UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /11 /#ubuntu-classroom.txt
Initial commit
=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd
=== stiffler is now known as Stiffler
[14:17] <CShadowRun> :)
[14:17] <CShadowRun> was saying you could VNC in and have a look if you like
[14:17] <jrib> create something brand new, does that work?
[14:17] <jrib> nah, too much trouble :)
[14:17] <CShadowRun> jrib yup, that works.
[14:17] <jrib> and then changing it works as well?
[14:18] * CShadowRun trys
[14:19] <CShadowRun> creating a new item and editing it works
[14:19] <CShadowRun> editing existing ones don't.
[14:20] <jrib> by "existing" you mean never created through alacarte?
[14:20] <CShadowRun> correct
[14:20] * jrib tries
[14:20] <CShadowRun> I bet if i just created one using alacarte and copied and pasted the code, i could replace the existing ones completely lol
[14:21] <jrib> seems to work here... try changing accessories -> gedit to open totem
[14:21] <jrib> accessories -> text editor*
[14:22] <CShadowRun> jrib hmm, that works for me
[14:22] <CShadowRun> this is weird, i can edit that but i can't edit stuff in the wine dir
[14:23] <jrib> k, well you see how in ~/.local/share/applications/ there is a wine directory?
[14:23] <CShadowRun> yup
[14:23] <jrib> can you get to the portal .desktop in there somewhere?
[14:23] <CShadowRun> yup, i found that
[14:23] <jrib> does changing that directly work?
[14:23] <CShadowRun> so it was a conflict :p
[14:24] <CShadowRun> yup that works
[14:24] <CShadowRun> guess i'll remove all the conflicting wine desktop items.
[14:24] <jrib> probably a bug in alacarte
[14:24] <jrib> !bugs
[14:24] <ubottu> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots
[14:24] <CShadowRun> maybe :p
[14:26] <CShadowRun> jrib definatly a bug in alacarte
[14:26] <CShadowRun> i removed the conflicting items, and went back into alacarte again
[14:26] <CShadowRun> and it recreated them
[14:26] <CShadowRun> I'm not really sure what to report though :s
[14:28] <jrib> CShadowRun: describe the issue. Include the two .desktop files involved and their location
[14:28] <jrib> and the result, and what you expected
[14:28] <CShadowRun> ok
[14:28] <jrib> they'll ask you for more if they need it :)
[14:29] <CShadowRun> lol ugh i have to sign up
[14:32] <CShadowRun> it's already been reported i think
[14:32] <CShadowRun> :)
=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd
=== MiicroStar is now known as ASUS-tek
[21:45] <ASUS-tek> ompaul u ther
[21:46] <ompaul> I am, and you should discuss bans in #ubuntu-ops
[21:46] <ASUS-tek> okey