UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /29 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:14] <rpop> I take it I'm still up the creek without a paddle?
[00:23] <timboy> rpop, join the apache users crowd!
[00:24] <rpop> I think I may have figured it out, not sure yet.
[00:25] <timboy> rpop, that makes one of us
[00:25] <timboy> i think my box is homosexual
[00:25] <rpop> Trick for me was to leave httpd.conf blank, and to name the virtual hosts inside each site config
[00:25] <rpop> without port numbers
[00:25] <rpop> because ports are already specified in port.conf
[00:26] <timboy> good job rpop
[00:27] <owh> Greetings. I was doing some general house keeping and reading up on the recommended NTP setup here: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html - it suggests to install ntp-simple which I cannot locate in gutsy. Apart from a documentation bug, what is the correct procedure for a gutsy server?
[00:27] <Nafallo> owh: ntp
[00:28] <owh> Nafallo: Same configs etc?
[00:28] <Nafallo> I would guess. didn't follow that.
[00:29] <owh> Ah, just located the hardy docs which have been updated to reflect this. Thanks Nafallo.
[00:29] <Nafallo> I did do nothing! :-P
[00:30] <Nafallo> ah. de rien.
[00:30] <owh> Then I thank you for doing nothing Nafallo.
[00:30] <owh> Indeed, de rien :)
[00:30] <Nafallo> hehe
[00:31] <owh> Nafallo: Je parle un petit peu de francais, mais tres lentement :)
[00:31] <timboy> is there somewhere in apache that gives it a chroot or something. This is completely abnormal
[00:31] <Nafallo> owh: moi aussi :-)
[00:33] <owh> And to make that even more fun, Je suis an Aussie :)
[00:33] * owh cannot recall if je suis means I am.
[00:35] <owh> timboy: GIYF: "apache chroot"
[00:35] <domare> quick question
[00:35] <domare> what is command to install webmin
[00:35] <domare> fresh install of server here.
[00:36] <owh> domare: You should consider looking at ebox instead.
[00:36] <Cahan> I'd take a guess at "sudo apt-get install webmin"
[00:36] <Nafallo> ehrm
[00:36] <Nafallo> !webmin | domare
[00:37] <Nafallo> GOOD DAMN IT
[00:37] * Nafallo fixes bot
[00:37] <Mimi> Yeah, thanks :)
[00:38] <domare> !webmin
[00:38] <owh> domare: When the bot is working again you'll learn all about the evilness that is webmin :)
[00:38] <domare> ah
[00:38] <jiqiren> webmin, the poor mans cpanel
[00:38] <owh> domare: Stick around, it will be worth the wait.
[00:39] <domare> yeah sudo apt-get install webmin says no installation candidate
[00:39] <domare> u mean like stick around for the next few minutes?
[00:39] <domare> as it somebody is workin on it now
[00:39] <Nafallo> ugh. broken replacement bot and dead bot without owner.
[00:39] <domare> ah
[00:39] * owh goes to dig up a link to the factoids.
[00:41] <owh> Lovely, the ubotu factoid page seems borked as well :(
[00:42] * owh is trolling through meeting logs to find the relevant factoid for domare.
[00:44] <nealmcb> is there a good way to set nic names during install, e.g. via a boot option? or is some sort of preseeding needed?
[00:44] <owh> Nafallo: Hmm, the online factoids are also borked. I wonder what happened?
[00:45] <Nafallo> owh: I bet they read them from the bot :-P
[00:45] <owh> Nafallo: Nah, the page is returning a 404
[00:45] <Nafallo> owh: yea... so if the bot is dead, why would the page exist? :-)
[00:45] <owh> domare: Nearly there.
[00:46] <owh> domare: This is from a cached page, so it's possibly slightly out of date: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.
[00:46] <domare> dont strain yourself man ;) this box is going noplace
[00:46] <domare> emm k
[00:46] <owh> Was that worth it :)
[00:47] <domare> this is my first ubuntu server. im just looking to get it going under some form of gui
[00:47] <domare> for now.
[00:47] <owh> So, to add to Cahan's suggestion, the command to install webmin (tounge in cheek) is: apt-get install ebox
[00:47] <domare> sure it was worth it ;) if im trying to install an old thing. ha
[00:47] <owh> domare: Let me dig up a more useful link for you.
[00:47] <owh> domare: Which version of OS?
[00:48] <domare> ebox is trying to install... so im going to go for it
[00:48] <Cahan> owh, meh, I'm more of an ssh type person
[00:49] <owh> domare: Here's a useful search tool for you (in trial, so don't depend on it yet) http://people.ubuntu.com/~kirkland/search.html
[00:49] <nealmcb> domare: hardy or gutsy?
[00:49] <owh> domare: Use that to search for ebox.
[00:49] <domare> hardy
[00:49] <nealmcb> good - the ebox in gutsy is far less useful
[00:49] <domare> is there another gui? or is server mostly cli
[00:50] <owh> nealmcb: Hmm, where are the Hardy server docs?
[00:50] <nealmcb> domare: there are also x-based guis, but most folks discourage x or desktops on servers
[00:50] <nealmcb> owh: I don't think they're up - I filed a bug
[00:50] <owh> nealmcb: That sort of makes support a challenge :)
[00:51] <owh> domare: We've just released hardy, not all links have been updated yet.
[00:51] * nealmcb nods and is puzzled
[00:51] <domare> no biggy
[00:51] <Cahan> when does support for Feisty end?
[00:52] <nealmcb> 18 months after release
[00:52] <Cahan> 18 months for server?
[00:52] <nealmcb> yup
[00:53] <nealmcb> only lts releases have different, or longer, support periods
[00:53] <Cahan> phew, it's still supported for 6 months
[00:54] <domare> well i got an "It works"
[00:55] <owh> domare: Hold tight, I've got the hardy docs on my HDD here but that won't help you. I'm trying to locate a link so you can read some stuff.
[00:56] <timboy> apache was working for me fine and I got rid of some ssl stuff now i'm having an apache issue: all I see is a white page with Index of / then below that I see Name Last Modified Size Description and nothing under there even though there are things in that directory. how do i track this down?
[00:57] <owh> domare: the application ebox-all is a meta-package that will install all modules. After installation of ebox you can reach it via https://yourserver/ebox
[00:58] <owh> domare: There is a whole discussion in the docs about modules, which is why I'm trying to locate an online version for you.
