UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /29 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
=== golddragon24_ is now known as golddragon24
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
[04:52] <markwkm> what's the diskspace quote for projects on launchpad?
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
=== markwkm_ is now known as markwkm
[05:01] * Hobbsee wonders why the address she just removed from LP is what LP is telling her the request came from, to get a new address.
[05:02] <Hobbsee> We received a request from Sarah Hobbs using email address
[05:02] <Hobbsee> hobbsee@kubuntu.org, trying to validate the email address
[05:02] <Hobbsee> hobbsee@hobbsee.com for use in Launchpad.
[05:02] * Hobbsee previously just deleted the hobbsee@kubuntu.org
[05:12] * gnomefreak wonders how to get a gnomefreak@gnomefreak.org/com email
[05:13] <Hobbsee> gnomefreak: register the domain?
[05:13] <Hobbsee> host it somewhere?
[05:14] <gnomefreak> Hobbsee: i know but i never thought about doing it that way
[05:29] <lifeless> Hobbsee: >< not sure
[05:30] <lifeless> Hobbsee: bugger a file?
[05:30] <Hobbsee> lifeless: heh :)
[05:30] <Hobbsee> lifeless: i'm a little busy attempting to sort out bits of irc ops crap
[05:30] <Hobbsee> lifeless: i just thought that was particularlys tarnge.
[05:34] <lifeless> tarnge eh?
[05:34] <Hobbsee> strange.
[05:34] * Hobbsee is freezing!
[06:45] * mtaylor is away: I'm not here right now
[07:07] <thumper> markwkm: I don't think there are quotas right now
[08:27] <Kamping_Kaiser> hi all. i just noticed when you leave a team your placed in a 'deactivated' status. is this for a technical reason? i pressed the 'leave team' button because i dont want to be bound to it anymroe after all :)
[08:29] <mdke> Kamping_Kaiser: that bothers me too. Let me know if you find a bug about it
[08:30] <Kamping_Kaiser> mdke, ok. i'll let you know how it goes
[08:30] <mdke> Kamping_Kaiser: it's not so much the status that bothers me, but the fact that when a team is reorganised (e.g. becomes an umbrella team), all the deactivated members are listed at the bottom, like on https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-doc/+members
[08:32] <carlos_> morning
[08:32] <Kamping_Kaiser> thats rather ugly
=== carlos_ is now known as carlos
[08:35] <Kamping_Kaiser> semi related https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/121380 but not entirely
[08:35] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 121380 in launchpad "impossible to remove members from a team" [Low,Confirmed]
[08:54] <Kamping_Kaiser> mdke, i dont see anything directly related to our problem(s). the bug above is as close as i saw
[09:30] <mpt> Goooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!
[09:30] <Kamping_Kaiser> morning :)
[09:33] <mpt> Gnewsense people in #launchpad? Whatever next?
[09:36] <Kamping_Kaiser> :(
[09:37] <Kamping_Kaiser> having a group probably ;)
[09:42] <mpt> Having a group? Is that like having a party?
[09:44] * mpt reads http://blue-gnu.biz/content/rethinking_gobuntu
[09:45] <Kamping_Kaiser> it means i copped some heat for making lp.n/~gnewsense
[09:45] * Kamping_Kaiser wonders if he should dig into that thread and post, and tries to avoid it
[10:01] <mpt> You're stronger than me, then :-)
[10:01] <Kamping_Kaiser> hehe
[10:37] <koni> join #ubuntu-classroom
=== oojah_ is now known as oojah
[11:56] <Typhox> where do I post a bug with kgeography?
[11:56] <mohbana> hey guys
[11:57] <wgrant> Typhox: Is it the Ubuntu package of kgeography?
[11:58] <Typhox> eh, i installed kde on ubuntu 8.04.
[11:58] <Typhox> kgeography comes with that
[11:58] <wgrant> Typhox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeedu/+filebug
[11:59] <Typhox> Thanks :-)
[11:59] <wgrant> np
[12:02] <mohbana> hi
[12:03] <mohbana> can i use mercurial at launchpad to host my project?
[12:04] <spiv> No, just bzr.
[12:04] <mohbana> any future plans for hg?
[12:05] <spiv> Not at the moment. Eventually we'd like to be able to import from hg automatically.
[12:05] <spiv> It's hard enough work integrating a single vcs :)
[12:05] <mohbana> just out of interest why was bazaar choosen?
