UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /04 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:58] <mohbana_> hey guys my system just totally froze, i had to hit the reset button. can i find out why it froze?
[00:58] <Nafallo> if it had time to write to the logs, yes.
[01:00] <mohbana_> where do i find that/
[01:01] <Nafallo> /var/log/
[01:03] <mohbana_> what exactly am i looking for?
[01:11] <mohbana_> any idea?
[01:20] <mohbana_> ???
[01:25] <snap-l> mohbana_: Well, you're looking for logs around the time in which it froze
[01:25] <snap-l> kernel and messages would be a good place to start
[01:26] <mark2> mohbana_: You can get to the logs in Gnome through Administration/ system log. Look through the log for fatal error
[01:27] <snap-l> Generally, though, when a system freeze, there's few if any errors that get logged.
[01:28] <mohbana_> could this be it 'May 4 00:03:58 mohamed-desktop kernel: [15913.124584] npviewer.bin[14350]: segfault at 0 rip f739e415 rsp ffdb2484 error 4'?
[01:28] <snap-l> Is it near midnight where you are?
[01:30] <mohbana_> 1:30
[01:31] <crimsun> that shouldn't be sufficient to bring down a machine, however.
[06:16] <mrooney> does anyone know if responses to bugcontrol applications should be to the list, or bdmurray, or both?
[06:49] <rpedro__> anyone around?
[06:49] <mrooney> hi rpedro__
[06:50] <rpedro__> I tried enabling the hardy-proposed repo, but I still don't get the kernel patched with bug #188226
[06:50] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 188226 in linux "Kernel should use CONFIG_FAIR_CGROUP_SCHED" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188226
[07:00] <rpedro__> nevermind, the mirror for my country was not totally synced :) switched to the main mirror and it is there
[07:01] <mrooney> great!
[07:02] <rpedro__> :)
[07:03] <LaserJock> anybody around who's familiar with python-launchpad-bugs?
[08:07] <mcisbackuk> Hi all, I'm having a MAJOR problem installing Xubuntu on a 233MHz PC with 64 MB RAM and 10 GB HD old PC. I've got so far after 5 hours, but for the past 2-3 hours its been 'configuring language-pack-en-base' it's hung, although the hard drive is going......any ideas??
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[08:21] <the_d0ct0r> Is it still hanging?
[08:56] <mcisbackuk> yes ty:)
[10:26] <mcisbackuk> Hi all, I'm having a MAJOR problem installing Xubuntu on a 233MHz PC with 64 MB RAM and 10 GB HD old PC. I've got so far after 5 hours, but for the past 2-3 hours its been 'configuring language-pack-en-base' it's hung, although the hard drive is going......any ideas??
[10:26] <qense> is the computer still responding
[10:26] <qense> ?
[10:27] <mcisbackuk> Yes, the hard drive is going, its just been stuck on that for ell over 2 hours now...
[10:27] <qense> what's at the end of the file /var/log/messages ?
[10:28] <qense> or /var/log/syslog
[10:33] <mcisbackuk> cant access it while using alternate install....or i don't know how...
[10:36] <mcisbackuk> i know this is a bug channel, but how is it actually going to run, GUI or text??
[10:38] <qense> GUI
[10:38] <qense> I suppose
[10:39] <qense> unless you're using the server cd
[10:39] <qense> or selected the text-mode option
[10:39] <mcisbackuk> qense: OK kewl well thanks for the help i'll have a look around see if i can sort it out...thnks again!!
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[11:32] <copyofjohan> hi, I have a Thinkpad with Intel Wifi an GBit-LAN. When switching off Wifi every second Ping takes over a second (1000 + x ms). Is that a Bug?
[11:32] <laga> i wonder if that's a routing problem?
[11:35] <copyofjohan> but the effect vanishes when I switch on (not use it) the Wifi-adapter.
[11:36] <copyofjohan> 19 packets transmitted, 19 received, 0% packet loss, time 112369ms
[11:36] <copyofjohan> rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 52.266/542.419/1011.744/442.056 ms, pipe 2
[11:53] <aaad> Should I file bug 226431 against networkmanager?