[00:58] <owh> sommer: Is there an online version of the hardy server docs?
[00:58] <owh> sommer: Other than in BZR :)
[00:58] <domare> nice
[00:59] <Nafallo> owh: http://help.ubuntu.com surely?
[00:59] <owh> Nafallo: No, as nealmcb pointed out, it's not there yet.
[01:00] <Nafallo> FAIL
[01:00] <nealmcb> https://help.ubuntulinux.org/community/eBox
[01:00] <Nafallo> ubuntulinux.org :-O
[01:00] * Nafallo stabs
[01:01] <nealmcb> owh: I didn't see ebox-all - thought it got removed (and I took it out of the wiki) - please correct if I fouled it up
[01:02] <nealmcb> http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/index.html
[01:02] <nealmcb> that looks like a recent version, but it still has old copyright stuff - I think I filed a bug on that also....
[01:03] <jiqiren> very annoying, as the main ubuntu site has a dead link to where the docs SHOULD be... http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/documentation
[01:03] * nealmcb wonders what some people would think of his current karma: 666
[01:03] <jiqiren> so ghetto to click on a link and get a Not Found
[01:03] <domare> heh
[01:04] <domare> well its working.. now i just need to install some modules
[01:04] <nealmcb> domare: :-)
[01:04] <nealmcb> domare: please do report problems and experiences - you're just the sort of person to help ebox folks understand how to improve it....
[01:05] <nealmcb> broken link to server documentation - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/222657
[01:06] <owh> Sorry about vanishing like that, had a little thunder storm interrupt my satellite uplink: http://mirror.bom.gov.au/products/IDR122.loop.shtml
[01:07] <owh> Hmm, that rain shower on the radar is not representative :)
[01:08] <owh> Did domare get some read access to the remote-administration text?
[01:08] <domare> well first problem i ..dont see. is the modules.. heh should be a link to them
[01:12] <nealmcb> huh - this says fix released, but the bug is still there - copyright dates not being upda https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-doc/+bug/192202
[01:14] * owh hugs nealmcb, that bug had a link to the server guide :)
[01:14] <owh> domare: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/index.html
[01:15] <nealmcb> sommer: any idea why that would be? ^
[01:15] <nealmcb> owh: I posted that a few minutes agow....
[01:15] <owh> domare: Read the section on ebox.
[01:15] <domare> thanx
[01:15] <owh> nealmcb: Ah, but I was offline :)
[01:16] <nealmcb> owh: ahh - a relativity problem - according to my browser's location in spacetime you were here....
[01:16] <nealmcb> :-)
[01:16] <domare> nice.. thers my modules
[01:17] <owh> nealmcb: If you look at the box, does the cat die too?
[01:18] <nealmcb> owh: I deny reports of having an evil eye :-)
[01:18] <nealmcb> that's "eagle eye"....
[01:18] <owh> nealmcb: Nah, I was talking about quantum states and Schroedinger :)
[01:18] * nealmcb heads out for a meeting
[01:20] <domare> "the ebox-all meta package will install all the modules"
[01:20] <domare> whats a meta package
[01:21] <owh> domare: It's a package that refers to other packages. If you install it, it will automagically install the rest.
[01:21] <domare> sudo apt-get install ebox-all ?
[01:21] <owh> Yup
[01:22] <domare> hrm.. cant find package ebox-all
[01:22] <Mimi> Is there a way to install a very barebones desktop in the server?
[01:23] <domare> well ebox-all does not work. but i can install one at a time
[01:23] <owh> Mimi: I'm not sure if there is documentation for it, but when I did it for a gutsy server, I installed this: sudo aptitude install gnome-core usplash usplash-theme-ubuntu gdm xserver-xorg-core gnome-system-tools compiz-gnome
[01:24] <domare> these web admin are not bad Mimi.
[01:24] <Mimi> aye, worth a try, thanks :)
[01:24] <owh> Mimi: IIRC it made all the expected stuff work, but please test this before you deploy it.
[01:24] <domare> eBox i am workin on
[01:24] <Mimi> owh: yeah don't worry, im playing around with VirtualBox :)
[01:24] <domare> hold up
[01:24] <Mimi> I woudlnt use desktop on a real server ^^
[01:24] <owh> Mimi: The reason I used aptitude is that it calculates dependencies differently from apt.
[01:25] <Nafallo> ?
[01:25] <Nafallo> does it?
[01:25] <Mimi> Oh yeah?
[01:25] <owh> Nafallo: It deals with recommends in a different way IIRC.
[01:25] <Nafallo> owh: depends if you turn it off :-)
[01:25] <Mimi> I would install using tasksel but but but... it just gets stuck at 0%
[01:26] <owh> Mimi: Tasksel will install a full desktop, including office and other stuff.
[01:26] <owh> Mimi: Perhaps that should be: s/will/is supposed to/
[01:28] <Mimi> uggh great, ubuntu is using the default apt server :P its going to take all week :P
[01:29] <owh> Mimi: Just stop it, update the sources.list, update it and try again.
[01:36] <domare> hrm.. file server is workin
[01:36] <domare> i kinda like this ebox.
[01:42] <timboy> FIXED IT!!!!!!!
[03:17] <sls> is there a guide to fully implementing likewise in ubuntu? It works great for logging on but I can not longer use the system tools.
[03:18] <mathiaz> sls: which system tools are not longer working ?
[03:19] <sls> any tool that required sudo access...
[03:19] <mathiaz> sls: so sudo doesn't work anymore
[03:19] <sls> only if I log on using a local account
[03:20] <sls> not if I log on using a domain account
[03:20] <sls> so I probably need to add a group or username to the /etc/sudoers file... but I have no clue as to the syntax.
[03:20] <mathiaz> sls: but you can still log on using a local account
[03:21] <sls> yes of course...
[03:21] <mathiaz> sls: to summurize - local account : sudo doesn't work - domain account: sudo works
[03:22] <sls> the case is the inverse.
[03:22] <sls> the oposite
[03:22] <mathiaz> sls: ok - so domain accounts are not part of the local admin group
[03:22] <sls> local : sudo OK - domain : sudo no
[03:23] <mathiaz> sls: which is the default group authorized to access sudo
[03:23] <sls> correct... i guess I do not know how to add the domain\domain admins group to the admin group
[03:24] <sls> %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
[03:24] <sls> so the admin group can sudo...
