UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /03 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
[00:17] <Seeker`> why does he keep on doing that?
[00:31] <Seeker`> Is ubottu currently supybot, or Seveas' replacement one
[00:32] <PriceChild> Seeker`: ubotu clone run by jussi
[00:32] <Seeker`> PriceChild: But is it a clone of the old or new ubotu?
[00:32] <PriceChild> old
[01:00] <wgrant> tonyyarusso: I do that to people.
[01:45] <ffm> Hey, I'd like to ask that emma be unbanned. I've talked with her (she didn't ask me to say this), and think she'll try not to violate the CoC again.
[01:46] <PriceChild> Hobbsee: around?
[02:06] <ffm> Anyone home...
[02:14] <elkbuntu> ffm, sorry, but emma has has more chances than anyone else. it would be setting dangerous precedence if she were unbanned now. until she actually understands that what she was doing was against our rules, then she has to live with the consequences of her repeated misbehaviour.
[02:16] <ffm> elkbuntu, She promises not to discuss irseek etc, and won't try to reopen old wounds.
[02:17] <elkbuntu> ffm, discussing irseek is not the main issue. her randomly PMing people is. we are currently aware she PMs anyone who she sees come through this channel.
[02:18] <ffm> ah.
[02:18] <elkbuntu> i'm somewhat guessing she PM'd you out of the blue?
[02:18] <ffm> elkbuntu, Well, yes.
[02:18] <elkbuntu> then i rest my case.
[02:18] <elkbuntu> sorry emma. nice try.
[02:18] <ffm> elkbuntu, But it wasn't an ubuntu channel.
[02:19] <elkbuntu> eh?
[02:19] <elkbuntu> what wasnt
[02:19] <ffm> elkbuntu, the PM wasn't prompted by my entering an ubuntu channel. CoC doesn't apply elsewhere, does it?
[02:20] <elkbuntu> ffm, what channel was it prompted by joining?
[02:20] <ffm> elkbuntu, well, #ubuntu on oftc.
[02:22] <elkbuntu> i'll let the trademark people know. thanks.
[02:26] <elkbuntu> ffm, if you have no further business, i'd ask you to help us by not idling in this channel.
[02:26] <ffm> elkbuntu, sure.
[02:28] <elkbuntu> um...
[02:28] <ffm> Yeah.
[03:31] <Hobbsee> PriceChild: yes
[03:31] <tonyyarusso> bazhang: We usually remove on an !away so they notice.
[03:32] <bazhang> tonyyarusso: thanks very much
[03:33] <Hobbsee> ah, an emma crony.
[03:33] <tonyyarusso> ompaul: General practice is to open +1 at the same time the repos open, which as I understand it should be in just a few days.
[03:33] <Hobbsee> glad to see that no one caved.
[03:35] <tonyyarusso> indeed
[03:35] <Hobbsee> is interesting, too, as ffm's quite sane, in -motu at least.
[03:51] <wgrant> tonyyarusso: Intrepid officially opened a few hours ago.
[03:51] <tonyyarusso> wgrant: oh yeah?
[03:51] * tonyyarusso goes to look
[03:52] <tonyyarusso> just got home
[03:52] <tonyyarusso> you appear to be correct
[03:54] <tonyyarusso> Uh, what level is required for mode lock modification? 30?
[03:55] * tonyyarusso wonders if Hobbsee, jenda, or elkbuntu can confirm that, waves big flag to make them look here
[03:55] <elkbuntu> tonyyarusso, i dare say so
[03:55] <Hobbsee> erm....i'm not sure
[03:55] <nalioth> tonyyarusso: what mlock needs changing?
[03:55] <Hobbsee> there's a way to find out, but i don't remember what it is
[03:55] <tonyyarusso> nalioth: #ubuntu+1 - repos are now open.
[03:56] <elkbuntu> i cant even join +1
[03:56] <Hobbsee> tonyyarusso: please, no.
[03:56] <tonyyarusso> elkbuntu: you should be able to chanserv invite.
[03:56] <tonyyarusso> Hobbsee: What?
[03:56] <Hobbsee> tonyyarusso: don't reopen it yet
[03:56] <tonyyarusso> Hobbsee: but that's what we've always done...
[03:57] <Hobbsee> tonyyarusso: it's unusable still, but OK...
