UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /10 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <sommer> what version of update-manager-core do you have?
[00:00] <pdragon> 0.56~dapper5
[00:01] <pdragon> just installed it
[00:01] <pdragon> ran apt-get update and upgrade again then do-release-upgrade. still nothing
[00:01] <pdragon> do i have to change anything in the sources.list file?
[00:02] <sommer> hrmm... that's the latest
[00:02] <sommer> not really sure... I think the -d doesn't work because it would be trying to install intrepid, which isn't built yet
[00:04] <pdragon> when i do the -d it's grabbing hardy.tar.gz though
[00:04] <pdragon> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11198/
[00:04] <brocebeats> any clue on subversion sommer
[00:05] <bog> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades says for 6.06 server to hardy, that the -d switch is needed
[00:06] <sommer> pdragon: mmmm... should have looked at the error closer, I thought the -d switch wasn't needed
[00:06] <sommer> bog: ya, looks like it isd
[00:06] <sommer> err, is
[00:07] <sommer> bog: you're getting the same error?
[00:07] <bog> sommer: I'm getting a different error… putting it together now
[00:07] <sommer> pdragon: what happens if you do sudo do-release-upgrade -d ?
[00:07] <pdragon> sec
[00:07] <sommer> pdragon: from a non-root user
[00:08] <pdragon> same exact thing
[00:08] <bog> I get these errors from the end of the do-release-upgrade -d and the end of the main.log file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11199/
[00:09] <bog> I am also attempting to upgrade from dapper to hardy
[00:09] <bog> it looks like it tries to remove ubuntu standard for some reason?
[00:09] <bog> (sorry, ubuntu-standard)
[00:09] <sommer> bog: and your box is up to date ?
[00:10] <bog> yes, ran update, upgrade, dist-upgrade
[00:10] <sommer> pdragon: it looks like a but to me
[00:10] <bog> same version of update-manager-core
[00:10] <sommer> bog: did it install a log of packages when you did dist-upgrade
[00:10] <bog> sources.list matches what is here: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/04/03/dapper-to-hardy-direct-server-upgrade-works/
[00:11] <sommer> because that's sort of the same as do-release-upgrade
[00:11] <bog> sommer: it did update some packages, and I have restarted since then
[00:11] <sommer> bog: is your /etc/apt/sources.list still dapper?
[00:11] <bog> yes
[00:12] <sommer> I'm not sure, I've never really used apptitude... you might file a bug with the output attached
[00:12] <bog> ok, thanks for looking into it
[00:13] <pdragon> going to try a post on the install/upgrade forums
[00:13] <pdragon> thanks for trying to help :)
[00:14] <sommer> you're both welcome, kind of strange because I upgraded several times using the prereleases
[00:15] <brocebeats> gah this is so frustrating
[00:20] <pdragon> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=788455
[00:20] <pdragon> quick response
[00:20] <pdragon> think that would work?
[00:22] <sommer> ummm maybe, but is your server production?
[00:22] <pdragon> yes
[00:22] <pdragon> i'm typing that reply now
[00:23] <pdragon> hoping for a more firm response from someone :)
[00:23] <sommer> ya, I'd probably file a bug and get something more concreate... at least that'd feel safer to me
[00:23] <sommer> concrete even
[00:23] <pdragon> which would be the best place to file the bug?
[00:24] <sommer> pdragon: also if you have another machine that you could setup as a "clone" (same services/date) it'd probably be worth testing first
[00:24] <sommer> pdragon: launchpad.net against the update-manager-core package
[00:24] <pdragon> no, i don't. this isn't really a critical system. just my personal web server
[00:25] <pdragon> i run some things for friends, though, so would like to avoid extended down times :)
[00:25] <sommer> ah, I guess you have to weigh the possible down time, before trying something like that... at least withouth testing first
[00:25] <pdragon> yeah, i could recover from a clean install. would just take a lot longer
[00:25] <Deeps> clone it to a virtual machine
[00:25] <Deeps> using virtualbox or vmware server
[00:26] <pdragon> hmm... not 100% sure how to do that, but i'll look into it. thanks!
