UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /02 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <fta> tb3, that part of the code is common to all, it's xul
[00:01] <gnomefreak> oh i thought the dialogs were differnet so the code would be as well
[00:13] <Volans> I go... bye bye
[01:48] <fta> damn, rikaichan is broken in the latest ff3
[02:06] <Jazzva> what is rikaichan?
[02:06] <fta> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search?q=rikaichan&cat=all
[02:06] <fta> i no longer see the popup
[02:07] <Jazzva> Is the error console reporting something meaningful?
[02:07] <fta> nope
[02:07] <Jazzva> Maybe it can be easily fixed :)
[02:07] <Jazzva> damn...
[02:07] <fta> it seems the popup is just hidden
[02:08] <fta> like a bad z axis or something like that
[02:08] <Jazzva> and the other ... perapera-kun? :)
[02:09] <fta> it's older now
[02:09] <Jazzva> aah...
[02:09] <fta> used to be fresher but the original catched up
[02:09] <fta> and improved
[02:10] <fta> it's a popular extension... for those learning japanese ;)
[02:11] <Jazzva> You are learning japanese? :)
[02:11] <Jazzva> wow... hard task
[02:11] <fta> yes
[02:11] <fta> started a long time ago
[02:11] <fta> now i'm learning chinese
[02:11] <Jazzva> good luck :)
[02:11] <fta> :)
[02:12] <fta> it's fun
[02:12] <fta> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3349
[02:13] <Jazzva> I believe it is.. One of my sisters studied japanese at the university, when I was a little kid. I wanted to learned japanese too, so I tried to learn katakana and I knew few sentences back then :)
[02:15] * fta wants rikaichan back !
[02:16] <fta> i don't practice enough so i'm loosing my japanese :(
[02:17] <Jazzva> report to the developer(s) :)
[02:43] <fta> done
[02:46] <Jazzva> great :)
[02:47] <Jazzva> fixed it?
[02:52] <fta> no, i'm too tired to even try, i've reported it upstream
[02:52] <Jazzva> Heh :)... I'm trying to prepare wiki page for motu application...
[02:53] <fta> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9360/
[02:53] <Jazzva> Maybe it's a css problem :)...
[02:53] <Jazzva> If the popup is hidden somehow
[02:54] <Jazzva> ...or something other design-related
[02:55] <fta> maybe
[03:15] <fta> chinesepera-kun is broken too
[03:17] <Jazzva> And I'm finishing my first merge for intrepid :)...
[03:20] <fta> there's the libffi4 -> libffi5 transition preventing me to move ahead too
[03:21] <Jazzva> For what?
[03:21] <fta> 67 packages to be updated
[04:46] * blizzard joins and then goes to bed
[04:47] <dolske> hmpf, who knew? :)
=== rzr is now known as zRr
[09:24] <asac> mozilla bug 430955
[09:24] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 430955 in JavaScript Engine "jsfun.h uses JSArenaPool without including jsarena.h" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=430955
[09:27] <asac> mozilla bug 398810
[09:27] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 398810 in General "Remove MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH ifdefs from core on trunk" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=398810
[09:27] <asac> mozilla bug 398811
[09:27] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 398811 in Build Config "Remove MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH ifdefs from toolkit on trunk" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=398811
[09:43] <memtest> hi
[09:43] <memtest> i have a problem with thunderbird
[09:43] <memtest> i can recieve mail froma yahoo but i cannot send e-mail fromi ti
[09:46] <jms-irc> hi
[09:46] <memtest> hi
[09:46] <memtest> jms-irc can u help me with thunderbird?
[09:47] <jms-irc> dontknow
[09:47] <jms-irc> perhapsű
[09:47] <memtest> i can recieve mail froma yahoo but i cannot send e-mail fromi ti
[09:48] <memtest> i've insered the fight stmp server
[09:48] <memtest> but he ask me for a password i don't have
[09:48] <gnomefreak> did you add your yahoo info under manage identies
[09:49] <gnomefreak> excuse my typing its very early still
[09:49] <memtest> sure
[09:49] <memtest> i receve my mail
[09:49] <memtest> but i cannot send
[09:49] <gnomefreak> memtest: manage identies is just for sending
[09:50] <memtest> outgoing server STMP
[09:50] <memtest> i've add my yahoo
[09:50] <memtest> account
[09:50] <gnomefreak> memtest: thats not what i mean
[09:50] <memtest> oh
[09:50] <gnomefreak> open the account settings
[09:50] <memtest> done
[09:50] <gnomefreak> give me a minute to catch up
[09:50] <memtest> okok
[09:51] <gnomefreak> click on your yahoo name
[09:51] <memtest> yep
[09:51] <gnomefreak> look to the right under wher eyou would attach signature
[09:51] <memtest> manage identities
[09:51] <gnomefreak> outgoing server is set to what?
[09:52] <memtest> is the right one
[09:52] <gnomefreak> funny part it really doesnt matter
[09:52] <gnomefreak> click manage identies
[09:52] <gnomefreak> is your yahoo email in that box?
[09:52] <memtest> done
[09:52] <memtest> yes
[09:53] <gnomefreak> ummmmmmm what are you using for yahoo mail?
[09:53] <memtest> webmail+yahoo
[09:53] <memtest> u mean the addons?
[09:54] <gnomefreak> ok im still working on setting that up but check your outgoing port and your settings example can yahoo use tls
[09:54] <gnomefreak> i know hotmail cant
[09:54] <memtest> yahoo uses SSL
[09:54] <memtest> i checked on my account
[09:54] <memtest> port 465
[09:55] <gnomefreak> no webmail+yahoo is right, we dont carry support for yahoo or hotmail so without me setting it up and spending time playing with it its hard for me to tell you, you might want to try mozilla forums
[09:55] <memtest> ok
[09:55] <memtest> thank
[09:57] <jms-irc> :)
[09:57] <jms-irc> ok i've problem with ff3b5
[09:58] <jms-irc> and ff2 now
[09:58] <jms-irc> i'm create a html-based application with xml and javascript
[09:59] <gnomefreak> asac: you around yet?
[09:59] <gnomefreak> or fta
[09:59] <jms-irc> problem is: on ubuntu8.04 (fresh install) ff3b5 load function not works
[10:00] <jms-irc> NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI
[10:01] <asac> load function?
[10:01] <jms-irc> ahh
[10:01] <jms-irc> insert that rows
[10:01] <jms-irc> function test() { 2 var xmlDoc=""; 3 if (window.ActiveXObject) { 4 xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); 5 } else if (document.implementation.createDocument) { 6 xmlDoc=document.implementation.createDocument("","",null); 7 } else { 8 alert("Your browser doesnt support this script!"); 9 }10 xmlDoc.async=false;11alert("async");12 xmlDoc.load("./modelR.xml");13alert("loaded");1415 alert("function loaded successfully!");1
[10:01] <gnomefreak> asac: we dont have firefox-3.0-dbg
[10:01] <asac> still not sure that i understand
[10:01] <asac> gnomefreak: right
[10:02] <gnomefreak> jms-irc: what menu item are you using?
[10:02] <gnomefreak> asac: cant get backtraces without it
[10:02] <gnomefreak> atleast kind of helpful
[10:02] <asac> gnomefreak: -dbgsym
[10:02] <gnomefreak> martins repos?
[10:02] <asac> gnomefreak: now ... its ~ubuntu-archive now
[10:02] <asac> search the wiki
[10:03] <asac> jms-irc: so xmlDoc.load is broken?
[10:03] <jms-irc> look for on google
[10:03] <jms-irc> ya
[10:03] <jms-irc> but now answer
[10:03] <asac> what happens?
[10:03] <jms-irc> and still in 2006 the mor
[10:03] <asac> do you see any error in error console
[10:03] <jms-irc> ya
[10:04] <asac> that is?
