UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /10 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[00:06] <amk_> Question about Bazaar compatibility: should I expect using bzr 1.4 with Launchpad repositories to always work, or do I need to stick to some bzr version that Launchpad supports?
[00:09] <Rinchen> amk_, the latest is generally the best...i.e. just keep up with releases via ubuntu, debian, etc.
[00:14] <amk_> 'k; I was just worried about getting too far ahead of Launchpad. Thanks!
[00:14] <Rinchen> amk_, ah in that case....
[00:14] <Rinchen> amk_, I can tell you that LP dogfoods bzr versions
[00:15] <Rinchen> amk_, so we're almost always using a release candidate
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[01:48] <directhex> a PPA upload is stopping, 1k away from completion. it's happened more than once now.
[03:40] <mruiz> hi all. I was setting up a poll and I want to know if I can delete one (my first poll).
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[11:08] <directhex> this is really starting to bug me now. i simply can't dput my package
[11:18] <wgrant> directhex: Have you tried from another machine?
[11:19] <wgrant> directhex: It's unlikely to be a problem on the Launchpad side - a lot more people would have complained.
[11:23] <directhex> wgrant, i can SCP the files to a machine at work. but it's a hefty orig.tar.gz so might take a while
[11:35] <Hobbsee> wgrant: there's a bug in dput about that.
[12:23] <directhex> Hobbsee, any solutions?
[12:24] <Hobbsee> directhex: don't htink so, short of trying from another machine.
[12:25] <Hobbsee> directhex: seems to be machine specific, so copying it to another machine, then uploading it, may be a good idea
[12:27] <thomastp> Hi. I'm trying to get to understand launchpad to fix bugs in my upstream project
[12:27] <directhex> Hobbsee, seems that worked :/
[12:27] <thomastp> In https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flumotion/+bug/223567 it says it's a duplicate of some other bug
[12:27] <ubottu> thomastp: Error: This bug is private
[12:27] <thomastp> any reason why the mention of that other bug is not clickable ?
[12:27] <wgrant> thomastp: Because that is private.
[12:27] <thomastp> and apparently it is private, why is that ?
[12:28] <wgrant> Crashes are by default private, as they can contain confidential dat.
[12:28] <wgrant> *data
[12:28] <thomastp> wgrant: but I see the bug (the duplicate)
[12:28] <wgrant> Right, because you're subscribed to it.
[12:28] <Hobbsee> directhex: i suspect it's because the last packet doesnt' get sent/accepted/something like that, they all seem to be big.
[12:28] <Hobbsee> but, i'm unsure
[12:28] <thomastp> wgrant: maybe I'm missing something obvious. I can see the duplicate but not the original bug ?
[12:28] <wgrant> thomastp: That's right.
[12:28] <wgrant> thomastp: You can now see both.
[12:29] <directhex> Hobbsee, well, this is an enormous package, so it fits that pattern
[12:29] <thomastp> wgrant: oh, so it's non-clickable as long as I don't have rights to see it ?
[12:29] <wgrant> thomastp: Correct.
[12:29] <wgrant> Launchpad won't deliberately create broken links.
[12:30] <thomastp> ok, I guess it's confusing me, but if that's how it is :)
[12:30] <thomastp> so, assume I'm now going to fix this bug upstream. Do I need to do something in launchpad once it's fixed upstream to make that clear ?
[12:30] <thomastp> (I am an upstream maintainer, not a ubuntu user or developer)
[12:31] <wgrant> You should click `Also affects... Project', and link it to your project.
[12:31] <wgrant> (on the master bug)
[12:31] <wgrant> That will create a new task (with status/importance) for your project, where you can track the status.
[12:32] <thomastp> not sure I follow. I maintain flumotion upstream, and we use trac for our bug tracking, not launchpad.
[12:32] <wgrant> Right, but you can link the upstream task to a bug in your Trac instance.
[12:32] <wgrant> From which the status should automatically update.
[12:33] <thomastp> ok, so file a ticket in my trac, then link to that in launchpad ?
[12:34] <wgrant> Correct.