[03:57] <tonyyarusso> Hobbsee: If we didn't open the channel until it was "usable" some releases wouldn't have IRC support until Alpha 4 :)
[03:57] <Hobbsee> well, OK, but please at least wait until the sync run is over.
[03:57] <Hobbsee> unless you're going to copy colin's words in the topic
[03:58] <tonyyarusso> Hobbsee: If you can supply them I'd be happy to.
[03:58] <tonyyarusso> provided they're CoC-safe and such ;)
[03:58] <Hobbsee> We do not recommend that users upgrade to Intrepid at this time; it is
[03:58] <Hobbsee> likely to be in very considerable flux until the initial round of merges
[03:58] <Hobbsee> is complete. As ever, any developers wishing to take the plunge at this
[03:59] <Hobbsee> early stage should ensure that they are comfortable with recovering from
[03:59] <Hobbsee> anything up to complete system failure.
[03:59] <tonyyarusso> I'm not sure if that will fit, but something to that effect (or worse) could be arranged.
[03:59] <Hobbsee> yeah
[03:59] <tonyyarusso> I'll work on crafting something.
[04:32] <Amaranth> Whoever reopens +1, don't forget to give me my access back :)
[05:05] <tonyyarusso> The above is with the proposal that arguments be limited to two per week, limited to five minutes or until told "no" three times, whichever comes first.
[05:05] <Hobbsee> Excellent.
[05:05] <tonyyarusso> In short, don't waste your time, and certainly I don't plan to do so for mine.
[05:06] <Hobbsee> tonyyarusso: and any ban removal has to go through you regardless, presumably, after they've gone through others, as you set the bans.
[05:06] <Hobbsee> as in, if the others say yes, she can be unbanned.
[05:06] <tonyyarusso> Hobbsee: That would be the general idea, yes. (Presumably that would come from the council likely, unless circumstances change significantly.)
[05:07] <Hobbsee> tonyyarusso: ah yes, it would be a council decision too.
[05:07] * Hobbsee merges dput in the background
[05:19] <tonyyarusso> ompaul: +1 now open btw
[05:19] <nalioth> lovely
[05:20] <bazhang> 6 months of 'isitout?'
[05:21] <tonyyarusso> hehe
[05:21] <Hobbsee> if they're that stupid, tell them yes.
[05:22] <bazhang> haha
[05:22] <bazhang> update Now ;]
[05:22] <nalioth> i think it's a bit early ( far earlier than usual ), but oh well
[05:22] <tonyyarusso> Last time around I upgraded about four days after this point. That's insane though, and now my Hardy is broken all over and needs a fresh install.
[05:44] <Hobbsee> heya Madpilot!
[05:44] <Madpilot> hi Hobbsee
[07:37] <XceII> I was banned for running my big mouth. is there a way to reinstate me?.
[07:38] <XceII> be nice, I stfle.
[07:38] <XceII> tx
[07:45] <XceII> Folks, im serious , im repentant, please recourse me, tx
[07:46] <nickrud> XceII you'll have to find the op that banned you, he's (or the council) are the only people that can unban you
[07:46] <Hobbsee> oh dear.
[07:46] <Hobbsee> no more bot
[07:46] <XceII> thats a lie, ive ben baned 1 time beforehand, and it took ljl to be my hero
[07:47] <Hobbsee> nickrud: if you saw the offense, you can do it.
[07:47] <Hobbsee> nickrud: particularly seeing as no one is around
[07:47] <nickrud> Hobbsee I didn't
[07:47] <Hobbsee> nickrud: (in normal cases, it's a case of finding the op who did hte ban, yes)
[07:48] <nalioth> XceII: being argumentative w/o any reason isn't very nice
[07:48] <XceII> My apologize , it was not my intent
[07:50] <XceII> nalioth: I completely understand the guideness of it all, please let me back, i sincerely apologize, without question.
[07:51] <Hobbsee> nalioth: can you stick your bot, or some other bot in please?
[07:51] <nalioth> mmkay
[07:51] <XceII> thank you
[07:51] <Hobbsee> ah, there we are
[07:52] <XceII> god bless you nalioth.
[07:52] <XceII> I will behave
[07:52] <XceII> with proise
[07:53] <XceII> promise, c? im pissong my pants
[07:53] <XceII> just let me in, ill behave.
[07:53] <XceII> thx
[07:53] <XceII> I stifle.
