UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /03 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <gnomefreak> ill be back a bit later find dinner
[00:02] <Jazzva> have fun gnomefreak :)
[00:44] <Jazzva> asac_, how do I submit fixes to debian? Set up chroot, prepare and test the fix, open bug report on Debian BTS, and post the fix?
[00:58] <fta> asac_, why did you drop gcc 4.2 in your last upload ?? i told you i was doing that in *.head, now we've diverged again
[01:06] <asac_> fta: cherry-pick to get testing ... shouldn't be hard to merge
[01:07] <asac_> Jazzva: if you want to do it accurately, then yes. thats good. if its unlikely to be different in debian you can also get the debian sources in ubuntu and test there
[01:07] <Jazzva> I already have sid set up, just to update packages ;)
[01:08] <asac_> Jazzva: yeah :) then go for that
[01:08] <Jazzva> ok, I will... Thanks :)
[01:09] <asac_> Jazzva: you can also setup virtualbox ;)
[01:09] <asac_> and install debian for real
[01:09] <Jazzva> True... Maybe after the mid-term exams, which are next week. :)
[01:12] <asac_> fta: if you want i can merge that upload up to .head
[01:13] <fta> too late, all my branches are done
[01:14] <asac_> fta: don't see the merge yet
[01:15] <asac_> fta: did you push yet?
[01:17] <fta> it's just slow
[01:17] <asac_> k
[01:18] <asac_> fta: even in ssh there is no new revision :/
[01:18] <asac_> which is the unmirrored tree
[01:21] <fta> my sync script is done so it should be there
[01:22] <fta> i have my ~25 branches synced
[01:23] <asac_> don't understand what that means...synched from where?
[01:23] <fta> from *.head
[01:24] <asac_> fta: from .head to where?
[01:24] <fta> forget it
[01:25] <asac_> ok, which revision is top?
[01:25] <asac_> i see "246 collapse expand * New upstream snapshot: 1.9 CVS 20080502t1439 Fabien Tassin 46 minutes ago"
[01:28] <asac_> fta: ?
[01:29] <asac_> since its 46 min ago, i assume thats the sync.
[12:29] <gnomefreak> hmmmmm cant edit /etc/sudo with sudo visudo :(
[12:50] <Lava> hi
[12:50] <gnomefreak> hi thank you for coming in here its much easier to deal with :)
[12:50] <Lava> thanks a lot for helping me out man
[12:51] <Lava> saturday, sun shining and im inside cracking my head bout this
[12:51] <gnomefreak> Lava: can you please in the address bar type about:plugins i will be right back im being yelled at
[12:52] <Lava> done, ready when you are
[12:53] <gnomefreak> in terminal type locate libflashsupport and let me know what you get. i will be right back
[12:54] <Lava> /usr/lib32/libflashsupport.so
[12:56] <gnomefreak> asac_: no update-alternatives doesnt fix the swf flash issue
[12:57] <gnomefreak> Lava: ok lets try something
[12:57] <gnomefreak> Lava: open synaptic click search type in flash
[12:57] <gnomefreak> when the list regenerates let me know
[12:58] <gnomefreak> since your not crashing we will leave libflashsupport there since i cant remember if its neededon 64bit
[12:59] <gnomefreak> need it on
[13:01] <gnomefreak> Lava: cwillu there is a bug in this exact issue and removing sfw or whatever its called fixed it, we thought update-alternatives should have worked but im seeing it doesnt
[13:02] <Lava> gno
[13:02] <Lava> gnomefreak, when i do what you said, the only flash indicated as installed is the flashplugin-nonfree
[13:02] <gnomefreak> Lava: ok close it
[13:03] <gnomefreak> Lava: run in terminal locate libswfdecmozilla.so
[13:05] <gnomefreak> Lava: you can close synaptic
[13:05] <gnomefreak> hmmmmmm
[13:06] <gnomefreak> ok lets see if this issue is fixed (one of mine) yours should be a simple fix once i get the output of thee locate command
[13:07] <Lava> gnomefreak, /usr/lib/swfdec-mozilla/libswfdecmozilla.so
[13:08] <gnomefreak> Lava: this command is needed to be typed exactly as i do it
[13:08] <gnomefreak> sudo mv /usr/lib/swfdec-mozilla/libswfdecmozilla.so ~/
[13:08] <gnomefreak> including the ~/
[13:09] <Lava> ok did it
[13:09] <gnomefreak> Lava: close browser re open it and try youtube.com
[13:09] <Lava> i tried one of the sites that i could'nt see
[13:10] <gnomefreak> also try youtube this way i know its not a site issue
[13:10] <gnomefreak> or give me link to site ill run it here
[13:10] <Lava> Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.