[03:25] <sls> bu I am having trouble figuring out how to add "HADES\Domain Admins"
[03:25] <sls> I suppose that it is a problem when the Domain group has a \ and a space
[03:26] <sls> mathiaz, would you have an idea?
[03:27] <mathiaz> sls: hum - not really
[03:27] <mathiaz> sls: what is the output of the groups command or id on the system ?
[03:28] <sls> groups hades\\stephans
[03:28] <sls> HADES\domain^users HADES\domain^install HADES\remote HADES\enterprise^admins HADES\domain^admins
[03:29] <mathiaz> sls: try Hades\domain^admins
[03:29] <mathiaz> sls: make sure you use visudo to edit the sudoers
[03:29] <sls> just add it like that in the /etc/groups:admin
[03:29] <sls> why visudo?
[03:30] <mathiaz> sls: hum - I was thinking about edit the sudoers file
[03:30] <sls> ok
[03:30] <sls> I cant use vim?
[03:30] <mathiaz> sls: and create another line below %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
[03:30] <sls> ok
[03:30] <mathiaz> sls: visudo will check if the syntax is valid
[03:31] <mathiaz> sls: if you break the sudoers file you won't be able to edit it anymore as sudo won't work
[03:31] <mathiaz> sls: and there isn't any root account enabled by default in ubuntu
[03:31] <mathiaz> sls: so you'd lock yourself out of the system if you try to edit the sudoers file and it doesn't work
[03:32] <mathiaz> sls: which may happen here as I've never tried to use domain groups in a sudoers file
[03:32] <sls> ok -- visudo is kindof wierd... as soon as i use the arrow keys to move around it types A.B etc...
[03:32] <mathiaz> sls: I'd also open another root shell - just in case
[03:34] <mathiaz> sls: don't use arrows keys
[03:34] <mathiaz> sls: use the h,j,k,l keys to move around
[03:35] <sls> ah ok .
[03:35] <sls> well it did not complain.
[03:35] <sls> that means it may be ok?
[03:35] <mathiaz> sls: it may work
[03:35] <mathiaz> sls: it seems that the syntax is correct
[03:36] <owh> Hmm, don't we show the MD5 on the download page any more?
[03:37] <mathiaz> owh: which download page you referring to ?
[03:37] <owh> Sorry, the main one: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download
[03:38] <sls> mathiaz, it did not complain that sudo does not have my name in it, or that the sytax was bad...
[03:38] <mathiaz> owh: hum... there is an MD5SUMS file on the releases.ubuntu.com website
[03:39] <owh> sls: Open another window with the appropriate user and try it.
[03:39] <sls> but sudo vim prompts as it should, but simply returns to the terminal prompt after...
[03:39] <mathiaz> owh: you may file a bug in LP against ubuntu-website or something like that
[03:39] <owh> Yeah, mathiaz, as soon as I figure out where it should link to, I will :)
[03:39] <mathiaz> sls: is there an error message ?
[03:40] <sls> mathiaz, not at all... ill see if I can tail a log file.
[03:40] <mathiaz> owh: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/
[03:40] <owh> mathiaz: Yeah, I meant *in* the bug report :)
[03:40] <mathiaz> sls: you should see something in the log files - /var/log/syslog or /var/log/auth
[03:41] <owh> mathiaz: I figured I'd help the poor bugger needing to fix it :)
[03:41] <mathiaz> owh: oh... you're way ahead then ;)
[03:41] <mathiaz> owh: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/MD5SUMS
[03:41] <owh> mathiaz: Nah, look behind you :)
[03:42] <sls> mathiaz, interesting...
[03:42] <owh> mathiaz: Funny URL, looks a lot like the one in my address bar ;)
[03:42] <sls> mathiaz, several lines though.. can I paste them here?
[03:42] <mathiaz> !pastebin | sls
[03:42] <sls> k
[03:42] <owh> Last time we looked the bot was borked.
[03:43] <mathiaz> sls: http://paste.ubuntu.com/
[03:43] <mathiaz> sls: usually the bot gives good answers - apparently he is still on weekend
[03:44] <sls> mathiaz, here: http://pastebin.com/dfeab258
[03:44] <owh> mathiaz: Seems there are quite a few people pointing out that the MD5sums are not simple to get to.
[03:45] <sls> mathiaz, what do you make of it?
[03:46] <owh> sls: Looks like you logged in to me.
[03:46] <sls> owh, yeah, except vim did not start...
[03:46] <mathiaz> sls: is this when you tried to run a sudo command ?
[03:46] <sls> mathiaz, sudo vim
[03:47] <owh> sls: Did you log out and back in again?
[03:47] <sls> while loged in as HADES\stephans
[03:47] <sls> owh, log out of what?
[03:47] <sls> can i just ssh again?
[03:47] <owh> sls: The account that you are trying to give permission to.
[03:47] <owh> Yes
[03:48] <mathiaz> owh: when his groups are already correct - he is already part of HADES\domain^admin
[03:48] <sls> owh, do I rally need to do that? seems a little Windows ish... ?
[03:48] <mathiaz> there is this line: pam_lwidentity(sudo:auth): failed to get GP info
[03:49] <owh> mathiaz: Yes, but don't you need to go through the whole login again to reinitialise it?
[03:49] <mathiaz> sls: your groups command show that you're a member of the domain^admin group - so I don't think to relog
[03:49] <mathiaz> owh: to reinitialize sudo ?
[03:49] <owh> Doh
[03:49] <owh> Yes, my bad, ignore me.
[03:49] <mathiaz> owh: he's modified the sudoers files
[03:50] <owh> Yeah, not his credentials.
[03:50] <sls> the domain chat seems OK: /usr/bin/lwiinfo -i HADES\\stephans
[03:50] <sls> HADES\stephans:*:1495270491:1495269889::/home/HADES/stephans:/bin/bash
[03:50] <owh> mathiaz: As I said, ignore me :)
[03:51] <sls> owh, how do I reinitialize sudo?
[03:51] <mathiaz> sls: you don't need to
[03:51] <owh> sls: You shouldn't need to.
[03:51] <owh> sls: I was mistaken.
[03:51] <mathiaz> sls: the other option is to add your username to the local admin group
[03:52] <sls> mathiaz, do I use the same syntax/
[03:52] <sls> ?
