UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /06 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[01:01] <pschulz01> Morning
[01:08] <docta_v> anyone here free to help me with a debuild problem?
[01:08] <docta_v> i'm trying to build squid3 from source but the package is messed up
[01:11] <cody-somerville> docta_v, just ask your question/explain your problem
[01:11] <cody-somerville> If someone knows the answer, they'll tell you :]
[01:13] <docta_v> i am running through the standard process
[01:13] <docta_v> which worked fine on squid v2
[01:14] <docta_v> run configure script
[01:14] <docta_v> and then run debuild -us -uc -b
[01:14] <docta_v> however some of the Makefiles are being deleted improperly
[01:14] <docta_v> and the build fails because it's missing a Makefile for some of the sub directories
[01:15] <docta_v> specifically there is no Makefile in the lib subdir
[01:22] <cody-somerville> Well, it seems like you need to modify the debian rules file not to do that! :)
[01:29] <mathiaz> docta_v: are you basing your work on the squid3 package ?
[01:29] <docta_v> yes
[01:29] <mathiaz> docta_v: there is already a squid3 package in universe
[01:29] <docta_v> it's not built with ssl support
[01:30] <mathiaz> docta_v: did you try to build the binary package ?
[01:30] <mathiaz> docta_v: Makefile can be remove during the clean target, because they're regenerated at configure time
[01:30] <docta_v> apparently it's not regenerating one of the Makefiles that it removes
[01:31] <docta_v> i'm running debuild -us -uc -b to build
[01:31] <docta_v> is that what you mean by building the binary?
[01:32] <mathiaz> docta_v: you don't need -b
[01:32] <mathiaz> docta_v: debuild -us -uc should be enough
[01:35] <docta_v> same error
[01:35] <docta_v> i do see some messages about "failed to remake makefile"
[01:36] <docta_v> when i run debuild so that might have something to do with it
[01:36] <docta_v> i can actually get a lot further if i use -nc
[01:36] <docta_v> but that seems like it might cause its own problems
[02:26] <LeonardoESBR> Hi! I have problems in nfs-common client service because start-stop-daemon seems that is not installed. Do anyone know the name of the package that contains "start-stop-daemon"?
[02:33] <sommer> doh, he left
[03:01] <c1|freaky> what's the best CMS?
[03:26] <sparky01> hey
[03:26] <sparky01> Anyone been playing with Nexuiz on 804?
[03:26] <sparky01> i know its a game and not serious stuff
[03:26] <sparky01> =P
[03:27] <sparky01> I have the same problem from the binary download as I do from the repo's version
[03:29] <sparky01> well don't all answer at once
[03:29] <sparky01> =P
[03:29] <sparky01> 106 silent
[03:30] <sparky01> =(
[03:30] <ScottK> sparky01: Most people here work US/European days. It's normally pretty quiet this time of day.
[03:31] <sparky01> ScottK, yeah, I hear you
[03:34] <sparky01> Anyone nexuiz server?
[04:59] <flyback> any chance of a kernel update for 6.06
[04:59] <flyback> since 2.6.15 is *CANUCKED*
[04:59] <flyback> nfs crash and burn bug
[04:59] <ScottK> flyback: Is there a bug in LP for it?
[05:00] <flyback> yes
[05:00] <flyback> the kernel bug has been known for 2 yrs
[05:00] <flyback> you people suck
[05:00] <flyback> i'm sorry but that's pathetiuc
[05:00] <nealmcb> flyback: what's the bug number/url?
[05:00] <flyback> dunno but I can find the event again hang oin
[05:01] <nealmcb> :)
[05:01] <flyback> the last post was in april
[05:01] <ScottK> flyback:
[05:01] <ScottK> flyback: Good luck getting help by cursing at the people who might actually be able to help you.
[05:01] <flyback> dude
[05:01] <flyback> 2 yrs
[05:02] <flyback> even if you didn't want to change lts how about at least a "hey this affects some people you might want to do this"
[05:02] <ScottK> Right, but I had nothing to do with that and you just told me I suck.
[05:02] <ScottK> So guess how motivated I am to help now.
[05:04] <flyback> probably about as motivated as my diseased asshole
[05:04] <flyback> to push out shit
[05:07] <pschulz01> Upgrading remotely.. from gutsy to hardy.. is there a command line script equivalent to the GUI button?
