is for a script for another computer that it's not with me
[18:46] <Calve> for school =)
[18:46] <Schuenemann> I don't have /dev/hp0
[18:47] <Calve> erf :/
[18:47] <Calve> thank you anyway
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter
[18:48] <Schuenemann> has anybody managed to use voipbuster in kubuntu?
[18:48] <asobi> why can i connect to certain ftps but not others?
[18:49] <miranda> can anyone else successfully issue "iptables -t filter -A FORWARD --match state --state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT" or is my syntax just plain wrong?
[18:49] <miranda> I get iptables: match `state' v1.3.8 (I'm v1.3.6).
[18:52] <comverne> narf
[18:55] <jay> hello people anyoen know how to stop my windows goign transparent whne there inactive?
[18:55] <miranda> jay: are you using compiz or beryl?
[18:58] <rmribeiro> i have a disk sata with windows. and in fstab not a line with this disk, ?
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[18:59] <rmribeiro> maybe i can see this disk
[18:59] <rmribeiro> but he is mount
[18:59] <jay__> anyone know about compix transparent windows?
[19:00] <Schuenemann> has anybody managed to use voipbuster in kubuntu?
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[19:14] <rmribeiro> hi, how i add my sata in fstab?
[19:16] <rmribeiro> hi, how i add my sata in fstab?
[19:19] <athlon1> Hallo. Can you tell me if there is a program like kdetv which allows to record tv? I've tried with mythtv, but it's a bit complex for me.
[19:21] <rmribeiro> hi, how i add my sata in fstab?
[19:24] <BluesKaj> !patience | rmribeiro
[19:24] <ubottu> rmribeiro: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[19:26] <Robescartes> Au Roi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:26] <Robescartes> AU scamps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:26] <Robescartes> Au denis !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:26] <Robescartes> Au Minaud !!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:26] <Robescartes> Au Iehl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:26] <Robescartes> Au Denis en string !!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:40] <fernando> any tool to decompress rar files??
[19:41] <BluesKaj> athlon1, check this out , http://freevo.sourceforge.net/about/features.php
[19:42] <BluesKaj> fernando, install unrar
[19:47] <athlon1> Thanks, i'm going to read it now. I was trying with streamer...
[19:49] <rmribeiro> hi, how i add my sata in fstab?
[19:51] <rmribeiro> hi, how i add my sata disk in fstab?
[19:58] <stekov> Hello. What models of GSM/GPRS/EDGE/3G USB modems are supported by kubuntu?
[19:59] <unix_infidel> stekov: I'd be surprised if any were.
[19:59] <athlon1> rmriberio. What are you trying to do? My disk is sata y i've done nothing... And it has 4 partions (ext3, ntfs)
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[20:01] <stekov> I'll try to choose some modems from http://www.radiodem.ru/products/page239/page240/
[20:01] <Penguin> Do I have to do anything special to get the installer to detect my sd card so I can installer kubuntu on it
[20:02] <rmribeiro> i have a ide with kubuntu and sata with windows, when i like to open the sata disk say "sata disk is not add in fstab
[20:04] <rohan> is something wrong with hardy-backports? recently, apt-get told me a whole lot of -dev libraries were useless, and remove them today, it's asking to install them again
[20:04] <rohan> it seems to be related to qt 4.4 in backports.. what's the problem? :o
[20:04] <rohan> lot's of X related -dev packages
[20:05] <D_eagle> !downgrade
[20:05] <ubottu> Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.
[20:05] <athlon1> But can you see the partition? (fdisk -l)
[20:06] <rohan> D_eagle: that wasn't meant for me i suppose? :)
[20:11] <aleksandar> hello ppl
[20:11] <aleksandar> !seen
[20:11] <ubottu> The seen function has not been operational for a long time. Use /msg seenserv seen nickname instead.
[20:12] <aleksandar> wtf is anyone alive here???
[20:14] <rmribeiro> athlon1 i not see the partition in fdisk
[20:15] <athlon1> rmriberio, you can't see the disk?
[20:15] <rmribeiro> nop
[20:15] <athlon1> but if you type "fdisk -l" Whats the answer?
[20:15] <rmribeiro> yes i cant se
[20:16] <rmribeiro> only /dev/sdb1
[20:16] <athlon1> And, how many partitions have your disk?
[20:17] <athlon1> In whic partition is Windows?
[20:17] <rmribeiro> my disk sata is 2 part, all in ntfs
[20:17] <rmribeiro> my kubuntu is in a ide disk
[20:19] <athlon1> And fdisk only shows you one partiton? It has to say something about the another... even, it's in a bad state or something.
[20:19] <rmribeiro> this /dev/sdb1 is my this sata?
[20:20] <rmribeiro> but in my fstab not showme
[20:20] <rmribeiro> sorry my english is very bad, and in the spanish channel nobody write
[20:21] <athlon1> no problem with fstab. The first thing is seeing partitions of disk. Please type "fdisk -l" and tellme what you see.
[20:21] <rmribeiro> isposit. Inicio Comienzo Fin Bloques Id Sistema
[20:21] <rmribeiro> /dev/sdb1 * 1 15542 1989360 6 FAT16
[20:21] <rmribeiro> this is my mp2
[20:21] <rmribeiro> this is my mp3
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[20:23] <holyguyver_> How do I set it up so that my home folder is on a shared partition?
[20:25] <athlon1> what size is your disk?
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[20:26] <holyguyver_> my disk?
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[20:26] <athlon1> No, rmriberio,
[20:26] <rmribeiro> 160
[20:26] <holyguyver_> the patition for the shared folder will be 200GBs
[20:26] <rmribeiro> when i install the first time, i seya mi disk, then i reinstall and then i can see
[20:26] <rohan> does kubunt use pulseaudio or is it gnome-only?
[20:27] <holyguyver_> !share
[20:27] <ubottu> Factoid share not found
[20:27] <holyguyver_> !home
[20:27] <ubottu> Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For mounting your home folder on a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome
[20:27] <holyguyver_> !Thank you
[20:27] <ubottu> You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)
[20:27] <athlon1> Do you know how many partions have? It only recognizes one and is ¿fat16?
[20:28] <Darlok> Could someone please help me reinstall grub? I'm trying to do it from the LiveCD, but hda (any partition) is not listed in /dev/
[20:28] <rmribeiro> atlhon1 i can speak with you un private msg?