[11:53] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 226431 in ubuntu "Computer freeze when trying to connect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/226431
[11:56] <qense|lunch> yeah, I think that would be good
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[11:57] <ogra> no
[11:57] <qense> ok :)
[11:57] <ogra> you ansered that in the bug text already ;)
[11:57] <ogra> *answered
[11:57] <qense> :P of course, my bad
[11:58] <ogra> ..."and the capslocklamp on my laptop start to blink (think it measns kernel panic)"
[11:58] <ogra> file it against the linux package
[11:58] <ogra> seems like a driver issue
[11:58] <qense> I'd also attach /var/log/kern.log
[11:59] <aaad> oh..forgot to say that I can connect manually when the wlan is not in that roamingmode..should put that in too
[12:01] <aaad> Does that not mean it is not a driverissue?
[12:03] <qense> it's probably a driver issue, but the drivers are mostly kernel modules
[12:03] <qense> you should say that too :)
[12:04] <aaad> done! thanks for helping :)
[12:06] <qense> ok
=== bureflux is now known as afflux
[12:23] <qense> Is NTP causing the problems in bug 226410 ?
[12:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 226410 in network-manager "Intel 3945: struggling to connect to AP that worked fine in Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/226410
[12:23] <qense> I've got the feeling NTP causes a lot of troubles with networking
[12:25] <afflux> morning
[12:27] <qense> hello
[13:08] <qense> is a request to rename a package a wishlist?
[13:10] <afflux> I guess that depends on the reason
[13:11] <qense> I think it's low, it's about the libflashsupport package
[13:11] <qense> I reread the importance page at the wiki
[13:11] <qense> (bug 219507)
[13:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 219507 in libflashsupport "Packahe 'libflashsupport' should be renamed to include 'pulseaudio'" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219507
[13:11] <qense> it's not really a good name since it jsut adds support for pulseaudio
[13:12] <afflux> not sure about that one, guess around low/wishlist
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[13:13] <qense> ah, it's not that important I guess
[13:13] <afflux> oh, "apt-cache search flash pulseaudio" finds the package
[13:13] <afflux> I think wishlist then.
[13:13] <qense> but in synaptic or add/remove?
[13:14] <qense> but the problem is that when you're a computer novice you probably won't search for pulseaudio but for sound
[13:15] <qense> the lib doesn't show up in add/remove
[13:15] <qense> is it installed by default?
[13:15] <qense> (when flashplayer-nonfree is installed)
[13:34] <afflux> no it's not
[13:34] <afflux> oh wait
[13:34] <qense> it's advised by the package
[13:34] <qense> not required
[13:35] <afflux> yeah, right. Probably not enough. Not sure whether it would fit for a "recommends:"
[13:35] <qense> yeah, I'd have set it as a dependency
[13:46] <joumetal> bug 219655 Is it better to confirm xulrunner or language-pack-gnome-fi task?
[13:46] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 219655 in xulrunner "firefox printing problem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219655
[14:37] <qense> is there a way to get an overview of all functions in python-launchpad-integration?
[14:42] <qense> is there a page that explains everything about licenses and why we don't install closed codecs by default?
[15:20] <qense> Is there a function overview of python-launchpad-integration?
[15:32] <albert23> qense: for licenses this page? http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/licensing
[15:32] <qense> thanks
[16:23] <qense> can anyone here confirm this: bugs 226517 ?
[16:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 226517 in nautilus "cd/dvd label shown as cdrom0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/226517
[16:23] <qense> I can't
[16:28] <mrooney> qense: I can confirm that here
[16:28] <mrooney> exactly the same as described
[16:29] <qense> ok
[16:29] <qense> please do so in the report :)
[16:29] <qense> it's all yours :)
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[16:38] <Iulian> It's working fine here.
[16:39] <qense> mrooney: are you using 32bit?
[16:39] <qense> i'm using amd64
[16:39] <mrooney> qense: 32
[16:40] <qense> do you think that would make a difference?
