UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /11 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[01:52] <alex__> hey, when i turn on my computer, my xubuntu installation loads up, and it trys to go to the loading screen. shows the cursor, then blank screen, then a seemingly empty black screen. to fix, i run xfix in recovery mode. any fix?
[01:59] <alex__> also, of course, once i turn off my computer and turn it on, i have to run xfix again.
[02:16] <rw1> After installing Xubuntu, my resolution defaulted to 800x600. I changed it to 1440x900, and it looked fine, but after restarting, some of my fonts (like the text on desktop icons) is really large, while some of it is normal-size. Any ideas?
[02:28] <mib_39jfax> hey can i use the 8,04 installer cd to install to a mac g4?
[02:30] <zoredache_> mib_39jfax: you probably can't. I don't think there is a ppc 8.04 installer available... I could be wrong though
[02:32] <zoredache_> nevermind. I am wrong. here is an iso you would use... http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily/current/hardy-alternate-powerpc.iso
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[02:32] <mib_39jfax> yeah i had a hard time finding that on my own (unable) thanx
[02:33] <mib_39jfax> is that xubuntu or regular?
[02:34] <mib_39jfax> or is the alternate installer always for xubuntu?
[02:42] <mib_39jfax> anyway thanks
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[05:11] <CircuitTsunami> Does anyone know how to make pcmanfm the default filemanager?
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[05:15] <CircuitTsunami> Does anyone know how to make pcmanfm the default filemanager?
[06:06] <kripz> anybody know of any simple apps that moniter how much ive downloaded/uploaded (similar to windows DU Meter), preferably one that sits in the task bar
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[06:38] <CHR> So I just started using Xubuntu, and I was wondering.... what actually makes it better than Ubuntu and Kubuntu in ya'lls opinion? I know that it's faster in general, but what is it that makes Xubuntu ya'lls distro of choice?
[06:50] <kripz> CHR, less resources/look/speed
[06:51] <Chrysalis> its clean, gnome felt like carrying baggage around and kde is just not my thing
[06:52] <CHR> Yeah, that's the way I feel about gnome as well
[06:53] <kripz> What can i use to view/edit ms powerpoint files?
[06:53] <kripz> is there an alternative to open office?
[06:53] <CHR> I'm kind of a minimalist, so I thought Xubuntu would be my best choice
[06:53] <CHR> Try NeoOffice
[06:54] <Chrysalis> minimalist is my second name
[06:54] <CHR> I like it a lot more than Open Office myself
[06:54] <thechris> (look into ratpoision for minamalist)
[06:54] <thechris> its like X11-screen
[06:54] <kripz> CHR, NeoOffice is a full-featured set of office applications (including word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, drawing, and database programs) for Mac OS X ??
[06:55] <CHR> Oops, thought it was available for Linux, sorry about that
[06:55] <kripz> maybe ill just install powerpoint under wine
[06:56] <CHR> This might be a question of opinion completely, but is Xubuntu probably one of the fastest distros out there in general?
[06:59] <kripz> isnt there faster desktop environments?
[06:59] <kripz> like flux or something
[06:59] <CHR> thechris, ratpoison looks very interesting... thanks for the tip
[07:00] <CHR> I have no idea which is faster out of xfce and flux, but I like them both
[07:02] <kripz> my guess would be the shitter looking = faster =0
[07:03] <CHR> haha, yeah
[07:04] <Chrysalis> its a different type of beast from what ive gathered so far
[07:04] <thechris> CHR: back in the day (2005?) i used fluxbox and preloaded konqueror so KDE apps loaded fast. then i realized that I had a lot of RAM, and just moved to KDE
[07:05] <kripz> i wonder if ms powerpoint is < 183mb
[07:05] <kripz> cos office impress is going to take up 183mb with all its files
[07:06] <thechris> kde can be set up to look like xfce/flux. and now i like the option in KDE to have the hidden taskbar appear at the bottom of the screen when the mouse is moved to the top of the screen
[07:06] <thechris> (this prevents the taskbar from appearing when you attempt to click on controls at the bottom of the screen)
[07:09] <CHR> I don't know how fluxbox actually works, but the screenshots on their website are pretty sleek looking
[07:10] <thechris> well, i never used the tabbed windows feature. really, i'd like a more advanced "tiling" WM
[07:10] <thechris> as I generally manually "tile" my windows anyways
[07:10] <thechris> (eg, non overlapping windows that fill the screen)
[07:10] <CHR> I don't know how this would work (because I don't know a whole lot about linux in general), but isn't there a way to use fluxbox with xubuntu?
[07:10] <CHR> right
[07:11] <CHR> that question was hypothetically speaking by the way
[07:12] <thechris> well, "linux" has "WM's" and "DE's". a window manager is something like fluxbox -- just a graphical environment. a DE generally is a WM with more apps that look consistant
[07:13] <thechris> so, yes, xubuntu could use flux without much issue, other then any issues with apps targeted at different DE's looking different, and maybe a lack of easy desktop configuration from a graphical tool.
[07:14] <Chrysalis> except that you wouldnt be using xubuntu but itll be then fluxbuntu ;p
[07:14] <thechris> true
[07:14] <CHR> oh yeah, forgot that that existed...
[07:14] <CHR> I think I'll stick with xubuntu though
[07:15] <Chrysalis> i have all 3 install lol was testing them all before i settled with xfce
[07:15] <thechris> really, i'd be happy if they made a way to easilly instal *buntu FROM LINUX
[07:15] <Arky44> Hello all. I am running both Ubuntu and Xubuntu on a Dell Inspiron B130 laptop. When I first turn my computer on, it is possible to log on under Xfce or GNOME. However, after closing out of either Xfce or GNOME and attempting to either switch to GNOME or go back to Xfce, Xfce will not load. Any ideas on how to get both DE's to play nice?
[07:15] <Chrysalis> havent tried a window manager yet though, once i am more comfrtable with linux i will
[07:15] <thechris> i love all the "install from *OS" guides that start with "click on start"
[07:16] <Arky44> Thechris: you can
[07:16] <thechris> Arky44: not really. the current version has issues with /dev/ram not existing.
[07:17] <thechris> and i haven't found a good way to fix this
[07:17] <kripz> Is it only xubuntu or is it ubuntu/linux that has this problem. When i copy something and close that window, i go to paste in another window and my clip board is cleared
[07:18] <thechris> Chrysalis: i suggest "window maker", "enlightenment", "fluxbox" and "ratpoison" to give an idea of what's out there
[07:19] <thechris> Arky44: have you been able to solve the /dev/ram issue?
[07:19] <CHR> thechris: Have you used ratpoison much, or just tasted it?
[07:19] <Arky44> thechris: i think i misinterpreted your question XD
[07:19] <thechris> CHR: i used it for a media center back in, maybe 2006.