[13:10] <Lava> that's what it says in youtube
[13:11] <Lava> and on the site i was on earlier, the play thing is gone, but i see 'click here to download plugin' now
[13:11] <Lava> hope this is of any help
[13:11] <gnomefreak> Lava: go into firefox prefference and enable java script
[13:12] <Lava> it is already enabled
[13:13] <Lava> should i try downloading that plugin it suggests or not?
[13:13] <Lava> 'install missing plugins'?
[13:13] <gnomefreak> if you run apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree what does it say for installed version
[13:13] <gnomefreak> hmmmm more than one bug as these are not related
[13:14] <Lava> flashplugin-nonfree:
[13:14] <Lava> Geïnstalleerd:
[13:14] <Lava> Kandidaat:
[13:14] <Lava> Versietabel:
[13:14] <Lava> *** 0
[13:14] <Lava> 500 http://be.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/multiverse Packages
[13:14] <Lava> 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
[13:14] <gnomefreak> does htis do it on what site?
[13:14] <Lava> this is the site i was on http://www.vkmag.com/magazine/jon_lajoie_maakt_het_weer_uit/
[13:14] <gnomefreak> does this "install missing plugins" on what site
[13:15] <Lava> http://www.vkmag.com/magazine/jon_lajoie_maakt_het_weer_uit/
[13:15] <gnomefreak> Lava: make sure you are up-to-date please
[13:15] <gnomefreak> works here
[13:15] <Lava> sorry?
[13:15] <gnomefreak> Lava: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[13:15] <Lava> it works everywhere i presume, except on my pc :s
[13:16] <gnomefreak> Lava: the issue you are seeing was a ubufox issue that was fixed a while ago
[13:16] <gnomefreak> 2 weeks give or take
[13:16] <Lava> did the two commands
[13:16] <gnomefreak> is it running?
[13:16] <gnomefreak> asac_: you around?
[13:17] <gnomefreak> iirc this is your puppy
[13:17] <Lava> should i try installing the missing plug-ins to see what gives?
[13:18] <gnomefreak> this was fixed in ubufox and (whater michael was working on. neither are here today
[13:18] <gnomefreak> Lava: yes try it but dont count on it working
[13:18] <Lava> 'no suitable plug-ins were found'
[13:18] <Lava> darnit
[13:18] <gnomefreak> thats what i thought
[13:19] <gnomefreak> Lava: i think we have a workaround for now until i can get asac_ to look at ubufox
[13:19] <Lava> if i do manual install they send me to the adobe flash player site
[13:20] <gnomefreak> Lava: is the upgrade command still working?
[13:20] <Lava> can i paste the outcome of the terminal here?