[16:40] <qense> Iulian: what are you using?
[16:42] <Iulian> 32 too
[16:43] <qense> weird
[16:45] <Iulian> It's reported upstream for more than a year now.
[16:48] <qense> ok
[16:48] <qense> so it's probably a dub
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[18:47] <mrooney> does anyone know of a page explaining launchpad janitor, I can't seem to find one
[18:47] <LaserJock> there's not a ton to explain I don't think
[18:47] <mrooney> well, what can it do and what do I put in my commit messages to have it do it
[18:47] <mrooney> and, is it automatically active for all launchpad projects
[18:48] <mrooney> I guess those are my questions.
[18:48] <LaserJock> you mean for bugs?
[18:48] <mrooney> yes indeed
[18:49] <LaserJock> basically after 60 days of no activity after a bug has been set as Incomplete the Janitor flags it
[18:49] <ogra> hey LaserJock
[18:49] <mrooney> but it also marks things as fix released automatically if you do something like (LP: 232923) or something in the commit messages
[18:49] <mrooney> doesn't it? that is what I am trying to figure out
[18:50] <LaserJock> ohh
[18:50] <LaserJock> that's sort of a different thing to me
[18:50] <ogra> right
[18:50] <LaserJock> you need to have LP: #<bug number> in the changelog and it will close the bug
[18:52] <mrooney> LaserJock: so it will make it Fix Released? or Fix Committed?
[18:52] <LaserJock> Fix Released
[18:53] <LaserJock> well, what are you "commiting"?
[18:53] <greg-g> Fix Committed is when the fix is in the code, but not packaged and released in Ubuntu
[18:54] <LaserJock> yeah, but the auto-closes is fro package uploads
[18:54] <LaserJock> I *think* that's what we're talking about
[18:54] <greg-g> right
[18:54] <LaserJock> but I'm not positive
[18:55] <greg-g> fix committed is set by a human, fix released is set by a human or the janitor
[18:55] <ogra> dont you be so negative !
[18:55] <LaserJock> greg-g: there's some work going on automating the Fix Commited too
[18:55] <greg-g> really? with branches and such?
[18:55] <LaserJock> yeah
[18:55] <greg-g> cool
[18:55] <LaserJock> but it's rather tricky
[18:56] <greg-g> yeah, I can imagine
[18:56] <LaserJock> just because somebody commits something with LP: # doesn't mean it's an actual fix or it's gonna get picked up by the distro
[18:56] <greg-g> yep
[18:57] <laga> only if it's in debian/changelog maybe?
[18:57] <LaserJock> even still
[18:57] <LaserJock> although the point was to find branches that fix the bug
[18:57] <mrooney> LaserJock: I guess that is my question. When I do a pzr push, I would love it to automatically mark it as Committed, but not Released since it hasn't been packaged necessarily or put in any version, etc
[18:58] <LaserJock> mrooney: that's not currently possible
[18:58] <LaserJock> mrooney: right now Janitor just closes bugs when they are uploaded to Ubuntu
[18:58] <mrooney> LaserJock: fair enough
[18:59] <LaserJock> mrooney: Fix Commited via bzr might work out well for Projects
[18:59] * greg-g nods
[18:59] <LaserJock> but for Ubuntu it's very tricky
[18:59] <LaserJock> we'd want to have associated branches
[19:00] <LaserJock> so that we look at specific branches to set Fix Commited
[19:04] <mrooney> LaserJock: yeah, I was asking partially because I just set up my own project on Launchpad and had no idea what the Janitor would do to my project, if anything, and how to control it
[19:04] <mrooney> I do agree that Fix Committed via bzr pushes would be really neat
[19:05] <LaserJock> mrooney: I don't think it'd do much of anything
[19:05] <LaserJock> *except* it may work on Incomplete bugs
[19:05] <LaserJock> I'm not sure how it works with Projects right now, but I think it may flag bugs that've been Incomplete for 60-days without activity
[19:11] <mrooney> okay, cool
[19:12] <mrooney> LaserJock: do you see now why a wiki page or something might be useful? :)
[19:12] <LaserJock> mrooney: sure, but they aren't done working on the Janitor
[19:12] <mrooney> though I guess it would be more launchpad itself than ubuntu
[19:12] <LaserJock> I'm guessing that's why there's not a lot of documentation
[19:12] <LaserJock> yes
[19:12] <mrooney> well we aren't done working on Ubuntu either
[19:12] <mrooney> haha
[19:13] <LaserJock> there's really not anything to document on Janitor for Ubuntu
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[20:51] <cool> hey guys
[20:53] <cool> is anyone up here, i want to discuss bug #226619. is wanted to confirm if its really a bug
[20:53] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 226619 in ubuntu "when there is excessive I/O, System Hangs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/226619
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[21:56] <JohnPhys> Is there anyone in here that works with the xine-ui package that can look at Bug #226637? It's just a request for a gnome menu change from "xine" to something like "Xine Movie Player" to be more compatible with the Gnome Human Interface Guidelines. This is a regression from Gutsy.
