UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /02 /#ubuntu-x.txt
Initial commit
=== Hasone_ is now known as Hasone
[06:38] <tjaalton> ugh, my stomach..
[07:52] <bryce> tjaalton: :-)
[07:53] <tjaalton> getting better ;)
[07:53] <tjaalton> but I had to skip breakfast
[07:54] <bryce> better have plenty of water
[07:54] <tjaalton> yeah
[07:57] <bryce> I think the openweek session went well, lots of good questions
[07:58] <bryce> not yet evidence of new contributors, but of course there's lots of time yet
[07:59] <tjaalton> I lurked there for a while
[08:02] <tjaalton> but was feeling a bit tired, so didn't raise my voice
[08:02] <bryce> no prob, hopefully I didn't get anything too wrong
[08:03] <tjaalton> I'll check the logs now :)
[08:05] <tjaalton> the OneSecondX fixes should be in xserver 1.5
[08:05] <tjaalton> at least some of them
=== rzr is now known as zRr
[08:33] <bryce> heya Q-FUNK
[08:33] <Q-FUNK> hey
[08:34] <Q-FUNK> bryce: what's up? :)
[08:35] <bryce> Q-FUNK: at the moment working on prepping an sru for some -intel quirks, and rebuilding my dev box
[08:35] <Q-FUNK> ok
[08:36] <Q-FUNK> any news on merging the PCI ID patch to add support for "geode" ?
[08:36] <bryce> Q-FUNK: hey btw Marc Tardif mentioned that maddog was very pleased with how things turned out with geode
[08:36] <bryce> "This is all thanks to the combined efforts
[08:36] <bryce> of David Bensimon, Bryce Harrington and Martin-Éric Racine."
[08:36] <Q-FUNK> bryce: obviously he was. they made poor Jordan jumpt through hoops to produce a libDDC patch overnight.
[08:37] <Q-FUNK> (or well, maddog did, when he pressured AMD's VP)
[08:37] <tjaalton> Q-FUNK: the patch is waiting in git
[08:37] <Q-FUNK> btw, I finally reached an agreement with Jordan to release that patch as a new upstream, if we need to, to really close this issue.
[08:38] <Q-FUNK> (the libDDC patch)
[08:38] <bryce> cool
[08:39] <Q-FUNK> my question to you both: which one would be more acceptable as an SRU: running autoconf ourselves on a patched 2.8.0 or having upstream do that for us on what we would call 2.9.0 ?
[08:39] <bryce> what would running autoconf attain?
[08:40] <Q-FUNK> we need to regenerate the symbols to get the build to take into consideration a new geode_ddc.c
[08:41] <bryce> ok, what does the new geode_ddc.c do?
[08:41] <Q-FUNK> doing this ourselves on a home-patched 2.8.0 produces a pointlessly huge diff, just for the new config.sub & co
[08:41] <bryce> right
[08:42] <Q-FUNK> it replaces reliance upon BIOS environment to produce EDID with the X.org libddc that performs the same in a BIOS-free way. it's what fixes it for Koolu.
[08:42] <bryce> if it can wait until 8.04.1 I think that sounds like it'd give decent justification for 2.9.0; assuming that 2.9.0 is mostly bug fix (and maybe reasonably safe/lightweight feature work)
[08:44] <Q-FUNK> we'd only bump the minor because we replaced code segments with a different implementation. basically, 2.9.0 would indeed be applying that libDDC patch that's already attached to the bug, then doing autoreconf
[08:44] <Q-FUNK> and that's all
[08:45] <Q-FUNK> we'd move the goal to complete OLPC integration to the next upstream
[08:45] <Q-FUNK> but then that would be for intrepid
[08:45] <bryce> then it sounds like getting 2.9.0 in for 8.04.1 should be pretty straightforward
[08:45] <bryce> getting it SRU'd though would probably be a challenge... they seem to prefer individual patches (and small ones), however the fix sounds quite appropriate in scope
[08:46] <Q-FUNK> well, either we run autoconf or upstream does. in either case, the code change itself is only that patch.
[08:47] <bryce> sru'ing the autoconf changes on the current 2.8.0 -amd would probably be a decent place to start. If the RM's balk at that, offering a packaged 2.9.0 would be a good fallback
[08:47] <bryce> worst case, we could probably fish out the exact Makefile.in changes needed to make the thing work.
[08:48] <bryce> maybe if we can show clearly that 2.9.0 is strictly just the one patch, the RM's would be amenable to that
[08:58] <Q-FUNK> hm... we'd need several Makefile.in, actually
[08:59] <Q-FUNK> and then if any moro decides to build from source, he'd have an out of sync Makefile.am and aclocal.m4
[09:04] <bryce> if we have to patch Makefile.in(s) individually, we'd need corresponding Makefile.am changes. I've done this before; it's a lot of work and quite error prone.
[09:05] <bryce> imho better to have a huge autoconf patch than take the risk of hand-crafted Makefile.[am|in] fixups, but whatever gets the job done I guess
[09:11] <Q-FUNK> I wouldn't take a risk with cherry picking files from an autoreconf. we really need to take the whole change as a lot.
[09:11] <Q-FUNK> btw, if you want to compare a pristine 2.8.0 with one that has autoreconf, debian has a +git release
[09:13] <Q-FUNK> I used the libtool, autoconf and automake from Hardy to produce it
[09:43] <Q-FUNK> added as comment to the bug
[09:44] <Q-FUNK> bryce: btw, where did this message by Marc pop out?
[09:45] <Q-FUNK> tjaalton: is the comming for the geode PCI ID made as "geode" or "amd" ?
[09:46] <Q-FUNK> tjaalton: upstream and I would prefer "geode"
[09:49] <bryce> heya james_w
[09:49] <bryce> Q-FUNK: was a private email
[09:49] <james_w> hi bryce
[09:49] <james_w> how are you?
[09:49] <bryce> james_w: doing good. you?
[09:49] <james_w> good thanks
[09:52] <tjaalton> Q-FUNK: geode
[10:01] <Q-FUNK> bryce: ok. it's at least good to know that my efforts are appreciated.
[10:06] <bryce> Q-FUNK: I'll forward you the entire email
[10:07] <Q-FUNK> ah, that would be nice. thanks! :)
[10:17] <bryce> sent
[10:17] <Q-FUNK> pretty nice email indeed