[10:04] <jms-irc> Hiba: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Access to restricted URI denied" code: "1012" nsresult: "0x805303f4 (NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI)" location: "file:///home/james/K610i/ThemeEditor/tester/testR/testR.js Line: 12"]
[10:04] <asac> yeah
[10:05] <jms-irc> set async is ok, alert becomes
[10:05] <jms-irc> load("file") not works ,and alert not shown
[10:05] <asac> be sure that the file is on the same host as the javascript
[10:06] <jms-irc> :)
[10:06] <jms-irc> sure
[10:06] <gnomefreak> asac: its saying using normal ubuntu archives but its not there. search firefox-3.0 and you will see they are not there
[10:06] <gnomefreak> oh shit
[10:06] <gnomefreak> read it wrong
[10:06] <jms-irc> there is
[10:07] <jms-irc> have you got any idea?
[10:07] <asac> yes, don't try to use local files
[10:08] <jms-irc> why it's
[10:08] <jms-irc> before reinstall it worked
[10:08] <asac> but you say it doesn't work on ffox 2
[10:09] <jms-irc> i've removed ff3 and install ff2, and the sam fault
[10:10] <asac> maybe you disabled security checks in your profile once before the reinstall
[10:10] <jms-irc> check it..
[10:11] <jms-irc> nothing
[10:12] <asac> use remote host, if that still doesn't work one might see
[10:12] <gnomefreak> thats not good
[10:13] <asac> or file:/// uris
[10:13] <gnomefreak> shit brb rewriting email
[10:13] <asac> i'd guess it never worked unless you disabled security checks
[10:13] <gnomefreak> asac: xulrunner-dbg or -dgbsym needed?
[10:14] <asac> gnomefreak: none
[10:14] <gnomefreak> k
[10:14] <asac> xulrunner-1.9-dbgsym
[10:16] <jms-irc> -dbgsym??
[10:16] <jms-irc> dont see
[10:20] <gnomefreak> dont back out of an email after you hit send
[10:21] <gnomefreak> enigmail doesnt like it and keeps poping up password box all over the screen about 20 of them then you have about 2 minutes maybe 3 before it does it again
[10:26] <gnomefreak> ok i made a quick note on our wiki for firefox-3.0-dbgsyma nd xulrunner-1.9-dbgsym like i said quick not
[10:26] <gnomefreak> note
[10:28] <gnomefreak> im wondering if LP isnt recieveing my emails on bugs :(
[10:28] <asac> gnomefreak: takes some time
[10:29] <asac> for dbgsym use deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/ddebs/ hardy main universe
[10:29] <asac> in sources.list
[10:29] <gnomefreak> asac: but i answered a few from thursday or friday and there werent there the day after iirc but ill leave this bug up and go from there
[10:29] <gnomefreak> asac: thats not the one listed on the debugging site
[10:29] <asac> deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/ddebs/ hardy main universe
[10:29] <asac> thats good
[10:29] <asac> no idea whats listed on debugging site
[10:29] <gnomefreak> the 4 i listed is what it said :(
[10:30] <asac> i don't see you listing any ;)
[10:30] <gnomefreak> deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com hardy main universe
[10:30] <asac> at least not in this channel
[10:30] <asac> gnomefreak: yeah ... that might be better even
[10:30] <gnomefreak> updates proposed and security as well proposed isnt alive yet
[10:31] <gnomefreak> they look more official but if it works i dont care what its called
[10:31] <asac> lets use the official ones then ;)
[10:31] <gnomefreak> is there a mozilla channel on freenode?
[10:32] <gnomefreak> its #firefox
[10:32] <gnomefreak> not really what i wanted
[10:34] <gnomefreak> brb gonna test this set up
[10:38] <gnomefreak> nope it fails ill fix it when i have more time i guess its still early here
[10:39] <gnomefreak> brb smoke
[10:48] <gnomefreak> i sent it to bug 214817 is that right just send to bug ID (i used reply to send)
[10:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 214817 in firefox-3.0 "When I close a tab that has a Gmail page loaded, firefox crashes" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/214817
[10:49] <asac> gnomefreak: no idea ... maybe you have the wrong From amil
[10:49] <asac> email
[10:50] <gnomefreak> im using gnomefreak at gmail dot com that is the one i used for LP ID
[10:59] <gnomefreak> oh yeah forgot the smoke part
[11:01] <gnomefreak> asac: bug 225143 when removing gnash or flash can we have it remove the .so for that package? the bug i mentioned is perfect reason
[11:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 225143 in gnash "Shockwave is not visible." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/225143
[11:05] <asac> thats an alternative issue most likely
[11:07] <gnomefreak> so have them run update-alternative command?
[11:07] <gnomefreak> add htt to bug atleast
[11:07] <gnomefreak> that = htt
[11:08] <gnomefreak> to just do one what is it -config bleh bleh.so?
[11:09] <gnomefreak> its --config bleh
[11:12] <asac> yeah
[11:12] <asac> maybe ask them to post the output of --list (or whatever it is called)
[11:12] <asac> gnomefreak: ^^
[11:12] <asac> so we can see why the user had the problem
[11:13] <gnomefreak> list wants a option
[11:14] <gnomefreak> would it be iceape-flash mozilla-flash xulrunner-flash
[11:14] <gnomefreak> xulrunner-addons-flashplugin
[11:14] <gnomefreak> iceape-flashplugin <<< again for some reason
[11:15] <gnomefreak> firefox-flashplugin i think fits best
[11:21] <gnomefreak> setting up gnash atm to get a better idea
[11:29] <gnomefreak> we have 100% CPU when dragging bookmarks
[11:37] <gnomefreak> asac: can you reporduce bug 224966 ? i have tried over 20 times yesterday and today and im unable to reproduce it.
[11:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 224966 in gdm "X/GDM crash (segfault) by firefox using nVidia 169.12 drivers" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/224966
[11:38] <gnomefreak> they keep saying its firefox but i think its xorg
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[11:40] <gnomefreak> ok not sure if you go it but asac can you reproduce bug 224966
[11:40] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 224966 in gdm "X/GDM crash (segfault) by firefox using nVidia 169.12 drivers" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/224966
[11:55] <gnomefreak> ok ill be back i have a few things to take care of so i can get bugs done. Im gonna wait for my comment to show up on the bugs i replied to once its up than i know nothing is broke and they will get the replies
[12:03] <asac> gnomefreak: no nvidia here ;)
[12:06] <gnomefreak> i ddo and i cant crash shit
[12:06] <gnomefreak> anyone else here besides asac and myself
[12:07] <gnomefreak> maybe theres something else causing the crash besides X gdm or ff
[12:08] <gnomefreak> but if it is X or gdm than there is nothing that we can ask for that will make a difference besides the backtrace
[12:22] <gnomefreak> asac: seeker is ablet o reproduce this bug as well :( i hope he gives me something to work with
[12:35] <gnomefreak> why did they remove xulrunner from cache in apt already
[12:36] <gnomefreak> idea :) im bad lets try this
[12:48] <gnomefreak> asac: can i have that bug # please, the one i posted about X gdm and ff3 crash
[12:48] <asac> 224966
[12:48] <asac> bug 224966
[12:48] <asac> that one?
[12:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 224966 in gdm "X/GDM crash (segfault) by firefox using nVidia 169.12 drivers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/224966
[12:48] <gnomefreak> thanks
[12:48] <gnomefreak> thats it
[12:48] <asac> ok ... out for lunch
[12:48] <gnomefreak> have fun
[12:48] * gnomefreak gonna figure this out
[13:40] <fta> hi
[13:48] <gnomefreak> hi
[13:57] <fta> asac, any idea about the tb3 addons issue the gnomefreak has ? (confirmed here)
[13:57] <fta> <fta> Error: Components.classes['@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1'] is undefined
[13:57] <fta> <fta> Source File: chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.js
[13:57] <fta> <fta> Line: 844
[13:57] <fta> <
[13:57] <fta> http://mxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/content/extensions.js#882 ?
[14:00] <fta> asac_, ^^ ?
[14:02] <asac_> fta: ?