[21:56] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 226637 in xine-ui "xine menu entry does not follow HIG in Hardy (regression from Gutsy)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/226637
[21:59] <crimsun> JohnPhys: heh.
[21:59] <crimsun> well, yes, it's pretty straightforward, but why not fix the Comment entry while one's at it?
[21:59] <JohnPhys> crimsun: comment entry?
[21:59] <crimsun> e.g., from 'Comment=Video Player' to 'Comment=Play movies and music'
[22:00] <JohnPhys> ah
[22:00] <crimsun> both are GNOME HIG points anyhow.
[22:00] <JohnPhys> heh, sounds good to me, I just happened to notice the menu entry had changed
[22:00] <crimsun> I'm not sure it's worth an SRU, however.
[22:01] <JohnPhys> SRU = ? Standard Release Update?
[22:01] <crimsun> wiki/StableReleaseUpdates
[22:02] <crimsun> I will, however, generate a patch and push it upstream to Debian
[22:03] <JohnPhys> crimsun: Thanks. I wasn't sure what the SRU policy was, e.g. if small ultra-low risk updates could be pushed through or not.
[22:04] <crimsun> unintrusive fixes of functional differences should be, yes.
[22:04] <JohnPhys> yeah....this one isn't so much "functional" as it is just a clarification, I guess
[22:04] <JohnPhys> anyway, thanks again.
[22:05] <JohnPhys> I'm surprised noone did that with Transmission before hardy was released
[22:05] <LaserJock> if it affected documentation I might consider iy
[22:05] <LaserJock> *it
[22:05] <crimsun> I'll work on a patch in a few minutes when I get to another coffee shop.
[22:11] <JohnPhys> LaserJock/crimsun: Thanks again for your help/assistance, it's greatly appreciated.
[22:17] <luser_> hi im having the EDS cpu usage bug: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/evolution-data-server/+bug/151536 if anyone can tell me what info to post ill be happy to :)
[22:18] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 151536 in evolution-data-server "[MASTER] E-D-S hangs on login and uses 100% cpu" [Unknown,Confirmed]
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[22:43] <hggdh> luser_: how many CPUs you have, how you found it
[22:44] <hggdh> luser_: and, of course, if you are willing to debug and zero in the bug ... ;-) feel welcome (I do not have it, not matter what I try)
[22:45] <luser_> ok i posted that info, not much of a trick to finding it, just running system monitor shows the process is maxxing my cpu for no good reason :D
[22:45] <luser_> im happy to provide more info but i don't know what else to include...
[22:46] <hggdh> luser_: so far, what I have been able to gather from the various reports is it happens very early in Evo startup
[22:47] <hggdh> but why/where/how, I cannot yet find :-(
[22:47] <hggdh> I initially thought it was restricted to single-cpu systems, but we got some reports on dual-cpu, so that's not it.
[22:48] <hggdh> the only thing still pending is I have heard of no user hit running linux64
[22:48] * hggdh thinks
[22:48] <crimsun> JohnPhys: should be fixed soonish.
