UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /10 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
[18:15] <elektronik123456> hello
[18:16] <elektronik123456> who is oper ?
[18:18] <jdavies> elektronik123456: the -pl ops can be viewed doing: /msg ChanServ access #ubuntu-pl list
[18:18] <elektronik123456> i cant join to ubuntu-pl
[18:18] <elektronik123456> i am banned
[18:18] <elektronik123456> baned
[18:19] <elektronik123456> from half year
[18:19] <jdavies> so, pick one of the ops in that list and /msg them asking to get unbanned
=== elektronik123456 is now known as elektronik123
[18:20] <bazhang> elektronik123, you need to ask a question
[18:21] <Pici> bazhang: He did, you missed it all
[18:21] <bazhang> sorry Pici
[18:22] <Pici> elektronik123: Am I in the a access list for #ubuntu-pl ?
[18:22] <elektronik123> no
[18:22] <elektronik123> sorry
[18:27] <Pici> elektronik123: I'm not polish, I have nothing to do with #ubuntu-pl
[18:27] <elektronik123> sorry
[18:27] <elektronik123> how i can do ?
[18:27] <Pici> elektronik123: You need to contact the ops of that channel
[18:28] <elektronik123> opers don`t answer
[18:28] <Pici> elektronik123: Then you need to be patient, there isnt anything else that we can do here
[18:28] <bazhang> elektronik123, please be patient
[18:28] <elektronik123> how long ?
[18:28] <bazhang> as long as it takes elektronik123
[18:30] <elektronik123> i can`t long wait it is my 4 trying
[18:30] <juliux> thxs Pabl0Escobar
[18:30] <bazhang> elektronik123, well that is up to you; if you wish to be unbanned there is no other option
[18:30] <juliux> elektronik123, there you have your op from #ubuntu-pl ;)
[18:30] <Pabl0Escobar> no problem
[18:31] <juliux> Pabl0Escobar, elektronik123 has some problems with his ban in #ubuntu-pl perhaps you can help
[18:31] <Pici> juliux: Thanks :)
[18:31] <Pabl0Escobar> ok, but that's a numer of bans he received already
[18:31] <Pabl0Escobar> *number
[18:31] <Pabl0Escobar> he just doesn't learn how to behave
[18:32] <elektronik123> i am sorry
[18:32] <Pabl0Escobar> and ?
[18:32] <elektronik123> i am learn how use this channel
[18:32] <Pabl0Escobar> elektronik123: you keep trolling the channel
[18:33] <Pabl0Escobar> again, and again
[18:33] <Pabl0Escobar> ban after unban
[18:33] <Pabl0Escobar> ban is off by ju-rek
[18:34] <Pabl0Escobar> but that has to be the last chance for you elektronik123
[18:34] <elektronik123> thanks
[18:34] <juliux> thxs Pabl0Escobar clearing this situation
[18:34] <elektronik123> i thanks for all
[18:34] <elektronik123> we help me
[18:35] <elektronik123> PablOEscobar i can`t join there
[18:36] <elektronik123> you wrote ban is off
[18:36] <elektronik123> but i can`t join there
[18:37] <elektronik123> what`s the matter ?
[18:37] <Pabl0Escobar> wait a sec
[18:37] <bazhang> elektronik123, you need to be patient
[18:37] <elektronik123> ok
[18:37] <elektronik123> i am waiting with hope
[18:41] <Pabl0Escobar> elektronik123: now
[18:41] <elektronik123> thanks for you
[20:01] <czester> juliux: ping
[20:01] <juliux> czester, pong
[20:02] <czester> juliux: Why do you force us to allow elektronik123 to join the channel?
[20:02] <juliux> czester, i don't force it
[20:02] <czester> Ok, "force"
[20:02] <czester> He's annoying.
[20:03] <czester> We gave him simple howto - he still asks childish questions. Like every time he is on the channel.
[20:03] <czester> juliux: It's not like we ban him because we don't like him
[20:03] <juliux> czester, i only msg ju-rek and Pabl0Escobar that elektronik123 is in #ubuntu-irc and he complaints about his ban
[20:03] <czester> juliux: He complains - that's all he does.
[20:03] <juliux> czester, i didn't give any advisi if they should unban him
[20:03] <czester> juliux: He did nothing to change his behaviour.
[20:04] <juliux> czester, then ban him
[20:04] <juliux> czester, ju-rek removes the ban
[20:04] <juliux> czester, and i never spoke with him, i only invited ju-rek to join this channel
[20:04] <czester> juliux: So who was talking with ju-rek?