[14:02] <fta> <fta> asac, any idea about the tb3 addons issue the gnomefreak has ? (confirmed here)
[14:02] <fta> <fta> <fta> Error: Components.classes['@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1'] is undefined
[14:02] <fta> <fta> <fta> Source File: chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.js
[14:02] <fta> <fta> <fta> Line: 844
[14:02] <asac_> only thing i see from you is hi
[14:02] <fta> <fta> http://mxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/content/extensions.js#882 ?
[14:02] <asac_> ok
[14:02] <asac_> hmm i saw that error somewhere
[14:02] <asac_> any futher info that might help me to remember?
[14:03] <fta> just trying to install enigmail from amo into tb3
[14:03] <asac_> i aint have tb3 yet :)
[14:04] <asac_> but most likely its a trashed compreg.dat
[14:04] <asac_> is @mozilla.org/plugin/host;1 in your compreg.dat?
[14:05] <asac_> fta: gnomefreak ^^
[14:07] <fta> nope
[14:07] <asac_> fta: but you have other contract ids in there, right?
[14:07] <fta> yes
[14:12] <fta> asac_, http://pastebin.com/f50c82436
[14:12] <asac_> looks busted
[14:12] <asac_> fta: try to touch /usr/lib/thunderbird-3*/.autoreg
[14:13] <asac_> and start thunderbird again
[14:13] <fta> in fact, the addons ui is conmpletely broken
[14:13] <asac_> is compreg.dat recreated? maybe it has a difference afterwards?
[14:15] <fta> only a few
[14:16] <fta> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9472/
[14:20] <asac_> fta: plugin component not installed?
[14:20] <fta> hmm
[14:21] <fta> indeed, no plugin.xpt
[14:23] <asac_> fta: well ... in xul its punched into libxul ... so maybe take a look if its not included when building the tbird libxul
[14:23] <asac_> fta: you have a build log at hand?
[14:23] <fta> /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9pre/components/plugin.xpt
[14:24] <fta> /src/bzr/build-area/thunderbird-3.0-3.0~a1~cvs20080321t1547+nobinonly/mozilla/dist/bin/components/plugin.xpt
[14:24] <Jazzva> gnomefreak: About bug 224966, they said it crashes with or without compiz, but it doesn't crash on the older version of nvidia drivers. I think we could invalidate compiz, and add nvidia drivers package (is that nv?)...
[14:24] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 224966 in gdm "X/GDM crash (segfault) by firefox using nVidia 169.12 drivers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/224966
[14:24] <asac_> yeah ... most likely broken package file
[14:24] <fta> so my installer is incomplete
[14:24] <asac_> (e.g. mozilla packager.mk)
[14:25] <fta> i don't have compare rules for tb3, yet
[14:25] <asac_> fta: make install should install it
[14:25] <asac_> my guess is that make install was not properly updated upstream
[14:25] <fta> upstream rejected the installer patch
[14:25] <asac_> fta: you have the bug id again?
[14:26] <asac_> did they give hints about their idea?
[14:26] <fta> mozilla bug 420391
[14:26] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 420391 in Build Config "unix/packages-static for thunderbird (trunk)" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=420391
[14:26] <asac_> its still open at laest :)
[14:29] <asac_> fta: so does --enable-static work?
[14:30] <fta> we've discussed that and you said we sure don't want that
[14:30] <asac_> it depends. in the past --enable-static was broken. but maybe it works better now
[14:31] <asac_> if not we have at least a point to ask them to support share
[14:31] <asac_> d
[14:31] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: we cant since i use nvidia-glx-new
[14:31] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: im wondering if its not that the 8800 is too strong for the drivers
[14:34] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: maybe compiz yeah but if it is the drivers causing this than X would need to work around it since we cant do anything with drivers
[14:34] <Jazzva> sure... just saying that we should leave all options open... :)
[14:34] <Jazzva> even nvidia drivers... :/
[14:35] <gnomefreak> i have a 5200 and cant crash it, ive noticed they both use the 8800
[14:35] <gnomefreak> ubuntu support for 6600 and up was never really good
[14:36] <gnomefreak> only because of nvidia
[14:37] <gnomefreak> ill be back
[14:46] * gnomefreak thinks people have gone off the deep end around here
[14:46] <gnomefreak> we support a package that installs nvidia drivers from nvidia.com and builds its own kernel modules
[14:46] <gnomefreak> but we cant support the .deb for our drivers
[14:47] <asac_> ?
[14:47] <gnomefreak> we support envy now. its a script that grabs drivers from official site ati/nvidia and builds its own moduoles for it
[14:48] <gnomefreak> but we cant support nvidia-glx or -new
[14:51] <gnomefreak> envyng-gtk is the name of it
[14:53] <gnomefreak> did we find out why the snippet of code in tb3 wasnt working?
[14:54] <gnomefreak> only thing i can think of is the massive overhaul that they did to the extension/addon handler
[14:57] <asac_> gnomefreak: read above
[14:57] <asac_> broken install is the cause
[14:58] <gnomefreak> asac_: i dont have above
[14:58] <gnomefreak> but thank you
[14:58] <asac_> oh :)
[14:58] <gnomefreak> my install?
[14:58] <gnomefreak> or mozillas
[14:58] <asac_> no upstream make install is busted for --enable-shared
[14:58] <gnomefreak> oh ok good
[14:59] <asac_> well ... upstream doesn't have --enable-shared atm at all ... we have a patch to allow that and that one appears to be incomplete for now
[14:59] <asac_> but once fta added the compare target we should be able to see whats going on
[14:59] <gnomefreak> seems like it was like that for seamonkey on 2.0 and tb 2.0 when they changed it
[14:59] <gnomefreak> ah ok
[15:00] <asac_> make install is constantly broken ... which is why upstream isn't keen about applying a patch that makes it harder to keep it working
[15:01] <gnomefreak> makes sense well except the part that its always broken
[15:01] <asac_> it sometimes works, but next day its broken again, because upstream devs are ignorant about make install
[15:01] <gnomefreak> ah
[15:02] <asac_> (most likely because make install doesn't make sense for windows=
[15:02] <asac_> )
[15:02] <asac_> well ... it would make sense, but not much
[15:03] <gnomefreak> windows doesnt use it but mozilla is more popular in unix world atleast from people i spoke to they all think 1.0 never anything newer
[15:05] <asac_> gnomefreak: the absolute numbers are the opposite ... there are far more people using firefox on windows then there are linux desktop users :)
[15:05] <gnomefreak> oh crap
[15:06] <gnomefreak> i just know the stupid lusers using windows
[15:06] <gnomefreak> lucky if they can install aim
[15:09] <fta> i've missed 3 xpt in my installer patch
[15:09] <gnomefreak> asac_: do we have a steady X guy i would like to ask him if it could be drivers vs card type
[15:09] <fta> components/exthelper.xpt components/parentalcontrols.xpt and components/places.xpt (d'oh!)
[15:09] <asac_> gnomefreak: tjaalton or bryce
[15:10] <gnomefreak> ok thanks
[15:10] <gnomefreak> ill wait for bryce since i know him from other X issues
[15:10] <asac_> fta: if you see a reply on that bug before me, maybe let me know
[15:10] <asac_> mozilla bug 420391 that is
[15:10] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 420391 in Build Config "unix/packages-static for thunderbird (trunk)" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=420391
[15:10] <asac_> gnomefreak: i prefer tjaalton
[15:11] <asac_> but bryce is ok as well
[15:11] * gnomefreak doesnt know him unless that timo
[15:11] <asac_> gnomefreak: its him (formerly tepsipakki)
[15:11] <asac_> (can't remember the nick)
[15:11] <gnomefreak> yes i know him
[15:11] <gnomefreak> ok
[15:12] <gnomefreak> i didnt know the name change
[15:14] <gnomefreak> am i here?
