UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /02 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <GoldBug> hmm well i downloaded the 64bit linux driver from nvidia but i am not sure that is what i need
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[00:03] <Danish989> Does anyone know how to fix the BusyBox problem yet? I installed Hardy Heron using WUBI inside Windows XP two days ago, and out of nowhere, now it refuses to boot and I'm stuck at the Busy Box command line ..... does anyone know what to do?
=== Odd-rationale__ is now known as Odd-rationale
[00:05] <Niteye> hello, i have the KDE4 remix, where can i manage users, also there seems to be a problem with the network tool, clicking "manual configure" does nothing at all
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[00:07] <VousDeux> what I don't understand is libbonoboui-2.so.0 has not been modified since 1/28/08
[00:08] <monkeybritches> Niteye: I'm using KDE3.5 but have you tried System Settings > General > User Management ?
[00:08] <monkeybritches> And I know what you mean about the manual configure
[00:08] <Niteye> there is no "general" in system settings
[00:09] <monkeybritches> General tab
[00:09] <monkeybritches> Should be default.
[00:09] <Niteye> yeah im in general tab but i dont see user management :(
[00:10] <Niteye> well what i want to fix is this: since i couldnt find the graphical thing i did "adduser foo" but that user cant sudo
[00:12] <KhaoticMind> Niteye: put him on the admin group
[00:12] <Niteye> how do i do that
[00:14] <KhaoticMind> dunno if there is another way, but you can edit the /etc/group file, and look for a line like admin:x:114:
[00:14] <monkeybritches> Did you try sudo adduser -gid 1000 foo?
[00:15] <monkeybritches> If you want the same privileges...
[00:15] <eross> how is kde4 working now..
[00:15] <monkeybritches> eross: I can't say I'm a fan.
[00:16] <KhaoticMind> 1000 is the initial user group, he still wont be able to sudo
[00:16] <Niteye> eross: ive only been in KDE4 for 10 minutes and i have trouble finding the graphical user manager thing but i guess ill get used to it, i think its too new and still needs some fixes
[00:16] <KhaoticMind> thats ahy i'm waiting for 4.1 and kubuntu 8.10 :)
[00:17] <Niteye> i found the admin thing in /etc/group, do i simply need to add a new one ending with my new user?
[00:17] <KhaoticMind> aye, separated by a comma
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[00:18] <Niteye> so the line looks like this: "admin:x:114:niteye,william" ?
[00:18] <KhaoticMind> yes, afther that try loging off with the william user and loging in again
[00:18] <KhaoticMind> you should be able to sudo
[00:18] <Dragnslcr> Niteye- I wouldn't get into the habit of editing /etc/group manually
[00:19] <Pennycook> Niteye: There isn't a graphical user manager thing by default. You have to sudo apt-get install kuser4
[00:19] <Niteye> what i also want to do is move niteye's homedirectory, will editing /etc/passwd, and copying the entire dir elsewhere work or is it safer to just create a new user
[00:19] <Pennycook> kuser-kde4*
[00:19] <Dragnslcr> Niteye- If you can't use the normal User Manager, do "sudo adduser [username] [group]" in a shell
[00:20] <monkeybritches> Sorry, got distracted
[00:20] <monkeybritches> sudoers are group 27
[00:20] <monkeybritches> You could also edit /etc/sudoers
[00:20] <genii> Niteye: I would instead recommend to do: sudo usermod -d /newhomwdirplace -m niteye where /hewhomedirplace is wherever. It will automatically move it all with proper permissions, etc
[00:21] <genii> modifis /etc/passwd etc etc
[00:21] <genii> *modifies
[00:21] <Niteye> okay, ill try some stuff out thanks
[00:22] <monkeybritches> The genii is most wise and knowledgeable. ;)
[00:22] <KhaoticMind> monkeybritches: /etc/sudoers talks only about root and %admin
[00:22] <genii> monkeybritches: I learned me some things ;)
[00:23] <monkeybritches> I like learning me things too.
[00:23] <ubuntu__> hi
[00:23] <monkeybritches> Hi
[00:28] <sloth> im trying to install a new splash screen following instructuins from kde-look. they say that in control center there is a splash screen option. i dont have one....so any one know where i can get better instructions?
[00:29] <monkeybritches> It should be the third entry under Look and Feel in System Settings
[00:36] <sloth> moneybritches thank you so much!
[00:37] <monkeybritches> You're welcome.
[00:40] <Niteye> what music player should i use for MP3's? i installed mp3 codecs with the packet manager but helix player wont play them still
[00:40] <BluesKaj> amarok
[00:40] <leftbas> amarok is my choice
[00:40] <leftbas> hey BluesKaj
[00:40] <BluesKaj> hi leftbas
[00:41] <leftbas> i'm not fond of the helix player
[00:41] <BluesKaj> helix is mainly used for realmedia , but VLC will play that
[00:42] <leftbas> and even that's been dicey for me
[00:43] <monkeybritches> VLC is tops in my book.
[00:43] <leftbas> seems more like kaffein than an itunes-like app
[00:44] <BluesKaj> VLC is really versatile , it's just difficult to find and configure all it's options
[00:44] <leftbas> plus it's not a qt app
[00:44] <debian> BluesKaj: VLC is brilliant
[00:45] <debian> leftbas: I like qt, it is pronunced kutie
[00:46] <BluesKaj> debian, I use it mainly as a "last resort" player,mostly s benchwarmer til the last minute :)
[00:46] <leftbas> debian: i lean toward qt apps mainly
[00:46] <leftbas> i haven't found anything that kaffein won't play
[00:46] <debian> BluesKaj: VLC always work
[00:46] <leftbas> but i like how amarok manages music libraries
[00:47] <Odd-rationale> Isn't there a qt fronted to vlc?
[00:47] <BluesKaj> don't care what thy're written in ,except for java of course, as long as they work
[00:47] <debian> leftbas: Agreed, when I want to listen to music I use amarook
[00:47] <leftbas> debian: so you reserve vlc for video then?
[00:48] <BluesKaj> amarok for music and streams , kaffeine for video
[00:48] <leftbas> right
[00:48] <level1> are there any programs to manipulate .ods files besides KOffice Spread and Open Office Calc?
[00:48] <debian> leftbas: Mostly, I usually doesnt listen to one piece of music at a time
[00:48] <debian> But I only watch one movie
[00:48] <leftbas> debian: ahh
[00:48] <leftbas> ever try totem?
[00:48] <Odd-rationale> but with phonon, kaffiene, dragon player, et all will be able to use the vlc backend. Is that a correct understanding?
[00:49] <leftbas> i thought phonon was the backend
[00:49] <debian> kaffein is good, but I dont like the media player with the same name.
[00:49] <Odd-rationale> I remember reading that they were working on having vlc in phonon
[00:49] <leftbas> could be
[00:50] <Odd-rationale> ah, here it is: http://liquidat.wordpress.com/2008/04/10/more-phonon-backends-vlc-mplayer/
[00:50] <BluesKaj> VLC is a "desert island" app
[00:50] <leftbas> rhythmbox looks like a good music manager/player, too
[00:50] <leftbas> BluesKaj: meaning you wouldn't wanna be on a desert island without it?
[00:52] <BluesKaj> leftbas, exactly
[00:53] <leftbas> BluesKaj: got it
[00:53] <leftbas> ;)
[00:53] <BluesKaj> a very competent app for most media , I think
[00:54] <leftbas> i'm just glad we have a lot of apps to choose from, in any given category
=== josephignatius is now known as _Rommel_
[00:54] <leftbas> one things for sure...i'll never again say how much i like konqy in front of that minataka guy
[00:54] <leftbas> in the offtopic channel, that is
[00:55] <_Rommel_> hola
[00:55] <_Rommel_> que tal
[00:55] <_Rommel_> uhh
[00:55] <leftbas> hi rommel
[00:55] <_Rommel_> no es español !
[00:55] <BluesKaj> bah , ignore him ...he's knowledgeable aright but he spews too much
[00:55] <_Rommel_> spanish ?
[00:55] <_Rommel_> jajaja
[00:55] <leftbas> no
[00:55] <leftbas> ha ha
[00:55] <_Rommel_> uhhh
[00:55] <_Rommel_> jjajaja
[00:55] <_Rommel_> soy argentino
[00:55] <_Rommel_> argentine
[00:56] <_Rommel_> from in argentine
[00:56] <leftbas> BluesKaj: i do, every he says something i place him on iggy
[00:56] <_Rommel_> use ubuntu 8.04
[00:56] <_Rommel_> ;D
[00:56] <BluesKaj> !es | _Rommel_
[00:56] <ubottu> _Rommel_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[00:56] <leftbas> welcome voz
[00:56] <_Rommel_> thanz ubottu !
[00:56] <_Rommel_> god !
[00:56] <_Rommel_> cool !
[00:56] <GoldBug> Greetings all^^
[00:56] <_Rommel_> ;D
[00:56] <leftbas> hi GoldBug
[00:56] <GoldBug> i am having issues with my video drivers
[00:57] <leftbas> you also speak english, right _Rommel_
[00:57] <leftbas> ?
[00:57] <GoldBug> i just converted today and am still kinda lost
[00:57] <sebsebseb> which graphics/video card
[00:57] <monkeybritches> Have you fed and watered them properly?
[00:57] <leftbas> i am too, come to think of it
[00:57] <_Rommel_> easy english !
[00:57] <sebsebseb> GoldBug: Ubuntu is easier to start with than Kubuntu
[00:57] <GoldBug> nvidia 8600gts and i am running the 64bit 8.04
[00:57] <sebsebseb> for new Linux users
[00:57] <_Rommel_> ubuntu 8.04 !!!!!!!
[00:57] <monkeybritches> Kubuntu is prettier. :)
[00:57] <_Rommel_> argentina !!!
[00:57] <_Rommel_> ;D
[00:57] <_Rommel_> LOL
[00:58] <leftbas> monkeybritches: true
[00:58] <sebsebseb> GoldBug: ok you probably need to install the propritary Nivida graphics driver
[00:58] <leftbas> go boca juniors
[00:58] <monkeybritches> Unless it's KDE4, than it's uglier.
[00:58] <leftbas> lol
[00:58] <_Rommel_> jajajaja
[00:58] <fuzzybyte> how do i get all mouse buttons to work?
[00:58] <leftbas> right
[00:58] <_Rommel_> naaaa
[00:58] <GoldBug> well one of my buddies is a kiten dev
[00:58] <_Rommel_> river !!!
[00:58] <GoldBug> so he had me try this
[00:58] <_Rommel_> go river !
[00:58] <_Rommel_> ;D
[00:58] <BluesKaj> _Rommel_, enuff with the !!
[00:58] <_Rommel_> :P
[00:58] <_Rommel_> ?
[00:58] <_Rommel_> iam spanish !
[00:58] <BluesKaj> !enter
[00:58] <ubottu> Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[00:58] <leftbas> gotta stay on topic tho
[00:58] <_Rommel_> enter ?
[00:58] <_Rommel_> jajaja
[00:58] <_Rommel_> entrar ?
[00:59] <_Rommel_> entre
[00:59] <_Rommel_> en "ubuntu-es
[00:59] <GoldBug> i downloaded the linux driver for my 8600 from the nvidia web site
[00:59] <_Rommel_> you from ?
[00:59] <monkeybritches> fuzzybyte: Do you mean middle mouse button or buttons 4/5+?
[00:59] <_Rommel_> ATI !!!!
[00:59] <GoldBug> so i have it but i don't know how to install it
[01:00] <leftbas> if you're using ubuntu, i can't help...i know only kde
[01:00] <BluesKaj> _Rommel_ go to #kubuntu-es
[01:00] <sebsebseb> Goldbug: what type of file is it?
[01:00] <GoldBug> i am using kubuntu
[01:00] <monkeybritches> GoldBug: what extension does it end with? .tar.gz?
[01:00] <GoldBug> .run
[01:00] <_Rommel_> nop
[01:00] <_Rommel_> use ubuntu 8.04
[01:00] <_Rommel_> suse10
[01:00] <_Rommel_> debian
[01:00] <_Rommel_> dsl
[01:00] <leftbas> ah, in that case, you should be able to manipulate the driver in the System Settings app
[01:00] <debian> _Rommel_
[01:00] <monkeybritches> For .run files, type ./filenamewhatever.run
[01:00] <_Rommel_> slax
[01:01] <_Rommel_> back track !
[01:01] <_Rommel_> :D
[01:01] <BluesKaj> !ops | _Rommel_
[01:01] <ubottu> _Rommel_: Help! Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild or jussi01!
[01:01] <_Rommel_> :D
[01:01] <_Rommel_> make !
[01:01] <_Rommel_> mandrake !
[01:01] <_Rommel_> red hat
[01:01] <leftbas> _Rommel_: now you're starting to become annoying
[01:01] <_Rommel_> god !!!
[01:02] <GoldBug> i already ignored him so i can see what is going on
[01:02] <monkeybritches> Hmm, I was having problems prioritizing annoyances up until a few seconds ago. Now I'm having a moment of clarity.
[01:02] <BluesKaj> ok, he's gone
[01:02] <mneptok> sorry for the delay
[01:02] <GoldBug> hmm i type the /filename.run in the commandline?
[01:02] <monkeybritches> That'll learn him.
[01:02] <BluesKaj> hehe , right on mneptok :)
[01:02] <leftbas> thank you!
[01:03] <monkeybritches> GoldBug: Yes
[01:03] <GoldBug> amusing kick line
[01:03] <leftbas> i didn't know the argentines had anything to do with south africa :P
[01:03] <Niteye> where is the master volume settings in KDE4 ?
[01:03] <GoldBug> gives me a could not run
[01:03] <monkeybritches> Did you include the ./ ?
[01:03] <leftbas> that's for a script
[01:04] <BluesKaj> leftbas, Rommel the nazi general in WW2 lost to the allies in N.Africa
[01:04] <GoldBug> i missed the . but when i do that it gives me unknown host
[01:04] <leftbas> BluesKaj: ohhhhhhhhhh yeah
[01:04] <monkeybritches> I seem to recall it working for me last time I had a .run file...
[01:04] <leftbas> monkeybritches: i don't think you and goldbug are on the same page
[01:04] <monkeybritches> I blame Alzheimer's
[01:05] <GoldBug> hmm does it need a path efore it?
[01:05] <BluesKaj> yeah GoldBug in the terminal ,sudo ./nameofdriver.run
[01:06] <GoldBug> well it didn't give me an error it just closed the window
[01:06] <monkeybritches> Try this page. Then we will both be on the same page: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=503542
[01:07] <GoldBug> yes masa^^
[01:07] <leftbas> i have one...
[01:07] <monkeybritches> Looks like I forgot to chmod it
[01:07] <monkeybritches> Nvidia should have a linux troubleshooting page or some such.
[01:07] <leftbas> i turned on the nvidia fx driver for my 5200 card last night, and now the login screen is zoomed in
[01:07] <leftbas> do i have to edit the x11.conf file?
[01:07] <BluesKaj> leftbas, is that you ...chris with the ford focus in LA ?
[01:08] <leftbas> that's me BluesKaj
[01:08] <BluesKaj> come back to offtopic, leftbas
[01:09] <nohelphere> iu get the error documente dhere http://b47619.pastebin.com/d78ddfc36 how do I fix it?
[01:10] <nohelphere> almost everything i od it complains about that
[01:10] <nohelphere> do*
[01:10] <nohelphere> dolphin gives that error when I am in /var/www trying to delete index.html
[01:11] <monkeybritches> Sorry, don't use Dolphin
[01:12] <leftbas> me neitehr
[01:12] <fernando_> hola
[01:12] <monkeybritches> Howdy
[01:13] <monkeybritches> That was a scintillating conversation.
[01:19] <trident523> ... whoops.
[01:20] <BluesKaj> !resolution
[01:20] <Ketrel> In kubuntu is bash or dash the default shell?
[01:20] <ubottu> The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto
[01:20] <monkeybritches> Ketrel: bash
[01:21] <earthsound> the adept-manager version upgrade crashed near the end of the process & mentioned that it was going to run a repair script of some time, but the GUI froze before it ran it and before I could get a screen capture of the command
[01:21] <earthsound> what is the script/command run to do a version upgrade repair, to make sure everything is cleaned up?
[01:21] <Desmond> !freespire
[01:21] <ubottu> Factoid freespire not found
[01:23] <Ketrel> monkeybritches: ok thanks
[01:23] <earthsound> i filed a bug report at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/225458 and included some log files
[01:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 225458 in update-manager "error and crash during Version Upgrade" [Undecided,New]
[01:25] <Ketrel> monkeybritches: I just found this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh is that different between ubuntu and kubuntu?
[01:27] <monkeybritches> That's interesting.
[01:28] <monkeybritches> The difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu is the default desktop manager
[01:28] <monkeybritches> Ubuntu = Gnome, Kubuntu= KDE
[01:28] <TeslaTony> To confuse matters more, there's also Kubuntu-KDE4
[01:28] <patpond> me likey Kubuntu
[01:28] <Dragnslcr> Ketrel- bash is the default shell for any users that you create, but /bin/sh is symlinked to /bin/dash
[01:28] <monkeybritches> aka Kubuntu-not-ready-for-this-monkey ;)
[01:29] <Desmond> anyone here have wg311t netgear adapter?
[01:29] <CPrgmSwR2> I think kubuntu is the best distro out
[01:29] <trident523> The difference between fedora and ubuntu... eh. RPMs never worked for me.
[01:29] <CPrgmSwR2> Fedora is just too buggy
[01:29] <trident523> Dunno, I use GNOMe way more than KDE. I just like KDE apps.
[01:29] <Dragnslcr> Ketrel- it should only be a problem for certain poorly-written scripts that use #!/bin/sh assuming that it's linked to bash instead of using #!/bin/bash
[01:30] <monkeybritches> Distros are like pie.
[01:30] <CPrgmSwR2> trident523: I just love the way kde4 looks
[01:30] <monkeybritches> And we all know blueberry is best. ;)
[01:30] <Desmond> haha
[01:30] <patpond> with Wine installed, do I really need to run VBox?
[01:30] <TeslaTony> trident523: I usually wind up using one manager with the others programs...of course now I'm getting into some command line stuff, too...
[01:30] <trident523> CPrgmSwR2: Looks are good and all, but does it work well? :P
[01:30] <Boohbah_> patpond: yes
[01:30] <trident523> Hold on, going away for a bit.
[01:31] <monkeybritches> patpond: It depends on what you're trying to do.
[01:31] <CPrgmSwR2> trident523: Whether something works or not is just as subjective as whether it looks good or not
[01:31] <Odd-rationale> patpond: maybe. not all apps work with wine. it is getting there though
[01:31] <patpond> meh, ever since I installed kubuntu, I find I'm drifting away from winblows
[01:31] <Boohbah_> CPrgmSwR2: no
[01:31] <patpond> still a *nix n00b tho
[01:32] <CPrgmSwR2> Boohbah_: I could declare that an app doesn't work because it contains some bug, and we know all programs contain bugs
[01:32] * Desmond wants to know about wg311t and the distros it works for
[01:32] <monkeybritches> The more you use it, the more natural it will become
[01:33] <TeslaTony> Desmond: I think that has an atheros chipset in it, in which case madwifi should work. Try finding that out, and also check #madwifi
[01:33] <CPrgmSwR2> What I want to know is if linux is going to develop an easy set of API for writing to a movie file format
[01:34] <Ketrel> Dragnslcr: that's what I was asking though. It's something I should check for on scripts
[01:34] <Boohbah_> ffmpeg don work?
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[01:35] <CPrgmSwR2> ffmpeg is not good, because it needs to use svg graphics
[01:35] <BluesKaj> CPrgmSwR2, what about mencoder or tovid ?
[01:36] <Boohbah_> BluesKaj: they all use ffmpeg
[01:36] <CPrgmSwR2> Does mencoder write to a mng file?
[01:38] <CPrgmSwR2> KDE4 has just about dumped traditional graphics for scaler vector graphics and I wanted to complete a game I started, but I am not talented enough to work with file formats
[01:38] <BluesKaj> well anything that uses mpg as the final codec is out ?
=== william_ is now known as nonewmsgs
[01:39] <nonewmsgs> is mpd compatable with windows?
[01:41] <TeslaTony> If a program is asking for qt, what packages do I need to install?
[01:42] <nonewmsgs> qt is installed with kde
[01:42] <TeslaTony> What about KDE4?
[01:42] <CPrgmSwR2> qt4
[01:42] <TeslaTony> OK
[01:42] <CPrgmSwR2> libqt4-core
[01:43] <TeslaTony> Thanks. If that doesn't help, I'll be back
[01:45] <GoldBug> OK i reinstalled kubuntu
[01:45] <GoldBug> is there some way that i can specify where it gets my driver from for my vid card
[01:46] <CPrgmSwR2> GoldBug: there should be an icon which allows you to use the priotery drivers
[01:46] <GoldBug> the little pci card looking one?
[01:46] <fuzzybyte> is there a way to get back/forward mouse buttons to work with konqeuror/dolphin?
[01:46] <CPrgmSwR2> yep
[01:47] <CPrgmSwR2> fuzzybyte: what kinda mouse?
[01:47] <GoldBug> last time i did that it made my desktop go to 640X 480 and that was as big as it could go
[01:47] <CPrgmSwR2> What card?
[01:47] <GoldBug> nvidia 8600gts
[01:47] <fuzzybyte> my mouse works fine. back/forward buttons work with my mouse in firefox but not in konqueror/dolphin.
[01:47] <fuzzybyte> 7 button mouse
[01:49] <GoldBug> and i couldn't install any other drivers
[01:49] <CPrgmSwR2> fuzzybyte: you will need to configure the system settings for kde, as firefox is really part of gnome and not kde
[01:49] <Elazar> Can anyone advise me on how to run a bash script or series of commands automatically when I log into KDE 4?
[01:50] <monkeybritches> GoldBug: Maybe this page can be of some help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=776916
[01:50] <BluesKaj> !init
[01:50] <ubottu> Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto
[01:50] <Elazar> BluesKaj: Thanks.
[01:50] <BluesKaj> np
[01:50] <GoldBug> yea i ran that before the reinstall monkey
[01:50] <GoldBug> and it didn't work >,<
[01:51] <fuzzybyte> CPrgmSwR2: how do you get all buttons to work with KDE?
[01:51] <monkeybritches> I have an ATI card and had some problems at first
[01:51] <monkeybritches> It's working perfectly now with the drivers that came included in the installation rather than ATI's, but lots of tweaking was involved
[01:53] <GoldBug> see that is the problem i just converted today
[01:53] <GoldBug> so i have essentially no idea what the hell i am doing
[01:53] * GoldBug is honest
[01:53] <monkeybritches> Neither did I
[01:53] <wesley> does some play planeshift on intel gma x3100
[01:54] <monkeybritches> My first thought was to use the manufacturer's drivers, but that didn't work
[01:54] <monkeybritches> So I reinstalled and went 'stock' and that did the trick
[01:54] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: whats the problem?
[01:54] <monkeybritches> You said you downloaded Nvidia's drivers, but have you tried to see what you can do with the generic ones?
[01:55] <GoldBug> the proprietaty drivers for my 8600gts do not work correctly
[01:55] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: did you install nvidia-glx-new?
[01:55] <GoldBug> nope
[01:55] <GoldBug> where is that found at?
[01:56] <wesley> why does my intel gma use vesa ?
[01:56] <earthsound> what is (are) the command script(s) that the version upgrade runs near the end to cleanup everything?
[01:57] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: well, how did you install the proprietary driver before?
[01:57] <earthsound> it crashed just before cleaning up & then crashed when doing the repair script, too. so, I'd like to try the repair/cleanup before rebooting the machine
[01:57] <GoldBug> it was the driver that was auto downloaded from kubuntu
[01:58] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: in the hardware devices manager thing?
[01:58] <BluesKaj> earthsound, did you try re-starting adept / upgrade
[01:58] <GoldBug> i believe so
[01:59] <earthsound> BluesKaj: no, b/c there is a button where the adept notification tray normally would be that says "in order to complete the update, your computer needs to be restarted"
[01:59] <earthsound> i figured it would just prompt me to reboot, but i'll give it a try
[01:59] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: ok, run this command "apt-cache policy nvidia-glx" and tell me that package is installed
[02:00] <BluesKaj> earthsound , perhaps after a reboot adept will continue from where it crashed , but dunno for sure.
[02:01] <GoldBug> hmm i ran it and nothing appeared to happen
[02:01] <earthsound> BluesKaj: no, adept manager just runs, doesn't offer to cleanup/finish the upgrade :|
[02:02] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: i will try again maybe i mistyped something
[02:02] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: i just run it from the run command screen correct?
[02:02] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: this is in a konsole, correct?
[02:03] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: i can do it in konsole
[02:04] <BluesKaj> earthsound, in the terminal sudo dpkg --configure -a
[02:04] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: installed: (none)
[02:04] <nosrednaekim> yeah... do it in konsole, where you will be able to see the results :) any command I tell you to run, run in konsole
[02:04] <GoldBug> yessir
[02:04] <trident523> Oh, #kubuntu ... I have no sound mixer in the panel... how would I acquire one of those?
[02:04] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: ok, do "apt-cache policy nvidia-glx-new"
[02:05] * trident523 probably should be in -kde4, but, eh.
[02:05] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: installed none
[02:05] <nosrednaekim> trident523: run "kmix"
[02:06] <nosrednaekim> trident523: its the same :)
[02:06] <BluesKaj> trident523, k-menu/system settings/sound system/enable sound system,then choose hardware tab/select the audio device/Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, click apply
[02:06] <GoldBug> i literally just installed this today and i have never run anything other than windows before so i am completly new
[02:06] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: ahhhh ha :) ok, now run "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new"
[02:06] <nosrednaekim> this is certainly doing it the hard way :)... but at least its reliable :)
[02:07] <earthsound> BluesKaj: it gives me the error I saw when the version upgrade pooped out
[02:07] <trident523> nosrednaekim: kmix works
[02:07] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: i would rather do it the hard way so i can learn
[02:07] <trident523> BluesKaj: That's not an option I see in sound settings.
[02:07] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: the whole give a man a fish feed him for a day teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime
[02:08] <earthsound> apparently, there is a character encoding problem xmlbuilder.py:
[02:08] <earthsound> enc�ding
[02:08] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: that will be the attitude that will make you succeed at Linux
[02:08] <nosrednaekim> :)
[02:08] <earthsound> which causes it to throw up a "SyntaxError: invalid syntax" error
[02:08] <trident523> GoldBug: Teach him how to genetically manipulate fish, and destroy conventional thinking.
[02:09] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: ehh i hope so i am mostly a gamer so i am a little leery of coverting but this will be a grand experiment
[02:09] <BluesKaj> earthsound, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you may need to run adept upgrade from the live cd , do a clean install .
[02:09] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: ok, so what the command just did (since you seem to want to learn) was grab the nvidia driver from the ubuntu repositories and install it. Now we just have to edit one file to enable it.
[02:09] <Scunizi> where does koffice store it's data files for a user?
[02:09] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: i am assumiong that apt-get is teh command that goes to the repositories?
[02:09] <nosrednaekim> Scunizi: .kde I would assume
[02:09] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: correct
[02:10] <earthsound> BluesKaj: this is what that command gave me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9349/
[02:10] <BluesKaj> earthsound, not adept upgrade but a clean install , unless you can fix the broken pkges
[02:10] <trident523> GoldBug: yup, and aptitude does that too. If you get confused in the terminal, you can always run "man <command>" and find out what's going on.
[02:10] <nosrednaekim> apt-cache searches (mostly) the installed or installable programs in you pacage lists
[02:10] <GoldBug> is man <command> kinda like a help?
[02:10] <earthsound> hopefully, i can just edit xmlbuilder.py and run it again, right? :|
[02:11] <Scunizi> What else is in there.. I'm running gnome hardy but on gutsy I had installed koffice. I had some issues with time stamps between it and Evolution.. I'd like to eliminate the data files and install it fresh again.
[02:11] <trident523> GoldBug: Yup, but in easy to read fragments.
[02:11] <earthsound> man pages give info on the command, yes
[02:11] <trident523> Scunizi: Are you in GNOME right now?
[02:11] <Scunizi> yes
[02:11] <GoldBug> ok so something like man cd would return something liek changes directory
[02:11] <trident523> Scunizi: You can to to Synaptics, look for koffice, and right click, then click completely remove. Should do it.
