UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /28 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <osmosis> 3ware raid controller seems slow on hardy 2.6.24-16-server
[02:06] <timboy2> for some reason php pages aren't being served... When I try to go to my roundcube site I get: you have chosen to open which is a: application/x-httpd-php anyone know why this is happening?
[02:15] <timboy2> figured it out. I had to sudo apt-get purge libapache2-mod-php5 then reinstall it!
[02:29] <cellofellow> hello
[02:29] <cellofellow> would it be safe to upgrade a production server from Gutsy to Hardy?
[02:30] <ScottK> cellofellow: It depends a lot on the specifics of your configuration. I've had no trouble upgrading my servers. Others have. I recommend a test server to try out. This is something that's generally a good thing to have in any case.
[02:30] <cellofellow> It's got Apache, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DNSMasq (very important).
[02:30] <cellofellow> Just a home server.
[02:52] <timboy2> anyone know anything about mod_rewrite? I'm trying to set it up for my mail server... this is my config: http://pastebin.ca/999907
[04:33] <eklof> Hi guys.
[04:34] <eklof> I noticed the update-script warned about trying to upgrade my server using ssh? Anyone had problems?
[04:35] <eklof> I'm not keen on going 200km just for the fun of it.
[04:35] <eklof> :)
[05:02] <ScottK> I've done several via ssh with no problems, but mine are on a different floor in the same building, so the risk level is different.
[05:12] <osmosis> how do I apply my hostname to the prompt after edit /etc/hostname ?
[05:15] <dthacker> osmosis: logout and login again
[05:16] <osmosis> dthacker: i think its a matter of calling init or something
[05:17] <dthacker> osmosis: your prompt is set by reading the hostname when you log in. If you've changed your hostname, logging in (or sourcing your .profile) will re-read the hostname and change your prompt.
[05:19] <osmosis> dthacker: ok
[05:30] <sls> I have hardy installed with likewise, and joined to a domain. How can I make it so that the admins in the domain are able to 'sudo'?
[05:48] <cyris||> Hello everyone. I just started tinkering with AppArmor and I have a profile loaded for samba (enforcing). Does anyone know where AppArmor logs to?
[06:25] <ferfactor> Hi someone here can give me support in Spanish please???
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[08:07] <NineTeen67Comet> Hello, I've got a Hardy powered server here that seems to have difficulty with the transfer of large files (500mb+) in either direction. It simply locks up, no errors (syslog, messages or dmesg) that I can see. Ideas on what I can check out for the failures? (PIII 450, 368mb ram, 1x10gig, 2x320gig headless).
[08:08] <NineTeen67Comet> so far the only way to get it back is powerbutton hold down or reset button.
[08:10] <NineTeen67Comet> The box wont even ping once it's locked up so keeping ssh'ed in with tail running the logs results in nothing ..
[08:22] <a> hey
[08:25] <kraut> moin
[08:32] <a> I cant find any guides on creating a raid 0 after ubuntu server has been installed
[08:47] <lucent> a: it's not automated
[08:48] <lucent> a: I haven't tried it myself yet, but I was looking for a way to do RAID1 last night and found that "Manual Partitioning" should include the means to set this up
[08:51] <a> Well I have ubuntu server installed and working on an old sun server, it was 4 extra disks in it that Id like to set up in raid 0
[08:51] <a> it has*
[08:53] <lucent> 4? don't you want 0+1 or 5?
[08:54] <_ruben> raid0 .. eeewwww
[08:54] <a> nah it wil be for very unimportant data
[08:54] <a> i just want to combine them into one giant disk, but not jbod
[08:57] <lucent> raid5 would be beneficial on read, penalty on write
[08:58] <a> then I only get half the space
[08:59] <lucent> what?
[08:59] <a> as opposed to raid 0
[08:59] <lucent> If I'm not mistaken, then you're confused about raid levels
[09:00] <lucent> four drives at 200mb each, you'd have 600mb accessible
[09:00] <a> ohh I was thinking of something else
[09:00] <lucent> in raid5 configuration it's the size of the smallest drive times the number of drives minus one
[09:01] <a> Ill take raid 5 then
[09:01] <lucent> and unless I'm confused, I thought raid0 was number of drives divided by two
[09:01] <a> so then back to the original question, how do I create a raid 5 array inside of ubuntu server
[09:02] <lucent> using Manual partitioning
[09:02] <lucent> it's one of the installation prompts
[09:02] <lucent> Automatic use entire disk, Guided partitioning using available space, Manual partitioning
[09:02] <a> Well its already installed
[09:02] <lucent> I've done live migrations before
[09:03] <lucent> it's not real easy to explain
[09:03] <a> well I wouldnt be changing the disk that linux is installed on
[09:03] <a> I have 5 disks in it total, the first one is holding ubuntu
[09:03] <a> Id like to raid 5 the remaining 4 disks
[09:04] <lucent> hm
[09:04] <lucent> LVM would be far easier
[09:04] <a> lvm?