[07:19] <kripz> pun master
[07:20] <CHR> thechris: Is it too minimal? Did it take away from productivity?
[07:20] <thechris> CHR: its a "window manager" more for people who like screen. each "desktop" can ONLY have one window, which is maximize. you can create as many desktops as ou want, and switch between them with a keyboard
[07:21] <thechris> and the keyboard shortcuts are somewhat similar to what you have in screen/
[07:21] <CHR> ahhhhh.... I might give that a try soon
[07:21] <Arky44> I am running both Ubuntu and Xubuntu on a Dell Inspiron B130 laptop. When I first turn my computer on, it is possible to log on under Xfce or GNOME. However, after closing out of either Xfce or GNOME and attempting to either switch to GNOME or go back to Xfce, Xfce will not load. Any ideas on how to get both DE's to play nice?
[07:22] <aldrick> hello! how can i access a windows computer on my network?
[07:22] <thechris> any errors listed?
[07:22] <thechris> aldrick: as in remote desktop or SMB file sharing?
[07:22] <CHR> Alright everyone, I'm out. Thanks for answering my questions and such
[07:23] * kripz uses pyneighbor hood for windows sharing
[07:23] <aldrick> i want to get a file in a shared folder on a windows
[07:23] <thechris> aldrick: probably a SMB share then. you might need "samba" set up.
[07:24] <kripz> aldrick u can try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304131&highlight=xubuntu
[07:24] <kripz> didnt work for me though
[07:24] <ginnybee> afternoon everyone!
[07:25] <aldrick> yeah i saw that thread but i was hoping to find an easier way....
[07:25] <kripz> pyneighborhood is the easiest i think
[07:25] <ginnybee> I hope I'm not being annoying: I have a question about installing xubuntu. Would it be totally evil to do on a 400mhz iMac?
[07:25] <ginnybee> (64mb ram)
[07:26] <kripz> To install Xubuntu, you need 1.5 GB of free space on your hard disk.
[07:26] <kripz> Once installed, Xubuntu can run with 192 MB RAM, but it is strongly recommended to have at least 256 MB RAM.
[07:26] <kripz> ShipIt
[07:26] <thechris> does xubuntu have a PPC install or repo?
[07:26] <ginnybee> I read that on the download page, but I keep hearing reports in various places about it being able to run on something slower... so that's definitely the minimum?
[07:27] <kripz> download the live cd and give it a go?
[07:27] <kripz> it doesnt install anything
[07:27] <thechris> ginnybee: nope, you can always run on something slower, especially if you move to a lightweight WM or none at all.
[07:27] <ginnybee> hmmm, yeah, sounds like the best plan.
[07:27] <ginnybee> thanks, kripz and chris :)
[07:27] <thechris> but i'm not sure if *buntu has any pre-compiled binaries for PPC
[07:28] <ginnybee> I'll give it a try. Thanks so much!
[07:29] <thechris> hmm, i'm not sure he realizes the annoyances of having to compile from source without a package manger...
[07:29] <Chrysalis> i read somewhere that people are installing just xfce to avoid the added application from a xubuntu install
[07:30] <aldrick> ok i installed pyneighborhood but it says failed to mount when i click on the folders...
[07:30] <Arky44> Hello all. I am running both Ubuntu and Xubuntu on a Dell Inspiron B130 laptop. When I first turn my computer on, it is possible to log on under Xfce or GNOME. However, after closing out of either Xfce or GNOME and attempting to either switch to GNOME or go back to Xfce, Xfce will not load. Any ideas on how to get both DE's to play nice?
[07:31] <thechris> Arky44: what fails from XFCE?
[07:31] <thechris> aldrick: what error does it give?
[07:31] <aldrick> "failed to mount"
[07:31] <Arky44> thechris: i log in okay, but it just hangs for eternity on the solid background that is there when you first log in
[07:32] <thechris> aldrick: eg, if you try from a command line the correct lisa(i think) commands, or mounts from the CLI?
[07:33] <thechris> Arky44: you can try to log in, then switch to a VC (ctrl+f1) and log in and do a top or ps -aux to see whats running/hanging
[07:33] <aldrick> oo i got it ty!!
[08:30] <kripz> how do i make a shortcut to open a terminal window at a specific folder?
[09:42] <franzrebs> need help with firefox. my del.icio.us extension disappeared
[10:06] <[Lightning]> hi
[10:06] <[Lightning]> did anyone get ubuntu to install on phenom system ?
[10:08] <ere4si> [Lightning]: what's a phenom system?
[10:08] <[Lightning]> with AMD Phenom CPU
[10:09] <[Lightning]> does it help if i give you the specs ?
[10:09] <zoredache> it seems like it should install the same as any other amd system
[10:10] <[Lightning]> i have trouble with partitioning
[10:11] <[Lightning]> if i set the bios to work on sata ahci mode it doesn't even start with livecd
[10:11] <ere4si> [Lightning]: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=679509 - says it is ok
[10:11] <zoredache> is the cdrom sata?
[10:11] <[Lightning]> if i set the controller to ide enhanced mode it runs the livecd but partitioning gives all kinds of strange behaviour
[10:12] <[Lightning]> yes
[10:12] <[Lightning]> cdrom is sata
[10:12] <[Lightning]> is that a problem ?
[10:12] <[Lightning]> any suggestions ?
[10:12] <zoredache> I couldn't get a cd-based install to work on my amd system
[10:13] <[Lightning]> ere4si thanks, i will read that too
[10:13] <zoredache> I setup a usb flash drive and installed from that
[10:13] <[Lightning]> zoredache you have Phenom or some other SATA system ?
[10:14] <[Lightning]> i can't exactly find out what causes the problem but i suspect it might be dues to ubuntu sata driver ...
[10:15] <[Lightning]> however i read on the net people reported strange problems with Phenoms
[10:15] <zoredache> it is a pretty recent gigabyte motherboard with an athlon 64x2..
[10:16] <zoredache> it seems unlikely that a driver issue would be preventing the cd from booting
[10:25] <ere4si> !md5
[10:25] <ubottu> To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows
[10:26] <[Lightning]> you think my cd is not weell written
[10:27] <[Lightning]> i sincerely hope you are right :)
[10:27] <[Lightning]> writing a CD is piece of cake
[10:27] <[Lightning]> i got a Gigabyte also
[10:27] <ere4si> [Lightning]: did you do the md5 check at all?
[10:27] <[Lightning]> 790FX chipset
[10:28] <[Lightning]> ere4si i'm affraid i haven't
[10:28] <ere4si> I never try to boot an ubuntu cd I haven't checked
[10:28] <[Lightning]> i should start doing the check
[10:29] <[Lightning]> i even burned with Brasero that checks automatically
[10:36] <[Lightning]> do you recommend installing in sata ahci mode or ide mode ?