[22:49] <luser_> yup it began right after login, has happened at least once before but beyond that im clueless as to what might cause this :D
[22:50] <JohnPhys> crimsun: Thanks :)
[23:05] <cool> is anyone up here, i want to discuss bug #226619. is wanted to confirm if its really a bug
[23:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 226619 in ubuntu "when there is excessive I/O, System Hangs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/226619
[23:15] <crimsun> cool: which kernel are you using?
[23:15] <cool> default one, which comes in hardy.
[23:15] <cool> 2.6.24-16-generic
[23:15] <crimsun> cool: i.e., can you reproduce the symptom on the -17-generic kernel that is in hardy-proposed?
[23:15] <crimsun> so, no.
[23:16] <crimsun> right, so enable hardy-proposed, update and full-upgrade
[23:16] <cool> k
[23:16] * cool is updating
[23:17] <cool> crimsun, i was having this problem on gutsy also, i asked her. then some soul like asked me to upgarde to hardy
[23:17] <cool> so i did a Clean install
[23:18] <cool> OMG, so many updates
[23:18] <cool> it will take around 10-15 minutes
[23:20] <crimsun> that's fine. Please leave feedback on that bug report.
[23:21] <cool> crimsun, there is one problem
[23:21] <cool> How do i simulate excessive I/O and then Record it in logs?
[23:22] <crimsun> cool: that bug report lists three points for reproducibility
[23:22] <crimsun> cool: just choose one and comment if it still applies in -17-generic
[23:23] <cool> hmm, FYI i am the original bug reporter
[23:23] <cool> but the main problem is bug is completely random
[23:24] <cool> expect it does come with firefox issue BUG #215728
[23:24] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 215728 in firefox-3.0 "[MASTER] Committing to urlclassifier3.sqlite causes excessive CPU usage and disk I/O" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215728
[23:25] <cool> My best bet would be to reproduce it via #215728
[23:25] <cool> Thanks you for your time, crimsun
[23:25] <cool> Its Appreciated
[23:25] <cool> will post a feedback soon
[23:28] * calc is installing xp pro sp3 :)
[23:29] <JohnPhys> calc: I'm all about beta-testing for ubuntu, but never for MS :)
[23:31] <cool> Damn, why can't i swap kernel on the Fly
[23:31] <cool> i just hate reboots
[23:31] <JohnPhys> cool: there was an article on slashdot and lxer recently about patching the kernel on the fly, looked neat.
[23:32] <cool> Wish, it reaches from Theory to Production state soon
[23:33] * cool YAWNS
[23:33] <calc> JohnPhys: the final one is out :) but yea i need it for testing OOo stuff
[23:33] <calc> iirc it the final integrated iso was released ~ may 2
[23:33] <calc> s/it//
[23:33] <cool> gtg i need to catch some sleep
[23:33] <cool> bye guys
[23:33] <cool> take care
[23:34] <JohnPhys> calc: Aha, I see. And I don't consider any patch by MS "out" until it hits windows update, because that is the point at which most people are getting it and testing it :)
[23:35] <calc> JohnPhys: i don't recall when they intend on pushing it on windows update, it is available everywhere but there now for certain
[23:36] <calc> hmm its supposedly already available through windows udpate but i didn't see it on my wife's computer
[23:37] <calc> windows gets crufty enough that i don't do sp updates through windows update anyway, i just reinstall using the integrated build
[23:37] <JohnPhys> calc: Yeah, I just updated through windows update earlier today and it wasn't there. I hate doing full reinstalls due to all of the product key issues.
