UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /03 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
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[17:09] <Konam> hi
[17:10] <Konam> I want to know where can I download the documentation for Hardy, I know where it is online but I like to keep the PDF
[17:14] <bcnaat> I believe that its still a work in progress, not even sure that its available in pdf format
[17:15] <Konam> bcnaat ok, but where is the page to get it for older versions (so I keep track when the Hardy version come out)
[17:15] <bcnaat> I'm searching now...
[17:16] <Konam> bcnaat me too
[17:18] <bcnaat> https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/
[17:18] <bcnaat> looks like the pdf option stops at 6.10 unless its hiding somewhere *frown*
[17:20] <bcnaat> hardy was released 4/24/08, if that's what you're needing
[17:25] <dsas> Yeah we stopped producing PDFs when we changed the way we write help to be "topic based" rather than one big guide.
[17:26] <bcnaat> is there a way to download the whole docbook onto your system in case you don't have internet and need to find an answer?
[17:27] <dsas> bcnaat: It already is.
[17:27] <dsas> bcnaat: It's in System and then Help
[17:27] <bcnaat> duh on me *frown*
[17:27] <bcnaat> I stay connected all the time and tend to research online for answers
[17:28] <dsas> heh me too.
[17:28] <Konam> I think we all do
[17:29] <Konam> dsas so now the big guide is only on the desktop help but not in only in the ubuntu docs?
[17:30] <dsas> Konam: I'm not sure I understand your question. We don't produce a big guide as such any more. But all of the ubuntu desktop help we do produce is in the system docs and on help.ubuntu.com
[17:30] <bcnaat> Konam: yes, everything that you see on the site is actually included in your systems help files.
[17:31] <Konam> dsas the thing is that I'm looking for the PDF of the ubuntu-server, I don't have such a built in help on the server
[17:31] <bcnaat> dsas: when the help files are updated, they are included in updates through update manager, correct?
[17:34] <Konam> here is the online server guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html
[17:36] <dsas> bcnaat: yes
[17:36] <dsas> Konam: No such thing exists.
[17:36] <Konam> dsas since I will install the server on a vm I will be able to read the online doc but it will be good to have the PDF availabe
[17:36] <dsas> sorry, i'm on my way out. bye
[17:39] <bcnaat> Konam: maybe you could make your own? Here's a link to try http://wiki.docbook.org/topic/DocBookPublishingTools
[17:39] <DougieRichardson> konam: you could us dblatex from our xml's
[17:40] <Konam> bcnaat I thought about it but I need a lib to build it for me, you know, like use all the html links and build it, I don't know if that's possible or somethin of the sort
[17:40] <Konam> DougieRichardson I do it if you tell me how
[17:41] <DougieRichardson> ok, first install dblatex from the repos
[17:43] <DougieRichardson> then pull down the doc source from https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/
[17:43] <DougieRichardson> go to the server guide and dblatex filename.xml will create a pdf from the xml
[17:52] <bcnaat> how do you pull the doc source?
[17:52] <Konam> DougieRichardson dblatex filename.xml is the command I have to use? that simple?
[17:55] <DougieRichardson> konam: yes
[17:56] <DougieRichardson> bcnaat: you will need bzr installed
[17:56] <DougieRichardson> then follow the commands on https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-doc/ubuntu-hardy
[17:56] <bcnaat> installed it, thanks.
[17:57] <DougieRichardson> i wont promise it'll be too pretty, lol
[17:57] <DougieRichardson> it took a fair bit of tweaking with the desktop training project, lol
[17:58] <Konam> DougieRichardson I'm already there, downloading dblatex, but I have to know if it is a heavy and prolonged process so I know if have to start in at night
[17:58] <DougieRichardson> it's 33 mb with all deps
[18:01] <bcnaat> dblatex didn't take long to download/install but the docs are taking a bit
[18:03] <DougieRichardson> that's bzr for you
[18:03] <Konam> DougieRichardson it won't be pretty in which sense? I thought that that was the way you built the latest PDF files
[18:03] <Konam> ?
[18:05] <DougieRichardson> dblatex is not as flexible with formatting as I would like it to be. It produces good pdf output though
[18:07] <bcnaat> that should be interesting. I'm still learning how to use wiki
[18:10] <DougieRichardson> i just tried the server guide and it generates an error - my bad
[18:10] <DougieRichardson> if you give me till tommorrow i'll sort it out and post a pdf of the current server guide on my webpage for you
[18:11] <DougieRichardson> it works fine with every other file in there as well!!