[13:21] <gnomefreak> is it kernel upgrades
[13:21] <gnomefreak> Lava: i need to know if ubufox is in there
[13:21] <gnomefreak> thats all i need
[13:21] <Lava> ok, i'll check
[13:21] <Lava> grijzemens@grijzemens-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get update
[13:21] <Lava> Geraakt http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security Release.gpg
[13:21] <Lava> Genegeerd http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/main Translation-nl
[13:21] <Lava> Geraakt http://be.archive.ubuntu.com hardy Release.gpg
[13:21] <Lava> Geraakt http://be.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main Translation-nl
[13:21] <Lava> Genegeerd http://be.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/restricted Translation-nl
[13:21] <Lava> Geraakt http://be.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/universe Translation-nl
[13:21] <Lava> Genegeerd http://be.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/multiverse Translation-nl
[13:22] <Lava> Geraakt http://be.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates Release.gpg
[13:22] <Lava> Genegeerd http://be.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/main Translation-nl
[13:22] <Lava> Genegeerd http://be.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/restricted Translation-nl
[13:22] <Lava> Genegeerd http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/restricted Translation-nl
[13:22] <Lava> Genegeerd http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/universe Translation-nl
[13:22] <gnomefreak> Lava: you can stop i dont need that
[13:22] <Lava> Genegeerd http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/multiverse Translation-nl
[13:22] <Lava> Geraakt http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security Release
[13:22] <Lava> Genegeerd http://be.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/universe Translation-nl
[13:22] <Lava> Genegeerd http://be.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/multiverse Translation-nl
[13:22] <Lava> Geraakt http://be.archive.ubuntu.com hardy Release
[13:22] <Lava> Geraakt http://be.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates Release
[13:22] <Lava> Geraakt http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/main Packages
[13:22] <Lava> Geraakt http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/restricted Packages
[13:22] <Lava> Geraakt http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/main Sources
[13:22] <Lava> Geraakt http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/restricted Sources
[13:22] <Lava> Geraakt http://be.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main Packages
[13:22] <Lava> Geraakt http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/universe Packages
[13:22] <Lava> Geraakt http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/universe Sources
[13:22] <Lava> Geraakt http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/multiverse Packages
[13:22] <gnomefreak> Lava: please stop
[13:22] <Lava> Geraakt http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/multiverse Sources
[13:22] <Lava> Geraakt http://be.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/restricted Packages
[13:22] <Lava> Geraakt http://be.archive.
[13:22] <Lava> oeps, sorry
[13:22] <gnomefreak> ty
[13:22] <Lava> i stopped
[13:23] <gnomefreak> Lava: please just look for ubufox between update and upgrade command
[13:23] <gnomefreak> when it lists all the packages that are gonna be updated
[13:23] <gnomefreak> i knwo you have kernel and apparmor updates
[13:23] <gnomefreak> know.
[13:25] <Lava> nothing bout ubufox
[13:26] <gnomefreak> Lava: ok lets wait until the upgrade is done i have a few things to do before you reboot. so let me know when its finished if i dont answer right away i will answer very shortly
[13:26] <Lava> sorry, don't quite follow
[13:26] <Lava> what upgrade?
[13:31] <gnomefreak> Lava: the command i gave you sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[13:31] <gnomefreak> Lava: is that finished?
[13:31] <Lava> i ran both of them
[13:31] <Lava> nothing happened
[13:31] <gnomefreak> ok good i think
[13:32] <Lava> it took like 2 seconds :)
[13:32] <gnomefreak> ok lets start with sudo apt-get remove --purge swfdec-mozilla
[13:33] <gnomefreak> let me know if it removes anything
[13:33] <Lava> just to check i tried some other site btw, and here the movie works http://poststuff5.entensity.net/050208/media.php?media=quad.wmv
[13:33] <gnomefreak> that is a windows media video
[13:33] <Lava> ah ok
[13:33] <gnomefreak> flash shouldnt have anything to do with that
[13:34] <Lava> swfdec-mozilla* - this one will be removed
[13:34] <gnomefreak> Lava: after removing that with the command i gave you please install mozilla-plugin-gnash
[13:34] <gnomefreak> Lava: that is right
[13:36] <gnomefreak> once you install mozilla-plugin-gnash please run sudp update-alternatives --config firefox-flashplugin and choose flash for both of them if ther eis a choice and restart browser and test. I will be back in a bit i have to get the newspaper
[13:40] <Lava> Selectie Alternatieven
[13:40] <Lava> -----------------------------------------------
[13:40] <Lava> + 1 /var/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so
[13:40] <Lava> 2 /usr/lib/gnash/libgnashplugin.so
[13:40] <Lava> chose the second one & restarted browser
[13:40] <Lava> test was negative
[13:42] <gnomefreak> what one did you choose?
[13:42] <gnomefreak> gnash or flash?
