UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /04 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[06:42] <mantiena> hi all
[06:47] <joneal> hey
=== qense is now known as qense|lunch
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[12:18] <madduck> 'pytagsfs=lists.launchpad.net@mass.madduck.net' doesn't seem to be a valid email address.
[12:18] <madduck> sure it is.
[12:18] <madduck> and it's the one i want to use to subscribe to the mailing list
[12:18] * madduck hopes this can be fixed quickly...
=== bureflux is now known as afflux
[12:42] <_Andrew> Can anyone walk me through the process of pushing my bzr branch to launchpad
[12:43] <_Andrew> I created my project already but I'm having trouble with the ssh part
[12:45] <stdin> have you added your ssh key to your account?
[12:50] <_Andrew> I can't find how to do that
[12:51] <stdin> have you created a key yet on your system?
[12:51] <_Andrew> yes
[12:51] <_Andrew> I created a pgp and uploaded it to launchpad
[12:52] <stdin> no, a ssh key
[12:52] <_Andrew> oh
[12:52] <stdin> you use the "ssh-keygen" to make it
[12:52] <_Andrew> ok thanks
[12:52] <madduck> maybe understanding ssh keys would be a good idea first?
[12:54] <stdin> finally, _Andrew I found the guide :p https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair
[12:54] <stdin> that'll guide you right through it
[12:54] <_Andrew> madduck, so you mean I'm stupid or something?
[12:54] <_Andrew> thanks, statik
[12:54] <_Andrew> eh.. stdin
[12:56] <stdin> _Andrew: I'm sure he just wanted to make sure you understand what a ssh key is and what it's used for, which that guide explains also
[12:58] <_Andrew> I know what it's for, but I couldn't find the guide. Thanks stdin. One last question, this is going to be the project's branch which I want everyone to contribute to so do I need to do something specific?
[12:59] <stdin> _Andrew: not really, everyone can branch a branch. so you can just act as if it's the master. just make sure you set it to be a hosted branch and it should be fine
[12:59] <stdin> then you can push up to the "master" and everyone can pull from that
[13:01] <madduck> _Andrew: no, I wasn't assuming that. I am just not much in favour of telling people what to do; instead, I like to tell them what they're trying to achieve and showing them in the right direction.
[13:01] <_Andrew> I think I get it, i'm kinda new to bzr, normally I use svn so I don't really understand the concept that well..
[13:01] <madduck> anyway, no offence intended...
[13:11] <_Andrew> Sorry if I'm abit pissed, I just don't like sarcastic comments when i'm trying contribute code.
=== gnomefre2k is now known as gnomefreak
[13:14] <_Andrew> ok, the ssh key is done and I want launchpad to be the primary location to host our code, i'm reading the related page but I don't see anything about setting it to be a hosted branch? Does that come after I push to code to launchpad?
[13:15] <wgrant> _Andrew: Pushed branches are implicitly hosted.
[13:15] <_Andrew> ok, awesome and is there some kind of naming convention for the master branch or should I just call the branch andrew?
[13:16] <wgrant> It would generally be main or trunk.
[13:16] <_Andrew> super
[13:19] <_Andrew> https://help.launchpad.net/CreatingAHostedBranch
[13:19] <_Andrew> I'm looking at that page, for registrant i'm unsure what to put there
[13:20] <_Andrew> For reference the project is here: https://code.launchpad.net/hardwar/
[13:20] <wgrant> The registrant controls the permissions.
[13:20] <wgrant> If you have a team of developers, the registrant should be that team.
[13:20] <_Andrew> So would that be a group name?
[13:20] <wgrant> If not, the registrant should be yourself.
[13:20] <_Andrew> ok, so I need to create a team?
[13:20] <_Andrew> in case I want to add people in the future?
[13:20] <wgrant> If you don't have multiple developers now there is no point.
[13:20] <wgrant> You can easily move the branch in future.
[13:22] <_Andrew> I have someone else on this project so i'm thinking a team would be the best bet
[13:23] <_Andrew> We have artwork for this project too which is going to need collaboration, do you suggest another branch just for the artwork?
[13:31] <_Andrew> ok, I got it now, thank you very much for all your help. I think I can do it from here.
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[13:55] <qense> is there a way to remove a project or mark it as inactive?
[13:57] <stdin> file a request here: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad
[13:57] <qense> thx
[13:57] <qense> and can you remove teams?
[14:00] <stdin> the admins can do anything ;) just file the request
[14:02] <qense> thanks again :)
[15:07] <_Andrew> um..
[15:08] <_Andrew> https://launchpad.net/hardwar/ .. I uploaded the code but on the overview it says "Doesn’t use Code" ?
[15:11] <stdin> _Andrew: click "Change Details" and select the "Code for this project is published in Bazaar branches on Launchpad" option
[15:11] <stdin> you branch is shown though https://code.edge.launchpad.net/hardwar/
[15:13] <_Andrew> You mean that's where I can view it or do you mean i've done it wrong?
[15:14] <stdin> that's the place that lists all the registered branches
[15:15] <_Andrew> ok
[15:15] <_Andrew> done, thanks again
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[17:50] <nizarus> is any one here ?