[10:44] <kripz> Ive created a new .desktop file in /usr/share/applications and for Categories= i put "Wine;Programs;", the shortcut in the applications menu appears in the Wine folder, shouldnt it appear in Wine->Programs?
[10:44] <ere4si> [Lightning]: I have no experience for that - sorry - but from the link I gave is a quote "The 2.6 SMP kernel will handle quad x64 just fine."
[10:46] <ere4si> kripz: should that be Wine:Programs; ?
[10:47] <kripz> ere4si, ill try it
[10:47] <kripz> is there a way to refresh the menu?
[10:48] <ere4si> kripz: try sudo update-menus
[10:49] <kripz> ere4si, no command exists
[10:49] <kripz> restarting
[10:49] <ere4si> kripz: either sudo apt-get install menu or reboot afaik
[10:52] <kripz> ere4si, i tried Wine:Programs, Wine/Programs, Wine\Programs, all didnt work
[10:59] <ere4si> kripz: next suggestion is to ask in winehq - type /j #winehq
[11:05] <[Lightning]> wrote a new CD, same base eimage, brasero checked it, a seem to get to the point of partitioning
[11:06] <[Lightning]> when i try to make an ext3 logical partition, gparted freezes
[11:07] <[Lightning]> will try to get a new image
[11:08] <ere4si> hmmm
[11:09] <[Lightning]> it is very strange
[11:10] <[Lightning]> should i get a dvd image ?
[11:11] <[Lightning]> because i always upgrade after install i thought a dvd is not needed
[11:13] <ere4si> [Lightning]: the dvd just has more packages - I would hope that it wouldn't make a diff - hehe
[11:38] <[Lightning]> me too, i hope all drivers are included
[11:38] <[Lightning]> bbl food
[11:39] <ere4si> hehe
[13:17] <floating> hmm, i have changed the screensaver to come after 1h1min from the applications- settings-settings manager - screensaver , but my system goes to the mode after the default 10mins or so
[13:23] <ere4si> floating: if you're watching a vid I found that vlc has a setting to disable the screensaver
[13:32] <exception_vaio> Hi, has anyone updated eeexubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 version?
[13:33] <floating> often vlc but often i watch some streams or longer videos in browser
[13:33] <exception_vaio> So the main difference between eeexubuntu and xubuntu is the special modules for asus eee, and I do not want to update the kernel, but I want to get new PulseAudio and others
[13:39] <kripz> What is the most complete wireless manager with a gui for xfce?
[13:43] <exception_vaio> kripz: I now WiFi Radar
[13:44] <darkwyrm> Hi, guys. Anyone know why all my other drives no longer show on the desktop in hardy? All of them mount in /media and I can't seem to find any answers on the WWW
[13:44] <exception_vaio> kripz: or the Wicd wifi-browser
[13:45] <kripz> ive tried wicd, didnt support some security stuff i needed
[13:45] <kripz> exception_vaio, will look at wifi radar
[13:46] <exception_vaio> kripz: I have some manager on eeexubuntu installed, but I do not remeber it's name
[13:47] <kripz> hmm, wifi radar website doesnt even mention what protocols it supposrts
[13:49] <kripz> exception_vaio, ive marked it for installation in synaptic, it didn ask me to remove network-manager, will the conflict?
[13:51] <exception_vaio> now
[13:51] <exception_vaio> oy, no=)
[13:51] <exception_vaio> I had not any conflicts with it
[13:53] <darkwyrm> Clean hardy install, too. Any packages I should check to make sure are installed? I didn't have this problem on my gutsy machine
[13:57] <kripz> what program do i need to execute to take a screenshot when i press the hotkey?
[13:57] <darkwyrm> kripz gnome-screenshot
[13:58] <darkwyrm> apt-get install gnome-utils
[14:00] <darkwyrm> Alternatively, there's a panel applet to do the same thing.
[14:00] <kripz> just installed gnome-screenshot and set the hotkey, nothing seems to happen?
[14:01] <kripz> tried to paste in gime and it said clipboard is empty
[14:03] <darkwyrm> try running gnome-screenshot from the terminal and see what happens
[14:03] <kripz> ok
[14:04] <darkwyrm> Wait a sec... sorry. gnome screenshot won't dump to the clipboard. It'll save it to a file that you can open in whatever program you need
[14:04] <kripz> darkwyrm, works in terminal, probably needs a restart for hotkey
[14:05] <darkwyrm> nah. You need to add the hotkey manually. Shortcuts tab in the Keyboard settings in the Settings Manager
[14:06] <darkwyrm> gnome-screenshot --window if you want to just grab the active window
[14:08] <kripz> yeah i added it there
[14:08] <darkwyrm> and it doesn't work?
[14:08] <kripz> no
[14:09] <kripz> now it does...
[14:09] <darkwyrm> *shrug*
[14:09] <kripz> i set it to a different key, then set it back to print screen
[14:09] <darkwyrm> Glad to see it works now. :)
[14:09] <kripz> thanks for the suggestion
[14:09] <darkwyrm> welcome
[14:19] <trentster> Hey all, Just wondering if anyone else on hardy is experiencing problems with screensaver and power management not working?
[15:10] <franzrebs> um i need advice on how to make my xubuntu look pretty
[15:20] <voodoo> how do I play an audio cd?
=== Sputnik is now known as Sputn1k
[15:22] <Sputn1k> Look at this screenshot, please http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/1600/screenshotxj9.png maybe anybody know how to solve this problem?
[15:22] <Sputn1k> Everything was fine with 1600x1200 resolution
[16:13] <daftpun1> hi
[16:14] <daftpun1> Does anybody know where can I change default programs for opening files?
[16:15] <daftpun1> for example firebird is trying to open my *.jpg files
[16:15] <daftpun1> can I change it to Eye of Gnome
[16:15] <daftpun1> or other picture viewer?
[16:21] <daftpun1> it's actually happening in krusader
[16:21] <daftpun1> file manager
[16:26] <[Lightning]> still having trouble with partitioning a sata drive from the hardy livecd :|
[16:34] <floating> daftpun1: yes, right-click file and choose properties and set app
[16:40] <daftpun1> in thunar file manager it's working fine
[16:40] <daftpun1> it's just that krusader
[16:40] <daftpun1> but I read somewhere that is not good to mix gnome and KDE apps
[16:41] <daftpun1> it's actuelly XFC not KDE
[16:41] <daftpun1> what i meant
[16:42] <daftpun1> floating Do you know of any good file manager for XFC
[16:52] <Valsum> hey
[16:53] <daftpun1> hey valsum
=== Valsum_ is now known as Valsum
[17:28] <doolph> hellooooooooooooooooooooooo
[17:38] <Stroganoff> hi
[17:40] <doolph> how are you Stroganoff
[17:41] <Stroganoff> not good
[17:41] <doolph> :(
[17:41] <doolph> why is that
[17:43] <Stroganoff> just unpacked the 2nd broken notebook memory module for this old laptop.