[13:44] <asac_> Lava: post your pluginreg.dat in your $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/xxxx folder
[13:44] <gnomefreak> asac_: somehting is missing
[13:44] <asac_> without the xxxx
[13:45] <gnomefreak> asac_: will it show for flash since its in /var/..
[13:45] <asac_> yes
[13:45] <gnomefreak> ah
[13:45] <asac_> but firefox-flashplugin is the wrong alternative to tweak
[13:45] <Lava> gnash
[13:46] <gnomefreak> asac_: we did xulrunner-flashplugin already didnt fix it
[13:46] <asac_> that one is the one used by old firefox 2
[13:46] <gnomefreak> those would be the 2 that i would think has control over it
[13:46] <asac_> ffox 3 uses xulrunner-addons-flashplugin
[13:46] <gnomefreak> oh
[13:46] <asac_> as its hosted by xulrunner 1.9
[13:46] <asac_> so configure that one
[13:46] <asac_> to change a thing
[13:47] <gnomefreak> than xulrunner-flashplugin is for 2.0 as well?
[13:47] <asac_> xulrunner-flashplugin is for 1.8, right
[13:47] <gnomefreak> ok
[13:47] <asac_> $ ls -l /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9b5/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so
[13:47] <asac_> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 2008-04-20 21:11 /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9b5/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so -> /etc/alternatives/xulrunner-addons-flashplugin
[13:47] <asac_> asac@hector:~/ubuntu_bzr/xulrunner-1.9.hardy$ ls -l /usr/lib/xulrunner/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so
[13:47] <asac_> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 2008-04-20 21:11 /usr/lib/xulrunner/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so -> /etc/alternatives/xulrunner-flashplugin
[13:47] <Lava> way above my head
[13:48] <gnomefreak> Lava: can you run cd /usr/lib/mozilla
[13:48] <asac_> Lava: just run sudo update-alternatives --config xulrunner-addons-flashplugin
[13:48] <gnomefreak> ahit
[13:48] <gnomefreak> Lava: sorry cd ~/.mozilla
[13:48] <asac_> if that is corrent, then i don't know without looking at pluginreg.dat
[13:48] <asac_> s/corrent/correct/
[13:49] <gnomefreak> Lava: what folders do you see, once you cd in there type ls and give us output
[13:50] * gnomefreak cant remember if ff3 is the numbers/letters or not
[13:50] <asac_> gnomefreak: its plain firefox
[13:50] <asac_> i have /home/asac/.mozilla/firefox/lj56xqzy.default/pluginreg.dat
[13:50] <asac_> that file we need to see what is read
[13:50] <Lava> ok, so i did cd ~/.mozilla
[13:50] <gnomefreak> Lava: can you look for something like that lj56xqzy will be differnet
[13:51] <asac_> cat .mozilla/firefox/*/pluginreg.dat
[13:51] <asac_> and post the output
[13:51] <asac_> cat $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/*/pluginreg.dat
[13:51] <gnomefreak> it takes wildcards now he tells me
[13:52] <Lava> i entered 'cat .mozilla/firefox/*/pluginreg.dat'
[13:52] <Lava> and got a whole list
[13:52] <Lava> in that list i should look for lj56xqzy right?
[13:52] <asac_> yes, you need to paste that
[13:52] <Lava> k
[13:52] <asac_> http://paste.ubuntu.com
[13:52] <asac_> paste there
[13:53] <Lava> pasted
[13:54] <gnomefreak> Lava: can you give us the link please
[13:54] <gnomefreak> it will have the same address as above but with munbersor letters at the end
[13:55] <Lava> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9742/
[13:55] <Lava> sorry new at this
[13:55] <gnomefreak> thats ok
[13:56] <gnomefreak> thats odd
[13:56] <gnomefreak> 14:video/flv:Flash-video:flv:$
[13:56] <gnomefreak> /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins/libunixprintplugin.so:
[13:56] <gnomefreak> or libnullplugin
[13:58] <gnomefreak> maybe running u=a with xulrunner-addons-
[13:58] <asac> sorry reconnect
[13:58] <digitalspaghetti> i'm developing some pages using jquery to do animation, and for example with UI Tabs I click on a tab and it goes to load the content, but it freezes X. are there any known resolutions?