[03:52] <owh> mathiaz: The way I read that error is "failed to get group information", but I've been trying to locate a reference to the error.
[03:52] <mathiaz> sls: you could try: sudo adduser 'HADES\stephans' admin
[03:53] <mathiaz> owh: may be - GP could also mean Group Policy
[03:53] <sls> ok I will try that. With the ticks '
[03:53] <sls> ?
[03:53] <mathiaz> sls: yes - so that you don't have to escape the \
[03:53] <mathiaz> sls: other wise, it would be: sudo adduser HADES\\stephans admin
[03:53] <mathiaz> sls: that should also work
[03:54] <sls> mathiaz, would that not create a local user calles hades\stephans?
[03:55] <mathiaz> sls: nope - not in that form
[03:55] <sls> ok
[03:56] <mathiaz> sls: If called with two non-option arguments, adduser will add an existing user to an existing group.
[03:56] <sls> mathia, ok it looked like it worked...
[03:57] <sls> mathiaz, OK I am now able to run tools with root privs...
[03:58] <sls> this looks like an adequate work around for now...
[03:58] <mathiaz> sls: yes - if sudo would work with network groups it'd be even better
[03:59] <mathiaz> sls: it makes more sense
[03:59] <sls> It would be better if I could integrate by adding a group to the admin group (local)
[03:59] <sls> do you think that might work?
[03:59] <mathiaz> sls: you cannot have groups of groups in the default system
[04:00] <sls> mathiaz, hmmm...
[04:01] <mathiaz> sls: the correct way to do it IMO is that sudo should work with domain groups
[04:01] <sls> mathiaz, the only problem with this approach is that it will only scale to a handful of systems before it would kill me
[04:01] <sls> mathiaz, right.
[04:01] <sls> mathiaz, I agree...
[04:02] <mathiaz> sls: right - IIRC in windows, you'd add the domain admins to the local administrators group
[04:02] <mathiaz> sls: or something like that
[04:02] <mathiaz> sls: IIRC this is automatically done when joining a windows machine to a domain
[04:02] <sls> mathiaz, do you know if it is possible to accomplish the same on ubuntu?
[04:02] <sls> mathiaz, right.
[04:03] <mathiaz> sls: not that I know of - as I said, groups of groups are not supported in linux
[04:07] <mathiaz> sls: you didn't get an error with sudo when you just added domain^admins to the sudoers file ^
[04:07] <mathiaz> sls: I'm filing a bug report right now about this
[04:09] <sls> mathiaz, visudo did not complain when I added %HADES\Domain^Admins
[04:09] <mathiaz> sls: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/likewise-open/+bug/224024
[04:09] <mathiaz> sls: right - but sudo failed silently
[04:09] <mathiaz> sls: it didn't ask for a password
[04:10] <sls> mathiaz, oddly addin my user account to the group admins using the adduser command worked.
[04:11] <sls> mathiaz, sudo vim: prompted for my password and when i gave it my pass it exited silently.
[04:11] <sls> mathiaz, sudo vim: the expected result was that vim should launce with admin provs
[04:11] <sls> privs
[04:12] <mathiaz> sls: mhh. I wonder if you should be prompted for your password
[04:12] <sls> mathiaz, sudo vim: works as expected when my individual domain account was added to the admin group
[04:13] <sls> mathiaz, I think that it should... that is a configurable option as I understand it...
[04:14] <mathiaz> sls: well - the whole point of having a kerberos infrastructure is to not have to enter your password whenever you want to use a service
[04:14] <sls> mathiaz, sudo vim: the only problem with individual account in the local admin group is [ admin pain, and corp policies usually forbid that these days - citing SOCS, VISA, CISSP]
[04:15] <sls> mathaz, right.. single sign on is something that most people have come to expect these days.
[04:15] <lucent> ran into a bit of a snag installing Ubuntu Server Hardy LTS 8.04, the grub install-to-mbr failed to work
[04:16] <lucent> I have a 3ware card in that box
[04:16] <lucent> Ubuntu installer comes up thinking that the mobo onboard IDE is /dev/sdb, and the 3ware card as /dev/sda
[04:16] <lucent> but Grub sees them differently
[04:17] <sls> lucent, try clearing the boot record and initializing the partition table before you begin.
[04:17] * mathiaz calls it a day here
[04:17] <lucent> hd0 is onboard IDE, hd1 is 3ware
[04:17] <lucent> sls: that's not it at all
[04:17] <lucent> grub and Ubuntu do not agree about which drive is first
[04:17] <sls> lucent, what is the name of your board.
[04:17] <sls> ?
[04:17] <mathiaz> kees: would it make sense that if you have kerberos ticket, you shouldn't be ask for your password when using sudo ?
[04:18] <lucent> sls: I'll find out chipset info in just a moment
[04:24] <kees> mathiaz: only if sudo were kerberized
[04:25] <kees> mathiaz: I mean, I guess a kerberos ticket proves who you are, but sudo is a tighter restriction (per-tty, time limits)
[04:25] <kees> mathiaz: I would ask slangasek -- he uses kerberos for his home network, IIRC.
[04:26] <mathiaz> kees: right - I was just thinking about the security model
[04:27] <mathiaz> kees: why is sudo asking for your password ?
[04:27] <mathiaz> kees: to authenticate you (which is what a kerberos ticket does IIUC)
[04:34] <kees> mathiaz: it's just more paranoid that a ticket -- it has lower timeouts
[04:36] <mathiaz> kees: right - I'm out of here - bye :D
[04:42] <nealmcb> kees: on the other hand, how about an alternative to sudo that does take kerberos? and that logs like sudo (unlike a root shell)
[05:03] <kees> nealmcb: I've got nothing against it. :)
[05:26] <nealmcb> kees (and mathias): kerberos and sudo http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/24368/discuss
[05:48] <Mike2008999> hello
[05:49] <Mike2008999> what is the meaning of gtk?
[05:51] <Mike2008999> nvm
[05:52] <nealmcb> kees: but that is actually unrelated to the question mathias had - more about a vulnerability with sudo on kerberized systems in general
[05:57] <lucent> sls never came back
[05:57] <lucent> oh well
[06:20] <Mike2008999> hello..... how can i open activate compiz in Hardy Heron 8 LTS
[06:21] <lucent> Mike2008999: it should be on by default in Ubuntu Desktop installs
[06:21] <lucent> why are you asking about this in #ubuntu-server ?