[23:38] <calc> heh :)
[23:38] <JohnPhys> which is why I love ubuntu, breezy->dapper->edgy->feisty->gutsy on my desktop :)
[23:38] <calc> all i run on my copy of xp is Office 2007 and OOo upstream build
[23:38] * calc fresh installs ubuntu as well to keep it less crufty ;-)
[23:39] <calc> i usually only reinstall ubuntu once per cycle though
[23:39] <JohnPhys> Heh, I'm just interested in how long I can keep the upgrades going at this point :)
[23:39] <calc> also helps to test to make sure the installer works properly
[23:40] * calc doesn't even keep computers long enough to upgrade that many times :)
[23:40] <JohnPhys> that's why I have a separate partition for testing :) It's running hardy now. It also lets me test the apps I use and the features I use for any issues (which is why I haven't upgraded from gutsy yet)
[23:40] <JohnPhys> lol, well grad school keeps me poor, so I keep them that long :)
[23:41] <calc> heh :)
[23:41] <calc> i've been eyeing those new intel Q9xxx quad cores, but can't convince myself to spend the money
[23:42] <JohnPhys> yeah, intel's done some awesome stuff lately. I use an AMD64 on my desktop, but I switched to intel on the laptop because every laptop that ran AMD came with broadcom wireless, and I didn't want to deal with that.
[23:42] <calc> yep, amd apparently is going back to do another arch redesign to try to catch up to the core 2 line aiui
[23:43] <JohnPhys> I hope they can do it, the competition they gave intel's earlier lines resulted in intel giving us the Core2, which rules
[23:43] <calc> yea
[23:45] <calc> a fresh install of xp takes so little ram, too bad it bloats up so fast
[23:45] <calc> < 120MB ram on a fresh system
[23:45] <JohnPhys> not bad
[23:45] <JohnPhys> though necessary for a 7-8 year old os
[23:45] <calc> vista actually isn't too bad if you clean install it without any OEM junk on it
[23:46] <calc> it still uses a lot more ram though
[23:46] <JohnPhys> lol i have to disagree with you there, vista is awful
[23:46] <JohnPhys> I gotta wait forever for it to be usable on my laptop
[23:46] <JohnPhys> and I cleaned that thing out when I first got it
[23:46] <calc> my laptop had vista preinstalled and it was really really slow, was doing > 1MB/s io even an hour after booted
[23:46] <JohnPhys> wow
[23:46] <calc> fresh installed it and it was done with all io within a couple minutes
[23:47] <JohnPhys> better, I gess
[23:47] <JohnPhys> how did you fresh install?
[23:47] <calc> so a lot of the vista is crap stories has more to do with the fact OEM's install junk on it
[23:47] <calc> JohnPhys: lemme find the url :)
[23:47] <calc> http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=120228/
[23:47] <calc> there you go
[23:48] <calc> it doesn't bypass activation, it uses the original key from your laptop which doesn't need activation
[23:48] <calc> so you can install vista without any other junk on it :)
[23:48] <calc> i had to use vista to try to replicate the issues with the load_cycle_count issue people have been reporting
[23:49] <calc> turns out it appears to be a bug in drive firmware as was originally thought, though i am still discussing with hitachi (about my particular drive)
[23:50] <calc> but something hitachi said indicated we have a bug as well
[23:50] <crimsun> "we" being the gutsy/hardy kernel?
[23:50] <calc> crimsun: not in the kernel but the fact that we don't set the standby timer to something useful
[23:51] <calc> crimsun: the bug on their side appears that even if i do set the standby timer the drive ignores it
[23:51] <crimsun> whereas $other_distro does?
[23:51] <crimsun> interesting.
[23:51] <calc> crimsun: oh i doubt other do it either
[23:51] <JohnPhys> calc: thanks for the link, I'll look into that.
[23:51] <calc> crimsun: i'm still waiting to hear back from hitachi about why setting the standby timer doesn't help when they told me it should
[23:52] <calc> from what they told me the drives apparently park immediately unless the standby timer is set to something higher (would probably need to be 15s or more for linux)
[23:52] <calc> since at least on Ubuntu we tend to have bursty io
[23:54] <calc> i think windows users typically don't see it for two reasons, they don't have smart utilities, and windows seems to not ever stop writing to disk unless you clean up your system, so can't park the heads ever
[23:54] <calc> but i have found reports that windows and macos x users have seen the same problems on various drives, so it definitely isn't isolated to ubuntu or linux
[23:55] <calc> i'm not sure if windows sets the standby timer or not, but so far it looks like my drive doesn't work properly even with standby timer set