[12:06] <spiv> Canonical sponsors the development of Bazaar because we think it's the best tool.
[12:07] <spiv> So basically the answer is "because we like it" :)
[12:08] <mohbana> are there workarounds for saying using a vcs?
[12:08] <mohbana> without using bazaar at all
[12:10] <spiv> You mean workarounds for hosting code in another vcs on Launchpad?
[12:10] <spiv> None that I know of.
[12:10] <spiv> You can always upload tarballs to the file download part of your project, but that isn't really the same sort of thing.
[12:15] <mohbana> how can i request features?
[12:15] <mohbana> i mean there must be people wanting a different vc
[12:16] <spiv> Filing a bug report would be the best way.
[12:17] <spiv> (https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad)
[12:20] <mohbana> thanks and bye
[12:21] <Stavros> hello
[12:21] <Stavros> whom would i talk to about launchpad's usability shortcomings?
[12:22] <mpt> Stavros, that would be me
[12:22] <Stavros> well, i am trying to upload some project files (if I understand their reason correctly), which are releases of my code, but i can't find how, and there's no link on the "project files" page
[12:23] <thumper> you need a release, and it isn't obvious
[12:23] <Stavros> i was also trying to look at the code in my repo yesterday but kept going around in circles (code->trunk->code)
[12:23] <Stavros> ah
[12:25] <Stavros> i would expect that going under "code" i would easily be able to see the repository code, but you have to go code-><branch>->browse code
[12:25] <Stavros> and the "browse code" link is rather buried
[12:25] <mpt> the "Browse code" link will become much less buried in a couple of months
[12:25] <Stavros> ah, great
[12:26] <Stavros> i just saw the "register a release" link as well
[12:26] <Stavros> i don't think i would have found it if not by chance
[12:26] <mpt> thumper, would it make sense to allow auto-registering a release in the process of uploading files?
[12:27] <Stavros> do you think it would be possible, when one registers a release, to have the bzr commit messages between two revisions shown for the changelog?
[12:27] <Stavros> since that's more or less what one does
[12:43] <mpt> I think thumper's gone to bed
[12:43] <Stavros> ah
[12:43] <mpt> Stavros, I suggest suggesting that in a bug report at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar
[12:44] <Stavros> will do, thanks
[12:48] * Hobbsee waves to mpt
[12:49] * mpt beaches back
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
[13:13] <Theuni_> howdi
[13:13] <Theuni_> can someone tell me how to change the development focus of one series to another?
[13:17] <mwhudson> it's in $project/+edit i think?
[13:20] * Theuni_ looks
[13:25] <Theuni_> oh jeesh
[13:25] <Theuni_> so small
[13:25] <Theuni_> thanks
[13:25] <mwhudson> np
[14:04] <chongpe> Hello. Is it possible to use buildbot so that we have a buildslave hooked up to our launchpad bazaar main branch?
[14:05] <chongpe> I'm a newbie when it comes to both launchpad and buildbot. From what I have read, anything that wants to hook into a buildslave needs some sort of hook script. I'm not clear on how that would work with our project's bazaar repository which is at launchpad.net
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
[15:44] <markwkm> thumper: ok, thanks :)
[16:44] <korpios> If I do "bzr branch lp:foo lp:bar", will that require my bzr to pull everything locally and then push up again? I was working on a bugfix for bzr, and after pulling trunk, branching it locally to work on the bug, and pushing the bugfix branch to launchpad, I was wondering if there was a faster way. ^_^
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
[17:33] * mtaylor is back (gone 10:47:19)
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as mats
=== mats is now known as matsubara
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
[18:48] <andrea-bs> hi there! could somebody tell me when launchpad 2.0 will be released?
=== fta_ is now known as fta
[20:46] <Ashfire908> does launchpad support SOAP?
[21:00] <statik> Ashfire908: launchpad has a couple of minimal xml-rpc interfaces, and work is going on right now on adding APIs all over launchpad
[21:01] <statik> Ashfire908: the new APIs will not be SOAP, but they will be usable from any language, and we will provide a very nice python client library
[21:04] <statik> chongpe: you've already left, but google reads these logs, so I'll answer anyway. yes, you can connect buildbot to a launchpad branch
[21:04] <statik> we provide both email notification and atom feeds of new revisions on a branch, and those can be connected to a buildbot master
[21:05] <statik> in order to trigger the builds
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
[21:07] <statik> korpios: I wish there was a faster way to do bzr branch lp:foo lp:bar without transferring all the data. I call this a feature request for "server side branching", and it's on my wishlist. we've discussed it a bit, but I don't think it has been scheduled yet
[21:10] <Ashfire908> statik: ok, you mean the python libary in the python-launchpad-bugs project on launchpad
[21:10] <statik> Ashfire908: no, that uses screenscraping. We will be releasing a new library when we roll out the new API
[21:11] <Ashfire908> ok
[21:11] <statik> Ashfire908: the one in python-launchpad-bugs was built by people who use launchpad because we didn't offer an API at that time
[21:12] <statik> Ashfire908: if you have specific requests for the API, please do send them on to launchpad-users mailing list
[21:12] <statik> what are you planning to do with the API?
