UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /06 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <Laser87> polit: cause then I want a enlightenbuntu^^
=== Prefix100 is now known as Prefix
[00:03] <polit> no one should =)enlighten buntu
[00:04] <polit> xfce, fluxbox, kde, gnome, 4 should cover everyone on earth, maybe some green aliens too
[00:05] <polit> Laser87,
[00:07] <Laser87> polit: Why these 4? Why not dozens of others? That's the problem - You cannot make it everybody right
[00:08] <IdleOne> icewm blackbox xfce gnome kde and many many many many more
[00:08] <IdleOne> fluxbox
[00:08] <IdleOne> jwm
[00:08] <IdleOne> there are so many
[00:08] <Laser87> e17!!!^^
[00:08] <polit> no, everybody by definition = 4 version, if someone wants a 5th, they are probably a green alien from mars =)
[00:09] <IdleOne> Laser87: you a green alien from mars?
[00:09] * Laser87 is looking for a mirror^^
[00:09] * polit sellings mirror around the corner for 5 bucks each =)
[00:10] <IdleOne> polit: the point is that there is only so much money that Canonical can put out and they have to limit the amount of flavors they support
[00:11] <Laser87> Passport says: Deutschland - not Mars...
[00:11] <IdleOne> Laser87: passports can be falsified :P I think you are a green alien from mars
[00:12] * IdleOne points to the green alien ----------------> Laser87
[00:12] * Laser87 is confused - no picture in the mirror
[00:13] <polit> Laser87, can you show me some of your high tech equiment from your ship =)
[00:13] <polit> i want to see a time machine portal
[00:14] <Laser87> polit: I could - but then I have to kill you :-D
[00:14] <polit> i thought all green aliens have 3 fingers and they are all friendly creatures
[00:15] <Laser87> But in the future we geeks fight with Microsoft against the ubuntu world domination
[00:15] <IdleOne> only the friendly ones
[00:19] <Laser87> I'm leaving now for bed. It's 37 o'clock CMT (Central Mars Time)
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[06:34] <tclineks> apport is giving me a gui error whenever I get a traceback in my python program, which is very annoying
[06:35] <tclineks> other than killing update-notifier, how can i avoid such?
[07:17] <karex> hi, what are ...-updates and ...-backports mean
[07:17] <karex> ?
[07:20] <SpartanII117> what is the context?
[07:21] <karex> SpartanII117: gutsy-updates, gutsy-backports
[07:23] <SpartanII117> you are in the intrepid ibex section, you might want to go to the #ubuntu channel
[07:23] <karex> SpartanII117: thank you
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[09:30] <Xcell> hey I cant fit my new agp card in my pci 16 slot.
[09:30] <Xcell> j/k
[11:22] <Ximal> anyone know if it's possible to overclock a dsl modem ?
[11:24] <Turski> err?
[11:24] <Turski> and what you think it does?
[11:24] <Xcell> not unless you have the jumper code = those jumpers within on the board
[12:16] <creAtion> does anyone know when the web forums for intrepid will be opening?
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[13:17] <IdleOne> I have an upgrade of 188 packages. should I run it or wait?. yesterday gnomefreak told me not to run any upgrades for now
[13:18] <IdleOne> !paste
[13:19] <IdleOne> this is what it wants to upgrade http://paste.ubuntu.com/10505/
[13:23] <IdleOne> well I took a leap of faith and went ahead with the upgrade
[13:39] <Amaranth> IdleOne: I bet X doesn't work anymore
[13:40] <IdleOne> Amaranth: I am still here
[13:40] <Amaranth> IdleOne: Don't restart X :)
[13:40] <IdleOne> not going to reboot or restart X
[13:40] <IdleOne> lol good idea Amaranth
[13:41] <IdleOne> update notifier is not going away though. something about an error. synaptic was not able to calculate the upgrade
[13:43] <IdleOne> 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.' <--- error being reported by Synaptic
[13:43] <IdleOne> actually the update manager
[13:43] <IdleOne> not syanptic
[13:45] <Dr_willis> fire up synaptic and look for any held packages?
