UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /03 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd
[15:53] <ffm> Can you get a IRC cloak for ubuntu if you arn't an ubuntu member, but contribute a bit?
[15:54] <elkbuntu> nope, that would be impossible to manage.
[15:55] <ffm> kk.
=== juliux_ is now known as juliux
[16:45] <[ArtuR]> привет
[16:45] <[ArtuR]> русские есть?
[16:45] <Myrtti> !ru
[16:45] <ubottu> Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[16:45] <Myrtti> see topic
[16:46] <[ArtuR]> Myrtti ok, but i'm banned on ubuntu-ru and need help
[16:48] <juliux> [ArtuR], contact the ops from #ubuntu-ru and ask why you are banned
[16:48] <[ArtuR]> juliux how i contact they?
[16:49] <juliux> /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-ru list
[16:49] <juliux> and you will see all ops
[16:51] <[ArtuR]> and?
[16:51] <Myrtti> /msg one of the persons on the list
[16:51] <[ArtuR]> ok, thanks
[16:53] <[ArtuR]> i see "No such nick/channel"
[16:54] <juliux> then he is not online atm
[16:54] <[ArtuR]> ok
[16:54] <[ArtuR]> bye
[17:32] <highvoltage> QUESTION: How stable is KVM compared to VMWare and Xen, and how does it compare performance wise?
[17:36] <Nafallo> highvoltage: totally the wrong channel? :-)
[17:36] <highvoltage> woops
[17:36] <highvoltage> ah, win 4, not 14 :)
[17:36] <highvoltage> sorry
[17:36] <Nafallo> hehe. no worries :-)
[17:43] <Wizard> good evening
[17:44] <Wizard> i have a problem with ubuntu-pl channel operators
[17:44] <Wizard> they used a hostmask to ban me, and that automaticaly baned users from my server..
[17:45] <Wizard> channel operator does not want talk to me and does not want to change ban to user specific
[17:45] <Wizard> freenode staff send me here..
[17:45] <Wizard> what should i do?
[17:49] <PriceChild> Hey Wizard.
[17:49] <nalioth> Wizard: patience is required
[17:49] <Wizard> yeah, patience
[17:49] <nalioth> this is the proper channel to take care of this ( they cannot help you in #freenode )
[17:50] <Wizard> i understand they banned my, but why my users are banned also?
[17:50] <Wizard> i don't understand why peple chatting from my network have to pay for my mistakes
[17:51] <nalioth> this happens quite a bit, when folks share one shell or IP
[17:51] <Wizard> is there a way to change this situation, op does not want to talk to me
[17:53] <Wizard> i just want to change my ban to user specific, so other people may chat freely on #ubuntu-pl
[17:53] <nalioth> i have invited him here
[17:54] <Wizard> ok
[17:58] <czester> nalioth: Is there a problem? You've called ju-rek but he's busy.
[17:58] <nalioth> czester: can you help Wizard ?
[17:58] <czester> nalioth: How can I help him?
[17:58] <nalioth> Wizard: poke
[17:58] <Wizard> by changing ban rules
[17:59] <Wizard> so users from my network can join #ubuntu-pl again
[17:59] <czester> You know why ju-rek has banned you.
[17:59] <Wizard> not only me, but all my users
[17:59] <czester> Wizard: What users from your network?
[17:59] <Wizard> kretu for example
[18:00] <czester> Wizard: Were there any other users from your network?
[18:00] <Wizard> yeah
[18:00] <Wizard> i told you about one hour before that i'm running shell server
[18:00] <czester> Wizard: You, Torin, arachnist and kretu came tu #ubuntu-pl just to make fun @ us and do some mess.
[18:00] <Wizard> ?
[18:01] <czester> You have to be responsible for your actions then.
[18:01] <czester> You should have listened when we were asking nicely.
[18:01] <Wizard> why do my users have to be responsible for my behavior?
[18:02] <Wizard> please, change that ban to me only
[18:02] <czester> One user who had no other purpose on #ubuntu-pl than laugh at other users. Seems fair enough to me.
[18:02] <nalioth> Wizard: are Torin, arachnist, and kretu 'your users' ?
[18:02] <Wizard> nope, only kretu
[18:02] <czester> nalioth: His friends.
[18:02] <Wizard> bah
[18:02] <czester> nalioth: And they came with him to the channel.
[18:03] <Wizard> i'm running a shell server..
[18:03] <czester> nalioth: They consider themselves power users and laugh at others.
[18:03] <Wizard> many users use irssi and weechat on freenode..
[18:03] <Wizard> maybe it's all my fault, but i ask you to change that ban
[18:04] <nalioth> Wizard: i suspect you will have to answer your users when they ask 'why?'
[18:04] <Wizard> as you wish
[18:04] <Wizard> so i assume the answer is 'no'?
[18:05] <czester> Wizard: We will take the ban off after some time. Fair enough?
[18:05] <nalioth> when a shell server is abused, the abusive user(s) are usually removed
[18:05] <Wizard> you rule there, i have nothing else to say
[18:05] <nalioth> in this case, i don't see that happening
[18:06] <Wizard> thank you for your help nalioth :)
[18:07] <Wizard> i will wait until the ban expires
[18:08] <czester> Ban changed
[18:08] <czester> It should be good.
[18:08] <Wizard> ok, thank you czester :)
[18:09] <nalioth> thanks czester
[18:09] <czester> But if such happens again - there will be no mercy.
[18:11] <nalioth> as it should be :|
[18:12] <czester> Do such problems happen often on other ubuntu-* channels?
[18:18] <nalioth> yes
[18:18] <nalioth> and all over the network
[18:29] <czester> Bye
[18:36] <nalioth> anyone around from #ubuntu-ar ?
[19:10] <PriceChild> nalioth: is that wrt -ar-cafe?
[19:10] <nalioth> PriceChild: already taken care of
[19:10] <nalioth> massive bot swarm joined and then caught a train
[19:13] <Myrtti> I actually think all loco channels should have atleast one of their ops here
[19:13] <Myrtti> but I told that before
[19:14] <nalioth> patience
[19:14] * Nafallo waves
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[22:22] <Nafallo> soren: mugaX bannad from -dk av en bra anledning? :-)
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[22:42] <soren> Nafallo: Hm?
[22:42] <Nafallo> soren: kom till -se och fragade om vi inte kunde prata danska och sa dumheter. slutade nar en person blev opad :-)
[22:43] <Nafallo> dumheter jag inte tanker repetera men som har med WWII att gora.
[22:43] <soren> Nafallo: Han er en komplet idiot. Han kommer forbi #ubuntu-dk i ny og næ.
[22:43] <soren> Nafallo: Eller rettere: Det gjorde han.
[22:44] <Nafallo> oki. trodde val det :-)
[22:44] <Nafallo> tack
[22:45] <soren> Nafallo: Hvornår var han i #ubuntu-se?
[22:45] <Nafallo> soren: en liten stund sedan. medans jag var och hamtade pizza :-)
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01