UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /06 /#ubuntu-x.txt
Initial commit
[10:39] <tjaalton> whee, got my hardy t-shirt
[10:39] <tjaalton> and other merchandise
[10:39] <tjaalton> too bad that both coffee cups were broken
[10:39] <tjaalton> damn UPS :)
[10:51] <tseliot> tjaalton: no coffee then :-P
[10:52] <tjaalton> right, tea is better :)
[11:13] <tjaalton> bryce: btw, should you drop gutsy from the versions_current.html page, and add intrepid? maybe even put intrepid in the middle to minimize the need to scroll :)
[14:12] <komputes> If someone has some spare time, I would like some assistance in setting up a USB to VGA adepter which I can't get to work.
[14:13] <tjaalton> sorry, I need to finally fix lrm/nvidia
[14:33] <tjaalton> tseliot: I'm about to fix nvidia diverting/symlinking libwfb, which should fix at least bugs like "pink shadows with compiz" and "FF crashes on certain sites" :P
[14:34] <tseliot> tjaalton: what was causing the problem?
[14:35] <tjaalton> it should use the libwfb.so provided by the server
[14:35] <tjaalton> and not divert it and symlink against the nvidia one
[14:35] <tjaalton> "In practice, I don't think that was communicated clearly enough to the distributions"
[14:35] <tjaalton> said aaronp
[14:36] <tseliot> since my packages are a customised version of the lrm they are affected by this problem. I'll have a look at the packaging scripts
[14:37] <tjaalton> I changed preinst to remove the divert instead of adding one, and rules no longer symlinks that
[14:37] <tjaalton> should be enough
[14:40] <tseliot> tjaalton: this line, right? dpkg-divert --add --rename --package nvidia-glx@@NV_LEGACY@@-envy --divert /usr/lib/nvidia/libwfb.so.xserver-xorg-core /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libwfb.so > /dev/null
[14:40] <tjaalton> yes
[14:41] <tjaalton> I'll put a debdiff somewhere soonish, so you can review it and grab what you need
[14:41] <tjaalton> there's also bug 118605 which is simple
[14:41] <tjaalton> to fix
[14:41] <tjaalton> ah, no ubotu
[14:43] <tseliot> yes, I would like to read the debdiff
[14:44] <tseliot> tjaalton: in the rules we should install the wfb without making the symlink, right?
[14:45] <tjaalton> tseliot: well, I changed the symlink libwfb.so -> libnvidia-wfb.so.1, like the installer apparently does
[14:46] <tseliot> tjaalton: maybe I should file a bugreport against my packages too:
[14:46] <tseliot> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24
[14:48] <komputes> can someone please take a look at this 6 day bug: 224479
[14:49] <tjaalton> or just link to them, bugs 212648 and 186382
[14:49] <tjaalton> we need ubotu here
[14:50] <tseliot> tjaalton: my source code is a bit different
[14:51] <tjaalton> but you have the same bugs, no?
[14:52] <tseliot> only this bug AFAIK
[14:53] <tjaalton> the atieventsd.sh from fglrx is buggy, so 118605 affects you too
[14:53] <tjaalton> uh, authatieventsd.sh
[14:56] <tseliot> :-/ is this the patch which you included?
[14:56] <tseliot> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12737164/authatieventsd.patch
[14:56] <tjaalton> yes
[14:57] <tseliot> my packages were introduced yesterday and I already have 2 bugs to fix ;)
[14:57] <tjaalton> there are also a number of upgrade bugs from gutsy
[14:58] <tjaalton> against xorg
[14:58] <tjaalton> I mean filed against xorg currently
[14:58] <tseliot> how can I help?
[15:00] <tjaalton> search them and file against the correct package :)
[15:00] <tjaalton> I'm not sure if there's anything to fix though, unless you want to update the old packages
[15:01] <tseliot> ok
[15:01] <tseliot> let me know when the debdiff is ready
[15:01] <tseliot> please ;)
[15:02] <tjaalton> sure, I need to test it first
[15:17] <tseliot> komputes: I replied to the bugreport
[15:18] <komputes> tseliot: thanks
[15:43] <tjaalton> tseliot: http://users.tkk.fi/~tjaalton/dpkg/lrm-diff
[15:43] <tjaalton> not tested yet though
[15:44] <tseliot> I'll have a look at it. Thanks :-)
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-x to: 06 May 21:00 UTC: Community Council | 07 May 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 08 May 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 09 May 04:00 UTC: MOTU | 14 May 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 15 May 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team
[16:16] <tjaalton> damn bot :)
[16:18] <tseliot> tjaalton: I think it would be wise to remove the reference to the wfb in the postrm.in too even though the script looks for the diversion
[16:18] <tseliot> and there's another thing
[16:18] <tjaalton> why?