[17:43] <Stroganoff> now i cant install 8.04 due to bug 202959
[17:44] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 202959 in debian-installer "[hardy] generating locales stalls on 64mb ram" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202959
[17:45] <doolph> I see
[17:45] <doolph> I suggest you buy another laptop
[17:55] <floating> how much does xorg eat your memory normally ?
[17:56] <floating> 368m 48m <--- i have 768mb mem and this is normal xorg @ virt/res
[18:11] <TheSheep> floating: install and run xrestop to see which apps take it
[18:12] <daftpun1> is 32gb memory stick normally supported in xubuntu?
[18:12] <doolph> i think so
[18:13] <daftpun1> doolph I can't see why not either, just making sure. If somebody have some experience with that
[18:15] <daftpun1> Where are you guys from?
[18:22] <David-A> Are you talking to me?
[18:44] <daftpun1> Could you guys help me? Do I need to mount digital camera if I want to copy pictures?
[18:44] <daftpun1> And if yes how do I do that?
[18:47] <daftpun1> Or where should I see the files when I connect it?
[18:50] <David-A> daftpun1: mounted devices should be shown on the desktop, if you havnt disabled it.
[18:51] <David-A> should always be seen to the left in Thunar
[18:52] <daftpun1> oh ok i'll have a look
[18:52] <David-A> Thunar > View > Side pane if side pane was not shown in thunar
[18:52] <daftpun1> tail -f /var/log/messages
[18:53] <daftpun1> i used this
[18:53] <daftpun1> and it shows me this
[18:53] <daftpun1> usb 4-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 3
[18:53] <daftpun1> May 11 18:51:53 elinka-laptop kernel: [ 7687.318848] usb 4-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
[18:54] <daftpun1> David-A but no it's not showing on the desktop
[18:55] <daftpun1> mmm it doesn't show in thunar either
[18:55] <daftpun1> it looks like i'm gonna need some soft to access those pictures
[18:57] <David-A> Maybe you need something in fstab. In the meantime, you might be able to mount it manually.
[18:57] <David-A> My phone when conn to usb have device name /dev/sda1. Maybe yours have another
[18:59] <daftpun1> how do I find out which one it is?
[18:59] <daftpun1> or is it that USB 4-1
[18:59] <daftpun1> ?
[18:59] <daftpun1> mmmbut that doesnt sound like a filename
[18:59] <David-A> but try mount /dev/sda1 /media/camera (first mkdir /media/camera if no such dir exists yet)
[19:00] <daftpun1> mmm sda1 is normally my winXP partition
[19:01] <daftpun1> mmm there is sda7 that looks like new, I don't recall having that before
[19:01] <daftpun1> I'll try that
[19:01] <David-A> Ah. 's' may be serial ata, ie harddisk. I have old ata (hda for harddisk) What is device for usb on a modern computer?
[19:03] <daftpun1> i found a new file in dev called
[19:04] <daftpun1> usbdev4.3_ep8:
[19:04] <daftpun1> is this mountable do you think?
[19:04] <daftpun1> it was created around the time when I connected the camera
[19:05] <David-A> '4' and '3' is also in the log. mount readonly and see what happens. cant hurt, but remember -o ro!
[19:06] <David-A> ie mount -o ro /dev/usbdev4.3_ep8 /media/camera
[19:08] <daftpun1> mmm it says that it's not a block device
[19:10] <daftpun1> it says character device next to usbdev4.3_ep83
[19:10] <daftpun1> any idea how to mount character device
[19:10] <daftpun1> do I need to specify file system or anything like that
[19:10] <tht> good evening anyone here who can answer me a question about madwifi and xubuntu ?
[19:11] <daftpun1>  tht sorry never heard of it
[19:11] <David-A> daftpun1: no need to spec filesys i think. just the wrong device. try another?
[19:14] <daftpun1> David-A mmm it creates 4 files when I connect the camera
[19:14] <daftpun1> but when I try to mount it it says you can only mount a block device
[19:15] <daftpun1> and this shows as character device
[19:15] <daftpun1> I'll try to mount it with ntfs
[19:15] <daftpun1> I think I remember formating that emory card in windows
[19:16] <David-A> daftpun1: i think the char devices are not to be mounted to access the camera. it should be another device. have you tried sda7? (readonly)
[19:17] <daftpun1> I tried that one but it sat looks like swapspace - not mounted
[19:17] <David-A> daftpun1: ok, then its not sda7...
[19:17] <daftpun1> and it can be cause I got 8MB unpartitioned
[19:18] <daftpun1> scd0 is probably cd rom
[19:18] <daftpun1> then there is plenty of ram block devices
[19:19] <daftpun1> and then there is sr0 that shows as link to block device
[19:22] <David-A> daftpun1: overview of block devs: ls -l /dev | grep '^b' | awk '{print $NF}' | tr -d '[0-9]' | uniq
[19:23] <David-A> show off: forgot to optimize: ls -l /dev | awk '/^b/{print $NF}' | tr -d '[0-9]' | uniq
[19:23] <daftpun1> mmm
[19:24] <daftpun1> so the list shows
[19:24] <daftpun1> q, loop, ram, scd, sda
[19:24] <daftpun1> So i think it could be q or loop
[19:25] <daftpun1> but none of them makes much sense
[19:25] <David-A> I associate loop with test-things
[19:26] <David-A> Id try q, scd and sda, OR find someone how know these things...:) are there many numbers?
[19:28] <daftpun1> i cant see any q in /dev/ tho
[19:28] <daftpun1> and loop neither
[19:28] <daftpun1> just the rest of them
[19:29] <daftpun1> I'll try to look for some software for that camera for linux, cause in windows I cant acces them pictures either I need to access it through a program that I got with the camera
[19:29] <daftpun1> But I found on the internet that this is a linux friendly camera
[19:30] <daftpun1> I'd hate to see how an unfriendly one lokks like :D
[19:33] <daftpun1> David-A thank you very much anyway
[19:33] <David-A> If so, you should be able to find the dev and mount it. I have then added a line in fstab for my phone
[19:34] <daftpun1> I just found somewhere that I need gphoto2 package
[19:34] <daftpun1> I'll try it with that
[19:34] <David-A> but I think there should be a more correct and general way, maybe involving /etc/udev/rules.d...
[19:37] <David-A> daftpun1: which you well, (thou it should be possible to mount the camera if it is just a little modern)
[19:38] <daftpun1> I managed to download the pictures now
[19:39] <kontr4st> anyone know what would cause my xubuntu installation to have a seemingly black, empty screen where the login screen would be?