[00:30] <bog> pdragon: I've seen elsewhere that changing your sources.list to point to hardy without doing do-release-upgrade is not a good idea
[00:30] <bog> also, it may make more sense to upgrade to each incremental release instead (which would be a bit of a pain)
[00:31] <bog> I just filed my bug and hope it gets fixed
[00:32] <brocebeats> I am trying to create an ssl certificate using apache2-ssl-certificate
[00:32] <brocebeats> but i get an error
[00:32] <brocebeats> error on line -1 of /usr/share/apache2/ssleay.cnf
[00:32] <brocebeats> 22156:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:bss_file.c:122:fopen('/usr/share/apache2/ssleay.cnf','rb')
[00:32] <brocebeats> 22156:error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file:bss_file.c:125:
[00:32] <brocebeats> 22156:error:0E078072:configuration file routines:DEF_LOAD:no such file:conf_def.c:197:
[00:34] <brocebeats> any clue how to fix that
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
[01:28] <brocebeats> well i am trying to set up an svn on an ubuntu webserver where it uses webdav as the protocol and you can only access the svn via the subdomain
[01:28] <brocebeats> I have the svn up and running but it is available in every domain not just that subdomain
[01:28] <brocebeats> i added a vhost
[01:29] <brocebeats> to /etc/apache2/sites-available
[01:29] <brocebeats> http://pastebin.ca/1013239 <---- is my virtual host
[01:29] <brocebeats> and that is the only time i call on the svn dav
[01:54] <RoAkSoAx> brocebeats, your pastebin is invalid
[01:55] <brocebeats> ok hold on
[01:56] <brocebeats> RoakSoax http://pastebin.ca/1013353
[01:59] <RoAkSoAx> brocebeats, do you have another virtual hosts for the same domain?
[01:59] <brocebeats> no
[01:59] <brocebeats> But i dont have a default vhost
[01:59] <brocebeats> sudo apache2ctl -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS
[01:59] <brocebeats> VirtualHost configuration:
[01:59] <brocebeats>* svn.ntorrents.net (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/svn.ntorrents.net.conf:1)
[01:59] <brocebeats> wildcard NameVirtualHosts and _default_ servers:
[01:59] <brocebeats> *:443 is a NameVirtualHost
[01:59] <brocebeats> default server fry.1g.se (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ssl:2)
[01:59] <brocebeats> port 443 namevhost fry.1g.se (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ssl:2)
[01:59] <brocebeats> Syntax OK
[02:00] <brocebeats> sorry flood
[02:00] <brocebeats> i think that may be the issue and the person who admined this server used a module called autoindex
[02:04] <RoAkSoAx> brocebeats, wht will happen if you remove server alias... this is how i usually configure virtual hosts: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11211/
[02:05] <brocebeats> i know i tried that
[02:05] <brocebeats> I have an idea though
[02:06] <RoAkSoAx> what is that
[02:07] <RoAkSoAx> try removing ServerAlias and see what happes
[02:09] <brocebeats> nope
[02:09] <brocebeats> still has that issue
[02:14] <RoAkSoAx> brocebeats, so try addind a virtual host for www.xxxx.net and xxx.net with different documentroot and then another for your svn and see what happens
[02:31] <brocebeats> still the same issue
[02:34] <RoAkSoAx> maybe it's not updating then...
[02:38] <Achoth> I just installed apache2 and opened up port 80, but still I can only access the page from my internal IP, not the external. How do I fix this?
[02:59] <RoAkSoAx> Achoth, do you have a router?
[03:00] <Achoth> RoAkSoAx: Yes I do
[03:00] <Achoth> And I've forwarded port 80 to this computer
[03:00] <RoAkSoAx> Achoth, have you restarted your router?
[03:01] <RoAkSoAx> (after openning the port)
[03:01] <Achoth> Nope
[03:01] <Achoth> Is that neccecry?
[03:01] <RoAkSoAx> yes
[03:01] <Achoth> Oh
[03:01] <Achoth> Then I will see you in a couple of minutes
[03:01] <Achoth> brb
[03:01] <RoAkSoAx> sometimes the router does not take the changes after you reboot
[03:02] <RoAkSoAx> ok
[03:04] <Achoth_> Wohoo!
[03:04] <Achoth_> It works!
[03:04] <Achoth_> Thanks RoAkSoAx :)
[03:04] <RoAkSoAx> Achoth, rock on!!