[15:14] <asac_> y
[15:15] <gnomefreak> becasue net i thought dumped me but its the page
[15:15] <gnomefreak> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Intrepid
[15:15] <fta> no change :( still borked
[15:16] <Jazzva> Cool idea :)... http://linux.dootzky.com/
[15:19] <Volans> ahah cool! :D
[15:20] <asac_> at least debian is ahead of fedora ... interesting that there are still slackware users out there
[15:22] <gnomefreak> asac_: your missing uds?
[15:22] <asac_> why?
[15:22] <gnomefreak> your not on registed list
[15:23] <asac_> which list?
[15:23] <asac_> probably i am not on the community list
[15:23] <gnomefreak> https://edge.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-intrepid
[15:23] <gnomefreak> well your head dev maybe you dont have to since you have? to be there
[15:24] <asac_> in the past that feature was used to schedule sessions
[15:24] <asac_> e.g. if you are attending + have subscribed to a session the scheduler would try to schedule the session in a way that would allow you to attend that
[15:24] <gnomefreak> oh
[15:24] <asac_> but i think this year we don't do auto scheduling, so it might not be important
[15:25] <asac_> now i registered ;)
[15:27] <asac_> fta: ok, does plugin host work now?
[15:27] <gnomefreak> :)
[15:27] <fta> nope
[15:27] <gnomefreak> i cant believe the bug blames us
[15:27] <asac_> fta: i see that plugin.xpt was already in that file
[15:27] <asac_> its not installed though?
[15:28] <fta> it's in mail.xpt
[15:28] <asac_> then why is bin/components/plugin.xpt in that file still?
[15:29] <fta> it's in a [mail] block so it's bundled afterwards
[15:29] <asac_> ok, but the plugin.so is installed?
[15:30] <fta> nope
[15:30] <asac_> then thats the problem
[15:36] <fta> fix welcome...
[15:41] <asac_> fta: did we defer xul sec update for hardy-security?
[15:41] <asac_> maybe its time to guide this in now?
[15:42] <fta> 1.8.* ? the debdiff is in the bug
[15:42] <asac_> yes
[15:42] <asac_> bug id?
[15:42] <asac_> is orig.tar.gz also in bug?
[15:42] <asac_> and diff.gz ;)
[15:44] <fta> bug 218534
[15:44] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 218534 in firefox "[Needs Packaging] JavaScript vulnerability in Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey/Xulrunner before" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218534
[15:44] <fta> debdiff + orig.tar.gz
[15:46] <asac_> ok, this time thats ok. usually we don't want merges as security updates though
[15:46] <gnomefreak> whats wrong with the that we have already?
[15:46] <gnomefreak> 15 should be coming out this month
[15:46] <asac_> gnomefreak: we don't have
[15:47] <gnomefreak> yes we do
[15:47] <asac_> aeh ... we don't have :)
[15:47] <gnomefreak> firefox-2: Installed:
[15:48] <asac_> fta: i don't see how i can easily use that debdiff ... to do the upgrade. if its a filtered debdiff for debian/ directory i need diff.gz i guess
[15:48] <asac_> but maybe its me :/
[15:48] <asac_> gnomefreak: this is about xulrunner and friends ... not firefox
[15:48] <gnomefreak> ah ok i read title
[15:49] <gnomefreak> i found the problem for sure on this damn bug finally
[15:50] <asac_> fta: anyway i can do it manually i guess (copy over patched debian/ dir)
[15:51] <fta> hold on, i'm looking for my diff.gz
[15:51] <asac_> yeah great
[15:51] <asac_> ill upload that to intrepid
[15:51] <asac_> maybe ill upload the same to hardy-security .... but maybe Ill just upgrade the tarball to reduce the diff
[15:53] <fta> done
[15:54] <asac_> thx
[15:59] <gnomefreak> ha i win
[16:00] <asac_> fta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9502/
[16:00] <fta> hm
[16:01] <fta> asac_, it's debian ;) i've built the source pkg after an unclean clean
[16:01] <asac_> fta: i can filter it like http://paste.ubuntu.com/9504/
[16:02] <asac_> do you see any cruft in debian/ that shouldn't be there?
[16:02] <asac_> its definitly a huge diff
[16:02] <asac_> aeh :)
[16:02] <asac_> sorry
[16:02] <asac_> i missed the point
[16:03] <asac_> but should be right that way, right?
[16:03] <fta> right
[16:05] <asac_> do we have seamonkey since gutsy or hardy?
[16:05] <fta> hardy
[16:06] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: its nvidia issue :)
[16:06] <Jazzva> gnomefreak: Cool... :)
[16:06] <Jazzva> Was it reported on nvidia forums?
[16:06] <Jazzva> s/reported/answered/
[16:06] <gnomefreak> its 8xxx card it happens on i have 8600 and 8800 confirmed
[16:07] <Jazzva> uh-huh... and it's not related to firefox?
[16:07] * gnomefreak went to trilug to ask someone to test
[16:07] <asac_> fta: will you do it for intrepid?
[16:07] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: nope should be any browser
[16:07] <asac_> (assigned that target for now to you)
[16:07] <gnomefreak> maybe even epiphany
[16:07] <gnomefreak> it might be xul but i still doubt it
[16:07] <Jazzva> gnomefreak: Ok...
[16:08] <gnomefreak> im wondering what scrolling does to cause this though
[16:08] <gnomefreak> thats what makes me think xul
[16:10] <fta> asac_, doing what ?
[16:11] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: i dont know never looked on forums they are a bitch to find and not really trustworthy as of 2 years ago
[16:11] <asac_> fta: sm intrepid
[16:11] <Jazzva> gnomefreak: Uh-huh... I just wondered, because someone left a link on bugreport to the topic on nvidia forums
[16:12] <gnomefreak> timo has 8600 card hes gonna test it and see if he cant get me a backtrace :)
[16:13] <fta> asac_, oh, sure
[16:13] <gnomefreak> asac_: fta xul controls the scrolling or is that strictly firefox code?
[16:13] <asac_> fta: dput ubuntu xulrunner_1.8.1.14+nobinonly-1ubuntu1_source.changes
[16:13] <asac_> :)
[16:13] <gnomefreak> hes fast
[16:14] <gnomefreak> takes me days to build iceape he does xulrunner in minutes
[16:14] <asac_> fta: i set xul for gutsy to wont fix in bug 218534 .... i think if we want to upgrade this, we should go through -proposed and not security - given that xul is really old in gutsy the version jump looks risky
[16:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 218534 in seamonkey "[Needs Packaging] JavaScript vulnerability in Firefox/Thunderbird/SeaMonkey/Xulrunner before" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218534
[16:15] <gnomefreak> asac_: my comments still didnt end up on LP
[16:18] <asac_> gnomefreak: no idea .... usually you get a mail if something went wrong
[16:19] <asac_> like changing status or so
[16:19] <asac_> if you tried that and didn't properly sign launchpad might get confused
[16:19] <asac_> did you sign your mail? if so, maybe with a key not known to launchpad?
[16:19] <gnomefreak> properly sign it?
[16:19] <gnomefreak> yes and i used my normal key
[16:19] <asac_> are you sure you used an email address registered in launchpad?
[16:19] <gnomefreak> its on my LP page
[16:19] <asac_> gnomefreak: did you sign inline or gpg/mime?
[16:20] <gnomefreak> its the only outgoing one set in manage IDS
[16:20] <gnomefreak> mimi i think
[16:20] <gnomefreak> mime
[16:20] <asac_> no idea. try to reply again without signing .... maybe pgp/mime gets confused (though i do it in mutt all the time)
[16:21] <fta> i'm modifying my scripts to push my ppa stuff to both hardy and intrepid. not sure how long it will last. I guess the .head branches will diverge quickly
[16:21] <asac_> fta: ... if you mean to do hardy for security, please be even more anal about not changing anything ;)
[16:21] <asac_> but i guess you know .)
[16:22] <fta> no, just speaking about ppa
[16:22] <asac_> fta: ok
[16:22] <fta> it's derived from *.head only
[16:22] <asac_> fta: so do we want to upgrade gutsy to latest xul? through -proposed?