[19:43] <flotishtu> i always have to type these commands (when reboot, or firestarter is started or network connection is reconnected) in order to make my network share internet. echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ethX -j MASQUERADE tc qdisc add dev eth1 root tbf rate 80kbit buffer 1600 limit 3000 dpkg-reconfigure ipmasq any way to do it for good, for ever?
[19:50] <daftpun1> Please does anybody know how can I make a batch file to run bash commands?
[19:50] <flotishtu> i always have to type these commands (when reboot, or firestarter is started or network connection is reconnected) in order to make my network share internet. echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ethX -j MASQUERADE tc qdisc add dev eth1 root tbf rate 80kbit buffer 1600 limit 3000 dpkg-reconfigure ipmasq any way to do it for good, for ever?
[19:56] <kontr4st> anyone know why after my xubuntu installation loads up, a seemingly empty, black screen shows after i see the loading cursor for a second? (No ctrlaltbackspace/etc any shortcut)
=== platyhelminth is now known as Bill-Gates
[20:03] <slow-motion> hi
[20:05] <David-A> daftpun1: what you mean "batch file"? (keywords: "chmod a+x", "crontab", "at")
[20:07] <daftpun1> David-A something like *.bat in windows
[20:07] <daftpun1> that I can put some bash comands in
[20:07] <daftpun1> i think it's called shellscript in linux
[20:08] <TheSheep> daftpun1: just put them in a text file, add the execute permission and run it
[20:08] <daftpun1> I'll try that thanx
[20:08] <daftpun1> linux is really a good fun
[20:08] <daftpun1> playing around all the time
[20:09] <daftpun1> doesn't make you braindead as windows
[20:11] <daftpun1> TheSheep and how to run an app from a specific dir?
[20:12] <TheSheep> daftpun1: cd specific dir, ./file
[20:12] <daftpun1> TheSheep Ok so I have to go cd dir first before I call the app
[20:13] <TheSheep> daftpun1: you can do the cd in the script too
[20:13] <daftpun1> I cant just do it in one command like /home/usr/Pics/ gphoto2 etc
[20:13] <David-A> daftpun1: but the magic shebang "#!/bin/sh" or "#!/bin/bash" as the first line in the file.
[20:13] <TheSheep> daftpun1: or pushd/popd
[20:13] <David-A> daftpun1: make the file executable with "chmod a+x FILENAME"
[20:14] <daftpun1> ah ok I read that somewhere
[20:14] <daftpun1> ok Ill try it
[20:14] <daftpun1> thanks
[20:14] <theunixgeek> Whenever I right-click the desktop, XFCE stops managing it. How do I fix this? (Xubuntu 8.04)
[20:19] <David-A> daftpun1: I have a dir"bin" in my home dir. (/home/david/bin) that I have added to PATH. Now i can start all my script by just typing their name anywhere. like any command.
[20:20] <daftpun1> TheSheep how to do it so it opens terminal as well?
[20:20] <daftpun1> that cd command didn't work as I wanted
[20:20] <David-A> (someone comment on the security implications of PATH pointing into a home dir?)
[20:21] <daftpun1> David-A Do you know how to make terminal appear as well when I run a command from the script?
[20:23] <daftpun1> mmm ok
[20:24] <David-A> daftpun1: there are a few terminal programs to shose from: in xubuntu "xfce4-terminal" is standard.
[20:25] <daftpun1> David-A So if I run xfce4-terminal before other commands I will see exactly what is the script doing?
[20:26] <daftpun1> or it will just open me new window with terminal waiting for command?
[20:26] <David-A> daftpun1: Nope, it will open a new terminal, where you can type commands
[20:26] <daftpun1> mmm exactly as I thought
[20:26] <daftpun1> I would like to see the progress
[20:27] <daftpun1> But maybe I can put xfce4-terminal myScript . Would that work?
[20:27] <David-A> daftpun1: if you want the script to echo all command it executes, add "set +x" near the beginning of the script
[20:28] <daftpun1> right after #!/bin/bash ?
[20:29] <David-A> daftpun1: #! must be first, anywhere after where you want echoing to begin
[20:29] <daftpun1> ok I got it to do what I want, it's just not echoing
[20:30] <daftpun1> David-A do I need to quote it ? "set +x"
[20:31] <daftpun1> i put set +x , the script is running but i can't see the progress
[20:31] <David-A> daftpun1: No quotes
[20:31] <daftpun1> I put it without quotes
[20:32] <daftpun1> but nothing
[20:32] <David-A> daftpun1: Sorry 'set -x' (set +x turns echo off again)
[20:32] <daftpun1> lets see :D
[20:33] <daftpun1> mmm nothing
[20:33] <grothesk> Hi!
[20:33] <grothesk> Is there any reason for including abiword 2.4.x and not 2.6.x in Hardy?
[20:34] <David-A> daftpun1: do you start the script from the command line?
[20:34] <daftpun1> I just double click icon on my desktop, I'm guessing that will be the reason :D
[20:35] <David-A> daftpun1: yes, it echoes to stdout or stderr.
[20:40] <daftpun1> ok i am on the right trail
[20:40] <daftpun1> i am using sh xfce4-terminal -x myScript
[20:40] <daftpun1> and then it opens a new window with terminal
[20:41] <daftpun1> actually xfce4-terminal -x sh myscript
[20:41] <David-A> daftpun1: Try in a command line: xfce4-terminal -e 'bash -c "YOUR_SCRIPT_FILE ; echo Press return; read"'
[20:41] <slow-motion> is there a solution fo the resolution?
[20:41] <slow-motion> the resolution problem
[20:41] <David-A> daftpun1: if that does what you want, but that in yet another script...
[20:43] <daftpun1> it just gives me >
[20:43] <daftpun1> and that's it
[20:44] <David-A> daftpun1: What about: xfce4-terminal -e 'bash -c "ls -al ; echo Press return; read"' ?
[20:45] <daftpun1> mmm that does it
[20:46] <daftpun1> it shows list of all files in a new terminal
[20:46] <David-A> daftpun1: Then i guess YOUR_SCRIPT_FILE shows a ">" ?
[20:47] <daftpun1> I just realized that I left out single quote at the end last time
[20:47] <daftpun1> I know I know
[20:47] <daftpun1> life is hard :D
[20:48] <David-A> daftpun1: what if you run YOUR_SCRIPT_FILE directly on a command line?
[20:48] <David-A> ok, i see
[20:52] <daftpun1> it echoes nicely when i run it from command line
[20:52] <daftpun1> What is the name of the language that is used in these scripts?
[20:56] <David-A> daftpun1: sh, or shell-script, or bash (bash is a superset of sh, ksh is another superset of sh)
[20:56] <daftpun1> just asking what ebook i have to look for
[20:57] <David-A> daftpun1: it is exactly the same language as you use on the command line in a terminal
[20:58] <David-A> daftpun1: have you tried "man bash", but maybe a link on a ubuntu or linux-site or wikipedia is more pedagogical
[20:58] <daftpun1> and what is the command to prompt user whether to continue the script or finish
[20:58] <daftpun1> ?