[20:05] <juliux> because elektronik123 was asking us why he is banned and here was nobody from ubuntu-p
[20:05] <juliux> no he was talking with <Pabl0Escobar>
[20:05] <juliux> i can paste you the convertation if you want
[20:05] <czester> No need for that. i can ask them
[20:06] <czester> The point is - we can ban him. But then he will go here and complain constantly
[20:06] <czester> That's not the solution.
[20:06] <bazhang> I sent him here
[20:06] <juliux> then somebody will ban him here;)
[20:06] <czester> Honestly I don't know what to do with the man
[20:06] <Pabl0Escobar> k-line hime :P
[20:06] <Pabl0Escobar> *him
[20:06] <bazhang> he was told this was the last chance
[20:07] <czester> bazhang: Yes. I've heard that. But nothing has changed in his behaviour. He demands help but doesn't want to cooperate.
[20:07] <juliux> czester, ban him
[20:08] <bazhang> czester, he knows it was his last chance; yet continues nonetheless
[20:08] <czester> Ok. Gonna consider that.
[20:08] <czester> Thanks for help.
[20:08] <juliux> czester, if you want i can talk with him
[20:08] <bazhang> sorry to interrupt
[20:08] <czester> soren: No problem.
[20:09] <czester> juliux: I don't really believe this will work :-)
[20:09] <czester> And apparently - he's gone
[20:09] <bazhang> he'll just hang out in #ubuntu :)
[20:09] <czester> Some people should never have access to the internet:S
[20:09] <bazhang> haha
[20:09] <juliux> czester, +1
[20:10] <juliux> czester, if he comes back don't discuss with him ban him or quite him and everything is well
[20:11] <czester> juliux: Ok. Gonna stick to that :-)
[20:11] <juliux> czester, /mode +q <nickname> is a good solution, then he can join the channel but he can't speak;)
[20:11] <czester> juliux: I know ;-)
[20:12] <juliux> czester, i am sorry that you have trouble again with him
[20:13] <czester> juliux: We can be sorry for him, I guess ;-)
[20:25] <Myrtti> *bwurp*
[20:25] <Myrtti> moin
[20:54] <juliux> hi Myrtti
[20:55] <Myrtti> juliux: I've got the shirt box in my living room, so they're still not delivered :-D
[20:55] <Myrtti> lol
[20:55] <juliux> hehe
[20:55] <juliux> at the end of may i will have 200shirts;)
[20:55] <Myrtti> on the other hand, the only person who knew about the shirts probably doesn't remember them anymore :-D
[20:56] <juliux> LOL
[20:56] <juliux> then sell them;)
[20:57] <Myrtti> no, I'll take them to my ex-workplace when I've got more time, I'm in the middle of release panic currently
[20:57] <juliux> Myrtti, will you be at udsß
[20:57] <juliux> ?
[20:57] <Myrtti> nope
[20:57] <juliux> what a bummer
[20:57] <Myrtti> I'm not a developer ;-)
[20:58] <juliux> i am also not a developer
[20:58] <juliux> but i will be there
[20:58] <Myrtti> I basically live my life on one week cycles so I've not even thought about attending
[20:59] <juliux> on one week cycles?
[21:00] <Myrtti> I don't plan things further than one week ahead
[21:01] <Myrtti> except for doctors appointments and paying rent :-D
[21:01] <juliux> and birthday of your girlfriendß
[21:03] <Myrtti> I'm single :->
[21:05] <juliux> that can change quickly
[21:05] * jussi01 huggles Myrtti.. shes mine, go away! :D
[21:05] <Myrtti> jussi01: you're married, FCOL
[21:06] <Myrtti> tainted meat
[21:06] <Myrtti> :-D
[21:06] <jussi01> :/
[21:06] <Myrtti> I don't touch married men :-D
[21:06] <jussi01> :(
[21:07] <Myrtti> it's this thing called "empathy of women who've experienced being cheated on"
[21:08] <Myrtti> :-/
[21:08] <juliux> damn i have to marrie quickly;)
[21:09] * juliux think we need a gender tag at irc,
[21:10] <Myrtti> why, it's so much more fun this way :-D
[21:10] <Myrtti> /me chuckles
[21:11] <juliux> sometimes;)
[21:13] <Myrtti> besides, one of the strong points of IRC is that its gender neutral to very high degree
[21:13] <Myrtti> I'm a feminist and as such prefer to be treated like a human instead of being treated like a female
[21:14] <juliux> for me there is no difference
[21:14] <czester> Myrtti: So go to the army ;-)
[21:15] <czester> Myrtti: And do all other things that men do.