[08:23] <Kamping_Kaiser> hm. the bots are gone. *thought he should check*
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[09:34] <stefg> Hi, i would need to understand the difference between a nested raid 1+0 and the raid 10 mode of mdadm. Since it's possible to create a raid 10 on only 2 disks there must be something special about that. Anyone can point me to a read about that ? (skimming google does not turn up in-depth info on that)
[09:38] <_ruben> http://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~neilb/01093607424 .. i think i had a better url open though .. having 100 tabs open in firefox isnt helping
[09:39] <_ruben> but the linux raid10 is indeed a "smart" variant which can work on less than 4 disks
[09:39] <_ruben> even on a odd number of disks
[09:39] <stefg> thanks, at least that will get me started
[09:59] <Jeeves_> Why would someone want to do raid-10 on two disks?
[10:43] <lucent> o-kay
[10:43] <lucent> Ubuntu consistently screws up the order of my drives
[10:43] <lucent> I've tried the installer now on two completely different machines, each with different hardware, in the same configuration
[10:44] <lucent> onboard mobo PATA to 40gb OS drive, PCI controller with two drives for software raid use
[10:44] <lucent> what is happening is the PCI controller drives get set up as sda,sdb
[10:44] <lucent> the onboard PATA drive shows up as sdc
[10:44] <lucent> this is getting to annoy the piss out of me :(
[10:46] <lucent> bug #16824
[10:46] <lucent> similar
[10:56] <soren> so..
[10:56] <soren> what problem is this causing for you?
[11:07] <Kamping_Kaiser> anyone else noticed that during a server install it checks the mirrors several times?
[11:08] <Kamping_Kaiser> lucent, is it softwares fault or hardwares?
[11:47] <\sh> lucent, what comes first (PCI ID viewing), the onboard or the external pci card?
[11:48] <\sh> lucent, I had a similar issue with onboard nics and an external nic on a separate card...somehow I got the imagination that it has something to do with the PCI IDs and first come first serve principle
[11:50] <_ruben> nic order can be solved by looking at mac .. same for disks with their uuid
[11:51] <\sh> _ruben, well, actually you can resolve the issue with setting correct macs and eth names in udev rules..but that's something which doesn't work, when you have already your config handy and just install the system and push the config onto the system automatically...
[11:53] <\sh> _ruben, not using udev that is..but e.g. /etc/network/interfaces only...because you trust your system to come up with the same order as before ;)
[11:55] <NineTeen67Comet> Hello. I recently had a power blip (dog kicked the strip out of the wall) and MySQL seems to have really got messed up. I don't see errors in /var/log/mysql.log but it w/not start (sudo /etc/init.d.mysql start) it simply says fail!! .. help?
[11:56] <_ruben> \sh: dunno about older versions, but gutsy and hardy make proper use of udev to 'stick' the if names
[11:56] <\sh> _ruben, using dapper upgrading to hardy but will give problems...actually we should support also old world orders :)
[11:57] <_ruben> true :)
[12:27] <Kamping_Kaiser> how long should 'cleaning up' take? i'm over an hour so far, and i'm getting a little cross :|
[12:28] <Fohdeesha> what shall i name my laptop
[12:30] <lucent> Fohdeesha: gabriel
[12:31] <lucent> after the hot Xena companion
[12:31] <Fohdeesha> heh your'e awake already?
[12:31] <lucent> rawrrr
[12:31] <lucent> \sh: erg, oay
[12:31] * lucent pokes Ubuntu
[12:31] <Fohdeesha> lolol
[12:32] <Kamping_Kaiser> Fohdeesha, name it Asuka :)
[12:33] <Fohdeesha> hmmm
[12:33] <Fohdeesha> If I was gunna go with female anime charectars I think I'd have to go with Lain
[12:33] <Fohdeesha> or CentOS
[12:34] <lucent> ha name it centos
[12:34] <Fohdeesha> wait no thats not what Im thinking of
[12:34] <Fohdeesha> whats the OS in Lain
[12:34] <Fohdeesha> centos is real lol
[12:35] * Kamping_Kaiser is |<->| this far from snapping and installing debian
[12:35] <Fohdeesha> Copland OS
[12:36] <Kamping_Kaiser> ffs. i shouldnt have to wait like this :S
[12:36] <lucent> Kamping_Kaiser: what are you waiting for?
[12:36] <Kamping_Kaiser> chroots arnt as nice, but they'll work
[12:36] <Kamping_Kaiser> lucent, for the installer to stop "cleaning up"
[12:36] <lucent> oh kick its ass
[12:37] <lucent> grab an old F24 key gateway AT axe and have at it
[12:37] * Kamping_Kaiser has had nothing but bad luck with 8.04 :(
[12:37] <lucent> the server install has all the stuff I'd want on the desktop
[12:38] <lucent> the desktop install has all the stuff I never cared for anyways
[12:38] <lucent> but I'm not joe average computer user
[12:38] <lucent> I mean, encrypted filesystem
[12:38] <Kamping_Kaiser> the server install was meant to be a quick way of getting 8.04 installed so i could do some dev work
[12:39] <lucent> you'd want encryption on a desktop, not on a server
[12:39] <Kamping_Kaiser> then agian, it only includes debian-cd 3.0.3 which means it wasnt updated after hardy
[12:39] <Kamping_Kaiser> *guts
[12:39] <Kamping_Kaiser> y
[12:40] <lucent> Kamping_Kaiser: :/
[12:42] <Fohdeesha> LOL kamping kaiser are you on 4chan right now?
[12:43] <Kamping_Kaiser> Fohdeesha, negative :o why?
[12:43] <Fohdeesha> I made a thread asking what to name the laptop, somebody answered Asuka also
[12:43] <Kamping_Kaiser> rofl
[12:43] <Kamping_Kaiser> Fohdeesha, /a/ or /b/?
[12:43] <Fohdeesha> /g/
[12:44] <Kamping_Kaiser> bah. sneaky :p
[12:44] <Fohdeesha> heh
[12:44] * Kamping_Kaiser checks thread
[12:45] <Kamping_Kaiser> ROFL @ 5th post
[12:45] <Fohdeesha> lolol
[12:48] <Fohdeesha> "You're the only one that doesn't think CHILD_PORNOGRAPHY is a sensible name." hahahaha
[12:50] <Kamping_Kaiser> hehe. your the only one who has to live with it ;)
[12:57] <lucent> b-tards.