[20:59] <daftpun1> ok thanks I'll have a look at it
[21:00] <David-A> daftpun1: "read" (or "read x" to save the input in variable x). try it on the command line (no quotes)
[21:00] <daftpun1> I made a script that will copy all the pics from camera to default dir and I would like to prompt user if he wants to delete all pics from camera or not.
[21:01] <daftpun1> and then I just put something like if X = N; break? lol I use php here
[21:01] <daftpun1> I feel very clumsy in linux, can't do anything :D
[21:03] <daftpun1> so I just put echo Do you want to delete pics [Y/N]; read x; and then?
[21:03] <David-A> daftpun1: echo "Want a hello (y/n)?"; read answer; if [ "$answer" = "y" ]; then echo "hello" ; fi
[21:04] <daftpun1> David-A Excellent, I'm going to try it. thanks
[21:04] <David-A> You can replace some or all ";" with newline to structure the program. It works on the command line as well as in a script.
[21:07] <David-A> daftpun1: I have a similar script for my cameraphone (not a good camera:), but I never remove the pics from the phone until the pics in the computer have been backed up.
[21:08] <daftpun1> and you do that all in one script?
[21:09] <David-A> daftpun1: Part of the script is to determine which pics have been copied already, and onl copy the new ones.
[21:09] <daftpun1> mmm good idea i could be also adding them to an archive
[21:09] <David-A> Yes, one script
[21:09] <daftpun1> it compares dirs first
[21:09] <daftpun1> mmm nice
[21:10] <daftpun1> I have to read about bash language first before I start doing something like that
[21:11] <daftpun1> I just though that this will be simpler than it actually was
[21:12] <David-A> daftpun1: have you been able to mount camera?
[21:13] <daftpun1> no I just can access it via gphoto2
[21:13] <daftpun1> package
[21:14] <daftpun1> but that's good enough
[21:14] <David-A> daftpun1: when gphoto2 can access it, can you see it mounted with the "mount" command?
[21:15] <daftpun1> no
[21:15] <David-A> daftpun1: ok, how do you access the camera from a script then?
[21:16] <daftpun1> gphoto2 can detect nicely anything from type of camera, firmware to size of the shoes of the person that was packing it into the box. But I can't mount it
[21:16] <daftpun1> i just put gphoto2 -P
[21:17] <daftpun1> and it starts to copy all images to the dir where i am currently in
[21:18] <David-A> daftpun1: so gphoto2 does what i thought the script was to do. but you wanted it do som more, like delete the pics on the camera?
[21:19] <daftpun1> mmm there is a command as well for that
[21:19] <daftpun1> gphoto2 -D and it deletes everything on the camera
[21:19] <daftpun1> Copying part is working now
[21:20] <daftpun1> I just want to implement that prompt and deleting part
[21:20] <daftpun1> and where are variables from read stored?
[21:22] <David-A> ok, do you feel comfortable with having the pics in only one place, a cheap harddisk, until the next backup?
[21:22] <thegraduate> suuup
[21:24] <David-A> daftpun1: also consider the error mode: what if downloading ( -P ) fails but the script goes on and deletes ( -D ), then suddenly the pics are in no places.
[21:24] <daftpun1> Just for timebeing, I will probably be adding them into an archive and burn it every time it will reach CD size or so
[21:24] <daftpun1> mmm I was thinking about that
[21:25] <daftpun1> Thats why I want that prompt thing there that a user will see if something goes wrong and will stop the script before delete command
[21:25] <David-A> Is "mmm" a confermative answer in your language? Scandinavian?
[21:25] <daftpun1> No I am actually from slovakia, now living in UK
[21:26] <David-A> Im sitting just north of stockholm.
[21:26] <daftpun1> not so far away?
[21:26] <daftpun1> Are you swedish?
[21:27] <David-A> yes, ja
[21:27] <daftpun1> I was actually thinking about moving to sweden, but language barrier would probably be too much of a challange
[21:28] <daftpun1> My wife is from Latvia, just across the sea
[21:28] <David-A> daftpun1: nice
[21:29] <David-A> daftpun1: "lnguage barrier too much of a challange", not for you, only for us :)
[21:29] <daftpun1> Sweden is not very crowded is it? UK is running out of space
[21:29] <daftpun1> people everwhere
[21:30] <daftpun1> I was watching some document from sweden about piratebay.org
[21:31] <David-A> I was traveling around scotland one week some years ago, not crowded at all.
[21:32] <daftpun1> Oh yeah, scotland yeah is different
[21:33] <David-A> A hotel i Edinburgh, one of the nicest I have ever visited. Dont remember the name of my head.
[21:33] <jarnos> Does Xubuntu have any kind of file seach utility?
[21:34] <David-A> jarnos: yes, you want command line or graphical interface?
[21:40] <David-A> jarnos: for graphical interface you can use the same tool as in ubuntu. (beagle in xubuntu 7.10)
[21:40] <daftpun1> echo "Want a hello (y/n)?"; read answer; if [ "$answer" = "y" ]; then echo "hello" ;
[21:41] <daftpun1> David-A when I write read is it read answer; or read $answer; which one is correct?
[21:41] <David-A> read answer
[21:41] <jarnos> David-A: I was talking about GUI staff. I have only used catfish, but it is not included in Xubuntu installation.
[21:43] <David-A> jarnos: it can be installed via Synaptic. It says "A file search tool that support several different engines" and "Currently find, (s)locate, tracker and beagle are supported as backends."
[21:44] <David-A> jarnos: tracker is the default in ubuntu 8.04 if i recall correctly.
[21:45] <David-A> jarnos: in synaptic there is both catfish, tracker and beagle. pick one, or a few.
[21:46] <jarnos> David-A: Yes I know, but none of them is included in Xubuntu Desktop image.
[21:47] <David-A> jarnos: no, maybe not.
[21:48] <David-A> jarnos: catfish and beagle are also installable via the "add/remove" program menu.
[21:48] <David-A> jarnos: do you have a slow internet?
[21:48] <jarnos> David-A: no
[21:49] <jarnos> David-A: But I think a distro like Xubuntu should have good search tool included by default.
[21:52] <jarnos> David-A: And the tool should be well integrated to desktop so that you could operate by the sets of files you find.
[21:52] <David-A> jarnos: I am not totally convinced it should. On a low end computer, I have found beagle takes too much resources when i dont want it to.
[21:53] <jarnos> David-A: Do you mean also when you don't ask it to search anything?
[21:55] <David-A> jarnos: Yep, at login there is a daemon started. At a certain time each night an indexing process starts. It runs in "nice" so the cpu is not so much of a problem, but the index and the daemon each use several tens of megabytes memory.