[20:30] <patpond> w00t
[20:30] <patpond> meh,
[20:30] <patpond> anyone know which server the channel #ebookz is located on?
[20:31] <patpond> I used to remember, but my mind has wandered away through the years...
[20:32] <athlon1> Yes, but i'm not registered. You have to allow me by typing "/msg athlon1 set unfiltered on"
[20:32] <uga> uhm... digikam svn is really broken
[20:34] <patpond> athlon1: was that directed at me?...
[20:35] <athlon1> rmriberio. I can't send messages to you. Put /msg ...
[20:36] <rmribeiro> atlhon1 in fdisk y see my mp3 but not my sata disk
[20:38] <athlon1> When you make a 2fdisk -l" you should see two disks: /dev/sda and /dev/sdb. The one you say is /dev/sdb. And ther you should see the partitions you have.
[20:38] <rmribeiro> ok
[20:38] <rmribeiro> now i can see
[20:39] <athlon1> I have also two disk. The first one is ATA 200GB an the second is SATA 300GB.
[20:39] <rmribeiro> now i see my sata disk in fdisk
[20:39] <athlon1> So you can see the ntfs partition no?
[20:39] <rmribeiro> yes
[20:39] * uga wonders what people store in that much space
[20:39] <athlon1> ok, then, the problem is than you can't mount the partition?
[20:39] <rmribeiro> yes
[20:40] <athlon1> Ah, that's a different problem...
[20:40] <athlon1> Do you have ubuntu or kubuntu?
[20:40] <rmribeiro> kubuntu
[20:41] <athlon1> open konqueror. If you go to "Dispositivos de almacenamiento", you will see the partition ¿no?
[20:41] <rmribeiro> yes
[20:41] <rmribeiro> but i can mount
[20:43] <rmribeiro> i cant mount
[20:43] <athlon1> as root type "mkdir /mnt/sdb2 ; mount -t fuseblk /dev/sdb8 /mnt/sdb2 -o rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,blksize=4096"
[20:44] <athlon1> Please, replace sdb8 by the partion you see with fdisk....
[20:44] <athlon1> then one that have Windows....
[20:45] <athlon1> sorry, the one that have Windows....
[20:46] <athlon1> or you can edit /etc/fstab (as root) and type "/dev/sdb8 /mnt/sdb2 fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,blksize=4096"
[20:46] <athlon1> It's mounted with rw access.
[20:47] <athlon1> Now i've to leave....
[20:48] <rmribeiro> how i mont in /media
[20:48] <athlon1> in media should be mounted automatically. You can do the same if put /media/sdb2 instead of /mnt/sdb2
[20:49] <rmribeiro> with same parameter?ç
[20:50] <athlon1> yes, but create the directory first...
[20:50] <rmribeiro> with mkdir?
[20:51] <athlon1> yes "mkdir /media/sdb2"
[20:53] <rmribeiro> say me this "fichero" exist
[20:54] <rmribeiro> say me is already create
[21:02] <uga> rmribeiro: fichero == file
[21:03] <rmribeiro> yes
[21:03] <rmribeiro> file is already exist
[21:10] <shaffy> does anyone know why ksynaptics doesn't work in 8.04?
[21:11] <daskReech> I'm surprised anyone uses it
[21:13] <shaffy> daskReech: do you know of a better way to disable touchpad tapping while typing?
[21:14] <daskReech> oh wait. Ksynaptics I read it as Kynaptic. Please continue :)
[21:15] <shaffy> daskReech: no worries. so, i'm guessing you don't know of a better way then?
[21:15] <daskReech> NO actually
[21:19] <ign0ramus> Hi all. I am trying to upgrade to kde4 from kde3 on Hardy. I have installed package "kubuntu-kde4-desktop". What do I have to do to run kde4 as default?
[21:20] <SlimeyPete> ign0ramus: just select it from the login manager. It should then become default.
[21:20] <ign0ramus> slimeypete: lemme see...
[21:21] <SlimeyPete> there's a little menu icon on the login manager.
[21:21] <frojnd> hello there
[21:22] <SlimeyPete> hi
[21:22] <frojnd> I've just installed ubuntu server and now I wanna put in fluxbox. Ive also installed xinit and xserver-xorg-core. But when I run xinit I get somekind of an error
[21:23] <frojnd> I would paste the error but I don't know how to use pastebinit
[21:23] <ign0ramus> SlimeyPete: maybe I'm just dumb, but I'm not seeing an option in login manager to use kde4
[21:23] <BluesKaj> ign0ramus, btw kde4 is not necessarily an upgrade, but I wish you luck :)
[21:23] <daskReech> #fluxbuntu
[21:23] <SlimeyPete> ign0ramus: did you click on the menu icon?
[21:23] <daskReech> BluesKaj: It's one number bigger :)
[21:24] <ign0ramus> SlimeyPete: in the "appearances" tab in login manager?
[21:24] <daskReech> It's a grade up on the numeral scale
[21:24] <SlimeyPete> tab? no, I mean KDM. The bit where you log in to the system.
[21:24] <BluesKaj> daskReech, it's 0.1 number larger :)
[21:24] <daskReech> ign0ramus: No when you logout there is a small menu YOu can also press Alt+M to get it
[21:24] <SlimeyPete> that's known as the login manager.
[21:24] <daskReech> Alt+T will allow you to choose the Environemnt you loginto
[21:25] <frojnd> ok.. so maybe in #fluxbox but can someone help me how to use pastebinit ?
[21:25] <ign0ramus> oh, i have that bypassed. lemme see about Alt+M
[21:25] <daskReech> !paste
[21:25] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[21:25] <SlimeyPete> frojnd: just open a pastebin site in your web browser, paste in the text, hit Submit and then copy-paste the URL into this channel.
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[21:26] <frojnd> SlimeyPete: i'm stuck in command line
[21:26] <frojnd> SlimeyPete: no x here..
[21:27] <SlimeyPete> oh right
[21:27] <SlimeyPete> no idea then, sorry
[21:27] <frojnd> ok, thanx anyway
[21:28] <rysiek|pl> hi all
[21:28] <rysiek|pl> guys, a quickie, can't find it anywher
[21:28] <rysiek|pl> e
[21:28] <rysiek|pl> how/where do I switch the "jumping icon" near the mouse poointer off
[21:28] <rysiek|pl> I know I can switch it off for individual apps
[21:28] <jabba> rysiek|pl: is it in desktop effects?