[03:04] <RoAkSoAx> Achoth, yw
[03:04] <Achoth_> Now those 3 hours of trying to solve my problems seems... pointless
[03:06] <RoAkSoAx> hahaha lol... that happens... Achoth_ when i just changed routers from broadhand to dsl ones... had the same issue
[03:06] <Achoth_> annoying :/
[03:07] <RoAkSoAx> well a lil price to pay to have NAT working... lol
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
[03:57] <cody-somerville> I get the following error when I try to connect to a domain I setup with ebox on another server on my lan:
[03:57] <cody-somerville> http://pastebin.ca/1013418
[04:18] <hotmonkeyluv> I have 5 hard drives, each with 1-2 partitions on them, how do I get them to automatically mount? I selected "do not use this partition" when i was installing (don't know why, stupid me...)
[04:28] <brocebeats> this is so frustrating
[04:28] <brocebeats> well i am trying to set up an svn on an ubuntu webserver where it uses webdav as the protocol and you can only access the svn via the subdomain
[04:28] <brocebeats> I have the svn up and running but it is available in every domain not just that subdomain
[04:28] <brocebeats> i added a vhost
[04:28] <brocebeats> to /etc/apache2/sites-available
[04:29] <brocebeats> my vhost is perfect
[04:37] <hotmonkeyluv> how can I find the uuid of a disk if it's not mounted?
[05:18] <brocebeats> I have created an svn and want it to host at svn.ntorrents.net. Everything I read said you create a file in sites available and then enable it with a2ensite <my_site_name>. So thats what I did i showed you my vhost site file http://pastebin.ca/1013353. the problem is that the svn is accessable from any site on the server. I can go to http://mydomain.net/trunk or svn.mydomain.net/trunk or subdomain.mydomain.net/trunk all go to the svn meaning my p
[05:53] <hotmonkeyluv> are UUIDs created new each time the system boots?
[06:20] <nealmcb> hotmonkeyluv: if you mean file system uuids - no those are set when the file system is created, I think. but uuids are used for many other things also - see wikipedia
[06:21] <hotmonkeyluv> thanks nealmcb
[06:21] <nealmcb> hotmonkeyluv: my pleasure
[06:27] <vagothcpp> How can I copy 8gb of files over a LAN using ubuntu server 7.10 from console?
[06:30] <vagothcpp> Can anyone help me please, I am new to linux?
[06:32] <privet> vagothcpp: so the one machine is ubuntu. what is the other one?
[06:35] <privet> vagothcpp: cause you can use either scp, smbclient or even ftp... depends on what the machines/OS's are
[06:37] <vagothcpp> It is windows
[06:40] <vagothcpp> What can I do if it is a WindowsXP box?
[06:56] <privet> then best is to use smbclient
[06:56] <vagothcpp> Okay, ty
[06:56] <privet> vagothcpp: on the ubuntu machine you can do: "smbclient //IP/share"
[06:58] <vagothcpp> Thank you
[06:58] <hotmonkeyluv> my computer can't assign mount points to ntfs partitions when I'm installing ubuntu server
[06:58] <hotmonkeyluv> is that normal?
[06:58] <privet> hotmonkeyluv: what is the error that you get?
[06:59] <hotmonkeyluv> privet: the attemp to mount a file system with type ntfs in scsi1 (0,0,0), partition #1 (sda) at /sda1 failed
[07:00] <hotmonkeyluv> then it says: you can resume partitioning (and then it takes me back to the partitioning menu)
[07:00] <privet> are on a already installed server, or busy witht he install
[07:02] <hotmonkeyluv> i'm installing it now
[07:03] <privet> hotmonkeyluv: no need to do anything with it during the parttion.
[07:03] <privet> mount it after you have installed the OS
[07:03] <hotmonkeyluv> privet: I can set it up later, right?
[07:03] <hotmonkeyluv> ok
[07:03] <hotmonkeyluv> thanks for the help!
[07:21] <vagothcpp> How do I set a DNS Server for an ethernet connection?
[07:22] <vagothcpp> Any links?
[07:31] <hotmonkeyluv> how do I install a .deb via the cli?