[13:59] <asac> 14:52 < asac_> http://paste.ubuntu.com
[13:59] <asac> 14:52 < asac_> paste there
[13:59] <asac> 14:53 < asac_> further run: sudo update-alternatives --config xulrunner-addons-flashplugin
[13:59] <asac> 14:53 < asac_> and see what is selected
[13:59] <asac> 14:56 < asac_> gnomefreak: fixes are available for bug 215728 as mentioned in bug.
[13:59] <gnomefreak> ah
[13:59] <digitalspaghetti> it freezes X for just a few seconds, but it's slowing down my development quite a bit
[13:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 215728 in firefox-3.0 "[MASTER] Committing to urlclassifier3.sqlite causes excessive CPU usage and disk I/O" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215728
[13:59] <gnomefreak> asac_: yeah i heard there is also a back out in .js
[13:59] <asac> gnomefreak: we did it different
[14:00] <gnomefreak> Lava: run sudo update-alternatives --config xulrunner-addons-flashplugin
[14:00] <asac> digitalspaghetti: i don't know what jquery is ... nor do i know what you mean by "with UI Tabs" ?
[14:00] <digitalspaghetti> jquery is a javscript library
[14:00] <asac> ok
[14:00] <Lava> ok, then?
[14:00] <gnomefreak> asac: i remember fta seeing the .js commit after he packaged it
[14:00] <Lava> libflash or gnash?
[14:00] <gnomefreak> Lava: what choices do you get?
[14:00] <asac> Lava: did you paste your pluginreg.dat yet?
[14:00] <gnomefreak> asac: libflash?
[14:01] <gnomefreak> asac: im looing at it
[14:01] <digitalspaghetti> for example, tabs are just a UI list of elements that load content into defined divs. With each load, i change the size and opacity of the div elements for transations
[14:01] <gnomefreak> looking
[14:01] <asac> Lava: how does it look like at the moment
[14:01] <Lava> what is pluginreg.dat?
[14:01] <asac> libflash is bogus
[14:01] <gnomefreak> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9742/
[14:01] <digitalspaghetti> but it freezes X, in top it goes to 100% CPU useage
[14:01] <gnomefreak> asac: ^^^
[14:01] <asac> Lava: what i asked you to paste
[14:01] <gnomefreak> digitalspaghetti: there is a fix for it what for it to hit archives
[14:01] <Lava> pasted
[14:01] <gnomefreak> asac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9742/
[14:01] <asac> yeah you have no flash plugin registered
[14:01] <gnomefreak> yeah i saw that as well
[14:01] <gnomefreak> but its installed
[14:02] <asac> Lava: paste the choices you get on update-alternatives ... libflash is definitly bogs
[14:02] <asac> bogus
[14:02] <asac> use gnash for now then
[14:02] <gnomefreak> digitalspaghetti: give us a few days for it to hot archives
[14:02] <gnomefreak> hit
[14:02] <Lava> can you tell me about the pluginreg.dat please
[14:02] <asac> Lava: ?
[14:02] <gnomefreak> Lava: its what you posted
[14:02] <Lava> how do i get it and how do i paste it where
[14:02] <asac> Lava: you pasted it and it shows what you say: "no flash registered"
[14:02] <Lava> ah ok
[14:02] <gnomefreak> Lava: already did
[14:02] <Lava> ok, sorry
[14:03] <digitalspaghetti> gnomefreak, ok i'll keep a look out for it
[14:03] <asac> Lava: run the update-alternatives and _paste_ exactly what you see
[14:03] <asac> the command is above
[14:03] <gnomefreak> digitalspaghetti: we just got the patch from upstream yesterda
[14:03] <asac> digitalspaghetti: do you see IO issues?
[14:04] <Lava> grijzemens@grijzemens-laptop:~$ run sudo update-alternatives --config xulrunner-addons-flashplugin
[14:04] <Lava> bash: run: command not found
[14:04] <digitalspaghetti> IO isses asac?