[07:54] <nalioth> XceII: i've reviewed the logs, and judging from your current hehaviour, i'm not inclined to unban you now
[07:55] <XceII> nalioth: im not a bad guy, trust me. if, you reviewed those logs. i helped those with simplicity,
[07:56] * ompaul looks on in the harsh light of dawn
[07:57] <XceII> nalioth: i am not a brager but i do donate to conical monthly through another ip,
[07:58] <XceII> amnd no, im not some bdy
[07:59] <XceII> I apreciate your build. that being said, before you digress me. let me the fk back in. P L E A S E?
[07:59] <XceII> k?
[07:59] <XceII> nuff said
[08:01] <Hobbsee> by your behaviour in here, i'd say no too.
[08:01] <ompaul> Apr 27 09:54:25 <XceII> Melvinado: this is biggest ahole chan lol
[08:01] <ompaul> xceii tell you what - no
[08:01] <ompaul> !guidelines | XceII
[08:01] <ubottu> XceII: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[08:01] <ompaul> XceII, read that
[08:01] <XceII> ompaul: hats a lie. man, i GIVE tio you folks monthly
[08:01] <XceII> thats
[08:01] <Hobbsee> XceII: we're not canonical, btw.
[08:02] <XceII> U knopw whaT
[08:02] <ompaul> XceII, get a grip btw
[08:03] <ompaul> XceII, you had a great time your company may have a support contract with Canonical, however this is the Ubuntu community and you have behaved in not nice fashion
[08:03] <XceII> sry caps
[08:03] <ompaul> XceII, for now my ban stands
[08:04] <XceII> ompaul: stop being childish, wake up.
[08:04] <nalioth> have a nice evening, XceII
[08:04] <ompaul> XceII, I am well awake, note my intro the harsh light of dawn
[08:04] <Hobbsee> XceII: i'm not sure that ompaul's being the childish one here....
[08:05] <ompaul> let that last for a few minutes
[08:07] <ompaul> if he comes back suggest the following
[08:07] <ompaul> we have a word for behaviour such as yours, we call it trollish
[08:07] * ompaul grins
[08:34] <ompaul> ok - there are a huge amount of bans caught by ballard - I am going to remove the ones that are IP based - as we don't have a ban tracker
[08:35] <ompaul> can you all check your logs for the nick bans
[08:35] <elkbuntu> ompaul, no prob
[08:35] <ompaul> if you own them think about if they are still valid
[08:36] <elkbuntu> what's the command to get the ban list in a dialog rather than a seperate window?
[08:37] <ompaul> client dependant - being lazy I use xchat ;-)
[08:37] <Gary> ompaul: that looked fun
[08:38] <ompaul> Gary, click click click and it all goes ;-)
[08:38] <Gary> I'm sure I set a mute, but cannot see it in the banlist
[08:38] <Gary> mind you, the banlist did scroll a lot :p
[08:39] <ompaul> Gary, check the bans that are left
[08:39] <elkbuntu> ompaul, i do too, but it's 'all ur focus belongs to me' attitude annoys me
[08:40] <elkbuntu> (the ban list window)
[08:40] <ompaul> elkbuntu, that is how I cope with it - I just move it to one side and read it slowly
[08:40] <ompaul> '=)
[08:40] <elkbuntu> ompaul, on the other hand, i give up bothering and move onto something less annoying
[08:41] <Gary> nope, it's gone, yay
[08:43] <ompaul> given that I used to clear out the ban list for anything older than 6 weeks I am wondering if in this new brave world we should just clear that which is over 2 weeks
[08:43] <ompaul> we have the numbers to cope with this level of banning and supposing we get a new bantracker we can use it to some effect
[08:46] <nalioth> if each op parses their bans on a daily basis, we wouldn't ned a bantracker so much
[08:46] <Gary> I like ompaul's 2 week suggestion
[08:46] <ompaul> nalioth, then we get a netsplit and people are not around on a daily basis so I don't think that works
[08:46] <ompaul> it would make it easier
[08:47] <nalioth> are any of you folks familiar with dircbot?
