UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /05 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
[06:37] <dholbach> good morning
[09:54] <demon012> hey all
[09:55] <demon012> can anyone recommend a PDA / Smartphone for use and development of ubuntu mobile? I have read about the Samsung Q1 but that is a little out of my price bracket heh
[10:25] <demon012> anyone able to help?
[10:33] <persia> demon012: There's really nothing inexpensive available at the current time. I've seen some products that may be available for as little as ~600 USD plus airtime contract announced for June, but not much else.
[10:46] <demon012> thanks persia
[10:46] <demon012> i was hoping that i may be able to find a compatible smartphone or pda for less than £400
[10:46] <persia> demon012: That said, while some of the software may not support the hardware ideally, nearly any of the 7" subnotebooks might be a decent test environment, assuming a touch screen.
[10:47] <demon012> what are the current requirements of the kernel? architecture wise?
[10:47] <demon012> just x86 instruction set?
[10:47] <persia> I use a Kohjinsha SR8, but I think the SH6 would be around £450.
[10:48] <persia> Most x86 ought work. McCaslin or Menlow is supported.
[10:49] <demon012> mmm i will see if i can find something smaller using a compatible processor
[10:49] <demon012> need something that will fit in a pocket ideally
[10:50] <persia> Good luck. Also try to get something with the Intel video hardware. For fitting in a pocket, you likely want to look at something from everrun, or the sharp D4, but these may be difficult to find retail.
[10:51] <demon012> ok tyvm for your help persia
[10:51] <persia> Things like the small Acer, the Sony slidable, and the Fujitsu convertible tend to be just over pocket size, and at 550-600 grams would strain the seams.
[10:51] <demon012> im gonna go have a look around
[10:51] <demon012> yeh i had contemplated the asus eee pc
[10:52] <persia> That's definitely too big for a pocket (but so is the Q1).
[10:52] <demon012> but that was not the ideal thing because the battery life would not last a whole day lol
[10:52] <persia> Also, it doesn't have a touchscreen.
[10:52] <demon012> ye
[10:53] <persia> Nothing available retail today has the battery life. The D4 in June is the only product I've seen announced that was designed for a mostly-on use case.
[10:53] <demon012> mmm darn i may have to just see if i can get hold of a zaurus or something then
[10:55] <demon012> i think i will have to hold off for a while until something more suitable for me comes along and in the mean time get a zaurus (i am in serious need of something to keep me organised)
[10:57] <persia> Speaking from experience, the Zaurus won't help with organisation. It's a pocket computer (as some of the other devices listed). While it can do PDA stuff, it's not optimised that way.
[10:58] <persia> Also, it's out of production. Unless you're in Japan and can get one used, you'd do better with one of the Nokia devices.
[10:58] <demon012> mmm have you got any recommendations then? i need something able to receive email, has a calendar that can sync to an ical calendar and is able to wake up to remind me
[10:58] <demon012> so a n800 or the like?
[10:59] <persia> A modern phone-type thing ought be able to do all that.
[11:00] <demon012> mmm i think i may go for a N800 then as I had seen it mentioned on the moblin pages so there may be hope in the linux dept
[11:00] <persia> On the other hand, if you want web browsing, music, reasonable note-taking, ability to handle documents, light processing (spreadsheets, small math models), etc. The Nokia or any of the pocket devices I listed above might be more suitable.
[11:01] <demon012> yeh i think i will take your advice and go for a nokia
[11:02] <demon012> thankyou persia you have been a great help =)
[11:04] <persia> demon012: If you do, and you want to play with Ubuntu Mobile, http://mojo.handhelds.org/ may be an interesting resource (although I don't know how well it works)
[11:04] <demon012> excellent and yes i would most certainly like to play with ubuntu mobile
[11:04] <demon012> i am overdue to do some contributing
[11:05] <demon012> all i have done up until now is reporting bugs and testing i need to get my hands dirty and start doing some coding
[11:07] <demon012> brb
[15:21] <jerry_compal> hello
[15:27] <agoliveira> jerry_compal: Hi.
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[17:25] <lool> Do you people have a technique to reset an USB key to an empty partition table after MIC wrote on it?
[17:26] <lool> Currently, I fdisk /dev/sdX and "d" each partition which it has erroneously detected
[17:26] <lool> I could save a partition table for each USB key I have, but I would imagine some command line utility can do it all
=== Sciri__ is now known as Sciri
[17:48] <agoliveira> lool: First thing that came to my mind: mpartition -I
[17:54] <lool> Interesting, thanks
[18:01] <agoliveira> lool: Don't know if it's the best solution but it used to work and it was the first thing I could think of :)
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[19:31] <Raseel> Still can't get ume-xrphyr-start to work
=== agoliveir1 is now known as agoliveira