[05:07] <ScottK> pschulz01: do-release-upgrade
[05:07] <flyback> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/191182
[05:07] <flyback> *CANUCKED*
[05:07] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 191182 in linux-source-2.6.15 "6.06.02 2.6.15-51-server soft lockup on cpu#0 on shutdown/umount xfs partition on /dev/md0" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[05:08] <pschulz01> ScottK: Ta :-)
[05:08] <flyback> actually wrong link God damn google shit
[05:08] <pschulz01> ScottK: Lets see if it works remotely on my bosses computer :-)
[05:10] <flyback> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/97105
[05:10] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 97105 in linux-source-2.6.15 "samba causes nfsv4 kernel module bug" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[05:10] <flyback> this is close
[05:10] <ScottK> pschulz01: I've done it on both servers and desktops and had it work fine.
[05:11] <flyback> found it
[05:11] <flyback> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/58170
[05:11] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 58170 in linux-source-2.6.15 "Kernel race condition if nfs mounts present on real or virtual nodes [kernel BUG at lib/radix-tree.c]" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[05:12] <ScottK> lamont: You awake?
[05:17] <pschulz01> ScottK: /me bites bullet..
[05:17] <pschulz01> ScottK: :-)
[05:18] <ScottK> ;-)
[05:23] <Konam> hi
[05:23] <flyback> 2.6.15-51 IS STILL the latest for 6.06 lts correct?
[05:24] <Konam> I want to know if when I install the tasks through the tasksel interface during the installation proccess it will ask me for configuration automatically or I will have to do it manually after the installation process?
[05:27] <ScottK> Konam: It should ask you during the isnstallation process.
[05:27] <nealmcb> flyback: looks like it
[05:28] <Konam> that is a problem :/, good that I didn't choose to install them :)
[05:29] <ScottK> Konam: It's not unique to tasksel. By policy packages are supposed to be installed in a running configuration and ask questions if needed to establish sane defaults.
[05:29] <flyback> ok cause I KNOW my pxe boot + auto script many os vm severely canucked ubuntu server install
[05:29] <flyback> actually nm
[05:29] <flyback> I took the kernel # from a normal install I did
[05:29] <flyback> just to compare
[05:30] <ScottK> Konam: I can only think of a very few packages that don't do that.
[05:30] <Konam> ScottK yeah, I know, I just thought it wouldn't, silly me. I'm learning about handling Linux servers through ubuntu now :)
[05:43] <nealmcb> flyback: thanks for the pointers. seems like the bug should be marked "fix released" since it works in edgy etc - is that your experience? the policy on updating stable versions is conservative for good reasons. You can look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates and consider making a pitch for that bug in dapper. or folks can switch to hardy now of course.
[05:43] <flyback> uh
[05:43] <flyback> I don't see a fixed release
[05:43] <flyback> for 6.06
[05:44] <flyback> and I consider a kernel crash and burn under load pretty fucking broken
[05:45] <ScottK> I think we got that already.
[05:46] <nealmcb> flyback: you're also free to apply the patches and put a kernel in a "ppa" for others to use. but the policies have been worked out to try to best serve folks all things considered
[05:46] <flyback> with the mentality at work I might as well shove the package up my ass
[05:47] <flyback> hopefully I will have a heart attack before then
[05:49] <nealmcb> like ScottK said, foul language isn't likely to help, so please abide by the ubuntu code of conduct. http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct
[05:49] <flyback> whatever
[05:49] <flyback> 'my life's been 34 yrs of bullshit anyways
[05:49] <flyback> pigs will fly before anything changes
[05:52] * flyback goodnight all
[06:29] <[T]an2> need some help with ip tables
[06:30] <[T]an2> here is my current set up:
[06:30] <[T]an2> http://pastebin.ca/1009042
[06:30] <[T]an2> this give me access to the internet and basic service inbound.
[06:31] <[T]an2> The problem i have is when i add nat to forward port 80 to a different address... the inbound port 80 rule works, but then I no longer can get out to the internet.
[06:31] <[T]an2> any help would be appreciated
[06:34] <logist> there is no rule for port 80
[06:34] <[T]an2> right... i took it out so i could get to the internet. :-D
[06:34] <[T]an2> so its current configuration works to get me to the internet.