[08:48] <Hobbsee> no
[08:48] <ompaul> I kind of remember something - it was phils iirc
[08:48] <ompaul> useful but very annoying ;-)
[08:48] <nalioth> it is a bot used in ##windows, #freenode, #defocus and other places to keep track of bans
[08:49] <ompaul> you must comment your ban :)
[08:49] <nalioth> the 'annoying' can be programmed out of it
[08:49] <ompaul> there is that
[08:50] <ompaul> nalioth, I would pretty much say point jussi01 LjL yourself and whoever else thinks about bot usage in a serious way at it
[08:50] <nalioth> we need to get an "ubuntu bot owners association" meeting going to plot out where we want/need to go
[08:51] <ompaul> so schedule it
[08:51] <ompaul> whatyawaiting for hit that mailing list with all the force of a prearranged idea
[08:51] <nalioth> the nice thing about dircbot, is that if it's got an ACL entry, it can op and deban on schedule
[08:52] <nalioth> it also remembers ban history
[08:52] <ompaul> well the likes of the ones you would not want removed are floodbots ones and ... forwards to -ops
[08:52] <ompaul> but it is a good idea
[08:52] <nalioth> so you set those to 999 days ( and have it ignore floodbot bans )
[08:52] <ompaul> aye
[08:53] <ompaul> XceII, did you read the guidelines?
[08:53] <XceII> thx
[08:53] <XceII> yes
[08:53] <ompaul> now about you saying what I said was a lie
[08:53] <XceII> im sorrry
[08:53] <ompaul> ehh they are my logs
[08:53] <ompaul> ok come back in 24 hours - and we will have a chat about it
[08:54] <XceII> please please please let me back in, i respect you folks.
[08:54] <ompaul> !idle | XceII
[08:54] <ubottu> XceII: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.
[08:54] <ompaul> XceII, I made my mind up come back in 24 hours
[08:55] <XceII> ompaul: please dont
[08:55] <ompaul> XceII, that is the way it is
[08:55] <XceII> Im ok now
[08:55] <ompaul> XceII, please come back in 24 hours
[08:55] <XceII> ok
[08:56] <ompaul> XceII, now please leave of your own accord
[08:56] <ompaul> that can be remove in 18 - 24 hours if I am not here
[08:59] <Gary> with regards dircbot, the commenting is a great idea, as then when it expires, others know what it was about
[09:01] <XceII> 1 last word..thank you for your os. and thank you for putting up with my doofas ass, thx
[09:01] <XceII> your os completely r0x, thx
[09:02] <XceII> sry for being a big moth
[09:02] <XceII> Im angry, it has to be better
[09:02] <XceII> I luvu all
[09:03] <XceII> Biog time, i leave
[09:05] <XceII> 1 last word..want more moey? ask johnnytech1@gmail.com
[09:06] <XceII> im ready,
[09:06] <XceII> money?
[09:06] <XceII> im out, ME AD MY WIFE ARE NOT TO RICH,
[09:06] <elkbuntu> XceII, please stop saying things for attention. you've been told to calm down for 24 hrs then come back and ask civilly and patiently.
[09:07] <XceII> sry caps
[09:07] <XceII> ok
[09:08] <XceII> folks. dont make me go other.
[09:09] <XceII> I love u folks, why the ilk?
[09:10] <elkbuntu> XceII, you need to calm down.
[09:10] <XceII> talk to me, help me out. im pretty dumb here.
[09:11] <elkbuntu> which of 'calm down', 'ask civilly and patiently' do you need explained?
[09:11] <Gary> XceII: it might be best if you took a 24 period offline? to calm down etc, go do real world things for a bit?
[09:11] <XceII> let me xplain. im a engineer form way back, I repair all facets of electronics
[09:12] <elkbuntu> XceII, nothing you do in terms of occupation rights you in behaving badly.
[09:12] <XceII> well said
[09:13] <ompaul> XceII, you seem to be beyond the scope of reasonable interaction if you don't want 7days to be requested you will depart now
[09:13] * Hobbsee suggests XceII gets a support contract, o rsomething.
[09:13] <XceII> ompaul: please dont
[09:14] <elkbuntu> XceII, then please dont continue this today. come back tomorrow.
[09:15] <ompaul> XceII, ehh you have shown nothing but annoying semi aggression towards the people who give of their time freely to others - no you can't have a monopoly and you are heading for a further 7days away if you don't depart and stay departed now
[09:15] <XceII> ompaul: agreed
[09:15] <elkbuntu> you seem to be an adult, so please display the patience of one. please /part this channel, and return on the morrow.
[09:15] <XceII> I astill love u ompaul
[09:15] <XceII> big time
[09:15] <XceII> no
[09:15] <XceII> in
[09:16] <XceII> not drunk
[09:16] <elkbuntu> XceII, proclamations of affection will not help you in any way, shape or form.