[21:29] <rysiek|pl> it's not compiz-related
[21:29] <rysiek|pl> it's a kde thingy
[21:29] <jabba> ok
[21:29] <rysiek|pl> ...so I know I can switch it off for individual apps, but is there a way to turn it off system-wide?
[21:29] <daskReech> rysiek|pl: System Settings -> NOtifications -> Application Confirmation (?)
[21:30] <jabba> i'm actually trying to find out how to tell my monitors not to sleep. i can't seem to find that setting.
[21:30] <frojnd> How can I pipe output of xinit to file.txt ?
[21:31] <SlimeyPete> I think you do "xinit &2> xinit.txt"
[21:32] <daskReech> rysiek|pl: It's called Launch Feedback I remember now
[21:32] <rysiek|pl> hum, yeah, might be
[21:32] <rysiek|pl> any idea where to turn it off - system-wide?
[21:32] <daskReech> rysiek|pl: I think it's System Settings -> notifications
[21:33] <daskReech> rysiek|pl: Might be Desktop...
[21:35] <rysiek|pl> daskReech: I don't see anything that might do the trick, but I'll dive into it, thanks
[21:35] <firecrotch> Anyone know why packages.ubuntu.com is down?
[21:40] <BluesKaj> rysiek|pl, alt+F2 , kcontrol/appearance & themes/Launch feedback
[21:40] <rysiek|pl> ah, good ole kcontrol
[21:41] <rysiek|pl> BluesKaj: thanks!
[21:41] <BluesKaj> yup
[21:41] <BluesKaj> np
[21:42] <jameswf-home> Greetings earthlings, After upgrading to 8.04 the little dealio that pops up when I plug in my blackberry or an sd card and asks "what you wanna do?" no longer pops up... I can see the events in udevmonitor and can mount by hand but I cant make kubuntu "just do it" any thoughts?
[21:44] <futuristic> you can go to /etc and I think the file is called local. something and you can string it there so that it mounts when you boot up
[21:44] <chris062689> Hello World!
[21:44] <futuristic> let me take a look jameswf-home to see exactly which file it is for you to put the mount command
[21:45] <jameswf-home> note i want the prompt i dont wanna fstab it
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[21:48] <parsi> Hi everybody..
[21:48] <parsi> aranızda türkçe bilen varmı?
=== cumberland is now known as Multic
[21:50] <omar9417> can someone tell me how to install my hardware on kubuntu 6.06
[21:51] <daskReech> parsi: Which language?
[21:51] <omar9417> like my mouse pad, video card, and wireless
[21:51] <daskReech> omar9417: I think it may be more useful to install Kubuntu on your hardware
[21:52] <daskReech> :-)
[21:52] <omar9417> well i guess nobody knows
[21:53] <omar9417> lots of help here
[21:53] <daskReech> omar9417: more soecifics would help
[21:53] <daskReech> specifics
[21:53] * daskReech shrugs
=== Multic is now known as PopUp
[21:57] <frojnd> ok I've installed fluxbox.
[21:57] <frojnd> But how can I run it as NON ROOT ?
[21:58] <daskReech> frojnd: sure it's a WM
[21:58] <parsi> daskReech:turkish
[21:58] <daskReech> oh hmm
[21:59] <frojnd> daskReech: WM ?
[22:01] <daskReech> !turkey | parsi Here you go
[22:01] <ubottu> parsi Here you go: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.
[22:01] <daskReech> frojnd: Window manager
[22:01] <daskReech> frojnd: You joined #fluxbuntu ?
[22:02] <frojnd> daskReech: yes they pointed me here, because it's an distro issue
[22:02] <frojnd> I can run fluxbox now but only as a root
[22:03] <parsi> ubottu:thanks..
[22:03] <ubottu> Factoid thanks.. not found
[22:03] <daskReech> frojnd: what's the output of ls -l $(which fluxbox)
[22:03] <daskReech> ubottu: thanks
[22:03] <ubottu> You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)
[22:04] <johnnym> hello
[22:05] <firecrotch> Hello, johnnym
[22:05] <johnnym> oh, so this thing does work! LOL
[22:05] <johnnym> Long time Windows user, discovering Kubuntu here
[22:06] <PopUp> kubuntu is nice isnt it
[22:06] <johnnym> ahhhhhhhhh yes
[22:06] <firecrotch> johnnym: Welcome to the good side
[22:06] <daskReech> johnnym: Welcome to Kubuntu!
[22:06] <johnnym> much refreshing
[22:06] <frojnd> daskReech: just a sec.. I don't have firefox installed yes
[22:06] <johnnym> better than my 1rst Bday! lol
[22:07] <p_quarles> frojnd, you certainly shouldn't run startx as root -- what's in .xinitrc?
[22:07] <daskReech> frojnd: What?
[22:07] <Zefir> johnnym: Congratulations.
[22:07] <frojnd> p_quarles: exec fluxbox
[22:08] <p_quarles> frojnd, and what happens when you run that?
[22:08] <eric> im confused, i just installed kubuntu but my desktop didnt change at all - new applications were added. is this a preference option somewhere?
[22:08] <frojnd> p_quarles: when I run startx it gives me a message that I don't have enouh rights
[22:08] <p_quarles> eric, you'd need to change to a KDE session at the login window
[22:08] <shadowbox> I need help
[22:08] <daskReech> eric: On the login screen you can choose where you would like to login to Gnome or KDE
[22:09] <daskReech> !help
[22:09] <ubottu> I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)
[22:09] <Zefir> johnnym: I might be crazy with eyecandy, but what really makes me go crazy about Kubuntu and Linux in general is the customization and compiz-fusion, you should check it out.
[22:09] <djouallah> did adapet work behind an http proxy ?
[22:09] <daskReech> Zefir: You can install it :)
[22:09] <daskReech> Zefir: Note that compiz isn't designed to be used
[22:09] <shadowbox> I installed kubuntu on my bros laptop and now the screen goes black booting into kde
[22:10] <shadowbox> I have to have this computer fixed by tonight
[22:10] <Zefir> daskReech: I have compiz-fusion already, the only thing bad about it is it crashes X when I use Kopete.
[22:10] <daskReech> >_<
[22:10] <Zefir> daskReech: I got ADDICTED to burning windows...