[06:34] <logist> so, paste it somewhere
[06:35] <[T]an2> if i add a rule for port 80 which should be set up identical to port 4569 then my outbound internet stops working
[06:35] <[T]an2> i clone the rule for 4569 and change the port numbers only for my web server rule
[06:35] <[T]an2> and it works. however the outbound port 80 stops
[06:38] <[T]an2> gimme a sec and I will set it up like that and then paste it....
[06:40] <logist> look like you miss -d<your server IP> here
[06:40] <[T]an2> here is my updated version
[06:40] <[T]an2> http://pastebin.ca/1009045
[06:42] <logist> try A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp -d<YOUR IP ADDRESS> --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
[06:42] <logist> now it just route all traffic to port 80 to 1.10
[06:44] <[T]an2> instead of: -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
[06:44] <[T]an2> ?
[06:44] <[T]an2> or in addition to?
[06:47] <logist> instead
[06:48] <[T]an2> errr... what is the command... i am trying to create that using webmin and not doing it correctly.
[06:55] <logist> sorry, i've never used it...
[07:03] <soren> "-p tcp -m tcp" seems a bit much.
[07:12] <[T]an2> soren: how would you do it?
[07:13] <[T]an2> check me....
[07:13] <[T]an2> # iptables -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
[07:13] <[T]an2> iptables: No chain/target/match by that name
[07:15] * RoAkSoAx by all
[07:19] <soren> [T]an2: I'd just use one of them instead of both?
[07:20] <[T]an2> oh, is that why i got the error?
[07:20] <soren> [T]an2: PREROUTING is in the nat table, by the way.
[07:21] <soren> You're missing "-t nat".
[07:21] <[T]an2> help me out with the format of what I need to add.... this is all foreign to me. i can block and open ports... but i have never forwarded
[07:46] <soren> Just add "-t nat"
[07:46] <soren> [T]an2: ^
[07:53] <AussieGuy> hi. I have a Dell PowerEdge 1550 server, 4 scsi hard disks with RAID (2 pentium 3 processors). when I put the hardy install cd in and press enter at the welcome menu, it loads up then drops me to a busybox shell
[07:53] <AussieGuy> the other strange thing is if I try to put windows nt on it, windows nt cant see the hard drives
[07:54] <AussieGuy> but ubuntu wont even load with the "try ubuntu without changing your computer" option
[07:55] <soren> AussieGuy: Do you have any reason to believe that these servers aren't completely b0rken? :)
[07:55] <AussieGuy> not really
[07:56] <AussieGuy> do you need to do anything special to make the hard drives visible? it came with windows 2000 server installed on it and that booted fine origionally (until I deleted it)
[07:57] <AussieGuy> apparently by deleting it I also deleted the dell utility program
[07:57] <soren> Linux usually just sees everything.
[07:57] <AussieGuy> would a scratched cd cause it?
[07:57] <soren> Some BIOS can mark parts of a drive as hidden (e.g. for the dell utility thing) so that Windows won't scribble over it.
[07:57] <soren> AussieGuy: It's possible, yes.
[07:58] <AussieGuy> I think I might download the manual for that particular server. might have more info
[07:58] <AussieGuy> I got given the server
[07:59] <[T]an2> soren: is this correct:
[07:59] <[T]an2> iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d --dport 80 -t nat -j ACCEPT
[08:02] <soren> No.
[08:02] <soren> INPUT is in the filter table (the default). PREROUTING is in the nat table.
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[09:39] <stonekeeper> hi. For a while now I've noticed a bug in the u-s partitioner: if you already have partitions of type "software raid", then try to configure software raid it claims there are no partitions to configure. Is this a known bug? Is there a work-around. many thanks.
[09:40] <stonekeeper> meh, ignore that. PEBCAK. coffee time
[09:43] <stonekeeper> one thing i will say is that there's an attempt to use ntp which fails badly if behind a proxy
[10:35] <stonekeeper> any news on if the openvz kernel fixes will be pushed out via updates?
[10:36] <soren> I would assume so.
[10:50] <stonekeeper> Any idea when? I'm having to use debian to setup my VEs temporarily and it's not my ideal situation :/
[10:54] <Deeps> see the kernel mailing list
[10:54] <Deeps> and/or any relevant bugs on launchpad
[11:48] <ScottK> sommer: Don't bother with python-clamav NMU. I heard back from the Debian maintainer and he says he's going to update the package today.