[09:16] <nalioth> or that
[09:16] * jpatrick thinks that guy rings a bell...
[09:17] <elkbuntu> we met him on release day.
[09:17] <elkbuntu> and im sure he's been around before then
[09:17] <jpatrick> I think I remember him in #kubuntu once
[09:18] <elkbuntu> keep an eye on him, he'll probably find somewhere else to appear tonight
[09:19] <ubottu> In ubottu, _2 said: vga is For information about kernel "vga=" settings see, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VESA_BIOS_Extensions
[10:04] <ubottu> _2 called the ops in #kubuntu
[10:05] <jpatrick> right, elkbuntu, he did come back
[10:07] <elkbuntu> where?
[10:07] <jpatrick> ^
[10:12] <elkbuntu> aha
[10:22] <elkbuntu> jussi01, ^^
[10:22] <jpatrick> It's coming back
[10:24] <Myrtti> @login
[10:24] <ubottu> Myrtti: The operation succeeded.
[11:50] <jussio1> good morning all!
[11:54] <Myrtti> moin jussio1
=== stdin_ is now known as stdin
[12:12] <ubottu> Slart called the ops in #ubuntu
[12:13] <jpatrick> jussio1: oops
[14:23] <ubuntulover> what is a floodbot???
[14:25] <bazhang> ubuntulover: this is not a support channel
[14:25] <Myrtti> a bot that minimizes the effects of floods
[14:25] <Myrtti> be they intentional or not
[14:26] <Myrtti> ubuntulover: do you have any other questions regarding our IRC channels?
[14:26] <ubuntulover> this person called bazhang is banning me all the time
[14:26] <bazhang> ubuntulover: you were very disruptive in #ubuntu
[14:27] <ubuntulover> how
[14:27] <ompaul> !guidelines | ubuntulover have a look at this before you ask for "how"
[14:27] <ubottu> ubuntulover have a look at this before you ask for "how": The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[14:28] <ubuntulover> i am sooo sorry
[14:28] <ubuntulover> cry crying
[14:28] <bazhang> ubuntulover: please dont idle here
[14:28] <ompaul> wow you might be a little cynical there
[14:28] <Myrtti> ubuntulover: if you've got nothing else, please leave
[14:28] <ompaul> !idle | ubuntulover
[14:28] <ubottu> ubuntulover: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[14:29] <ompaul> ubuntulover, is there anything else?
[14:29] <ubuntulover> the baz guy asked me to come here to stop my ban or somthing
[14:30] <bazhang> ubuntulover: you need to read the link given you and how to behave on ubuntu channels
[14:30] <ompaul> this is where you appeal bans but your attitude does not encourage people to assist you perhaps you should read the guidelines and come back in 24 horus
[14:30] <ompaul> hours even
[14:30] <ubuntulover> ok you are verry kind
[14:31] <ubuntulover> thank you
[14:31] <bazhang> ubuntulover: please go and come back in 24 hours if you wish to be reinstated
[14:32] <ompaul> bazhang, they said keeps banning me - how many times
[14:33] <bazhang> ompaul: just the once
[14:33] <ompaul> bazhang, ty
[14:33] <bazhang> unless he was switching names
[14:33] * ompaul likes to think a little now and again
[14:33] <ompaul> there is that
[14:33] <ompaul> well we can't remove bellsouth or gnomefre1k gets banned ;-)
[14:34] <bazhang> haha
[14:34] <gnomefreak> i didnt bring him on
[14:34] <gnomefreak> and im still under this nick
[14:34] <ompaul> gnomefreak, ohh yeah ;-)
[14:35] <gnomefreak> and i keep hearing beeping
[14:35] <elkbuntu> ompaul, the guy has a bellsouth sip, which afaik means static ip ;)
[14:35] <ompaul> nice
[14:35] <ompaul> there are times and there are reasons
[14:35] <gnomefreak> see that was easy
[14:35] <gnomefreak> :)
[14:36] <gnomefreak> ompaul: can you kill it from freenode side?
[14:36] <gnomefreak> or am i rebooting
[14:36] <gnomefreak> restarting
[14:36] <ompaul> gnomefreak, I am not freenode staff and have not been for a long time ;-)
[14:36] <elkbuntu> paul has no nodefoo anymore
[14:36] <gnomefreak> oh
[14:36] <gnomefreak> sorry
[14:36] <ompaul> np
[14:36] <gnomefreak> brb gonna try to kill other name
[14:44] <gnomefreak> it worked
[14:49] <Nafallo> gnomefreak: how hard did you hit him, and with what?