[12:57] * lucent facepalms
[12:57] <Kamping_Kaiser> looks like they escaped to /g/ for a day out too ;)
[12:57] * Kamping_Kaiser terminates install and tries again... sigh
[12:57] <Fohdeesha> hehehe
[12:58] <Kamping_Kaiser> bbs
[12:58] * delcoyote hi
[12:59] <kgoetz> may as well join from here while i try the install :)
[13:20] <Kamping_Kaiser> ubot5, hello
[13:20] <ubot5> Kamping_Kaiser: Error: "hello" is not a valid command.
[13:20] <ubot5> Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-server!
[13:20] <Kamping_Kaiser> !info libc
[13:20] <ubot5> Package libc does not exist in gutsy
[13:22] <kgoetz> ubot5: hardy
[13:22] <ubot5> kgoetz: Error: "hardy" is not a valid command.
[13:22] <ubot5> hardy is Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu
[13:22] <kgoetz> !hardy
[13:23] <kgoetz> hm.
[13:35] <Kamping_Kaiser> i thinki just worked it out.
[13:35] <Kamping_Kaiser> if you type on the keyboard (random crap will do) while it installs, it buggeres up and fails to install properly
[13:36] <Kamping_Kaiser> now thats a wierd bug :|
[13:36] <lucent> USB or PS/2?
[13:37] <lucent> Kamping_Kaiser: what type of keyboard interface, is it USB or PS/2 ?
[13:37] <Kamping_Kaiser> usb
[13:38] <RockHound> hi everyone. I have always wondered how I am able to prevent an immediate startup of a package after installation. anyone have a suggestion?
[13:38] <lucent> there's a known bug in common Dell hardware and a few others where AT or PS/2 keyboards will cause a panic
[13:38] <lucent> that's why I ask
[13:38] <lucent> RockHound: why would you not want it to start up?
[13:39] <kgoetz> its not dell, but thats interesting to know
[13:41] <RockHound> well... my perticular example is that I have unmounted a lvm partition containing the mailboxes ... and I would like to upgrade to LTS and don't want postfix to started and then bounce mails back due to the missing storage
[13:41] <RockHound> but never the less, I just don't like the thought of a system starting a service which is not fully configured to my licking upon install
[13:41] <RockHound> but that is just my personal feeling about this
[13:42] <lamont> RockHound: for postfix, I'd either set 'soft_bounce = yes' in main.cf, or use an iptables rule to block access to port 25....
[13:42] <RockHound> lamont: why not just stop it from starting up? there must be a way to tell apt to not start things
[13:42] <RockHound> /s/stop/prevent
[13:42] <lamont> divert invoke-rc.d?
[13:42] <RockHound> hmm ...
[13:43] <RockHound> might be a solution
[13:43] <kgoetz> does postfix have a default file you can disable it in?
[13:45] <ScottK> kgoetz: Define disable?
[13:45] <kgoetz> ScottK: 'not start'
[13:45] <ScottK> Leave it out of the appropraite rc*.d dir
[13:45] <lamont> kgoetz: you could abuse init.d
[13:46] <lamont> postfix makes the assumption that if you installed it, you want it running
[13:46] <kgoetz> lamont: you could,but that seems rather ugly
[13:46] <lamont> and that is where diverting invoke-rc.d comes in
[13:46] <ScottK> Except init.d is telling it to start and you want it not to do that. Get init.d to not tell it to start and it won't.
[13:47] * Kamping_Kaiser crosses fingers and hopes the server comes up right
[13:47] <kgoetz> sigh. it failed
[13:47] <kgoetz> useless :(
[13:49] <kgoetz> here it goes :) <3
[13:50] <ScottK> kgoetz: If master.cf is missing (renamed) it would, I except, try to start, but I'm confident it won't actually manage it.
[13:51] <ScottK> except/expect
[13:54] <_ruben> man .. snmp v3 is a bitch
[13:54] <sommer> hey all
[13:55] <soren> bug 1
[13:55] <kgoetz> ello :)
[13:57] <LjL> bug #1
[13:57] <LjL> lp bug #1
[13:58] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1
[14:00] <soren> ubot5: config plugins.Bugtracker.snarfTarget lp
[14:00] <ubot5> soren: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
[14:00] <ubot5> soren: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[14:00] <soren> Figures.
[14:00] <Hobbsee> heh
[14:00] <Hobbsee> it won't talk to you, i don't think
[14:01] * kgoetz waves
[14:01] <Hobbsee> heya!
[14:01] <kgoetz> hello :)
[14:01] <LjL> soren: moment, we'll fix that
[14:03] * kgoetz wonders if ubuntu server ed hates him, or if hes just not modern enough to use it
[14:03] <soren> kgoetz: Wazzup?
[14:05] <kgoetz> soren: its causing me non-stop headaches. currently it wont pull a dhcp address on boot. seems to pick up an ipv6 address, but not an ipv4. i have to manually run dhclient eth0 to get an ipv4 address (and i'm not convinced the ipv6 address is one it should be getting either)
[14:05] <soren> kgoetz: ifupdown calls dhclient, too. No magic there.
[14:06] <kgoetz> soren: i know. theres already a bug about similar behaviour to this (which i dont remember off th top of my head).
[14:06] <kgoetz> soren: but i've managed to wind up in an imposible situation :p
[14:07] <LjL> bug #1
[14:07] <Fohdeesha> kgoetz: I had this exact same problem yesterday, would never grab an ipv4 address
[14:07] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1
[14:07] <kgoetz> Fohdeesha: did you find a fix? (or file a bug?)
[14:07] <Fohdeesha> after i ifdown then ifup, it went away
[14:07] <Fohdeesha> everytime I reboot now it grabs one right away
[14:07] <Fohdeesha> doesnt make any sense
[14:08] <kgoetz> sounds like the oposite of me *grin*
[14:08] <Fohdeesha> hehe
[14:08] <Fohdeesha> have you ifdown then ifup?