[22:10] <p_quarles> frojnd, what does 'ls -l /usr/bin/startx' say?
[22:10] <halp_me> hi help
[22:10] <halp_me> can I ask a question
[22:11] <daskReech> !ask
[22:11] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[22:11] <firecrotch> Hello, halp_me, go ahead
[22:11] <sebbez> hi
[22:11] <firecrotch> halp_me: That's what we're here for :)
[22:11] <daskReech> shadowbox: I'll assume you are not IRCing from it now?
[22:11] <frojnd> p_quarles: rqxr-xr-x 1 root root /usr/bin/fluxbox
[22:11] <firecrotch> sebbez: Hello!
[22:11] <daskReech> frojnd: q ?
[22:11] <halp_me> ok amarok is not playing anything
[22:11] <nathan_> hey everybody
[22:11] <frojnd> daskReech: sorry instead of q is w
[22:12] <nathan_> so this is how i get the help i need when ive got problems???
[22:12] <nathan_> so this is how i get the help i need when ive got problems???
[22:12] <p_quarles> frojnd, startx, not fluxbox . . .
[22:12] <firecrotch> nathan_: Yep :)
[22:12] <johnnym> hello Nathan
[22:12] <daskReech> nathan_: If you stop that then yes
[22:12] <Zefir> halp_me: Anything or just MP3's? There should be an .ogg included, it doesn't work too?
[22:12] <nathan_> lol sorry
[22:12] <shadowbox> daskReech: correct, it is beside me. I am on my own pc right now
[22:12] <halp_me> Zefir radio
[22:12] <nathan_> ok i got a question then... can i burn oggvorbis to a cd-r and play it???
[22:12] <daskReech> shadowbox: great can you hit alt+ctrl+f1 and tell me if there is a login screen?
[22:13] <eric> daskReech: i havent seen any options for Gnome or KDE while logging in - only username/pw. i just tried opening Login Window but it flickers and closes
[22:13] <daskReech> eric: it flickers and closes?
[22:13] <frojnd> p_quarles: erm.. I've changed in ~/.xinitrc exec startx but still gives me a message that I don't have enough rights..
[22:13] <shadowbox> daskReech: 1 in 5 reboots allows me to get to the login screen
[22:13] <nathan_> ok i got a question then... can i burn oggvorbis to a cd-r and play it???
[22:13] <daskReech> eric: When you logout press alt+T at the login screen
[22:14] <daskReech> nathan_: yes
[22:14] <p_quarles> frojnd, no no no -- startx runs .xinitrc, so fluxbox goes in there
[22:14] <daskReech> shadowbox: so it worksish ?
[22:14] <p_quarles> what I asked was the results of 'ls -l /usr/bin/startx'
[22:14] <shadowbox> I installed 8.04, I hope I am not installing this version to early for a newbie
[22:14] <nathan_> ok so would i just go about like i would burning a normal cd-r????
[22:14] <daskReech> shadowbox: That shoudl be fine
[22:14] <eric> daskReech: Login Window just opened, took a minute. changing default session to KDE
[22:14] <p_quarles> frojnd, are you positive that an X session is not already running?
[22:15] <shadowbox> daskReech: works great if the screen doesnt go black
[22:15] <daskReech> shadowbox: Lets find out why it does that :)
[22:15] <shadowbox> oh man you rock
[22:16] <frojnd> p_quarles: I think so.. I can check with ps aux | grep fluxbox right ?
[22:16] <p_quarles> frojnd, X != fluxbox
[22:16] <frojnd> p_quarles: ok
[22:16] <daskReech> shadowbox: It's black now?
[22:16] <p_quarles> frojnd, try ps aux | grep X11
[22:16] <frojnd> p_quarles: no X runnung
[22:17] <shadowbox> I am at the boot selector
[22:17] <shadowbox> regular, recovery and mem test
[22:17] <aftertaf> hey. can anyone help me identify the audio setup for the mic in my usb webcam?
[22:17] <frojnd> p_quarles: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root /usr/bin/fluxbox
[22:17] <p_quarles> frojnd, can you pastebin the results of this command?: ls /etc/rc2.d
[22:18] <aftertaf> aMSN works, with sound on "plughw:IM,0"
[22:18] <daskReech> shadowbox: regualr
[22:18] <daskReech> I want to see where it gets
[22:18] <shadowbox> want me to boot till I am able to get into kde?
[22:18] <shadowbox> ok
[22:18] <frojnd> p_quarles: what should be in it ? I'm not running X
[22:19] <frojnd> p_quarles: just a sec
[22:19] <p_quarles> frojnd, it will tell us what is being started when you boot
[22:19] <eric> im also having issues with Screen Resolution - using external Acer 1440x900 but its actually showing like 1440x1050, so im unable to see a bottom portion of the desktop
[22:19] <aftertaf> not aMSN, skype shows that audio device: confused
[22:19] <p_quarles> eric, Intel video card?
[22:20] <frojnd> p_quarles: I've ul it here: http://frojnd.no-ip.org/output/1.txt
[22:20] <frojnd> p_quarles: please tell if there is data
[22:21] <daskReech> shadowbox: yeah. if you can get in then look at your logs
[22:21] <shadowbox> ok
[22:21] <p_quarles> frojnd, do you use a Wacom tablet?
[22:21] <frojnd> p_quarles: not that I'm aware of :s
[22:22] <p_quarles> frojnd, run mv /etc/rc2.d/S10xserver-xorg-input-wacom /etc/rc2.d/D10xserver-xorg-input-wacom
[22:22] <Paraselene__> can anyone tell me what the situation is with KSynaptics?
[22:22] <shadowbox> cool its booting now
[22:22] <p_quarles> then reboot, and try startx as a normal user again
[22:22] <shadowbox> ok its up
[22:23] <shadowbox> where do look for the logsa?
[22:23] <shadowbox> logs
[22:23] <p_quarles> frojnd, sorry, put "sudo" in front of that command too
[22:23] <eric> p_quarles: yes
[22:23] <kuroryuu> I'm trying to run eric4, but I get an import error, can someone help?
[22:23] <shadowbox> kde 4 looks great
[22:23] <Paraselene__> I've heard that it's discontinued, taken out of the repos, and that touchfreeze will be its successor, but touchfreeze has a ways to go, and living without the damn touchpad tapping disabled/sensitivity turned down is difficult
[22:23] <p_quarles> eric, try installing 915resolution from the repos and see if that clears up the problem
[22:23] <eric> p_quarles: great thank you
[22:24] <negobarici> hop hop
[22:24] <daskReech> shadowbox: are you in KDE4?