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
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[18:32] <mantiena> nizarus: yes ;)
[18:34] <nizarus> hi mantiena
[18:34] <nizarus> there is no activity here
[18:34] <nizarus> i was here last night and today
[18:35] <nizarus> and no one responds to my question
[18:36] <mantiena> nizarus: it seems you forgot, that now is weekend and also mothers day ...
[18:37] <mantiena> nizarus: you should wait or ask in launchpad answers
[18:37] <nizarus> i know that it is WE
[18:38] <nizarus> with ubuntu I'm more active in WE's
[18:38] <nizarus> because in the week I have my work :)
[18:38] <LaserJock> nizarus: it might help to ask your question though :-)
[18:39] <nizarus> but no problem I asked my question in launchpad
[18:39] <nizarus> and I'm waiting
[18:39] <LaserJock> k
[18:39] <LaserJock> if it's something simple we might be able to answer
[18:39] <Tooba1> hello.I know the answer to this question: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/28226, but I can't understand how to post it
[18:39] <Tooba1> (I'm logged in)
[18:40] <nizarus> ah ok, this is my question : https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/31903
[18:40] <Tooba1> any help?
[18:41] <LaserJock> Tooba1: hmm, tricky
[18:41] <LaserJock> I'm not a LP Answers expert
[18:41] <LaserJock> but the problem is that the question has expired
[18:41] <Tooba1> the funny thing is that I am able to modify it! (to try, I just inserted a newline, and it's there)
[18:42] <LaserJock> yeah
[18:42] <LaserJock> I'd use that
[18:43] <nizarus> LaserJock, have you see my question ?
[18:43] <LaserJock> nizarus: to add a poll you need to be a team admin or owner
[18:43] <nizarus> i'am a new team admin :)
[18:44] <LaserJock> k
[18:44] <nizarus> and i'm descovering launchpad
[18:44] <LaserJock> so do you see the poll item on the left hand menu?
[18:44] <Tooba1> bye, thanks
[18:44] <nizarus> yes LaserJock
[18:45] <LaserJock> nizarus: "create a poll"
[18:45] <nizarus> but is there a particular syntax or some thing like that to make polls
[18:46] <LaserJock> I don't think so
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[18:46] <LaserJock> it's been some time since I set up a poll
[18:47] <nizarus> LaserJock, i'm in the page to make new poll
[18:47] <nizarus> in the zone "The proposition that is going to be voted"
[18:48] <LaserJock> k
[18:48] <nizarus> i have to specify items or some thing like that ??
[18:49] <LaserJock> it's what you are voting on
[18:49] <LaserJock> so some proposal or person or something
[18:50] <nizarus> just a simple presentation text ?
[18:50] <nizarus> what about choices for the poll ?
[18:51] <LaserJock> I think it's just a binary yes/no
[18:57] <nizarus> thank you LaserJock
[18:58] <mantiena> doko: hi
[18:58] <qense> Should rubyforge be supported by malone?
[19:38] <gmb> qense: Rubyforge is semi-supported by malone.
[19:38] <gmb> qense: You can add bug watches against it.
[19:38] <gmb> But at the moment the statuses aren't imported.
[19:38] <qense> there was a bug report in alexandria where I tried to add a bug watch to
[19:38] <qense> it failed
[19:39] <qense> and the url wasn't right
[19:39] <qense> everything after the first & was forgotten
[19:39] <qense> so rubyforge showed a 404 when you clicked the link
[19:39] <gmb> qense: Right. That's because at the moment malone is trying to treat it like a SourceForge bug.
[19:39] <gmb> Which it shouldn't do.
[19:39] <qense> ok
[19:39] <gmb> See bug 226575
[19:39] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 226575 in malone "Launchpad should use the GForge SOAP API " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/226575
[19:39] <qense> but wasn't gforge already supported after the last update?
[19:40] <gmb> qense: Bug watches against it were, in that you can say "This is bug #n on XForge."
[19:40] <gmb> But status imports weren't.
[19:40] <gmb> The idea is that we'll use the GForge SOAP API for those.
[19:40] <qense> ok
[19:40] <gmb> But the code we had already was for SourceForge which, as you can see, isn't compatible with GForge, unfortunately.
[19:42] <gmb> qense: However, there's a second bug here that you've just highlighted, which is that LP isn't giving you the correct bug URL in the bug watch. The two are related, but distinct. I'll file a bug about that now.
[19:42] <gmb> Thanks ;)
[19:43] <qense> np, thank you for helping me out
[19:46] <gmb> qense: Filed as bug 226596.
[19:46] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 226596 in malone "Launchpad mangles GForge bug URLs in bug watches" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/226596
[19:46] <qense> ok
[19:52] <ianrc> hello, is there any way to delete a group i created which does not have any projects or active members?
[19:52] <qense> you should create a question at https://anwsers.launchpad.net/launchpad
[19:52] <qense> an admin will help you
[19:53] <ianrc> thank you
[19:53] <qense> oh, wrong spelled url
[19:53] <qense> https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
[19:54] <qense> that's the one you should use
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