[11:48] <ScottK> sommer: Thanks so much for looking into it.
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[12:07] <sommer> ScottK: cool, I'll move on to the next one
[13:02] <lamont> ScottK: awake now...
[13:03] <ScottK> lamont: I was wanting to kick a certain in-duh-vidual last night and you were the only one with ops that might have been awake.
[13:03] <lamont> heh
[13:03] <ScottK> I taunted him a bit instead, so it all worked out.
[13:18] <soren> I really wish someone would package cobbler so that I don't have to. :(
[13:25] <zul> hah hah
[13:26] <ScottK> jdstrand: IIRC you were going to copy clamav from dapper-updates to dapper-security. I was a little suprised to see another dapper-security upload instead ...
[13:27] <jdstrand> ScottK: I had already uploaded that before our conversation
[13:28] <jdstrand> ScottK: the -security build queue has some issues right now, and I am just waiting on it to get straightened out before uploading the latest dapper
[13:28] <jdstrand> ScottK: it's on my todo list
[13:29] <ScottK> jdstrand: OK. Just checking to make sure it didn't get dropped. Thanks.
[13:29] <jdstrand> ScottK: np
[13:57] <Asad2005> how to umount an NFS mount folder if the remote NFS server is no longer available
[13:58] <Asad2005> i got server failed to unmount
[13:58] <ogra> man mount :)
[13:59] <ogra> err
[13:59] <ogra> man umount, sorry
[13:59] <ogra> -f Force unmount (in case of an unreachable NFS system). (Requires kernel 2.1.116 or later.)
[14:00] <Asad2005> thanks
[14:00] <ogra> -l shuld work as well
[14:04] <Asad2005> I tried with -f and now getting umount.nfs: /mnt/temp: device is busy. i dont seems to be able to ls that folder and dont prefer to reboot
[14:05] <Asad2005> ok the -l option did it thanks
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[14:46] <zul> jdstrand: ping
[14:47] <jdstrand> zul: pong
[14:47] <zul> jdstrand: maybe a stupid question but does the apparmor take account of master/slave configurations for openldap?
[14:47] <jdstrand> zul: the syncrepl bug?
[14:47] <zul> jdstrand: exactly
[14:48] <jdstrand> zul: as long as the user is storing the databases in the normal place, yes. However, I'd be curious to see kern.log myself
[14:48] <zul> ok
[14:48] <jdstrand> zul: that was not a configuration explicitly tested
[14:49] <jdstrand> (syncrepl that is)
[15:08] <zul> jdstrand: I was able to replicate his crash (had to disable apparmor though because of his scripts though)
[15:13] <jdstrand> zul: so, IIUC, it is not an apparmor issue generally, but the user will have to adjust his apparmor profile
[15:13] <jdstrand> for his configuration
[15:15] <zul> jdstrand: correct
[15:15] <jdstrand> zul: ok cool
[15:16] <zul> jdstrand: I just have to go chance it down and fix it...hopefuly
[15:16] * jdstrand nods
[15:25] <dna_> how do you assign different ips to the same ethernet card?
[15:29] <infinity> dna_: Put an eth0:1 stanza in interfaces(5)
[15:29] <infinity> (And eth0:2, etc)
[15:30] <Deeps> or ip addr add ip/subnet dev <device>
[15:32] <dna_> umm didn't get you :/
[15:32] <Deeps> ip addr add dev eth0
[15:32] <Deeps> for example
[15:34] <dna_> ah ok :) thanks
[15:35] <uvirtbot> New bug: #227344 in bind9 (main) "bind-dlz und ldap api" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/227344
[17:13] <victoruiz> hi
[17:14] <victoruiz> is anybody there ready for a question about ubuntu server?
[17:14] <ScottK> !ask | victoruiz
[17:15] <ScottK> victoruiz: Don't ask to ask, just ask.