[14:49] <gnomefreak> Nafallo: reboot
[14:50] <Nafallo> ah
[14:50] <gnomefreak> Nafallo: that reminded me of an old IRC hack
[14:52] <gnomefreak> it is/was called ICMP bomb
[14:53] <gnomefreak> not sure if its still possible and what servers its still possible on
[14:56] <elkbuntu> it's not something i advise discussing here
[15:03] <gnomefreak> elkbuntu: i know ;) but i thought that is what was going on with my client
[16:05] <mooperd> Hi, I cant join #kubuntu or #ubuntu cos Im on a web proxy, can this be fixed?
[16:05] <elkbuntu> !mibbit
[16:05] <ubottu> Factoid mibbit not found
[16:05] <elkbuntu> grrr
[16:06] <elkbuntu> did you get any instructions in the channel you got forwarded to?
[16:11] <elkbuntu> mooperd, i've asked you a question in #ubuntu-proxy-users. i cannot help you until you respond.
[16:13] <stdin> so you just join with mibbit and you get a nice message telling you to join #ubuntu, nice
[16:13] <elkbuntu> yep
[16:15] <elkbuntu> BunnyRevolution, are you here for any particular purpose?
[16:16] <stdin> I'm guessing by the ident/real-name it's a bot
[16:16] <elkbuntu> it's not.
[16:16] <stdin> just trying to masquerade as on then?
[16:16] <stdin> *one
[16:16] <elkbuntu> to stir trouble by doing so i suspect
[16:17] <elkbuntu> we have a word for that.
[16:20] <elkbuntu> BunnyRevolution, this channel is not for idling in, could you please either state your cause or make a dignified exit.
[16:23] <jpatrick> was that a bot?
[16:23] <jussio1> no
[16:23] <elkbuntu> no, a troublemaker afaik
[16:24] <jussio1> from a certain uncensored channel iirc
[16:24] <elkbuntu> yep
[16:24] <elkbuntu> feel free to treat it as an unwelcome bot though. if it wants to be a bot, it can be treated as one.
[16:24] <jussio1> hehe
[16:31] <Seeker`> he seems to have a habit of joining and then parting again
[16:31] <nalioth> common for information gathering
[16:35] <jussio1> nalioth: Were you planning to send a mail to the list regarding a meeting about the bots?
[16:39] <nalioth> who all runs a bot, jussio1 ?
[16:40] <jussio1> nalioth: I meant the future of the bots etc.
[16:41] <nalioth> right.
[16:42] <PriceChild> Hobbsee: anything with fujisan lately?
[16:42] * PriceChild isn't really here
[16:43] <jussio1> nalioth: earlier today, LjL mentioned dirc bot, and there are other proposals. Also, IIRC canonical was mentioned for hosting. I was wondering if you were planning to organise a meeting about such things?
[16:46] <PriceChild> elmo is going to talk with seveas jussio1
[16:46] <jussio1> PriceChild: ahh. ok then. :)
[16:59] <bazhang> where is seveas?
[17:02] <nalioth> bazhang: seveas has chosen to leave the project
[17:02] <bazhang> nalioth thanks; sorry to hear that.
[17:05] <Myrtti> I'd really wish someone would also inform the the leaders of locoteams (that have an #*ubuntu* irc channel that it would be nice to have a small representation of the channels ops at -irc
[17:37] <bazhang> neo and Neo_The_User repeat trolling
[17:37] <bazhang> neo@c-24-12-190-159.hsd1.il.comcast.net
[17:39] <nalioth> bazhang: neo has been idle over 2 days
[17:40] <bazhang> thanks nalioth had to mute him 4 times in last day or so
[17:40] <nalioth> bazhang: are you sure it was 'neo' ?
[17:41] <bazhang> and thomas anderson and one other name I forget at the moment
[17:48] <bazhang> think the 4th name may have been neo_c nalioth
[18:12] <Dont_Ban_Me> bazhang i hate that guy
[18:12] <Dont_Ban_Me> he banned me 50 t imes for no reason
[18:12] <bazhang> Dont_Ban_Me: you have been very disruptive in #ubuntu
[18:18] <BunnyRevolution> bot needed in xubuntu please
[18:20] <bazhang> well he is creative with his nicknames
[18:21] <bazhang> nalioth: any guidance on this situation?