[18:17] <Konam> DougieRichardson ok, I would really appreciate that :)
[18:18] <DougieRichardson> ok, save you looking it up - http://blog.lynxworks.eu/
[18:22] <Konam> ok
[18:29] <DougieRichardson> nickellery: i was just about to email you!
[18:29] <nickellery> DougieRichardson: hi there
[18:30] <DougieRichardson> you know your tech patch for games.xml?
[18:31] <nickellery> yes
[18:33] <DougieRichardson> there was a spec last year to review games.xml completely
[18:33] <DougieRichardson> because it's essentially a big list of games
[18:34] <nickellery> so.. did I do a good or bad thing reviewing it?
[18:35] <DougieRichardson> no no its a good review
[18:35] <nickellery> thats good to hear
[18:35] <nickellery> any suggestions on what to review next?
[18:35] <DougieRichardson> just wondered if you felt like developing it a bit further
[18:36] <DougieRichardson> expanding the section on wine/cedega for example
[18:36] <nickellery> I'm not too experienced with cedega, but I have a little knowledge of WINE
[18:36] <nickellery> what needs to be expanded about it?
[18:38] <DougieRichardson> just whatever you think, from the perspective of someone migrating from windows - any ideas, discuss them with the mailing list
[18:39] <nickellery> alright... do you think that enough games have been mentioned?
[18:39] <nickellery> Perhaps that can be expanded too
[18:46] <DougieRichardson> whatever you feel might be an improvement. Nobody took this on as a task for 7.04
[18:46] <nickellery> Alright, I'll have a look and see what I can come up with
[18:48] <DougieRichardson> great
[18:52] <nickellery> how about provided info about all the games with a 4 or 5 star rating that haven't been mentioned yet?
[19:08] <DougieRichardson> nick: sounds like a good idea
[19:10] <nickellery> should i put together a summary of my ideas for the mailing list?
[19:18] <nickellery> Nevermind, I've already sent it out
[19:18] <nickellery> tell me what you think
[19:19] <DougieRichardson> ok
[20:13] <j1mc> is anyone around?
[20:20] <DougieRichardson> yes
[20:20] <j1mc> Hi DougieRichardson ... i've squished down the xubuntu-doc structure per mdke's suggestion, and everything is bombing out when i go to validate.
[20:21] <j1mc> i think it's in the XSL, but i don't really know much about xsl.
[20:21] <DougieRichardson> what's the first error from the validate
[20:21] <j1mc> DougieRichardson: good question. there are so many errors, that i can't even scroll up to the first error to check it out.
[20:21] <DougieRichardson> lol
[20:22] <j1mc> and doing a pipe or grep on the validation output doesn't work.
[20:23] <DougieRichardson> try using the carat
[20:23] <j1mc> carat? how so?
[20:23] <DougieRichardson> i.e. cat `validate.sh filename.sh`
[20:23] <j1mc> ok
[20:23] <DougieRichardson> i.e. cat `validate.sh filename.xml` rather
[20:23] <j1mc> right... brb
[20:24] <DougieRichardson> わたしわ
[20:24] <DougieRichardson> sorry
[20:24] <DougieRichardson> wrong screen
[20:34] <j1mc> DougieRichardson: hm, i'm trying this: `./validate.sh ../index.xml` > ~/errors.txt
[20:34] <j1mc> but it is not working
[20:35] <j1mc> sorry... with "cat" at the front
[20:35] <DougieRichardson> ok well what's the earliest error you can see?
[20:36] <j1mc> Validating ../index.xml ...
[20:36] <j1mc> ../index.xml:5: warning: failed to load external entity "../../libs/global.ent"
[20:36] <j1mc> ah, i guess it is giving me the first error.
[20:37] <DougieRichardson> oh wait a minute - you can use the -o filename option to output to a file: try validate.sh -o errors filename.xml
[20:38] <DougieRichardson> yes that looks like a path error - are you checking the first file in the hierarchy?
[20:40] <j1mc> DougieRichardson: well, when i correct the path error to have the index.xml file correctly map to the global.ent file, that is when i get so many errors that i can't see all of them.
[20:41] <j1mc> (when i provide the correct path to all of my .ent files...)
[20:43] <DougieRichardson> send me your index.xml
[20:47] <j1mc> sent.
[20:48] <j1mc> xubuntu docs are a bit weird in that it's not really valid docbook. we're set up to use xinclude to pull all of the various files together into one big megafile.
[20:49] <DougieRichardson> i see - give me a second. the kettle just pinged
[20:50] <j1mc> so individual files won't validate, but everything works if index.xml validates.