[22:24] <negobarici> anyone see hop hop?
=== sebbez_ is now known as sebbez
[22:25] <shadowbox> yes
[22:26] <shadowbox> daskReech: yes
[22:26] <daskReech> shadowbox: Ha ha don't like your brother much eh?
[22:26] <shadowbox> daskReech: lol is it that bad?
[22:26] <kuroryuu> http://nopaste.com/p/aIF55EHqab
[22:27] <shadowbox> should I go back to 7.10?
[22:27] <nflava> does anyone want to help me install something
[22:27] <daskReech> shadowbox: KDE4 still requires some good knowledge of what you are doing. It's not the drop your mom on the box release
[22:27] <nflava> i tried to do ./configure then make
[22:27] <nflava> but after make i get errors
[22:28] <daskReech> shadowbox: nah
[22:28] <daskReech> shadowbox: You can install KDE3 on 8.04
[22:28] <nflava> says the C compiler cannot create exectuabtles
[22:28] <shadowbox> ahh, ok
[22:28] <shadowbox> lets see if we can get this thing to boot up reliably
[22:29] <nflava> and does anyone know a good .iso file burning app
[22:29] <aftertaf> duh
[22:29] <aftertaf> k3b! :D
[22:29] <shadowbox> this hit or miss thing is going to ruin these years of me trying to get him to switch
[22:29] <nflava> im kinda new to this, but i am sick of windows
[22:29] <shadowbox> lol
[22:30] <aftertaf> nflava: :) its cool... :)
[22:30] <shadowbox> he is just looking for a chance to one up on Linux (deep inside he wants it bad, but wont admit it)
[22:30] <firecrotch> nflava: are you looking for an iso burning app for windows or linux?
[22:30] <daskReech> shadowbox: as does everyone :)
[22:30] <aftertaf> nflava: a long, tough and rewarding journey.....
[22:31] <aftertaf> nflava: stick with it, youll learn and unleran what you need as it goes
[22:31] <shadowbox> hehe
[22:31] <daskReech> shadowbox: there is no log manager for KDE4 yet (See?) so looks like dmesg for us
[22:31] <nflava> for linux
[22:31] <nflava> im in kubuntu now
[22:32] <shadowbox> so what do I do?
[22:32] <shadowbox> newbie here
[22:32] <daskReech> ah right
[22:32] <daskReech> and evangelising alerady
[22:32] <daskReech> well lets go with dmesg
[22:32] <navetz> can somone help me with the compiz tab switcher here?
[22:32] <shadowbox> I'm fast learner.
[22:33] <daskReech> shadowbox: type dmesg on the konsole
[22:33] <shadowbox> ok
[22:33] <theunixgeek> Where does KDE keep its sound files?
[22:33] <frojnd> p_quarles: still here?
[22:33] <p_quarles> frojnd, yep
[22:33] <frojnd> p_quarles: i've moved it
[22:34] <frojnd> as u said
[22:34] <frojnd> from *S10* to *D10*
[22:34] <shadowbox> wow ok
[22:34] <shadowbox> done
[22:34] <p_quarles> and?
[22:34] <shadowbox> crap, I cant copy and paste
[22:35] <frojnd> p_quarles: xinit server error, x user not allowed... error in locking authority file ~/Xauthority
[22:35] <frojnd> still the same error p_quarles
[22:36] <firecrotch> shadowbox: You can copy from konsole by highlighting and then right clicking.... keyboard shortcuts don't work for that in konsole
[22:36] <p_quarles> frojnd, I don't see any record of you leaving the channel . . . did you actually reboot?
[22:36] <nflava> firecrotch: is there a good iso burning app buuilt into kubuntu?
[22:36] <firecrotch> shadowbox: there's a copy option in the right click context menu
[22:36] <shadowbox> no I mean I am talking to you on another computers
[22:36] <firecrotch> nflava: k3b
[22:36] <frojnd> p_quarles: no I haven't reboot..
[22:36] <daskReech> shadowbox: run through it quickly (Shift + PageUP) to see if there are any errors
[22:37] <p_quarles> frojnd, then moving that file wouldn't have any effect . . .
[22:37] <frojnd> p_quarles: when did u saiy for reboot
[22:37] <nflava> cool thanks im looking for it now
[22:37] <daskReech> firecrotch: I thought ShiftDel worked
[22:37] <frojnd> p_quarles: i'll reboot right now
[22:37] <frojnd> brb
[22:37] <p_quarles> [14:22] <p_quarles> then reboot, and try startx as a normal user again
[22:37] <firecrotch> daskReech: Maybe, lol... I was just thinking of the normal Ctrl C
[22:37] <daskReech> firecrotch: does it ship with wodim now?
[22:37] <nflava> then my next step is to hopefully get mythTV working, i think i can then stream video files to my xbox 360
[22:38] <firecrotch> daskReech: uh, what? either my brain is fried, or that made no sense (likely the first option)
[22:38] <shadowbox> failure registering capabilities w/ primary security module
[22:39] <daskReech> shadowbox: what's that under?
[22:40] <frojnd> p_quarles: the same error: error in locking authority file ~/X.authority :s
[22:40] <shadowbox> looking
[22:40] <nflava> in kubunt can i make the height of the title bar at the bottom taller?
[22:41] <nflava> i like it a liitle higher
[22:41] <nflava> if that makes any sence lol
[22:41] <p_quarles> frojnd, what does ls -l ~/.Xauthority say?
[22:41] <shadowbox> in cpu section
[22:42] <frojnd> p_quarles: it say: /home/me.Xauthority
[22:42] <p_quarles> frojnd, yes, but what are the permissions? ls -l ~/.Xauthority
[22:43] <frojnd> p_quarles: http://frojnd.no-ip.org/output/2.txt
[22:43] <daskReech> nflava: the panel? or the status bar for each program?
[22:44] <daskReech> shadowbox: as in what failed to register?
[22:44] <p_quarles> frojnd, aha! I think we found the problem
[22:44] <p_quarles> run sudo chown $(whoami) ~/.Xauthority
[22:44] <blekos> hi, on my laptop when i decrease brightness pressing the relevant buttons it gets decreased by 30% each time
[22:44] <frojnd> p_quarles: please say it's true :D
[22:45] <blekos> is there a way to have a more accurate degration?
