UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /29 /#upstart.txt
Initial commit
[00:43] <ion_> It's just a namespace.
[01:06] <Keybuk> right, it's just namespacing
[01:06] <Keybuk> you might as well say that Fedora would never import com.sun.* in Java
[01:06] <ion_> Well, i for one wouldn't. :-)
[01:07] <Keybuk> you know what I mean ;)
[01:07] <ion_> To be accurate, i wouldn't ever touch Java. ;-) </flame>
[11:42] * Keybuk idly considers refactoring
[11:59] <Keybuk> http://bioshock.netsplit.com/~scott/codelinks.svg
[12:41] <ion_> Hehe
[15:43] <sadmac2> Keybuk: http://blueballfixed.ytmnd.com/
[16:16] <Keybuk> heh
[17:23] <sadmac2> Keybuk: Fedora 9 will be out on the 13th. Assuming we build upstart trunk on that date and start working with it, what do you expect we'll be getting?
[17:23] <Keybuk> on that date, you _should_ be able to just build the 0.5.0 release
[17:24] <sadmac2> cool. We're close then :)
[17:24] <Keybuk> it'll be +/- a few days from that
[17:24] <sadmac2> Very nice.
[17:25] <sadmac2> it looks like over the summer I'll be employed full time to work on upstart
[17:25] <sadmac2> :)
[17:25] <ion_> Nice :-)
[17:25] <Keybuk> cool :-)
[17:26] <Keybuk> you should really beg RH to send you to Prague ;)
[17:26] <Keybuk> or failing that, at least GUADEC
[17:26] <ion_> Prague?
[17:26] <Keybuk> ion_: UDS
[17:26] <ion_> Ah
[17:26] <sadmac2> Keybuk: I have been. The departments are playing a game of "my budget is tighter than yours" that it looks like everyone might win.
[17:26] <sadmac2> :(
[17:27] <sadmac2> If everyone still wanted US Dollars I'd probably be as good as there by now.
[17:27] <sadmac2> stupid currency
[17:29] <Keybuk> where abouts in the US are you OOI?
[17:31] <sadmac2> Keybuk: I'm in Raleigh, NC (east coast). I go to NCSU, and Red Hat HQ is right here on campus.
[17:31] <Keybuk> ah right
[17:32] <Keybuk> that's a long way from Lexington, MA :)
[17:33] <Keybuk> (thinking of places I can justify Canonical paying for me to fly to <g>)
[17:34] <sadmac2> Keybuk: our currency's devaluation does not apply within our own borders. So US to US trips I might be able to get done.
[17:35] <Keybuk> I'll certainly raise the possibility
[17:37] <sadmac2> Keybuk: I am likely going to have to give a talk at FUDCon Boston this summer on Upstart. It'd be handy to have you there.
[17:39] <sadmac2> Keybuk: its concurrent with the Red Hat Summit, so there's a lot of linux in that part of the world at that time.
[17:40] <Keybuk> I may be able to justify that
[17:40] <Keybuk> is it just that week?
[17:41] <sadmac2> Keybuk: June 19-23
[17:41] <Keybuk> ok
[17:41] <sadmac2> make that 19-21
[17:41] <sadmac2> (they're short)
[17:41] <Keybuk> MA is relatively easy to justify since we have offices there
[17:41] <Keybuk> so I can combine it with a visit
[17:42] <Keybuk> TX is easy since I can swing by Dell, CA is easy since I can swing by Google, etc.
[17:43] <sadmac2> cool
[17:44] <sadmac2> and now I go take an exam
[17:44] <Keybuk> good luck
[17:44] <sadmac2> thanks