[02:11] <Dr_willis> some of the commands are built in bash commands. :) those may not have man pages.
[02:12] <GoldBug> well i am keeping it super simple
[02:12] <Scunizi> I'm in the .kde directory now.. when I used synaptic to "completely remove" it doesn't delete user configuration..
[02:12] <Dr_willis> 'man ls' :) there is no man page for cd. heh.
[02:12] <GoldBug> i wanna crawl correctly before i start doing the fandango
[02:12] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: more or less, yes
[02:12] <Dr_willis> Scunizi, correct.. the apt system will NOT NOT NOT touch the users configs in the users home dirs.
[02:13] <Dr_willis> Scunizi, you must manually remove them.. of course if its a config file issue in the users home dir. theres no need to remove/reinstall the program in the first place.
[02:13] <BluesKaj> earthsound, where are your source.list repositories ... you may have a buggy python app included in the download and it's freezing up the install
[02:13] <Scunizi> Dr_willis: and that is what I want to delete.. but what? for the calendar and address book
[02:13] <Dr_willis> Scunizi, no idea. explore the .kde dir. when in doubt. 'move' the files somewhere else. that way you can move them back
[02:14] <Scunizi> Dr_willis: good idea.. also renaming the directory works too.
[02:14] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: so... that command done?
[02:14] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: 63%
[02:14] <nosrednaekim> slow internet... (or the servers are still getting hammered)
[02:14] <earthsound> BluesKaj: sorry, but I'm not quite sure what it is exactly that you're asking :|
[02:14] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: well i am also dling the kde3 distro just in case none of thieworks
[02:15] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: and that is going about a half meg a sec
[02:15] <nosrednaekim> oh... this is KDE4?
[02:15] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: i think so...
[02:15] <monkeybritches> Does anyone know of any gui linux firewalls that feature alerts/prompts for outbound connections?
[02:15] <trident523> nosrednaekim: kde4 the package is.
[02:15] <Dr_willis> !firewall
[02:15] <ubottu> Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).
[02:15] <trident523> monkeybritches: Why not use a hardware firewall? I hear they are all the rage.
[02:15] <nosrednaekim> you don't have to do that (download another whole ISO) you can just install KDE3 next to KDE4
[02:16] <monkeybritches> Will you buy me one? ;)
[02:16] <BluesKaj> earthsound, alt+f2 , kdesudo kate /etc/apt/source.list , post the list in pastebin
[02:16] <GoldBug> i got this one Download Kubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron)
[02:16] <trident523> monkeybritches: My router is a hardware firewall. Heck, my DSL modem was a firewall... before I got fiber
[02:16] <GoldBug> well i was jsut going to nuke the entire partition
[02:16] <BluesKaj> oops earthsound , kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list
[02:17] <GoldBug> i assume 8.04 is kde4
[02:17] <monkeybritches> I'm using Firestarter and just downloaded Guarddog but I'm looking for something that prompts me like Comodo does on Windows
[02:17] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: not very descriptive there :) ok anyway.. you should be able to gt this workin
[02:17] <Walzmyn> BluesKaj, ah, thanks. i'd wondered how to sudo from that launcher
[02:17] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: no... there are two versions
[02:17] <Desmond> GoldBug: no
[02:17] <earthsound> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9352/
[02:17] <Desmond> GoldBug: kde4 is in remix
[02:17] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: OH
[02:18] <GoldBug> well then i guess i am running 3 >,<
[02:18] <monkeybritches> trident523: What brand of router are you using?
[02:18] <GoldBug> shows how much about all this i know
[02:18] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: command finished
[02:18] <earthsound> i assume that was updated during the upgrade process
[02:18] <trident523> monkeybritches: ISP supplied actiontek router. Blocks all ports inbound 'cept a few by default.
[02:19] <earthsound> i have saved the xmlbuilder.py file with the corrected character encoding and i'm going to try running sudo dpkg --configure -a again
[02:19] <trident523> monkeybritches: I have to use that router too, TV goes through it. Fiber is a interesting thing.
[02:19] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: now do i get the drivers from the manager?
[02:19] <monkeybritches> I have a Zoom X6.
[02:19] <trident523> monkeybritches: Ever go into the web-config for it?
[02:19] <monkeybritches> Yes, often
[02:19] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: ok! now run the following command from a run dialog " kdesudo kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf"
[02:20] <trident523> monkeybritches: Does it ever say anything about "port forwarding" or dmz?
[02:20] <monkeybritches> I'm not overly concerned about inbound connections so much as outbound
[02:20] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: is that still from konsole?
[02:20] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: we are going to manually edit it....
[02:20] <monkeybritches> Yes, those are options
[02:20] <trident523> monkeybritches: My router still blocks redundent outbound stuff on random ports... annoying yes.
[02:20] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: it can be... just don't close the konsole if you do :P
[02:20] <nosrednaekim> I'll Be right back
[02:21] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: ok i am a little confused do you want me to use the run command window then?
[02:21] <earthsound> yay
[02:21] <earthsound> running sudo dpkg --configure -a resulted in:
[02:21] <earthsound> Setting up python-xml (0.8.4-10ubuntu2) ...
[02:21] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: also thanks for your help and patience this is a little daunting for me.
[02:22] <trident523> monkeybritches: Anyhow, firestarter should be good for a firewall, but I tend to have a little less worry if my computer starts throwing up (random packets...) I'm usually disconnected from stuff, and anyhow, linux dosen't have that many "phone home" items.
[02:22] <GoldBug> " kdesudo kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf"
[02:23] <earthsound> how can finish the cleanup from the upgrade process?
[02:23] <BluesKaj> earthsound, somehow you have a faulty python version.. run this in the konsole . sudo apt-get remove python-xml
[02:24] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: run it from the run command (it really doesn't matter, that command will work from either since it doesn't give out any command line output, only pulls up a graphical text editor)
[02:24] <earthsound> BluesKaj: was that message i got not a good thing?
[02:25] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: ok kwrite is open
[02:25] <monkeybritches> Ok, thanks
[02:25] <GoldBug> and i have a blank config file
[02:25] <trident523> GoldBug: Probably didn't get sudo rights.
[02:26] <BluesKaj> no earthsound , it was not , you have a faulty app lication that can't be upgraded to a newer version ...it's better to remove the app and reinstall a fresh new version later
[02:26] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: totally blank? uhh, then try something from the command line to make sure that really is blank.... "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf"
[02:26] <nosrednaekim> if that is still blank.... then yeah we have some other problems
[02:27] <Roey> hi
[02:27] <trident523> !hi | Roey
[02:27] <ubottu> Roey: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[02:27] <Roey> which -devel package am I missing here? http://rafb.net/p/09H1iL62.html
[02:27] <Roey> aww thanks trident523
[02:28] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: says no file or directory exists
[02:28] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: i am assuming caps don't matter
[02:29] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: ah.. but in Linux and UNIX, caps do matter :)
[02:29] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: good to know
[02:29] <GoldBug> k still blank file when run in run command
[02:31] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: wow... um... I've never dealt with this before. (its a new "feature" in hardy to not have a config file and i'm not sure how to generate one)
[02:31] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: well if you don't know... :'( no chance for me
[02:31] <GoldBug> i mean i am prety sure i am doing it right
[02:32] <BluesKaj> earthsound, did you run , sudo apt-get remove python-xml , in the konsole ?
[02:32] <GoldBug> here lemme connect that box to this channel
[02:32] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: yeah.. you are probably doing it right... let me google something
=== Boohbah_ is now known as Boohbah
[02:35] <stunatra> Anyone know of a program to convert an m4a audio file to .ogg ?
[02:36] <nosrednaekim> stunatra: sox probably can and audacity if you install the right plugins
[02:36] <stunatra> sox?
[02:37] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: ah! ok! run the following command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" from the command line
[02:39] <nosrednaekim> don't worry about what its asking.. just do the defaults
[02:39] <GoldBug> ok so i don't wanna use the frame buffer
[02:39] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: aka just hit no to everything
[02:39] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: whaever the default is
[02:41] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: ok i have NO idea what the hell i just did
[02:41] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: but i think i did it
[02:41] <nosrednaekim> hah... its ok...
[02:42] <nosrednaekim> you just generated a slightly-less-blank config file :)
[02:42] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: run that kwrite command again
[02:42] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: i haven't felt this dum since <insert socially awkard joke here>
[02:42] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: ...still blank
[02:42] <nosrednaekim> its ok.... you really SHOULDN"T have to be doing this... so don't worry about it
[02:42] <bleaked> just a minor problem.. *almost* every time i launch pidgin, the icon in the system tray is twice as large as the other icons..gtk apps used to always play nice in my kde, but this one is a rebel..any suggestions?
[02:43] <nosrednaekim> are you SURE you are putting in the right location? copy and paste my command....
[02:43] <nosrednaekim> "kdesu kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf"
[02:43] <stunatra> What's the plugin to support m4a files in K3b?
[02:43] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: i did kdesudo
[02:43] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: lemme try that
[02:43] <bleaked> stunatra: try installing the libk3b2-extracodecs package
[02:43] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: of you are on kde4, kdesudo might not work
[02:44] <GoldBug> i appearently am on kde 3
[02:45] <stunatra> bleaked, that package is already installed
[02:46] <GoldBug> nosrednaekim: gimmie a sec and i will see if i can get kopete to let that box in here
[02:47] <Roey> Hi! which -devel package am I missing here? http://rafb.net/p/09H1iL62.html
[02:47] <Jucato> Roey: you might want to ask in #kubuntu-kde4 too
[02:48] <Roey> ok
[02:48] <Roey> thanks
[02:49] <bleaked> stunatra: not sure.. do you have the medibuntu repository enabled? i was reading on a forum post about how ffmpeg might be needed.. other posts say it's not possible, while others say it is, after conversion.. personally i'm not sure, i wouldn't touch a aac file to save my life.
[02:51] <Dr_willis> the ffmpeg on the medibuntu has extra features enabled - I recall. :)
[02:51] <stunatra> Yeah, I hate aac
[02:52] <bleaked> stunatra: run this: GPG: wget -q http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -
[02:52] <stunatra> maybe this is a lesson not to download songs illegally lol
[02:52] <GoldBug> GRRR
[02:52] <bleaked> stunatra: then this: sudo wget http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list && sudo apt-get update
[02:52] <GoldBug> ok i had kopete in here before and NOW it decided it doesn't wanna play nice
[02:52] <bleaked> stunatra: then once apt has updated, install ffmpeg
[02:53] <bleaked> stunatra: that's assuming you're using hardy
[02:53] <stunatra> Ugh
[02:53] <stunatra> no
[02:53] <stunatra> 7.10
[02:53] <earthsound> BluesKaj: yes, sorry, had to put kids to bed. here's what it gave me:
[02:54] <earthsound> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9361/
[02:54] <bleaked> ok, well change the hyperlink entry in the second command to say gutsy.list instead of hardy.list
[02:54] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: are you putting th quotes in the command?
[02:55] <BluesKaj> nosrednaekim, what's the purge command again ?
[02:55] <GoldBug> ok i have konversation connectied to the server now /join should get me intot he channel not?
[02:55] <nosrednaekim> BluesKaj: apt-get purge packagename
[02:55] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: yes
[02:55] <nosrednaekim> /join kubuntu
[02:55] <BluesKaj> thx nosrednaekim
[02:55] <earthsound> -P I think
[02:55] <nosrednaekim> #kubuntu
[02:56] <earthsound> BluesKaj: what should I do now that python-xml has been removed?
[02:56] <BluesKaj> earthsound, it hasn't been removed
[02:57] <BluesKaj> we have to force it
[02:58] <earthsound> dpkg -P python-xml will work?
[02:58] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug: are you putting the quotes in your commands you were entering?
[02:58] <earthsound> or should I run apt-get?
[02:58] <BluesKaj> sudo dpkg -rf python.xml
[02:58] <stunatra> so sick of codec bs
[02:59] <bleaked> stunatra: once you have the mediabuntu repo enabled, it's cake
[02:59] <Dr_willis> blame the lawyers, and video people who cant decide on a standard i guess. :)
[02:59] <earthsound> BluesKaj: did you mean --force instead of -f?
[02:59] <earthsound> b/c that gives an error
[02:59] <Dr_willis> I have less codec issues under linux, then i do windows.
[03:00] <earthsound> dpkg: conflicting actions -f (--field) and -r (--remove)
[03:00] <GoldBug_> sorry i got dced
[03:00] * Dr_willis is reminded of a windows 'automaticially download codec feature' that installed a nasty virus on a friends machine. :)
[03:00] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug_: are you putting the quotes in your commands you were entering?
[03:00] <GoldBug_> no
[03:00] <nosrednaekim> ok, good :)
[03:00] <GoldBug_> i may be new but not THAT new^^
[03:01] <GoldBug_> grr konversation is being belligerant
[03:01] <nosrednaekim> i'm not sure where to go from here.... how about trying that hardware device manager again? try enabling it in there.
[03:02] <Dragnslcr> Anybody know much about Bluetooth keyboard/mouse? Mine lose the connection after being idle for a short time. I think I had this problem when I upgraded to 7.10 as well, but I don't remember how I fixed it
[03:02] <goldbug1> WOOT
[03:02] <earthsound> BluesKaj: when I try to run sudo dpkg -r python-xml, it says "dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove python-xml which isn't installed."
[03:02] <goldbug1> i made it!!
[03:02] <BluesKaj> earthsound, sudo apt-get purge python-xml
[03:02] * goldbug1 does a happy dance
[03:02] <goldbug1> ok that command that you wanted em to run was
[03:02] <earthsound> same thing
[03:02] <goldbug1> "kdesudo kwrite /ect/X11/xorg.conf"
[03:03] <goldbug1> correct?
[03:03] <earthsound> Package python-xml is not installed, so not removed
[03:03] <goldbug1> (that was copy and pasted from my run command dialog
[03:03] <BluesKaj> ok earthsound try running adept updater again
[03:03] <earthsound> should I just manually remove /usr/lib/python2.5/ ?
[03:03] <earthsound> b/c the directory is still there
[03:03] <BluesKaj> earthsound wait.
[03:03] <earthsound> and it's contents, as far as i can tell
[03:04] <BluesKaj> try sudo apt-get update ...and pray for no errors , then run adept upgrade
[03:05] <nosrednaekim> goldbug1: thats correct
[03:05] <goldbug1> nosrednaekim: ok i ran that and i get a blank
[03:05] <earthsound> the only file in /usr/libe/python2.5/site-packages/oldxml/_xmlplus/dom was:
[03:05] <earthsound> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12384 2002-09-03 14:40 xmlbuilder.py~
[03:05] <earthsound> which i assume is why it couldn't delete the directories?
[03:05] <earthsound> ok, i'll give that a try
[03:05] <stunatra> ahh that worked ... thanks a lot bleaked
[03:06] <nosrednaekim> goldbug1: okay then.... go to the hardware device manager, get into admin mode, and try enabling the nvidia driver
[03:06] <goldbug1> nosrednaekim: how do you get into admin mode?
[03:07] <earthsound> BluesKaj: didn't get any errors on the update command
[03:07] <nosrednaekim> goldbug1: did it ask you for your passowrd when it started?
[03:07] <goldbug1> yea
[03:07] <earthsound> how should i run the adept upgrade?
[03:07] <nosrednaekim> ok, then you are in admin
[03:07] <earthsound> command line or via adept manager UI?
[03:07] <goldbug1> nosrednaekim: ok
[03:07] <BluesKaj> ok earthsound we can remove the /usr/lib/python file but it may cause damage to other apps .. i would try sudo apt-get remove python
[03:08] <BluesKaj> it leaves the directory intact
[03:08] <earthsound> i thought that files with a ~ at the end were temp files and could be ignored?
[03:08] <goldbug1> nosrednaekim: ok i will enable it now
[03:08] <earthsound> ok, i'll try the remove python, then
[03:08] <nosrednaekim> goldbug1: and you've done this before, right?
[03:08] <goldbug1> nosrednaekim: hit enable
[03:09] <earthsound> should i remove python before the adept upgrade?
[03:09] <BluesKaj> yes
[03:09] <goldbug1> nosrednaekim: ok it says i am in need of a restart
[03:10] <nosrednaekim> goldbug1: ok.... just log out and then hit Ctrl+alt+bckspace
[03:11] <GoldBug_> hmmm
[03:11] <GoldBug_> my computer is completely dark now..
[03:11] <nosrednaekim> heh... it should come back...
[03:11] <earthsound> BluesKaj: are you sure? it wants to remove 267 packages when I do that:
[03:11] <earthsound> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9368/
[03:11] <GoldBug_> k it just rebooted..
[03:11] <nosrednaekim> automatically?
[03:12] <GoldBug_> i didn't touch it
[03:12] <nosrednaekim> I think you selected the wrong logout button :P
[03:12] <GoldBug_> that won't hurt anything will it?
[03:12] <GoldBug_> and i have 640X 480 desktop now
[03:12] <BluesKaj> earthsound , ok don't
[03:12] <earthsound> BluesKaj: i don't think i want to remove all of those :
[03:13] <BluesKaj> agreed
[03:13] <BluesKaj> can't hurt to try the upgrade
[03:13] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug_: ok! so something worked there... log in :)
[03:13] <earthsound> how did you want me to run the upgrade?
[03:13] <kinmushi> ok
[03:14] <kinmushi> <-- gold bug
[03:14] <earthsound> sudo apt-get upgrade ?
[03:14] <BluesKaj> earthsound, try adept
[03:14] <earthsound> oh, ok
[03:14] <BluesKaj> if it's possible
[03:14] <kinmushi> hmm it gave me a resticed drivers error message
[03:14] <BluesKaj> !upgrade
[03:14] <ubottu> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[03:15] <earthsound> no, it's not coming up as an option
[03:15] <earthsound> even after clicking "Fetch Update"
[03:15] <kinmushi> nosrednaekim: and when i try to change the monitor desktop size it caps out at 640x480
[03:15] <kinmushi> :'(
[03:15] <nosrednaekim> GoldBug_: open up a terminal, and run "sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings"
[03:16] <kinmushi> can you paste in terminal?
[03:16] <earthsound> lsb_release -rd shows: "Description: Ubuntu 8.04" "Release: 8.04"
[03:16] <earthsound> that's probably why it won't give me the upgrade option
[03:16] <BluesKaj> sudo apt-get upgrade
[03:16] <nosrednaekim> kinmushi: sure
[03:17] <earthsound> is there not a list somewhere showing what the cleanup command(s) is at the end of the upgrade process?
[03:17] <kinmushi> k it is working it's black magic
[03:17] <kinmushi> how do you paste into terminal?
[03:17] <BluesKaj> sudo apt-get clean or autoclean , earthsound
[03:17] <kinmushi> ctrl v doesn't work
[03:17] <nosrednaekim> kinmushi: right click, copy, right click, paste
=== elninja is now known as Arrr
[03:18] <nosrednaekim> IDK the keybaord shortvuts
[03:18] <earthsound> when i do sudo apt-get upgrade, it the last line of the response is: "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."
[03:18] <kinmushi> ahh ok
[03:18] <kinmushi> well the command finished
[03:18] <monkeybritches> Shift-Ins
[03:18] <nosrednaekim> kinmushi: run "kdesudo nvidia-settings"
[03:18] <monkeybritches> For future reference :)
[03:19] <earthsound> BluesKaj: do you have any idea what the repair script is that was mentioned when the upgrade process crashed on me?
[03:19] <kinmushi> ok i looks like i have settings to play with
[03:19] <hellhound> can anyone help me with a slow computer running Kubuntu. I have posted the specifics and my computer information, top, etc but it has gotten no useful replys. (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4615308#post4615308) The
[03:19] <earthsound> clean & autoclean erase downloaded archive files, but I'm looking for something that ensures the upgrade process completed :|
[03:20] <earthsound> I wish I could remember exactly what command it said it was going to run before it crashed/froze the 2nd tiem
[03:20] <earthsound> *time
[03:20] <nosrednaekim> kinmushi: hopefully some resolution settings
[03:20] <kinmushi> NOOO the window is too big i can't get the cursor to the settings
[03:21] * kinmushi cries
[03:21] <nosrednaekim> kinmushi: press alt and drag
[03:21] <kinmushi> the torment of tantelous
[03:21] <stoffer> how do I get KDM to run my system theme? I've installed new kdm themes into the kdmthememanager but changing them there has no effect.
[03:21] <nosrednaekim> (drag from anywhere on the app)
[03:21] <BluesKaj> sorry earthsound , dunno ...I'm out of ideas
[03:21] <nosrednaekim> stoffer: err, KDM themes...
[03:22] <earthsound> the message i got was something like"The upgrade aborts now. your system could be unusable. a recover will run now"
[03:22] <kinmushi> nope those settings also max out at 640x480
[03:22] <earthsound> let me take a look at the screenshots I took this morning
[03:22] <stoffer> nosrednaekim, ?
[03:22] <earthsound> yes, that's the error message, w/ recovery instead of recover
[03:22] <earthsound> and then it had (dpkg --configure -a)
[03:22] <nosrednaekim> stoffer: yeah... doesn't work very well.
[03:22] <earthsound> then asked to report this bug
[03:23] <nosrednaekim> kinmushi: wow... I broke it even worse :)
[03:23] <earthsound> at the bottom of the error window it shows:
[03:23] <stoffer> nosrednaekim, ok, well in that case i'm giving up for now, thanks
[03:23] <nosrednaekim> kinmushi: what restricted driver error did it throw at you?
[03:23] <earthsound> E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error"
[03:23] <earthsound> well, I downloaded the alternative CD for 8.04 in case I need
[03:23] <kinmushi> no this is the exact same place i was when i did the enable nvidia driver last time
[03:23] <hellhound> can anyone help me with a slow computer running Kubuntu. I have posted the specifics and my computer information, top, etc but it has gotten no useful replys. (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4615308#post4615308) The
[03:23] <earthsound> so, i guess i'll burn that real quick and check my grub config and reboot
[03:23] <earthsound> and cross my fingers
[03:24] <nosrednaekim> kinmushi: ok.... lets try seeing if there is something in that config file NOW....
[03:24] * kinmushi is not goign to hold his breath
[03:24] <nosrednaekim> :)
[03:24] <kinmushi> "kdesudo kwrite /ect/X11/xorg.conf" that one?
[03:24] <nosrednaekim> ya
[03:24] <earthsound> BluesKaj: did you ever take a look at the error I reported & the .log files I attached to that report?
[03:24] <nosrednaekim> no! /etc
[03:25] <kinmushi> so just "kdesudo kwrite /X11/xorg.conf"
[03:25] <monkeybritches> hellhound: Sounds like a problem with the GUI. Have you booted into a console and experienced the same slowness?
[03:25] <nosrednaekim> no.. haha.... oh wow... lol I should read things better
[03:25] <kinmushi> AHH
[03:25] <kinmushi> yea
[03:25] <earthsound> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/225458
[03:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 225458 in update-manager "error and crash during Version Upgrade" [Undecided,New]
[03:25] <kinmushi> have i mentioned that i am dyslexic???
[03:26] <kinmushi> LOL
[03:26] <kinmushi> well what do you know a config file with shit in it>,<
[03:26] <nosrednaekim> haha... ok... this is why I like messing with hardware with my hand ON it :)
[03:26] <nosrednaekim> lol
[03:26] <nosrednaekim> pastebin it
[03:26] <nosrednaekim> !pastebin
[03:26] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[03:27] <hellhound> monkeybritches: i am trying right now...
[03:28] * kinmushi is looking for the pastebin but i do not sprekken de deische
[03:30] <nosrednaekim> thats odd...
[03:30] <BluesKaj> yeah earthsound , I see the errors but I don't know how to fix it, other than what we've tried already :(
[03:30] <GoldBug_> hmm when i past in the link it redirects me
[03:30] <nosrednaekim> kinmushi: http://pastebin.com/
[03:31] <nosrednaekim> yeah.. that link is broken apparently
[03:31] <kinmushi> that works
[03:31] <kinmushi> fun
[03:32] <kinmushi> http://pastebin.com/d66ab9527
[03:33] * kinmushi is in dire need of a smoke >,<
[03:34] <hellhound> monkeybritches: there is a delay with typing of about a second per letter... i am not as familar with the konsole, so I am not sure what all to test to see if it is really running slow... but on my other kubuntu computer, text is immediate in cosole
[03:35] * kinmushi is afk for about 2 minutes while i kill myself 30 seconds at a time
[03:35] <nosrednaekim> kinmushi: i'm lookin around
[03:35] <nosrednaekim> ok
[03:37] <earthsound> looking @ term.log, when it says "setting up <package>", does that mean it has installed it? ...or does that come later?
[03:37] <monkeybritches> hellhound: As someone suggested in your thread, type 'top' to see an updating list of processes to see what's hogging all of your resources
[03:37] <earthsound> b/c it looks like it has gone through everything except python-xml
[03:38] <darkwolf> where can I get the lpcj codec?
[03:38] <earthsound> it got as far as "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-16-generic" in term.log before saying:
[03:38] <monkeybritches> kinmushi: Killing yourself is bad for your health. 10/10 doctors don't recommend it.
[03:38] <earthsound> Errors were encountered while processing: python-xml
[03:39] <earthsound> BluesKaj: what should be the last lines I should see in the term.log?
[03:39] <earthsound> is there a sample of that log file somewhere?
[03:39] <BluesKaj> dunno
[03:40] <BluesKaj> nosrednaekim, ?
[03:40] <nosrednaekim> /var/log/dpkg.log
[03:40] <nosrednaekim> maybe
[03:41] <nosrednaekim> kinmushi: I'm sorry, I need to go.... try one last thing.... add these lines to the end of the "Device" section (before the Endsection)
[03:42] <nosrednaekim> kinmushi: http://pastebin.com/m3f468693
[03:42] <nosrednaekim> and replace that resolution with whatever your monitor's res is
[03:42] <kinmushi> well thank you VERY much for all your time and effort
[03:43] <nosrednaekim> so that it looks like this; http://pastebin.com/m4d3575bb
[03:44] <nosrednaekim> with a different resolution of course (though 1024x768 would be an improvement
[03:44] <nosrednaekim> ok.. later
[03:44] <darkwolf> lpcj anyone? I need it to listen to a realplayer audio clip
[03:44] <lownoize> somebody knows who feels responsible for the kubuntu mirrors list?
[03:44] <BluesKaj> darkwolf, VLC
[03:46] <monkeybritches> darkwolf: Have you tried helix-player?
[03:48] <hellhound> monkeybritches: top only has been showing top at 1%cpu and 0.1% mem, init at 0% cpu and 0.2% mem all other entries are zeros also load average is 0.18, 0.57, 0.30
[03:50] <fulat2k> hi folks, any idea why knetworkmanager's icon just dissapears from the system tray but keeps on working?
[03:51] <earthsound> BluesKaj: could sudo apt-get -f install help here?
[03:52] <BluesKaj> guess it's worth a try :)
[03:52] <FenixReign> any idea how to mount a cdrom drive when this appears?: mount: unknown filesystem type 'iso9660'
[03:53] <earthsound> oh well, nothing was installed. guess it's time to reboot. wish me luck
[03:53] <earthsound> /quit !reboot
[03:53] <monkeybritches> That's strange...
[03:54] <monkeybritches> hellhound: You said you had SuSe installed on that machine before?
[03:54] <hellhound> monkeybritches: is there some application I can run in konsole so I can test to see if it is actually running slow?
[03:55] <monkeybritches> hellhound: Also, I remember reading somewhere that using a SATA-Raid is a poor choice.
[03:55] <hellhound> monkeybritches: yes 10.2 and the speed was fine... but I hated the Distro
[03:55] <monkeybritches> Let me see if I can dig something up...
[03:56] <dsmith_> working on my next Linux convert... Kubuntu on Dell Inspirion 6000 yay
[03:57] <hellhound> monkeybritches: that is strange because both the raid controller, and harddrives were recommended by a few people in the linux-help room and show to be compatible in kubuntu's site
[03:57] <monkeybritches> That may be so, I'm just trying to qualify my offhand statement to see if it's relevant
[03:58] <calcmandan> msg ubottu
[03:59] <calcmandan> what's the name of the bot in here?
[03:59] <Odd-rationale> ubottu
[03:59] <Odd-rationale> for now...
[04:00] <BluesKaj> !ubotu
[04:00] <ubottu> I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose pwodered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeus looks in the near future ;)
[04:00] <calcmandan> it's not replying to me
[04:00] <Odd-rationale> hmm. it must not like you...