[07:33] <hotmonkeyluv> nvmd, i jfgi'd it
[09:11] <uvirtbot> New bug: #228917 in logwatch (main) "Filter/group some of postfix log output" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/228917
[09:29] <kraut> moin
[09:54] <igoogg> how do i confirm 'sendmail -t -i' is working after installing postfix?
[09:56] <igoogg> php calls /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i when i try to send an email, php returns no error. but i am not receiving a mail.
[09:57] <igoogg> https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/postfix.html <- followed every single step to set up postfix.
[11:25] <uvirtbot> New bug: #228947 in samba (main) "During shutdown samba shares should be unmounted before network connection is shut down" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/228947
[12:18] <LMJ> hi
[12:18] <LMJ> Is anyone knows here if it's possible to 'hot'switch from soft RAID1 to soft RAID5 ?
[12:20] <Jasper--> you have a raid1 with 2 drives, and you want to go to a 3+drive raid5?
[12:22] <LMJ> yes
[12:22] <LMJ> had a 3rd drive and switch to RAID5
[12:22] <Jasper--> depending what you mean by hotswitch that should be possible. Degrade the radi1 array to single drive, then you have the one old drive and the newer drive, set those up as a 2-out-of-3 degraded raid5, dd the data over, edit boot stuff and reboot if it's the /,, and then add the last drive to the raid5
[12:22] <LMJ> sound not impossible
[12:22] <Jasper--> that should work in theory.
[12:22] <Jasper--> Make backups. :P
[12:23] <LMJ> yes, but I have a meta-physical issue ;)
[12:23] <LMJ> look :
[12:24] <LMJ> http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-RAID-HOWTO.html : If you use N devices where the smallest has size S, the size of the entire array will be (N-1)*S for RAID5 but only (N/2)*X
[12:24] <LMJ> (N/2)*S**
[12:24] <LMJ> If I have 2 x 500GB HD : it will make 500GB on RAID1 on RAID5 with a third disk, it should make 1TB online
[12:25] <Jasper--> yup.
[12:25] <LMJ> that's sound a problem for me
[12:25] <Jasper--> hm.
[12:25] <LMJ> for livemigration
[12:25] <Jasper--> yeah, I'm missing a step
[12:25] <LMJ> so am I
[12:25] <LMJ> ;)
[12:25] <Jasper--> dd it over, then expand the partition and filesystem to fill the now twice as big room.
[12:26] <Jasper--> depends on what exactly is on the raid device whether that'll work
[12:29] <Jasper--> the ubuntu server installer apparently treats a raid device you create with it as a partition-equal block device, so I *think* you should be able to dd it over from one /dev/md to the next and then just grow the fs, without worrying about the nonexistent partition table -- otherwise you could manually fdisk in between there.
[12:30] <Jasper--> If you've got / on the fs in question you should probably run either in single user or from a livecd while doing it all, though.\
[12:30] <Jasper--> otherwise, just have the fses unmounted.
[12:40] <LMJ> it's only data
[12:40] <LMJ> I think I will backup the data on other HDs, setup the RAID5 and copy back my stuff
[12:44] * delcoyote hi
[12:46] <Jasper--> LMJ: That'll work, too, but it's essentially what you're doing anyway.
[12:47] <Jasper--> just that from a mirror set you can 'rescue' a drive by putting it into degraded mode and on a raid5 you can 'save' a drive by setting it up degraded
[12:47] <Jasper--> the latter in particular will probably result in a amjor performance hit, though
[12:56] <MatBoy> mhh, I have a lot of garbage after removing xen, still modules and so on
[13:30] <MatBoy> this is annoying, dpkg says packages are installed and apt-get can't remove them :S
[13:55] <MatBoy> fixed that part :)
[17:40] <dennister> hey channel...having a real mounting problems with cifs...not used to it, but smbfs is deprecated, so I might as well get this right
[17:41] <dennister> the first of a series of error messages in dmesg is: CIFS VFS: Error connecting to IPv4 socket. Aborting operation
[17:42] <dennister> followed by: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -111
[17:43] <dennister> none of my web searches is probing fruitful, and my fstab entry for my samba shares does result in the shares being fully browseable/writable by other machines on the network
[17:43] <dennister> anyone got any ideas?