[21:13] <Ashfire908> there's a program that reports bugs and the package for ubuntu reports to the debian bug tracker, and it used SOAP, so i was going to see if i could make a fix for it or something
[21:14] <Ashfire908> when will the new API come out?
[21:14] <korpios> statik: ah, okies; is there a bug already filed?
[21:15] <statik> korpios: I don't think so, you are welcome to file that as a feature request.
[21:15] <statik> korpios: what size repository are you working with?
[21:16] <korpios> statik: it just came up in the past day when I was branching bzr's own repo to fix a bug
[21:16] <statik> Ashfire908: soon, I think, next few months. I don't know the release date but I know people are working on it every day. Actually, the one API that we do already have for a long time is an xml-rpc filebug API
[21:16] * statik looks for the docs on filebug
[21:17] <statik> BjornT: do we have docs on the old xml-rpc filebug API anywhere other than pagetests?
[21:18] <BjornT> statik: yes
[21:18] <BjornT> https://help.launchpad.net/MaloneXMLRPC
[21:19] <statik> BjornT: thanks! my wiki searches on help.lp.n were not finding that, but I thought it was there.
[21:19] <statik> Ashfire908: ^ you can use this right now to file bugs, and it is a lot simpler than SOAP
[21:23] <Ashfire908> ok
[21:25] <Ashfire908> thanks
=== never|mobi is now known as neversfelde|mobi
=== rZr is now known as RzR
=== ubot5 is now known as ubottu
[22:44] <daou> Question about PPAs: is there an accepted way of uploading a package for multiple distros?
[22:45] <daou> At first I tried making a package for feisty, using the following naming "app-version-X" where X is the deb package version. This worked.
[22:47] <daou> Then I tried making 3 different packages, naming them "app-version-distroX", but Launchpad is rejecting the changes (MD5 match), no matter how much I increase the package version
[22:48] <daou> distro being either feisty, gutsy, or hardy
[22:57] <LaserJock> what you want is to use something like <app version>-0ubuntu~gutsy-ppaX
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
[22:58] <daou> Ok thanks, I'll give it a shot. I did try "app-version-0gutsy1~ppaX" before, and that didn't work.
[22:58] <LaserJock> hmm
[22:59] <LaserJock> well there's probably a different problem going on as well
[22:59] <LaserJock> the Md5sum error is probably because you're trying to reupload the .orig.tar.gz file
[22:59] <LaserJock> how are you building the source package?
[23:01] <daou> svn export of source, tar.gz the source, copy tar.gz to orig.tar.gz, add necessary debian/* files, debuild -S, dput
[23:02] <LaserJock> hmm
[23:02] <daou> its all done in a python script i hacked together, it creates the changelog 3 times for each distro and makes the source.changes, diff, dsc files etc
[23:02] <LaserJock> not debuild -S -sa?
[23:03] <LaserJock> you want debuild -S -sa for the first upload of a orig.tar.gz then thereafter just debuild -S
[23:03] <daou> the signature should be fine, it has been working otherwise with -S
[23:04] <daou> but i'll give it a shot
[23:04] <LaserJock> well, you'd want to see the contents of the _source.changes file
[23:04] <LaserJock> and see if the .orig.tar.gz is listed in there
[23:09] <daou> the .changes files do not mention .orig.tar.gz, also, debuild -S -sa doesn't make a .change file. Is this correct?
[23:09] <daou> wait, bug in my script :)
[23:11] <daou> ok, the first now contains an MD5 sum for .orig.tar.gz, the one that used debuild -S -sa
[23:13] <LaserJock> yeah
[23:13] <LaserJock> the -sa tells it to include the .orig.tar.gz when creating .changes
[23:15] <daou> ok it worked now
[23:15] <daou> thanks, LaserJock