[16:18] <tjaalton> better keep it there for awhile
[16:19] <tseliot> if we don't divert the wfb why should we try to remove it? Anyway this won't break anything
[16:19] <tseliot> there's another potential problem
[16:20] <tseliot> in the preinst.in
=== tjaalton changed the topic of #ubuntu-x to: Ubuntu 8.04 released! | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X
[16:22] <tseliot> let me put a few things on pastebin
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-x to: 06 May 21:00 UTC: Community Council | 07 May 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 08 May 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 09 May 04:00 UTC: MOTU | 14 May 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 15 May 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team
[16:24] <tseliot> tjaalton: http://pastebin.com/mee4a53f
[16:24] <tseliot> for example, have a look at line 63
[16:25] <tseliot> I check and remove diversions created by both me packages and the standard lrm
[16:25] <tjaalton> those are legacy
=== tjaalton changed the topic of #ubuntu-x to: Ubuntu 8.04 released! | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X
[16:27] <tseliot> have a look at line 121 etc.
[16:27] <tjaalton> yes?
[16:27] <tseliot> my packages remove those diversions when you uninstall them
[16:28] <tseliot> maybe you could do the same with the original lrm
[16:28] <tseliot> just in case my diversions are not removed
[16:28] <tjaalton> sorry, I don't understand
[16:28] <tjaalton> those are removed by lrm too
[16:28] <tseliot> ok, an example:
[16:29] <tseliot> if nvidia-glx-envy creates a diversion
[16:29] <tseliot> and for some weird reason this is not removed
[16:29] <tseliot> your preinst will look for diversions made by nvidia-glx with grep
[16:30] <tseliot> and will catch the diversions made by nvidia-glx-envy too
[16:30] <tseliot> right?
[16:30] <tjaalton> I bet you don't divert /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1?
[16:30] <tseliot> but will try to remove only the diversions made by nvidia-glx
[16:31] <tseliot> dpkg-divert --add --rename --package nvidia-glx@@NV_LEGACY@@-envy --divert /usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 > /dev/null
[16:32] <tjaalton> and the grep doesn't match that
[16:33] <tseliot> doesn't match what?
[16:33] <tjaalton> line 63
[16:34] <tjaalton> doesn't match that file
[16:34] <tjaalton> er, diversion
[16:35] <tjaalton> I still fail to see the problem :)
[16:35] <tseliot> yes, I know. It was just an example
[16:36] <tseliot> I just want to make sure that the lrm and lrm-envy can coexist
[16:36] <tseliot> which they do, at least here
[16:36] <tjaalton> maybe the lrm versions should be dropped
[16:37] <tjaalton> no point in duplicating all this hackery
[16:37] <tseliot> this will be solved in Intrepid
[16:37] <tseliot> I need the lrm-envy to work with DKMS
[16:38] <tseliot> which is something I can't do with lrm on a stable release
[16:38] <tseliot> right?
[16:38] <tjaalton> right
[16:38] <tseliot> when the users upgrade to Intrepid
[16:39] <tseliot> if they use the lrm-envy, those packages will be replaced by the lrm
[16:39] <tseliot> which (hopefully) we'll improve at the UDS
[16:40] <tseliot> I'm not a big fan of duplication of efforts, really
[16:41] <tjaalton> good
[16:41] <tjaalton> :)
[16:44] <tseliot> tjaalton: BTW this is the preinst.in which I use for my packages: http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia-glx-envy.preinst.in
[16:46] <tjaalton> pretty much identical to the one in lrm
[16:46] <tseliot> yes, exactly, I can keep it that way
[16:49] <tseliot> tjaalton: your patch looks good. I'll test it.
[16:52] <munckfish> tjaalton: I submitted a couple of small PS3 related patches for dexconf in xorg to the ubuntu-x mailing list over the week end. Are they ok for inclusion?
[16:54] <tjaalton> munckfish: the updated fb check looks fine, but I'm not sure about the other one. there should be a fix for the server somewhere
[16:54] <tjaalton> although it's simple
[16:56] <munckfish> tjaalton: sure fine. Lets leave the second one for now then.
[17:26] <tseliot> tjaalton: a small fix to the patch for fglrx
[17:27] <tseliot> the first 2 lines of that patch should be:
[17:27] <tseliot> --- common/etc/ati/authatieventsd.sh 2008-03-19 10:56:01.568196236 +0100
[17:27] <tseliot> +++ common/etc/ati/authatieventsd.sh 2008-03-19 11:04:31.272102426 +0100
[17:27] <tseliot> otherwise it won't find the file
[17:27] <tjaalton> fixed in the debdiff
[17:28] <tseliot> ok, perfect
[17:28] <tseliot> I'm building the packages right now
[17:30] <tjaalton> mine are almost done
[17:33] <tseliot> mine are done. I'll test them on my ATI card on my testing box
[17:33] <tjaalton> you have KDM?