[22:46] <shadowbox> I am saving the dmesg result to a file and going to give to you to look at
[22:46] <p_quarles> frojnd, yeah, chown it to yourself and try again (or delete that file -- same effect)
[22:46] <frojnd> p_quarles: done
[22:46] <daskReech> shadowbox: cool
[22:46] <daskReech> !paste
[22:46] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[22:46] <p_quarles> frojnd, any better luck with startx now?
[22:46] <frojnd> p_quarles: do u mean maybe chown 777
[22:46] <frojnd> or just chown ?
[22:47] <p_quarles> frojnd, no! don't do that -- the permissions are right, the owner is wrong
[22:47] <p_quarles> chown $(whoami) will change the ownership to you -- you can use your username instead of the command substitution though, if you want
[22:47] <shadowbox> http://paste.ubuntu.com/13161/
[22:47] <frojnd> p_quarles: I just did it :s
[22:48] <shadowbox> you can make more sense of it than me
[22:49] <frojnd> p_quarles: http://frojnd.no-ip.org/output/3.txt
[22:49] <albert__> hi
[22:49] <p_quarles> frojnd, okay, that should be right -- see if startx works now
[22:50] <frojnd> p_quarles: it does not
[22:50] <albert__> hola soy nuevo aca ... que es esto?
[22:50] <daskReech> !es
[22:50] <ubottu> Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[22:50] <frojnd> but now i have only 2 errors: X not authoritex and xinit: server error
[22:50] <p_quarles> frojnd, :( -- try removing the .Xauthority file now (delete it, or rename it to something else)
[22:51] <albert__> pero me respondiste en español
[22:51] <p_quarles> !es | albert__
[22:51] <ubottu> albert__: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[22:52] <shadowbox> daskReech: how does it look?
[22:52] <frojnd> p_quarles: the same 2 errors. user nor authorited and xinit: server problem
[22:52] <frojnd> error
[22:52] <p_quarles> frojnd, well, I'm out of ideas then -- sorry
[22:53] <nflava> awww
[22:53] <nflava> k3b didnt work
[22:53] <nflava> is it because i tried to burn from a .img file?
[22:53] <nflava> this is a bummer
[22:53] <nflava> input output error
[22:53] <daskReech> shadowbox: looks good
[22:54] <nflava> maybe because the file is on an ntfs drive
[22:54] <daskReech> shadowbox: can you check if there is a ~/.xsession-errors
[22:54] <frojnd> p_quarles: don't be i've learned something today: $(syntax) replacement if u don't know location/username..
[22:54] <shadowbox> how do I do that?
[22:54] <frojnd> p_quarles: thanx for your time!
[22:55] <kuroryuu> shadowbox: ls -a ~ |grep xsession
[22:55] <p_quarles> frojnd, yeah, the $(command) thing works for any shell command -- the output is used as stdout by the application invoked
[22:56] <andres1> I'm having a problem with multiple desktops: when I use compiz, the taskbar shows the applications from all desktops, not just from the current one
[22:57] <daskReech> shadowbox: that would work :)
[22:57] <shadowbox> ".xsession-errors"
[22:58] <daskReech> shadowbox: Right less .xession-errors
[22:58] <shadowbox> but does not list anything
[22:58] <daskReech> see if it says anything
[22:59] <shadowbox> what do I type?
[22:59] <kuroryuu> shadowbox: less ~/.xsession-errors
[23:00] <shadowbox> ahh
[23:03] <daskReech> illriginal: Dude!
[23:03] <illriginal> yo?
[23:03] <daskReech> hows the passwrod protect going?
[23:04] <illriginal> not exactly as how I planned. I decided to stick the porn deep into my filesystem folders lol
[23:04] <daskReech> illriginal: did you try the .desktop file?
[23:05] <fitoria> hi
[23:05] <fitoria> how do i install a kde4 theme ?
[23:06] <fitoria> from kde-look.org
[23:06] <shadowbox> http://paste.ubuntu.com/13166/
[23:06] <illriginal> no... I came up to another problem that now I've been trying to handle but have no clue what other options I have left. I installed the win32codecs with mplayer, as well as gstreamer, and my Amarok cannot play .wav files. I get a: Audio output unavailable; the device is busy.
[23:06] <illriginal> xine parameters
[23:06] <shadowbox> sorry it takes me so long to go from one pc to another
[23:07] <fitoria> how do i install a kde4 theme ?
[23:08] <daskReech> illriginal: You do know that if you name the directory with a .xstuff it disappears?
[23:08] <andres1> I'm having a problem with multiple desktops: when I use compiz, the taskbar shows the applications from all desktops, not just from the current one
[23:08] <illriginal> right, unless you use "show hidden files", right?
[23:08] <daskReech> shadowbox: jump to #kubuntu-kde4
[23:09] <shadowbox> ok
[23:11] <ubuntu> -bit?
[23:11] <dru> hey.... ummm i have an intel mac.... i figured out how to ... dual boot without refit or boot camp ....where can i post this "sweetness"?
[23:11] <daskReech> ubuntu: Sorry?
[23:11] <ubuntu> hello, I just bought a new quad core pc and I am wondering if I should the-bit version or the 32-bit
[23:12] <daskReech> ubuntu: Which ever you like. Java and flash have some issues under 64 bit. However you can use a LOT more more memory
[23:12] <kuroryuu> ubuntu: everything works fine for me using 64-bit
[23:12] <ubuntu> i only have 3 GB, don't plan on getting more soon. what about virtualization?
[23:13] <kuroryuu> ubuntu: 64-bit gives you some processing enhancements as well
[23:13] <dru> yeah how does kbuntu run with the xen kernel... is it worth it ?
[23:13] <dru> "it"
[23:14] <frojnd> guys. What package do I have to install so I'll have audio. I've installed fluxbox from server. So no packages pre installed. Anyone ??
[23:14] <ubuntu> any issues with LAMP?
[23:15] <dru> FROJND : " dude" ... why dont you fiddle with your volume settings ( if thats what you have or are missing) :D
[23:15] <illriginal> drash I can simply just make the folder to .pron in my desktop and it'll disappear?