[17:51] <sommer> dennister: you might try this: echo 1 > /proc/fs/cifs/cifsFYI
[17:52] <sommer> dennister: then try mounting the share using the mount -t cifs command... there should then be more output in /var/log/syslog
[17:53] <dennister> sommer: your echo line gave me a 'permission denied', both as a user and as root
[17:54] <dennister> but i have found something of itnerest: using kde, system settings--->network settings--->domain name system, I see that I have not IPv4 listed, only ip6
[17:57] <sommer> dennister: ah, the command failed, because sudo has a different environment which causes the redirect to behave differently... one sec
[18:02] <sommer> dennister: ah, try: sudo sh -c 'echo 1 > /proc/fs/cifs/cifsFYI'
[18:02] <sommer> that should give you more output
[18:04] <dennister> sommer: i'm afraid it didn't give me more output in /var/log/syslog, not that I can see, although i didn't get an error code in terminal
[18:05] <sommer> mmm... did it work then?
[18:05] <sommer> dennister: and you have the smbfs package installed correct?
[18:06] <dennister> sommer: depends on what you mean by "work"...i probably won't be able to tell until i reboot...i do have smbfs, yes
[18:06] <dennister> i did doublecheck that
[18:07] <sommer> dennister: if you can mount it once it's booted it should mount using fstab... at least that's the theory :)
[18:07] <dennister> ok, let me reboot once or twice...bbs
[18:08] <mralphabet> can't you do a mount -a cifs to check instead of having to reboot?
[18:08] * mralphabet shrugs
[18:10] <sommer> heh, guess not
[18:26] <dennister> sommer: the echo line didn't do much after the reboot, i'm afraid, but someone suggested i do the noauto option in fstab, and then try mounting cifs shares manually in terminal, that worked fine
[18:28] <sommer> dennister: bonus! ya, /proc isn't a regular filesystem it's only in memory, so when you reboot changes aren't saved
[18:30] <MatBoy> can I use the LV UUID as a normal UUID in fstab ?
[18:30] <MatBoy> or do I need to use LV UUID in the fstab ?
[18:31] <dennister> sommer: ok, a friend has come online whom I know personally, and is a total guru about these and other networking things...will also be able to help me finish this pxe install server
[18:32] <dennister> so ty for your help, today and the other day with getting samba reinstalled properly on the other hardy machine:-)
[18:32] <sommer> dennister: you're welcome
[18:42] <MatBoy> ah, lvm seems to be fun
[18:47] <sommer> MatBoy: what are you trying to do?
[19:09] <nxvl> does anyone knows where i can find the svg of the server team logo?
[19:14] <Twigathy> Hi, how do I install vmware-server for an 8.04 system? http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/partner/binary-i386/Packages suggests I should be able to do "apt-get install vmware-server" but it comes back with "Couldn't find package vmware-server"...
[19:15] <Twigathy> oh wait, hardy :D
[19:15] <il_bonsai> someone can help to install a web server on ubuntu server 7.10
[19:15] <Twigathy> lame. It's not packaged for hardy :(
[19:15] <il_bonsai> mail server sry
[19:16] <il_bonsai> someone can help to install a mail server on ubuntu server 7.10
[19:21] <il_bonsai> someone can help me please
[19:22] <sommer> il_bonsai: what kind of mail server are you wanting to setup?
[19:23] <il_bonsai> to setup emails for my own company
[19:23] <il_bonsai> it should probably be fast and secure
[19:23] <sommer> il_bonsai: the default mta for ubuntu is postfix, the serverguide has the steps to configure: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/postfix.html
[19:23] <il_bonsai> and a very lightweight
[19:24] <sommer> il_bonsai: I think you'll be happy with postfix :)
[19:24] <il_bonsai> yesterday i installed the webmin and it shows that the dovecot is installed
[19:24] <il_bonsai> but its not
[19:24] <sommer> il_bonsai: webmin isn't recommended for ubuntu, because of the way it changes package configurations
[19:24] <il_bonsai> 10x sommer
[19:24] <sommer> !webmin
[19:24] <ubottu> webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.