[17:15] <ubottu> victoruiz: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[17:15] * cwebber admits to having that bad habit at first
[17:47] <victoruiz> hi again, sorry, but i'm working
[17:48] <victoruiz> the fact is that i've installed an ubuntu server 8.04, the installation is by default
[17:48] <victoruiz> I installed on it openssh
[17:49] <victoruiz> and i installed the service that i want to publish on that
[17:50] <cwebber> victoruiz: im confused... are you looking for help with something
[17:50] <victoruiz> this service seems to run ok
[17:50] <victoruiz> yes
[17:50] <victoruiz> but i'm explaining the case
[17:51] <victoruiz> finally, the fact, is that the service is developen on java spring framework, making public all methods by mean of JMX
[17:51] <victoruiz> but i can't access remotely
[17:51] <victoruiz> if I do a netstat i can see that the port is on listening mode
[17:52] <victoruiz> and this service is running in some other services but windows servers and it's working well
[17:53] <victoruiz> I uninstalled apparmor cause after some questions i thought that could be the reason, but it's still working bad
[17:54] <victoruiz> anyone could say me what could be the reason????
[17:54] <mhm_jr> perhaps filtered by iptables or restricted by tcpwrappers?
[17:55] <cwebber> victoruiz: what rev of ubuntu?
[17:57] <victoruiz> 2.6.24-16-server
[17:58] <cwebber> lol
[17:58] <victoruiz> 8.04
[17:58] <cwebber> there ya go
[17:58] <victoruiz> which is the prob?
[17:59] <cwebber> so i have not done an install of 8.04 yet so i dont know defaults... but can you access the service when you are on the same subnet?
[18:17] <victoruiz> I'm on the same subnet
[18:18] <victoruiz> and i can't access this JMX service
[18:18] <cwebber> and have you verified that you dont have a subnet miss match on the box?
[18:20] <victoruiz> no, it's impossible
[18:20] <nealmcb> victoruiz: do you have a firewall installed? if so, have you opened the necessary ports?
[18:20] <victoruiz> i can access via ssh
[18:21] <victoruiz> I uninstalled apparmor at all
[18:21] <nealmcb> apparmor is not a firewall
[18:21] <victoruiz> and i disabled on startup the ufw
[18:21] <nealmcb> thought it could cause similar problems
[18:21] <nealmcb> have you tried looking in /var/log/messages?
[18:22] <victoruiz> mmmmm
[18:22] <victoruiz> no, i'll see now
[18:24] <victoruiz> there is no log when i try to access remotely via JMX
[18:26] <victoruiz> :(
[18:27] <victoruiz> i can see in this log that after reboot, the system "start" up the link ethernet
[18:28] <victoruiz> in localhost interface appears: Disabled Privacy Extensions
[18:28] <victoruiz> loop: module loaded
[18:28] <victoruiz> and finally: ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Code Team
[18:29] <victoruiz> but executing 'iptables --list' i can see that there is no rule
[18:43] <nealmcb> victoruiz: have you tried using wireshark or tcpdump to see if packets are arriving or replies are being sent?
[18:43] <nealmcb> are there firewalls elsewhere in the network? have you tried using the nc command to probe the ports and see if they are denied, or just timing out?
[18:44] <nealmcb> can you access the ports from the server itself?
[18:55] <jdstrand> zul: wrt syncrepl, you mentioned you had to put apparmor into complain mode for slapd-- just for clarity, did the user have a non-standard configuration?
[18:56] <sommer> jdstrand: I was able to use syncrepl without complain mode... just fyi
[18:56] <victoruiz> i found that there is a bug
[18:56] <victoruiz> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netcfg/+bug/8980
[18:56] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 8980 in netcfg "hostname -f does not return a proper FQDN" [Medium,Confirmed]
[18:56] <sommer> I used the instructions in the server guide, so I'm not sure if there are other ways :)
[18:57] <jdstrand> sommer: oh excellent
[18:57] * jdstrand puts syncrepl on his todo list for qa-regression-testing
[19:03] <ScottK> victoruiz: There is a work around listed in the bug so you can resolve that issue.
[19:04] <zul> jdstrand: yep
[19:05] <ricketick> can a server use dhcp for it's networking?
[19:06] <dmnd> i wouldnt do that
[19:06] <dmnd> :)
[19:06] <ricketick> the dhcp server uses mac address to provide the configuration, not address pool
[19:07] <dmnd> then you could
[19:07] <dmnd> but i wouldnt do it
[19:07] <dmnd> if the dhcp goes dead
[19:07] <mugwort13> hi all, I run an ubuntu server at work, I wanted a groupware platform to sync outlook 2007 & 2003 calendars. Is Scalix a good choice?