[14:04] <Lava> sorry
[14:04] <Lava> forgot the run
[14:04] <Lava> :)
[14:04] <asac> Lava: yeah remove the run
[14:05] <gnomefreak> digitalspaghetti: i was thinking he did but problem isnt matching found bug from what i can tell
[14:05] <asac> digitalspaghetti: you say you see CPU spikes ... are thos accompanied with IO spikes
[14:05] <gnomefreak> asac: ^^
[14:05] <Lava> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9744/
[14:05] <digitalspaghetti> yea, the whole system freezes up, so i can't access any apps for a few seconds
[14:06] <gnomefreak> digitalspaghetti: this isnt just on media sites right?
[14:06] <asac> digitalspaghetti: try test packages announced in bug 215728
[14:06] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 215728 in firefox-3.0 "[MASTER] Committing to urlclassifier3.sqlite causes excessive CPU usage and disk I/O" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215728
[14:07] <asac> Lava: select 1 there
[14:07] <asac> if that doesn't help
[14:07] <digitalspaghetti> gnomefreak, it's mainly when javascript is involved, stuff like gmail and app's i'm developing freeze up
[14:08] <asac> paste the output of find $HOME/.mozilla/ -type d -name plugins
[14:08] <asac> Lava: ^^
[14:08] <gnomefreak> digitalspaghetti: try the packages on the above bug
[14:08] <asac> digitalspaghetti: this probably is a different issue, but you cannot tell. if your javascript uses URLs to load content it might be that bug
[14:08] <digitalspaghetti> k, will do
[14:09] <Lava> select one where
[14:09] <gnomefreak> asac: i agree but i think ive seen this issue yesterday between massive lock ups
[14:09] <asac> Lava: in the update-alternative --config ... thing
[14:09] <asac> 1
[14:09] <gnomefreak> Lava: the update-alternatives command he gave you
[14:09] <Lava> ok, did it
[14:09] <asac> if that doesn help, run the find command above
[14:09] <gnomefreak> restart browser and try your flash site
[14:10] <gnomefreak> to test
[14:11] <gnomefreak> too many names?
[14:11] <asac> ?
[14:11] <gnomefreak> your asac_
[14:11] <gnomefreak> he just left
[14:11] <asac> yeah ... back to normal
[14:11] <asac> i had a reconnect
[14:11] <gnomefreak> ah
[14:12] <gnomefreak> Lava: does it work>
[14:12] <gnomefreak> asac: ill be right back i have kernel update that needs reboot
[14:12] <Lava> now i see a white square without the play button
[14:12] <gnomefreak> btw kernel updates for hardy
[14:12] <asac> Lava: where?
[14:13] <Lava> upside is that at least i can see the titles now
[14:13] <Lava> the place where the movie should be is blank
[14:13] <Lava> he doesn't ask for missing plugins as well anymore
[14:13] <Lava> we're making progress :D
[14:13] <asac> Lava: open about:plugins now
[14:14] <Lava> done
[14:14] <asac> (in the location bar)
[14:14] <asac> search for shockwave
[14:14] <asac> and tell which plugin is registered
[14:14] <asac> (File Name: ...)
[14:14] <Lava> File name: npwrapper.libflashplayer.so
[14:14] <Lava> Shockwave Flash 9.0 r124
[14:14] <Lava> MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled
[14:14] <Lava> application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash swf Yes
[14:14] <Lava> application/futuresplash FutureSplash Player spl Yes
[14:14] <asac> yeah thats correct
[14:15] <asac> did you use flashblock at some point?
[14:15] <Lava> GUYS
[14:15] <Lava> terrifix
[14:15] <Lava> its working all of a sudden
[14:15] <asac> ok
[14:16] <asac> most likely you needed a reload
[14:16] <Lava> thanks a lot
[14:16] <Lava> enjoy the sun sudomasters ^^
[14:16] <asac> yeah
[14:16] <asac> bye
[14:20] <gnomefreak> fixed?
[14:23] <asac> yes
[14:24] <fta> 220 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 13 not upgraded.
[14:24] <fta> Need to get 148MB of archives.
[14:24] <gnomefreak> asac: what was the white?