[12:35] <thomastp> ok, thanks. Let's see how this goes
[12:36] <thomastp> ok, so just so I understand this. There is a "project" Flumotion in launchpad, which I assume is some sort of proxy for the "upstream version". And there is something called flumotion (source) which I assume is the ubuntu package of it
[12:37] <wgrant> That's right.
[12:37] <thomastp> and so when I look for bugs in flumotion, I get bugs of the upstream version, not the ones filed against the package ?
[12:37] <wgrant> Yes.
[12:37] <thomastp> so I should in fact be looking at package bugs first ?
[12:37] <wgrant> Probably, as that's where they'll be reported by Ubuntu users.
[12:38] <thomastp> right - Iguess I was confused because when I searched for flumotion in launchpad it only shows the project, not the package, hence it was showing 0 bugs
[12:38] <wgrant> That is rather confusing, yes.
[12:39] <thomastp> so, how can I update the project record, because among other things the url for our trac has changed ?
[12:39] * wgrant has a look.
[12:40] <wgrant> You can change the Trac URL at https://edge.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/flumotion-trac/+edit.
[12:40] <wgrant> Most other attributes of the project can only be changed by Johan Dahlin.
[12:47] <thomastp> can he add me as another person to change things ?
[12:48] <wgrant> He could create a flumotion-dev or similar team, add you, and transfer the ownership to that team.
[12:48] <thomastp> ok, will ask.
[12:48] <emgent> heya wgrant :)
[12:48] <wgrant> Hi emgent.
[12:48] <thomastp> ouch, because I marked the launchpad bug as an upstream bug, launchpad autocreated the other tracker, and now it complains when I change the original tracker because the URL already exists
[12:49] <thomastp> can I delete the auto-created one ?
[12:49] * thomastp tries
[12:49] <wgrant> thomastp: Ah, lovely. Your best bet is probably to adjust the URL on the autocreated one to something bogus.
[12:54] <thomastp> wgrant: ok, so I'm not convinced it was my autocreation hogging that URL. my autocreated one had http:// (by mistake) and the one that is already registered uses https://
[12:54] <thomastp> where can I figure out which bug tracker uses a given URL ?
[12:55] <wgrant> thomastp: https://edge.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers might be able to help.
[12:56] <thomastp> yes, that's where I looked, but it's not in there
[12:57] <wgrant> I've no idea then - sorry.
[12:59] <thomastp> ok, reported a bug
[13:02] <thomastp> ok, does the feature of linking a bug to the upstream work ? I am trying to make it link to https://code.fluendo.com/flumotion/trac/ticket/971 and every time I do that, it decides that it is linked to code.fluendo.com/flumotion/trac/ #971 which is the auto-created one from before, on which I changed the URL to be bogus
[13:02] <thomastp> so I can't actually make it point to the correct upstream URL :/
[13:03] <thomastp> can I make it unaffect Flumotion the project somehow and start over ?
[13:04] <wgrant> thomastp: You can't make it unaffect it, but you should be able to change the watch. I'll have a look.
[13:04] <thomastp> ok, thanks. Maybe just delete the autoregistered tracker as well -> https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/auto-code.fluendo.com-1/+edit
[13:05] * wgrant is a mere mortal on Launchpad. I can't delete it any more than you.
[13:09] <wgrant> OK, got it.
[13:09] <wgrant> I think it's linked properly now.
[13:10] <thomastp> cool! how did you do it ?
[13:10] <wgrant> I altered the Fluendo Trac bugtracker to be code.fluendo.com, rather than core.fluendo.com, which seems to actually work.
[13:11] <wgrant> I think altered the bug watch to use the new URL, and it stopped complaining.
[13:11] <thomastp> yes, that was what I was trying to change, originally and what complained
[13:11] <wgrant> The bug watch changing thing on the bug page complained when I entered the bug URL you provided.
[13:11] <thomastp> ok, well, thank you in any case!
[13:12] <wgrant> np
[13:12] <thomastp> so, to finish my workflow tutorial :) I am about to fix the bug upstream, but the fix is on trunk. How should I suggest to the ubuntu package maintainer to include this patch in the stable version ?