[19:24] <il_bonsai> if i have any problem i ask you
[19:25] <il_bonsai> ok
[19:25] <sommer> I may not be around all day, but it's usaually best to just ask the channel, because someone else will probably know the answer
[19:25] <il_bonsai> i dont use it that much
[19:26] <il_bonsai> i just installed it to try it
[19:26] <Deeps> !ebox | il_bonsai
[19:26] <ubottu> il_bonsai: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox
[19:27] <il_bonsai> so the ebox is much better than the webmin?
[19:28] <Deeps> it's recommended over webmin for debian/ubuntu based systems
[19:28] <Deeps> whether it's better or not is very subjective
[19:28] <Deeps> https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html
[19:28] <Deeps> is also probably relevant to your interests
[19:28] <il_bonsai> i try it after installing the postfix
[19:28] <il_bonsai> the postfix is a graphical server or ccommandline?
[19:29] <Deeps> i dont know if it has a gui, i've only used it command line
[19:29] <Deeps> see https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html for help on how to configure various mail services, including postfix
[19:30] <sommer> actually the current guide is: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html
[19:30] <il_bonsai> how to open it as a commandline?
[19:30] <sommer> but thanks for the link Deeps
[19:30] <sommer> :)
[19:30] <Deeps> il_bonsai: he's using 7.10
[19:30] <Deeps> urr
[19:30] <Deeps> sommer: ^^
[19:30] <sommer> Deeps: oh, woops missed that
[19:31] <Deeps> sommer: np, thanks for playing :)
[19:31] <il_bonsai> 10x to all of you for helping me
[19:31] <sommer> Deeps: heh, gotta play to win
[19:31] <Deeps> true.dat
[19:33] <il_bonsai> one last question
[19:33] <il_bonsai> how to run the postfix please
[19:34] <il_bonsai> cause i don't know taht much how to run programs using commandline
[19:35] <sommer> il_bonsai: postfix runs as a service, it can be stopped and started by using /etc/init.d/postix start|stop|restart
[19:55] <AtomicSpark> I need a CNAME to point to a shared host address. For example "www N CNAME 12.34.567.8/~username," will this work? If not, how do they point domain names to these hosts?
[19:55] <Deeps> no
[19:55] <Deeps> again, you need to get your web host to create an virtual host
[19:56] <AtomicSpark> X(
[19:56] <Deeps> if you are your own web host and you're using apache, read up on the VirtualHost directive
[19:57] <AtomicSpark> interesting.
[19:58] <AtomicSpark> i know an easier fix. make the local domain .local
[19:59] <AtomicSpark> .local is one of the upper-level domains that don't route correct? i think i read that somewhere
[20:02] <Deeps> .myperonaltld doesn't route either
[20:06] <AtomicSpark> just checking. i think i got that information from win smb 2003 server. who knows if they're right. ;)
[20:11] <ScottK> .local is a non-existant TLD. Depending on your DNS server, it may still ping the root servers and discover it doesn't exist. Not sure exactly what you mean as routing and DNS aren't exactly related.
[20:12] <ScottK> With a DNS name lookup you either discover records or not.
[20:19] <Konam> how do I tell to ubuntu to pick the data from my DHCP server and not the router?
[20:23] <Nafallo> Konam: turn off the DHCP on the router :-)
[20:24] <Konam> Nafallo that's it? I won't have to indicate the direction of the DHCP router or anything or dhclient will look for it?
[20:26] <Nafallo> Konam: DHCP broadcast their querys if they can't find a known DHCPd.
[20:52] <AtomicSpark> Konam, you shouldn't have two DHCP servers running on the same subnet unless you have them master/salve or something crazy.
[20:52] <Konam> AtomicSpark yes, thanks for the info
[20:53] <AtomicSpark> you know what's really fun? use static ip's across your network and then set up DHCP to give addresses of unrouterablness. then when an intruder gets on your network, they can't see anything. lols.
[20:54] <Konam> AtomicSpark but the authoritative line in the dhcpd.conf isn't just for that, to become the main dhcp server even though it wasn't the only one? or am I wrong?
[20:55] <AtomicSpark> Konam, yes you can set up hierarchy but since it's a router. it's not very smart. so it will interfere with your plans.
[20:56] <Deeps> Konam: suppose both your router and your ubuntu server are both configured as authoritative, what happens then?
[20:57] <Deeps> Konam: or more accurately, do you know how your router's dhcp server is configured?