[04:01] <calcmandan> i'm getting 505's
[04:01] <BluesKaj> hmm, who said Isaac Asimov was full of BS :)
[04:01] <Odd-rationale> becuase it replies to me... :)
[04:02] <fuzzybyte> why does the kicker keep disappiering once in a while when the auto-hide option is set on?
[04:02] <Odd-rationale> calcmandan: try "/msg ubottu Hello!"
[04:02] <fuzzybyte> kde kicker bar
[04:02] <fuzzybyte> i mean it doesn't come back
[04:02] <calcmandan> here's the output " :clarke.freenode.net 505 calcmandan :Private messages from unregistered"
[04:02] <FenixReign> BluesKaj, can you help me with this message? mount: unknown filesystem type 'iso9660'
[04:03] <BluesKaj> FenixReign, what's on the media ?
[04:03] <calcmandan> /server
[04:04] <FenixReign> downloaded the alternate cd of Kubuntu and burned it.
[04:04] <FenixReign> sorry gotta go...
[04:05] <calcmandan> geez 8.04 is sooooooo buggy
[04:06] <sam_> anyone know what site i should go to that will explain to me what i need to do to find and install my sound drivers
[04:07] <monkeybritches> hellhound: Check this page out regarding issues with disk performance http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=487028
[04:07] <darkwolf> vlc doesn't work
[04:07] <darkwolf> helixplayer tells me realplayer supports it
[04:07] <darkwolf> realplayer tells me it needs lpcj
[04:08] <darkwolf> soooooo does anyone want to tell me where to get/how to install lpcj?
[04:08] <Ertain> Hello everyone. I'm trying to install Ksquirrel but it isn't working. The packs they have for Gutsy won't install on Hardy. I've tried compiling it but it can't find my OpenGL source files. This is a picture viewer and organizer that I really like. Any ideas?
[04:08] <sam_> fahget about it
[04:08] <monkeybritches> It's a start, at least...
[04:09] <monkeybritches> helix-player should support it. Does it not now?
[04:10] <earthsound> BluesKaj: good news. after reboot, everything is working, as far as I can tell :)
[04:11] <BluesKaj> earthsound, cool ! :)
[04:11] <earthsound> another quick question, though :D
[04:12] <Ertain> For some odd reason the Ksquirrel config file can't find my OpenGL files. Actually it can't find the function "glBegin". However I'm pretty sure it's in the source files.
[04:12] <earthsound> i need to add an additional internal IDE HD as slave...can I just edit my GRUB config file and kubuntu will be happy mounting it?
[04:12] <earthsound> it's just an empty drive
[04:13] <earthsound> but it'll sit after my current hd0 (the master HD on the IDE channel) and before my kubuntu installation on my SATA drive, which is currently my hd1
[04:13] <jake> hello
[04:13] <darkwolf> http://www.npr.org/ramfiles/me/20000207.me.08.ram
[04:13] <BluesKaj> grub is just for your OS, not the drives
[04:13] <darkwolf> helix will not play this clip
[04:13] <earthsound> i.e. change my root (hd1,2) [for linux] to root (hd2,2)
[04:13] <darkwolf> neither will VLC
[04:14] <earthsound> that's what i mean...i just need to get grub to see that the location of kubuntu will not be on hd1 anymore, b/c the new slave IDE HD will be hd1 (am I correct here?)
[04:14] <BluesKaj> earthsound, check in System Menu/Storage Media to see if the drive is listed
[04:15] <earthsound> it's not plugged in, b/c grub gave me an error when I plugged it in
[04:15] <BluesKaj> and the drive is empty ?
[04:16] <earthsound> well, it's formatted to fat32, i think, but there isn't anything on it
[04:16] <earthsound> it's going to be used with ddrescue to pull data off another hd
[04:17] <earthsound> when grub kicked in (w/ the slave IDE hd plugged in) it gave a message like it was trying to boot from cd or something...and then crapped out w/ an error 18 (iirc)
[04:17] <BluesKaj> that's odd that grub would complain about an empty drive
[04:17] <AetherMike> yay
[04:17] <darkwolf> so nobody here has ever heard of the lpcj codec?
[04:18] <monkeybritches> darkwolf: Did you install the linux version of Real Player?
[04:18] <darkwolf> yes
[04:18] <darkwolf> RealPlayer 11 Gold
[04:18] <monkeybritches> I see, but they didn't provide the codec?
[04:18] <AetherMike> yay
[04:18] <darkwolf> apparently not
[04:18] <monkeybritches> How rude of them.
[04:18] <AetherMike> yay
[04:19] <darkwolf> rude or not, I need to hear this clip for an article I am writing!
[04:19] <BluesKaj> most pc's are setup in the bios to look at the cdrom drive first then the HDD or floppy if you have them setup in that sequence
[04:19] <earthsound> well, i'm going to give it a try...editing my first ubuntu entry in menu.1st from (hd1,2) to (hd2,2), shutdown, plug HD into slave IDE slot, and startup
[04:20] <hellhound> monkeybritches: heheh ok one slight issue with this post. they seem to only talk about disk performance.. what about everything else.. I would be fine if archiving, extracting and saving files took a while... but everything... including typiing is delayed.... if I reboot and go to my BIOS or my raid controller software, the system runs fine.
[04:20] <earthsound> guess I can always press e at grub boot prompt and edit it if it craps out
[04:20] <BluesKaj> earthsound, make sure the jumpers are correct for master and slave
[04:20] <the__doctor__> I have an Canon ip1600...anyone know how to get it working in Hardy?
[04:21] <earthsound> yes, i'm sure they are b/c the bios detects them correctly as master & slave, etc
[04:21] <BluesKaj> what's that the__doctor__?
[04:21] <earthsound> printer
[04:21] <the__doctor__> can't get me printer working
[04:21] <BluesKaj> ok earthsound , then AFAIK it should be fine
[04:21] <sebsebseb> there might not be a driver for your Canon
[04:21] <earthsound> ok...off again :)
[04:22] <sebsebseb> a lot of hardware makers carn't be bothered to make there hardware work with Linux
[04:22] <sebsebseb> and the community carn't easilley make there own drivers for such hardware
[04:23] <BluesKaj> canon is a large printer outfit sebsebseb, there should be a driver
[04:24] <surplusxmas> My AMD64 8.04 alternate installation fails at "Select and install software". The terminal (Alt + F4) shows "WARNING**: Configuring 'pkgsel' failed with error code 1", and I am unable to continue the install.
[04:24] <hellhound> monkeybritches: do you think I might need a new processor.. or possibly two?
[04:25] <the__doctor__> no linux driver for this model...it's bloody annoying
[04:25] <the__doctor__> at least not that I can easily find
[04:25] <sebsebseb> by another printer or
[04:25] <hellhound> monkeybritches: my motherboard can support two xeon processors .... I was also curious about the RAM... i ran memtest and it did not find anything... but I am wondering If I have enough
[04:25] <monkeybritches> hellhound: Something's throttling your performance, but your processor should be fine
[04:25] <BluesKaj> the__doctor__, have you checked the canon site for drivers in the printer support section ?
[04:26] <sebsebseb> well if you carn't get the printer working, you can buy another one or. dual boot with Windows or put Windows in a virutal machine for printing
[04:26] <sebsebseb> which does sound a bit well shitty
[04:26] <monkeybritches> Have you poked around in the BIOS to see if anything's affecting performance?
[04:26] <the__doctor__> ya...been to Canon site...and not only can I not find the driver...I keep getting this prompt to install bloody adobe flash bla bla
[04:26] <BluesKaj> sebsebseb, I'm sure there's one that will work
[04:27] <darkwolf> Thanks for the POWER OF COMMUNITY!
[04:27] <hellhound> monkeybritches: and there is nothing but top that would show what might be causing this problem... could the system be trying to get a response from something and just keep timing out (and when it times out the computer runns at normal speed until it checks again) because the slow speed ime but it will run normally for a few seconds every so on
[04:28] <darkwolf> GO ahead, switch to Linux they said. Nothing can stop the Power of Community!
[04:28] <the__doctor__> perhaps it's ona ccount of I'm hungry...I should eat & re-charge me brain cells
[04:28] <darkwolf> Nothing except for LPCJ CODEC, which apparently no one has heard of... either that, or this beloved community doesn't give a diddly damn about a newbie with a dream and an internship!
[04:29] <monkeybritches> darkwolf: I'm still looking...
[04:29] <darkwolf> ok thank you
[04:29] <hellhound> monkeybritches: i am updating it to ubuntu 8.04 right now... everything has been going slow... however it just got to the "getting new packages" step where it is fetching the files... and that is going very fast. at 739 b/s... this was actually faster than the system i am on right now
[04:29] <neon> what is a good program to use to sync my ipaq pda? thx
[04:29] <darkwolf> I didn't realize
[04:29] <monkeybritches> hellhound: Have you tried starting in recovery mode?
[04:30] <hellhound> monkeybritches: now it is at 11560kb/s
[04:30] <monkeybritches> darkwolf: As you probably know already, this proprietary format is no longer support but I'm hoping someone out there has a workaround
[04:30] <hellhound> monkeybritches: yes I have and I get the same issue
[04:30] <monkeybritches> hellhound: Good to hear, maybe your problem is solved
[04:32] <hellhound> monkeybritches: no that is just the system downloading the files... but the mouse is still moving very slowly and if I click on the K menu it takes about 2 minutes to open
[04:32] <BluesKaj> the__doctor__, apparently there's a driver for the ip2200 that will work on the ip1600 : http://software.canon-europe.com/products/0010231.asp
[04:33] <darkwolf> me too :(
[04:37] <rich1> i have a broadcom 4318 chipset and just upgraded to hardy. i can't remember everything i did to get the card working. how can i tell if i'm using ndiswrapper or fwcutter?
[04:39] <lumpycow> hello?
[04:39] <sebsebseb> yes hello
[04:40] <BluesKaj> !ndiswrapper
[04:40] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[04:42] <lumpycow> so should I ask here how to install downloaded files such as deb files?
[04:43] <sebsebseb> download them from the package manager
[04:43] <sebsebseb> and it should install
[04:43] <sebsebseb> if you downloaded them from the web
[04:43] <sebsebseb> well
[04:43] <sebsebseb> I guess like Ubuntu you just double click
[04:43] <sebsebseb> and it opens a thing for installing them and that
[04:43] <lumpycow> kde4 as well?
[04:43] <lumpycow> *in
[04:43] <sebsebseb> I don't know
[04:43] <sebsebseb> try
[04:43] <sebsebseb> ,but
[04:43] <TeslaTony> KDE4 is a little goofy at times
[04:43] <sebsebseb> that's just the graphical way
[04:43] <sebsebseb> you can also do the commmand way
[04:44] <lumpycow> it asks what to open the executable with...
[04:44] <sebsebseb> the command way open a termianl and
[04:44] <sebsebseb> terminal or konsole as I think it's called in kDE
[04:44] <lumpycow> guess I will have to try that...
[04:44] <sebsebseb> and then it's if I remember correctly well it should go to your home folder by defualt I guess
[04:44] <sebsebseb> ,but yes you want the folder there so you can cd to the folder
[04:44] <lumpycow> does it have to be in a specific system folder... or anywhere...
[04:44] <sebsebseb> if it's in the home folder by default though then it shoudn't be a porblem
[04:45] <lumpycow> oh... will try thanks....
[04:45] <sebsebseb> you just got to make sure the konsole is in the correct folder where your Deb is and then I think it's just sudo hummmmmmm oh yeah KDE isan't it so. ksudo I think it is rather than just sudo
[04:45] <sebsebseb> anyway whatever you need to do so you get admin and then it should just be dpkg -i whateveritiscalled.deb
[04:51] <monkeybritches> darkwolf: It *might* be possible to listen to it with a legacy version of real player, but installing one is dependency-hell
[04:52] <robotgeek> lumpycow: you should be able to right click and install
[04:52] <monkeybritches> It might actually be easier to find a way to listen to it in windows and convert it...
[04:52] <robotgeek> dwidmann: fixed your problems?
[05:11] <oneeyedelf1> my media keys cause kded to crash, is there anyway I can reset my media key configuration to defaults?
=== placido is now known as kaickull
[05:15] <iamchris> Im trying to add mp3's to my micro-sd card through kubuntu, but when I copy files over, it puts 6 gibberish files in, then tells me they cant be accessed. Is there a way to fix this?
[05:18] <robotgeek> iamchris: how are you copying the files over?
[05:18] <iamchris> cut and paste in dolphin
[05:19] <monkeybritches_> darkwolf : What was that URL again?
[05:20] <robotgeek> iamchris: what are the permissions of those files?
=== monkeybritches_ is now known as monkeybritches
[05:24] <gdk> hy all
[05:25] <robotgeek> hey gdk
=== ronnie is now known as Trophyhead
[05:30] <epimeth> no 4.1 package yet?
[05:31] <epimeth> !kde4
[05:31] <ubottu> KDE 4.0.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.3.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.3.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[05:31] <Trophyhead> but isn't it still in the beta stage = )
[05:31] <epimeth> 4.1 ?
[05:32] <epimeth> I think its alpha
[05:32] <Trophyhead> hmm good
[05:32] <epimeth> yea... alpha1
[05:33] <epimeth> grrr... due late july
[05:33] <epimeth> I hate these waits
[05:33] <Trophyhead> I'm still useing (gutsy) had to many problems with my moniter resolution, with the 3d nvidia acellerator package = (
[05:33] <oneeyedelf1> everytime I hit the calculator button on my keyboard it crashes kded, is there anyways to fix this (I think its because I updated from a previous version of kubuntu)
[05:45] <Firefishe> I'm using Feisty 7.04 kubuntu. I'm trying to get a logitech usb headset to work, but the system won't distribute the sound through the headset speakers, although the volume control on the cord works.
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[05:51] <Ashex> Firefishe, in kmix, set the audio control to the headset
[05:51] <Ashex> also check system settings audio control
[05:52] <Ashex> may need to restart the applications using sound
[05:53] <Firefishe> Ashex: okay...I think I see what's up..thanks.
[05:55] <Firefishe> Ashex: Sound still doesn't show up.
[05:55] <Firefishe> Ashex: That is, no sound through speakers.
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[05:56] <NK> lobello
[05:57] <navetz> does anyone know how i can install krandtray or how I can get dual screen extended mode working ?
[06:01] <Ashex> Firefishe, does the device show up?
[06:02] <Firefishe> Ashex: Yes, it's there, but I still get no sound through the speakers
[06:02] <Ashex> hmm
[06:02] <Ashex> sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart
[06:02] <Ashex> try that first
[06:02] <Firefishe> k..1 sec
[06:02] <Ashex> usb speakers are tricky
[06:03] <Ashex> I use microsft usb speakers myself, I think I had to reboot to get everything to pick it up
[06:03] <dsmith_> are the speakers Vista certified?
[06:03] <Firefishe> k, done
[06:03] <dsmith_> lol
[06:05] <Firefishe> Ashex: Still no dice. Although...let me check something
[06:06] <Ashex> heh
[06:06] <Ashex> dsmith_, these are from 1998 or so
[06:06] <Firefishe> Ashex: Under kmix, what output do I use? speaker or mic?
[06:07] <Firefishe> I mean, the system recognizes "Logitech USB Headset"
[06:07] <Firefishe> so I select that instead of my sound chip
[06:07] <Firefishe> <--laptop btw
[06:07] <Ashex> yeah
[06:07] <Ashex> hmm
[06:07] <Firefishe> Do I select speaker or mic?
[06:07] <Ashex> I'm trying to remember what I did to switch the priority
[06:07] <Firefishe> k
[06:07] <Ashex> I'm working on installing hardy right now so I can't really check
[06:07] <Firefishe> oh, np
[06:07] <Firefishe> I appreciate the ideas
[06:08] <dwidmann> robotgeek: no, but I can't do it right now ..... gotta be up for work in 2 hous, time for me to get back to sleep
[06:08] <Firefishe> :-)
[06:08] <Ashex> this is getting silly
[06:09] <Ashex> I was running the RC of KDE4. it's complete poo right now
[06:09] <Ashex> was running the beta of KDE3 beforehand and it worked great. now I'm trying to install KDE3, and i'm running into issues
[06:09] <Firefishe> kde 4 isn't ready for release yet. And as for Dolphin, it's TUNA! ;)
[06:09] <Ashex> yeah, pretty much
[06:10] <Ashex> I was testing the releases, I figured KDE3 was pretty solid so I starting working on KDE4
[06:10] <Firefishe> I don't understand why kde would want to do something so GNOME-ish
[06:10] <Daisuke_Ido> actually, looking at the new dolphin (kde 4.1 preview) it has tabs
[06:10] <maduser> I run kde4 without many problems
[06:10] <Ashex> testing KDE4, I reported more bugs then I have in the 2 years I've been testing
[06:10] <hydrogen> kde4++
[06:10] <maduser> I find it is useable as a desktop
[06:10] <hydrogen> transparent panel!
[06:11] <Ashex> kde4--
[06:11] <hydrogen> transparent everything!
[06:11] <Ashex> can't rearrange widgets on panel
[06:11] <hydrogen> non ugly!
[06:11] <hydrogen> omg MAJOR SHOW STOPPER
[06:11] <hydrogen> HOLD THE PRESS
[06:11] <maduser> well the animations are nice......
[06:11] <maduser> cut down version of compiz animations
[06:12] <maduser> no cube but there is the desktop grid
[06:12] <Ashex> the first thing I did when I booted into kde4
[06:12] <Ashex> was accidently delete the leftmost widget
[06:12] <Ashex> I had to remove all the widgets in order to put that one back in
[06:12] <hydrogen> thats an odd thing to do first
[06:12] <Ashex> the little bubble that comes up around the widgets threw me off
[06:13] <maduser> the way it treats icons on the desktop is anoying
[06:14] <maduser> have to go into the desktop folder to delete desktop icons
[06:14] <lumpycow> no file management...
[06:14] * Firefishe will stick with konqueror
[06:14] <Ketrel_> Aside from kolourpaint, krita, and gimp, what are some other good image editors for Linux?
[06:14] <hydrogen> maduser: thats already being fixed for 4.1
[06:14] <maduser> cool
[06:19] <ere4si> imagemajik
[06:19] <ere4si> *imagemagick
[06:22] <Ketrel_> ere4si: isn't imagemagick cli?
[06:22] <ere4si> Ketrel: nope
[06:23] <Jucato> (actually it is...)
[06:23] <Jucato> it may have GUI frontends, but basically it's a command line utility
[06:23] <Firefishe> Hey Jucato
[06:23] <Ketrel_> Jucato: that's what I thought
[06:23] <Jucato> hi Firefishe.. er... missing a letter there?
[06:23] <Firefishe> you have any experience with usb headsets?
[06:24] <Jucato> nope
[06:24] <Firefishe> k...
[06:24] <Firefishe> missing a letter?
[06:24] <Firefishe> ?
[06:25] <ere4si> Firefisher
[06:25] <Jucato> :)
[06:25] <Firefishe> oh, I see. No r on the end.
[06:25] <Firefishe> just as is
[06:25] <ere4si> isn't kubuntu cli with gui frontends?
[06:25] <Ketrel_> kubuntu may be, but KDE isn't
[06:26] <Ketrel_> ere4si: for you my question is "Aside from kolourpaint, krita, and gimp, what are some other good front ends for image editors for Linux?"
[06:26] <ere4si> hehe
[06:27] <Jucato> Ketrel_: there's Pixel, dunno if it's free/open source though. might want to make a search at kde-apps.org and gnome-apps.org
[06:27] <Ketrel_> Jucato: I'll take a look at that then, also does Photoshop CS 2 work in the Wine in Hardy?
[06:27] <Jucato> Ketrel_: #winehq
[06:28] <Jucato> oh, and digikam has a small image editor too
[06:28] <jeremy__> hey i was wondering if anyone can help me out. I have the two multiple desktop icons in the taskbar but they are both for the same desktop (as it is only set to one). When i go into desktop settings and try add more, the setting doesnt 'stick' and it reverts back to 1. any ideas?
[06:28] <Jucato> jeremy__: using Compiz?
[06:28] <jeremy__> yup
[06:28] <jeremy__> advanced desktop effects
[06:28] <Jucato> right... #compiz-fusion perhaps
[06:29] * Jucato doesn't know personally, so can't really say
[06:29] <jeremy__> sweet thanks ill give it a try
[06:29] <Ketrel_> Jucato: I checked there but I'm not sure that Hardy has the latest
[06:29] <Ketrel_> I also know it was made to work, but I don't remember which version
[06:29] <Ketrel_> (of wine)
[06:30] <Jucato> I mean, you'll have to ask there where CS2 works. you can also check what version of wine is available from our repositories (apt-cache policy wine) or use Wine's Ubuntu repository if you want updates
[06:31] <Firefishe> Ashex: Well, I've tried just about everything I can think of, but nothing wants to make my usb headset's speakers work.
[06:33] <Ashex> hmm
[06:33] <Ashex> are you running gutsy?
[06:34] <Ashex> try uninstalling pulseaudio
[06:36] <RyanPrior> Kubuntu with KDE 4 was very easy to install using Wubi. I'm impressed!
[06:36] <RyanPrior> However, there are like 4 layers of bootloader menus to go through before it will actually boot, which would probably be intimidating to a newbie. Is that a bug?
[06:37] <Ketrel_> Any easy way to get a graphical grub on hardy?
[06:39] <ere4si> any ops here?
[06:39] <ere4si> ubuntu needs some help
=== ahmed_ is now known as Ashex
[06:40] <Ashex> so
[06:41] <Ashex> Firefishe: we're in the same situtation now
[06:41] <Ashex> I get to figure out how to get usb audio working :p
[06:41] <Firefishe> Ashex: Probably going to have to recompile the kernel
[06:41] <Ashex> Firefishe: nah, I've had it working before
[06:42] <Firefishe> Ashex: Although, isn't there a way to just compile the module needed?
[06:42] <Ashex> Firefishe: yes
[06:43] <Firefishe> Ashex: How is that done?
[06:43] <Firefishe> without having to recompile the entire shebang
[06:44] <Firefishe> brb...rest room break
[06:46] <Ketrel_> So, I've been reading about bash today, and I really saw that message as "without having to recompile the entire #!"
[06:47] <jeremy__> hey can anyone tell me how to change the icon of a text file?
[06:48] <jeremy__> i had to write a text file to get 32bit firefox, and now i want it to have the firefox icon
[06:48] <jeremy__> but the best i can get is the firefox icon faded onto the text icon
[06:53] <sebbar> hi, what's a program to take a picture with a webcam?
[06:54] <leftbas> no idea, i don't use a webcam
[06:54] <leftbas> supposedly, kopete has that capability now, though
[06:54] <Ashex> aw screw it
[06:54] <leftbas> huh?
[06:55] <Firefishe> back
[06:55] <Ashex> Firefishe: I had no luck
[06:55] <Ashex> fortunately, my speakers have a secondary stereo jack i can use
[06:55] <Ashex> pretty sure I need to disable the onboard sound in bios
[06:55] <Firefishe> I don't know what's up with mine at all, either
[06:58] <Ashex> there was a regression somewhere between feisty and gutsy
[06:58] <Firefishe> Well, I have Feisty, and it still doesn't work ;)
[06:59] <Firefishe> and I really don't want to have to reboot
[07:01] <sebbar> cool I took a screenshot of kopete's webcam test
[07:01] <sebbar> tnx leftbas
[07:01] <sebbar> oh, too late
[07:01] <Kirix> how i install kubuntu///?~
[07:02] <ere4si> !install | Kirix
[07:02] <ubottu> Kirix: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate
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[07:03] <Kirix> i download on cd and i burn it on there and i put disc in and it says no boot disk enter
[07:04] <Firefishe> Kirix: Either it's corrupted or it's not the boot cd
[07:04] <Firefishe> boot cd is the first cd of a series
[07:04] <ere4si> !md5 | Kirix
[07:04] <ubottu> Kirix: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows
[07:04] <Kirix> sorry im just pulling your leg
[07:05] <ere4si> Kirix: you need to burn it slow - haha
[07:05] <Firefishe> heh
[07:07] <Firefishe> Ashex: The USB plug isn't even getting any sound. It still comes out through my laptop speakers.
[07:07] <Firefishe> no muting
[07:07] <Firefishe> Ashex: What about the system needing to recognize the usb headset as another sound card?
[07:08] <Ashex> Firefishe: check dmesg
[07:08] <Ashex> it should list it in there
[07:08] <Ashex> Mine did
[07:09] <Ashex> [ 40.021944] input: Microsoft Microsoft Digital Sound System 80 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0a.1/usb2/2-2/2-2.4/2-2.4:1.2/input/input4
[07:09] <Ashex> [ 40.031116] input,hidraw4: USB HID v1.00 Device [Microsoft Microsoft Digital Sound System 80] on usb-0000:00:0a.1-2.4
[07:10] <Firefishe> Ashex: Okay, there are some entries. What am I looking for?
[07:10] <navetz> can anyone here help me get dual screen extended mode working
[07:20] <Firefishe> 'nother netsplit
[07:20] * stdin doesn't see a netsplit
[07:31] <ere4si> haven't seen a netsplit today at all...
[07:57] <Tired_> what protocol does kubuntu use to share files over the network with other kubuntu computers?
[07:57] <Tired_> local network
[07:59] <ere4si> !samba | Tired_
[07:59] <ubottu> Tired_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[07:59] <stdin> which ever you tell it to use, samba/nfs/http/ftp/sftp/.....
[08:00] <Tired_> what is the default one?
[08:00] <stdin> there is no default, it depends what you setup
[08:01] <stdin> clients for all are pre-installed, servers aren't
[08:01] <Tired_> i'm not understanding. windows uses SMB to send files over the LAN. what does kubuntu use?
[08:01] <stdin> samba is smb
[08:01] <stdin> it can use that or others
[08:02] <Tired_> is smb the best for that purpose, if it doesn't need to talk to windows?
[08:03] <stdin> no, the best for linux->linux is generally nfs
[08:03] <stdin> !nfs
[08:03] <Tired_> ah, thank you :)
[08:03] <ubottu> nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.
[08:03] <eddieftw> i just use ssh + scp
[08:03] <stdin> I just sshfs ;)
[08:03] <stdin> (over fuse)
[08:03] <Tired_> the other thing i was wondering, do i have to use a gui for package management, or is there a command line way?
[08:04] <stdin> you can use apt-get or aptitude
[08:04] <stdin> !apt
[08:04] <ubottu> APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)
[08:04] <stdin> !aptitude
[08:04] <ubottu> aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide
[08:04] <eddieftw> adept
[08:04] <stdin> adept is not a command line tool
[08:05] <eddieftw> umm re-read the question stdin
[08:05] <Tired_> guis are great for some tasks, but package management is easier to wrap my head around in the command line paradigm
[08:05] <stdin> eddieftw: yes, I can read it fine, they were asking if there was a command line tool
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=== thomas_s is now known as antwort42
[08:07] <Tired_> will i still be able to use some of the gnome programs, or will i have to install gnome as well as kde?
[08:08] <stdin> you can use programs from gnome in kde and vice versa
[08:08] <stdin> just install them with adept/apt-get/aptitude and they'll work
[08:10] <Tired_> my last experience with linux was quite a while ago...seems things have changed a lot since then
[08:10] <el1te> kubuntu-8.04-dvd-amd64.iso <<<is that the kde4 remix?
[08:10] <Tired_> how usable is kde4? i had read it had problems.
[08:10] <stdin> the kde4 version is called kubuntu-kde4-8.04...
[08:11] <el1te> ah ok
[08:11] <el1te> thanks
[08:11] <el1te> those are only on cds?
[08:12] <stdin> el1te: yes, there isn't a dvd for it (not sure why it wasn't built though)
[08:12] <el1te> yea i like the dvds....who uses only cds these days?
[08:12] <el1te> maybe slow net connections like cds
[08:12] <monkeybritches> Stick with KDE3.5 for now
[08:12] <el1te> why is that
[08:13] <stdin> it depends on what you need, I use kde4 exclusively except for a couple kde3 apps
[08:14] <el1te> well it will prob be going on a comp with 15gig hd, xp2600+ (x86) with 512mb mem and a GF2 that only works with video out...no vga
[08:14] <el1te> think it can do that ok upon boot
[08:14] <monkeybritches> It should be fine
[08:15] <Tired_> i'm worried that, if i install kde3.5 now (since i need a fresh install anyways), when I have to install kde4, the upgrade will make it messy....if kde4 will be ready soon, i could just use it now and file bugs, and have a less-messy system
[08:15] <el1te> i need to upgrade the vcard and memory i know
[08:16] <stdin> Tired_: kde3 and 4 are kept separate when installed, you'll have the option to login to either
[08:16] <monkeybritches> I found it easier to install with 3.5, try 4 and not like it (again), and switch back to 3.5 with minimal hassle.
[08:16] <Tired_> oh
[08:17] <Tired_> they'll probablly make it really easy to migrate, when the time comes, I assume
[08:17] <stdin> there will be a migration tool, yeah
[08:18] <el1te> that kde4 isnt final?
[08:18] <el1te> is it in RC status still
[08:18] <monkeybritches> KDE4 is final, but feels unfinished IMO
[08:18] <el1te> its always felt like that
[08:18] <el1te> :)
[08:18] <stdin> 4.1 is when we'll probably move kde3 to universe and kde4 to main
[08:18] <el1te> did they get rid of arts
[08:19] <el1te> that used to be my big problem
[08:19] <Tired_> i hope not. i like the witty name
[08:19] <el1te> arts caused so many problems with crashes for me it wasnt even funny
[08:20] <el1te> and im talking on all distros that had kde
[08:20] <el1te> seen so many crashes and backtraces
[08:20] <el1te> i read long time ago with kde4 they were trashing arts
[08:20] <Tired_> i've been using this live cd for two days now, and i havent seen a crash yet
[08:21] <Tired_> i'm blown away
[08:21] <el1te> :) they prob got rid of arts
[08:21] <stdin> arts is gone, yes
[08:21] <Tired_> oh, this isnt even the current live cd...its about a year old
[08:21] <el1te> thats what i wanted to hear
[08:22] <Tired_> its what i happened to have burned when my drive died
[08:23] <Tired_> anyways, thank you for the answers. :)
[08:23] <el1te> same ehre
[08:24] <el1te> im dlaoding it right now
[08:24] <djdarkman> does anybody know what`s the problem when kontact can`t save a todo?
[08:26] <Jurgentje> does anyone know why the Synaptic doesn't install the Europa version of Eclipse? (are there known bugs in this version?)
[08:30] <iltechie> !offtopic
[08:30] <ubottu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
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[08:35] <polysilicon> How to make ksynaptics control my touchpad settings?
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[08:37] <antwort42> the german wiki says installation of eclipse is easy with synaptic but you will usually get older sources
[08:37] <antwort42> so that might be the reason
[08:37] <antwort42> just get it from eclipse.org
[08:37] <polysilicon> antwort42, is eclipse related with ksynaptics?
[08:39] <antwort42> i don't use ksynaptics... but i'd guess you may get it...
[08:41] <polysilicon> sorry for confusion, I thought you are replying to my question.
[08:42] * polysilicon forgot synaptic is a package manager
[08:42] <antwort42> just recognized that...
[08:46] <_dennister> hey, channel...may be offtopic but I'm having a real problem with vios not detecting a pata ide drive here that's been working beautifully in this system for 3.5 years
[08:47] <_dennister> *bios...all i did was take it out, put it in another lesser system, bios detection gave the name as gobbleygood, and it never did work there, so I put it back in this same dual-core system where it always was, and now it's bios won't recognize it at all
[08:49] <djdarkman> how can I create and change my kontact resource?
[08:51] <_dennister> i've tripple-checked that it's on primary ide, only item on that controller, pins are set to master (i've tried them all), (only other drive is sata drive to 3rd ide controller)...i've also checked drive and mobo documentation ...mobo's bios don't give me the 'user-defined' option...
[08:51] <_dennister> i'm at my wit's end
[08:53] <_dennister> i mean...i even flashed other mobo's bios, hoping that upgrade would get it to recognize this fairly new drive, but nada...was never able to access any of the data on the drive
[08:54] <_dennister> but i can't blame the bios on this computer, as it's only 3 years old and the one where the pata drive always worked before
[08:57] <hellhound> i just upgraded my samba share to hardy heron and the users are also on hardy heron... but for some reason my already work fstab entry is no longer workinga nd when I try to manually mount I am getting connection refused. the command I use to manually mount is "sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=fsdafsda,password=fsafsdaf // /media/BORGQUEEN
[09:00] <Jack3> so my kubuntu install has been sitting at configuring hardware 94% for like 30 minutes....
[09:00] <_dennister> hellhound: apparently hardy is using the cifs part of smbfs now...it's a mess actually
[09:01] <hellhound> _dennister: so what would the mount command and fstab command be now?
[09:01] <TeslaTony> Does anyone know how to change the default calculator? I want Qualculate to come up when I punch the button on my keyboard
[09:01] <_dennister> hellhound: sorry, i have no idea...i'm ready to throw hardy out the window...i'm having many troubles myself
[09:01] <Fa> !logs
[09:01] <ubottu> Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/
[09:02] <_dennister> i just mentioned the cifs part of it because I thought it might be a good clue for you in your seeking a solution
[09:03] <_dennister> pata drive re-installation and bios detection assistance anyone?
[09:04] <_dennister> and what the heck is ARMD as a drive detection option
[09:05] <_dennister> ok...perhaps another night or day...later
[09:06] <Jack3> will my install ever finish? it has been sitting at 94% configuring hardware for 30 minutes now..?
[09:10] <polysilicon> Is there any laptop specific guide for Kubuntu?
[09:11] <flaccid> not that i've seen polysilicon. not really much of a difference in terms of the technical. there are guides for specific notebooks on the net people have made and info on the wiki however for specific models
[09:12] <Jucato> !laptop
[09:12] <ubottu> Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org
[09:13] <polysilicon> flaccid, my only problem is configuring different hardware on my laptop
[09:13] <polysilicon> after that I know my way into linux
[09:16] <flaccid> polysilicon: there is no difference in configuration. what hardware specifically you talking about?
[09:16] <flaccid> hey thanks Jucato too :)
[09:16] * flaccid goes to find his asus w1000na on there
[09:16] <polysilicon> flaccid, my touchpad,firewire,media card reader,headphones
[09:17] <flaccid> ah i understand now, which make model is it polysilicon?
[09:31] <polysilicon> flaccid, It is Acer Aspire 5920.
[09:32] <polysilicon> Intel graphics, intel wireless
[09:43] <amerigo> ! games
[09:43] <ubottu> Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php
[09:51] <ct529> hi everybody!
[09:52] <ct529> Lynoure: I am still trying to get the chinese characters working. I followed the recommendations on the wiki and help.ubuntu, but to no avail. Any other usggestion?
[09:52] <polysilicon> I installed qemu and kqemu, but I cannot find kqemu binary.
[09:52] <polysilicon> how to run kqemu
[09:53] <flaccid> polysilicon: sorry lets search on google
[09:53] <SlimeyPete> kqemu isn't a binary, polysilicon
[09:53] <polysilicon> ohhh
[09:53] <SlimeyPete> it's a plugin for qemu which makes it faster
[09:53] <polysilicon> I thought its a GUI tool for using qemu
[09:53] <SlimeyPete> nah
[09:53] <polysilicon> oh
[09:53] <SlimeyPete> it's confusingly named ;)
[09:53] <flaccid> polysilicon: please pastebin output of lspci
[09:54] <polysilicon> so I have to use command line qemu only :(
[09:54] <SlimeyPete> polysilicon: there's a frontend called "qemu-launcher"
[09:54] <SlimeyPete> I've not used it myself though
[09:54] <polysilicon> ok
[09:58] <polysilicon> flaccid, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9421/
[09:59] <flaccid> ok so mainly intel
[09:59] <polysilicon> yes
[10:00] <Lynoure> ct529: sorry, no...
[10:00] <flaccid> ok now chances are the cardreader is bridged to the pcmcia controller and no driver for it. let me look against my lscpi
[10:00] <polysilicon> vertical scrolling is the main prblm, can't imagine a laptop w/o touchpad scrolling
[10:00] <ubuntu> in konservation, how do change timestamp to 12hour?
[10:00] <polysilicon> ok
[10:01] <flaccid> oky
[10:01] <flaccid> vertical scrolling?
[10:01] <flaccid> like the equiv of a scroll wheel on a mouse?
[10:02] <polysilicon> yes exactly
[10:02] <Jack3> bazhang, yay it installed this time :D
[10:02] <polysilicon> the right edge on laptop
[10:03] <flaccid> polysilicon: please pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[10:03] <bazhang> Jack3: nice! what did you change?
[10:03] <_dennister> flaccid: pls, can u help me? i'm totally panicking because I may have ruined my 300G pata drive?
[10:04] <flaccid> _dennister: whats the prob
[10:04] <_dennister> is it possible to ruin a drive by sticking it into another system and trying to get the bios to detect it?
[10:04] <flaccid> um i wouldn't think so but i guess its possible
[10:05] <SlimeyPete> No, unless the other system is broken in a really odd way.
[10:05] <SlimeyPete> or if the other system has a dodgy PSU which fries the drive
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[10:05] <_dennister> i can't get the bios in the regular system (where it was before) to recognize it now
[10:05] <SlimeyPete> did you change any jumper settings?
[10:05] <flaccid> _dennister: check it out in fdisk -l ?
[10:05] <flaccid> oh pata
[10:06] <_dennister> i didn't even realize it was a pata drive until today...had it 3 years and always had kubuntu on it
[10:06] <flaccid> got another computer to test it in with a dif bios?
[10:07] <polysilicon> flaccid, I was disconnected, Here is my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/9422/
[10:07] <_dennister> that's just it...have lots of computers...tried to get it detected on the other comptuer, but it showed up detected with a gobbleygook name...so i blamed that older k7 computer's bios, flashed it, and still the same result...(nada) so i gave up and put it back on my dual-core system, which aslso now can't dtect it
[10:08] <admiral0> hi
[10:08] <_dennister> flaccid: if bios won't detect it, neither will any OS, so fdisk won't help
[10:09] <flaccid> _dennister: yeah i though you said usb but i was drunk
[10:09] <_dennister> lol
[10:09] <admiral0> could you please help me... i've got a cups problem
[10:09] <SlimeyPete> mebbe you zapped the controller or something
[10:09] <flaccid> _dennister: could be dead
[10:09] <SlimeyPete> when you were taking it out
[10:09] <flaccid> polysilicon: please do sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg then re pastebin xorg.conf
[10:09] <admiral0> i'll wait my turn ;)
[10:10] <_dennister> it was fine (the drive) yesterday
[10:10] <_dennister> and the controller, too
[10:10] <flaccid> every zapped device is fine the day before it happened :)
[10:11] <admiral0> so... i can't get my printer work with kubuntu
[10:11] <_dennister> this htpc i'm on now is the newest one i've got, dual-core, sli...the other sata drive is still working (3rd master ide) or else I wouldn't be typing to you on this pc)
[10:11] <admiral0> ...
[10:12] <flaccid> _dennister: well it appears dead from your testing :(
[10:12] <flaccid> unless its jumpers
[10:17] <_dennister> question: when i had it on the older computer, i may have tried the lba option...to get it detected...now i'm reading in mobo manual that it should work in lba .."if the device was not previously formatted with LBA mode disabled"
[10:17] <polysilicon> flaccid, here is my new xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/9426/
[10:17] <_dennister> i may have tried to get it detected by disabling the lba mode to auto...but I never did format the drive itself with any software because i wanted to keep the data
[10:19] <_dennister> i guess i didn't truly understand lba :(
[10:19] <SlimeyPete> _dennister: shouldn't render it undetectable either way
[10:19] <flaccid> ta
[10:19] <_dennister> yeah, really...never had a problem with a drive being undetectable :(
[10:20] <flaccid> polysilicon: ok now please pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[10:20] <SlimeyPete> I've had plenty, but have rarely managed to track down the cause
[10:20] <SlimeyPete> occasionally they just seem to fix themselves after a while but usually it's time for a new drive.
[10:20] <_dennister> how does pata drive differ from other ide drives, anway?
[10:22] <_dennister> can't aford another 300 gigger right now, and all my contacts are on this drive...that's why i'm panicking...gotta get those contacts off of it
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[10:22] <polysilicon> flaccid, here is my Xorg.0.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/9427/
[10:23] <_dennister> i'm going to try something here...will require me to power down...may not be back online for awhile, whether it works or not
[10:23] <_dennister> cya
[10:27] <flaccid> thanks polysilicon
[10:30] <flaccid> polysilicon: replace xorg.conf with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9428/ and the restart X
[10:32] <polysilicon> ok
[10:34] <admiral0> hm... hi... i can't get my printer working...
[10:34] <admiral0> the errror is -> "Unable to open device "hal:///org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_4f9_1a8_BROJ6F640522_if0_printer_noserial": Permission denied"
[10:34] <admiral0> any idea?
[10:35] <admiral0> anybody?
[10:36] <fulat2k> hi folks, kub 8.04 suddenly stopped detecting and auto mounting usb thumb drives. i can see it being detected via dmesg. any ideas?
[10:38] <cpk1> fulat2k: kde 3.5 or 4.0?
[10:38] <fulat2k> cpk1: 3.5
[10:38] <fulat2k> cpk1: upgraded from feisty. which used to work fine
[10:39] <cpk1> fulat2k: hrmm, well does dmesg at least tell you what logical name the usb drive has?
[10:40] <fulat2k> cpk1: logical name being? fwiw, i can manually mount the usb drive.
[10:40] <cpk1> fulat2k: oh ok, well then I dunno what to say, I only have ever had it automount cd's for me
[10:42] <fulat2k> cpk1: it's ok :P
[10:42] <cpk1> fulat2k: I guess I am just a bit old fashioned
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[10:47] <admiral0> cpk1: can you hel please?
[10:47] <admiral0> i've got a problem with cups
[10:47] <admiral0> *help
[10:50] <cpk1> admiral0: you try doing whatever it was you were as sudo?
[10:50] <admiral0> cpk1: what do you mean?
[10:51] <anne> When IWhen I click windows titlebars with my left mouse button, they maximise. Why is this? click windows titlebars with my left mouse button, they maximise. Why is this?
[10:51] <anne> Erk, sorry
[10:52] <azzco> Alt+F2 doesn't bring me the run command promt anymore, I could assign a new shortcut but I'm a bit curious why it stopped working, any ideas?
[10:53] <anne> azzco: I think there's a process supposed to be running for it to work. Can't remember what it's called, though
[10:53] <cpk1> admiral0: what are you doing when you get that error?
[10:53] <azzco> anne, how come I can do it with different combinations that are assigned then?
[10:53] <admiral0> cpk1: i'm trying to print a test page from from cups WebUI
[10:54] <anne> azzco: Ah, in that case it's probably something else.
[10:54] <admiral0> cpk1: the error is "Unable to open device "hal:///org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_4f9_1a8_BROJ6F640522_if0_printer_noserial": Permission denied"
[10:56] <azzco> Weird! I can get Alt+R to work, and also Win+F2, but not Alt+F2 =s
[10:56] <antonio__> ima koga
[10:57] <admiral0> cpk1: :(
[10:59] <antonio__> can someone help me about kopete?
[11:00] <azzco> antonio__: What's the problem?
[11:01] <admiral0> cpk1: i already googled... nothing relevant found...
[11:06] <sigma_1234> how do i use oxygen window decorations in kde3?
[11:06] <azzco> sigma_1234: I don't think you do.. domino can look very much like oxygen though
[11:07] <sigma_1234> where do i get it from?
[11:16] <ngirard> Hi all
[11:16] <ngirard> Since yesterday I can't open an X session to a Kubuntu Hardy box any more
[11:17] <ngirard> /var/log/messages doesn't tell me anything
[11:17] <ngirard> /var/log/kdm.log just reports keaboard-related stuff which doesn't seem to be related to this problem
[11:19] <Quetzlcoatl> xorg log maybe will help you to figure out what happend
[11:19] <ngirard> Well, actually I mean that Xorg and kdm are running, but trying to login via kdm doesn't work
[11:20] <ngirard> Quetzlcoatl: No, I had a look but that log is ok, xorg is working anyway, sorry for the misunderstanding
[11:20] <Quetzlcoatl> aaa...ok
[11:20] <ngirard> I'm about to type the possibly related contents of the kdm.log file... from another machine
[11:23] <ngirard> Here you are:
[11:23] <ngirard> The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
[11:23] <ngirard> > Error: No Symbols named "oss" in the include file "us"
[11:24] <ngirard> > Exiting
[11:24] <ngirard> > Abandoning symbols file "default"
[11:24] <ngirard> Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
[11:24] <ngirard> expected keysym, got XF86KbdLightOnOff: line 70 of pc
[11:24] <ngirard> expected keysym, got XF86KbdBrightnessDown: line 71 of pc
[11:24] <ngirard> expected keysym, got XF86KbdBrightnessUp: line 72 of pc
[11:25] <Eirikeb> Noen av folka her som er russ i Oslo?
[11:25] <Eirikeb> sorry, wrong chat : (
[11:25] <ngirard> These are the only warnings/errors I could find in my logs, however I'm pretty sure they're unrelated to my problem
[11:26] <ct529> !scim
[11:26] <ubottu> Chinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM
[11:26] <ngirard> any idea ?
[11:26] <tomasz> are here any Polishman
[11:27] <tomasz> I write from Poland
[11:29] <Mekzholan> My Firefox 3 Beta 5 under 8.04 doesn't allow me anymore to select what propgram to use for a file/mime type. E.g. I can't open PDFs any more :( Is there a solution known?
[11:31] <nonewmsgs> is there a program or an option to use id3/4 tags when burning an audio cd instead of the file name?
[11:33] <Lynoure> nonewmsgs: I don't know of one, but I'd expect it to be a reasonably easy to make a script that does that.
[11:34] <nonewmsgs> how would you use a script for adjusting how a program sees a filename?
[11:35] <Lynoure> I'd make a script that makes hardlinks with the naming based on the tags
[11:35] <Lynoure> then burn those. :)
[11:35] <nonewmsgs> ahhhh
[11:35] <nonewmsgs> neat idea
[11:36] <Lynoure> :)
[11:37] <Pennycook> nonewmsgs: When I select to burn an Audio CD in K3B, it auto-generates the artist and title from the tags.
[11:37] <Pennycook> What program are you using to burn your CDs?
[11:38] <gurpreet> hi
[11:38] <gurpreet> how can i make kde remember file associations?
[11:39] <nonewmsgs> pennycook i have tried numerous including k3b
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[11:42] <nonewmsgs> k3b changes it once i select the mp3 but not until then. the problem is i am using my ipod's disk image and it uses an unique naming convention. like dvtt.mp3 is janis joplin
[11:42] <nonewmsgs> now once i add dvtt.mp3 at the bottom area where it will burn is fine
[11:44] <Pennycook> Oh, I see. It's a bit of a cheat, but you can drag directly from Amarok into K3B
[11:44] <nonewmsgs> pennycook that's ideal
[11:44] <a_c_1> am i barking up the wrong tree, or is it possable to get Nvidia+Xinerama+Compiz working?
[11:46] <a_c_1> now and then i read about Xinerama not being compatable with the composite extension... anyone got any ideas?
[11:48] <ErkiDerLoony> Hi! I have okular installed on my KDE 3 desktop.
[11:48] <ErkiDerLoony> Can I change the look of okular in some way?
[11:48] <ErkiDerLoony> systemsettings changes the KDE3 look.
[11:51] <Pennycook> ErkiDerLoony: Your KDE4 applications will use the KDE4 system settings. If you've got KDE4 installed, you should be able to launch its system settings module and change it there (or start a new KDE4 session and change it there).
[11:51] <Pennycook> Unfortunately even if you select say, Plastik and Plastique, they're not a perfect match. But it's the best you can do.
[11:52] <ErkiDerLoony> But I do not have KDE4 installed. I use okular with KDE3.
[11:53] <cra5hhandl3r> my kde su interface doesnt remember my root password eventhough i tick the 'remember the password' box.is that normal?
[11:55] <gurpreet> how can i make kde remember file associations?
[11:59] <Walzmyn> gurpreet, you still here?
[12:00] <gurpreet> yes
[12:00] <Walzmyn> right click on a file and choose "open with" there's a check box on that dialog to remember the application
[12:01] <gurpreet> no, i did this, but kde still don't remember the chosen app
[12:01] <Walzmyn> hmm
[12:01] <gurpreet> e.g. it opens the .VOB everytime in kaffiene, even thought i set it to VLC and checked 'remember' box several times
[12:01] <alberto> hi
[12:02] <alberto> i´ve installed kubuntu 8.04 on my computer
[12:02] <Walzmyn> gurpreet, under system settings there's an app to set those settings, you might give it a try
[12:02] <alberto> and all seems to work
[12:02] <gurpreet> Walzmyn, ok, trying it
[12:02] <alberto> but y cant use more than one desktop
[12:03] <Walzmyn> system settings >> default applicatoins >> file associations
[12:03] <gurpreet> Walzmyn, did you mean 'File Association' settings in kcontrol?
[12:03] <gurpreet> kcontrol->kde components->file associations?
[12:03] <Walzmyn> gurpreet, what version of kubuntu are yo uusing?
[12:03] <gurpreet> gutsy
[12:03] <gurpreet> kde version 3.5
[12:03] <Walzmyn> hmm, i'm on hardy - they've replaced kcontrol with system settings. But it should be the same thing
[12:04] <Walzmyn> alberto, whatta ya mean can't use more than one desktop?
[12:04] <gurpreet> oh, still trying
[12:04] <alberto> with compiz
[12:04] <Walzmyn> oh, compiz is a pain
[12:04] <alberto> y select more than one desktop and click ok
[12:05] <alberto> then only one is selected
[12:05] <alberto> xD
[12:05] <alberto> sorry but my english is not veryt good
[12:05] <Walzmyn> it's ok
[12:05] <gurpreet> Walzmyn, no, i changed file association for .avi files from kaffeine to vlc, but kde don't respect that
[12:05] <Walzmyn> Make sure you've got more than one VIEWPORT they name their desktops differently
[12:05] <alberto> all the effcts work but the cube dont cause only one destop is active
[12:06] <Walzmyn> I think (not sure) what they call desktops is differnt than what we think of in KDE
[12:06] <Walzmyn> gurpreet, i don't know then, i've never had any trouble changing that
[12:06] <gurpreet> Walzmyn, didn't u tried kde 3.5 ever?
[12:07] <Walzmyn> gurpreet, i'm on it now, but some of the packages are updated between gusty and hardy
[12:08] <Walzmyn> gurpreet, ok, I do still have kcontrol and the file association app it opens is the same one that system settings opens
[12:08] <Walzmyn> that is the place to change those settings, I think you've got swomething else goofed up if it's not changing the settings
[12:08] <gurpreet> Walzmyn, one last thing, do u know where does kde stores its settings? i wanna try to change the setting in file itself
[12:08] <Walzmyn> /home/usr/.kde
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[12:09] <Walzmyn> there's a few dozen folders in there for all your different kde apps, you'll just have to hunt down the right one
[12:09] <gurpreet> Walzmyn, yes, i can see very many folders
[12:10] <Walzmyn> aight, i'm going to get some breakfast. Ya'll have a good day
[12:10] <gurpreet> Walzmyn, thanks friend
[12:10] <Walzmyn> no problem, hope ya get it figured out
[12:11] <gurpreet> Walzmyn, yes :)
[12:21] <saej> i have just installed hardy heron... first time ive had linux on this computer.... previously everything has just worked straight away...
[12:22] <saej> (on my main computer)
[12:22] <saej> but my sound doesnt work, compiz doesnt work... and im not sure wat i need for mp4's to play....
[12:23] <Walzmyn> saej, if you're having trouble, i'd not use compiz until I get everything else set up
[12:23] <Walzmyn> as for mp3/4s you need to set up the mediubuntu repository
[12:23] <saej> yes ive set that up
[12:23] <saej> wat packages do i need?
[12:24] <Walzmyn> emm, gimme a sec
[12:24] <saej> thanks so much
[12:24] <BonesolTeraDyne> Medibuntu? I didn't have to set them up.
[12:25] <BonesolTeraDyne> Just use 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras' That should install all the codecs
[12:25] <Walzmyn> thanks BonesolTeraDyne I was trying to find that package name
[12:25] <BonesolTeraDyne> As for sound, well, you're not the only one. Hold on, there's a link on ubuntuforums.org that might help
[12:26] <saej> thanks :)
[12:26] <Walzmyn> I thought the mp3 stuff was in medibunutu? I'd set that repo up each time before installing the restricted package
[12:27] <BonesolTeraDyne> Walzmyn: Nope. I haven't had to set up that repo for a while.
[12:27] <Walzmyn> BonesolTeraDyne, ah, well, I think I wanted google earth before I wanted mp3 support
[12:29] <BonesolTeraDyne> Grr... I can't find that link.
[12:29] <BonesolTeraDyne> It's not in the Known Bugs topic, either.
[12:30] <BonesolTeraDyne> saej: What sound card do you have? I might be able to narrow my search.
[12:32] <saej_> soz dc...
[12:33] <saej_> any ideas about "no sound" or should i just google google google
[12:33] <BonesolTeraDyne> looks like you may have to google it, or search on UbuntuForums.org
[12:33] <saej_> k k cool. thanks
[12:36] <waterpie> hi all
[12:39] <waterpie> every time I login, a kio_thumbnail starts using /tmp/ksocket-username that grows to 80+ cpu and 80+ mem usage, and i have to kill -9 it. anyone knows where this is stored, so as to stop it? or what exactly does it do, as it refs /tmp/ and not a specific ie .jpg ?
[12:43] <waterpie> anyone knows where "work", ie a kio_thumbnail, is stored for later automatic use? it is not in ~/.kde/Autostart/
[12:49] <Dr_willis> why would a file be saved in Autostart?
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[12:49] <Dr_willis> I would guess some where in .kde or .share
[12:50] <mobile> what up
[12:50] <kovan> hi, I upgraded to hardy, and I'm experiencing kind of a lag when konsole scrolls. It's pretty annoying. What could it be?
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[12:50] <Dr_willis> Goofing off - drinking some coffee. :)
[12:52] <kovan> seems like my video card driver is not working as well as it should
[12:54] <Dr_willis> heard of a lot of people with silmiler issues
[12:56] <Dr_willis> joy - watching people rant, then leave in #ubuntu, wonder why they bother.
[12:56] <Dr_willis> If windows gives them trouble do they just give up on windows also? What then?
[12:57] <waterpie> Dr_willis: i am just guessing. kio_thumbnail starts out of nowhere, and grows to 90+ cpu and mem, and i have to kill it. it is very annoying
[12:57] <Dr_willis> waterpie, not seen that issue. Sorry - the forums may have som eothers with similer problems
[12:59] <waterpie> Dr_willis: ok, maybe anyone knows how to see what exactly kio_thumbnail is doing? it just says "kio_thumbnail [kdeinit] /tmp/ksocket-username kla"
[13:11] <uga> anybody knows if there's a list of packages available in the live CD?
[13:11] <uga> RurouniJones: remember the pptp thing? kubuntu networkmanager packs are broken, it won't work
[13:11] <Dr_willis> you mean a list of whats included in the install? or a list of .deb files you can copy from the cd?
[13:12] <uga> yes
[13:12] <uga> I need to install kubuntu on a friend's box, and I'll need extra packages to make vpn work
[13:12] <uga> else there'll be no networking at all
[13:12] <uga> so I'd like to make sure I copy the missing ones
[13:12] <ActionParsnip> hey all
[13:12] <Dr_willis> Theres that apt-cd command that can download packages beforhand.
[13:12] <uga> RurouniJones: kvpnc seems the solution, although it requires root privileges
[13:13] <uga> Dr_willis: they have no networking
[13:13] <uga> until the vpn is up
[13:13] <uga> and the vpn tools included in kubuntu are broken
[13:13] <Dr_willis> uga, you do it any other ubuntu box. and make a cd for them to get the packages from
[13:14] <Dr_willis> then they install. and install the stuff from the apt-cd cd that you created beforhand
[13:14] <ActionParsnip> uga: cant you apt-get them as you have www aceess (which you are vpn-ing over)
[13:14] <uga> Dr_willis: apt-cdrom do you mean?
[13:14] <Dr_willis> !info apt-cdrom
[13:14] <ubottu> Package apt-cdrom does not exist in gutsy
[13:14] <Dr_willis> !find apt-cdrom
[13:14] <ubottu> File apt-cdrom found in sh:, apt-file:, not, found
[13:15] <Dr_willis> No idea what its called exactly - i dont use it
[13:15] <uga> Commands:
[13:15] <uga> add - Add a CDROM
[13:15] <uga> ident - Report the identity of a CDROM
[13:15] <uga> and no apt-cd command
[13:17] <uga> ActionParsnip: that's the point. I want to apt-get the packages for them, but I need to know what extra packages to download
[13:17] <uga> I don't know what the live CD contains
[13:17] <uga> is kvpnc included?
[13:17] <uga> that's the question
[13:17] <uga> I don't have the live CD with me
[13:19] <ActionParsnip> uga: surely if you have a www connection you can just apt-get it, you could apt-get it where there is a connection then burn you apt-cache folder ;)
[13:20] <uga> ActionParsnip: you aren't getting it... my apt cache is like 1000 packages
[13:20] <uga> which of them should I burn and carry with me
[13:20] <uga> and those that I have previously deleted?
[13:20] <ActionParsnip> how much space do they occupy?
[13:21] <uga> half a DVD =)
[13:21] <uga> ActionParsnip: and some of the dependancies may not be there
[13:21] <ActionParsnip> then burn a full dvd :)
[13:22] <uga> ActionParsnip: [14:21] <uga> ActionParsnip: and some of the dependancies may not be there
[13:22] <uga> I have loads of packs installed in the past and removed the cache later
[13:22] <uga> they may not have them
[13:22] <uga> I just need to make sure I have it all before I drive half an hour by car for nothing
[13:22] <ActionParsnip> aaah if its driving its different
[13:22] <ActionParsnip> i believe there is an option to download the stuff but not in stall
[13:22] <uga> yes, it'd be much worse if I had to walk =)
[13:22] <ActionParsnip> id check man apt-get
[13:24] <uga> I just need a list of packages included in the live CD. I thought it'd be simple =)
[13:25] <ActionParsnip> can someone provide a pastebin of /casper/filesystem.manifest for uga
[13:26] <uga> ActionParsnip: just found it
[13:26] <ActionParsnip> cool
[13:26] <uga> arf. stupid konqui
[13:26] <uga> it opened with kwrite and closed the url
[13:26] <uga> so I don't have the url to paste
[13:27] <Dr_willis> aptoncd - Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT
[13:27] <uga> ActionParsnip: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ <--- check the manifest file
[13:28] <uga> Dr_willis: ah nice, thanks
[13:28] <uga> !
[13:28] <ActionParsnip> looks like a result
[13:31] <cra5hhandl3r> my kde su interface doesnt remember my root password eventhough i tick the 'remember the password' box.is that normal?
[13:38] <Dr_willis> ive never noticed a rember root password checkbox...
[13:38] <uga> yes, it doesn't sound like a very good idea =)
[13:39] <uga> cra5hhandl3r: if you don't want to be asked for password, just edit the sudoers config
[13:42] <ubuntu> hi
[13:42] <ubuntu> i just install the kubuntu on vmware server
[13:43] <ubuntu> what do you think about this?
[13:43] <ubuntu> kubuntu is good on a server
[13:43] <ubuntu> ?
[13:44] <uga> ubuntu: 1) (k)ubuntu is a desktop distribution 2) vmware-server isn't something I'd call as "running on a server"
[13:45] <ubuntu> aha i see
[13:46] <ubuntu> thanx
[13:46] <the__doctor__> I'm trying to complete a ./buildset & I keep getting "Checking for convert... no." Any ideas on how to fix?
[13:48] <ubuntu> what can you tell me perfect linux on the server?
[13:48] <al3x4ndr3> is there any hardy repositorie to upgrade eclipse??
[13:48] <ubuntu> can you?
[13:49] <RurouniJones> ubuntu. What do you mean by "Server"
[13:49] <RurouniJones> Do you mean a dedicated pieceof hardware that will run server applications with no graphical user interface?
[13:49] <RurouniJones> and will probably never be access directly but via SSH
[13:50] <RurouniJones> and willrun things like webservers, mail servers and the like
[13:50] <ubuntu> aha
[13:50] <ubuntu> ya ya
[13:51] <RurouniJones> RedHat and SuSE tend to be the most well-known "Server" distributions
[13:51] <ubuntu> i see
[13:51] <ubuntu> right
[13:51] <ubuntu> thanx
[13:51] <RurouniJones> Others might have other suggestions (I think Debian has a server orientated installl dc
[13:52] <ubuntu> I have already heard about debian. I will try it
[13:52] <ubuntu> thanx
[13:53] <RurouniJones> There is also an Ubuntu server focused distro as well
[13:53] <ubuntu> I catch that
[13:55] <ubuntu> ok i must go to eat. see you later maybe
[13:55] <RurouniJones> But if you are going to stick in inside a VM look at ubuntu jeOs
[13:55] <ubuntu> bye bye
[13:55] <RurouniJones> Bye.
[13:55] <ubuntu> ok
[13:55] <ubuntu> thanx
[13:57] <Crashed> Hey guys
[13:57] <Crashed> I'm worried about memory consumption
[13:57] <Crashed> And I found out I have 11 of these: 4831 root 154112 kB /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
[13:57] <Crashed> Why are there so many?
[13:58] <RurouniJones> each one can handle one connection
[13:58] <RurouniJones> Are you using the webserver on your machine?
[13:58] <Crashed> So it's configured to have 11 open?
[13:58] <Crashed> Yes.
[13:59] <Crashed> Would it be dangerous to configure it to say, 4?
[13:59] <RurouniJones> Yes, basically it can handle 11 users concurrently.
[13:59] <RurouniJones> Depends on the load your website handles
[13:59] <Crashed> Ah okay. What's the name of this option?
[13:59] <Crashed> It's not much
[13:59] <RurouniJones> it is in httpd.conf (or apache2.conf)
[13:59] <Crashed> Yeah, but what's the name of the option?
[14:00] <RurouniJones> Can't remember. The commends are explanatory
[14:00] <Crashed> Okay thanks RurouniJones.
[14:00] <RurouniJones> Have a browse through. Might be something like connection pool
[14:01] <acer4920> hello
[14:01] <acer4920> ı ama halil
[14:01] <acer4920> ı am halil
[14:01] <RurouniJones> Ok, what is the problem.
[14:02] <Crashed> What if 12 people were to try to connect?
[14:02] <Crashed> Would it wait for an open connection?
[14:02] <RurouniJones> Yep. but when you consider an average page fetch lasts maybe a 10th of a second it isn't a long wait :)
[14:02] <Crashed> :]
[14:03] <RurouniJones> I can't say because I don't know the volume you handle but 11 does sound OTT. 3/4 sounds ok
[14:03] <RurouniJones> But also rememeber that linux reports memory usage differently to windows
[14:04] <RurouniJones> Which confuses the hell out of some people when they switch
[14:04] <Dr_willis> supports memory 'better' then windows :)
[14:05] <RurouniJones> Actually, I was wrong, it reports the same but it manages it differently :)
[14:05] <acer4920> tanks kubuntu
[14:05] <Crashed> Hm.
[14:06] <Crashed> Would it be dangerous to drop the apache processes rather than just configuring the connection pool?
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[14:06] <RurouniJones> The apache config allows pache to start processes as needed
[14:06] <RurouniJones> So if you kill them it can just re-create them
[14:06] <Crashed> It'll re-create them if needed?
[14:07] <RurouniJones> that is why you need to edit the config file to restrict the number of processes
[14:07] <RurouniJones> if the load is heavy etc.
[14:07] <Crashed> Thanks a lot RurouniJones
[14:07] <RurouniJones> as in; Usually 1 is enough then you get dugg, slashdotted and Farked in one day
[14:07] <RurouniJones> It will quickly ramp up the number of processes to try and handle it
[14:08] <Crashed> Heh
[14:08] <RurouniJones> acer4920: What is your question
[14:08] <RurouniJones> acer4920: If English isn't your first language what is? There are channels for different languages
[14:09] <Crashed> RurouniJones: you say linux reports memory differently?
[14:09] <RurouniJones> it manages it differently.
[14:10] <Crashed> Manages, ah.
[14:10] <RurouniJones> I.e.
[14:10] <RurouniJones> Program needs 10 MB of memory for 5 seconds
[14:10] <RurouniJones> in windows it will allocate the memory then yank it back to the unallocated memory as soon as the process is done with it
[14:11] <RurouniJones> in linux it will allocate the memory but won't yank it back until it is needed by something else. This means the process can then use the memory for another task when needed
[14:11] <Crashed> cool
[14:11] <RurouniJones> in windows that process would have to ask for the memory again
[14:11] <Crashed> Truthfully I wouldn't mind asking for memory again.
[14:11] <Crashed> My host is slicehost, I've got 512MB RAM. No more no less.
[14:11] <RurouniJones> linux is like a hippie "cool dude, use as needed, I'll ask for it back when I need it"
[14:12] <RurouniJones> Windows is the OCD frothing accountant who must control everything...EVERYTING! ALL MINE
[14:12] <RurouniJones> Therefore in lnux memory usage appears higher because lots of processes have bits of memoy the kernel hasn't yanked back yet
[14:13] <RurouniJones> and people are trained in windows to think unused RAM is good RAM
[14:14] <Gast867> hi zusammen
[14:14] <RurouniJones> Deutch?
[14:14] <Gast867> ja
[14:15] <RurouniJones> !de | Gast867
[14:15] <ubottu> Gast867: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[14:15] <Gast867> tnx
[14:15] <RurouniJones> wiedersehn....I think ;)
[14:17] <acer4920> rurıuniJones: hello
[14:17] <acer4920> RurouniJones: hello
[14:17] <RurouniJones> acer4920: What is the problem
[14:17] <acer4920> kubuntu 8.04 java?
[14:18] <acer4920> not java game
[14:18] <RurouniJones> you need to install sun-java
[14:18] <RurouniJones> !java | acer4920
[14:18] <ubottu> acer4920: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.
[14:18] <RurouniJones> Whooha. God bless the bot
[14:19] <RurouniJones> acer4920: Are you English?
[14:19] <acer4920> no english
[14:19] <acer4920> ı am from turkey
[14:19] <acer4920> I am forum turkey
[14:20] <RurouniJones> ok, erm.
[14:20] <acer4920> RurouniJones: tanks
[14:20] <RurouniJones> !irc
[14:20] <ubottu> A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines
[14:20] <RurouniJones> what languages to you speak?
[14:20] <RurouniJones> oh sweet
[14:21] <RurouniJones> acer4920: Join #ubuntu.tr
[14:21] <RurouniJones> That is a turkish speaking channel.
[14:21] <acer4920> how #ubuntu.tr input
[14:22] <RurouniJones> /join #ubuntu.tr
[14:22] <acer4920> RurouniJones: tanks
[14:23] <aaroncampbell> I've upgraded to Hardy, and I run Compiz Fusion. Most things work ok, but things that are supposed to load into the system bar often don't when I boot up (Adept Notifier, Amarok, etc), instead they load the mini icons in little tiny disconnected windows
[14:23] <aaroncampbell> However, some load in there fine
[14:24] <Mekzholan> Hm, I coudn't get help a few hours ago, perhaps I've got more luck this time :)
[14:24] <Mekzholan> my Firefox 3 Beta 5 under Kubuntu 8.04 doesn't allow me anymore to select what propgram to use for a file/mime type. E.g. I can't open PDFs any more :( Is there a solution for this problem known?
[14:24] <Mekzholan> edit > prefs > applications doesn't work, it looks like it is disabled...
[14:25] <RurouniJones> Mekzholan: A workaround could be to download the PDF handler extension
[14:25] <RurouniJones> It is an extension which overrides the default PDF handling of firefox
[14:25] <RurouniJones> and give syou more options etc. Apart from that I can't help you
[14:26] <RurouniJones> http://www.pdfdownload.org/
[14:26] <Mekzholan> RurouniJones: I haven't .DOC files or similar yet (thankfully they aren't that common on the net), but I fear the same problem will happen.
[14:27] <Mekzholan> so, a disabled the application-dialog (I guess the culprit is kubunutu...) is the real problem that should be fixed...
[14:29] <RurouniJones> sounds like a firefox bug
[14:29] <RurouniJones> Don't forget tat the Firefox3 that ships with Heron is a Beta
[14:29] <RurouniJones> I never fid figure out why they thought that was a good idea.
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[14:29] <Mekzholan> PDFs should be treatet like any other file type that gets opened in an external programm (one of the first things I allways do it to delete any PDF-plugins... I can't stand an embedded PDF... neither here under Kubuntu nor at work under Windos)
[14:30] <RurouniJones> Mekzholan: this PDF plugin stops PDFs form being embedded
[14:30] <RurouniJones> It is actually a nifty little program. I would have a look at it and see what options it gives you before dismissing it.
[14:31] <adz21c> Mekzholan: u might wanna look at file associations, it has an option to stop anything being embedded
[14:32] <Mekzholan> RurouniJones: I try to use as little plugins as possible :) (half of the few I'm using stopped working after the FF2->3 switch I was force fed by kubuntu...)
[14:32] <aaroncampbell> Mekzholan: you don't have to be force-fed it...
[14:33] <aaroncampbell> Mekzholan: There is a firefox-2 package in the repos
[14:33] <Mekzholan> so I don't want a plugin to solve a bug that occures by using the standard bahaviour
[14:33] <aaroncampbell> And you can actually have 2 and 3 installed at the same time, but you can't use them at the same time
[14:34] <Mekzholan> aaroncampbell: yes, I think so... But so far I think it's a nice experiance trying FF3 :)
[14:34] <Mekzholan> and I can live with the current bugs
[14:34] <Mekzholan> although I try to fix them if possible, of course ;)
[14:35] <Mekzholan> adz21c: what dialog do you mean?
[14:36] <adz21c> Mekzholan: i think might have miss understood, your talking about firefox right? i wasn't lol
[14:36] <Mekzholan> Bearbeiten -> Einstellungen -> Anwendungen (what translates to "edit > prefs > applications" I guess)
[14:37] <Mekzholan> adz21c: ah, ok. Were you talking about the Kubuntu settings?
[14:38] <adz21c> Mekzholan: yes, under file associations u can select groups and tell them not to embed so they dont embed pdfsa and images in konqueror
[14:40] <Mekzholan> adz21c: ok, there it is already set to openen it in an external application (in acroread)
[14:41] <Mekzholan> but clicking on a link to a pdf I get the error message:
[14:41] <Mekzholan> /tmp/i1-Gitzo-System-1.pdf konnte nicht geöffnet werden, weil die damit verknüpfte Hilfsanwendung nicht existiert. Ändern Sie die Verknüpfung in Ihren Einstellungen.
[14:41] <Mekzholan> That translates roughly to:
[14:42] <the__doctor__> trying to install icon theme, but when I try to complete the ./buildset I get Checking for convert....no convert found in path. how can I fix?
[14:42] <Mekzholan> ...pdf couldn't be opened, as the linked/related (helping) application doesn't exist. Change your linked application in the settings
[14:43] <adz21c> Mekzholan: weird, i dunno
[14:45] * Mekzholan hopes that FF3 final will be released soon and that it fixes all the strange behaviour... :)
[14:45] <adz21c> :)
[14:51] <SilentDis> !lamp
[14:51] <ubottu> LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)
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[15:05] <mith_> hi! how can i connect to a windows vpn, and control it from kubuntu?
[15:05] <ercan_> Hi. I've done a fresh install of hardy. But I've got no sound working afterwards. Sound card is recognised. sound levels seem fine in settings but no sound.
[15:05] <ercan_> Any ideas?
[15:07] <mith_> can anybody help me how to remote a windows desktop from kubuntu?
[15:08] <ushaba> i'm back with wireless queries
[15:08] <trappist> mith_: sudo apt-get install rdesktop; rdesktop <ip address or hostname>
[15:09] <ushaba> i'm running an up-to-date hardy installation of kubuntu
[15:09] <ushaba> trying to get wireless working from the command line, since kde tools seem utterly useless
[15:09] <trappist> !sound | ercan_
[15:09] <ubottu> ercan_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[15:09] <ushaba> already uninstalled networkmanager, which made wireless drop every five minutes
[15:09] <ushaba> anyone know their way around uDev and iwconfig?
[15:10] <mith_> trappist: it doesn't seem to be work
[15:11] <mith_> trappist: it shows: "Autoselected keyboard map hu"...it's okay because i'm from hungary, but it doesn't do any more
[15:13] <trappist> mith_: if you just say rdesktop <ip address or hostname> what do you get
[15:13] <mith_> trappist: "Autoselected keyboard map hu"
[15:13] <SilentDis> !dvd
[15:13] <ubottu> For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs
[15:13] <mith_> trappist: and that's all
[15:15] <trappist> mith_: you are replacing <ip address or hostname> with an actual ip address or hostname, and dropping the <>, right?
[15:15] <mith_> trappist: of course, i given the ip waht i need
[15:16] <trappist> mith_: have you checked the windows box for firewall settings, if remote desktop is enabled, can you ping it, etc.?
[15:18] <mith_> trappist: i've ping it, and i could connect to it from an other computer which runs winXP...but i need to connect from kubuntu...
[15:18] <icewaterman> how can i setup which locales to build?
[15:20] <mith_> trappist: i've tried to connect from krdc, with rdp protokol, but it can't connect too...
[15:25] <Angelus> guys
[15:25] <Angelus> is the new kubuntu LTS or no?! :/
[15:25] <trappist> mith_: I've never had any problems with rdesktop... with no error message, I'm out of guesses where to look next
[15:25] <trappist> Angelus: the way I heard it, no
[15:25] <Angelus> well
[15:25] <Angelus> on the ubuntu shop the cds are marked as LTS :S
[15:25] <Angelus> and btw, when are the dvd's coming out for sale? :/
[15:26] <trappist> Angelus: maybe they changed it so it's lts, and did the separate kde4 "remix" version that's not lts
[15:27] <Angelus> i want to buy the dvd version :(
[15:27] <ligemeget> Hi all - it seems that my iPod gets detected correctly when I'm running Ubuntu/GNOME, but it strangely does not get detected in Ubuntu/KDE...
[15:27] <ligemeget> Is libgtkpod superior to the KDE-thing?
[15:27] <ushaba> asking again about help getting commandline wireless to work
[15:27] <ushaba> looks like no driver is being loaded at present
[15:27] <ushaba> it's a realtek chip which used to work natively until today
[15:28] <kkathman> ligemeget: I have no problems with my iPod in Kubuntu (=ubuntu/KDE)
[15:29] <ligemeget> I'm using a 5. generation iPod I think...
[15:29] <ligemeget> This one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Ipod_5th_Generation_white_rotated.png
[15:30] <flea> hello, is there a pkg or plugin to k3b to allow mp3 decoding?
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[15:31] <flea> nm ty
[15:31] <trappist> flea: try libk3b2-mp3 or libk3b2-extracodecs
[15:32] <flea> ty trappist
[15:36] <draik> I upgraded to version 8.04
[15:37] <draik> How do I fix the huge dots for the login password?
[15:37] <ushaba> checking again, anyone able to help get wirelesss working?
[15:37] <ushaba> it used to work, no longer does
[15:37] <trappist> ushaba: I just put my wep key and everything in /etc/network/interfaces, and it all works, but if you're having driver issues that's probably not gonna fix it
[15:38] <trappist> ushaba: do you have the restricted drivers package installed?
[15:38] <ushaba> hold on, let me double-check
[15:38] <ushaba> this actually might be an atheros card
[15:38] <ushaba> at this point i've uninstalled networkmanager
[15:38] <ushaba> which worked for that session, but now i think getting rid of kwifi and knetwork whatever should also help
[15:39] <ushaba> i've got the restricted kernel modules, yes
[15:40] <trappist> if you say ifconfig, do you have a device associated with the card?
[15:40] <trappist> ath0, or wifi0, or eth1, or whatever
[15:40] <ushaba> the device is wlan0
[15:40] <ushaba> that's fine
[15:40] <ushaba> but there's no driver listed
[15:40] <trappist> it doesn't have an ip address?
[15:40] <trappist> if the device is listed in ifconfig, your driver appears to be loaded
[15:40] <ushaba> hmm
[15:40] <ushaba> even if no specific driver is listed>
[15:40] <ushaba> ?
[15:41] <trappist> listed where?
[15:41] <ushaba> under lshw
[15:41] <ushaba> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=684495
[15:41] <trappist> oh I don't even know how lshw works, but you don't get a network device without a driver
[15:41] <ushaba> i was following this guide, but have hit a deadpoint somewhere
[15:41] <ushaba> ok
[15:41] <ushaba> haha
[15:41] <ushaba> that's reassuring, i guess
[15:42] <trappist> so I assume the device doesn't have an ip address
[15:42] <ushaba> well, presently wlan0 is listed, and there is also something called wmaster0-00
[15:42] <ushaba> could those be conflicting?
[15:42] <ushaba> it doesn't list an ip address
[15:42] <trappist> on mine I have an ath0 and a wifi0 for the same device - not sure why, but they don't conflict
[15:42] <trappist> ushaba: try sudo dhclient wlan0
[15:43] <ushaba> hold on
[15:43] <llutz> trappist: wifi0 is the master-device, athX are the different "real" network-devices
[15:43] <llutz> trappist: atheros can handle more than one net-device
[15:43] <trappist> llutz: ah I see, is that a madwifi thing?
[15:43] <llutz> yes
[15:44] <trappist> gotcha
[15:44] <ushaba> it actually keeps listing the DHCP discover address as
[15:44] <ushaba> is that the netmask?
[15:44] <ushaba> no working leases
[15:44] <trappist> ushaba: just means it's doing a dhcp broadcast
[15:44] <ushaba> time to edit "/etc/network/interfaces?"
[15:44] <mith_> trappist: thanks for the help, i will try anything...
[15:44] <trappist> ushaba: couldn't hurt
[15:44] <ushaba> not sure where to start
[15:44] <ercan_> trappist: thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately nothing from the suggested page seems to work. Looks like everything is configured and installed right. Just no sound.
[15:44] <ushaba> actually, that lists ath0
[15:45] <ushaba> eth1, and eth2
[15:45] <ushaba> i'm not sure why it's listing different things than ifconfig
[15:45] <ercan_> This was all working fine on gutsy.
[15:45] <ushaba> ercan: the only improvement i have noticed in hardy is rendering of chinese fonts
[15:46] <ushaba> but it's an adventure
[15:46] <ushaba> hmm, i assume wlan0 is just an alias for another device?
[15:46] <trappist> ushaba: here's mine: http://linuxkungfu.org/tmp/interfaces
[15:46] <ushaba> wah
[15:46] <ushaba> cool url
[15:46] <trappist> :)
[15:47] <martint> how do you think KDE would work if installed on ubuntu 8.04
[15:47] <ushaba> martint: exactly the same as on gutsy
[15:47] <trappist> martint: just fine, if you say "sudo apt-get install kde kubuntu-desktop"
[15:47] <ushaba> since they're both running 3.5.9
[15:47] <martint> I meant on top of Gnome ubuntu
[15:47] <ushaba> no problems at all with that
[15:48] <ushaba> it might change the bootsplash
[15:48] <martint> will it work properly?
[15:48] <ercan_> There are sooo many posts on ubuntuforums about sound problems after reinstall or upgrade. Most aren't answered and none seem to have a definitive fix.
[15:48] <trappist> martint: yep
[15:48] <BluesKaj> martint, kde3.5.9 will work well, as for kde4 that depends on your graphics and your patience.
[15:48] <ushaba> hmm
[15:48] <trappist> ercan_: I hit some glitchlets upgrading 4 servers from dapper to hardy, but nothing real tough
[15:49] <ushaba> trappist, your file doesn't list anything like wlan0 either
[15:49] <ercan_> any of them using a sound card?
[15:49] <ushaba> do you know how if wlan0 is an alias for ath0 or eth0?
[15:49] <trappist> oh sound problems - I actually had sound problems on gutsy that were fixed when I upgraded to hardy :)
[15:49] <martint> KD$ works now on my kubuntu 7.10 machine, I just downloaded gnome ubuntu 8.04 and I'm too lazy to d/l kubuntu and waith another 1.5 hours...
[15:50] <martint> I meant kde4
[15:50] <trappist> ushaba: no, my device names are different probably because my driver's different, but that doesn't matter to /etc/network/interfaces, just give it the device name you have
[15:50] <ushaba> well, oddly, my interfaces file is listing eth1, eth2, and ath0
[15:50] <ushaba> that's why i am curious
[15:50] <trappist> ushaba: that is curious.
[15:50] <martint> might kde 4 have problesm just becouse it was installed on top of ubuntu and not kubuntu?
[15:50] <hydrogen> no
[15:50] <ushaba> wah, hydrogen
[15:50] <ushaba> the drum machine is back
[15:51] <trappist> ushaba: try setting it up with your wlan0
[15:51] <martint> <hydrogen> where you answering me?
[15:51] <ushaba> just add wlan0?
[15:51] <ushaba> and hope for the best?
[15:51] <trappist> ushaba: yeah, and add your wep key and stuff as I have mine (assuming you're wepped)
[15:51] <ushaba> do i need to auto it or no?
[15:51] <hydrogen> martint: yes
[15:51] <ushaba> just iface blah0 inet dhcp?
[15:52] <BluesKaj> martint, kubuntu is kde . ubuntu is gnome ...they can co-exist with no probs, just choose which desktop at login
[15:52] <ushaba> i'll give it a whirl
[15:52] <martint> Thanks all!
[15:52] <trappist> ushaba: I would - that just says whether it comes up at boot - if it's not auto you have to ifup it
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[15:53] <ushaba> hmm, i'm not sure if i have to do anything special for 64bit hex
[15:53] <ushaba> i know you have to add an s: in front of it on iwconfig
[15:53] <ushaba> any ideas?
[15:54] <trappist> ushaba: no idea there
[15:54] <trappist> ushaba: try 'man interfaces'
[15:54] <ushaba> hmm, which encryption are you using?
[15:54] <ushaba> wep?
[15:54] <trappist> yes
[15:54] <ushaba> man interfaces
[15:54] <ushaba> argh
[15:54] <ushaba> sorry
[15:54] <trappist> heh
[15:54] <ushaba> wrong keyboard
[15:56] <ushaba> it doesn't list any thing special, just says to look at iwconfig again
[15:56] <ushaba> i assume it uses the s:
[15:58] <draik> How do I fix the huge dots for the login password?
[15:59] <draik> Also, I need "moodin plugin" for the splash
[15:59] <draik> Where can I get the moodin plugin?
[16:01] <joseph> !flash
[16:01] <ubottu> To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash
[16:01] <ushaba> what is the basic difference between running backports and running the newest version of (k)ubuntu?
[16:03] <ushaba> hmm, seems like something is wrong with the interfaces file
[16:03] <ushaba> does the ESSID need to be in quotes?
[16:03] <Pici> It doesnt hurt
[16:05] <ushaba> nothing seems to be working
[16:05] <ushaba> the DHCP discover fails each time
[16:07] <_eMaX_> hi all
[16:07] <_eMaX_> anyone here using vmware? I've a problem getting sound to work since I upgraded to hardy. sound under kde works w/ no problems.
[16:10] <draik> Where can I get the moodin plugin? KDElook.org doesn't have it
[16:11] <Treat> Hi everyone
[16:12] <draik> Found it. Sorry for the bother
[16:12] <Treat> i am using hardy and trying to compile kopete with jingle support and getting a message that reades:
[16:12] <Treat> Making all in appearancemake[5]: Entering directory `/home/sohail/kopete/kdenetwork-3.5.9/kopete/kopete/config/appearance'make[5]: *** No rule to make target `emoticonseditwidget.ui', needed by `emoticonseditwidget.h'. Stop.make[5]: Leaving directory `/home/sohail/kopete/kdenetwork-3.5.9/kopete/kopete/config/appearance'make[4]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
[16:13] <Treat> i have been able to successfully compile the 12.0 version previously
[16:13] <Treat> but am stuck with the current one... any advice?
[16:15] <draik> How do I shrink the password dots? They used to be tiny asterisks with 7.10 and now 8.04 has huge dots. Can it be changed back / reverted?
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[16:27] <ushaba> it works!
[16:27] <ushaba> the magic of iwconfig
[16:27] <ushaba> and ifconfig...
[16:27] <ushaba> thanks to both
[16:28] <trappist> ushaba: yay!
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[16:29] <kaminix> The ' * Loading harddware drivers' which is visible on bootup if you do a base install shows 'intel_rng: FWH not detected' with both Hardy and Gutsy. Should I report this?
[16:30] <sravi> i created a ad-hoc network in my laptop (vista) and connected to it from my desktop (kubuntu 8.04)
[16:30] <sravi> sravi@INDBNG1013:~$ sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager stop
[16:30] <sravi> * Stopping network connection manager NetworkManager [ OK ]
[16:31] <sravi> sravi@INDBNG1013:~$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
[16:31] <sravi> sravi@INDBNG1013:~$ sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc
[16:31] <sravi> sravi@INDBNG1013:~$ sudo iwconfig wlan0 channel 11
[16:31] <sravi> sravi@INDBNG1013:~$ sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid 'sravi-adhoc-network'
[16:31] <sravi> sravi@INDBNG1013:~$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
[16:31] <sravi> SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not supported
[16:31] <trappist> sravi: please don't paste here
[16:31] <sravi> trappist, ok. do u know why i am getting "operation not supported" error?
[16:31] <kaminix> Anyone about my hardware drivers issue?
[16:31] <trappist> kaminix: if it's causing a problem ("causing a problem" may include uglifying the bootsplash), then sure
[16:32] <trappist> sravi: I've seen it before, but I forget where
[16:32] <kaminix> trappist: Well, the bootsplash is not widescreen, could that be it? Or maybe it could be my un-working built-in speakers?
[16:33] <sravi> i observe the error only in ad-hoc mode
[16:33] <trappist> kaminix: I really have no idea
[16:33] <trappist> sravi: possibly your drivers don't support adhoc mode
[16:33] <trappist> s/possibly/probably/
[16:34] <sravi> trappist: how to check that.
[16:34] <trappist> sravi: what chipset does your wifi card have
[16:34] <sravi> trappist: its Ralink
[16:35] <sravi> trappist: its a USB wireless card
[16:35] <trappist> sravi: I know the madwifi drivers, for probably all the chipsets they support, can do adhoc, but beyond that I don't know
[16:36] <trappist> sravi: so I don't know what drivers your card is using, but you may want to find that out and check the docs for those drivers
[16:36] <RytmenPinnen> Hoy! I for some reason getting error"command not found" when trying to upgrade from cd. I think it has to do something with my cdrom being mounted in some strange place cause my cdrom folder is also empty, however, I can watch dvds
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[16:42] <RytmenPinnen> hmmm....... and now I'm starting to believe that k3b never burned the disk
[16:55] <uga> Dr_willis: heh, next time I'll have to remember my cached amd64 packs won't work on i386 boxes =)
[16:56] <xenol> is it true that adobe released specifications of swf and flv formats to public?
[16:56] <uga> xenol: I think the verb is "will"
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[16:57] <xenol> uga: do u think that after it will there be native flash for x86_64?
[16:57] <uga> xenol: I doubt they'll open sources
[16:57] <uga> so you'll have to wait for alternatives
[16:57] <pds> how do you get the windows fonts?
[16:57] <Daisuke_Ido> uga: flash spec is already open
[16:57] <uga> is it? ah surprise
[16:58] <Daisuke_Ido> yeah, as of yesterday :)
[16:58] <uga> Daisuke_Ido: where are the specs then?
[16:58] <uga> I only found the stupid press release
[16:59] <MilitantPotato> I'm using hardy, the gama settings seem broken. I set it to 1.0 via Kcontrol, and my xorg is correct, but when I restart X, and login, the gamma is somewhere near .75, checking kcontrol, it says 1.0, but it's not. When I click the gamma slider, the display jumps to the 1.0 it's set on, without me moving the slider at all. xorg: http://pastebin.com/d2fc349b1
[16:59] <uga> MilitantPotato: have you installed any other monitor profiling tools?
[16:59] <uga> I had something like that a while ago
[16:59] <MilitantPotato> uga: amdcccle
[16:59] <uga> it mgith be that each is doing its own setting
[17:00] <MilitantPotato> I'll check it, thanks
[17:00] <Daisuke_Ido> uta: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/swf/pdf/swf_file_format_spec_v9.pdf
[17:00] <Daisuke_Ido> this is going to be a huge boost for gnash
[17:00] <uga> wow nice, thanks
[17:01] <MilitantPotato> uga: it's set on 1.0 also
[17:02] <uga> uhm.. sorry, I cannot tell :(
[17:03] <uga> MilitantPotato: have you tried opening another desktop? gnome or others you might have installed
[17:04] <MilitantPotato> nah, kde is all I've installed
[17:04] <uga> MilitantPotato: in my case I had kde4 that was causing trouble
[17:04] <uga> kde3 was properly set up, but kde4 used to show up much darker
[17:04] <uga> then I found an older color profile setting lost in the .kde dirs
[17:04] <uga> so I just adjusted through xorg, and it was fine again
[17:05] <uga> MilitantPotato: btw, if you want to do photos, the suggested gamma setting is 2.2
[17:05] <Daisuke_Ido> 2.2? isn't that ridiculously bright?
[17:06] <uga> it is for the desktop
[17:06] <uga> but it's meant to be best for displaying photos
[17:06] <Daisuke_Ido> ah ha
[17:08] <draik> Why does my login look like it is 800x600?
[17:08] <uga> Daisuke_Ido: "In most computer systems, images are encoded with a gamma of about 0.45 and decoded with a gamma of 2.2; "
[17:08] <uga> that might explain the reason
[17:08] <uga> that's from wikipedia
[17:08] <Daisuke_Ido> ah ha
[17:08] <Daisuke_Ido> now i see
[17:09] <uga> you can find lots of comments on it, on the web if you google for "gamma 2.2"
[17:09] <uga> Daisuke_Ido: but anyway, showing photos online is just .... incorrect
[17:10] <MilitantPotato> draik: in your xorg.conf what's the virtual size set too?
[17:10] <uga> nobody has the monitor properly calibrated
[17:10] <uga> so they'll sure see it darker or brighter
[17:10] <uga> miss some gray levels or see it all white
[17:10] <uga> and to make matters worse, if you want to work on adobe rgb, then you need to export to sRGB for posting online, since no browsers do color profiling
[17:11] <uga> we still don't know how to do photos properly on the 2k8, and people want to do flash? blah ;))
[17:13] <draik> MilitantPotato: Where do I find the virtual size? Did a text search and it is not found.
[17:14] <MilitantPotato> kdesudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[17:14] <draik> MilitantPotato: Right. I did that, but it's not in there
[17:15] <MilitantPotato> ah, hmm, not sure then
[17:15] <draik> MilitantPotato: http://pastebin.ca/1005114
[17:15] <MilitantPotato> draik: here's mine http://pastebin.com/d2fc349b1
[17:16] <MilitantPotato> it has a virtual desktop setting, that affects my login screen
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[17:19] <draik> My login has big text
[17:23] <draik> Well, the password anyway
[17:25] <jimmy51vinsky> anyone in here have experience with software RAID 5 in linux?
[17:26] <genii> jimmy51vinsky: Instead you should say what your problem/issue is then see if someone can assist
[17:27] <jimmy51vinsky> ok, here goes: I had a 4 drive RAID 5, but one drive and the host system died.
[17:28] <jimmy51vinsky> I now have 3 working drives and have them in a new system, with RAID5 support in the kernel
[17:28] <jimmy51vinsky> in order to get data from my RAID, how do I configure it?
[17:28] <jimmy51vinsky> normally "mdadm -A /dev/md2 /dev/sd[abcd]3 would create it
[17:29] <genii> jimmy51vinsky: Usually they will be seen as /dev/mdX for instance
[17:29] <TimS> I am about to install nvidia drivers, what should I back up before I do?
[17:29] <jimmy51vinsky> genii: will the kernel detect the RAID on its own?
[17:29] <genii> jimmy51vinsky: If the partition types are raid autodetect it will
[17:29] <jimmy51vinsky> ooh
[17:30] <jimmy51vinsky> i'll boot and hope it does. otherwise, i'm afraid to force it
[17:30] <genii> jimmy51vinsky: If not then you need the old config file system
[17:31] <jimmy51vinsky> I know it had three partitions... OS, DATA, SWAP.
[17:31] <Jucato_> genii, I need your coffeee!!!
[17:31] * genii makes Jucato_ an extra large coffee in a Kubuntu mug
[17:31] <Jucato_> thankies!
[17:32] <genii> Jucato_: Anytime :)
[17:35] <draik> Hey Jucato_
[17:35] <jhutchins_wk> Configuration for the login will be in /etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc
[17:35] <jimmy51vinsky> ok, i've got no md2 on boot
[17:36] <genii> jimmy51vinsky: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf is where it is nowadays
[17:36] <jimmy51vinsky> ok
[17:36] <jhutchins_wk> jimmy51vinsky: You do know that you'll take a pretty bad performance hit trying to do RAID5 in software?
[17:37] <jimmy51vinsky> believe me, it's not my plan. a buddy had a linux based home NAS
[17:37] <jimmy51vinsky> raid5, 4 drive. the unit died and took a drive with it.
[17:37] <genii> jimmy51vinsky: Is the raid5 for / ?
[17:37] <jimmy51vinsky> raid 5 has three partitions on it
[17:37] <jimmy51vinsky> SYSTEM, DATA, SWAP
[17:38] <jimmy51vinsky> md0, md1, md2
[17:38] <genii> That makes not much sense
[17:38] <jimmy51vinsky> crap
[17:38] <jimmy51vinsky> i'll be back in a bit
[17:38] <jimmy51vinsky> yeah, makes no sense
[17:39] <genii> sorta afk a bit myself
[17:39] <jimmy51vinsky> http://www.synology.com/wiki/index.php/How_to_retrieve_data_from_RAID_Volumes_on_Linux is the setup, by the ywa
[17:39] <waldinho> I've got 7.10. installed, shouldn't the package manager notify me about 8.04 automaticaly?
[17:43] <monkeybritches> Not automatically
[17:45] <Jurgentje> hi... anyone in here has xen running on kubuntu 8.04? (I get the error: "Required: xenman but is not installable")
[17:45] <Jurgentje> I tried to install the ubuntu-xen-desktop
[17:48] <monkeybritches> Jurgentje: It looks like the install is broken.
[17:51] <monkeybritches> Jurgentje: Workaround is at the bottom - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xen-3.1/+bug/161783
[17:51] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 161783 in xen-3.1 "Unable to install package ubuntu-xen-desktop (depends on libc6-xen) on Ubuntu Studio 7.10" [Undecided,New]
[17:52] <stdin> @config plugins.Bugtracker.bugSnarfer false
[17:52] <ubottu> stdin: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
[17:52] <stdin> err
[17:56] <RytmenPinnen> just upgraded from cd and now I'm updating but adept asks me to insert the install disc, I did, but it still asks for it when I press continue
[17:58] <waldinho> monkeybritches: so what should be done?
[17:59] <RytmenPinnen> hmm, packages seems to be downloadning tho..........
[18:02] <Jurgentje> monkeybritches: thanks... found another workaround though... (installed the Debian .deb file for xenman)
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[18:06] <monkeybritches> waldinho: Select 'full upgrade' in adept, then apply changes
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[18:12] <RytmenPinnen> right..... now everything has downloaded but now it wont go further
[18:12] <RytmenPinnen> "Please insert the disc labeled 'Kubuntu 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080422.1)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter" I've done that but nothing happens
[18:12] <FFForever> how can i upgrade a headless ubuntu system with the cd i am burning?
[18:13] <RytmenPinnen> or rather, it keeps telling me to insert the disc
[18:13] <FFForever> i want to go from 7.10 to 8.04
[18:13] <RytmenPinnen> just burn the alternate cd
[18:13] <FFForever> i don't have the alternate cd.... just the desktop one
[18:13] <FFForever> and ssh access
[18:14] <RytmenPinnen> DL and burn the alternate cd then :=)
[18:14] <RytmenPinnen> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu
[18:15] <FFForever> uhhh not going to work, like i said its headless
[18:15] <RytmenPinnen> oh...... /me doesnt know what that means
[18:15] <FFForever> no monitor
[18:15] <genii> RytmenPinnen: no keyboard, mouse, monitor attached
[18:15] <RytmenPinnen> oh, right...
[18:15] <FFForever> witch is why i said i have the desktop cd and ssh access :)
[18:16] <genii> FFForever: Check where it has instructions for server version, since it's CLI. May be something useful in there
[18:16] <RytmenPinnen> anyone have an idea on my problem? :S its kind of anoying
[18:18] <monkeybritches> RytmenPinnen: Is your cdrom mounted?
[18:18] <RytmenPinnen> yes, I browse the cd in konqueror and I just updated from 7.10 with it
[18:19] <ivan__> ahh my ferst ubuntu XD
[18:19] <RytmenPinnen> I think I got a solution
[18:19] <monkeybritches> So it's working now?
[18:20] <monkeybritches> Or do you mean you just updated, and now it doesn't recognize it?
[18:20] <FFForever> can i do a dsit-upgrade via cdrom
[18:20] <RytmenPinnen> no wait, a friend of mine told I could fix it by removing the cd source from the repo manager
[18:21] <genii> RytmenPinnen: Yes, remove cdrom drive From Software Sources in Adept
[18:21] <genii> (or comment the line in /etc/sources.list )
[18:21] <RytmenPinnen> however, it isnt there........
[18:22] <genii> bah path typo there
[18:23] <genii> RytmenPinnen: alt-f2 kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list put a # in front of cdrom line. Save.
[18:24] <RytmenPinnen> works!
[18:24] <RytmenPinnen> now, what's the difference on kdesu and su ?
[18:25] <genii> !kdesu
[18:25] <ubottu> In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)
[18:26] <genii> RytmenPinnen: Basically kdesu won't leave root-owned config files in your home directory which make it impossible for the regular user to run the app again
[18:28] <genii> FFForever: That headless bos is local (you can insert a cd into it) or not?
[18:28] <RytmenPinnen> ah
[18:28] <genii> *box
[18:28] <FFForever> i have the cd in it
[18:28] <genii> So local
[18:28] <FFForever> i ran apt-get dist-upgrade
[18:29] <FFForever> it finished up but how do i tell if i am upgraded or not?
[18:29] <genii> FFForever: lsb_release -a
[18:29] <FFForever> still says i am on gutsy :/
[18:29] <FFForever> so apt-get dist-upgrade didn't work
[18:30] <genii> FFForever: Might take a reboot
[18:32] <JoshOvki> FFForever: did much happen when u ran dist-upgradE?
[18:32] <JackWinter> i'm about to compile/install jackdmp. normal jackd lives in /usr/bin. is it ok to install there, or should i install extra software in /usr/local/bin ?
[18:32] <FFForever> it upgraded some packages but i don't think it did it right :/
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[18:35] <Frederick> folks did the new kde become stable?
[18:35] <pottythepisser> y r da repos still slow?
[18:36] <JackWinter> pottythepisser: use a different server. i use an alternative one in the uk, and had fast installs even when hardy was released...
[18:37] <Lynoure> Frederick: the new kde, as in kde4? It's usable but not all ready and done yet. I still sometimes get plasma crashes when I'm on that side
[18:38] <pottythepisser> its a lot more stable than windoze vista
[18:38] <Frederick> Lynoure: is it the default package for now cause adept is updating my kde :/
[18:39] <Frederick> I will re start x andcheck
[18:39] <Signil> on running java --version I get this "java version "1.4.2" but I dont have the j2re installed :s??
[18:39] <Lynoure> Frederick: kde3 does not really get automatically upgraded into kde4, the package for kde desktop is called kubuntu-kde4-desktop
[18:39] <Lynoure> oh well
[18:40] <BluesKaj> nice nick ..potty , I don't understand that kind of uncessary childish bathroom humour in an adult scenario.
[18:41] <trappist> pottythepisser: please change your nick.
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[18:41] <potty> happy now
[18:41] <trappist> it'll do, thanks
[18:41] * BluesKaj wonders about the possibility of a kde3.6
[18:42] * JackWinter wonders about install dirs ;)
[18:42] <trappist> Signil: you probably don't have sun's jre installed, but that's not the only jre
[18:43] <JackWinter> i notice that /usr/local is more or less empty on my system. is it a reduntant filesystem on ubuntu ?
[18:43] <Signil> i see
[18:43] <coggz> how do i set up unison? it say i need a password, but i haven't set one?
[18:43] <trappist> JackWinter: /usr/local is generally where stuff goes that you compile yourself, which is usually not recommended and not necessary on ubuntu, but you'd be ill-advised to delete it
[18:44] <frank__> JackWinter: typically it is used to install programs manually without using apt
[18:44] <BluesKaj> Signil, install the latest sun-java , it's 6 I think with apt or adept , and you'll have to agree to the terms
[18:44] <alan_> evening
[18:44] <JackWinter> trappist: i wasn't going to delete it ;)
[18:44] <trappist> JackWinter: for more interesting info, http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html
[18:44] <Signil> yes I am doing that now
[18:45] <coggz> !unison
[18:45] <ubottu> Factoid unison not found
[18:45] <trappist> JackWinter: or specifically http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#USRLOCALLOCALHIERARCHY
[18:45] <BluesKaj> JackWinter, sometimes cli apps use the usr/local dir
[18:45] <JackWinter> the thing is i need to install a replacement for jackd, called jackdmp. the default install dir is /usr/local, but i notice that all jackd files are in the /usr tree. so not sure where to install..!
[18:45] <BluesKaj> like python
[18:45] <AlanR8> can anyone help me with a KRDC issue?
[18:46] <trappist> BluesKaj: not ones that come with (k)ubuntu, and it's not cli-specific
[18:46] <trappist> JackWinter: if it's a replacement, I'd uninstall jackd first. then make real sure there's not a jackdmp package available. then install jackdmp into /usr/local/
[18:46] <coggz> any help with unison problem?
[18:47] <Lynoure> Both of you, just ask the detailed question?
[18:47] <AlanR8> Ok
[18:47] <AlanR8> Have set up a "server" Hardy desktop. Needs to be able to boot without a keyboard and mouse
[18:48] <randomguy2332> hello
[18:48] <coggz> i have, i try to connect to a pc on my local network with unison via ssh. It asks me for a password? I haven't set one
[18:48] <AlanR8> KRDC works well when logged in but returns the error "No server at that address" when you turn the machine on with no keyboard, or just leave it at the log in screen
[18:49] <randomguy2332> I have a problem with modprobe
[18:49] <randomguy2332> everytime i try to load a library, i get an error Cannot allocate memory
[18:49] <randomguy2332> Can anyone help?
[18:49] <JackWinter> trappist: hmm, it can be a replacement, but it can also run side by side. thus the reason that i might wanna install into /usr/bin. hmm, think i'll try asking in more relevant groups before installing. but in any case, i see that it's ok to install software into /usr/local. was wondering because i was used from before (of having much more software installed there ;)
[18:50] <trappist> JackWinter: /usr/local should be in your $PATH, $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc., so even if it depends on or interoperates with jackd you should be fine installing it in /usr/local, which exists pretty much for this purpose
[18:51] <coggz> anyone even gonna respond? just say you can't .... anything...
[18:51] <Lynoure> AlanR8: and you really need krdc and sshing or X forwaring won't do? (I think I don't know enough about Krdc to solve this)
[18:51] <trappist> coggz: never heard of unison.
[18:51] <coggz> ah, ok, thanks
[18:51] <Lynoure> coggz: tell about the pic you are sshing in to? Another Ubuntu?
[18:51] <Lynoure> s/pic/pc/
[18:52] <coggz> ok, laptop that wants to connect is kubuntu 7.10. IP
[18:52] <coggz> desktop backup server is kubuntu 8.04
[18:52] <AlanR8> Lynoure...thanks for that....anyone else throw some light on this for me?
[18:53] <Lynoure> coggz: so you are trying to ssh in as root?
[18:53] <coggz> ?
[18:53] <coggz> i open unison-gtk and connect, it prompts for password
[18:54] <Lynoure> coggz: If not, I don't know what you mean by you did not set yourself a password? Sorry...
[18:54] <Grifu> who can help me with a kubuntu problem?
[18:54] <Lynoure> Grifu: the whole channel.
[18:55] <coggz> ok, installed unison on desktop. Installed unison-gtk on laptop. selected directories to copy, tried to connect
[18:56] <Grifu> ok... i just installed kubuntu 8.04 on my laptop and i have some problems: touchscreen, wifi, quicklaunch buttons not working
[18:56] <AlanR8> whats your problem grifu
[18:56] <Grifu> my modell is hp tx1250eg
[18:56] <coggz> touchscreen, look at the wacomlinux project
[18:56] <coggz> wifi, might be broadcom -
[18:56] <AlanR8> have heard that hp and linux sometimes dont play well together
[18:56] <coggz> yes,
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[18:57] <coggz> both mine work now, after much "fun"
[18:57] <Grifu> tell me... couldnt install xp
[18:57] <Grifu> because of the bios...
[18:58] <Grifu> but now i want to go back to kubuntu wich i had on my pc
[18:58] <Lynoure> coggz: it should then ask the desktop password of the laptop user...
[18:58] <AlanR8> my son has an hp loptap runs XP and it won't see the home network, mix of XP and Kubuntu
[18:58] <coggz> ?
[18:58] <Grifu> so anyone know how to fix theese problems?
[18:58] <coggz> desktop pass of laptop user... ??
[18:59] <coggz> Grifu: is your wireless broadcom?
[18:59] <AlanR8> i asume you've gooooogled grifu
[18:59] <JoshOvki> coggz: say your username is coggz on the desktop and laptop with different passwords it would want to knw the desktop password
[18:59] <coggz> aha,
[19:00] <Grifu> coggz: yes it is broadcom
[19:00] <Seven_Six_Two> I recently installed cinelerra and then used hibernate for the first time(not while running cin). My box didn't recover or fail gracefully, so I magic SysRq. Now my kicker doesn't load when I login(KDE3.5). I'm running ubuntu(studio)8.04, 2.6.24-16-rt
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[19:01] <coggz> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff
[19:01] <coggz> might help wireless... should work, worked fine on Gutsy
[19:01] <Grifu> tx
[19:02] <arnaud__> hello
[19:02] <Grifu> and quicklaunch?
[19:02] <AlanR8> Have set up a "server" Hardy desktop. Needs to be able to boot without a keyboard and mouse...any suggestions?
[19:02] <coggz> http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net/ :touchscreen if it is a wacom
[19:02] <crashhandler> hi..how to change 'blah' in.....[crashhandler@blah~]$-----
[19:02] <arnaud__> Wo speak french ?
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[19:02] <trappist> arnaud__: #kubuntu-fr
[19:03] <arnaud__> ok
[19:03] <linkslice> I'm running 8.04 and my taskbar went missing :-( I'm having to use the run command to get this far....I don't think I did anything to make it go away, any ideas what I should be looking for?
[19:03] <Grifu> i really dont know what touchscreen the notebook has
[19:03] <Seven_Six_Two> linkslice, that's my problem
[19:03] <Grifu> but tx for wifi... its the most important
[19:04] <linkslice> Seven_Six_Two, lol
[19:04] <linkslice> glad to see it's not jsut me
[19:04] <Seven_Six_Two> I can run kicker by hand without a problem.
[19:04] <linkslice> Seven_Six_Two, ahhhhhh relief :-)
[19:05] <linkslice> I didn't even know what app launched it
[19:05] <coggz> i have a acer tablet and the wacom project does it a dream
[19:05] <jabba__> the http://kubuntu.org/doc/index.php is missing hardy -- is there someone i can mention this to?
[19:05] <Seven_Six_Two> ubuntu(studio)8.04, 2.6.24-16-rt after a failed hibernate
[19:05] <coggz> JoshOvki: the password doesn't work
[19:05] <Thingus> Okay, fresh install of Hardy, KDE3.5, and I have my nVidia drivers installed via the Hardware Drivers tool.
[19:06] <Thingus> Why doesn't Compiz work, though?
[19:07] <Seven_Six_Two> Thingus, you've run compiz.real or the compiz fusion icon?
[19:07] <Seven_Six_Two> It works fine for me
[19:07] <Thingus> clear
[19:07] <Thingus> Bah...
[19:08] <Thingus> Seven_Six_Two: compiz --replace from the CLI gives me "No whitelisted driver found..."
[19:09] <Seven_Six_Two> Thingus, what does "glxinfo | grep direct" say?
[19:09] <JoshOvki> coggz: is the user on the pc the same as the one on the laptop?
[19:10] <davf> Hopefully this will be an easy one. How do I change the fonts size in Adept for Kubuntu hardy. All my fonts are set for 7pt but Adept doesn't seem to take.
[19:10] <Thingus> Seven_Six_Two: Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
[19:11] <coggz> JoshOvki: no, laptop is 'luke' desktop is 'lpc'
[19:11] <coggz> is that a problem?
[19:11] <Thingus> Wait... Hold up...
[19:11] <Thingus> I figured it out... One second.
[19:11] <Seven_Six_Two> err... where's "direct"?
[19:12] <JoshOvki> coggz: in that case its ipc@desktopname
[19:12] <JoshOvki> sorry, lpc@desktopname
[19:12] <JoshOvki> or ipaddress
[19:12] <coggz> kk
[19:12] <coggz> Permission Denied
[19:13] <coggz> even when ssh'ing
[19:13] <Seven_Six_Two> Thingus, or what's the fps for glxgears?
[19:13] <Thingus> Seven_Six_Two: I got it.
[19:13] <davf> Ok, more info... How do you change font sizes on apps run as sudo
[19:14] <Thingus> I forgot to restart X after installing my drivers.
[19:14] <JoshOvki> coggz: have the users got remote login access?
[19:14] <Seven_Six_Two> Thingus, lol. that'll do it.
[19:14] <coggz> ?
[19:14] <JoshOvki> coggz have you looked at a tutorial for setting up ssh?
[19:14] <coggz> no, i should have really... is socket ok for my network though? micht be easier...
[19:15] <skwan> hey everyone
[19:15] <JoshOvki> never used socket
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[19:17] <davf> can someone explain the difference between running an application as command from terminal using sudo xxxxxx as opposed to using the option in the kde editor to run as different user
[19:17] <Thingus> The only thing about Compiz that bugs me is this bug that takes the Adept Notifier icon out of the system tray and tosses it into it's own window.
[19:18] <nosrednaekim> davf: the latter uses kdesu...
[19:18] <nosrednaekim> Thingus: heh... thats so very annoying
[19:18] <nosrednaekim> !sudo
[19:18] <ubottu> sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.
[19:18] <davf> ok... because if I run sudo adept_manager my fonts are ok. but from the menu the fonts are different
[19:19] <dklf> When resuming from hibernation kubuntu starts in a console. How do I make it jump to X automatically?
[19:19] <davf> nosrednaekim have any ideas why that may be?
[19:19] <trappist> Thingus: yeah that one's a shame... I just turn off adept notifier
[19:20] <dklf> I'm also getting some errors when hibernating/resuming: http://rafb.net/p/B7DLy725.html
[19:20] <trappist> Thingus: but seeing as how all the other tray icons work, that's more likely an adept bug than a compiz one
[19:20] <nosrednaekim> davf: #1... always use kdesudo or kdesu with any graphical program
[19:20] <davf> Ahhh... that is why... so if I run kdesu kcontrol I get the root config.
[19:20] <nosrednaekim> trappist: nope,... its a compiz bug, poermanager and knetworkmanager do it here on occasion
[19:20] <davf> sudo is my local config.
[19:20] <trappist> nosrednaekim: I see
[19:21] <trappist> nosrednaekim: I don't use either of those, so haven't seen it :)
[19:21] <nosrednaekim> davf: something like that, yes
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[19:21] <davf> well... fixed my font problem any... thx
[19:21] <davf> cya
[19:23] <nosrednaekim> dklf: uhh, i'm not too good with suspend problems, better search the forums
[19:23] <buks> where can i download a nice cd cover image to print on the hardy cd i give to friends
[19:25] <dklf> nosrednaekim: ok
[19:26] <jimmy51vinsky> ok, back from long goofy break
[19:26] <trappist> buks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing
[19:27] <jimmy51vinsky> i'm trying to rebuild a RAID 5 array from 3 of the 4 drives
[19:27] <jimmy51vinsky> mdadm --assemble --force /dev/md2 /dev/sd[a-d]3 is the recommended command, but i've only got three of the four drives
[19:29] <buks> thanx trappist
[19:29] <jimmy51vinsky> how can i view what RAID'd filesystems the system sees?
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[19:31] <princeprabakaran> hello how are u
[19:35] <dklf> When I start kubuntu the num lock led is turned on automatically, but num lock is actually off (e.g. I get End/PgDn instead of Num 1 or Num 3). If I turn another led on, such as caps lock, the num lock one is turned off. Any idea why?
[19:37] <jabba__> is there a way to save my current preferences/windows when logging out and restarting X?
[19:37] <nosrednaekim> jabba__: yes systemsettings-> advanced _>sessions
[19:38] <jabba__> ah, super. thanks nosrednaekim
[19:38] <jabba__> well then, brb :)
[19:39] <crimsun> nosrednaekim: pong (sorry for the delay; these are my normal business "not on IRC" hours, but I'm on leave today)
[19:39] <jabba> heh, xserver-glx is hooooosed
[19:39] <nosrednaekim> crimsun: ah.. k...PM?
[19:40] <crimsun> nosrednaekim: sure
[19:40] <sparr> why is #ubuntu+1 closed? where are we supposed to discuss intrepid?
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[19:42] <hlopez> Hi everyone, can you tell me where is the spanish channel for kubuntu please?
[19:42] <popo> donde esta el españollll
[19:42] <crimsun> !es > hlopez
[19:43] <popo> alguien quiere pensar en los niñoss!!!???????????????
[19:43] <crimsun> sorry, if there's no query, #kubuntu-es
[19:43] <hlopez> thanks
[19:43] <popo> ho... thx!!
[19:43] <hlopez> Bye
[19:43] <nosrednaekim> crimsun: ok
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[19:44] <nosrednaekim> crimsun: oh.. thought you were talkin to me
[19:44] <slow-motion> hi
[19:46] <nosrednaekim> hello slow-motion
[19:47] <donald_duck> if im dumping ubuntu for kubuntu should i just install kubuntu-desktop and delte ubuntu desktop or just do a clean install of kubuntu?
[19:47] <SlimeyPete> donald_duck: kubuntu-desktop will be fine
[19:48] <donald_duck> im sick of being simple.
[19:48] <sparr> you don't even need to delete ubuntu-desktop
[19:48] <sparr> unless you want to save space
[19:49] <sparr> ive got both installed
[19:49] <donald_duck> i only have 1.1GB of free space
[19:49] <sparr> ubuntu-desktop is actually my default, so its what new users get
[19:49] <donald_duck> and will be down to around 400MB after kubuntu-desktop. I allocated 4.8Gb for / anyways
[19:49] <nosrednaekim> !purekde
[19:49] <sparr> heh
[19:49] <ubottu> purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »
[19:49] <sparr> my / is 250GB
[19:49] <FFForever> i am running do-release-upgrade but its downloading the files :/
[19:50] <sparr> scratch that, 230GB
[19:50] <FFForever> i have the cdrom in the system
[19:51] <dips> anybody know how to access music files on my hsf+
[19:51] <donald_duck> !hfs+
[19:51] <ubottu> To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE
[19:54] <dips> right i cant access the music folder ...has a lock on it...why? sorry im a n00bb
[19:54] <FFForever> can someone send me a gutsy configuration file
[19:55] <FFForever> gutsy apt file
[19:55] <the__doctor__> anyone happen to know how to re-size individual icons in the menu bar?
[19:56] <Lynoure> the__doctor__: like resize one and not another? I don't think there is a way
[19:57] <the__doctor__> Lynoure: I'll give a try to the way you know. :)
[19:57] <Lynoure> the__doctor__: there is a setting for icon size, in panel, and quicklaunch, at least...
[19:58] <Lynoure> the__doctor__: system settings -> appereance -> icons -> advanced
[19:58] <xanax`> hello
[19:58] <xanax`> Where is the kde 4 kdm configuration file located ?
[20:01] <the__doctor__> Lynoure: not quite getting the effect i was hoping for...is there a way to change the size of the menu bar, perhaps?
[20:02] <Lynoure> the__doctor__: menu bar is in the one with text only? or the toolbar (with icons, text or both?)
[20:02] <trappist> xanax`: /join #kubuntu-kde4 please
[20:03] <the__doctor__> Lynoure: mostly text...but adding icons to it
[20:03] <Lynoure> the__doctor__: I've been looking for a way to make menu bar (the one with "Edit" and "Help" and stuff) smaller for couple of years already, best guest is that it's hardcoded.
[20:04] <Lynoure> s/guest/guess
[20:04] <the__doctor__> that makes me sad a little
[20:05] <rossalananderson> Hi from Kingman,Az
[20:05] <Lynoure> the__doctor__: It being open source, there are alternatives to sadness
[20:06] <FFForever> HELP!!!! i deleted my sources.list file on accident how do i remake it?
[20:06] <nosrednaekim> hello ross-alan-anderson :)
[20:06] <the__doctor__> :)
[20:06] <rossalananderson> <<KingmanRoss
[20:06] <nosrednaekim> FFForever: adept manager->adept->edit repositories
[20:07] <Lynoure> the__doctor__: a) find it and fix it b) get someone else to find and fix it c) appeal to developers in vain (probably not enough need for it to get fixed)
[20:07] <rossalananderson> new to Irc n UUbuntu
[20:07] <rossalananderson> Ubuntu
[20:07] <FFForever> nosrednaekim, i only have ssh
[20:07] <nosrednaekim> FFForever: heh... ok... can you read a pastebin from ssh?
[20:08] <FFForever> i can copy and paste into the nano :)
[20:08] <nosrednaekim> !kubuntu | rossalananderson
[20:08] <ubottu> rossalananderson: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE
[20:08] <nosrednaekim> bleh... wrong factoid :)
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[20:17] <coggz> can someone help set up ssh
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[20:18] <trappist> coggz: you probably won't get a hand-held walkthrough... would you like a pointer to some documentation, or do you need help with a specific question?
[20:18] <coggz> i have been looking at guides all afternoon... still can't manage it.
[20:18] <sdfkj> How can I prevent Skype from starting when KDE starts?
[20:18] <trappist> coggz: if you're stuck, ask a specific question and you'll likely get an answer
[20:18] <coggz> I will give you an idea of what I want:
[20:20] <coggz> I have a Hardy kubuntu 8.04 desktop, which i want as a unison server. I have a laptop witg kubuntu 7.10 which i want to be able to backup to the desktop. desktop user is lpc, and laptop user is luke. Desktop IP is, Laptop IP is
[20:21] <Lynoure> I seem to have lost the ability to play stuff, at least .m4v in the last hardy upgrade, tried with Miro and Kaffeine. Any idea of the cause?
[20:22] <coggz> any clues guys?
[20:23] <JoshOvki> coggz: tryed setting up a samba share, mounting a share as a folder and then creating a cron job to auto backup?
[20:24] <trappist> coggz: if you're trying to set up ssh and you can't, ask a specific question about whichever step you're stuck on. asking for a tutorial isn't likely to get you anything but a link to documentation you've probably already read.
[20:24] <coggz> hmm, i might try. It is a little more complex than what i said, i have 2 laptops and my goal is to have both syncronising with the desktop whenever they aer on...
[20:26] <Lynoure> coggz: I suspect you'll also need a desktop user called luke, that is, if your problem is still ssh asking a password and not accepting yours
[20:27] <trappist> if you want automatic file sync, you want to use keys anyway, not passwords
[20:27] <coggz> hmm, i use the same password for both luke@laptop and lpc@desktop
[20:27] <trappist> coggz: /var/log/auth.log should have details on authentication failures
[20:28] <Lynoure> coggz: and it actually tries to connect as lpc at the desktop? Nevermind then
[20:30] <]Relic[> Hello :)
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[20:31] <coggz> hmm
[20:32] <vminch> hello, is there a version of Kubuntu that ships KDE4?
[20:32] <RurouniJones> yes
[20:33] <trappist> vminch: yeah I think they call it the kde4 "remix"
[20:33] <JoshOvki> coggz: you have been doig lpc@ right?
[20:33] <vminch> is it Kubuntu hardy, or is it another community's distro based on kubuntu?
[20:34] <vminch> oh i see
[20:34] <trappist> vminch: it's hardy
[20:34] <nosrednaekim> vminch: its kubuntu's project, yes
[20:34] <vminch> thanks
[20:34] <ulilicht> hi@ll
[20:34] <coggz> yes JoshOvki
[20:34] <JoshOvki> just checking, because ive seen people type litrally wat ive said before.
[20:35] <thor^^> hi
[20:35] <ulilicht> oh, did i land in the english kubuntu-irc channel? does anybody know whether there is a german one?
[20:35] <thor^^> what compiler is needed to compile a plasmoid?
[20:35] <RurouniJones> !de | ulilicht
[20:35] * RurouniJones hits the bot
[20:35] <ulilicht> thanks
[20:36] <RurouniJones> ulilicht: #kubuntu-de
[20:36] <nosrednaekim> thor^^: well, you'll need cmake, and all the kde4 -dev packages
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[20:37] <ulilicht> or perhaps i can try to post my question here... i want to share my internet connection on my pc (hardy) with my mobile phone (sony ericsson k850i). on windows, i just can right klick on my internet-connection and my phone automatically connects with the pc-internet-connection. is there a way to do the same with ubuntu?
[20:37] <thor^^> nosrednaekim: I'm on ubuntu though but it returns CMake error: your CXX compiler: "CMKAE_CXX_COMPILER-NOTFOUND" was not found.
[20:38] <nosrednaekim> thor^^: run "sudo apt-get install build-essential"
[20:38] <thor^^> nosrednaekim: thanks :)
[20:39] <thor^^> wworks like a charm :)
[20:40] <trappist> ulilicht: this script will essentially do the same thing: http://linuxkungfu.org/files/scripts/ics
[20:41] <ulilicht> ah, ok, thanks@trappist. but what do i have to do with the code?
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[20:41] <ulilicht> (sorry, ubuntu newbie)
[20:42] <trappist> ulilicht: paste it into a file, or download the script, chmod +x filename, then sudo ./filename
[20:45] <ulilicht> ok, thanks, the script is running, but my mobile phone still does not want to connect to the internet...
[20:48] <ulilicht> hm... does anybody have some further ideas how i could share the internet connection?
[20:49] <albert_> hi
[20:49] <the__doctor__> How do I create a drive icon link on the desktop?
[20:50] <ulilicht> doctor, do you have kde oder gnome?
[20:50] <the__doctor__> kde
[20:51] <ulilicht> right klick on the desktop, create new -->link to hardware or so, i just translated this free from my german version
[20:51] <ulilicht> but its somewhere when you right-klick on the desktop
[20:52] <nosrednaekim> ulilicht: thats right :)
[20:52] <the__doctor__> ahhh...I feel so stupid now. Very simple solution. :)
[20:52] <the__doctor__> thX
[20:53] <sdfkj> I'm trying to set up cups to use a win-based print server through samba (hp deskjet). When I try printing a test page the job appears on the server as 64KB/4.6MB done, the printer makes some noises, but it does not print. Any ideas?
[20:54] <jhutchins_wk> sdfkj: Check out hplip
[20:56] <eduard510> if i make the change or update from kubuntu 7.10 to the new ubuntu version whith the update-manager, the new version come with gnome desktop or kde Desktop
[20:57] <sdfkj> jhutchins_wk: hp-check says "Printer is not HPLIP installed. Printer must use the hp: or hpfax: CUPS backend..." but AFAICT I need the smb: backend, don't I?
[20:57] <gleeadnauseam> does anyone own a compaq presario C500 laptop? i can't find any specific documentation on running linux on it.
[20:57] <ulilicht> @eduard, the new version comes with exactly the same version that you are using now. if you now use kubuntu, the new version will come with kde.
[20:57] <eduard510> yes...
[20:58] <eduard510> using the update-manager...
[20:58] <alessio_> non riesco a connettermi wireless
[20:58] <nosrednaekim> !laptop | gleeadnauseam
[20:58] <ubottu> gleeadnauseam: Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org
[20:58] <ulilicht> or did you want to ask something different@eduard?
[20:59] <BluesKaj> gleeadnauseam, do a lspci in the terminal and post it on pastebin...then we may be able to make suggestions
[20:59] <nosrednaekim> eduard510: if you have kubuntu currently installed, it will upgrade to kubuntu 8.04
[21:00] <eduard510> ok thanks
[21:00] <eduard510> al lot thanks
[21:00] <donald_duck> y is my kubuntu install slow?
[21:00] <gleeadnauseam> ubottu: yeah, i've looked on there, but there isn't any info on my computer... it's a pretty cheap laptop, doesn't seem like anyone wants to use it :)
[21:00] <ere4si> ulilicht: your phone - is it listed in /etc/hosts, /etc/hosts.allow, have the same workgroup
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[21:00] <alessio_> mi date una mano
[21:00] <donald_duck> it takes 3 mins for an app to work
[21:00] <seebs> I have tried to find something about KDE losing settings, but haven't found anything.
[21:00] <BluesKaj> !it | alessio_
[21:00] <ubottu> alessio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!
[21:01] <Alumin_> is this the right place to report an issue with Adept? The notifier tray icon doesn't take into account package pins when notifying of pending updates
[21:01] <Itaku-Sleep> weatherbug on kubuntu 8.04?
[21:01] <cassiano__> hi all
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[21:01] <alessio_> ok grazie
[21:02] <eduard510> how efficent are the update-manager
[21:02] <donald_duck> i feel all the *buntus are more buggy than the previous versions
[21:02] <nosrednaekim> eduard510: fast? as fast as your internet connection
[21:02] <nosrednaekim> donald_duck: are you running compiz?
[21:02] <nosrednaekim> or xgl?
[21:02] <wirechief> !resolution
[21:02] <ubottu> The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto
[21:02] <eduard510> 56k
[21:02] <XenThraL> hi, I upgraded my kubuntu now it keeps giving me this message: "sudo: unable to resolve host Prometheus"
[21:02] <Itaku> is there a good weather program like weather bug on linux?
[21:02] <nosrednaekim> eduard510: thats going to be very painful.
[21:02] <nosrednaekim> !weather
[21:02] <ubottu> Factoid weather not found
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[21:03] <nosrednaekim> Itaku: try kweather
[21:03] <eduard510> yeah i see. 1 day is the stadistic time
[21:03] <Itaku> k
[21:03] <Itaku> ty
[21:03] <nosrednaekim> eduard510: I'd request a alternate CD from shipit and upgrade with that
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[21:03] <nosrednaekim> !shipit
[21:03] <ubottu> shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Hardy (8.04) CDs
[21:04] <BluesKaj> gleeadnauseam, do you know what the terminal is , look in the k-menu for system , then the terminal , open it and type lspci at the prompt then copy and paste it in pastebin here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/
[21:04] <eduard510> how is that?
[21:04] <Itaku> nosrednaekim: how to i run kweather?
[21:05] <nosrednaekim> Itaku: uhh not sure actually, I think its a panel applet, so right click on your panel->add applet
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[21:05] <nosrednaekim> eduard510: how is what?
[21:06] <eduard510> nothing.... never mind.... ummm ok thanks a lot
[21:06] <ulilicht> @ere4si: in hosts.allow there is nothing listet, every line hat an # bevore it. (i thing disabled) in /etc/hosts there are some "ff"-s, for example ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
[21:06] <MrBallZ> Hi, question, I'm debating between using hardy remix or hardy 3.5.9 .... I've been testing hardy remix for a week , not very intensively , what do you guys think?
[21:07] <Itaku> it worked
[21:07] <Itaku> thanks
[21:07] <donald_duck> no
[21:07] <ere4si> ulilicht: you have to add the phone as a host for it to connect I think
[21:08] <ere4si> ulilicht: read the first line of that script you ran
[21:08] <ulilicht> hm, but how can i do this? i simply don't know any name of the phone...?
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[21:09] <ulilicht> #!/bin/bash ??
[21:09] <seebs> Ah-hah. My mysterious problem appears to be that if I use "turn off" rather than "logout", settings are not saved. ... wait, now some of them are coming back anyway.
[21:09] <seebs> ... Okay, to answer your question MrBallZ, I would suggest 3.5.9. It can't possibly be as dodgy as KDE4 seems to be.
[21:10] <ere4si> ulilicht: sorry - at the end of the comment
[21:10] <ere4si> ulilicht: "If you are unable
[21:10] <ere4si> # to access the Internet from client machines after
[21:10] <ere4si> # running this script, you most likely have a DNS
[21:10] <ere4si> # issue."
[21:11] <ulilicht> if [ "`whoami`" != "root" ] ; then
[21:11] <ulilicht> ah
[21:11] <ulilicht> ok.
[21:11] <ulilicht> but what exactly is a dns issue?
[21:12] <seebs> Okay, here's what happens. If you disable a keyboard shortcut, when you log out, any OTHER shortcuts which were disabled get restored to their default values.
[21:12] <seebs> So I'm just gonna download the 3.5.9 version, I think.
[21:13] <seebs> I really do need the ability to disable shortcut keys.
[21:13] <ere4si> ulilicht: your kubuntu box needs to know about the phone - ip address or hostname etc
[21:14] <carpainter69> is this where i can get help?
[21:14] <the__doctor__> I'm still not able to get a working icon link to the hard drive on the desktop :(
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[21:15] <ulilicht> hm, but how can i find out this hostname or ip-adress? there is no option in my phone...is there a way to allow all hostnames to use the connection, just for trying?
[21:15] <tonky> hi guys. h264 won't play on hardy (kaffein, mplayer, vlc) - i'm getting audio, but blue screen for video. here's output of mplayer console: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9582/ i googled it for an hour or so but couldn't find an answer. any ideas?
[21:16] <ere4si> ulilicht: what model phone is it?
[21:16] <Jager> hello i installed hardy and sound is only coming out of my sub, but not the speakers, any ideas?
[21:16] <ulilicht> its an k850i from sony ericsson
[21:17] <ulilicht> i've found it in the info-centre of kde, but there only is listed on which port it is connected (ehci host controller)
[21:18] <carpainter69> anybody now how i can get my wireless network to work
[21:18] <BluesKaj> !wireless
[21:18] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[21:19] <ErkiDerLoony> Hi!
[21:19] <FenixReign> BluesKaj, sorry for running out last night like that... Could you help me with the issue I'm having?
[21:20] <ErkiDerLoony> Which package must I install to make dolphin (KDE3) understand the svn+ssh protocol?
[21:20] <carpainter69> thanks
[21:20] <ErkiDerLoony> Dolphin and svn are installed.
[21:20] <ere4si> ulilicht: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=547828
[21:22] <BluesKaj> FenixReign, oh yeah , where were we ?
[21:22] <ErkiDerLoony> Does no one have an idea?
[21:22] <ErkiDerLoony> It once worked, but I was forced to reinstall my computer ...
[21:22] <ulilicht> sorry, my konversation crashed, have you written something in the mean time, ere4si?
[21:23] <ere4si> ulilicht: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=547828
[21:23] <ere4si> a how to
[21:23] <BluesKaj> tonky, install ffmpeg , kubuntu-restricted -extras and make sure libdvdcss2 and w32 codecs are installed as well
[21:24] <FenixReign> BluesKaj, I had this come up when I downloaded and burnt the alternate cd of Kubuntu to a disc... mount: unknown filesystem type 'iso9660'
[21:24] <liza> does anyone know how to use this?
[21:24] <SlimeyPete> use what?
[21:25] <liza> im usidng kubuntu and i do not know how to work on this
[21:25] <SlimeyPete> on what?
[21:25] <liza> how to use chatrooms?
[21:25] <ulilicht> hm, thanks, but i think this is a howto in the other direction, it says how to use the mobile-phone's connection with your computer. i want to go the different way, i want to use the pc's connection with my mobile phone
[21:25] <SlimeyPete> oh
[21:25] <SlimeyPete> !irc
[21:25] <ubottu> A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines
[21:26] <SlimeyPete> type "/join channelname" to join another channel
[21:26] <SlimeyPete> otherwise, just type your messages, for now
[21:26] <SlimeyPete> you'll pick the rest up as you go
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[21:27] <tonky> BluesKaj: i don't have libdvdcss2 package in aptitude. and what's the package for w32? keyword search didn't turn any meaningful stuff
[21:27] <SlimeyPete> liza: try typing "/join #kubuntu-offtopic". That will put you in the kubuntu "general chat" channel.
[21:27] <liza> ok thnks pete
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[21:28] <iruelPL> !botlist
[21:28] <ubottu> Factoid botlist not found
[21:29] <BluesKaj> tonky, google medibuntu it has the repositories for those packages
[21:30] <the__doctor__> how do I create an icon on my desktop that links to my hard drive?
[21:30] <ulilicht> sorry doctor, but how often do you want do ask this question today?
[21:30] <the__doctor__> the way you told me didn't work
[21:31] <the__doctor__> or perhaps I did something incorrectly
[21:31] <tonky> BluesKaj: ok, thx, i'll try
[21:31] <the__doctor__> I got the icon but it didn't open the drive
[21:31] <ulilicht> ah, ok. sorry.
[21:33] <ulilicht> hm. doctor, try to drag and drop the harddrive icon from your file-explorer (dolphin?) to your desktop
[21:33] <BluesKaj> FenixReign, ok first of all , why the alternate install ?
[21:34] <ulilicht> the a context-menu will show up,the last entry should be something like "link to here"
[21:35] <FenixReign> so I can upgrade to 8.04 without the net... limited access...
[21:36] <the__doctor__> ulilicht: righteous! that did it, mate. :)
[21:36] <the__doctor__> thanks!
[21:36] * Daisuke_Ido headdesks
[21:36] <ulilicht> no problem, dude ;)
[21:37] <BluesKaj> ok, so the cdrom doesn't boot the live cd, that's a bew one on me
[21:37] <BluesKaj> new
[21:37] <the__doctor__> I'm so easy to please :)
[21:37] <BluesKaj> bb later ...early dinner
[21:37] <scrubb2000> Halp! The distribution upgrade tool crashed!
[21:37] <plinio> hi all
[21:37] <plinio> have ip adress game play?
[21:38] <FenixReign> no no... it will boot to live, but I wasn't fopr sure if you could upgrade from the live cd, I thought that you could just pop the cd in and upgrade while in 7.10??
[21:38] <plinio> escuse
[21:39] <scrubb2000> Anybody? I'm afraid to reboot.
[21:40] <scrubb2000> Hellooooo?
[21:41] <SlimeyPete> hi.
[21:41] <SlimeyPete> what's the problem?
[21:41] <scrubb2000> The distro upgrade tool crashed...I'm not sure how to proceed.
[21:42] <SlimeyPete> scrubb2000: at which point did it crash?
[21:42] <ulilicht> hm, ere4si, would you mind to give me some further tips on the connection-thing?
[21:42] <scrubb2000> I would tell you, but the window has gone blank.
[21:42] <scrubb2000> Is there a log file I can pastebin?
[21:43] <ere4si> ulilicht: I don't know anymore - sorry :)
[21:43] <SlimeyPete> not that I know of, scrubb2000
[21:43] <SlimeyPete> scrubb2000: try killing the window (alt-f2 then click on it)
[21:43] <SlimeyPete> then do:
[21:43] <SlimeyPete> !aptfix
[21:43] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[21:43] <SlimeyPete> then re-run the upgrade
[21:43] <ulilicht> ah, ok ;) hm... i found now out that my phone is ttyACM1 but i have no idea what i could do with this information...
[21:44] <Daisuke_Ido> ulilicht: please tell me it isn't a razy
[21:44] <Jager> hello everyone i installed hardy and sound is only coming out of my sub, but not the speakers, anyone have any ideas?
[21:44] <Daisuke_Ido> razr
[21:44] <scrubb2000> slimeypete, Should I kill the frontend process before I try that?
[21:45] <SlimeyPete> yeah
[21:45] <SlimeyPete> kill it, once it's dead do the aptfix thing, then try again
[21:45] <SlimeyPete> keep an eye on it so that if it crashes you know how far it got
[21:45] <ulilicht> a razy? sorry, but don't know what you mean
[21:46] <SlimeyPete> if it gets very near the end (of the whole process) then you can generally reboot without problems.
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[21:46] <SlimeyPete> for me it crashed during the "cleaning up" phase so I was fine
[21:46] <ulilicht> or, if you really want to hear this sentence: it is no razy ;) no, sorry, but i dont know waht a "razy" should be ;)
[21:47] <lascar> Since I upgraded the kernel, my notebook can neither suspend or hibernate. Why?
[21:47] <scrubb2000> hrm...which process is the frontend? It's "Distribution Upgrade" in the taskbar thing.
[21:47] <Grosser> i've just reinstall my kubuntu and my Grub only list Kubuntu but no Windows Vista. And the Kubuntu option won't even boot. I have to boot using boot menu by selecting the hard drive I installed Kubuntu in. Is there a way to fix this?
[21:48] <SlimeyPete> scrubb2000: hrm, try hitting alt-esc then clicking the window, then see if all adept processes seem to have disappeared
[21:48] <Daisuke_Ido> ulilicht: i corrected myself, i said razr
[21:48] <SlimeyPete> (sorry,I meant alt-esc when I said al-f2 before)
[21:48] <Daisuke_Ido> i was asking if the phone you were connecting was a razr
[21:49] <ulilicht> no, its a sony ericsson, a k850i ;)
[21:49] <scrubb2000> slimeypete, I see only adept_notifier
[21:49] <Daisuke_Ido> ah, no clue then
[21:49] <ulilicht> ah, ok ;)
[21:49] <SlimeyPete> scrubb2000: you're fine then, do the aptfix to ensure your database isn't locked
[21:49] <Daisuke_Ido> i was goign to say, if it's a razr, you'd have better luck connecting to it if you unhooked it from the cabe and threw it across the room a few times, kicked it really hard, and droped it in a bucket of paint thinner
[21:50] <Daisuke_Ido> cable*
[21:50] <ulilicht> and not to forget to drive over it with a tank ;)
[21:50] <Daisuke_Ido> ulilicht: that does help sometimes
[21:51] <scrubb2000> slimeypete, is the "!aptfix" the command?
[21:51] <scrubb2000> what's the exclamation point for?
[21:51] <SlimeyPete> no, that's a bot command to make ubotu tell you what to do
[21:51] <SlimeyPete> witness:
[21:51] <SlimeyPete> !aptfix
[21:51] <ubottu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[21:51] <scrubb2000> oh
[21:51] <SlimeyPete> you want from "sudo" through to "-a"
[21:51] <scrubb2000> oh yeah. duh
[21:51] <SlimeyPete> so no << >>
[21:53] <scrubb2000> Looks like timidity and solfege (which uses timidity) failed...
[21:53] <Grosser> !grub
[21:53] <ubottu> grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[21:53] <thedoctor> Oi...my new firewall is way too aggressive
[21:54] <scrubb2000> slimeypete, how do I get rid of the blank X windows that used to be the distro tool?
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[21:56] <SlimeyPete> scrubb2000: alt-esc then click on the windows
[21:56] <SlimeyPete> should kill them
[21:56] <scrubb2000> it just brings up the process list...
[21:57] <SlimeyPete> oh... hrm,sorry
[21:57] <SlimeyPete> must have the wrong shortcut
[21:57] <SlimeyPete> try alt-f2 then type "xkill"
[21:58] <jason__> hello. has anyone else noticed a major performance difference between 7.10 and 8.04 when copying or deleting files? (especially large amounts of files)
[21:59] <scrubb2000> Do I just click on the window I want to kill?
[21:59] <jason__> and kaffeine takes forever to open now
[21:59] <Daisuke_Ido> actually, i've found 8.04 to be faster
[21:59] <Fujisan> Daisuke_Laptop
[21:59] <Fujisan> Daisuke_Ido
[21:59] <Daisuke_Ido> wait, kde... nevermind.
[21:59] <Fujisan> one question... how do i install: screen ?
[21:59] <Daisuke_Ido> it's already installed
[21:59] <Daisuke_Ido> by default
[21:59] <Fujisan> how do i run it from Konsole?
[22:00] <Daisuke_Ido> type screen
[22:00] <Fujisan> and is there a man screen?