[18:21] <nalioth> bazhang: is he banned from whatever #ubuntu channels he's disrupted?
[18:22] <bazhang> nalioth I thought the policy was to mute not ban
[18:22] <bazhang> Bazhang_sucks - n=neo@c-24-12-190-159.hsd1.il.comcast.net same ip every time
[18:23] <jrib> ban/mute his ip instead of nick
[18:23] <bazhang> very new to this not sure how to do that
[18:23] <nalioth> bazhang: in this case, use a full ban
[18:24] <jrib> /mode #ubuntu +b *!*@ip_here
[18:24] <nalioth> bazhang: you obviously have not seen what determined troll can do with join/part
[18:24] <bazhang> jrib was afraid to ban all of #ubuntu
[18:24] <jrib> ha :)
[18:24] <jrib> bazhang: what client/script are you using?
[18:24] <bazhang> nalioth: yes, learning as I go; sorry for any missteps just two days in
[18:25] <bazhang> jrib konversation
[18:25] <jrib> LjL uses that, ask him for some pointers when he is around
[18:26] <bazhang> okay, thanks jrib
[18:26] <nalioth> bazhang: just because you've recently become an op doesn't mean you've been ignorant prior ( at least i hope not )
[18:27] <bazhang> nalioth: ignorant of the specific protocols; I see that my client has a dropdown now of ban certain person gui; been focusing on helping folks in the past and not looked into the specifics of operator side of things
[18:28] <bazhang> nalioth: and as I was instructed the policy of mute first seems to reach ban at around three/four mutes? or would that be just two
[18:29] <Seeker`> I think it depends on what exactly they are doing
[18:30] <bazhang> so the correct protocol here is ban at hostname correct?
[18:30] * jussio1 eyes doom in #kubuntu and #ubuntu
[18:30] <nalioth> bazhang: how you ban is up to you
[18:31] <bazhang> thanks nalioth; did not want to do something outside of protocol
[18:34] <nalioth> being an op is learning about human nature
[18:35] <nalioth> not just 'how to work Ubuntu'
[18:35] <bazhang> I appreciate the insight
[18:49] <Myrtti> bazhang: if I tell you some times that your slip is showing, it's my light hearted way of telling you're still an op somewhere
[18:49] <bazhang> thanks Myrtti
[18:50] <Myrtti> I like the idea of telling people I see a tiny part of a lacy undergarment from below the hemline of a frock :-P
[18:51] <bazhang> ;]
[18:52] <nalioth> Myrtti: it is unfortunate that your comment would go over the head of quite a few young ladies in the USA
[18:53] <Myrtti> I just watched a document about Nigella Lawson today
[18:55] <Myrtti> I think it was sort of semi funny that feminists got angry when she wrote a book they presumed to be a homage to housemakership
[18:55] <Myrtti> I bet some of the most militant once would make similar complaints about my remark too
[18:56] <Myrtti> wah, my english spelling lapses sometimes
[18:56] <Myrtti> s/once/ones/
[19:16] <ompaul> Myrtti, who cares about spelling lapses, the expression left little to be misunderstood, miss ;-) (woops so afterthought) the point, not at all it was communicated well enough and there was enough context so what a load of rubbish I have spoken on this subject
[19:18] <Myrtti> ompaul: I do care about the lapses since it's a battle I fight with my English every day :-P
[19:19] <Myrtti> and I particularly hate the spelling lapses that are based on the pronounciation of the words as a native Finnish speaker
[19:20] <ompaul> Myrtti, must be a cultural thing, we don't care one jot - ask topyli or mneptok about our abuse of the language
[19:20] <nalioth> ompaul: mneptok abuses humanity
[19:21] <ompaul> I want to eject the CD from irc ...
[19:21] <ompaul> /exec -o eject :)
[19:23] <Myrtti> I'm actually quite anal about spelling mistakes on any language
[19:23] <Myrtti> though my Swedish has detiorated to such a degree I don't care about the typos I do with using it
[19:26] <Nafallo> hmm
[19:27] <Myrtti> sorry Nafallo :->
[19:49] <ubottu> Daisuke_Ido called the ops in #kubuntu
[20:03] <PriceChild> I hope we're not following emma on other servers.