[14:09] <kgoetz> not yet. just editing something before i can do that
[14:11] <kgoetz> Fohdeesha: yes! my ip disapears when i ifdown -a && ifup -a
[14:11] <Fohdeesha> hehe
[14:11] <Fohdeesha> after I did that the problem went away forever
[14:12] <kgoetz> went away meaning?
[14:12] <Fohdeesha> now every time I reboot it it grabs an ipv4 address right away, no more problems
[14:13] * kgoetz reboots it
[14:13] <kgoetz> i restarted networking and it hasnt helped, so perhaps a reboot ...
[14:13] <kgoetz> dnsmasq's logs dont say its giving out ipv6 addresses :\
[14:13] <Fohdeesha> odd
[14:13] <Fohdeesha> m rather new to the whole linux deal
[14:14] <kgoetz> wonder if no ipv6 logging is a feature
[14:14] * kgoetz is otherwise quite enamaoured with dnsmasq
[14:15] <kgoetz> no ipv4 address :/
[14:15] <Fohdeesha> thats odd
[14:15] <Fohdeesha> what versin are you running of ubuntu
[14:16] <RockHound> so I went with soft_bounce = yes ... was the quickest solution I guess
[14:16] <kgoetz> 8.04
[14:16] <Fohdeesha> ah
[14:16] <Fohdeesha> 7.10 here
[14:16] <Fohdeesha> havent found any sparc distro of 8
[14:16] <kgoetz> there is none
[14:16] <kgoetz> well, its in ports, not the main releases
[14:16] <Fohdeesha> yea thats what I meant
[14:17] <Fohdeesha> heh
[14:17] <RockHound> is there a meta-package to strip a normal server down to a jeOS?
[14:17] <RockHound> a normal server install running in a VM that is
[14:17] <kgoetz> dont think so
[14:20] <kgoetz> loony. its working on ipv6, ut wont do dns lookups, because the server in resolv.conf is ipv4
[14:21] * kgoetz wonders what he broke, and how fast he can unbreak it
[14:21] <Fohdeesha> hehe
[14:21] <kirkland> zul: ping
[14:22] <kirkland> zul: I saw you had a fix for Bug #222761 ... are you working that through the SRU process for hardy?
[14:23] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 222761 in nut "[SRU] upsd doesn't start NOT 221737" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/222761
[14:24] <kirkland> zul: nevermind.... i cleared my cache and refreshed the page
[14:24] <kgoetz> stuff is working over ipv6.:|
[14:24] * kgoetz feels uneasy
[14:26] <kgoetz> now my ipv6 has gone :| wth?
[14:27] <nijaba> RockHound: you could start by installing the -virtual kernel
[14:27] <nijaba> RockHound: then remove the packages you do not need
[14:28] <RockHound> nijaba: k
[14:28] <RockHound> thanx
[14:29] <zul> kirkland: its been uploaded just needs to be accepted
[14:29] <kirkland> zul: well, i saw some back and forth with pitti
[14:29] <nijaba> zul: did you fix the comment as pitti pointed? ;)
[14:30] <zul> nijaba: yep
[14:30] <nijaba> zul: yeah! ;)
[14:42] <Kamping_Kaiser> i think ubuntu is confused... it keeps renaming my OS drive
[14:43] <Kamping_Kaiser> it was sdf, sde now sda
[14:43] <Kamping_Kaiser> equally the usb external drive was sdf now sdb
[14:44] <Kamping_Kaiser> so the internal drive must have been sde, sdf, sda
[14:45] <spiekey> hi
[14:46] <seisen> usually it only does that for usb drives or usb keys
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[15:16] <mathiaz> soren: what's the irc channel about the ubuntu virtualization ?
[15:16] <LjL> #ubuntu-virt
[15:16] <mathiaz> LjL: thanks
[15:19] <ScottK> lamont: Where did sendmail on gutsy hppa wonder off to? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/sendmail/8.14.1-8ubuntu1
[15:19] <ScottK> It used to be there because clamav-milter is built in the release pocket.
[15:21] <lamont> ScottK: bummer
[15:21] <lamont> gutsy's door slammed before hppa caught up
[15:22] <lamont> and gutsy was building on hppa with a "I'm lazy" bootstrap archive that _was_ current, so things got built for gutsy that, uh, don't build in gutsy.
[15:22] <lamont> hppa is special. :-(
[15:23] <zul> hppa: it rides the small bus right? ;)
[15:23] <lamont> deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/hppa gutsy-stage0 main restricted universe multiverse
[15:23] <lamont> if you care
[15:23] <lamont> zul: something like that
[15:23] <lamont> there was confidence that it'd get done in time. poorly placed confidence, it turns out
[15:34] <ScottK> lamont: Thanks.
[15:34] <ScottK> I'll put on my "It's only backports" filter and move on then.
[15:43] <ninkendo> So I just upgraded to hardy on a test box, and nss-ldap doesn't seem to like users that belong to a group with a gid >65535
[15:43] <ninkendo> anyone aware of a config option anywhere that may have changed from gutsy->hardy?
[15:46] <Fawzib> question: I have 2 email servers (main,backup) and I want to have all emails received by main to processed normally and have a copy forwarded to backup. Is there any program (or recommendation) on how to do that? Using postfix+dovecot
[15:57] <RockHound> after backgrounding debconf "to inspect the situation", how do I get back in? fg tells me no processes
[16:05] <RockHound> ctrl+d did that
[16:05] <_ruben> ctrl-d isnt background .. you most likely just killed it
[16:12] <lamont> RockHound: if you said 'd' to inspect the situation, it actually forked a shell, so exiting the shell gets you back
[16:13] <RockHound> lamont: thanks for clearing that up
[16:13] <RockHound> _ruben: I exited the forked shell
[16:13] <RockHound> with crtl+d
[16:14] <mathiaz> soren: what's the state if iSCSI root in hardy ?
[16:14] <soren> -ENOTSUPPORTED
[16:40] <soren> What on earth does ${*-*} mean in bash?
[16:41] <ScottK> You just stepped from a dark room into bright sunlight?
[16:41] <ScottK> Sorry. No idea, but I couldn't resist.
[16:41] <soren> :)
[16:42] <zul> soren: it looks kind of dirty
[16:50] <nxvl> we are having meeting tomorrow at 18 UTC, did't we?