[16:22] <fta> but if i change gcc, revert the jpeg and stuff like that, it's no longer good for hardy
[16:23] <asac_> i think dropping fixed gcc version shouldn't harm
[16:23] <asac_> appeasr that gcc-4.2 is the default in hardy ... and gcc-4.3 in intrepid
[16:23] <asac_> so removing that from rules should do what we want
[16:25] <gnomefreak> it seems it was wrong email so tb is miss leading but i will fix this maybe
[16:26] <asac_> gnomefreak: right ;)
[16:26] <asac_> better to find a misleading reason, than to look for blackbox issues
[16:27] <gnomefreak> and no i didnt sign them since tb3 addons thing is borked
[16:27] <gnomefreak> true
[16:27] <asac_> !package iceape gutsy
[16:27] <ubottu> asac_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[16:31] <Jazzva> !info iceape
[16:31] <ubottu> Package iceape does not exist in gutsy
[16:31] <Jazzva> asac_: ^
[16:31] <fta> bug 190754
[16:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 190754 in pulseaudio "Over-optimistic buffering in PulseAudio causes underruns (audible stuttering, pops)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190754
[16:32] <asac_> Jazzva: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iceape/
[16:33] <Jazzva> funny...
[16:44] <asac_> hmm ... is my irssi keepnick thing broken?
[16:44] <asac_> it worked for years, but now i don't get back to s/_//
[16:47] * gnomefreak wonders why just the 8xxx series :( i have to stop thinking about this bug
[16:48] <gnomefreak> keepnick?
[16:48] <gnomefreak> perl is evil
[16:49] <gnomefreak> although i have 7 or so scripts running
[16:49] * Jazzva wonders why his mp3 player stopped working with mtpfs...
[16:53] <fta> sh: gcc: not found
[16:53] <fta> dpkg-source: warning: Couldn't determine gcc system type, falling back to default (native compilation)
[16:53] <fta> applying patch 99_configure to ./ ... failed.
[16:53] <fta> make: *** [patch-stamp] Error 1
[16:53] <fta> dpkg-buildpackage: failure: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2
[16:53] <fta> asac_, ^^
[16:54] <fta> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/14090681/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-i386.xulrunner_1.8.1.14%2Bnobinonly-1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz
[16:54] <gnomefreak> i get that when i forget to refresh 99_configure
[16:54] <gnomefreak> the gcc maybe its not set to the right one in update-alternatiives
[16:55] <gnomefreak> alternatives even
[16:55] <gnomefreak> ah its on the builder
[16:55] <fta> i'll have a look when i'm done with my scripts
[16:56] * gnomefreak wonders if its not a tool chain issue due to gcc just being updated late last night or early today EST
[16:58] <fta> not the patch, asac used a filterdiff to drop it so i guess it's related
[16:58] <fta> it = configure
[16:59] <asac_> fta: failed?
[16:59] <asac_> ok
[16:59] <asac_> let me redo that patch then
[17:03] <gnomefreak> i wish they wouldnt file bugs on unofficial ubuntu builds or upstream bugs in packages we dont have in ubuntu archives
[17:09] <Jazzva> i'm off for a few hours... see you later :)
[17:09] <asac_> cu Jazzva
[17:15] <gnomefreak> i have to find a way to keep default address gnomefreak. it keeps changing back to the mail box address
[17:15] <asac_> gnomefreak: ? you can change it in the mailbox setting i hope
[17:15] <asac_> you can also add more smtp setups and select the new one as default
[17:16] <gnomefreak> i made smot for gnomefreak the default one but it still wants to use ubuntu.ase when sending from ubuntu.ase gmail
[17:26] <gnomefreak> going through the settings they were all set to use gnomefreak as default but sending from ubuntu.ase sent from ubuntu.ase address
[17:34] <asac_> argh
[17:34] <asac_> iostream s**er
[17:40] <asac_> ok last attempt :)
[17:42] <fta> ?
[17:42] <campd> asac_: yo
[17:43] <campd> asac_: 430530 has a new patch on it
[17:43] <campd> asac_: it landed on the trunk last night
[17:49] <armin76> mozilla bug 430530
[17:49] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 430530 in Phishing Protection "excess disk IO when updating the url-classifier" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=430530
[18:08] <gnomefreak> ok im gone for a while i have things to get done before weekend.
[18:26] <jimmy_> asac_:
[18:27] <jimmy_> asac_: ping
[18:36] <blizzard> campd: you tell caillon?
[18:36] <campd> I'll mention it to him
[18:39] <blizzard> kk
[19:19] <asac_> campd: blizzard: hi.
[19:20] <asac_> currently in and out ... cooking dinner ;)
[19:20] <asac_> campd: cool, the patch landed.
[19:21] <campd> asac_: yeah, it's a bit better than the one I gave you earlier
[19:21] <campd> it fixes the page size of the db too, which will also streamline the IO some
[19:22] <asac_> good. sounds like i can try this on a larger scale then.
[19:29] <jcastro> campd: yay, in before the weekend!
[19:30] <asac_> campd: is there a trick to let the classifier db grow artificially to a huge size? id like to drop instructions for our QA when doing this update
[19:32] <asac_> jimmy_: there? have a preview patch for the user dirs at hand?
[19:33] <campd> asac_: hrm, I can't think of a good one off the top of my head
[19:34] <jimmy_> asac_: let me post it
[19:35] <asac_> campd: ok. i guess we have enough users that can verify :)
[19:36] <jimmy_> asac_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9553/
[19:37] <asac_> campd: why do the urlclassifier defaults to into browser/ even though its a toolkit/ thing?
[19:37] <jimmy_> asac_: I just need to replace the hard-coded path, with XDG_MUSIC_DIR, etcs
[19:37] <asac_> jimmy_: thats not a diff ;)
[19:37] <campd> asac_: you mean in bugzilla?
[19:37] <gnomefreak> asac_: i found something that might be helpful about google
[19:37] <asac_> campd: no. i mean firefox.js
[19:37] <gnomefreak> For the best experience, please access Gmail via Internet Explorer v.7+, Firefox v.2+, or Safari v.3+.
[19:38] <campd> asac_: oh, tbh I don't really know
[19:38] <campd> asac_: that's just where they were when we started :)
[19:38] <gnomefreak> as i heard they are not set up for xul/gecko 1.9
[19:38] <campd> err, when I started
[19:38] <asac_> campd: i see that safebrowsing. stuff makes sense in browser/ ... the rest should really go to toolkit/
[19:38] <campd> asac_: yeah, ideally
[19:38] <gnomefreak> im looking for email for them atm
[19:38] <asac_> campd: in this way we have to update both: xulrunner + firefox
[19:38] <campd> feel free to file a bug
[19:38] <campd> nod
[19:39] <asac_> campd: ok. so urlclassifier make sense in toolkit ... good. ill add that to my list and do asap :)
[19:39] <asac_> thanks
[19:39] <jimmy_> asac_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9555/
[19:40] <campd> asac_: yeah, sorta. The safebrowsing toolkit/browser split is kinda weird
[19:41] <campd> argh
[19:41] <campd> now my ubuntu partition won't boot.
[19:44] <gnomefreak> http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=6557&topic=12914
[19:44] <asac_> jimmy_: yeah. now you need to use special directories.
[19:45] <asac_> jimmy_: cant you add the same code to the old place?
[19:45] <asac_> i think that would be better if we use the download.dir temp pref
[19:46] <jimmy_> asac_: where in the old place? the toolkit/mozapps/downloads place?
[19:46] <asac_> yeah
[19:47] <asac_> the idea off the exthandler place was to do it without that temp pref
[19:47] <jimmy_> asac_: i thought u wanted to have it in uriloader, which is more appropriate?