[14:24] <gnomefreak> fta: that to intrepid?
[14:24] <fta> 3792 pkg waiting in the i386 queue in the build farm
[14:24] <fta> yep
[14:25] <fta> the flood started yesterday night
[14:25] <fta> https://edge.launchpad.net/+builds
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[14:33] <gnomefreak> thats odd
[14:34] <gnomefreak> how did that happen
[15:03] <gnomefreak> asac: bug 214817 was caused by google API :)
[15:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 214817 in firefox-3.0 "When I close a tab that has a Gmail page loaded, firefox crashes" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/214817
[15:05] <gnomefreak> hmmmmmm i love when peoeple reply
[15:13] <gnomefreak> mother fucker
[15:14] <gnomefreak> asac: whats the chances you can find https://edge.launchpad.net/~israel2k9
[15:17] <gnomefreak> asac: he is spamming bug reports with using songbird fixes it even when it cant be determined what is causing the issue
[15:41] <gnomefreak> ok upgrade started ill be gone for a while.
[15:45] <asac_> gnomefreak: yeah ... nice chap
[15:45] <asac_> i am off for today
[15:45] <asac_> getting some more rest
[17:08] <Sergeant_Pony> how come on my windows version of tb gnupg can't be found? is it something seperate that needs to be installed besides openpgp?
[17:47] <asac> Sergeant_Pony: ? you need gnupg on windows, yes.
[18:16] <Sergeant_Pony> ok, thanks
[19:24] <gnomefreak> can you carry your key over as well?
[19:32] <asac> should be possible, yes.
[19:33] <gnomefreak> i think im borked already
[19:33] <gnomefreak> lsb_release doesnt work (yes i know its stupid)
[19:37] <gnomefreak> there ive downgraded everything but seamonkey xul-2.0 and tb3 :)
[19:38] <asac> xul-2.0 is probably not good ;)
[19:38] <gnomefreak> its needed for seamonkey-2.0
[19:38] <gnomefreak> i still have 1.9 and 1.8
[19:41] <fta> no xul 2.0 is only used by ff 4
[19:41] <gnomefreak> ah thats why i have it
[19:42] <fta> sm2 doesn't even need xul 1.9 as it's not using xul sdk
[19:42] <gnomefreak> fta: lsb_release is borked i dont know how you got it to work
[19:42] <fta> same for tb3
[19:42] <gnomefreak> why not? upstream choice?
[19:43] <fta> fta@ix:~ $ lsb_release -c
[19:43] <fta> Codename: intrepid
[19:43] <gnomefreak> hmmmmmmm
[19:43] <fta> not upstream choice, i'd say it's not ready
[19:43] <gnomefreak> lsb_release says no modules
[19:44] <fta> it always said that
[19:44] <gnomefreak> oh maybe it was you that said it on the install --enable-static bug
[19:44] <gnomefreak> -a works too
[19:45] <gnomefreak> did i need the fta versions of nss and nspr for ff4 sm2 or tb3?
[19:45] <fta> yes, as per the deps
[19:46] <gnomefreak> what i may do is turn other box into testing PPA
[19:46] <gnomefreak> i just downgraded them and nothing uninstalled
[19:46] <fta> ?
[19:47] <gnomefreak> downgraded libnss libnspr back to hardy/intrepid versions and nothing uninstalled as in ff4 tb3 sm2
[19:47] <gnomefreak> ok ff4 still works
[19:47] <fta> hm, oh maybe i just forced build-deps, hold on
[19:48] <fta> yes, that's it
[19:57] <gnomefreak> do you happen to know the exact files i need to transfer to windows pc for gnupg key?
[19:58] * gnomefreak may try this today
[20:01] <fta> use export instead
[20:02] <gnomefreak> export?
[20:03] <fta> --export or --export-secret-keys or --export-secret-subkeys depending on what you want to di
[20:03] <fta> do
[20:03] <fta> you may want to --armor them for transfer too
[20:03] <fta> then --import on the other side
[20:04] <gnomefreak> i just want to sign messages in tb for win
[20:05] <fta> using your unix key ?
