UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /02 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[01:36] <morten> Hi, if i want to build a package in ppa, should i use hardy? (in the changelog)
[01:36] <morten> (i get
[01:36] <morten> Not permitted to upload to the RELEASE pocket in a series in the 'CURRENT' state.)
[01:37] <lifeless> intrepid
[01:39] <morten> ok, thanks.. ill try that
[01:40] <poolie> morten: you should use whichever distro you want to target
[01:41] <poolie> morten: i think that error means you forgot to tell dput to upload to the ppa rather than ubuntu
[01:43] <morten> poolie: aah, ofcourse... i just used dput, i need dput my-ppa... thanks! forgot to use the dput.cf profile
[01:47] <poolie> morten: i think i have some tips for this on sourcefrog.net/blog
[01:47] <poolie> you can disable the default target, which makes this easier
[01:47] <poolie> sorry /weblog
[01:47] <poolie> hm, no, i don't
[01:47] <poolie> i should post
[02:05] <bd_> Rejected: nominatedarchindep is not present in legal_archseries <--- I got this when uploading an arch:all package to my PPA in suite intrepid. What does it mean?
[02:09] <jamesh> bd_: what are you trying to build?
[02:10] <bd_> jamesh: haskell-devscripts from debian unstable
[02:10] <bd_> one sec, I'll upload it to my server
[02:10] <jamesh> bd_: which Ubuntu version are you trying to build on?
[02:11] <bd_> jamesh: intrepid, just to see if it'd work :)
[02:11] <jamesh> there is a possibility that the PPAs haven't been set up for intrepid yet
[02:11] <bd_> http://fushizen.net/~bd/ppafailure/ <-- the upload
[02:11] <bd_> jamesh: yeah, it shows up on their UIs though
[02:12] * bd_ uploads to hardy
[02:12] <bd_> just thought I ought to make a note of it somewhere for the admins to see
[03:19] <rockstar_> Who is the vcs-imports operator
[03:19] <rockstar_> ?
[03:21] <lifeless> mwhudson is probably primary
[03:21] <lifeless> the bazaar-canonical team wears the general hat
[03:23] <mwhudson> i've been slack lately :(
[03:24] <mwhudson> rockstar_: we'll have to teach you how to do it at some point :)
[03:25] <rockstar_> mwhudson, are busy right now?
[03:25] <rockstar_> I've got two projects that I've been waiting to get imported...
[03:25] <rockstar_> Didn't know that was the responsibility of my team.
[03:25] <rockstar_> :)
[03:26] <lifeless> would be good to make it a LOSA task I think
[03:26] <mwhudson> rockstar_: i'm ill :/
[03:26] <mwhudson> probably have enough brain power to start two imports though
[03:26] <lifeless> always intended to have a split between coding and operations
[03:26] <mwhudson> rockstar_: which are they?
[03:26] <mwhudson> lifeless: well, in the new system it will be much much less tedious
[03:27] <rockstar_> entertainer and restore-backup
[03:28] <mwhudson> grar, self-signed certificate?
[03:28] <rockstar_> mwhudson, yea, don't know why they used https...
[03:33] <mwhudson> rockstar_: i've started them both
[03:33] <rockstar_> Sweet, thanks.
[03:33] <rockstar_> mwhudson, maybe next week you can show me how to do it.
[03:33] <mwhudson> rockstar_: sure
[03:34] <rockstar_> I've used bzr-svn to to convert stuff before. Was stuck on the https stuff...
=== boomer` is now known as boomer
[04:46] <artfwo> hi! I've just uploaded a package update to PPA, but forgot to include orig.tgz... got the "accepted" mail, which listed .orig.tar.gz among the files and the package built okay
[04:46] <artfwo> does launchpad pick .orig from somewhere else?
[04:53] <LaserJock> it can grab them from the Ubuntu archive if it exists
[04:54] <artfwo> thanks LaserJock! (just making sure nothing's wrong) :)
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=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[12:38] <ffm_> Hey, for some reason even after I sucessfully upload my .changes file, my ppa doesn't show the upload.
[12:39] <ffm_> Any ideas why?
