UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /29 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
[08:26] <coz_> troy_s, are you avaiable?
[13:57] <cody-somerville> _MMA_, Whats the dress usually for the UDS?
[13:58] <_MMA_> cody-somerville: Latex, leather, spikes.
[13:58] <cody-somerville> Doh.
[13:58] <cody-somerville> I went to the wrong store then. :P
[13:58] <_MMA_> Come as you are.
[13:59] <cody-somerville> So work attire
[14:00] * _MMA_ is a metalhead that just wears jeans and metal T's all the time.
[14:00] <_MMA_> No dress code really.
[14:01] <_MMA_> It's casual.
[14:04] <cody-somerville> Well, I went out and bought a new blazer, pants, shirt, tie, shoes, etc. :P so I'll be wearing that the first day atleast.
[14:08] <_MMA_> Blazer? :) You're gonna be a little over-dressed but that's fine.
[14:10] <cody-somerville> doh.
[14:10] <cody-somerville> Dress up with me? :P
[14:19] <_MMA_> cody-somerville: I don't "dress up". Hell. I wore Chuck Taylors to my own wedding. ;)
[14:20] <cody-somerville> <g>
[14:23] <cody-somerville> _MMA_, I dress up to make up for my lack of self-esteem ;P
[14:25] <_MMA_> haha. Maybe when I can claim you on my taxes. :) Until then, I'm only responsible for my kids esteem. :P
[14:26] <_MMA_> But all of this is rather off-topic. PM me if ya like.
[16:38] <DanaG> Metal tee shirt? Sounds uncomfortable. :þ.
[19:08] <thorwil> kwwii: do you know anything about the launchpad logo decision making?
[19:12] * _MMA_ waves at thorwil.
[19:12] <thorwil> _MMA_: heh, fellow champion of list etiquette ;)
[19:13] <_MMA_> hahahha
[19:13] <_MMA_> :P
[19:13] <_MMA_> I don't mind a odd post here or there, but *every* post in very active threads, it's damn annoying.
[19:13] <thorwil> _MMA_: you really like to stick your tongue out, eh? do you wear black and white face paint?
[19:14] <thorwil> i kinda found the whole active threads annoying ^^
[19:14] <_MMA_> hehe. Only for my kids.
[19:15] <_MMA_> Well the "active" threads over the past days I really feel won't amount to much in the end sadly.
[19:15] <thorwil> my point
[19:15] <_MMA_> Oh well.
[19:16] <_MMA_> I'm trying to point out ways for people to work that will actually come to something fruitful but looks like the couple of "active" people aren't listening.
[19:17] <thorwil> if you would like to play with a widget demo, look here: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=530413
[19:18] <thorwil> _MMA_: i have this feeling that a few of the active list participants are pretty ... young
[19:19] <_MMA_> Yeah. I hint at it all the time. (well come out and said it a few times) I don't want to kill enthusiasm. Just want to show what I've learned and not have them waste their time. Oh well.
[19:39] * nand was following the threads. Whoah. It looks like it's pretty hard to manage an art team...
[19:39] <nand> Don't you have some kind of guidelines of something, set by a leader?
[19:39] <thorwil> nand: hi. hint: there's no team
[19:40] <nand> thorwil: hi! no team?
[19:40] <thorwil> dare i say: there's no leader
[19:40] <nand> hmm... that's pretty bad then
[19:41] <thorwil> nand: i will have a long weekend. maybe i find time for at least scribbles for brainstorm
[19:41] <_MMA_> Well there is a leader, nobody cares to listen. :)
[19:41] <_MMA_> So, no team.
[19:41] <nand> there an canonical art employee, right?
[19:42] <_MMA_> There is.
[19:42] <nand> _MMA_: to me, art seems a field where everybody can be both right and wrong, so I understand it can be quite hard...