[13:45] <IdleOne> not yet but....
[13:46] <IdleOne> aptitude shows The following packages have been kept back:
[13:46] <IdleOne> gcc-4.2-base libtext-iconv-perl perl perl-base perl-modules
[13:46] <IdleOne> gcc is the culprit
[14:16] <zniavre> in case im trying intrepid ibex and my xserver is crashed. I have to reinstall it or to wait a bit ?
[14:24] <Pici> zniavre: You should not expect anything to work reliably in ibex at this point
[14:24] <zniavre> yep i know this point >im using it on vbox
[15:10] <Benjamin_L> I've got the followng problem with the ati driver, apperaed all of a sudden, can't track it down to a specific update http://pastebin.ca/1009337
[15:10] <Benjamin_L> this leads to no direct rendering
[15:13] <Benjamin_L> can it be that fglrx driver dri conflicts with the ati driver? I remeber some issues some time ago
[15:15] <Benjamin_L> let me see
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=== effie is now known as effie_jayx
[18:05] <mib_7cq7r0ax> hello guys ..i'm using 7.10 and whenever i try to connect to ( other wireless network) it gives me an error about network manager applet and glade ?
[18:05] <mib_7cq7r0ax> can anyone help me .. i'm in desperate need of a solution?
[18:05] <rsk> mib_7cq7r0ax: use ubuntu 8.04 ?
[18:05] <mib_7cq7r0ax> no ubuntu 7.10
[18:06] <rsk> why?
[18:06] <mib_7cq7r0ax> i didn't have the time to upgrade yet..but maybe this weekend ..hopefully
[18:06] <Pici> mib_7cq7r0ax: This channel is only for 8.10 Ibex support, see #ubuntu
[18:07] <mib_7cq7r0ax> i tried to go to #ubuntu but i'm behind a firewall and i couldn't
[18:07] <mib_7cq7r0ax> i know this isn't the right place
[18:07] <rsk> there's no difference in going here or #ubuntu
[18:07] <rsk> firewall should not only block this channel.
[18:07] <Pici> mib_7cq7r0ax: The #ubuntu-proxy-users channel should have given you instructions to join #ubuntu
[18:08] <mib_7cq7r0ax> i dunno why but i found my self in #ubuntu-proxy
[18:08] <Pici> mib_7cq7r0ax: Please read the topic in that channel then
[18:08] <mib_7cq7r0ax> ok thanx anywya
[18:08] <Pici> rsk: We do not allow web irc clients in #ubuntu, too much abuse
[18:09] <rsk> woah.
[18:10] <rsk> so chatzilla it not allowed?
[18:10] <rsk> is*
[18:10] <Pici> rsk: chatzilla is not a web irc client. I'm talking about things like cgi:irc, mibbit, java web clients, etc.
[18:11] <Pici> anyway
[18:11] <Pici> !proxy
[18:11] <ubottu> Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks
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=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[21:03] <fde> Hello, I was wondering if there was any possibility of getting something like the Fedora 'xguest' package into Intrepid? It basically sets up a tmpfs for a users /home and /tmp directories, and has strict SELinux rules that don't let them do much but browse the web and chat on pidgin etc, and everything they do is removed when they log out...
[21:03] <fde> Very useful if you have friends that insist of using your computer etc :)
[21:04] <fde> (I looked for an SELinux channel for Ubuntu, but none seem to exist)
[21:07] <fde> http://danwalsh.livejournal.com/13376.html?thread=91200 <-- explains it a little better
=== fdd is now known as FDD
[23:33] <theunixgeek> where are the intrepid theme submissions?
[23:35] <theunixgeek> I can't find the link on the wiki
[23:39] <theunixgeek> !theme
[23:39] <ubottu> Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy
[23:39] <theunixgeek> !intrepid
[23:39] <ubottu> Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex
[23:39] <theunixgeek> Found it:
[23:39] <theunixgeek> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid