UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /29 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
Initial commit
[08:33] <Madpilot> mdke, nice "don't take your toys and go off in a snit" reminder on -irc. Pity it's needed.
[08:34] <mdke> Madpilot: yes, hadn't expected that from Dennis
[08:34] <Madpilot> neither did I, but I haven't been on IRC much the last few months
[08:35] <mdke> amazing how trolls can still get what they want
[08:35] <mdke> i.e. to make people angry
[08:35] <Madpilot> when they're given it, yes. "I'm taking my bots and going home" is giving it to the trolls in a major way
[08:37] <mdke> spot on
[08:38] <bhuvan> hi Madpilot
[08:38] <bhuvan> hi mdke
[08:38] <Madpilot> hi bhuvan
[08:39] <mdke> hiya bhuvan
[08:39] * mdke -> work :(
[08:39] <Madpilot> seeya
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=== bamed|away is now known as bmaed
=== bmaed is now known as bamed
=== bamed is now known as bamed|lunch
=== bamed|lunch is now known as bamed
[23:58] <osmosis> kind kind of rails configuration is this exactly? http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ruby-on-rails.html