[19:42] <nand> thorwil: thanks :)
[19:43] <thorwil> art is a filed where troy_s is right and most other's are wrong :)
[19:43] <thorwil> scnr
[19:43] <nand> ;)
[19:43] <_MMA_> hahahaha
[19:43] <_MMA_> thorwil: Don't say that. That will only feed his already inflated ego. ;)
[19:44] <thorwil> oops
[19:44] <nand> :)
[19:45] <thorwil> nand: now actually, kwwii is the man. who would be the one to lead
[19:46] <thorwil> i don't blame him, though. you have to wonder if it would be worth it - contra doing actual work list dwellers don't see
[19:48] <nand> Isn't there a place where the rules of the game are set?
[19:48] <thorwil> nand: as we are right after a release, the game is undefined
[19:49] <thorwil> nand: that makes it quite a surprise we have active players ;)
[19:49] <nand> hehe, it seems this release attracted quite a lot of new contributors!
[19:50] <nand> and - just curious - when are the rules of the game decided so that people can start playing?
[19:51] <thorwil> nand: here we got to hear: real soon now TM
[19:51] <nand> I'd like to follow and see how the art team work this cycle
[19:51] <_MMA_> The rule is: Mark has to like it.
[19:51] <thorwil> but you never get to see and talk with Mark
[19:52] <nand> so basically it's a free game
[19:52] <thorwil> a black box decider for the common people
[19:52] <_MMA_> Yep. Just by proxy.
[19:52] * nand wonders how it would like if our software team was working with no specs... urgh!
[19:53] <thorwil> right. urgh we have
[19:53] <nand> and nobody is complaining, or? I guess you tried and hit a wall
[19:53] <thorwil> or maybe they have. don't know yet :)
[19:53] <nand> that's too bad
[19:53] <thorwil> nand: no, didn't try
[19:54] <nand> why didn't you tried? make some noise and so?
[19:54] <thorwil> nand: if an actual design briefing, free time and I collide, i'll be in. didn't happen so far
[19:54] <_MMA_> Just the way it is. My recent advise it to work independent of the thought of it being default. Work with like-minded people in a small team and get something cohesive together. Mark sees art on the wiki for sure. If he likes it, it might make it.
[19:55] * nand was already quite annoyed by the "surprise" rules at the end for the Brainstorm logo...
[19:56] <nand> _MMA_: then this should be made clear to the new contributors, who seems to be looking for some kind of rules...
[19:56] <_MMA_> But even if he likes something, he might want it changed somehow. People tend to take it personally.
[19:56] <_MMA_> nand: People don't really wanna hear how it is.
[19:57] <_MMA_> Hi Andreas.
[19:57] <thorwil> ^ universal
[19:58] <_MMA_> thorwil: True. They don't realize that if they were paid to do this the client would want the same thing. To change things. So people make what they think is great. They are asked to change things then get mad. Like someone has told them their art is shit.
[19:59] <thorwil> _MMA_: see, pros are also paid to take the pain! ;)
[19:59] <_MMA_> Im not saying this is all of the list, just the majority.
[20:00] <_MMA_> thorwil: Oh totally. But then people have to realize when submitting their stuff for consideration that they could be asked to make modifications.
[20:00] <_MMA_> If they can't handle it, they fall by the wayside.
[20:07] * _MMA_ goes to clean the kitchen.
[20:08] <nand> and what about something like http://suse-art.org/ to help the team working?
[20:08] <thorwil> nand: the wiki isn't too bad
[20:12] <nand> yeah right. It may be a bit easier for outsiders to access the artwork, but that's probably not the priority
[20:13] <thorwil> there's even the argument that it shouldn't be too easy. just look at digg and youtube comments ^^
[20:14] <_MMA_> Amen.
[20:14] <nand> "be open... but not too much."
[20:50] <nicao> hi
[21:58] <DanaG> Woah, lots of conversation now.
[21:58] <DanaG> A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? A: Top-posting. Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
[21:59] <DanaG> Oh yeah, I've noticed something odd with the Gnome slideshow thing: I have a centered image with a gradient background, and it seems like it glitches sometimes when it redraws.
[22:19] <DanaG> What's this about Launchpad logo rules?