UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /06 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[02:56] <neil_d> ogra: are you there
[03:02] <johnny> neil_d, please stop being people directly
[03:02] <johnny> you are very less likely to get help that way
[03:02] <johnny> it is bad ettiquette
[03:03] <johnny> that is.. unless they ask you to
[03:04] <neil_d> johnny: I was wanting to talk to ogra as he helped me before, and I wanted to inform him/her about the progress
[03:05] <johnny> just ask your question
[03:05] <johnny> the people who can help, will
[03:05] <LaserJock> neil_d: he should be asleep
[03:06] <johnny> always ask your question to the room , unless you were told otherwise
[03:07] <johnny> howdy LaserJock ... how's hardy?
[03:07] * johnny testing possible ubuntu kernel bug
[03:07] <johnny> with a network driver of all things..
[03:07] <neil_d> johnny: I know that, I wasn't going to ask, I was going to inform.
[03:08] <johnny> only thing he wants to be informed of.. is "thanks, everything works now" :)
[03:08] <johnny> neil_d, people ping him so often, most never get a response
[03:08] <johnny> including me..and i actually work with him on ltsp stuff :)
[03:09] <neil_d> johnny: I didn't know that, I will hold off.
[03:09] <johnny> cuz he'll just see his chat client lit up on that channel.. but he doesn't have time to look for ever time somebody said his name in the list
[03:10] <johnny> i'm just glad people don't ping me that often
[03:24] <neil_d> I am looking for some docs. on setting up a printer on a client
[03:39] <neil_d> the file /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf says I should use /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf instead, but this file doesn't exists :( is there something wrong with my setup ?
[05:16] <privet> neil_d: on my new system that file also does not exist.
[05:16] <privet> neil_d: so, I assume, you need to create it if you need modifications from the default
[05:24] <neil_d> privet: yes, it seems so.
[06:00] <neil_d> I have a usb printer (epson cx3700) connected to my client, I setup the 'PRINTER_0_DEVICE=/dev/usblp0' for the client, and a raw print queue to socket://, but when I try to print I get the message "printer xx may not be connected" :( what can I do to fix this ?
[06:02] <johnny> i think i heard something about hardy ltsp install missing jetpipe
[06:03] <johnny> i could be wrong.. can't check atm
[06:03] <neil_d> johnny: can you tell me how to check ?
[06:04] <johnny> lookfor that file ?
[06:04] <johnny> in the chroot?
[06:08] <johnny> i'm fighting a printer right now myself.. just not ltsp or ubuntu related :)
[06:08] <neil_d> johnny: find /opt/ltsp/i386 -name "*jetpipe*" didn't find anything
[06:09] <johnny> check launchpad, see if it is a registered bug
[06:14] <neil_d> johnny: it is there :) Bug #224259 there is a fix as well which I think I can do myself, thanks
[06:50] <neil_d> ok I fixed up that according to the instructions, now the printer did at least do a head clean, but it still isn't printing.
[06:52] <johnny> i've never once printed from a thin client.. my printer is attached to my server :(
[06:52] <johnny> so i don't know howit should work
[06:52] <neil_d> johnny: ok
[06:53] <johnny> please don't say my name everytime
[06:53] <johnny> itmakes my chat client blink
[06:54] <johnny> then again.. on a busy channel.. it can be necessary
[06:54] <johnny> so.. use your best judgement ..
[08:50] <neil_d> when I set the 'PRINTER_0_DEVICE=/dev/usblp0' how does it know what printer driver to use ?
[08:50] <johnny> it's always jetpipe i think
[08:51] <johnny> maybe the server side takes care of the actual driver for printing
[08:51] <johnny> one day i'm gonna try it
[08:51] <johnny> neil_d, you shyould come here at different times..
[08:51] <johnny> it's a bit early for the rest of the crew to be about
[08:52] * neil_d ok
[10:15] <neil_d> I am trying to get a usb printer going on a client, I started up the client with a local shell with "SCREEN_02 = shell" and confirmed that the 'usblp' module is loaded, but I still can't print, :( can anyone help ?
[10:51] <ogra> neil_d, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/224259
[10:58] <neil_d> ogra: handled that one, by the way I found out what was wrong yesterday, the motherboards bios seems to have a bug in the pxe booting code, tried a different card and all worked fine.