[19:47] <asac_> but its ok to use it ... so lets keep it in the old place
[19:48] <asac_> jimmy_: if we use that browser.download.dir "hack" its better placed in the mozapps thing
[19:48] <asac_> (but i think its fine to use that)
[19:49] <jimmy_> asac_: ok, as long as you'll integrate it
[19:49] <gnomefreak> ok its confirmed google doesnt support 1.9
[19:49] <jimmy_> asac_: we also have another problem
[19:49] <jimmy_> asac_: http://www.moblin.org/repos/?p=projects/mobile-browser.git;a=blobdiff;f=toolkit/content/widgets/autocomplete.xml;h=8e27137f92925251e112fd4f2dae8967ace871f6;hp=730086ef64eb6c0d55d37545e006a7d9f6660818;hb=d3b1a9d561578115a71793d7f691dc93e707dd81;hpb=e828865c9752ee4d91c476d15bb28e98242dd880
[19:49] <asac_> jimmy_: i can integrate it as long as its well guarded by a pref-if block
[19:50] <asac_> ok. thats to make the autocomplete thing pop up to top?
[19:50] <jimmy_> do you think you can integrate this into xulrunner too?
[19:50] <jimmy_> asac_: yeah
[19:50] <asac_> certainly not like that ... technically it needs to be a runtime check to differentiate
[19:51] <asac_> but if its done right we have to check if there might be any negative impact ... otherwise we can probably consider it
[19:52] <jimmy_> asac_: is that component easy to pull out from xulrunner, and we just rebind it somehow?
[19:52] <jimmy_> asac_: it is a binding to some xul file
[19:53] <jimmy_> asac_: it is in toolkit/content/widgets/autocomplete.xml
[19:53] <gnomefreak> ok reported it with google
[19:53] <asac_> jimmy_: you can override chrome urls. maybe it works. at least worth a try. but that would mean another file being copied ;)
[19:55] <asac_> jimmy_: i think the real fix is to add a property "direction" or something to autocomplete.xml so we can override it in midbrowser
[19:55] <asac_> (e.g. <autocomplete .... direction="before_start"...>)
[19:55] <jimmy_> asac_: ok, that's sounds better
[19:56] <jimmy_> asac_: i'll play around with that and get back to you later
[19:56] <jimmy_> i am out to lunch now
[19:56] <gnomefreak> ok im done dealing with google for today ;) i should get email back from them deciding if they are gonna update thier API
[19:56] <asac_> jimmy_: ok ... ill be out for weekend soonish. but i guess the direction should be clear
[19:56] <gnomefreak> im gone for a bit
[19:57] <asac_> gnomefreak: ? whats going on with google?
[19:57] <gnomefreak> thier API doesnt support 1.9
[19:58] <gnomefreak> thats why so many damn google bugs
[19:58] <gnomefreak> they support up to firefox 2.0
[19:58] <gnomefreak> i asked when they were planning for an update for 1.9/3.0
[19:59] <asac_> gnomefreak: ah. ok
[19:59] <asac_> gnomefreak: what kind of things are broken?
[19:59] <gnomefreak> have you not seen the 3 million gmail bugs :(
[20:00] <gnomefreak> scrolling loading slow (crashes when closing page) not sure what that is from yet but lets get one thing fixed at a time
[20:00] <gnomefreak> there are others but those are the 2 i remember from today
[20:00] <asac_> sounds scary. i am not a gmail power user, but it works for me
[20:00] <gnomefreak> works for me too
[20:00] <gnomefreak> but if it is google why doesnt it effect everyone
[20:01] <asac_> i think its tno google :) ... its just that the users associate the problem with google
[20:01] <asac_> because thats the app they have open most of the time
[20:01] <gnomefreak> but you see it on all google related things, calendar, documents ect... top left hand corner of your inbox
[20:02] <asac_> gnomefreak: what do i see there?
[20:02] <gnomefreak> well im waiting on backtraces froma few and the others we will have to work on while they are working on API
[20:02] <gnomefreak> asac_: slow scrolling is most popular
[20:02] <asac_> ok ... thats probably cairo
[20:03] <gnomefreak> kinda of like the IO CPU usage is mozilla but it doesnt affect most of us
[20:03] <asac_> ok
[20:03] <gnomefreak> it very well could be cario as we have seen that before iirc
[20:04] <gnomefreak> no the other thing was pango
[20:04] <gnomefreak> they never fixed that but dropped it (didnt they)
[20:05] <gnomefreak> i might be wrong but i thought they dropped pango for cario
[20:08] <asac_> gnomefreak: thats not a replacement :) ... anyway, talk to you later :)
[20:11] <gnomefreak> later :) i will see if i can get a couple of people in here if we can disable cario manually and see if it fixes them
[20:12] <asac_> gnomefreak: you cannot disable cairo anymore :)
[20:12] <gnomefreak> damnit
[20:13] <asac_> gnomefreak: we can try to drop a patch from cairo that might impact performance
[20:13] <gnomefreak> how do we find out than just strace/backtrace
[20:13] <asac_> gnomefreak: at best find the suitable upstream bug and go from there
[20:13] <gnomefreak> ok while im surfing trying to fond out something for me ill look at mozilla and see
[20:14] <asac_> rendering engine performance is not something we have a strong pool of wisdom for in here :)
[20:14] <gnomefreak> but it makes hlaf or more of the damn non crash bugs :(
[20:14] <gnomefreak> half
[20:20] <gnomefreak> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=201307
[20:21] <gnomefreak> not bad
[20:21] <gnomefreak> gmail has fixed elements
[20:31] <asac_> gnomefreak: yeah. but that bug is old and thus does not explain the difference of perf from 1.8 to 1.9
[20:31] <gnomefreak> there are a ton of them
[20:31] <gnomefreak> these all say new but alot are old in date
[20:32] <gnomefreak> a few are mixed about the CPU IO usage some with scrolling some windows some linux
[20:33] <gnomefreak> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=413280
[20:33] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 413280 in GFX "Very slow scrolling" [Normal,New]
[20:33] <gnomefreak> thats this year
[20:33] <gnomefreak> and looks exactly like it
[20:49] <asac_> gnomefreak: vlad says its likely mozilla bug 424423
[20:49] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 424423 in Layout "Border rendering is slow" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=424423
[20:49] <asac_> (depends of the bug you found)
[20:49] <gnomefreak> ill show you bug
[20:49] <gnomefreak> bug 217580
[20:49] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 217580 in firefox-3.0 "Slow performance with Gmail" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/217580
[20:50] <gnomefreak> i asked them to test with the testcase in the other bug
[20:51] <asac_> gnomefreak: yeah. but in the endit hopefully will be the border bug as vlad said in https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=413280#c22
[20:51] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 413280 in GFX "Very slow scrolling" [Normal,New]
[20:51] <gnomefreak> ive heard that name before
[20:51] <gnomefreak> im reading the bug only his comment
[20:51] <asac_> he is the gfx master :)
[20:52] <gnomefreak> theres 2 bugs you gave what one is the dup?
[20:53] <asac_> he?
[20:53] <asac_> the one you posted is a general bug ... the other is a specific bug
[20:54] <asac_> whether the general bug is equal the specific one is unknown until the specific one is fixed
[20:54] <gnomefreak> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=424423 is one you gave me
[20:54] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 424423 in Layout "Border rendering is slow" [Normal,New]
[20:54] <asac_> yes, thats the concrete bug .... which is being worked on ... and which is likely our bug
[20:54] <gnomefreak> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=413280#c22
[20:54] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 413280 in GFX "Very slow scrolling" [Normal,New]
[20:54] <gnomefreak> you gave me that one as well
[20:54] <asac_> gnomefreak: no, thats the bug you gave me
[20:55] <asac_> its a generic bug ... vlad said its most likely the same as the other
[20:55] <gnomefreak> oh you had it in a comment but ok we cant mark them upstream yet
[20:55] <gnomefreak> for some reason you click project it tells you something about canonical
[20:55] <asac_> gnomefreak: link the border bug to our gmail bug for now
[20:56] <gnomefreak> i cant
[20:56] <gnomefreak> Confirm project
[20:56] <gnomefreak> Project
[20:56] <gnomefreak> Ubuntu Desktop Course (Choose another project)
[20:56] <gnomefreak> Canonical Training, the bug supervisor for Ubuntu Desktop Course, will be notified about this bug.