[19:07] <dmnd> and reboot
[19:07] <dmnd> you're screwed
[19:07] <ricketick> I mailed my ISP and asked for the correct gateway, netmask etc, and they replied "use dynamic settings"
[19:07] <dmnd> heh
[19:07] <dmnd> exciting
[19:07] <dmnd> :)
[19:09] <ricketick> does this mean I can't get a static network?
[19:11] <ricketick> dmnd, what happens when the dhcp restarts? shouldn't it give me the same ip?
[19:36] <uvirtbot> New bug: #227410 in bacula (main) "Catalog Backup fails because .my.cnf is not read" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/227410
[19:38] <ScatterBrain> Anyone having trouble with SSH disconnects on Hardy?
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[19:49] <ogra> ScatterBrain, that would be pretty well noticed on ltsp servers (we use ssh there by default for X transport), no, i havent heard of anything
[19:49] <ogra> <-- ltsp maintainer
[19:50] <ScatterBrain> Hmmm....
[19:50] <ScatterBrain> I've been connecting via putty to a freshly built hardy machine and after a couple of minutes (max) I get terminated.
[19:51] <ogra> anything n the logs ?
[19:52] <jiqiren> ScatterBrain: is your connection idle before it terminates?
[19:52] <ScatterBrain> nothing other than syslog restarting at 6:00'ish this morning.
[19:53] <ScatterBrain> jiqiren: only long enough to do things like switch between windows.
[19:53] <ScatterBrain> a couple of seconds tops!
[19:53] <jiqiren> sounds like a duplicate IP to me, from another machine, what happens when you ping the IP? do you get 2 responses?
[19:54] <ScatterBrain> Hmmm... intresting - never thought of that.
[19:54] <ScatterBrain> lemme check.
[19:57] <ScatterBrain> jiqiren: I think that may actually be it....I'm getting responses, but the times are wierd:
[19:57] <ScatterBrain> <spam>
[19:57] <ScatterBrain> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=34 ttl=128 time=153 ms
[19:57] <ScatterBrain> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=35 ttl=128 time=0.184 ms
[19:57] <ScatterBrain> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=36 ttl=128 time=1.22 ms
[19:57] <ScatterBrain> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=37 ttl=128 time=0.173 ms
[19:57] <ScatterBrain> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=38 ttl=128 time=1.23 ms
[19:57] <ScatterBrain> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=39 ttl=128 time=1.28 ms
[19:57] <ScatterBrain> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=40 ttl=128 time=1.24 ms
[19:57] <ScatterBrain> </spam
[19:57] <ScatterBrain> .1 ms, then 1.23 ms?
[19:57] <ScatterBrain> Not sure but that's odd.
[19:58] <jiqiren> can you halt the machine (shutdown) then try to ping to verify?
[19:58] <ScatterBrain> yeah...doing that now.
[20:02] <mhm_jr> ricketick look into dynamic dns...it can be manged with ddclient if you are unable to get static IP's
[20:02] <ScatterBrain> jiqiren: That's what it was.
[20:02] <ScatterBrain> I'm surprised that DHCP did that!
[20:02] <ScatterBrain> and that the other machine was still alive!
[20:04] <jiqiren> coolio, well enjoy fixing dhcp. :)
[20:05] <ScatterBrain> jiqiren: gee thanks! =)
[20:07] <ivoks> zul: here?
[20:07] <zul> ivoks: yep
[20:07] <ivoks> zul: we have a small but anoying bug in bacula (bug 227410)
[20:07] <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 227410 in bacula "Catalog Backup fails because .my.cnf is not read" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/227410
[20:08] <zul> ok
[20:08] <ivoks> i'm creating debdiff at the moment... i think we should push this into 8.04.1 or even asap
[20:08] <zul> sure...
[20:09] <zul> can you write up the test case as well?
[20:09] <ivoks> yes
[20:09] <zul> thanks
=== Navop_ is now known as Navop
[20:18] <docta_v> what file does debuild look at to set the package version number?
[20:18] <ivoks> changelog?
[20:18] <docta_v> cool thanks
[20:25] <psufan> hi, what's the steps to install the stock 2.6.15-57 kernel source for a patch and recompile
[20:25] <psufan> I need to patch against the nfs crash and burn bug
[20:26] <psufan> hopefully this will result in a .deb I can install on the other blades
[20:27] <ivoks> apt-get source linux-image-2.6.15-57-server
[20:27] <psufan> I mean I been doing kernels since 96 but for this production enviorment i'd like to have standard steps I can teach to someone else
[20:27] <ivoks> then patch it and compile it with debuild; you should talk to ubuntu-kernel for details
[20:27] <psufan> ok is that the one with smp
[20:27] <psufan> oh cool
[20:27] <psufan> didn't know about that channel
[20:28] <ivoks> i don't recall how it's done with dapper
[20:28] <psufan> thx
[20:30] <melter> does anyone know of any resources to help gentoo system administrators transition to ubuntu server?