[21:55] <kingair_six> hello, I got a problem here. I'm a linux noob and am trying to get this xubuntu hardy of mine to run my Belkin 7010 PCMCIA card, which is based on a Broadcom Chip and runs the b43 driver from linuxwireless.org . The card is recognized, but the network manager won't find my network, nor will it let me even open network manager as it should from the bar. wifi-radar does not help either. my network is only WEP protected, so that should not b
[22:01] <CHR> I have another opinion question: Do you think xubuntu makes a good programming station?
[22:02] <jarnos> CHR: You'll find a lot to fix in it.
[22:03] <CHR> so would that qualify as a "No, coding would suck on it." ?
[22:05] <jarnos> CHR: I don't have much experience. I don't see what would come in your way if you use Xubuntu for programming.
[22:05] <CHR> xubuntu is just speedy and clean, which makes it a good candidate for a productive coding station.... but I don't know enought myself
[22:07] <jarnos> CHR: What kind of programming you are thinking of?
[22:07] <daftpun1> David-A I am just trying that if that you gave me before but i am not having much luck
[22:08] <daftpun1> getting strange output
[22:08] <daftpun1> GetPictures: 9: [no=yes]: not found
[22:08] <daftpun1> GetPictures: 12: [no=no]: not found
[22:08] <daftpun1> this is when I write no
[22:08] <David-A> CHR: I dont program very much but emacs, make, cc and scripting work the same as in any unix. Just compiling from source is no problem either.
[22:10] <kingair_six> if I can make a point about the capabilites of linux as a developement environment: it can only be better than windows^^:) ever had to work with a PHP/HTML editor, FTP and so forth on ONE DESKTOP? I think itsucks pretty bad on windows. Haven't tried it since i switched, but it's gotta be better
[22:11] <daftpun1> kingair_six what are you using for ftp on linux?
[22:12] <kingair_six> aehm, I haven't experienced much with it, but in ubuntu for example you could mount it as a regular file, pretty sweet if you ask me
[22:12] <kingair_six> i don't know which is better though, using an acutal client or just mounting it
[22:13] <daftpun1> I would definitely say mounting it
[22:14] <daftpun1> i am still loking for some ftp client, I used krusader file manager, but that was something horrible
[22:14] <David-A> daftpun1: what does the script look like? I have just learned about pastebin, do you know it?
[22:14] <daftpun1> David-A no what is it?
[22:14] <daftpun1> David-A I cant get that if to work still
[22:15] <David-A> daftpun1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ do your thing and post the url here
[22:15] <daftpun1> I'm getting strange output and have no idea what is wrong
[22:16] <daftpun1> aaa so you can share your script with everybody else?
[22:16] <David-A> daftpun1: ja, a little easier to see what might go wrong
[22:17] <daftpun1> David-A any idea what could be wrong with that script
[22:17] <daftpun1> getting not found message
[22:17] <David-A> daftpun1: the url?
[22:17] <daftpun1> i just put echo there
[22:17] <daftpun1> echo "Would you like to delete Pics?[yes/no]";
[22:17] <daftpun1> read delete;
[22:17] <daftpun1> if [$delete="yes"]
[22:17] <daftpun1> then echo "Yes delete all"
[22:17] <daftpun1> fi
[22:17] <daftpun1> if ["$delete"="no"]
[22:18] <daftpun1> then echo "Please not don't delete"
[22:18] <daftpun1> fi
[22:18] <daftpun1> GetPictures: 10: [yes=yes]: not found
[22:18] <daftpun1> GetPictures: 14: [yes=no]: not found
[22:19] <daftpun1> last 2 lines is the output
[22:19] <David-A> daftpun1: you was supposed to click "Paste!" and then copy the url here
[22:19] <jarnos> daftpun1: do you use firefox? FireFTP add-on?
[22:19] <daftpun1> aahh ok just a sec
[22:19] <jarnos> daftpun1: gftp, filezilla
[22:20] <daftpun1> David-A http://paste.ubuntu.com/11503/
[22:20] <kingair_six> FireFTP is decent, works fine
[22:20] <daftpun1> here we are
[22:21] <kingair_six> my favorite on windows used to be smart ftp
[22:21] <David-A> daftpun1: I know, no instructions on the page, but easy to grasp after using
[22:21] <daftpun1> kingair_six I will try it
[22:21] <daftpun1> but I was completely disgusted by krusder
[22:23] <kingair_six> never tried it
[22:23] <daftpun1> kingair_six it's file manager for KDE
[22:23] <daftpun1> it doesn't work very good with Xfce
[22:23] <kingair_six> i would be so happy if someone could actually include a nice, stable ftp client into Eclipse, so that you can do all your work right away from FTP, that would, imho, solve many issues
[22:24] <kingair_six> hm, either way, atm i'm on ubuntu, cause my xubuntu refuses to do any wireless;)
[22:24] <David-A> daftpun1: Aha, missing spaces inside the []. Like if [ "$x" = "x" ]; then
[22:24] <daftpun1> David-A any idea what does that output mean?
[22:24] <daftpun1> oh ok
[22:25] <David-A> daftpun1: Also, you can use a if-then-else construct
[22:25] <jarnos> kingair_six: FireFTP does not work with Firefox 3 (yet).
[22:26] <daftpun1> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11504/
[22:27] <kingair_six> hm, i'm still on 2
[22:27] <kingair_six> for some reason, firefox on ubuntu also screws with my design, which is why i'm kinda unhappy with it^^ i havent put my brains to solving the issue yet
[22:27] <David-A> daftpun1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11505/ (you got the space around = too, i see)
[22:28] <daftpun1> David-A it's working now
[22:28] <daftpun1> thanks
[22:28] <David-A> daftpun1: ";" is not needed at the end of lines, only between commands on the same line.
[22:30] <David-A> daftpun1: The double "cd" is superflous. The second misses initial / so maybe the first worked.
[22:30] <jsoftw> Hello. Logging in with an xfce4 session in ubuntu 8.04 from the login screen, fails. It just kinda hangs there, though I can move the mouse. If I start up with a fail safe terminal, then type xfce4-session, it works ok.
[22:30] <jsoftw> Any ideas why its not working from the GDM login screen?
[22:31] <CHR> Has anyone tried integrating random security tools like metasploit on xubuntu?
[22:32] <CHR> Maybe I'm stupid, and you can't, but I was wondering if anyone had done that
[22:32] <CHR> (and no, I'm not planning on "hacking")
[22:32] <CHR> or black hat activities, whatever
[22:33] <jsoftw> *shrug*
[22:33] <jsoftw> What are these tools, and why would they not work on ubuntu?
[22:33] <jarnos> daftpun1: what kind of problems you had with Krusader in Xfce or otherwise?
[22:33] <CHR> hold on, I'll make a partial list
[22:33] <portokaosol> hey folks, can somebody help me setup my wireless network?