[20:56] <gnomefreak> thats what i get from Project
[20:56] <asac_> ok let me look
[20:59] <asac_> ok done
[20:59] <asac_> you had to "choose another project"
[20:59] <asac_> don't ask me why the canonical thing was there by default
[20:59] <asac_> most likely because we didn't properly assocaite firefox-3.0 with the firefox proejct
[21:00] <gnomefreak> ah ok
[21:00] <gnomefreak> thanks
[21:00] <asac_> ok linked 3.0 series to firefox-3.0 for now
[21:01] <asac_> lets do the same for xul 1.9
[21:02] <gnomefreak> you lost me
[21:03] <fta> asac_, i thought i've done that a long time ago
[21:04] <fta> btw, ppas are not building intrepid stuffs
[21:04] <gnomefreak> i wouldnt think for another month
[21:04] <fta> repo is open
[21:05] <gnomefreak> yep but ppa doesnt open with repos
[21:05] <gnomefreak> can we get 3.0 to not take focus its pissing me off today
[21:05] <fta> i don't see why they shouldn't
[21:09] <gnomefreak> really need these morons to give me backtraces so i can get thier bugs rolling
[21:09] <fta> it's tagged 'development' now, not 'frozen'
[21:10] <gnomefreak> fta: it was just tagged the other night colin asked for the tag
[21:11] <gnomefreak> PPs isnt related to releases of Ubuntu they are for own personal usage for most part so when repos open PPA may not
[21:11] <asac_> fta: i uploaded tbird long ago :)
[21:11] <asac_> and xulrunner
[21:11] <fta> asac_, ?
[21:12] <gnomefreak> tbird
[21:12] <asac_> fta: because you said that its "open" now :)
[21:12] <gnomefreak> i remember seeing 2 from each of you
[21:12] <asac_> yes
[21:12] <gnomefreak> asac_: offical archives are open
[21:12] <gnomefreak> PPA for intrepid are not
[21:13] <fta> yes, i'm using intrepid since it's open
[21:13] <fta> i'm pushing my stuff for both intrepid and hardy but intrepid is accepted but not queued
[21:14] <asac_> ok ppa ... well. maybe post a bug, though i am sure they are aware of it
[21:14] <gnomefreak> is this the patch for tb3.0? that im getting now?
[21:14] <fta> i've asked (in vain) in #lp
[21:15] <fta> gnomefreak, i've added the missing files but it doesn't seem to be enough
[21:15] <fta> asac_, care to have a closer look ?
[21:15] <gnomefreak> fta: ok
[21:16] <fta> and i'm building a new xul/ff3 pair with the url-classifier patch
[21:16] * gnomefreak still hasnt been bitten by that
[21:29] <asac_> fta: why not wait for the patch to land?
[21:29] <asac_> (it already was committed)?
[21:31] <asac_> that said, i am preparing a beta5 update for proposed ... so please be kind and don't send the users complaining in the bug to the PPA ... we need them to verify the -update
[21:31] <asac_> and if they are already away, its hard to tell them how to test
[21:35] <gnomefreak> http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy << does that crash for anyone?
[21:36] <asac_> gnomefreak: no. renders fast even
[21:36] <gnomefreak> 64 bit?
[21:36] <asac_> yes
[21:37] <gnomefreak> thats not good
[21:37] <asac_> unlikely that that page will crash
[21:37] <gnomefreak> bug 225857
[21:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 225857 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox crashes gnome with specific URL on 64bit Ubuntu 8.04" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/225857
[21:37] <gnomefreak> tell him that
[21:37] <gnomefreak> ;)
[21:37] <gnomefreak> waiting on backtrace
[21:37] <gnomefreak> crashes gnome
[21:37] <asac_> gnomefreak: first question: try -safe-mode
[21:37] <gnomefreak> i have a feeling i know the bug already
[21:38] <asac_> as 99% of the crashes he sees an extension crash/plugin crash
[21:38] <gnomefreak> asked him
[21:39] <gnomefreak> its crashing gnome and that makes me think its the same as the nvidia one from this morning
[21:39] <gnomefreak> extension wont/shouldnt even crash gnome
[21:39] <asac_> why not
[21:39] <gnomefreak> crash firefox by why gnome?
[21:39] <asac_> flash certainly can
[21:39] <asac_> every firefox crash might tear down X
[21:39] <gnomefreak> oh
[21:40] <gnomefreak> i would have thought gnome had safe guards against that
[21:40] <gnomefreak> that is the worst possible crash is to crash the whole X system
[21:40] <asac_> of course an X bug under the hood, but in the end everything unusual can crash X :)
[21:40] <asac_> yes, its definitly the worst.
[21:40] <asac_> can be driver related
[21:41] <gnomefreak> but yet Firefox gets blamed
[21:41] <asac_> but even those can be more easily triggered if firefox gets memory corruption and sends bogus data or something
[21:42] <asac_> fta: what should i look closer at?
[21:42] <gnomefreak> tbird 3
[21:42] <gnomefreak> i think
[21:42] <asac_> ok
[21:42] <gnomefreak> irefox 3 ctrl + mouse scroll should resize text only, not images
[21:43] <gnomefreak> are we planning anythiing for that?
[21:43] <gnomefreak> Firefox*
[21:43] <asac_> no
[21:43] <asac_> user has to tweak setting if he wants it
[21:43] <asac_> definitly wontfix
[21:43] <gnomefreak> close with fta's last comment about tweeking
[21:43] <gnomefreak> k
[21:43] <asac_> yeah
[21:43] <asac_> set it to wontfix
[21:44] <gnomefreak> any good reason?
[21:44] <gnomefreak> or just easy seetting to change per user
[21:44] <gnomefreak> :)
[21:44] <asac_> yes. "upstream decided to use this as default and if users really want they can change it"
[21:46] <gnomefreak> done :)
[21:46] <gnomefreak> ok be back soon i have to clean
[21:50] <asac_> armin76: you have a mips patch for xulrunenr?
[21:50] <asac_> armin76: debian bug 479107
[21:50] <ubottu> Debian bug 479107 in xulrunner "xulrunner_1.9~b5-3(mips/experimental): FTBFS: error:" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/479107
[22:00] <gnomefreak> position of firefox after closing it is our package or upstreams?
[22:03] <gnomefreak> asac_: what is the chances mozilla bug 427181 is the same as bug 204480 that would be too easy
[22:03] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 427181 in General "css "position:fixed" attribute not rendering properly in FF 3.0" [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=427181
[22:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 204480 in firefox-3.0 "Window position is not remembered between starts" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204480
[22:03] <gnomefreak> Steps to Reproduce:
[22:03] <gnomefreak> <vbox style="position:fixed;left:10px;top:10px;width:100px;height:100px">
[22:03] <gnomefreak> <iframe style="width:100px;height:100px" src="http://www.google.com"/>
[22:03] <gnomefreak> is what makes me think it is
[22:03] <gnomefreak> </vbox>
[22:13] <asac_> gnomefreak: its upstream.
[22:14] <asac_> gnomefreak: the bugs dont look related judging from title
[22:15] <armin76> asac_: nope, no mips here, sorry
[22:16] <armin76> only fast arches, please :P
[22:30] <fta> asac_, the only place i've advertised my ppa is in the dev forum, and it's closed.
[22:31] <asac_> fta: sure. i know.
[22:35] <gnomefreak> it takes forever to report bug upstrream but we really need that set up so people give us everything we need
[22:37] <gnomefreak> :)
[23:08] <gnomefreak> lmao irony == mozillla bugtracker is gonnna cause firefox to crash :(
[23:08] <fta> hm, what is that "Undo previous revision, because it was wrong (bug 430530, a=mconnor)"
[23:08] <gnomefreak> bot borked?