[20:31] <ivoks> heh
[20:31] <ivoks> i'm not sure there's a lot to explain, except packaging system
[20:32] <ivoks> and maybe config.d directories
[20:32] <ivoks> i'm not sure gentoo has those
[20:32] <melter> i'm having trouble getting things set up, dhcp client, firewall, etc.
[20:32] <ivoks> network is set in /etc/network/interfaces (man interfaces for details)
[20:32] <melter> for example, if i want to use dhcpcd to configure a dhcp client, where do i start?
[20:33] <ivoks> firewall is... well... iptables :)
[20:33] <ivoks> by default we use dhclient3
[20:33] <melter> does /etc/network/interfaces work with all dhcp CLIENTs?
[20:33] <melter> whether dhclient3, dhcpcd, etc.?
[20:34] <ivoks> i'm not sure... never tought about that...
[20:34] <melter> as for iptables, how do i save rules? how do i get the firewall to automatically start?
[20:34] <melter> for example, in gentoo, rc-udpate add iptables default, and /etc/init.d/iptables save
[20:35] <psufan> I wish you guys had just patched this in 6.06
[20:35] <psufan> the kernel shitting itself I think is a pretty significant bug
[20:36] <ivoks> psufan: did you report the bug? (i don't know what you are talking about)
[20:36] <ogra> http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/firewall.html
[20:36] <ivoks> melter: no, there isn't /etc/init.d/iptables script
[20:36] <ogra> there is ufw (in hardy)
[20:36] <ogra> see the link above
[20:36] <melter> i have a bash script that i maintain to set up iptables, do i just need to run that script every time i boot?
[20:37] <ivoks> melter: that's how i do it
[20:37] <ivoks> paste it in /etc/rc.local and that's it
[20:37] <melter> ogra, i already have an iptables setup i use with gentoo, so i'd prefer just to reuse that
[20:37] <ivoks> (before exit 0) :)
[20:38] <melter> ivoks, ok, thanks
[20:38] <ivoks> melter: one big thing is that /bin/sh isn't /bin/bash on ubuntu
[20:39] <ivoks> so, if you have bash scripts, be sure to change #!/bin/sh into #!/bin/bash - i highly recommend that fot /etc/rc.local
[20:39] <psufan> what is this git stuff
[20:40] <ivoks> psufan: git? Linus's CVS :)
[20:41] <ivoks> psufan: http://git.kernel.org/
[20:41] * ogra shaeds his eyes
[20:41] <ogra> *shades
[20:43] <psufan> this is so confusing and I remeber hacking a 1.1 kernel to run on 1.6 meg of ram
[20:43] <psufan> all I want to do is apply a fix to the existing 2.6.15-51 source that prevents the nfs kernel crash and burn
[20:44] <ivoks> :)
[20:44] <ivoks> i gave up on kernel compiling 4 years ago
[20:44] <psufan> yeah I am about to just update to 2.6.17
[20:54] <melter> if rc.local is run at boot time, what is run at shutdown?
[20:56] <ivoks> hehe
[20:56] <ivoks> what version of ubuntu are we talking about?
[20:57] <JaxxMaxx_> Is there a preferred .torrent tracker for the new version install ISOs? or is everyone just using mirrors
[20:57] <ivoks> basicaly, everything in /etc/rc0.d/* starts on shutdown
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[21:07] <mistiipu> i used a lan card direct pc to pc strategy to share internet to an another pc. now i added another lan card and for another pc to share internet but it is not seem to work. can any one guide me?
[21:07] <mistiipu> <mistiipu> i have eth1 2 3 firestarter (firewall) says 1 is internet 2 is local 3 is ethernet.. i followed http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php
[21:12] <melter> ivoks, thanks, putting my firewall script in rc.local works great
[21:14] <melter> i just changed "/etc/init.d/iptables save" to "[ -x /etc/init.d/iptables] && /etc/init.d/iptables save"
[21:14] <melter> changed sh to bash, like you said, and added "exit 0" at the end
[21:15] <melter> now the same script works with both gentoo and ubuntu :)
[21:17] <ivoks> :)
[21:19] <dthacker-work> Is there a logrotate wildcard you can use to treat all logs with the same retention, etc?
