UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /10 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
=== Martinp24 is now known as Martinp23
[03:28] <jgoo> is it worth reposting my scp / ssh versus nautilus / gftp / sshfs problems here? (works with ssh, scp, but all three fail just after asking for apssword, with same connection reset by peer message)
[03:28] <jgoo> oh wait, this probably isn't a HH support chan any more :-)
=== evalles_ is now known as keffie_jayx
=== boomer` is now known as boomer
[04:26] * CarlosR is away: away..
[04:46] * CarlosR is back (gone 00:19:47)
=== Ronald|Laptop is now known as Ronald
[07:41] <vhaarr> anyone have some inside info on when the perl transition will be done?
=== gribelu_ is now known as gribelu
[09:08] <bardyr> how can i install a package and ignore dependencies, i want to install pidgin without changing dependencies for pidgin manually like libperl8.8 to libperl8.10
[11:19] <Xtreme_Great> can anyone help me with the module.h problem for kernel module programming?
[11:19] <Xtreme_Great> The module won't compile because it can't find that file
[11:20] <Xtreme_Great> is there anyone here?
[11:21] <Xtreme_Great> hello???
[11:21] <Xtreme_Great> I thought this is the ubuntu developer's help channel
[11:35] <rsk> no
[11:35] <rsk> this is support for ibex
[12:25] <bardyr> what benefits does packaging programs as perl5.8, perl5.10 and making other packages depend on them instead of a meta package for perl and depends on the perl5.8 like the linux-image packages
[12:43] <bardyr> how come "sudo aptidude hold libxfonts" does not set libxfont to be kept back from upgrading?
=== acuster is now known as avc_afk
=== x1250_ is now known as x1250
[15:48] <vhaarr> Anyone know when the perl transition will be over?
[16:06] <bardyr> vhaarr, when i don't have to change debs dependencies :/
[16:06] <bardyr> i wish there was a easier way then editing the deb
[17:06] <x1250> bardyr: there is no libxfonts package ?
[17:07] <bardyr> libxfonts0
[17:08] <x1250> try using safe-upgrade, I don't know if full-upgrade overrides hold
[17:09] <DanaG> I usually use aptitude for everything.
[17:46] <vhaarr> bardyr: hehe yeah, anything I can do to help?
[18:15] <beilabs> Any sign of HDMI and hardy using audio as well?
=== zaggy-nl_ is now known as zaggy-nl
[22:07] <boritek> hello, plz help me, i have an empty face browser when i want to login
[22:07] <boritek> it has happened after hardy has frozen
[22:12] <boritek> anybody???
[23:02] <bardyr> when will a new kernel hit intrepid and what kernel? 2.6.26-rc or 2.6.25?
[23:04] <bardyr> hmm, looks like 2.6.26 :D now i just need a ETA