[20:04] <gnomefreak> i havent seen her
[20:04] <gnomefreak> since -party was open
[20:07] <ompaul> PriceChild, there are other servers? ;-)
[21:02] <Gary> so they say, but I don't believe them
[21:20] <test3r> Hello! I am banned from ##Ubuntu still for a tiny incident that happened over a week ago, & was told I would be unbanned the next day.
[21:20] <test3r> it was late and I was tyring to help someone and was doing it wrong I gues
[21:21] <Myrtti> would you perhance remember the nick of the op?
[21:21] <test3r> Sorry - I do not
[21:21] <Myrtti> :-Z
[21:22] <Myrtti> our bantracker is offline
[21:22] <Myrtti> /me checks the bans
[21:22] <test3r> I'm only here to ask one thing Anyway
[21:22] <Myrtti> urghhh
[21:22] <test3r> did they fix the burner thruput?
[21:23] <test3r> can we burn on anything above 6.1 ??? Yet?
[21:23] <test3r> or is it still PowerInitFAIL
[21:24] <Myrtti> I don't know, sorry
[21:24] <test3r> ???? Burning a disk is a pretty common task, & I actually have special ones to test.
[21:24] <test3r> Disks with a 600K footer
[21:24] <Myrtti> ie. your googling is as good as mine
[21:24] <test3r> OK so you haven't heard anything about that though, OK.
[21:25] <Myrtti> I don't own a burner yet
[21:25] <test3r> That's poopy. Support a distro for 3+ years and I get banned in main help channel.
[21:26] <test3r> I have one you can have.
[21:26] <test3r> It doesn't even burn on disks you buy at the store. I had to get a New Burner to do that.
[21:26] <Myrtti> I don't know what the background for your ban was since the bantracker is offline
[21:26] <test3r> Nuthin like Spare Burners
[21:26] <Myrtti> so I cannot comment on it
[21:27] <Myrtti> if the ban was unjust, I'm sorry for that
[21:27] <test3r> it might have been a little 3-AM-ish on the admins part, but hey, I guess he's just doing his job? Nuthin I can do about that.
[21:28] <test3r> Catch ya round
[21:31] <Myrtti> hello niche
[21:31] <niche> hello
[21:31] <Myrtti> how can you be helped tonight?
[21:31] <niche> i've never, ever been in #ubuntu and my address is mysteriously banned
[21:31] <niche> not sure if this applies to kubuntu as well (let me check)
[21:32] <Myrtti> I suspect the reason is you ident
[21:32] <niche> so it's a problem on _my_ side
[21:32] <niche> ok, i'll try to fix this
[21:32] <Myrtti> niche [n=wtfidont@ool-4572ae4f.dyn.optonline.net]
[21:33] <niche> so change it to a real name, like MarkSmith@[optonline]?
[21:34] <Myrtti> what ever that doesn't have language that can be interpreted offensive
[21:35] <niche> alright, i will try doing that and hope the channel automatically unbans me
[21:35] <niche> thanks
[21:35] <Myrtti> np
[21:41] <stdin> Myrtti: it was actually the real name
[21:41] <Myrtti> damn
[21:41] <stdin> he's still online, in #kubuntu too
[21:42] <Myrtti> /me loads yet another irssi script
[21:45] <stdin> why do they keep doing that?
[21:46] <stdin> it's not an auto-join because they didn't disconnect/reconnect, I would have seen that in #k
[21:53] <Myrtti> /exec wget http://irssi.org/scripts/scripts/autorealname.pl;mv autorealname.pl .irssi/scripts/autorun
[21:53] <Myrtti> <3
[21:54] <Myrtti> nice to see the realname bans don't apply to foreign language real names ;-)
[21:57] <Gary> nice script Myrtti
[21:58] <Myrtti> I've had it before, but I've forgotten to download to this server
[22:02] <Gary> I like the way of downloading it too :p
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[23:39] <PriceChild> Hey nickellery
[23:46] <nickellery> hi there
[23:46] <ompaul> PriceChild, ^^
[23:52] <PriceChild> nickellery: I think i remember you for some reason..
[23:53] <nickellery> PriceChild: you were speaking to me yesterday =P
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[23:56] <jussi01> sorry bout the nick spam :/
[23:56] <Tm_T> aww
[23:57] <PriceChild> nickellery: aha you applied to the ubuntu-irc team on launchpad
[23:58] <nickellery> PriceChild: Yea, that's me :D