[17:33] <tseliot> no, but I can install it
[17:34] <tseliot> shall I install KDM and use it
[17:34] <tseliot> ?
[17:34] <tjaalton> that's the way to trigger the bug
[17:34] <tjaalton> and test that the fix works
[17:34] <tjaalton> but it should be tested
[17:34] <tseliot> ok, I'll do it
[17:34] <tseliot> yes, of course
[17:35] <tseliot> this is why we have -proposed
[17:35] <tjaalton> ok, the libwfb.so symlink needs to be removed in preinst
[17:35] <tjaalton> dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/usr/lib/xorg/modules/libwfb.so' with different file `/usr/lib/nvidia/libwfb.so.xserver-xorg-core', not allowed
[17:36] <tseliot> ouch
[17:37] <tseliot> shall we test its existence with [ -h /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libwfb.so ] ?
[17:37] <tseliot> and remove it?
[17:38] <tseliot> or is it always a symlink?
[17:38] <tjaalton> probably
[17:38] <tjaalton> no
[17:38] <tseliot> ok then we can check that it's a symlink and then remove it
[17:39] <tjaalton> yeah, shadows work
[17:41] <tseliot> something like this?
[17:41] <tseliot> if [ -h /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libwfb.so ]; then
[17:41] <tseliot> rm -f /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libwfb.so
[17:41] <tseliot> fi
[17:41] <tseliot> but better indented :-P
[17:42] <tseliot> I know, the -f is useless
[17:42] <tjaalton> that should work
[17:43] <tseliot> I'll put it before the if [ "$(dpkg-divert --list /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libwfb.so | awk '{ print $7 }')" = "nvidia-glx@@NV_LEGACY@@" ]
[17:44] <tseliot> since I will have to remove also the diversion created by my current lrm-envy
[17:47] <tseliot> I'm building the packages again
[17:51] <tjaalton> I'm wondering if the error message means something else..
[17:52] <tseliot> which error?
[17:52] <tjaalton> dpkg-divet
[17:52] <tjaalton> rt
[17:52] <tseliot> do you still get that error despite my suggestion?
[17:53] <tjaalton> I haven't tried, it takes a while to build
[17:57] <tjaalton> maybe the error is just misleading, I'll build the new package now
[18:00] <tseliot> I'll test it here too
[18:16] <tjaalton> works!
[18:16] <tjaalton> phew
[18:19] <tjaalton> er, no
[18:20] <tjaalton> can't find libwfb.so :)
[18:21] <tjaalton> dpkg-divert --remove didn't move the library back in place
[18:21] <tjaalton> probably since the symlink was removed, hrmh
[18:23] <tjaalton> ->
[18:23] <tseliot> mmm...
[18:29] <tseliot> tjaalton: shall we add this line: cp -f /usr/lib/nvidia/libwfb.so.xserver-xorg-core /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libwfb.so
[18:29] <tseliot> and remove this one?
[18:29] <tseliot> rm -f /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libwfb.so
[18:30] <tseliot> so that both files are available (and are identical but with different names)
[18:30] <tseliot> and that the diversion will be removed
[18:31] <tseliot> but of course we should do something like if [ -f /usr/lib/nvidia/libwfb.so.xserver-xorg-core ]; then
[18:52] <tseliot> tjaalton: damn, the fglrx driver locked up when I logged out with KDM (despite the patch)
[18:53] <tseliot> I'll have a look at the log
[19:08] <tseliot> tjaalton: nothing interesting in the log. Sigh. I have asked ATI's mailing list for news on this bug
[19:08] <tseliot> that patch doesn't work for me :-(
[19:35] <tjaalton> I think the better solution would be to remove the diversion in postinst, then the old libwfb.so link should be out of the way anyway
[19:35] <tjaalton> ie. removed with the old package
[19:35] <tjaalton> I'll test that tomorrow
[19:42] <tseliot> tjaalton: ok, I'll let you know if ATI's staff knows the solution to the other problem
[19:53] <bryce> tjaalton: ok I'll fix up versions_current and status_current today-ish
[20:17] <tjaalton> bryce: ok cool
[20:23] <bryce> tjaalton: I also went through and unsubbed us from all the obsolete packages (xserver-xorg-driver-*, etc.) so the page will be more concise
[20:30] <tjaalton> bryce: ooh, nice
[20:31] <bryce> http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Xorg/versions_current.html has intrepid on it now (but blank)
[20:32] <bryce> http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Xorg/status_current.html is intrepified
[20:36] <bryce> tjaalton: btw, I'm probably going to go through and WONTFIX a ton of displayconfig-gtk bugs within the next week or so. I've prepared a page explaining the situation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/DisplayConfigGtk
[20:37] <bryce> also, I've been thinking about the older lrm packages and their bugs. I'm thinking there's a vanishingly small chance we'd actually fix any pre-hardy lrm issues, so am thinking we should go through and wontfix them or move them to 2.6.24 if they still look valid issues in hardy
[20:38] <bryce> then once the older lrm packages are cleared of X bugs, we could unsub x-swat from those packages, and not have all the non-x bugs in them counting against us
[20:38] <bryce> but what do you think?
