UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /06 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <fta> ok
[00:07] <cwong1> asac: just an fyi - for some reason tabbrowser.xml's onLocationChange is not getting call
[01:01] <gnomefreak> bug 137686
[01:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 137686 in linux "[hardy] [gutsy] [regression] (regression from edgy to feisty and to gutsy) tifm_sd module not working and not producing any message in logs" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137686
[01:37] <gnomefreak> good night everyone i will be running through email since i didnt check it all day and most likely work on bug reports so i should be around tomorrow if needed.
[05:20] <victory747> I have a question about localization files for ff3 in hardy
[05:21] <victory747> What package are these files in?
[09:07] <asac> victory747: language-pack-*
[09:07] <asac> victory747: language-pack-gnome-base-XX to be exact
[09:11] <victory747> asac, ok - but are these generated from mozilla source code or from something else?
[09:11] <victory747> asac, and the main problem is it is missing zh-CN - only has zh-TW
[09:11] <victory747> asac, what should I file a bug report against?
[09:13] <asac> generated from mozilla sources ... we are aware of that ... no need for a bug. will fix that soonish
[09:20] <victory747> oh, ok, thanks - I didn't know you were aware
[09:21] <victory747> and why is it stored in language-pack-gnome-base rather than something like language-pack-firefox?
[09:22] <asac> victory747: i planned to put them into the general language-support packs ... but in last minute kde devs vetoed so it ended up there. in intrepid we will probably do a language-pack-mozilla again for that reason
[09:23] <victory747> ok, so the zh-CN stuff will come out in updates, or in backports?
[09:23] <asac> -updates
[09:23] <victory747> great - any idea of an ETA?
[09:24] <asac> i could do it today. but there is one more issue i have to eval and see if i can punch a solution in this upload too
[09:25] <victory747> ok, so pretty soon, then. Thanks so much for your response on this.
[09:25] <asac> no problem. thanks for your patience
[09:33] <[reed]> why did the kde devs veto that?
[10:00] <asac> [reed]: ... i don't want to rant in public this year so i better stop now :)
[10:00] <[reed]> "this year", lol
[10:00] <asac> ok, this cycle
[10:03] <asac> [reed]: do you know where in moz code the locale upcast heuristic is done? e.g. if I start with LANG=pt ... i get pt-BR ... so it appears to try something, but fails to choose the right default (e.g. pt_PT) ... same for es -> it uses es_AR though it should first try es_ES
[10:04] <[reed]> picking the correct language pack, or are you talking about the HTTP header?
[10:04] <asac> i will work around this problem now by adding chrome lines like "locale browser pt jar:chrome/pt-PT.jar!..." to chrome.manifest
[10:05] <asac> [reed]: picking about the right chrome yes.
[10:05] <[reed]> mmm
[10:05] <[reed]> not really... ask in #l10n on moznet?
[10:07] <asac> [reed]: asked :) ... one more channel
[10:10] <asac> [reed]: at least my workaround works great :)
[10:11] <[reed]> hehe
[10:12] <asac> victory747: still there?
[10:29] <asac> jtv: there?
[10:29] <jtv> asac: hi!
[10:29] <asac> jtv: hi
[10:29] <jtv> asac: tried to get hold of you last week
[10:30] <jtv> asac: danilo tells me there's a problem with xulrunner?
[10:30] <asac> jtv: can you give me some insight on what to do if LANG=pt?
[10:30] <asac> use pt_PT or pt_BR?
[10:30] <asac> and why?
[10:30] <asac> jtv: problem? except that the langpacks are currently a bit messed up?
[10:30] <jtv> asac: "pt" means "Portuguese Portuguese." It's really pt_PT that makes no sense, but those are the same thing.
[10:31] <asac> jtv: ok mozilla guys say that pt alone makes no sense
[10:31] <asac> is there something written?
[10:31] <jtv> asac: if that's their system, then pt == pt_PT.
[10:31] <jtv> In the gettext world you'd normalize to pt. Apparently in their world you normalize to pt_PT.
[10:31] <asac> well ... hard to tell. they say its ok to use pt_BR if LANG=pt because there is nothing that says different
[10:32] <jtv> asac: from our point of view that's a very odd way to look at it.
[10:32] <asac> and pt_BR is more important in terms of users et al
[10:32] <jtv> asac: let me just dig up some docs for you.
[10:32] <asac> that would be great
[10:33] <jtv> asac: but the summary of it is: zh is always either zh_CN or zh_TW; there's pt and pt_BR; and there's en_GB. Apart from that, we always use just the language code without country code.
[10:34] <asac> ok. so there is no hard specification how to normalize LANG?
[10:35] <asac> thanks ... so whats the problem with xulrunner?
[10:35] <jtv> https://launchpad.canonical.com/Translations/ImportQueueReviewLanguageCodes
[10:35] <jtv> https://launchpad.canonical.com/Translations/ImportQueueCornerCases
[10:36] <asac> jtv: err, are those standard passwds?
[10:36] <asac> yeah got it
[10:40] <jtv> asac: danilo just pointed me to this: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/xulrunner-1.9/+pots/xulrunner
[10:40] <jtv> Lots of "untranslated"
[10:40] <jtv> That looks as if either the template or the translations were re-imported, but not both.
[10:41] <asac> ouch
[10:41] <asac> maybe the auto import of template finally got through?
[10:41] <asac> jtv: ?