[23:15] <daskReech> ubuntu: no issues with anything ou can get code for
[23:16] <daskReech> Java na Flash are where your problems will lie
[23:16] <illriginal> daskReeech*
[23:16] <daskReech> illriginal: Drash ?
[23:16] <daskReech> illriginal: Yes try it
[23:16] <daskReech> mv pr0n to .pr0n
[23:16] <ubuntu> ahh. So Nvidia is a hassle, eh? ; )
[23:16] <daskReech> it will vanish in front of you
[23:16] <frojnd> dru: I don't have any alsa installed whatsoever
[23:16] <daskReech> or f2 rename in teh gui
[23:16] <illriginal> how would I show the file?... through filesystem?
[23:16] <dru> lamp is good for its basicness .... i liked it when i used it ... but then do you need a mail server?
[23:16] <kuroryuu> ubuntu: nvidia has 64-bit drivers now
[23:17] <kuroryuu> frojnd: try alsa-base
[23:17] <ubuntu> no mailserver is not necesary for now.
[23:17] <dru> "dude" do you have any sound arcitechture installed?
[23:18] <illriginal> awesome daskReech... that's perfect :D Out of sight, out of mind = FTW!
[23:18] <dru> "other dude" .... lamp will work fine, you can also try out some of the other options on the server inst cd... it a fun install
[23:18] <ubuntu> ok, thanks for all your help. I have some other questions about setting up an OEM IR reciever (HP brand), if anyone is up for it.
[23:19] <frojnd> kuroryuu: no no sound..
[23:19] <frojnd> kuroryuu: after alsa-base
[23:19] <dru> "other dude"...umm like the hard ware or actual configuration of the device - controller
[23:20] <ubuntu> install and config. brb
[23:20] <frojnd> dru: no nothing... I said I've installed fluxbox afer server install :)
[23:21] <kuroryuu> frojnd: try running alsamixer, check that the volume is up and not muted
=== ubuntu is now known as klobster
[23:21] <illriginal> thanks again daskReech
[23:21] <dru> sweet set up dude
[23:22] <klobster> better?
[23:22] <frojnd> kuroryuu: no still no sound
[23:23] <kuroryuu> frojnd: are you getting an error message when you try to play sound?
[23:23] <daskReech> illriginal: What I was saying is that you could do that and then give that folder to another user
[23:23] <frojnd> kuroryuu: no just no sound
[23:23] <daskReech> make a .desktop file that would ask for a password
[23:24] <daskReech> and the file would be hidden you could just click and get in but it asks for a password :)
[23:24] <illriginal> well I'm tryin not to go that route, of having to make another user. The PC's always on and she always uses my PC for Flash games and roaming the internet.
=== MrJoey is now known as joeyadams
[23:25] <kuroryuu> frojnd: what program are you using?
[23:25] <klobster> illriginal: you think you would demand guest accounts; i hate it when people are on my account...
[23:25] <frojnd> kuroryuu: a program for ?
[23:25] <kuroryuu> frojnd: for playing sounds
[23:26] <illriginal> lol
[23:26] <dru> like alsa mixer
[23:26] <daskReech> illriginal: it would be just for that dir :)
[23:26] <daskReech> you can reuse one from before
[23:26] <frojnd> kuroryuu: I've installed just skype..
[23:26] <illriginal> i see
[23:27] <kgx> whats the kde power/battery manager called? mine just crashed and i cant find it
[23:27] <dwidmann> kgx: guidance
[23:28] <dwidmann> kgx: command to run it is guidance-power-manager
[23:28] <tarragon> Just about to reinstall (currently using Feisty) Any gotchas and is kde3 recommended?
[23:28] <o0Chris0o> how can I download windows fonts so webpages look better?
[23:28] <kgx> dwidmann: thanks
[23:28] <daskReech> !fonts
[23:28] <ubottu> Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer
[23:29] <dwidmann> tarragon: I recommend installing kde3 and kde4, and using the best parts of both.
[23:29] <frojnd> any ideas, how can I get the sound? so far only alsa-base is installed
[23:29] <dru> "dude" working on it
[23:29] <frojnd> dru: thanx
[23:30] <kuroryuu> frojnd: try installing an mp3 player, for one it might install what you need as a dependency, and then you can use it to test the sound
[23:30] <frojnd> kuroryuu: what is the leightweitest ?
[23:30] <tarragon> thanks dwidmann I will attempt just that.
[23:30] <frojnd> kuroryuu: audacious ?
[23:31] <joshual> is kde3 still active in ubuntu?
[23:31] <dru> "dude" can you :sudo apt-get install vlc
[23:31] <daskReech> !sound
[23:31] <ubottu> If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[23:31] <joshual> i want to install kde on my ubuntu, dont know if I should install kde3 or kde4
[23:31] <crankcaller> yeah you can get kde3 or 4
[23:31] <daskReech> joshual: Whichever youlike
[23:31] <crankcaller> or both actually
[23:32] <daskReech> crankcaller: good call :)
[23:32] <dru> "dude" set Default audio device to ALSA
[23:32] <kuroryuu> frojnd: most lightweight would be a command line one like mad123
[23:33] <frojnd> kuroryuu: I've already installed audacious but there is no sound
[23:33] <illriginal> lol i just installed VLC and I have no sound either =\
[23:33] <crankcaller> joshual: check the ubuntu forums there are instructions for running both side by side. see which you prefer
[23:33] <illriginal> I have a feeling I shouldn't have installed 8.04.
[23:33] <gwp> o0Chris0o: I got wow to work
[23:34] <dru> yeah ... please select it in sound system system settign
[23:34] <o0Chris0o> gwp cool same here :)
[23:34] <gwp> rlol
[23:34] <illriginal> first time I ever had a problem with Amarok over something so easy =\
[23:34] <gwp> what did you do?
[23:34] <o0Chris0o> my config.wtf was messed up
[23:34] <gwp> oh, i just deleted and redownloaded
[23:35] <william_> my thumb drives in hardy always give the error "was unmounted successfully but could not be ejected" wtf?
[23:36] <illriginal> =\ I should have stuck with Gutsy Gibbon... 8.04 came out too fast.
[23:37] <daskReech> illriginal: Too fast?
[23:39] <dru> (alas utils are turned off by default(fresh install))
[23:39] <frojnd> so no ideas ?
[23:39] <dru> (gettingthere)
[23:40] <dru> ( you should ask the system to start alsa at boot )
[23:41] <frojnd> dru: how can I tell him ?
