UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /04 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:04] <[reed]> sure
[00:04] <[reed]> I just was curious
[00:04] <[reed]> :)
[02:19] <Jazzva> I'll upload the logos for the m-e-d team now. No new votes were cast, I don't suppose there will be any. Since it's a tie for prop 1 orange, and just the puzzle logo, I'll upload the prop1 orange for 192px and 64px logos, and the puzzle for 14px logo. :)
[02:21] <Jazzva> Done :)...
[02:25] <fta> good
[02:26] <fta> you can remove the call for logo now
[02:26] <Jazzva> right...
[02:26] <Jazzva> Thanks for reminding me :)
=== gnomefre2k is now known as gnomefreak
[13:28] <fta_> Bug 226425
[13:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 226425 in seamonkey "no language pack in Seamonkey + dictionnaries install fail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/226425
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== fta_ is now known as fta
[17:14] <fta> !info sqlite sid
[17:14] <ubottu> sqlite: command line interface for SQLite. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.17-4build1 (hardy), package size 15 kB, installed size 80 kB
[17:14] <fta> !info sqlite lenny
[17:14] <fta> !info sqlite experimental
[17:19] <fta> !info sqlite3
[17:19] <ubottu> sqlite3: A command line interface for SQLite 3. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.2-2 (hardy), package size 19 kB, installed size 84 kB
[17:19] <fta> !info sqlite3 intrepid
=== elmargol_ is now known as elmargol
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[18:17] <gnomefreak> GnuPG very very easy on windows once you get rid of Norton :)
[18:19] <gnomefreak> asac: looking at mozilla site <looking for devel enigmail> i found something called bugzilla i guess its an interface GUI or not for bugzilla (mozilla and gnome) i believe they only have it as tar.gz no bins for linux nor windows. is this something we should look into packaging for Ubuntu or very least if it helps build bins for our own use?
[18:21] <fta> !info bugzilla
[18:21] <ubottu> bugzilla: web-based bug tracking system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.22.1-2.2ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 812 kB, installed size 4436 kB
[18:21] <fta> that ?
[18:21] <gnomefreak> yes :(
[18:22] <gnomefreak> i think so
[18:22] <gnomefreak> i think that sit
[18:23] <gnomefreak> holy shit 109 updates since yesterday afternoon
[18:23] <fta> got almost nothing since yesterday (my time)
[18:24] <gnomefreak> have you seen the deps for bugzilla yet?
[18:24] <gnomefreak> 29 of them
[18:24] <gnomefreak> maybe 28 since package == 1
[18:25] <gnomefreak> apache perl stuff plus a sendmail or 2
[18:25] <fta> why do want to install that ?
[18:25] <fta> it's only useful if you manage a project, probably a big one
[18:26] <gnomefreak> i thought helpful for upstream bugs
[18:26] <gnomefreak> reporting looking for ect...
[18:27] <gnomefreak> fta: updates i just got http://pastebin.mozilla.org/421956 i think im using de mirrors
[18:28] <gnomefreak> yep de im assuming your not far from nl-de so they should be same
[18:28] <gnomefreak> maybe i missed them yesterday
[18:29] <fta> i'm using archive.u.c
[18:29] <fta> so it should be in uk (london)
[18:30] <gnomefreak> yep its either uk or gb i cant remember but as i recall in the us it goes to the us mirrors not london and i found that suprising
[18:34] <fta> traceroute of all 3 ips goes to london
[18:43] <gnomefreak> see thats what i always thought but last year one of the other ops said it was us > us and i checked and it was
[19:04] <fta> locate update-packaging
[19:04] <fta> oops
[19:45] <fta> http://mozillalinks.org/wp/2008/05/iron-man-persona-for-firefox/
[20:15] <gnomefreak> cool installing it :)
[20:16] <gnomefreak> is mozilla labs official mozilla?
[20:17] <fta> yes
[20:17] <fta> prism comes from there
[20:18] <gnomefreak> Once installed, click on the Personas icon in the status bar, and select Preferences, press the Custom Persona Editor…
[20:18] <gnomefreak> that is false
[20:18] <gnomefreak> ther eis no prefferences
[20:19] <gnomefreak> s/ther eis/there is
[20:20] <fta> i don't know; i'm using it
[20:20] <fta> http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/calendar/2008/05/next_release_09_and_beyond.html
[20:22] <gnomefreak> 0.9 will be on xulrunner-1.9 iirc
[20:22] <gnomefreak> if i remember right thats we i didnt package it or it was 0.6 that was on 1.9
[20:23] <fta> it seems 0.9 will still be on branch (1.8), then they'll move to trunk (1.9)
[20:23] <gnomefreak> yeah 0.6 because i did 0.5 0.7 now i am going to get 0.8 in sometime this week i hope.
[20:24] <fta> but trunk will also move to 2.0 so it's a race
[20:24] <gnomefreak> i havent read up on it since building 0.7 because people wanted 0.6 sinc eit was "released"
[20:37] * gnomefreak opens mail and gets scared