[20:50] <j1mc> if you want to pull down the xubuntu docs - it only takes about a minute.
[20:51] <j1mc> bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-doc/xubuntu-intrepid
[20:51] <DougieRichardson> ok - btw are those identitied meant to be absolute?
[20:51] <j1mc> "those identified" ... can you explain?
[20:52] <DougieRichardson> whoops i mean your references to the entities
[20:53] <j1mc> they were absolute (and they validated) in the hardy docs, so i guess that they are meant to be absolute.
[20:54] <DougieRichardson> ok - give me a couple of minutes to look it over, fresh eys and all that
[20:55] <j1mc> thanks, DougieRichardson. i appreciate your help.
[20:56] <j1mc> without getting these errors resolved, no one can really proceed to work on other changes to the docs.
[21:03] <DougieRichardson> i see the problem - it's the references to the entities that are messed up. Has there been a change to the directory structure?
[21:03] <j1mc> yes
[21:03] <j1mc> we squished things down per mdke's request/suggestion
[21:04] <j1mc> the ref's to the entities in the index.xml file?
[21:04] <DougieRichardson> no all the refs have an extra ../ that they don't need
[21:04] <j1mc> can you provide a file name that has this problem?
[21:05] <DougieRichardson> all of them! every section!
[21:06] <j1mc> ok.... cool. :)
[21:06] <j1mc> i will fix them... that, i can handle :)
[21:06] <j1mc> thanks, DougieRichardson
[21:06] <DougieRichardson> no worries
[21:06] <j1mc> btw, do you speak japanese? i noticed the hiragana earlier.
[21:07] <DougieRichardson> i'm learning to but very badly, lol
[21:07] <DougieRichardson> i was messing about preparing a page on IME for the wiki
[21:07] <j1mc> ah, ok. i used to know some, but i'm quite out of practice.
[21:07] <j1mc> i lived in japan as an exchange student in the summer of 1992.
[21:08] <j1mc> anyway, thanks again for your help. i very much appreciate it.
[21:08] <DougieRichardson> i'm terrible because i used rosetta stone to learn to speak so if things aren't spelt how i hear them i get it wrong
[21:08] <DougieRichardson> exchange in japan would have been cool
[21:09] <j1mc> ah... fortunately japanese pronunciation / spelling is usually pretty consistent, at least from what i remember.
[21:09] <j1mc> have a good day!
[21:14] <DougieRichardson> cheers
[21:18] <DougieRichardson> there are also some missing references to gnome menu entries, particularly in windows/glossary.xml
[21:20] <DougieRichardson> ah i see - were the gnome entities changed to xubuntu entities?
[21:29] <j1mc> DougieRichardson: i'll have to check that out. i don't recall off of the top of my head.
[21:30] <DougieRichardson> i've got the thing to pass validate if you want me to push it
[21:40] <j1mc> DougieRichardson: sure. that would be very nice of you.
[21:41] <DougieRichardson> ok, if you don't mind!
[21:42] <j1mc> i'll look over your changes, but i'm sure they'll be ok. if not, it would be easy to change back.
[21:43] <DougieRichardson> ok mate I've pushed it
[21:46] <j1mc> thanks, DougieRichardson :)
[21:46] <DougieRichardson> no worries - i'm off for a coffee, lol
[21:49] <j1mc> you rock, DougieRichardson. thanks.
[21:49] <DougieRichardson> ttfn
[22:04] <prvul> Hi! I need help regarding wiki, is this the right place?
[22:06] <nickellery> it might be, whats your question?
[22:07] <prvul> I am a member of serbian loco team. We want to move on official ubuntu wiki
[22:07] <prvul> and need some guide for that
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[23:23] <PriceChild> Noticed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=780216 just want to clarify where to suggest they report it? (Isn't broken in system help)
[23:36] <LaserJock> PriceChild: file a bug against ubuntu-docs?
[23:37] <PriceChild> LaserJock: thanks, from the Doc team page mentioned in the topic I figured that was for the package in ubuntu.
[23:38] <LaserJock> hmm
[23:38] <LaserJock> it is
[23:38] <LaserJock> but we build the help.ubuntu.com pages from the same files
[23:38] <LaserJock> so it's likely a problem there
[23:39] <LaserJock> PriceChild: I guess better would be to file a bug against the ubuntu-doc project
[23:40] <LaserJock> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-doc/+filebug
[23:41] <PriceChild> LaserJock: thanks very much :) Will post that advice to them and ask to post a link to the bug in the thread to get them involved, and if not will do it myself after a day or so.