[21:03] <tseliot> tjaalton: why do we have to remove the diversion in the preinst when such diversion is already removed in the postrm?
[21:04] <tseliot> when, say, nvidia-glx is removed that diversion is removed too. Therefore we only have to make sure that the new nvidia-glx doesn't create that diversion any longer.
[21:06] * tseliot knows that he won't sleep because of this problem :-P
[21:12] <bryce> tseliot: :-) (been there)
[21:19] <ted1> Okay, so X crashed on me twice. But, now I can't recreate it.
[21:19] <ted1> Is it worth filing a bug, or is that just going to be a waste of everyone's time?
[21:20] <bryce> if you have a backtrace of the crash, it can be investigated
[21:20] <ted1> I have the backtrace from the Xorg.0.log, does that count?
[21:22] <bryce> yep, that's good
[21:23] <bryce> often those backtraces aren't detailed enough, but sometimes they're enough to identify if the bug is a dupe of another bug or something
[21:23] <seb128> ted1: you should enable apport if you are still running hardy
[21:24] <ted1> Does it get disabled?
[21:24] <ted1> I didn't think it got ever turned off, but I was figuring that X would be too low level for it.
[21:29] <seb128> ted1: it's disable in stable to not annoy users
[21:30] <seb128> ted1: you need to edit /etc/defaults/apport to enable it
[21:32] <tjaalton> tseliot: because we want that diversion to disappear on upgrade
[21:33] <tjaalton> and I said postinst, preinst apparently is not the place to do it
[21:33] <ted1> seb128: I didn't know that, thanks. It is on now.
[21:34] <tjaalton> bryce: yes, I've been thinking of doing the same (closing pre 2.6.24 lrm bugs)
[21:35] <tjaalton> then when fglrx/nvidia is ripped from lrm we would have much more chance of actually knowing what are the important issues, now they are only buried in the noise
[21:38] <tjaalton> fedora also includes debugging symbols during development phase (or at least they used to do that). don't know how feasible that would be..
[21:39] <tjaalton> (re: apport, stable release)
[21:42] * bryce nods
[21:44] <seb128> tjaalton: you mean they don't strip unstable builds?
[21:44] <tjaalton> seb128: I'm not sure how it's done, I'll just ask :)
[21:45] <seb128> that would not be possible in ubuntu
[21:45] <tjaalton> it would mean rebuilding the whole archive before release, right?
[21:45] <seb128> having ubuntu fitting on one cd is already a fight most of the time
[21:45] <tjaalton> oh right
[21:45] <seb128> and that too
[21:46] <seb128> apport and the retracers usually work alright
[21:48] <tjaalton> the tough cases will always be painful to debug
[21:48] <tjaalton> I guess no tools help there
[21:48] <seb128> right, tools don't do everything for you
[21:52] <bryce> tjaalton: do you know if there's a way we could configure X to print out full backtraces in Xorg.0.log instead of the reduced backtraces?
[21:57] <tjaalton> bryce: I wonder what --enable-debug does
[21:58] <bryce> tjaalton: any ideas on this apt-get update error - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10611/ ?
[21:58] <bryce> "Hash Sum mismatch"
[21:59] <tjaalton> ah
[21:59] <tseliot> bryce: -logverbose 5 perhaps?
[21:59] <tjaalton> bryce: a busy mirror I guess
[21:59] <tjaalton> our mirror got hosed because it used to mirror a.u.c
[21:59] <ted1> bryce: I'm getting crummy access to the US mirror right now. It keeps jumping IPs.
[21:59] <bryce> ah, hmm, so would switching to a different mirror do it?
[22:00] <tjaalton> I switched apt-mirror to use se.a.u.c, works nicely
[22:00] <tjaalton> and current too
[22:00] <bryce> ok
[22:01] <bryce> ahh much better
[22:05] <bryce> yay - intrepified: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Xorg/versions_current.html
[22:05] <bryce> lunch. bbiab
[22:08] <tjaalton> sweet, a dynamic page :)
[22:35] <tjaalton> great, mesa-7.1 coming soon
[22:35] <tjaalton> maybe by UDS
[22:35] <bryce> sweet
[23:03] * bryce fusses with css
[23:24] <bryce> ok, this looks fairly good... http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Xorg/versions_current.html
[23:25] <tjaalton> cool, you dropped all the apps that are in bundles
[23:25] <bryce> yup