[10:41] <asac> we upload the en-US.xpi on build
[10:42] <jtv> asac: yup, a template was imported yesterday.
[10:43] <jtv> asac: want me to re-upload translations?
[10:43] <jtv> asac: at least then those 10% or whatever of unmatched messages will also be resolved.
[10:44] <asac> jtv: cool. does it mean the chrome:// thing is in place now?
[10:44] <jtv> asac: it does. That's why I tried to reach you last week. :-)
[10:44] <jtv> asac: you won't actually see the "chrome://" prefix, but the context of a message is now the chrome path of its file.
[10:45] <asac> cool. question: can we import translations from build as well?
[10:45] <asac> or was this translation reset a one timer?
[10:45] <asac> i think you told me that when we get chrome path contexts, that everything got reset
[10:46] <jtv> asac: the "reset" is a one-off. It's just the pain from the transition to the proper context system.
[10:46] <asac> right ... great.
[10:46] <jtv> asac: the translations are still in there with the hacked contexts. If we re-upload them now, you'll see things like "4 messages untranslated" for Firefox.
[10:47] <asac> jtv: so can we just import the full translations twice now? or should i filter out the xulrunner/firefox part before?
[10:47] <jtv> asac: one more issue is that the current code stumbles over <contributor> entries in install.rdf.
[10:47] <asac> jtv: you look at install.rdf?
[10:47] <jtv> asac: right
[10:47] <asac> what info do you gather from there?
[10:47] <jtv> asac: just the last translator, really.
[10:47] <jtv> asac: at the moment, that goes horribly wrong.
[10:48] <asac> ah, interesting. but makes sense i guess
[10:48] <jtv> asac: I've prototyped a fix, but wanted to discuss it with you first.
[10:48] <jtv> Thing is, we try to parse the contributor entries as email addresses—which in practice AFAICS they aren't.
[10:48] <jtv> Then we look up the last contributor's identity by email address.
[10:49] <jtv> We have several options there:
[10:49] <jtv> Ignore them (not very nice though)
[10:50] <jtv> Look them up by name if no email available (may be inaccurate when people's names clash, though we'd just give up for cases where we know that to happen)
[10:50] <jtv> Ignore them unless they include email addresses
[10:51] <jtv> Right now I'm inclined towards option 3. It's easy to implement, very little can go wrong, and it's a "boxer shorts" hazard.
[10:51] <asac> I'd say ignore them in launchpad unless we can find a launchpad id (email)
[10:51] <asac> but maybe reexport the translations install.rdf so the po2xpi step can reinclude them in the .xpi
[10:52] <asac> or remember the non-launchpad contributors in a comment or something?
[10:52] <jtv> Oh, we already remember the install.rdf so reproducing them is no problem anyway. You get them all.
[10:52] <asac> i get them all? where?
[10:53] <asac> until now i only got the template (en-US.xpi) reexported.
[10:54] <jtv> asac: ah, right, you don't get them unless the file is imported.
[10:55] <asac> ok. i think we should reimport the en-US.xpi as well then
[10:56] <asac> for firefox
[10:57] <asac> jtv: can i import the en-US.xpi ?
[10:58] <jtv> asac: sure, just make sure that both the templates and the translations for both have been re-imported since last week's rollout.
[10:58] <jtv> asac: I think I was offline there for a while
[10:59] <asac> jtv: ok, what i do now: import en-US.xpi for firefox ... then import translations for xulrunner and firefox, right?
[11:00] <jtv> asac: right.
[11:01] <jtv> asac: there are going to be failures because of the install.rdf problem though.
[11:02] <jtv> asac: IIRC we reproduce the install.rdf file as the header in our XPIPO file... Do I remember wrongly?
[11:02] <victory747> asac, I'm still here
[11:03] <asac> jtv: right. its in the .po file
[11:04] <asac> victory747: can you download http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/zh.tar.gz
[11:04] <victory747> ok
[11:04] <asac> and extract that to some dir?
[11:05] <asac> jtv: ok. will launchpad automatically detect that en-US.xpi is template ... and everything else is translation?
[11:05] <jtv> asac: yes.
[11:05] <asac> i am on https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/firefox-3.0/+pots/firefox/+upload
[11:05] <asac> ok cool
[11:05] <asac> let me try en-US.xpi for firefox first
[11:05] <jtv> asac: do you have the automated uploads working?
[11:06] <asac> jtv: yes. otherwise xulrunner wouldn't have been overwritten
[11:06] <jtv> asac: cool
[11:06] <asac> i uploaded xulrunner only .. so it makes sense
[11:07] <jtv> asac: but as soon as the translations have been re-imported as well, things should be back to normal (and in some ways, better).
[11:07] <jtv> asac: my dns seems to be on the blink or something... before you re-upload, see if maybe the old imported translations are still on the import queue.
[11:07] <asac> jtv: ok, lets hope that those that started new translations for firefox won't be completely mad at us now :/
[11:07] <jtv> If they are, we can just move them back to the Approved status. Less time to wait!
[11:08] <asac> jtv: ouch ... already uploaded en-US.xpi for ffox
[11:08] <jtv> asac: yes, let's hope. Luckily I already talked to the ones in this country.
[11:08] <jtv> asac: if it's already uploaded, what's the problem?
[11:09] <asac> jtv: aehm ... i uploaded it a minute ago :) ... its now in state "needs review"
[11:09] <asac> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/firefox-3.0/+imports
[11:09] <jtv> asac: erm... you wouldn't happen to have the IP address for t.e.l.n handy by any chance?