[23:41] <dru> system settings ... system services -
[23:42] <frojnd> dru: I'm in fluxbox with so far installed only firefox, xterm, audacious, skype and pidgin
[23:42] <dru> -admin mode -- alsa "stuff" (check "start at boot" ) then "start"
[23:42] <armin_> !de
[23:42] <ubottu> Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[23:43] <frojnd> dru, can u explain a little bit how can I do this in command line ?
[23:43] <illriginal> ack!! switching to ALSA makes .wav files sound like strong static!
[23:43] <dru> ehehehehe
[23:43] <illriginal> but at least it's making sound... before it didn't.
[23:43] <virnik> hi there ppl
[23:43] <dru> okay ... sure
[23:44] <virnik> can I have some good apps for image edit? i like gimp, but for some operations, it is hard to find easy to use simple app.
[23:44] <dwidmann> virnik: look at krita, and perhaps kolourpaint
[23:45] <virnik> or....can somebody help me with nice looking dvd player? i am using mplayer, but I am installing notebook for total noob in linux...newbie, which will need some good easy to use aplication
[23:45] <virnik> dwidmann: I know kolourpaint
[23:45] <daskReech> !dvd
[23:45] <ubottu> For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs
[23:45] <virnik> dwidmann: I am using it myself for some work
[23:45] <dwidmann> virnik: vlc is a solid dvd player
[23:45] <dwidmann> virnik: other options include smplayer, kmplayer, kaffeine, xine, and the list goes on.
[23:45] <p_quarles> virnik, my (extremely non-technical) mom uses VLC with ease
[23:46] <virnik> dwidmann: I do not like vlc
[23:46] <dru> "dude" ... there should be a sound "something" in your system ... you may just have to find the "start" command for it
[23:46] * dru likes kde and its wonderfull DE
[23:46] <shaffy> can someone tell me the different between the .bashrc files located in /etc/skel, home/"user" and root/ ?
[23:47] <daskReech> the ones in skel are copied to /home/user when you make a new uesr
[23:47] <virnik> p_quarles: mplayer is what I am using now. please take a note, I am not lame. I use mplayer and xmms for almost everything. but for now, I am installing brand new HH on my friends notebook, which is really newbie.
[23:47] <daskReech> user
[23:47] <p_quarles> shaffy, the one in /etc/skel is copied to new user accounts the ones in /home/$user and /root belong to users and root respectively
[23:47] <p_quarles> virnik, I heard your question, which is why I said that newbies seem to find VLC pretty easy to use
[23:48] <virnik> hehe...got DirectX installed. nice try...all windoze apps works as supposed now...
[23:48] <dru> "dude" ---http://lists.terrasoftsolutions.com/pipermail/yellowdog-general/2004-June/014409.html
[23:48] <dwidmann> Speaking of VLC, I'm anticipating the 0.9 release, which should happen sooner-or-later-eventually
[23:48] <virnik> p_quarles: ok then, i will install it, and ask my friend if she likes it. thx for advice.
[23:48] <shaffy> p_quarles: thank you :) so, will /root always load, regardless of which user logs on?
[23:49] <daskReech> shaffy: /root user ? no
[23:49] <p_quarles> shaffy, no -- /root/.bashrc only affects the bash shell for root
[23:49] <daskReech> only when root logs in with an environment
[23:49] <o0Chris0o> !xorg
[23:49] <ubottu> The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto
[23:49] <virnik> p_quarles: u know....if u r using something for ages, U do not see anything better..... but again, I want to thank u for your time and help
[23:50] <dru_> "dude" :or http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ALSA_Setup
[23:51] <dru_> better
[23:51] <shaffy> thanks p_quarles and daskReech.
[23:51] <frojnd> weired weired. Meters are playing while, I click on a file in audacious... only there is no sound. I've tryed 2 headphones but no sound
=== edulix_ is now known as Edulix
[23:52] <paolo> Hi, is there a tool for editing wikis tutorials ?
[23:53] <daskReech> paolo: What?
[23:53] <dru_> can you :lsmod|grep '^snd'
[23:54] <paolo> i want to edit a tutorial with this style
[23:54] <paolo> http://sphinx.subwiki.com/sphinx/index.php/Main_Page
[23:54] <dru_> ^"dude"
[23:54] <frojnd> dru_: yes
[23:54] <shaffy> can someone please tell me what "./" means preceded upon running a program/script?
[23:54] <daskReech> paolo: Right. So look for the tutsfor that wiki
[23:55] <dwidmann> shaffy: . = the current directory
[23:55] <paolo> daskReech: tutsfor ?
[23:55] <solidstate> how do I change a theme with kde
[23:55] <dru_> dude can you :lsmod|grep '^snd'
[23:55] <frojnd> dru_: http://pastebin.ca/1022265
[23:55] <shaffy> dwidmann: how come, it is needed when the file is present in the directory? does bash look it up or something?
[23:55] <dwidmann> shaffy: because otherwise it searches the path instead
[23:56] <dru_> dude do you "find" your dev?
[23:56] <dwidmann> shaffy: and by path I mean $PATH .. ie: echo $PATH
[23:56] <daskReech> paolo: You want to learn how ot edit Mediawiki ?
[23:56] <paolo> daskReech: yes
[23:56] <daskReech> #mediawiki
[23:56] <shaffy> dwidmann: thank you.
[23:56] <daskReech> they should have a list of tutorials
[23:57] <dwidmann> shaffy: you're welcome
[23:57] <avihayb> Anyone up for helping me setup an ATI radeon 7200?
[23:57] <paolo> thnks daskReech
[23:58] <frojnd> dru_: I think it's ac97
[23:58] <illriginal> daskReech... should I just convert my wav files to mp3s?... I've been lookin all over google the whole day on how to get .wav files to play correctly but I can't.
[23:59] <daskReech> illriginal: What's the dilly?
[23:59] <dwidmann> sound_intel8x0 would be the one for the sound card, the rest are just things that it requires afaik
[23:59] <illriginal> nothin much... I ripped some songs from a few CDs, but they were ripped at .wav files. I attempted to play them in Amarok but Amarok plays them as if it's just tracks of loud annoying static.
[23:59] <armin_> good morning
[23:59] <avihayb> kde's config applet autodetects it as ATI Radeon (fglrx), even tough it's not suported by the binary driver as far as I know. it also uses the ati driver