[22:00] <Daisuke_Ido> there is
[22:00] <Fujisan> ty
[22:00] <Fujisan> :)
[22:00] <Daisuke_Ido> you're welcome
[22:00] <Daisuke_Ido> it's a very VERY useful utility
[22:00] <Fujisan> bash: screen: command not found
[22:00] <Fujisan> hmz
[22:00] <Daisuke_Ido> um
[22:00] <Daisuke_Ido> that's odd
[22:01] <Fujisan> installing it now :)
[22:01] <Fujisan> hmz yeah a little
[22:02] <Fujisan> its running now thanks :)
[22:02] <jason__> so nobody here on hardy has found kaffeine taking long to open?
[22:04] <jason__> and why doesn't hardy use the 2.6.25 kernel instead of the 2.6.24
[22:04] <ulilicht> hm, ok, so i'll go to bed now(it's late in europe now... ;)) , thanks for you help, ere4si. if anybody wants to add something to my phone-pc-connection problem, here's the thread (german): http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/168331/?p=1383515#1383515
[22:04] <SlimeyPete> scrubb2000: yeah, just click it
[22:04] <phiqtion> to install kde4 in ubuntu 8.04 it's kubuntu-desktop right?
[22:04] <ere4si> night ulilicht
[22:05] <ulilicht> i think it was kde4-core@phiqtion
[22:05] <scrubb2000> slimeypete, it doesn't work...
[22:05] <ulilicht> just type kde4 in adept
[22:05] <liza> hi how to show the menu bar on my kopete?
[22:05] <Jager> anyone have sound issues in hardy?
[22:05] <scrubb2000> oh wait
[22:05] <scrubb2000> nevermind
[22:05] <slow-motion> n8
[22:05] <scrubb2000> I was clicking on the titlebar, which belongs to compiz, not X. pfft
[22:06] <SlimeyPete> ah
[22:06] <phiqtion> kubuntu-desktop is kde3?
[22:07] <BonesolTeraDyne> phiqtion: yes.
[22:07] <BonesolTeraDyne> kubuntu-kde4-desktop is KDE4
[22:07] <scrubb2000> slimeypete, how do I rerun the distro upgrade tool directly?
[22:07] <phiqtion> BonesosTeraDyne: i just installed kubuntu-desktop but i really want kde4. what should i do?
[22:07] <scrubb2000> I did it through adept manager last time...the option popped up on its own...
[22:08] <SlimeyPete> scrubb2000: hmm ok, let me see if I can dig out the direct command
[22:08] <SlimeyPete> it might take me a little while
[22:08] <phiqtion> BonesolTeraDyne: i just installed kubuntu-desktop but i really want kde4. what should i do?
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[22:09] <BluesKaj> FenixReign, no the live cd doesn't allow an upgrade like a net upgrade from within the OS. The live cd is for a clean install only AFAIK
[22:09] <sergiuu> apt-get install kde4
[22:09] <BonesolTeraDyne> phiqtion: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop" will install the KDE4 desktop. not sure how to remove the KDE3 desktop, though.
[22:09] <sergiuu> )
[22:10] <scrubb2000> phiqtion, I'd keep KDE3 for now. 4 still has some bugs.
[22:10] <jason__> phiqtion: to find the correct package do this, sudo apt-cache search kde4
[22:10] <jason__> it will give you a list etc, kde4 is nice but buggy, enjoy :)
[22:11] <jason__> could someone send me a screenshot of their ubuntu desktop so I can see what it looks like?
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[22:11] <FenixReign> BluesKaj, well I have both on a cd, but I have 7.10 now, and I wanted to upgrade from alternate to save bandwidth, and when I tried accessing the cd, that was the message that came up.
[22:12] <SlimeyPete> scrubb2000: arg, can't find the command, sorry
[22:12] <SlimeyPete> there definitely is one... I used it myself
[22:12] <jereme> hi, I just installed the desktop effects on hardy heron, it all looks like it worked, but none of the effects are enabled
[22:12] <jereme> has anyone experienced this?
[22:13] <Fujisan> jereme -):-d
[22:13] <Fujisan> you got the ascii effect enabled :o
[22:14] <jereme> is that a cowboy sticking out its tounge?
[22:14] <Fujisan> lol
[22:14] <Fujisan> yeah
[22:18] <jessica> how can i set it up so my kubuntu is over to moniters
[22:18] <jessica> i have the other moniter plugged in to my laptop
[22:21] <BluesKaj> FenixReign, check the bottom of this page , this could be the solution : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades
[22:22] <FenixReign> BluesKaj, checking now.
[22:23] <BluesKaj> FenixReign, see the command ? , kdesu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"
[22:24] <BluesKaj> FenixReign, run it in the run command box , alt+f2
[22:24] <FenixReign> BluesKaj, This is what I've been trying to do... when I run that command in Konsole, I get that error message.... =(
[22:24] <FenixReign> BluesKaj, I've done that too
[22:24] <FenixReign> BluesKaj, that doesn't do anything....
[22:24] <BluesKaj> no run it in the run command box , alt+f2
[22:25] <BluesKaj> does it ask for your pw ?
[22:25] <scrubb2000> how do I list the contents of my path variable?
[22:25] <FenixReign> yes, and after I enter it is... nothing happens, the dialog box disappears
[22:27] <BluesKaj> FenixReign, after your pw is entered or after the command ?
[22:28] <FenixReign> BluesKaj, after the password is entered... I'm trying a last alternative... downloading all avail. upgrades before my internet kicks me off...
[22:28] <sparr> omg
[22:29] <sparr> firefox 3 wraps long image title attributes
[22:29] <sparr> 'tooltips'
[22:29] <sparr> hooray!
[22:30] <lascar> i upgraded to hardy and my notebook can no longer suspend or hibernate. Help?
[22:30] <Kiruwa2> any particular issues with installing for dual boot on a vista machine I should be aware of? (other than the usual, "in rare occasions, dual booting fsck's windows")
[22:30] <alucardromero> If you're using Grub... all should work well.
[22:31] <Kiruwa2> k... will be installing hardy in a moment...
[22:32] <Daisuke_Ido> believe me, if it fscks windows, that's a feature, not a bug.
[22:32] <Kiruwa2> hehe
[22:32] <Kiruwa2> I don't necessarily disagree...
[22:33] <Kiruwa2> This laptop is mostly going to be full of "poke it and see what breaks" systems... vista and hardy-kde4
[22:33] <sparr> im upgrading to kde 4 once 4.1 comes out
[22:33] <Kiruwa2> I suspect I'll mostly be running kde4 out of the kde-svn directory
[22:35] <lascar> !cups
[22:35] <ubottu> Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows
[22:35] <lascar> !acpi
[22:35] <ubottu> Factoid acpi not found
=== donald_ is now known as KWGoD
[22:38] <KWGoD> can someone help me out with something
[22:39] <KWGoD> hello?
[22:39] <ere4si> !ask
[22:39] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[22:39] <dips> somebody help!!!! ive mounted my hfs+ drive...i unmounted it...now i cant boot into mac osx!
[22:39] <KWGoD> i´ve got a disk for some shitty homework assignment
[22:39] <neville_> I doubt it's supported here, but is reconstructor supported in Kubuntu as well as Ubuntu, or is that a mute point as they're both the same, give or take aesthetics?
[22:40] <vorian> KWGoD: please watch your language, thanks :)
[22:40] <KWGoD> sry
[22:40] <Daisuke_Ido> KWGoD: just ask your question
[22:40] <KWGoD> i cant get it to install on my comp
[22:41] <Daisuke_Ido> umm... you're going to have to be a little more specific than that
[22:41] <Daisuke_Ido> "i have a disk that won't install" tells us nothing useful, sorry
[22:41] <KWGoD> thats pretty much the problem
[22:41] <dips> ive mounted my hfs+ drive...i unmounted it...now i cant boot into mac osx! but kubuntu works fine
[22:42] <Daisuke_Ido> what is it, what OS are you using, is it a kubuntu disc, is it a piece of windows software you can't get to install under kubuntu, etc. etc.
[22:42] <KWGoD> kubuntu
[22:43] <KWGoD> not sure which version
[22:43] <KWGoD> but i need to put it on my comp and im not sure how to make it run
[22:43] <Daisuke_Ido> ah ha
[22:43] <dips> put the cd in...click install...problem solved
[22:43] <KWGoD> click install on wut?
[22:44] <KWGoD> it pulls up a window that says open or burn
[22:44] <dips> shud b a icon on dekstop
[22:44] <Daisuke_Ido> dips: while it's nice to break a problem down to the absolute simplest solution and assume the user's just dumb, that's NOT how we do things here.
[22:44] <Daisuke_Ido> KWGoD: will the disc boot at all?
[22:44] <KWGoD> yeah it pulls up the info
[22:45] <Daisuke_Ido> do you have an option to launch the live cd session?
[22:45] <Walzmyn> So,when you virtualize a guest OS - does it need to have the same drivers it would need if it were the only OS on the system?
[22:47] <neville_> No Walzmyn, it should have something relatively similar to drivers corresponding to tis pretend hardware
[22:47] <neville_> What is the virtualising software you're using?
[22:48] <Walzmyn> neville_, vituralbox
[22:48] <Athlon64M> is anyone else using kde 4?
[22:48] <Walzmyn> Athlon64M, have it, but not using it
[22:48] <neville_> Okay in that case Walzmyn, you should just need to install the guest additions?
[22:49] <Walzmyn> neville_, i ask, because i've got xp virtualized - it's not sizeing the screen right
[22:49] <Walzmyn> neville_, i saw them talk about that on their site, but I could never find any guest additions, what and where are they?
[22:49] <Athlon64M> i'm trying to figure out how to configure my kubuntu 8.04 remix (kde 4) as a server, is there a list of packages I could download?
[22:49] <neville_> Boot into your guest os Walzmyn
[22:50] <Walzmyn> neville_, ok
[22:50] <neville_> Then, release the cursor from the guest, go to the devices menu, and then select 'install guest additions'
[22:50] <Walzmyn> Athlon64M, other than KDE the packages should all be the same as everything else, shoudln't they?
[22:50] <FenixReign> BluesKaj, brb
[22:50] <neville_> Then it should run an installer for the drivers the guest windows will need, and screen should resize proeprly too
[22:51] <neville_> After they install, of course
[22:51] <Walzmyn> neville_, ahh, I just opened virtualbox and it says my guest OS is not available!
[22:52] <neville_> okay, what does it say exactly?
[22:53] <Athlon64M> Walzmyn, I meant, I'm trying to setup my box as a LAMP
[22:53] <Athlon64M> but the remix live cd doesn't have that as an option
[22:53] <Athlon64M> so I'd have to install the packages right?
[22:53] <ere4si> !lamp
[22:53] <ubottu> LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)
[22:53] <Walzmyn> well, on the pane on the left, it has the entry for windows XP and says "inaccessable"
[22:54] <neville_> something might have corrupted it
[22:54] <neville_> did you save a snapshot then update virtualbox? that can break things
[22:54] <Walzmyn> ... is ubottu a bot?
[22:54] <Walzmyn> neville_, i've not updated that I know of
[22:54] <Athlon64M> *apparently*
[22:54] <Walzmyn> neville_, this is a pretty new install
[22:55] <Walzmyn> that was neat, i've never seen a useful bot in one of these rooms before
[22:55] <Walzmyn> !virtualbox
[22:55] <ubottu> virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox
[22:56] <neville_> is it possible for you to just make a new virtual machine?
[22:56] <Athlon64M> ere4si, thats man
[22:56] <Athlon64M> thanks*
[22:56] <ere4si> k
[22:57] <FenixReign> BluesKaj, I downloaded the updates, and now it is working for me!
[22:58] <Walzmyn> neville_, yes it's possible - I just looked all the files are there and nothing seems to be out of order as far as you can see from dolphin
[22:59] <neville_> sorry, i got to go
[22:59] <Walzmyn> thanks
[22:59] <Athlon64M> dum dum dum time to sudo apt-get
[22:59] <Walzmyn> you helped a bunch
[23:00] <jerem> salut all
[23:01] <Walzmyn> aloha jereme
[23:03] <jereme> aloha
=== blinzeln is now known as Hydrogen
[23:04] <jereme> someone should make a hawaiian distribution
[23:04] <jereme> every package in the package management system could be called dakine
[23:04] <Regital> what was the command in konsole so i can adjust the volume settings in kubuntu 8.04?
[23:05] <jereme> call it humuhumunukunukapua'a linux
[23:05] <Hydrogen> !topic | jereme
[23:05] <ubottu> jereme: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic
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[23:06] <Walzmyn> Regital, try kmix
[23:06] <Hydrogen> that really needs to say something about not being off topic
[23:06] <jereme> Hydrogen, my apologies... just making banter while reading the FAQ
[23:06] <jereme> can't get desktop effects to kick in
[23:07] <nonewmsgs> i love how easy it is to watch dvds. yes my noob friends, add a repository you don't know of and sudo apt-get a new file you never heard of before
[23:07] <Regital> Walzmyn, thanks
[23:07] <Hydrogen> yes
[23:07] <Hydrogen> the legal system is pretty awesome, isn't it nonewmsgs
[23:07] <SlimeyPete> nonewmsgs: *shrug* legal issues and all that
[23:07] <Walzmyn> nonewmsgs, that's why we're here! :)
[23:08] <SlimeyPete> not much that can be done without significant amounts of money exchanging hands
[23:08] <nonewmsgs> smile. indeed. it's just frustrating and i have done this several times before
[23:08] <nonewmsgs> i say screw the man and dvdcss2 and let's all go back to deCSS
[23:08] <SlimeyPete> heh
[23:09] <SlimeyPete> Canonical's lawyers may disagree ;)
[23:09] <wirechief> the proprietary driver for ati install using Hardware Drivers Manager fails to provide a workable X screen any other way to do this?
[23:09] <Hydrogen> don't you hate when you want to make a snide comment
[23:09] <Hydrogen> and then forget what the word is
[23:09] <Hydrogen> that the entire comment hinges around
[23:09] <jereme> ha
[23:10] <jereme> I might have a hawaiian word for you, but I don't want to get in trouble :)
[23:10] <nonewmsgs> and any MPAA guys will get my OEM nero/powerdvd CDs thrown at them
[23:10] <wirechief> the offer to use proprietary ati driver for ati results in a "out of range" and you are left dead.
[23:10] <peer_> hi, when I attach my usb disk to the computer, the window which asks for what to do - open, dowload pictures etc., doesn't appear any more. dmesg says only this: usb 4-4.1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3
[23:10] <jereme> wirechief what kind of card?
[23:11] <jereme> wirechief, which model, rather
[23:11] <wirechief> jereme: ati1300
[23:11] <nonewmsgs> !dvdcss2
[23:11] <ubottu> Factoid dvdcss2 not found
[23:11] <SlimeyPete> !dvd
[23:11] <nonewmsgs> !dvd
[23:11] <ubottu> For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs
[23:11] <SlimeyPete> heh
[23:11] <SlimeyPete> "backing up"
[23:11] <peer_> !usb
[23:11] <ubottu> For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent
[23:11] <nonewmsgs> i back up loads of dvds
[23:11] <jereme> wirechief: might that need the fglrx driver instead of ati?
[23:12] <wirechief> jereme: yes
[23:12] <jereme> wirechief: and that is what is failing for you?
[23:12] <Walzmyn> What's it mean when the bot puts !exclimation point in the middle of his answer?
[23:12] <wirechief> jereme: it doesnt tell you what is getting installed however i checked and it was fglrx
[23:12] <jereme> wirechief: I assume you have the kernel module installed too, right?
[23:12] <jereme> wirechief: lsmod | grep fglrx
[23:12] <Hydrogen> Walzmyn: It's a cheap form of hyperlinking
[23:13] <Hydrogen> it means he has more information about those topics
[23:13] <Hydrogen> that you can access by entering it
[23:13] <Hydrogen> like !medibuntu
[23:13] <wirechief> jereme: i just used the popup installer and followed the prompts
[23:13] <jereme> wirechief, ah...
[23:13] <jereme> !fglrx
[23:13] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[23:13] <Walzmyn> Hydrogen, ah, I shoulda figured that out.
[23:13] <BluesKaj> FenixReign, glad to hear it ! :)
[23:14] <FenixReign> BluesKaj,
[23:14] <wirechief> jereme: i have gotten it to work with dpkg-reconfigure xserver
[23:14] <FenixReign> yeah me too
[23:14] <nonewmsgs> i thought backing up owned software is legal in 99% of the countries
[23:14] <jereme> backing up pwnt sofware is not
[23:14] <wirechief> jereme: will check the bots story
[23:14] <nonewmsgs> and dvds
[23:14] <BluesKaj> FenixReign, I wonder about the quotes on that command , if it would have worked without them.
[23:14] <jereme> well, if backing up a dvd requires cracking the encryption, I think the violation happens there
[23:15] <BluesKaj> jereme, the short answer is yes
[23:15] <SlimeyPete> nonewmsgs: erm, not legal in the UK, for sure
[23:15] <SlimeyPete> some scandinavian countries allow it
[23:15] <wirechief> jereme: that almost works, but it is out of date for kbuntu and hardy heron
[23:16] <FenixReign> I don't know... I honestly think that it was because of the updates....
[23:16] <SlimeyPete> in the UK it counts as copyright infringement regardless of encryption
[23:16] <jereme> wirechief, I followed the gutsy instructions for installing the driver from ATI just today and they worked
[23:16] <Tecumseh> Hi guys, I have a little problem with kaffeine. Video playback stops every couple of minutes, audio still runs
[23:16] <SlimeyPete> AFAIK.
[23:16] <jereme> wirechief, and I'm on hardy
[23:17] <wirechief> jereme: well thats great. but this particular page doesnt work for me there is no Administration tab
[23:17] <wirechief> when the install finished i get out of range
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[23:17] <jereme> wirechief: how about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI
[23:19] <KWGoD> i can view disc contents but clicking on the setup icons does nothing
[23:19] <KWGoD> help?
[23:21] <wirechief> jereme: thats a nice howto for older versions of Ubuntu, almost but still not a solution. perhaps i need to file a bug report with particulars.
[23:21] <ubuntulova> ok i still do not have my 64bit dvdcss2 despite reading the dvd thing
[23:21] <BluesKaj> KWGoD, clicking the "install icon" doesn't do anything ?
[23:21] <wirechief> jereme: thanks for your help.
[23:22] <ubuntulova> and i found this excellant google page but i can't find it anymore
[23:22] <iceolate> anyone know if i can open new vista office 2007 spreadsheets in linux? my mums laptop broke and she needs to use mine
[23:22] <iceolate> openoffice dont do it
[23:22] <Tecumseh> not yet iceolate
[23:22] <jereme> wirechief, no prob... but I don't see where you need an administrator tab
[23:22] <iceolate> cheers tecuseh
[23:23] <Tecumseh> been looking for that a while back when my work mailed me a document (docx)
[23:23] <MilitantPotato> Anyone needing a fix for the ATI drivers from AMDs website and Ubuntu not shutting down?
[23:23] <wirechief> iceolate you can try vbox with vista or xp that would work.
[23:23] <jereme> wirechief, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-99489608eb537a1a0346cdd3ad34209d7887714a
[23:23] <jereme> wirechief, that section details downloading the newest driver from AMD, building deb packages out of it, and installing them
[23:23] <wirechief> jereme it goes to hardware manager
[23:24] <Tecumseh> iceolate: there are websites that can do the conversion
[23:24] <wirechief> jereme: ok
[23:24] <jereme> wirechief, the one difference is going to be when you build the package from ATI's installer, it currently says Ubuntu/gutsy
[23:24] <jereme> wirechief, make that Ubuntu/hardy and you'll get the new deb's
[23:24] <MilitantPotato> wirechief once you get those installed, visit this page https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/118605/comments/32
[23:24] <Tecumseh> again, I have a little problem with kaffeine. Video playback stops every couple of minutes, audio still runs
[23:24] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 118605 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[fglrx] freezes upon Logout or Switch user [patch]" [High,In progress]
[23:24] <MilitantPotato> wirechief if you can't get ubuntu to shutdown.
[23:25] <jereme> Militant, oh my goodness, your the icecream on my cake... I've been seeking this solution for months!
[23:25] <MilitantPotato> :)
[23:25] <genii> Hmm, at least it looks like they are working on that one
[23:26] <jereme> MilitantPotato: though, because of that bug, I learned how to reboot my PC from a hardlock using the SysRq key
[23:26] <MilitantPotato> Someone else posted that link a few days back, worked great, needs to be passed around
[23:26] <iceolate> tecumseh- yeah? ill go have a look, i think i can get a freind with old excel to convert them to office 2003, that works for sure
[23:26] <MilitantPotato> RSEIUB ;)
[23:26] <wirechief> jereme: what is the ATI driver version currently being used with 8.04 ?
[23:26] <KWGoD> no install button to click
[23:26] <jereme> MilitantPotato: I was only using SUB... what was I missing?
[23:26] <MilitantPotato> jereme: you'll need to do it once more, I had to reboot for that to work
[23:26] <jereme> MilitantPotato: rgr
[23:26] <Tecumseh> I know microsoft released a program for it to convert, but you need to have a ms operating system then
[23:27] <jereme> wirechief: dunno... I just downloaded my driver from ATI
[23:27] <MilitantPotato> jereme: google ctrl alt RSEIUB
[23:27] <BluesKaj> MilitantPotato, do you mean this one : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/118605/comments/32
[23:27] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 118605 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[fglrx] freezes upon Logout or Switch user [patch]" [High,In progress]
[23:27] <jereme> wirechief: the fglrx kernel driver seems to be missing ATM for hardy heron
[23:27] <wirechief> jereme: so you didnt used the hardware manager ?
[23:27] <jereme> wirechief: I may be wrong
[23:27] <jereme> wirechief: not at all
[23:28] <blankb> In the past I put my custom servicemenus in /home/user/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus .... where does dolphin expect these to go? I tried /home/user/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus but it doesnt seem to recongnize them.
[23:28] <blankb> nevermind.
[23:28] <jereme> k, I'm gonna play with rebooting a few times...
[23:28] <wirechief> jereme: i guess new users are still getting bit by this snake.
[23:28] <MilitantPotato> BluesKaj: same link :)
[23:28] <jereme> wirechief, I'll be back in 5
[23:28] <BluesKaj> yeah, just noticed
[23:29] <wirechief> jereme: ok, this happened with 7.10 too
[23:29] <Tecumseh> anyone with a clue to my problem?
[23:29] <MilitantPotato> wirechief the one in the repos doesn't have AIGLX support, or atleast, it didn't the last time I checked
[23:29] <BluesKaj> MilitantPotato, well, that's a good thing more ppl are bookmarking it
[23:29] <MilitantPotato> I also found a fix for Firefox-2 and java not working
[23:30] <MilitantPotato> in hardy
[23:30] <wirechief> MilitantPotato: probably right, they are usually dated, had same problem last time i went through this, guess things are new but not ready for prime time yet
[23:30] <BluesKaj> cool, there should be a way to include those URLs in the ubotu script
[23:31] <jhutchins_wk> BluesKaj: which URL's, for what?
[23:33] <MilitantPotato> FGLRX not letting ubuntu shutdown and java not working with firefox 2
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[23:34] <jhutchins_wk> Unfortunately the bot is in transition right now, otherwise it's not too hard to get a factoid added.
[23:34] <fluffy_bunny> damn iwl3945
[23:34] <jhutchins_wk> 'till they get it fixed you can write up your own little faq sheet.
[23:35] <jhutchins_wk> Does somebody have the fix for hardy locking down sudo documented?
[23:35] <jhutchins_wk> fluffy_bunny: Now now, language.
[23:36] <jhutchins_wk> fluffy_bunny: bmc43xx while youre at it though.
[23:36] <jereme> MilitantPotato: worked like a charm :)
[23:36] <MilitantPotato> good deal :)
[23:37] <jereme> that hard lock on every logout was turning me emo
[23:38] <jereme> now if I can just crack this desktop effects nut
[23:38] <MilitantPotato> jhutchins_wk: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sudo ?
[23:39] <gtt> have most people had success with the upgrade?
[23:39] <gtt> really nervous about doing it
[23:39] <gtt> but i figure i should.
[23:39] <MilitantPotato> mine failed
[23:40] <MilitantPotato> got a busy box after grub loaded Kubuntu
[23:40] <jereme> mine nearly worked like a charm... had to redo my fglrx installation
[23:41] <BonesolTeraDyne> MilitantPotato: Same here. I kept getting the SATA errors.
[23:41] <tw33k> Hello, I have a question about an error I'm getting when trying to connect to the update server
[23:42] <tw33k> Can someone help me?
[23:42] <gtt> thanks for the info ya'll
[23:42] <jereme> tw33k, it's a help channel... there's no need to ask to ask... in the channel topic you'll see a URL for pastes... use that to paste the error so folks here can see it
[23:42] <MilitantPotato> BonesolTeraDyne: I have a feeling it's because i'm using an IDE drive, which was HDA, then became SDA in hardy
[23:43] <jereme> I'm sure someone will try to help you
[23:43] <BonesolTeraDyne> tw33k: Just ask your question. If someone can help, they will.
[23:43] <BonesolTeraDyne> MilitantPotato: Heh, that could be it.
[23:43] <tw33k> When I try to update now, whatever file it is... it gives me this error
[23:43] <tw33k> Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
[23:43] <tw33k> can some tell me how to correct it?
[23:44] <nonewmsgs> i want to be able to hold in the scroll wheel and move the mouse so it zooms
[23:45] <jco> hi, why are all versions of konsole linked to kde4 libs? is there a "real" konsole 3 somewhere?
[23:46] <jereme> jco: yes, thr's konsole and there's konsole-kde4 in the repository
[23:46] <jereme> jco: plain konsole _should_ be 3
[23:46] <jco> jereme: I see, but konsole is linked to kde4 libs too :(
[23:46] <jereme> oh
[23:46] <jereme> not sure then
[23:47] <jco> it look definitely ugly, it doesn't look like all other kde apps...
[23:47] <jco> (and as all kde4 apps misses options)
[23:47] <jereme> weird
=== tw33k is now known as syn3rgy
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[23:49] <jereme> jco: what about /usr/bin/konsole?
[23:49] <jereme> it would seem that would be first in your path by default
[23:49] <jco> jereme: I installed only that, but I notice now a thing: all apps are that way...
[23:49] <jereme> but I definitely have 2 konsoles... one looks like kde3 one looks like kde4
[23:50] <jco> (I just installed kde right now, sorry)
[23:50] <nonewmsgs> omfg kaffeine can play dvd isos.
[23:50] <gtt> those that had the failed upgrade, what method did you use?
[23:51] <nonewmsgs> none of that silly manual mounting
[23:51] <jco> ii konsole 4:3.5.9-0ubunt X terminal emulator for KDE
[23:51] <jco> there's no kde3 anymore in ubuntu?
[23:52] <IppatsuMan> konsole is linked to kdelibs4c2, which is the core library for kde 3, while konsole-kde4 depends on kdelibs5 (core library for kde4)
[23:52] <jereme> jco: kubuntu is still kde3 by default
[23:52] <jereme> kde4 is optional
[23:52] <jco> IppatsuMan: oh, I didn't know, I thought 4 meant kde4
[23:52] <jco> (I come from another distro, sorry)
[23:53] <IppatsuMan> jco: yeah, it's pretty confusing ^^
[23:54] <wirechief-intel> jereme can you just install kde4 or do you need to enable a special repo ?
[23:54] <jco> IppatsuMan: btw, I assumed that installing Ubuntu, then installing all KDE is the same as installe Kubuntu... is that correct?
[23:54] <nonewmsgs> jco pretty much yeah
[23:55] <nonewmsgs> but you can start with kde instead of gnome
[23:55] <goshawk> jco: yep, be sure to install kubuntu-desktop package
[23:55] <jco> goshawk: oh, that's a metapackage I suppose...
[23:56] <wirechief-intel> i wondered if it was just a simple apt-get install kde4 or do you do something else ?
[23:56] <jco> ii kubuntu-deskto 1.75 Kubuntu desktop system
[23:57] <jco> wirechief-intel: I did it from synaptic, then adjusted a couple of thigs via apt
[23:57] <degres> helo
[23:57] <wirechief-intel> jco does it get the 4.03 ?
[23:57] <jco> wirechief-intel: 4.03 of what?
[23:58] <wirechief-intel> jco kde 4.03
[23:58] <jco> ii kdebase-bin-kde3 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu7
[23:59] <wirechief-intel> jco oh you have 3.59 then
[23:59] <jco> yes, but my konsole looks and behaves exactly as my other konsole4 on another distro