[11:10] <asac>
[11:10] <asac> jtv: ^^
[11:10] * jtv edits hosts
[11:11] <victory747> asac, ok, what should I do with it?
[11:11] <asac> victory747: try: cd /tmp/; wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/zh.tar.gz; mkdir ee; cd ee; tar xzf ../zh.tar.gz
[11:12] <asac> then: sudo cp -r usr/lib/* /usr/lib/
[11:12] <victory747> ok, i extracted it somewhere
[11:12] <victory747> ok
[11:12] <asac> afterwards zh_CN should be there
[11:12] <victory747> I do not have the language-pack-gnome-base-zh package installed
[11:13] <asac> victory747: because you are not on gnome?
[11:13] <victory747> asac, no, because i uninstalled it when trying to figure all this out
[11:13] <asac> ah ... maybe install it first again then
[11:13] <victory747> should i install it? or leave it out?
[11:13] <victory747> ok
[11:13] <asac> doesn't really matter
[11:14] <asac> for firefox it only matters that your LANG variable is proper
[11:14] <victory747> also I find the traditional chinese hard to read
[11:15] <asac> victory747: in which way?
[11:16] <asac> i cannot read it at all obviously ;)
[11:16] <victory747> I have enough trouble with simplified chinese! :)
[11:16] <victory747> just my poor chinese, that's all
[11:16] <asac> you mean language wise?
[11:16] <asac> ah ok
[11:17] <victory747> there ARE issues with font-substitution that I have long had with gnome, firefox, and ubuntu
[11:17] <victory747> because between the two character sets there is a lot of overlap
[11:17] <victory747> so it uses a traditional chinese font first, and then if it can't find it in there uses a simplified font
[11:17] <victory747> but the typefaces are different and it's really annoying
[11:18] <asac> victory747: prod ArneGoetje in #ubuntu-devel about that
[11:18] <victory747> and sometimes the simplified font chosen is hard to read at that particular font size
[11:18] <asac> he is our font guy
[11:18] <asac> ArneGoetje
[11:18] <victory747> i should probably try to figure out what's really going on and why but it takes a lot of effort
[11:19] <asac> victory747: ask him ... maybe he knows something and can help you get started :)
[11:19] <victory747> ok
[11:21] <victory747> asac, excellent!! :) firefox is using simplified chinese now! :)
[11:21] <asac> jtv: there are a bunch of .po imports that failed in the queue ... is that supposed to work?
[11:21] <jtv> asac: Not that I know.
[11:21] <jtv> asac: let me look...
[11:22] <asac> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/firefox-3.0/+imports
[11:22] <asac> and why is my import "Needs review" ?
[11:23] <jtv> asac: probably because auto-approval hasn't gotten to it yet. It should happen after a while, but I can do it manually if needed. Just a moment.
[11:25] <asac> jtv: thats ok ... lets wait and see if auto works
[11:25] <jtv> asac: cool, thanks.
[11:26] <victory747> asac, so it works. is this an informal test of your files then?
[11:26] <asac> victory747: yes. those will be uppped later today
[11:27] <victory747> asac, thanks so much
[11:27] <asac> victory747: maybe contribute by ackknowledigng that the update langpacks work
[11:27] <jtv> asac: those PO files people tried to import wouldn't work anyway. They're based on English msgids, not on the message keys. We don't support that yet.
[11:27] <victory747> asac, I will remove the files and see if the update works
[11:27] <asac> victory747: you need to enable -proposed in software sources for that
[11:28] <asac> thats where we stage stable updates for verification before rolling the updates to everyone
[11:29] <victory747> ok, i'll look for that tomorrow - it's about time for me to go
[11:29] <asac> jtv: ok. is there a way we can improve documentation for that?
[11:29] <asac> victory747: thanks.
[11:29] <asac> jtv: so translators notice before putting energy into it?
[11:30] <jtv> asac: we can... do you have a good place to put it? A "state of Firefox translation" wiki page could be useful right now.
[11:31] <asac> indeed. ill work on it asap
[11:31] <asac> also telling how they can test their exports
[11:32] <jtv> asac: I think the translators would love to see the "kitchen" opened up like that.
[11:47] <jtv> asac: looks like the ff template was auto-approved. That's good to know.
[11:47] <asac> cool
[11:55] <asac> jtv: now there are are some translations available already ... how can that be?
[11:55] <asac> like firefox-3.0 has only 1679 untranslated
[11:56] <jtv> asac: people translating in the meantime, maybe? Or the old heuristic happened to pick some contexts correctly.
[11:56] <asac> look at https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/firefox-3.0/+pots/firefox
[11:56] <asac> hmm ... maybe the old heuristic then
[11:57] <asac> ok let me upload de.xpi to firefox ... lets see what happens
[11:58] <asac> doing same for xulrunner ... now lets wait ;)
[12:05] <jtv> asac: de.xpi triggered the contributor problem. :-(
[12:05] <jtv> (Unless it's changed, which would surprise me)
[12:06] <asac> jtv: reconnect
[12:06] <asac> lets see if de.xpi really makes lp choke
[12:07] <jtv> asac: it did in my tests last week.
[12:07] <jtv> asac: that was an old version, but...
[12:07] <asac> hmm ... so what can we do?
[12:08] <asac> its still in "Needs Review" ... so lets hope ;) ... there is a chance that it will work, no?