[11:10] <saxonwold> hiya all - we came across a really weird issue, seems gcompris, tuxpaint and tuxmath runs in the back even though none of the users opened or using the app
[11:10] <saxonwold> he is currently chowing 100% of our cpu and memory
[11:10] <ogra> ps aux|grep gcompris
[11:10] <ogra> check which user it is running as
[11:11] <saxonwold> ogra:all of them
[11:11] <saxonwold> i used htop to view wazup
[11:17] <saxonwold> ogra: tuxpaint is all users, tuxmath and gcompris several
[11:17] <ogra> well, they cant start on their own unless the users or you did something to make them do that
[11:18] <ogra> i.e. they saved their session with one of them running ... or you added them to the /etc/xdg/autostart dir
[11:18] <ogra> thas the only two ways i could imagine to cause such a situation
[11:19] <saxonwold> i tried killing them using htop but it fails to kill them
[11:20] <ogra> use sudo htop :)
[11:20] <ogra> you cant just kill other users processes ... root can though
[11:21] <saxonwold> i did that
[11:21] <saxonwold> ogra how else can i kill them
[11:22] <saxonwold> without using htop]
[11:22] <ogra> sudo pkill gcompris
[11:25] <saxonwold> weird they are still there
[11:26] <ogra> you are aware that htop default to show you all threads for a user process ? did you change that setting to only show the main thread ?
[11:26] <neil_d> from a 'shell' on a client is there a command I can run to test the printer ?
[11:26] <ogra> (with f2 i think)
[11:27] <ogra> neil_d, just print a testpage from the print dialog instead ?
[11:29] <saxonwold> ogra: it is not in autostart, i can't kill them, what might be the issue
[11:30] <ogra> beyond them bein in a saved session i have no idea, really,
[11:30] <saxonwold> hmm
[11:31] <ogra> did you switch off the threading in htop ?
[11:31] <ogra> and are you sure they are not zombies ? (tagged with a Z in the ps output)
[11:32] <bimberi> [p]kill -9 ??
[11:32] <neil_d> on the server the printer has all 'print test page' button etc. are all ghosted.
[11:32] * bimberi doesn't stuff around :)
[11:36] <saxonwold> bimberi: so ??=gcompris
[11:41] <neil_d> can I test the printer from the 'shell' on the client ?
[11:46] <ogra> neil_d, on the client console you mean ? just check if jetpipe is running
[11:46] <ogra> if thats the case the port is forwarded for setting it up in the print manager
[11:50] <bimberi> :/ (I was a bit obscure there)
[11:50] <neil_d> it is running with the args "/dev/usb/lp0" "9100"
[11:51] <ogra> that looks wrong, there shouldnt be a slash, check if that device really exists like that or if its rather /dev/usblp0 (if yo, fix your lts.conf entry)
[11:51] <ogra> s/yo/so/
[11:55] <neil_d> i have a "crw-rw--- 1 root lp 180, 0 May 7 07:49 /dev/usb/lp0"
[11:56] <ogra> ok, then thats right
[11:56] <ogra> so setting up a jetdirect printer in the print dialog should give you a proper testpage
[12:06] <neil_d> ok so I setup a jetdirect printer, with the generic raw socket device, on socket:// and the 'print test page' button is still ghosted.
[12:32] <neil_d> it going now :)
[12:40] <ogra> yay
[12:51] <neil_d> is it possible to set up a different default printer on a per user basis ?
[13:02] <neil_d> found out how
[14:56] <comete> hi
[16:31] <Tuneap> can anyone recommend, or point me in the right direction? to software to monitor the clients activities, similar to VNC, to remotely view a clients display in 8.04 please...
[16:31] <Tuneap> that is, I using edubuntu 8.04.....
[16:32] <ogra> do you have edubuntu-desktop installed ?
[16:33] <ogra> (that puls in the italc client into all user sessions, install italc-master to control them)
[16:35] <Tuneap> installed the from the alternate cd, then loaded the add-on CD.. clients will be PXE booting.. I'll check out italc, many thanks!
[16:36] <ogra> not ethat you need a special port for the clients to connect to in ltsp if you add computers in italc master (<external server ip>:<10+last bit of the client> ) if you add computers to italc
[16:37] <ogra> s/last bit of the client/last bit of the client ip/
[16:37] <Tuneap> they all use the same port, I guess?..
[16:41] <ogra> no
[16:41] <ogra> each client uses its own
[16:42] <ogra> 10+the last byte of the clients ip
[16:42] <ogra> i.e. if your client shows on the login screen the port would be 10220
=== WozaRich is now known as RichEd
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
=== |hfsdo| is now known as hfsdo
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
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[23:17] <denvergeek> this may be a dumb question, but I'm experiencing quite the performance issues with edubuntu in an LTSP setup, with GNOME as the display manager. Is there anything non-essential that can be disabled, as far as fancy effects and sound go?
[23:22] <johnny_> is this with hardy?
[23:22] <johnny_> i personally noticed that the 2.6.24 kernel hasn't been friendly to my computer :(
[23:25] <denvergeek> still back a release
[23:25] <denvergeek> 7.10
[23:25] <denvergeek> haven't had a chance to upgrade yet
[23:28] <johnny_> hmm.. i never had a problem with that
[23:29] <johnny_> i doubt sound is causing you a performance issue
[23:29] <johnny_> and no graphics effects were enabled by default iirc