[21:15] <Myrtti> czester: I'm too old and in too bad shape for them to have me
[21:15] <Myrtti> czester: I have the application papers in my drawer, though
[21:15] <juliux> for me counts how the person behave
[21:15] <juliux> s
[21:16] <Myrtti> and I'm all for gender neutral compulsory civil service
[21:16] <Myrtti> or military service, for that matter
[21:16] <czester> Myrtti: No offence, but women are generally weaker and therefore can't do many things that men do.
[21:16] <Myrtti> czester: of course, it's a biological fact
[21:17] <Myrtti> nothing to be offended of
[21:17] <czester> Myrtti: I like some things about it. It's a pleasure to open the door for woman
[21:17] <czester> I'd like to keep some of those habits like that.
[21:18] <Myrtti> If I've got my hands full of stuff and need to have a door opened, I like that the doors are opened for me, if I'm in a position to open a door to a man in the same situation, I do it
[21:18] <czester> Myrtti: That's obvious...
[21:18] <jussi01> hrm, is this really the right place? ;)
[21:19] <czester> Myrtti: But I like to open the door for women, just like that :-)
[21:19] <Myrtti> jussi01: are you sure you wan't me to spread my radical idealism to -offtopic :-D
[21:19] <Myrtti> want, even
[21:19] <jussi01> bwahahahah
[21:19] <Myrtti> czester: and I'm not saying it's a bad thing :-D
[21:19] <Myrtti> czester: go ahead :-)
[21:20] <czester> Myrtti: I've never seen women offended by this behavior. But I've seen some women mad when a guy went through the door first.
[21:21] <Myrtti> czester: *shrug* perhaps some 70+ granny might get offended with men going thru first in Finland
[21:22] <czester> Myrtti: Well, I guess we live in different countries. ;-)
[21:22] <Myrtti> true
[21:22] <Myrtti> and I've got a weird family
[21:22] <Myrtti> and Finnish language is gender neutral
[21:22] <czester> My GF wants me to be her knight, gentleman
[21:23] <Myrtti> and I'm the one who installed the fridge, repaired bikes and the lamps to the ceilings in my last relationship
[21:24] <Nafallo> Myrtti: fridge.ubuntu.com?
[21:24] <Myrtti> Nafallo: lol ;-)
[21:24] <Myrtti> Nafallo: had to change the door handedness from right to left
[21:25] <Nafallo> Myrtti: gimp :-)
[21:25] <czester> Myrtti: What do you think about street crossing lights in the shape of both men and women?
[21:25] <czester> Myrtti: In Sweden
[21:26] <Myrtti> I don't have any opinion since I've not seen them
[21:27] <proftpd> maybe we should add also fat people shape
[21:27] <czester> Myrtti: I didn't mean the look of it. Just the idea. This is riddiculous.
[21:27] <Myrtti> it's irrelevant from my point of view
[21:28] <czester> Ok, nevermind. Not the place for this topic :-)
[21:28] <proftpd> czester: why not
[21:28] <juliux> http://images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dresden.de/media/bilder/menschen/frauen/336_ampel.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dresden.de/frau-mann&h=294&w=336&sz=69&hl=de&start=12&tbnid=TVoJV6eanDB-pM:&tbnh=104&tbnw=119&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dampelfrau%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Dde%26sa%3DX
[21:28] <czester> proftpd: Chceck the topic.
[21:28] <juliux> that is how it looks in german;)
[21:28] <juliux> http://www.dresden.de/media/bilder/menschen/frauen/336_ampel.jpg
[21:28] <juliux> that url is shorter;)
[21:29] <proftpd> mhm
[21:29] <Myrtti> awww cute
[21:29] <proftpd> shall i leave?
[21:29] <proftpd> /wc
[21:29] * juliux will be quite about offtopic topics now
[21:29] <Myrtti> /me continues to do her presentation for Monday with LaTeX beamer
[21:30] * czester goes to watch Revenge of the Sith
[21:30] <Myrtti> oy
[21:30] <Myrtti> good one
=== juliux_ is now known as ichwillvoice
=== ichwillvoice is now known as juliux