[12:16] <armin76> noes
[12:19] <gnomefreak> i think we found out what happens when bug team uses assigned to for triagers instead who is working on the fix
[12:20] <jtv> asac: de.xpi got auto-approved as well, so at least we know that that works!
[12:22] <asac> jtv: good. but import will fail you say?
[12:22] <gnomefreak> de.xpi for sunbird needs to be fixed upstream as its not ablet o be downloaded
[12:22] <gnomefreak> atleast when i ran the sunbird locales
[12:22] <jtv> asac: that's what I expect, yes. I'm about to push the fix for that, now that I've discussed it with you.
[12:27] <asac> jtv: when will "intrepid" be created for translations?
[12:28] <asac> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/firefox-3.0
[12:28] <asac> or are the templates not copied?
[12:28] <jtv> asac: the templates will be copied, yes. I'll do that soon.
[12:28] <asac> ok great.
[12:31] <jtv> asac: we're working on something to make that hassle more or less unnecessary, but (naturally) were optimistic about how fast we could do it.
[12:32] <asac> jtv: i wonder if you plan to introduce something like hardy-updates hardy-security?
[12:32] <asac> at some point ... i think that would be best to cover all kind of wierd cases that might pop up
[12:33] <jtv> asac: you mean pockets?
[12:33] <asac> yes i think thats the launchpad term for it.
[12:33] <jtv> asac: it's a part of the app that I'm really not very familiar with yet, so a lot to explore there first.
[12:36] <asac> its not that urgent. just wondered, because once we upload ffox 3 rc1 we have other keys in there than in what is in plain hardy
[12:46] <asac> jtv: ok it really failed.
[12:46] <jtv> asac: I'm just writing the cover letter for that fix.
[12:47] <asac> thanks
[12:47] <jtv> asac: if this is causing you big problems, I can ask for the fix to be cherry-picked.
[12:58] <asac> jtv: which bug do you mean? the contributor bug?
[12:59] <asac> or the hardy-updates one?
[12:59] <jtv> asac: the contributor one.
[13:00] <jtv> asac: just adding a test for non-ascii names, which I'd forgotten to include.
[13:00] <asac> jtv: well ... we cannot import any translations right now. so i think its at least semi-urgent
[13:00] <asac> it definitly needs to be sorted out before we get ffox 3.0 RC1
[13:01] <asac> which might be two weeks or a bit more
[13:01] <asac> before that i don't need new imports/exports (except for midbrowser)
[13:01] <asac> but for midbrowser i can workaround by removing contributors manually i guess
[13:09] <jtv> asac: that makes it critical.
[13:10] <jtv> asac: question: what do we know about the encoding of an RDF file? UTF-8? UTF-8 or UTF-16? Whatever the XML header says? ASCII?
[13:10] * jtv prays for ASCII
[13:20] <asac> jtv: i think its whatever the xml header says :)
[13:20] <asac> if nothing is said its not defined, but most likely utf-8
[13:20] <asac> e.g. contributors can have chinese names :)
[13:21] <jtv> asac: can't find anything on the net except that it can be explicitly utf-8.
[13:22] <jtv> One of the things I hate about encodings is this cart-before-horse complication: you need to start parsing in order to find out which character set to start parsing in.
[13:26] <asac> ok ... i would assume that you can just let the xml parser do it
[13:26] <asac> it will use ascii i guess if there is nothing in header ... and if chrome.manifest has utf-8 chars the translators need to add it there
[13:26] <asac> but i can try to find out for sure
[13:27] * asac asking
[13:39] <asac> jtv: ok its utf-8
[13:40] <asac> according to moz folks in #l10n on irc.mozilla.org
[13:41] <jtv> asac: great, thanks!
[13:41] <jtv> asac: esp. since that's just what I wrote the test for. :-)
[14:03] <asac> gnomefreak: does midbrowser start for you?
[14:39] <gnomefreak> asac: never used it unless you mean prism
[14:39] <gnomefreak> asac: isnt midbrowser for pda/cell phones?
[14:39] <asac> gnomefreak: you can install it in hardy desktop
[14:39] <asac> might not be as useful as in mobile devices, but it works
[14:40] <asac> (well unless you cannot start)
[14:40] <gnomefreak> ah ok i will and ill let you know
[14:42] <gnomefreak> asac: that bug that i was backtracing this morning the vfprintf is that vlc plugin or firefox?
[14:43] <asac> gnomefreak: no idea ... wher eis the full backtrace?
[14:43] <gnomefreak> its on bug 227055
[14:43] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 227055 in vlc "VLC seems to cause Firefox-3.0 to crash repeatedly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/227055
[14:44] <gnomefreak> there seem to be 3 bugs with this issue i would like to condence them into 1
[14:44] <asac> gnomefreak: please dont use the .log extension in future
[14:44] <gnomefreak> ok
[14:44] <asac> that makes launchpad think that its some wierd mime type
[14:44] <gnomefreak> ah
[14:44] <asac> better use just .txt so i can look at it in browser
[14:44] <asac> :)
[14:45] <asac> gnomefreak: there is no backtrace in it
[14:45] <asac> aeh ... there is
[14:45] <gnomefreak> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[14:45] <gnomefreak> [Switching to Thread 0xb7c796c0 (LWP 7395)]
[14:45] <gnomefreak> 0xb7cb9246 in vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
[14:45] <gnomefreak> (gdb) bt full
[14:45] <gnomefreak> #0 0xb7cb9246 in vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
[14:45] <asac> isn#t really fruitful though
[14:45] <asac> threads apply all bt full
[14:45] <asac> might give you other threads
[14:49] <gnomefreak> thats all i was able to get off of it not sure what else to do to get more
[14:51] <gnomefreak> wiki has been updated for ff3 and s/log/txt
[14:52] <asac> jtv: i cannot approve https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/midbrowser/trunk/+imports .... to some degree i dont understand the ACLs that sit behind this translation things :/
[14:52] <asac> ok :)
[14:52] <asac> bye ;)
[14:52] <gnomefreak> asac: if you look at bug 116689 and bug 78725 they have same retrace but if its not enough than i say close them and wait for it to happen????
[14:52] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 116689 in vlc "Problem with viewing quicktime movies with Mozilla VLC plugin" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116689
[14:52] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 78725 in vlc "MASTER firefox crashed [@vfprintf] ... -- libvlc.so.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78725
[14:53] <gnomefreak> hmmmmm would be nice to change the .desktop file for midbrowser to call it midbrowser in menus not web browser
[14:54] <gnomefreak> asac: it starts just fine anything needs testing?
[14:54] <asac> gnomefreak: metacity or compiz?
[14:54] <gnomefreak> metacity
[14:55] <asac> ok makes sense
[14:55] <gnomefreak> compiz bogs down this POS too much
[14:55] <asac> on compiz it doesn't start
[14:55] <gnomefreak> asac: you shouldnt need to who the hell have compizon mobile device ;)
[14:55] <asac> i have it here and want to test the application
[14:56] <asac> on my normal desktop
[14:56] <gnomefreak> doesnt start on compiz but starts on metacity?
[14:56] <asac> yeah
[14:56] <asac> gnomefreak: if you could try i would appreciate that you could verify that thats the case for you too
[14:56] <gnomefreak> nothing compiz does that i know of that would not let it start unless it changed that much from compiz+beryl to compiz-fusion
[14:56] <gnomefreak> asac: i will
[14:57] <gnomefreak> give me a little while i need to restart and get something to drink than test
[14:57] <gnomefreak> although i cant close it
[14:57] <gnomefreak> it doesnt respond
[14:59] <gnomefreak> hmmmm that goes for ff as well restarting to release memory i hope
[15:06] <gnomefreak> asac: is normal setting ok it seems it cant enable Extra
[15:06] <asac> gnomefreak: if you are sure that compiz is used, then probably yes.
[15:07] <gnomefreak> ok
[15:07] <gnomefreak> its enabled under normal
[15:07] <gnomefreak> that is odd
[15:08] <gnomefreak> asac: did you try running it from terminal?
[15:08] <gnomefreak> if not i have output for you but i think its normal for X apps and compiz
[15:08] <gnomefreak> i dont remember when i used to see this but im thinking either compiz or chroot
[15:09] <gnomefreak> well that didnt help
[15:09] <gnomefreak> they say run it with --sync to debug and it gives same exact message
[15:10] <gnomefreak> oh
[15:10] <gnomefreak> asac: i am able to confirm it fails to load under compiz
[15:11] <asac> ok thanks
[15:11] <gnomefreak> look at how its calling X maybe
[15:11] <gnomefreak> if its calling it a way compiz dont like maybe there is issue
[15:11] <asac> yes, i am on it:)
[15:12] <asac> jtv: i cannot approve https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/midbrowser/trunk/+imports .... to some degree i dont understand the ACLs that sit behind this translation things :/
[15:13] <jtv> asac: it's not acls... the main problem, I think, is that access control is on the product or distro level. In this case you'd probably want it for source packages.
[15:13] <jtv> Oh wait, this is the product, not the source package.
[15:13] <jtv> Lemme look.
[15:14] <asac> jtv: i am driver on that product/project
[15:15] <asac> and even registrant ... no idea how i can become more powerful
[15:17] <jtv> asac: sorry, I was distracted. No, actual approval is something special that has to go through the admins. It's where we check for nonfree projects, unauthorized uploads, templates moving around, and so on.
[15:17] <jtv> asac: it's approved now.
[15:18] <jtv> Should be imported within minutes.
[15:18] <asac> jtv: ok. still you don't have the same procedure for PPA uploads for instance.
[15:20] <jtv> asac: but those are private. This translation file is attached to a product series.
[15:20] <jtv> A release series for a product should be registered once, and authoritatively.
[15:25] <gnomefreak> ill be back later i nee dto go food shopping so i can eat lunch :(
[15:27] <asac> jtv: yeah ok. still don't see whats the difference. i mean, I am upstream for midbrowser. i want to use launchpad to do translations for my project. why do i need someone else to approve my templates?
[15:28] <asac> i see that this might be to check for non-free stuff ... but then midbrowser project is for me as private as a PPA ... i am the one driving both ;)
[15:29] <jtv> asac: but we want it to be registered as exactly 1 project in Launchpad. For translations, if you really want to treat it as private, pay us! :-)
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[17:20] <asac> Jazzva: hey ;)
[17:20] <asac> pochu looks for someone taking merges from his back :)
[17:20] <asac> 16:09 < pochu> asac: I have tracker and liferea, feel free to ask him to give them
[17:20] <Jazzva> asac: Hello :)
[17:20] <Jazzva> Great... I'll be happy to take them
[17:21] <Jazzva> Only on thursday afternoon. That's when I have the last mid-term exam :)
[17:21] <asac> cool. maybe take a look and if you want to work on them tell pochu that you will do
[17:22] <Jazzva> Ok... I would be happy to do them, even if they're hard. Perfect chance to learn something new :)
[17:22] <asac> yeah ... and you can get one more advocate on your MOTU list ;)
[17:22] <Jazzva> Heh :)
[17:24] <Jazzva> Ok, sent him a message :)
[17:27] <Jazzva> asac, I'm planning to package Jabbin for the Intrepid. Got a mail from upstream that they sorted out the missing licensing information issue.