[13:13] <thomastp> hm, Launchpad couldn't connect to Flumotion Trac.
[13:13] <wgrant> There's no Ubuntu maintainer as such.
[13:13] <thomastp> this might be because of the self-signed cert
[13:13] <wgrant> That's possibly because of the invalid HTTPS cert.
[13:13] <wgrant> Yes.
[13:14] <thomastp> one day someone will explain to me what software has against self-signed certs
[13:14] <thomastp> what do you mean, there's no ubuntu maintainer ? someone is packaging it no ?
[13:14] <wgrant> It's probably synced from Debian.
[13:14] <wgrant> Self-signed certificates are worse than useless.
[13:16] <thomastp> wgrant: why ? they provide encryption so that people can login without plaintext pw
[13:18] <wgrant> thomastp: I can create my own very nice self-signed certificate and MITM you.
[13:19] <thomastp> wgrant: sure, which is an acceptable risk of ss certs, and is still better than plaintext http auth
[13:20] <wgrant> It creates a false sense of security.
[13:20] <thomastp> wgrant: which would apply to people actually logging in - but launchpad isn't logging in
[13:21] <wgrant> Right, but self-signed certs are still evil and should be discouraged.
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[16:07] <emgent> heya Gwaihir
[16:08] <Gwaihir> hi emgent
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[17:48] <fta> hm, i'm not allowed to +linkbranchtoseries a branch that i've pushed to my team, in a project owned by that same team. how is that supposed to work ?
[17:52] <zwnj> hi there
[17:53] <zwnj> i have problem submitting bugs on edge
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[21:14] <elmo> as a reminder: Launchpad will be offline from maintenance in 45 minutes time, for 2 hours (i.e. 21:00-23:00 UTC)
=== elmo changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad will be down from 21:00 UTC to 23:00 UTC to upgrade the DB server || https://launchpad.net/ || Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 15 May 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
[21:58] <ffm> How do I ask for a upstream tracker to be added? (It's trac-based)
[22:01] <dasdsdsadsdasd> hi there, i've a short question regarding the "copy package" feature
[22:02] <dasdsdsadsdasd> will the packages be build again in the new ppa when i unselect "copy binaries"?
[22:03] <dasdsdsadsdasd> i did this last time, build process started but no debs were available after this
[22:04] <ffm> dasdsdsadsdasd: ever thought of having a more prononcable nick?
[22:05] <dasdsdsadsdasd> oh, sorry i am using a friends pc
[22:05] <dasdsdsadsdasd> wait
[22:07] <Romario> back again with a new, better nick ;-)
[22:08] <Romario> ffm, time to answer my question?
[22:08] <ffm> Romario: I'm sorry, I personally don't know. LP is down anyway...
[22:09] <Romario> i know, i thought it would be a good time to ask some questions ;-)
[22:09] <ffm> Heh.
[22:10] <ffm> Oooh... going to edge.lp.net gives us OOPSs.
[22:10] <ffm> (not literally lp.net
[22:11] <elmo> ffm: fixed, thanks
[22:11] <Romario> ok, thanks...i'll come back later after maintenance
[22:11] <Romario> bye
[22:19] <ffm> elmo: np
[22:20] <laga> a static, HTML-only snapshot of LP would be nice
[22:31] <ffm> laga: yeah, it would...
=== elmo changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ || Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 15 May 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
[22:52] <elmo> launchpad's back up
[22:54] <bimberi> smooth upgrade :)
[22:54] <maktrix> https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/32696
[23:01] <ffm> So, can anyone add the OLPC bug tracker? It's dev.laptop.org
[23:01] <ffm> (trac)
[23:04] <elmo> ffm: I doubt any LP devs/admins are around to do that atm; you might want to file a question against launchpad for it
[23:04] <elmo> (assuming you haven't already)
[23:05] <ffm> elmo: I havn't. Will do.
[23:21] <Romario> anyone here familiar with the copy package feature?