[20:05] <fta> sorry, i don't have the context
[20:05] <gnomefreak> yeah
[20:05] <gnomefreak> there isnt anything on it either on wiki.
[20:06] <gnomefreak> that pony guy left before i could ask him
[20:06] <fta> just exporting and importing should work
[20:07] <gnomefreak> ill check wiki thanks
[20:09] <gnomefreak> like this export GPGKEY=D8FC66D2
[20:09] <gnomefreak> no thats not my key
[20:10] <gnomefreak> Sergeant_Pony: just export key and import on other side with windows?
[20:10] <fta> i do: gpg --export --armor B6EE20E8
[20:11] <fta> for my public key
[20:11] <gnomefreak> and just take that file to win?
[20:11] <fta> yes
[20:11] <gnomefreak> ok its worth a try
[20:11] <gnomefreak> thanks
[20:11] <fta> you also need your private key
[20:12] <Sergeant_Pony> I took it directly from the keyserver so I have all my keys on both setups
[20:12] <fta> same command but with --export-secret-keys
[20:12] <gnomefreak> hmmmmm
[20:14] <gnomefreak> gpg --export --armor 3C1C3C2A should it make a file?
[20:15] <fta> no, stdout
[20:15] <fta> just redirect to a file or copy / paste
[20:15] <gnomefreak> ok
[20:15] <fta> the armor part make it transportable
[20:15] <fta> it's designed to send keys by email
[20:16] <fta> but never email your private key ;)
[20:28] <gnomefreak> ok ill be back im gonna try this
[20:46] <fta> Jazzva, the blue background in favicons changed again, it has an effect now :)
[20:46] <Jazzva> fta: Noticed ... looks prettier :)
[20:46] <fta> indeed
[20:46] <Jazzva> now, if it could just follow the theme color settings :)
[20:47] <fta> it follows larry's conventions
[20:47] <Jazzva> larry?
[20:47] <fta> click on it
[20:47] <fta> the cop is called larry
[20:47] <Jazzva> Oh, I see :)
[20:49] <Jazzva> asac: On my way to set up Debian as VM :)... And studying, while waiting for the download to finish.
[21:08] <fta> asac, the tb3 guys answered the unix/packages-static bug
[21:08] <fta> and they rejected the patch
[21:19] <Sergeant_Pony> anyone have tb setup with openpgp?
[23:24] <blinkiz> I really want to get rid of this slowness with ff 3.0b5 and ubuntu hardy 8.04. Have a new installation of hardy and a completely clean firefox profile without any addons (except the one ubuntu puts in.). Please help me troubleshot my complete freezes on my complete system (not just firefox process) for maybe 5 seconds when I surf some sites. In general, everything takes a second longer. Switching between tabs take 2
[23:24] <blinkiz> seconds and so
[23:24] <blinkiz> I got complete system freezes when I surf on some sites. On other sites it's just 1 seconds slowdown or something. Like http://www.armada.nu. Switching between the links on that sites and my ubuntu freezes for maybe 5 seconds first time, comes alive, and freezes maybe 5 seconds again.
[23:46] <asac> blinkiz: please test mozillatewam ppa xulrunner 1.9
[23:47] <asac> it fixes a CPU/IO bug
[23:47] <asac> blinkiz: read bug 215728
[23:47] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 215728 in firefox-3.0 "[MASTER] Committing to urlclassifier3.sqlite causes excessive CPU usage and disk I/O" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215728
[23:49] <[reed]> other changes vs. upstream: we move default pref for cache size from
[23:49] <[reed]> browser/ to toolkit/
[23:49] <[reed]> why?
[23:50] <asac> [reed]: because otherwise we also need to push firefox for this change
[23:51] <[reed]> ah
[23:51] <asac> [reed]: and the defaults should be shipped by tookit/ anyway
[23:51] <asac> dcamp sort of agreed to this
[23:51] <asac> e.g. urlclassifier. default setting -> toolkit browser.safebrowsing -> browser/
[23:52] <asac> Ill review the settings and suggest a patch to move them
[23:52] <asac> unless the default is browser specific of course :)