[17:28] <asac> ok cool .... maybe open an ITP in debian too
[17:29] <Jazzva> Sure... BTW, it would be good to finally test gnome-voice-control in debian, now that I have it installed and to forward the package to them :).
[17:31] <Jazzva> Off to lunch, and then to study a bit :). See you later
[17:31] * asac off -> sport
[17:46] <gnomefreak> asac: ok im going back to intrepid i looked for dbg or dbgsym package for vlc hoping maybe that would help but there isnt anything like that.
[18:09] <gnomefreak> fta: intrepid is failing to load gdm/X
[18:11] <shirish> hi all, I'm unable to see some flash files, I have both the swfdec-mozilla plugin as well as gnash-mozilla plugin installed, what should I do?
[18:11] <gnomefreak> im gonna leave tty1 up and running i need to go for a while not feeling so hot. fta you had stated you downgraded xfonts.... or something like that and you were able to load it? it goes through and passes everything but still blinks never loads
[18:11] <gnomefreak> shirish: remove swfdec
[18:11] <gnomefreak> should work than
[18:12] <shirish> gnomefreak: swfdec has issues?
[18:12] <gnomefreak> asac: can we get rid of swfdec from archives as it doesnt work and isnt needed for anything that im aware of
[18:12] <gnomefreak> shirish: others have
[18:12] <gnomefreak> shirish: not sure why its hindering flash useless but many have removed it and the .so and they got it working
[18:13] * gnomefreak gone for a while.
[18:13] <shirish> gnomefreak: would do the needful
[18:13] <shirish> asac: there's also a new bug-fix version of swfdec which got released few days ago, perhaps that might work.
[18:13] <gnomefreak> maybe but if its not needed why have it at all
[18:14] <shirish> gnomefreak: I would always love to have some competition, gnash otherwise has no competition
[18:14] <gnomefreak> sure it does flashplugin-nonfree
[18:14] <shirish> with swfdec there is some sort of competition for both of them and hence motivation for both the developers as well.
[18:15] <shirish> which if breaks does nothing for anybody. I know of so many bug-reports which end up just as noise.
[18:15] <gnomefreak> we are at a stage were 64 bit runs everything as 32 does (for most part)
[18:16] <shirish> swfdec became 0.7.1 woot
[18:17] <gnomefreak> ok i am gone see everyone later
[19:07] <[reed]> jcastro: ping
[19:10] <jcastro> [reed]: pong
[19:11] <[reed]> jcastro: got a couple of UDS questions regarding the e-mail you just sent... got a little time to talk in msg?
[19:11] <jcastro> yeah gimme 5
[19:11] <[reed]> jcastro: k, just ping me when you're ready
[19:14] <Volans> Hi, all :)
[19:21] <Volans> Jazzva: I see that you have choosed one of my proposal as Extensions team logo :D
[19:32] <Volans> come back later, today there is the CC meeting for membership approval... :)
[19:32] <Volans> bye
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[20:07] <fta> asac, will bug 226425 be addressed any time soon ?
[20:07] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 226425 in seamonkey "no language pack in Seamonkey + dictionnaries install fail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/226425
[20:08] <gnomefreak> I WANT GUI DAMNIT
[20:08] <gnomefreak> sorry had to
[20:10] <fta> GUI for what ?
[20:11] <gnomefreak> intrepid
[20:11] <fta> eh?
[20:11] <fta> please explain
[20:11] <gnomefreak> all start up goes great once gnome display manger set up and it blinks 6 times give or take and just sits there
[20:12] <gnomefreak> F1 tells me everything passed
[20:12] <gnomefreak> so somewhere between usplash leaving and gdm starting is fucked up
[20:12] <fta> oh, you're in console ?
[20:13] <fta> X no longer start ?
[20:13] <gnomefreak> yep been since reboot
[20:13] <fta> told you yesterday
[20:13] <fta> fix is easy
[20:13] <gnomefreak> fta: you removed xfonts
[20:13] <gnomefreak> i dont have that package
[20:13] <gnomefreak> removed == dowgraded
[20:14] * gnomefreak doesnt remember exact name of package but i looked for it yesterday and it wasnt there
[20:14] <fta> libxfont1
[20:14] <fta> login in a console and type: X
[20:14] <fta> what do you read at the end ?
[20:15] <fta> the fatal error line
[20:16] <gnomefreak> could not open default font fixed
[20:17] <gnomefreak> what version do i want to downgrade to? show isnt showing more than one
[20:18] <fta> that's it, downgrade libxfont1 to 1:1.3.1-2 (take the one from hardy) then lock it
[20:18] <fta> and restart gdm (or reboot)
[20:18] <fta> then, enjoy :)
[20:18] <[reed]> fta: looks like I'm rooming with bkor
[20:19] <fta> oh
[20:19] <fta> well, no idea why
[20:19] <[reed]> as per this e-mail I got
[20:19] <[reed]> dunno
[20:19] <[reed]> I didn't request anybody
[20:19] <[reed]> but I also know bkor from Mozilla land
[20:19] <[reed]> so, works out
[20:19] <[reed]> :)
[20:19] <fta> ok
[20:19] <[reed]> you're with "Mario Limonciello" ?