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[16:31] <intellectronica> gnomefreak: hi
[16:32] <gnomefreak> intellectronica: hi
[16:32] <intellectronica> gnomefreak: i'd love to get some more information about those replies to bugs
[16:32] <gnomefreak> intellectronica: cant i fixed it it was thunderbird that screwed it up
[16:33] * intellectronica sighs with relief
[16:33] <gnomefreak> i havent gotten back to reply to list yet i have to resend all those bugs out
[16:33] <gnomefreak> there was 10 not 3
[16:33] <intellectronica> gnomefreak: that's ok. but if you can post something later, just so other folks wouldn't be worried it would be great
[16:33] <intellectronica> if you're busy i can also do it myself
[16:34] <gnomefreak> i can do it in a while unless its urgent
[16:34] <intellectronica> gnomefreak: no, not urgent. thanks!
[16:34] <gnomefreak> no problem sorry about that
[16:34] <intellectronica> no worries
[16:46] <gnomefreak> intellectronica: thanks i sent thhe reply
[16:47] <intellectronica> gnomefreak: excellent, thanks a lot
[16:47] <gnomefreak> anytime
[16:47] <gnomefreak> :)
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[17:52] <fta> are the PPAs open for intrepid ? i've pushed a package to hardy and intrepid, both accepted, only hardy has been built, intrepid is not even queued.
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[18:28] <sistpoty> seems like my upload of xmms-audacious to intrepid got stuck somewhere? (didn't get an accepted mail)...
[18:29] <sistpoty> ogra just pointed me to bug #225642... *clueless*
[18:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 225642 in malone "permission denied for relation teammembership" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/225642
[18:30] <sistpoty> should I reupload?
[18:35] <kiko-afk> sistpoty, I think that's fixed already, though -- when was your upload?
[18:35] <sistpoty> kiko-afk: few hours ago... s.th. around 14UTC
[18:40] <sistpoty> bleh... it was xmms-crossfade, not xmms-audacious :/
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[19:38] <sistpoty> reuploading xmms-crossfade worked... thanks a lot!
[19:45] <fta> intrepid & ppa ? anyone ?
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[20:43] <gnomefreak> how do you open upstream bug tracker i thought it was project at one time but thats not showing me the mozilla upstream bugzilla and its not under dist. package
[20:49] <Mimi> Mmm... "Please paste a clear-signed copy of the following phrase into the box below. " Mmm.. the thing it's asking for is something that starts with: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- ... right? :)
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[22:00] <sdfdsfdsfdsf> hi there, may i ask a short question?
[22:00] <kiko-afk> maybe.
[22:01] <sdfdsfdsfdsf> ah, ok
[22:01] <sdfdsfdsfdsf> i am hosting a project at launchpad an i have a question related to the ppa
[22:02] <kiko-afk> sdfdsfdsfdsf, the suspense is killing me! out with the question! :)
[22:03] <sdfdsfdsfdsf> when i set up my debian/changelog i write gutsy as ubuntu "series"
[22:03] <sdfdsfdsfdsf> now, of course i want to support hardy
[22:03] <sdfdsfdsfdsf> is it possible to set up to releases in one debian/changelog?
[22:03] <sdfdsfdsfdsf> e.g. gutsy, hardy
[22:03] <kiko-afk> I guess you mean two releases
[22:04] <sdfdsfdsfdsf> yes
[22:04] <kiko-afk> the answer is no, but you should use the new copy-packages feature to handle that
[22:04] <sdfdsfdsfdsf> or do i have to make to versions for each release
[22:04] <sdfdsfdsfdsf> ah, ok. thank you
[22:05] <kiko-afk> read more here: https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart#copy
[22:07] <sdfdsfdsfdsf> ok, it is working like a charme
[22:07] <sdfdsfdsfdsf> brillant feature
[22:08] <kiko-afk> glad you like it :)
[22:09] <sdfdsfdsfdsf> just waiting for the copy to finish ;-)
[22:09] <sdfdsfdsfdsf> thanks for your help
[22:09] <sdfdsfdsfdsf> bye
[22:37] <gnomefreak> how are features handled in LP example asking questions like steps to reproduce and grabbing info from them something like mozilla's bugtracker when you file bug they ask for most of what we do sooner or later this would make it faster IMHO for everyone