[16:52] <nijaba> nxvl: at 21UTC if I am not mistaking (but I won't be there)
[16:53] <nxvl> oh yes, you are right
[16:53] <nxvl> thanx
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[17:47] <reya276> can some one help me out with this | Failed to start apache : Apache does not appear to be running : * Starting web server apache2 apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName ...done.
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[18:29] <spiekey> hi
[18:29] <spiekey> any idea why it claims about "Give root password for maintenance" here?
[18:31] <spiekey> if i then exit the system starts up fine
[18:34] <gregbuntu> I'm planning to load hardy server on a sun e250. Any tricks I should know?
[18:36] <gregbuntu> I'm planning to set up software RAID-5 and use LVM (no hardware RAID on this machine)
[18:37] <zul> spiekey: the machine probably didnt shutdown properly and there might have been problems with the filesystem
[18:39] <gregbuntu> I read that it is a good idea to keep the OS on a separate RAID-1 and keep data on a RAID-5 - any thoughts on that?
[18:42] <spiekey> sounds good :)
[18:45] <spiekey> fsck.ext3 says that my root fs is clean, and it still prompts for my pwd :-/
[18:47] <spiekey> any ideas?
[18:51] <spiekey> spiekey: check your boot options
[18:51] <spiekey> spiekey: okay
[18:52] <spiekey> spiekey: ah!! [17179569.184000] Kernel command line: root=/dev/mapper/root devfs=mount ro console=tty0 console=ttyS0 single
[18:52] <spiekey> spiekey: see ;)
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[19:54] <spiekey> where does dapper map nic<-->mac again?
[19:54] <spiekey> in some dev file?
[19:59] <mathiaz> spiekey: in /etc/udev/rules.d/
[19:59] <mathiaz> spiekey: 70-persistent-net.rules IIRC
[20:09] <spiekey> thanks
[20:49] <mathiaz> kees: I've seen you're following me with your security team session for Ubuntu Openweek
[20:55] <jcastro> mathiaz: it's almost your turn!
[20:56] <mathiaz> jcastro: yop - I'm already there
[21:12] <rZr> hi, if it maters, a course session about u-s is happening now in #ubuntu-classroom
[21:13] <melter> when i'm configuring the network during installation, what hostname do i enter if it's dynamically assigned by the dhcp server?
[21:13] <melter> rZr: thanks
[21:15] <kees> mathiaz: I am, yes, in 45 min
[21:28] <ScottK> leonel: What have you been testing your clamav 0.93 package with?
[21:28] <ScottK> leonel: The clamav 0.92.1 backports for Feisty/Gutsy are done, so all we need now are your patches ...
=== Deeps_ is now known as Deeps
=== rZr is now known as RzR
[22:00] <RoAkSoAx> mathiaz, you've mentioned that "The last role in the Server Team as the Developpers" and that they develope new features.... If someone wants to help with this, is he able too? and for example, is there a way that CS Students (that don't know much of programming) can get involved in this?
[22:02] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: sure - before developing a feature you need to plan it
[22:02] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: that involves doing preliminary research on what projects already exists, if they could be used, etc...
[22:03] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: that's the state of the art part
[22:03] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: then you need to write up a specification to outline what should be done
[22:03] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: it will discuss with other developers and further refined
[22:03] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: once we've agreed on what should be done, then someone can do the actual work :)
[22:04] <RoAkSoAx> yeah but for example, if a CS Students wants to start developing for the server team, but he does not know much of programming languages and stuff... is that possible?? let's say to be a part of a project already running in the server team
[22:04] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: yes - you always need to get started somewhere
[22:05] <RoAkSoAx> mathiaz, an were can i find info about that :)?
[22:05] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: if you're not interested in programming, you could help with testing or documentation ?
[22:05] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: if you don't know to program, it's a great way to get started
[22:05] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: we'll have some spec ready and you can learn while contributing
[22:06] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: not having previous experience in programming is not a drawback to start contributing
[22:06] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: we'll list our spec on the Roadmap
[22:07] <_CitizenKane_> i'm having an interesting, just installed snmpd on ubuntu server 7.10, but for some reason when i grep for the process it is being bound to loopback interface, i check /etc/init.d/snmpd and it doesn't look like it's in there, does anyone know how to change this?
[22:07] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Roadmap
[22:07] <RoAkSoAx> well actually i'm a BS in Systems Engineer (Equivalent to CS), but i'm not much of a programmer because i oriented myself to network administracion as well as sysadmin, but i would like to help and getting involved in a programming project... but anyways.. i will start contributing on doing some packaging and specially merging, since nxvl gonna help me on that :)
[22:08] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: you should also watch for the uds sessions and topics - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-intrepid
[22:09] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: that's a great choice - system administration may lead to maintaining your own package
[22:09] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: for your own infrastructure
[22:09] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: so having a clue about how the project works, how to package fixes helps a lot
[22:11] <RoAkSoAx> mathiaz, yep that is what i'm aiming for :). i would like to contribute on packaging and that stuff and maybe getting involved in a project that involves programming
[22:12] <RoAkSoAx> but well. first things first... and i'll start with packaging, merging and bug fixing ;)
[22:12] <RoAkSoAx> thanks for your help =)
[22:14] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: you're welcome - now is the best time in the release cycle to get involved in packaging
[22:14] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: you could focus on -server related merges
[22:15] <RoAkSoAx> mathiaz, yep, that is what nxvl is telling me.. and i would definitly like to focus on server related packages
[22:15] <melter> what hostname should i enter during installation if the hostname is assigned by a dhcp server at boot time?
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[22:39] <jimcooncat> opinion from anyone here, please: ebox vs. webmin?
[22:56] <good_dana> jimcooncat: webmin is being replaced by ebox in ubuntu-server
[23:13] <mrpoundsign> allo. :)
[23:14] <mrpoundsign> I am trying to find a page that describes how to add a new disk to my ubuntu server.
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[23:24] <osmosis> trying to start guest with virsh, bind() failed
[23:24] <osmosis> not sure why. first ive seen this.
[23:38] <nealmcb> !ebox > jimcooncat:
[23:46] <osmosis> anyone running phussion passenger ?
[23:53] <osmosis> is there any info or docs on the 'rails' package?
[23:54] <osmosis> I dont even see like, a doc, on what type of rails setup it assumes.
[23:54] <osmosis> anyone know what the 'rails' package in ubuntu hardy is exactly ?
[23:57] <osmosis> maybe this: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ruby-on-rails.html