[20:21] <fta> no idea who that is
[20:21] <blizzard> hey guys
[20:22] <blizzard> asac: are you guys shipping the crash reporter backend for moz?
[20:22] <blizzard> asac: reporting to our crash reporting system?
[20:23] <fta> [reed], https://edge.launchpad.net/~superm1
[20:23] <gnomefreak> brb
[20:24] <asac> blizzard: not that i am aware of. did you get reports?
[20:24] <fta> blizzard: no, we are not shipping breakpad, if that's what you mean
[20:25] <fta> i meant crashreporter
[20:26] <blizzard> breakpad, yeah
[20:27] <blizzard> asac: just that we're not getting crash reports from linux - hard to figure out which topcrashes we should be working on on linux
[20:28] <gnomefre1k> thank you genous(spelling) <really smart person>
[20:29] <gnomefre1k> now i just can upgrade that package
[20:29] <blizzard> asac: anyway, something to think about - would really help the quality on ubuntu if we could figure out how to get those reports made into our system
[20:30] <asac> blizzard: right ... thats on our list to figure for this cycle.
[20:31] <blizzard> asac: good, good
[20:31] <blizzard> asac: you working with ted + others to figure out how to get the build info to our servers?
[20:31] <asac> blizzard: for crash reports we haven't started yet to think about how to do it properly.
[20:32] <blizzard> asac: ok
[20:32] <asac> blizzard: in the past we always assumed that you don't want the crash reports ... thats why i have just little knowledge on how all this works
[20:32] <asac> so there needs to be some discussion up front i guess.
[20:32] <blizzard> asac: I'm assuming we do? I can't imagine why we wouldn't
[20:34] <asac> blizzard: not sure either. but we have system nspr/nss for instance and might have different versions of glib/gtk and so on.
[20:35] <blizzard> asac: I think we would need to import your final binary builds + debug symbols or something
[20:35] <blizzard> asac: but in any case, stack traces are stack traces
[20:35] <blizzard> asac: at least we would know where they came from
[20:36] <asac> right, if the crash database if flexible enough to deal with these kind of variables that would be great.
[20:36] <asac> who would be the right person to talk to?
[20:40] <fta> remember our traces are often incomplete (dlopen of libxul)
[20:53] <[reed]> asac: #breakpad on moznet
[20:53] <fta> Could not connect to archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out
[20:53] <fta> dead ?
[20:54] <fta> all 3 servers...
[20:56] <fta> it's back.. but slow as hell
[20:56] <fta> 10kB/s
[20:58] <[reed]> Is Hell really that slow?
[20:58] <[reed]> ;P
[20:59] <fta> compared to my usual ~875kB/s, yes
[21:00] <fta> gnomefre1k, fixed ?
[21:01] <campd> [reed]: it takes practically an ETERNITY
[21:02] <asac> fta: i switched to a mirror today
[21:02] <asac> it was unbearablehere
[21:02] <[reed]> campd: hehe
[21:03] <gnomefre1k> fta: yep thanks
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[21:03] <gnomefreak> wtf
[21:03] <gnomefreak> and the pinging again
[21:03] <gnomefreak> brb
[21:11] <gnomefreak> @now new_york
[21:11] <ubottu> gnomefreak: Current time in America/New_York: May 06 2008, 16:11:53 - Next meeting: Community Council in 48 minutes
[21:12] <gnomefreak> @whoami
[21:12] <ubottu> gnomefreak: I don't recognize you.
[21:12] <gnomefreak> @login
[21:12] <ubottu> gnomefreak: The operation succeeded.
[21:12] <gnomefreak> @whoami
[21:12] <ubottu> gnomefreak: gnomefreak
[21:12] <gnomefreak> ubottu: thank you
[21:15] <gnomefreak> crap i cant find my usb stick
[21:19] <Volans> Hi all :)
[21:21] <gnomefreak> Volans: sounds like no memberships tonight
[21:21] <Volans> yeah I'm searching info about...
[21:21] <gnomefreak> 16:13 < no0tic > stgraber, ok, so today no memberships?
[21:21] <Volans> I have see the regional boards
[21:21] <gnomefreak> 16:13 < mdke > correct, sorry
[21:21] <gnomefreak> yep
[21:21] <gnomefreak> yay for short meeting
[21:22] <Volans> ok good :D
[21:22] <gnomefreak> couple of op issues and a CC issue thats been fixed already
[21:23] <Volans> gnomefreak: you know if we plan to put all FF RC into ubuntu or we wait for the final release?
[21:23] * gnomefreak has to be there and i wasnt present during the op issues :(
[21:23] <gnomefreak> Volans: what do you mean?
[21:23] <fta> we will push RC
[21:23] <gnomefreak> afaik stable releasees will be timed for intrepid
[21:24] <fta> well, asac will
[21:24] <gnomefreak> rc and final will be pushed into hardy-updates
[21:24] <gnomefreak> as they go into or around the time they hit intrepid
[21:25] <Volans> thanks fta because in the italian forum we have many topics about FF3 problems and someone have asked if we will follow FF releases
[21:26] <fta> the 3.0.* train, yes. probably not 3.1.* (if any) and surely not 4.*
[21:26] <Volans> ok, good
[21:28] <Volans> the other thing is that mozilla italia forums give support only for stable releases...