[21:20] <dthacker-work> so in subdir /var/log/fancyco I can put the same lograte directives for /var/log/fancyco/loga.log logb.log etc?
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[22:16] <uvirtbot> New bug: #227267 in openldap2.3 (main) "package slapd failed to install" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/227267
[22:27] <andguen1> I'm upgrading from Dapper server to Hoary server, dealing with dependancy problems involving udev and hal -- anyone have a second?
[22:48] <owh> http://tracking.landwide.com.au/ - this has been causing me grief for over 24 hours. For some reason I don't see its style sheet applied. On my VMware image it works, on my workstation it works but on my VPS it doesn't. Both VPS and workstation have en_AU.UTF-8, and VMware is POSIX. In addition...
[22:49] <owh> there are some strange results with strings. The "strings style.css" output is in http://tracking.landwide.com.au/style.bob and the "strings index.php" is in http://tracking.landwide.com.au/index.bob
[22:50] <owh> It does not appear to be a coding issue and a wget -d shows the same output in headers. Live Headers on Firefox shows the stylesheet being loaded on the VMware and workstation, but not on the VPS.
[22:50] <owh> Anyone seen anything like this before?
[22:52] <andguen1> I think we are pretty dormant tonight, and I've never gotten into css
[22:52] <owh> VPS is running a Ubuntu LAMP install - apparently cobbled together with debootstrap. VMware is running Hardy Beta Server LAMP and workstation is running Gutsy.
[22:52] <owh> andguen1: It doesn't appear to be a css issue.
[22:53] <owh> I'm more concerned that the strings output of what is supposed to be just plain text is different from the text itself.
[22:54] <owh> Any WAGs will be appreciated.
[22:55] <andguen1> I just broke my route...... appearently established sessions are still working :)
[22:55] <andguen1> I will click those links again when my router finishes upgrading
[22:55] <owh> andguen1: Tah. I'll have some brekkie in the meanwhile :_
[23:16] <owh> Back from brekkie...
[23:42] * flyback wants to know if ironman's rocket fuel is pure or freebased
[23:46] <flyback> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsZ3_oCjFnk#
[23:50] <owh> andguen2: How is your route coming along?
[23:51] <andguen2> turned out to be that upgrading squid made it cranky, bypassing manually for now.......
[23:53] <andguen2> think its time to play with fire and reboot.... see what comes back up :)
[23:53] <owh> Did you have the opportunity to have a squiz at those links by any chance?
[23:53] <andguen2> I did glance them over, I saw nothing wrong, but again, css isn't my strong suit
[23:55] <owh> andguen2: So you saw a page that rendered with images and colours etc?
[23:55] <andguen2> I'm assuming that index.bob actually has a ?> to close the php, and strings just didn't find it
[23:55] <andguen2> no, only text, i thought this was the output of strings
[23:55] <owh> andguen2: What if you go to the main url: http://tracking.landwide.com.au/
[23:56] <owh> andguen2: *.bob is indeed the output of strings
[23:56] <andguen2> home page looks good, orange bars, a few images, a bit of text, all looks cleanly layed out
[23:56] <owh> Which browser?
[23:57] <andguen2> it refuses to give me a scroll bar on the side, i have to expand my window to read the bottom, but otherwise ok
[23:57] <andguen2> I think its FF one sec
[23:58] <andguen2> yes, i guessed correct
[23:58] <owh> Thanks, that just made me pull out more hair. Thanks for your time andguen2
[23:58] * owh thinks a local workstation reboot might be a top idea :-|
[23:58] <andguen2> FF 3 not working and FF 2 is?
[23:58] <jay2> hmmmmm
[23:59] <owh> andguen2: No, FF2 locally.
[23:59] <andguen2> ooooook..... thats odd
[23:59] <owh> Lemmie reboot and see if it magically goes away.
[23:59] <andguen2> opera 9 something loads it correct and gives a scrolling option too
[23:59] * owh has seen some weird stuff on the local workstation of late - freeze on hibernate, internal screen not working, etc.