[23:09] <gnomefreak> mozilla bug 430530
[23:09] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 430530 in Phishing Protection "excess disk IO when updating the url-classifier" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=430530
[23:09] <gnomefreak> that one?
[23:09] <fta> yes
[23:09] <gnomefreak> if it opens before it crashes i would love to see what you mean
[23:10] <gnomefreak> damn run away scripts
[23:10] <gnomefreak> "Eek" indeed. I undid that:
[23:10] <gnomefreak> mozilla/browser/app/profile/firefox.js 1.330?
[23:10] <fta> the version inside my ppa doesn't have that back out
[23:11] <fta> damn
[23:11] <gnomefreak> not sure where PDT is
[23:11] <gnomefreak> maybe added after you grabbed it?
[23:11] <fta> san jose ?
[23:12] <fta> california
[23:12] <gnomefreak> thats PST
[23:12] <gnomefreak> yeah PST
[23:12] <fta> that's sure, it has been committed 30min ago, i fetched ~2h ago
[23:13] <fta> my clock shows PDT for san francisco
[23:13] <gnomefreak> figured cause you grabbed it about the time the patch was commited
[23:13] <fta> 15:13 PDT -9
[23:13] <gnomefreak> maybe it changes for DST or PST is unofficial?
[23:14] <gnomefreak> reason i remember PST is because im EST on the other coast as cal.
[23:14] <gnomefreak> im -5 and -4
[23:14] <gnomefreak> -4 now
[23:15] <gnomefreak> oh yeah LP
[23:15] <gnomefreak> :(
[23:18] <fta> i'll respin ff3 later, they are still discussing in that bug
[23:31] <gnomefreak> lets see if i die again
[23:32] * gnomefreak sticking with smart for a while
[23:32] <asac_> whats the IO/CPU bug id?
[23:33] <gnomefreak> xulrunner updates :)
[23:33] <gnomefreak> asac_: dont know i was looking for it when mozilla killed my pc
[23:33] <Jazzva> bug 217458
[23:33] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 217458 in ubuntu "no additional plugins available for shockwave player" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/217458
[23:33] <Jazzva> i think
[23:33] <gnomefreak> no
[23:33] <Jazzva> sorry, no
[23:33] <gnomefreak> ill get it
[23:33] <gnomefreak> 215728
[23:33] <Jazzva> But it's something like that...
[23:33] <gnomefreak> bug 215728
[23:34] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 215728 in firefox-3.0 "[MASTER] Committing to urlclassifier3.sqlite causes excessive CPU usage and disk I/O" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215728
[23:34] <gnomefreak> yep
[23:34] <asac_> thanks
[23:34] <gnomefreak> np
[23:34] <gnomefreak> i was trying to use 217728 no wonder why it didnt work
[23:34] <gnomefreak> hmmmm firefox wont open now
[23:35] <asac_> ok totem is looping io here
[23:36] <gnomefreak> oh well i thought i saw another dup of that bug before bugzilla made me kill X than dead restart
[23:36] <gnomefreak> asac_: on your pc?
[23:36] <asac_> yeah
[23:36] <asac_> have to reboot i guess
[23:36] <gnomefreak> thats not good
[23:36] <asac_> cannot kill it anymore
[23:37] <gnomefreak> mozilla bug 330605
[23:37] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 330605 in General "firefox / xorg take too much cpu on focus change / animation" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=330605
[23:37] <asac_> reboot
[23:37] <asac_> cu soon hopefully :)
[23:37] <gnomefreak> mozilla bug 430530
[23:37] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 430530 in Phishing Protection "excess disk IO when updating the url-classifier" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=430530
[23:38] <gnomefreak> ut oh
[23:39] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: can you click on History does it open dialog named library?
[23:39] <gnomefreak> spelling isnt right
[23:39] <gnomefreak> maybe it is
[23:39] <gnomefreak> sorry history than show all history
[23:40] <Jazzva> It pops a menu... what history do you mean?
[23:40] <Jazzva> oh
[23:40] <gnomefreak> the all history pane
[23:40] <Jazzva> yep, it opens
[23:40] <gnomefreak> hmm maybe due to xulrunner updates mine isnt listing anything i just get the empty pane
[23:41] <gnomefreak> class window whatever you call it
[23:41] <Jazzva> Is your history enabled? :)
[23:41] <gnomefreak> yeah
[23:41] <Jazzva> Mine is disabled, so that's why I get an empty list
[23:41] <gnomefreak> fta: updated xulrunner from his PPA
[23:41] <gnomefreak> im using those packages on this set up
[23:41] <Jazzva> Hmm, I'll try to enable it
[23:41] <gnomefreak> let me see if its fixed
[23:42] <gnomefreak> yep it was xul update
[23:42] <gnomefreak> restart ff and its fixed
[23:42] <Jazzva> ok
[23:44] <gnomefreak> ok can ubufox fix this focus setting?
[23:44] <gnomefreak> its getting old and i never noticed it before
[23:44] <asac_> damn pulseaudio
[23:44] <gnomefreak> asac_: yeah lots of that going around, they thought about disabling it on release day
[23:45] <gnomefreak> lots of issues with it and other apps never alone
[23:45] <asac_> whoever on gnome voted for replacing esd by pulseaudio instead of writing a proper alsa/gstreamer backend probably was too lazy
[23:45] <asac_> and hoped that a sound server could suddenly really do what no other sound server was able to do before
[23:46] <gnomefreak> this has to be same issue but only for 2 minutes
[23:47] <gnomefreak> it was the sound guys (not sure who other than crimsun is part of that
[23:48] <gnomefreak> bug 210079 reminds me of the IO CPU bug
[23:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 210079 in firefox-3.0 "firefox 3 freezes at start and on menu click or typing" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/210079
[23:48] <gnomefreak> has nothing to do with menu though atleast its only mentioned in first comment
[23:49] <gnomefreak> bug 38131 can be as well
[23:49] <Jazzva> asac_: Can you take a look at my wiki page to see if it's ok for my motu application :)? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Jazzva
[23:49] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 38131 in firefox "Firefox causes massive Xorg CPU usage" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38131
[23:49] <Jazzva> That is, if you have some free time
[23:50] <gnomefreak> i like it
[23:50] <gnomefreak> Jazzva: you can merge? ;)
[23:51] <Jazzva> gnomefreak: Easy ones for now :)... Thanks :)
[23:51] <gnomefreak> i need to relearn/learn merging ive done a few but mostly just upgrading mozilla packages
[23:51] <gnomefreak> easy works ive done gwget and iceape i think
[23:51] <asac_> Jazzva: I cant really tell if its enough for MOTU council. can you ping dholbach about it? imo you could polish it a bit by doing a few more merges now that intrepid has started.
[23:52] * gnomefreak needs to find easy ones to do but never can tell easy from hard until i get into it
[23:52] <asac_> not for the sake of merges itself, but for getting more people on the list who you have worked together with
[23:52] <Jazzva> asac_: I'm planning to... 2 for sure (scrapbook and imagezoom (I think)), and few more :)
[23:52] <asac_> Jazzva: yes. try to do a bunch ... try to get them sponsored by other MOTU folks (at best some MOTUs that are well recognized)
[23:53] <Jazzva> to bother them at ubuntu-motu :)?
[23:53] <Jazzva> Or just to wait until someone picks it up?
[23:54] <asac_> Jazzva: yes. hang around at ubuntu-motu, bug them ... ask them to review and be responsive if they want something to be improved
[23:54] <Jazzva> Ok, sure thing :)
[23:54] <Jazzva> Thanks for the suggestions :)
[23:55] <asac_> i don't think its hard for you. just a bit of chatting there, so they know you and a few reviews/sponsorships so you have someone who you can CC on your motu application
[23:55] <asac_> i am sure you can get this done withing the first weeks of this intrepid cycle
[23:55] <Jazzva> Yay :D... That would be great :).
[23:56] <asac_> after all we need your upload powers for extensions here :)
[23:56] <asac_> so please do it;)
[23:57] <Jazzva> That's one of things I had in mind :).