[22:34] <CHR> actually, I feel like I'm taking away from valid questions, so just nevermind
[22:34] <daftpun1> jarnos yeah in Xfce it was very clumsy, it was ignoring file type configs, ftp client was a disgrace
[22:35] <daftpun1> creating new connection for every file I copied
[22:35] <daftpun1> It was using KDE file configs
[22:35] <jsoftw> Anyway, how would I figure out why xfce4-session wont run from GDM, but runs ok if I start it manually
[22:35] <jsoftw> ?
[22:35] <portokaosol> it was working fine with Kubuntu, but I switched to Xubuntu using (sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop).. I can connect ok using a wired connection, but not wireless
[22:36] <portokaosol> Any ideas what should I do!?
[22:36] <jsoftw> pass.
[22:38] <jarnos> daftpun1: But it is very versatile file manager. I think KDE apps have icon buttons not so intuitive for beginners.
[22:42] <biabia> 64bit xubuntu is ok with 4gb ram ?
[22:43] <TheSheep> biabia: it has nothing to do with ram
[22:43] <TheSheep> biabia you need a 64bit processor
[22:44] <killaz> Hi I need some help here with my installation of xubuntu
[22:44] <killaz> I just finished installing the package xubuntu-desktop
[22:44] <biabia> yes athlon 64
[22:45] <killaz> but when I logged in at at the login page (xubuntu theme) I dont see any menu, xubuntu theme etc
[22:45] <killaz> I only see a pigeon wallpaper
[22:45] <portokaosol> killaz: you need to pick the session on the log in screen
[22:45] <portokaosol> before you log in
[22:46] <TheSheep> killaz: try pressing alt+f2 and typing 'xfce4-panel' in the window that appears
[22:46] <killaz> portokaosol: ahh that's another problem the fonts in the logging screen are so small
[22:46] <killaz> so when I clikc on the session button I can't read anything
[22:47] <kingair_six> is anybody around here well versed in networking issues?
[22:47] <tuna> kingair_six: somewhat
[22:48] <portokaosol> killaz: did you switch from another distro, like ubuntu or kubuntu?
[22:48] <kingair_six> alright, thx, so here's my problem: i cant get my belkin 7010, broadcom chipset, to run with the b43 driver from linuxwireless.org
[22:49] <kingair_six> i cant get network manager to run, and wifi-radar doesnt recognize any signal., neither do the leds light up, although the card is recognized
[22:49] <killaz> portokaosol: I first installed the server version... but now I want GUI so I thought XFCE is the right tool (light and fast)
[22:50] <portokaosol> did you try what TheSheep said?
[22:51] <killaz> I will
[22:51] <portokaosol> try and come back if it doesn't work
[22:51] <portokaosol> maybe I can help you pick the right session button to use
[22:51] <portokaosol> since I just switched from Kubuntu
[22:53] <killaz> portokaosol: I will appreciate that... the xfc4-panel works... but I still have that gnome feel as a desktop
[22:53] <killaz> maybe you can tell me which button to use
[22:54] <portokaosol> killaz: I think that xfce kinda looks like gnome
[22:55] <slow-motion> n8
[22:56] <portokaosol> by the way, on the log in screen
[22:56] <portokaosol> do you see the Xubuntu logo?
[22:56] <portokaosol> killaz: ?
[22:57] <killaz_> portokaosol: sorry WiFi went down..
[22:57] <killaz_> portokaosol: hope you can tell me which button....
[22:57] <portokaosol> Killaz, do you see the Xubuntu logo on the log in screen?
[22:58] <killaz_> yup
[22:58] <portokaosol> alright, try this
[22:58] <portokaosol> the right button is for sessions
[22:58] <killaz_> yup
[22:58] <portokaosol> the left is languages
[22:58] <killaz_> yup
[22:58] <portokaosol> pick the 5th button in the sessions section
[22:59] <killaz_> the 5th ok.. I will give it a try
[22:59] <portokaosol> wait
[22:59] <portokaosol> over here, the 5th button says, "4. Xfce Session"
[22:59] <portokaosol> just so you know
[22:59] <killaz_> ok..
[22:59] <portokaosol> try
[23:00] <killaz_> strange thing that my font is so messed up.... probably has to do with the server installation
[23:01] <portokaosol> yeah, I don't know how to help you with that... try searching for "small font log in screen xubuntu" somewhere
[23:02] <killaz_> portokaosol: Think I have the right one cause it asked me if I want Xfce to be the defaukt session
[23:02] <portokaosol> yea, that's right
[23:02] <portokaosol> it should do that
[23:03] <killaz_> hmmm the whole fonts in xubuntu are too small
[23:03] <killaz_> so I can't read anything if I dont get a magnifying glass... :-)
[23:04] <portokaosol> in meantime I wanted to ask, does anyone here knows if a command exists that will tell the system to rebuild itself? kinda like reinstalling but without the CD ?
[23:10] <portokaosol> killaz any luck?
[23:11] <portokaosol> I found this, http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/08/09/howto-fix-xfce-fonts/
[23:11] <portokaosol> you might wanna try it
[23:16] <killaz_> portokaosol: I just tried and resize all the fonts but I will try this also..
[23:16] <livingdayligh1> hello
[23:16] <livingdayligh1> how can i add further workspaces?
[23:17] <killaz_> livingdayligh1: Applications -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Workspace and Margins
[23:18] <livingdayligh1> killaz_: thx fella... i was confused why i couldn't right-click and do it from properties like in gnome
[23:19] <killaz_> hehehehe it's all new for me too... just switched to xfce
[23:19] <livingdayligh1> yea, me too
[23:19] <killaz_> have to get accostumed to the new style
[23:20] <livingdayligh1> now that've added a couple more workspaces i'm much happier with it all
[23:20] <livingdayligh1> only thing i miss from gnome is the time and date which can be configured in gnome to add as many other time zones as you like
[23:21] <livingdayligh1> so when you click on the time/date there's a dialog drop-down detailing other time zones and weather conditions
[23:22] <livingdayligh1> i looked at orage clock but it doesn't quite do it
[23:22] <killaz_> but that is a new feature in gnome right>
[23:23] <livingdayligh1> yes, relatively
[23:23] <livingdayligh1> a really nice new feature too :)
[23:25] <killaz_> portokaosol: I think I know why my fonts is messed up.. the xorg config is not set ok.... usually the desktop version will setup xorg for correct display
[23:25] <killaz_> FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
[23:25] <killaz_> FontPath “/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi”
[23:25] <killaz_> I dont have that
[23:32] <livingdayligh1> how does one add/change backgrounds?
[23:45] <Olgem> right click on the desktop
[23:53] <portokaosol> does anyone know how can I add another alphabet on my keyboard? I managed to pick it, but nothing happens
[23:54] <portokaosol> I am talking about the layouts