[21:28] <asac> Volans: the xulrunner-1.9 package in proposed might help them
[21:29] <asac> Volans: what kind of problems are they experience?
[21:31] <Volans> various, if I find some specific problem I will notice you... many tell only that it crashes sometimes
[21:31] <gnomefreak> are we pushing tb3 sm2 into intrepid maybe even universe?
[21:31] <gnomefreak> like we did with gutsy adn ff3
[21:32] <gnomefreak> there usb stick is updated
[21:32] <fta> gnomefreak, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Ideas/Intrepid
[21:32] <gnomefreak> fta: thanks
[21:33] * gnomefreak will add the catagory to it while im here
[21:34] <Volans> asac: I see that you have chosen one of my proposal for extensions logo...
[21:37] <fta> gcc 4.3 has some strange warnings... mozilla/parser/htmlparser/src/nsDTDUtils.cpp:382: warning: assuming signed overflow does not occur when assuming that (X - c) < X is always true
[21:38] <gnomefreak> fta: you didnt update 4.2 to 4.3 did you?
[21:38] <gnomefreak> that can be bad
[21:38] <fta> we did
[21:38] <fta> last week
[21:38] <gnomefreak> fta: it is still held back in intrepid
[21:39] <gnomefreak> that is the cause for the dist-upgrade removing everything
[21:39] <fta> we are now building with the default gcc for both hardy and intrepid
[21:39] <fta> respectively, 4.2 and 4.3
[21:40] <gnomefreak> but gcc-4.3 hasnt been instalable last i heard
[21:40] <fta> it is
[21:40] <fta> it's by default
[21:41] <fta> i'm using it quite extensively
[21:41] <gnomefreak> its in held back because the deps arent done though
[21:41] <fta> 4.3 ?
[21:41] <fta> 4.2 is held back for me, not 4.3
[21:42] <gnomefreak> 4.3 is here
[21:42] <fta> held by what ?
[21:42] <fta> build-essential ?
[21:43] <gnomefreak> http://gnomefreak.pastebin.ca/1009724 fta
[21:43] <gnomefreak> oh shit
[21:43] <gnomefreak> nvm i have been reading it wrong this whole time :(
[21:44] <gnomefreak> sorry i cant read it seems
[21:44] <gnomefreak> brb smoke before it gets worse
[21:50] <gnomefreak> @now new_york
[21:50] <ubottu> gnomefreak: Current time in America/New_York: May 06 2008, 16:50:23 - Current meeting: Community Council
[21:50] <gnomefreak> meeting
[21:51] <fta> Community Council, what's that ?
[21:56] <gnomefreak> yes its topics about the community problems how to make better. tb is the packaging and crap
[21:57] <fta> eh?
[21:57] <gnomefreak> example a trolls POV on ops http://www.tatteredmoons.org/index_1.html notice no names and its all taken out of context
[21:57] <gnomefreak> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda here is the site for them
[21:57] <gnomefreak> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncil
[22:14] <fta> [86885.237147] cvs[1039]: segfault at 4023eea4 eip 400dd1e3 esp 4023edfc error 6
[22:14] <fta> [87023.562334] cvs[2033]: segfault at 4023ec7c eip 401029b6 esp 4023ec7c error 6
[22:15] <fta> i can't fetch ff3 from cvs..
[22:15] <fta> cvs sucks (yeah) 85% of my 4G ram
=== dholbert_ is now known as dholbert
[22:46] <fta> 100% reproducible
[22:47] <gnomefreak> servers having issues or upload issues?
[22:47] <gnomefreak> ive never seen a segfault from cvs
[22:47] <fta> gnomefreak, could you please try this: make -f /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/firefox-3.0.mk get-orig-source DEBIAN_DATE=20080506t1400
[22:48] <gnomefreak> running
[22:48] <fta> after a few seconds, i turns crazy here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10623/
[22:48] <fta> -i+it
[22:49] <gnomefreak> writable segment ...
[22:49] <gnomefreak> is what im getting over and over
[22:50] <fta> for my cvs sucks all avail memory, putting my box on its knees, then cvs crashes
[22:50] <gnomefreak> thats what it is doingg here
[22:59] <gnomefreak> fta: can i have that link again i locked up
[23:06] <gnomefreak> !pm
[23:06] <ubottu> Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.
=== fta_ is now known as fta
[23:54] <fta> [reed], do you know an hourly build repo with at least 1 month of archives ? for linux..
[23:55] <fta> i've identified a regression in 3.0pre, i've isolated it between 2008-04-12-04 and 2008-04-13-04
[23:56] <fta> using the upstream builds
[23:58] <asac> fta: upstream keeps builds. so if its not ubuntu-only we can use that
[23:58] <asac> ah hourly. no idea then
[23:59] <asac> i think if its a one day window it might be worth to look at commit messages
[23:59] <gnomefreak> fta: im guessing your issue with cvs was same as mine the %n something segment something?
[23:59] <fta> gnomefreak, yes
[23:59] <gnomefreak> ah ok sorry it locked me up tight
[23:59] <fta> so it's 100% reproducible for at least 2 of us
[23:59] <gnomefreak> i dont think its intrepid since cvs isnt part of toolchain
[23:59] * Volans go to sleep, see you :)