[20:57] <Konam> Deeps No :|
[20:58] <Konam> but I was just asking to make sure that the authoritative line was for what I thought it was
[20:58] <Deeps> from what i read in the man pages, i'd agree with your assessment, assuming only 1 server is configured using that directive
[20:59] <AtomicSpark> Konam, it's kindof random. I know when we play around with DCHP at school and SOMEONE DOESNT UNPLUG THE INTERNET, it gives people bad addresses. man does that piss off the IT departement.
[20:59] <AtomicSpark> they have to shut down our classroom's port haha
[21:01] <AtomicSpark> but anyways, I use the router at work to give out DCHP addresses. I find a single location to configure internets is much easier.
[21:49] <Konam> AtomicSpark when you specify a subnet and its netmask but doesn't specify its range, no data will be sent to the clients on that subnet?
[21:50] <AtomicSpark> Konam, not sure. you're setting up DCHP correct?
[21:50] <Konam> AtomicSpark no, I'm just reading dhcpd.conf :)
[21:51] <Konam> but I thought the DNS adresses were delivered, at least
[21:51] <AtomicSpark> Konam, you have to send IP/subnet if you want to send DNS. DNS is optional but you can't just send it.
[21:52] <AtomicSpark> works one way not the other kind of thing
[21:52] <Konam> gotcha
[21:52] <Konam> I will have to set another vm with xubuntu or some other distro to some of those things out
[21:53] <Konam> to test*
[22:21] <timboy> i'm having an issue with ssh. I can access it in network but not out of network... on my router i'm forwarding 22 to my box. do you think that my router is lying to me and not really forwarding the port?
[22:24] <privet> timboy: can you run something like tcpdump on your router?
[22:27] <timboy> privet, unfortunately no.
[22:27] <privet> okay. then run it on your ubuntu server that are making the connection too.
[22:28] <privet> that will show if you are really connecting to the server yout hink you are connecting
[22:30] <timboy> privet, not familiar with tcpdump... what do i need to pass it?
[22:31] <privet> timboy: how are you connected onthat server? you on the console?
[22:31] <timboy> yeah on console
[22:32] <privet> sudo tcpdump -i any -n port 22
[22:32] <privet> timboy: "-i any" = any/all interface
[22:32] <MatBoy> mhh, not any good openvz controlpanel that runs on ubuntu
[22:32] <privet> timboy: "-n" = do not resolve DNS names
[22:34] <timboy> wow i just got a ton of console stuff... it just keeps repeating the ip of my server and the ip of the computer i'm on console with
[22:34] <privet> timboy: but then you are already ssh'd into the server...
[22:34] <MatBoy> www.
[22:34] <timboy> yes locally
[22:34] <privet> timboy: try sudo tcpdump -i any -n port and not host MYIP
[22:35] <privet> timboy: MYIP is the IP you are currently connecting from
[22:35] <timboy> tcpdump: WARNING: Promiscuous mode not supported on the "any" device
[22:36] <privet> timboy: that is fine... if it bothers you, you can just replace "any" with the itnerface name. like "eth0"
[22:37] <timboy> sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -n port 22 not host gives me syntax error. also tried sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -n port 22 not same error
[22:38] <privet> ...22 and not host...
[22:41] <timboy> don't get it
[22:41] <timboy> i already have 22 in there
[22:41] <privet> sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -n port 22 and not host
[22:41] <privet> *and*
[22:41] <timboy> ok thx
[22:42] <timboy> ok so must be router doesn't see when i try to get in from outside world
[22:42] <timboy> just for the record I hate my 2wire dsl modem
[22:42] <timboy> i'm pretty sure it's gay
[22:43] <timboy> thx privet
[22:43] <privet> timboy: you should see either the "internet IP" that you are attemping the connection from.
[22:43] <privet> or the LAN IP of your DLS router/modem
[22:44] <timboy> privet, it doesn't show anything so that means it's not coming through the modem right?
[22:44] <privet> timboy: yup
[22:45] <timboy> nice well i've got some good firewood now ;)
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=== Nacop is now known as Navop
[23:14] <Navop> In the zone table of Bind must you use a description.exaple.com or can you use a fictious name like p4 without the example.com