[09:04] <lucent> Logical Volume Management, I think
[09:05] <lucent> there's two well known subsystems for grouping storage devices, LVM and md
[09:05] <lucent> md is the oldest and is specifically for implementing raid levels as software
[09:06] <a> http://www.howinthetech.com/quick-and-dirty-linux-software-raid5/
[09:06] <a> I found that
[09:06] <lucent> LVM is relatively new and does some more fancy things like migrations, labelling, and pseudo-raid
[09:06] <a> well keep in mind im pretty much brand new to linux
[09:07] <lucent> ah
[09:07] <lucent> LVM is simple to explain
[09:07] <a> btw thanks very much for helping me
[09:07] <lucent> if you don't like it you could always toast it and go with something else
[09:07] <lucent> it's good to learn about
[09:07] <a> dont like what, lvm or linux?
[09:08] <lucent> Volume Group comprised of several Logical volumes which are made from Physical volumes which are formatted block devices (partitions on a drive)
[09:08] <lucent> so, to make this simple, each of your target drives should have a single partition on the whole disk
[09:09] <lucent> the type I think is 0x8e, I'd have to check
[09:09] <a> well this is kind of where Im stuck
[09:09] <a> a guide tells me this:
[09:09] <a> Type $ cat /proc/diskstats. Mine were detected as /dev/hda and /dev/hdc.
[09:09] <a> To set up a partitition, run fdisk twice, each one for each disk and do the following:
[09:09] <a> $ fdisk /dev/hdX
[09:09] <a> how do I know which disks are which? that command gives me about 15
[09:10] <lucent> err
[09:10] <lucent> it's tough to say an answer
[09:10] <lucent> what makes them different to you?
[09:10] <a> I have no idea
[09:10] <a> theres sda1-4
[09:10] <lucent> 'fdisk -l' may give you a list as root user
[09:10] <a> sdc1-7
[09:11] <lucent> bad as this sounds, I'd be sort of interested to log into your box and peek around :P
[09:11] <a> I was actually about to ask you if youd like to do that, I really am lost here
[09:12] <a> its a really old sun server, finally wiped slow solaris 10 off of it and installed ubuntu server
[09:12] <lucent> it's cool, make sure there's nothing important on it and privmsg me the ssh details
[09:12] <a> nothing on it whatsoever, fresh install since about 15 minutes ago
[09:13] <lucent> will need "apt-get install openssh-server" to get sshd running, and a portforward to 22 tcp from your border
[09:13] <a> oh I know I know, ive already been sshd into it from this pc
[09:13] <a> changing my portforwards now, 22 was forwarded to my other server
[09:18] <lucent> a: whenever you're ready
[09:19] <a> i sent you a pm
[09:19] <lucent> I lost it :(
[09:19] <lucent> a: are you on a registered freenode nickname?
[09:19] <a> nope
[09:19] <lucent> users must have a registered nickname to talk to me
[09:19] <a> oh
[09:19] <a> hold on then
[09:19] <lucent> keeps spam bots out of my pants.
[09:20] <a> hehe
[09:24] <Fohdeesha1> its making me wait 2 minutes before using the register command
[09:28] <Fohdeesha1> stil lnot getting them lucent?
[10:49] <dna_> why isn't there apache2-mod-security in 8.04?:
[12:27] <lllegal> hello, I'm wondering if theres a iscsi target for ubuntu with support for scsi-3 pf (persistent reservation)
[12:27] <lllegal> also which iscsi target is preferred ?
[12:32] <piti> hi. I want to put a mail server (postfix courier) on my server, which provides a website too, and this website should send emails through the php mail() function. Will theses mails be sent without problems ? (for the moment, I only have put the original sendmail, without any other configuration.)
[12:40] <ScottK> Postfix provides sendmail binary that should be compatible. I don't do that, but I expect it should work.
[13:06] <\sh> piti, it works out of the box
[13:06] <\sh> piti, postfix + php works really like a charm...
[13:16] <piti> thanks
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[13:56] <sommer> happy monday
[14:11] <sls> I have hardy installed with likewise, and joined to a domain. How can I make it so that the admins in the domain are able to 'sudo'?
[14:13] <piti> sls: you should just add them to /etc/sudoers, don't you ?
[14:16] <piti> sls: ldap ?
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[14:52] <nealmcb> Ubuntu Open Week starts in 10 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek
[14:53] <ScottK> nealmcb: Isn't it an hour and some minutes?
[14:54] * nealmcb was just about to correct
[14:54] <nealmcb> make that 70 minutes :-)
[14:54] <ScottK> Which is still, rough order of magnitude, 10 minutes.
[14:54] <ScottK> ;-)
[14:55] <nealmcb> off by one? :-)
[14:58] <nealmcb> I wonder if anyone has kept track of the average number of people in #ubuntu-server - seems to be growing nicely over time
[15:03] <ScottK> Since joins and departures are in the logs, with wget and some log parsing you could find out.
[15:05] <sls> piti, yes but how? whats the syntax for adding a group DOMAIN\domain admins?
[15:06] <piti> sls: have you lokked at this package ? >> http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/sudo-ldap
[15:12] <nealmcb> ScottK: true - you could probably get some pretty good data. And the network partitions would help correct for missing events during logging outages that would otherwise spoil the data
[15:13] <gegema> I am trying to upgrade our server from dapper to hardy. I have enabeled the dapper-updates and dapper-proposed repositories for main restricted and universe >> did an aotitude update, upgrade and dist-upgrade , installed update-manager-core and now that I am trying to "do-release-upgrade", I am getting a message that there is no new version of Ubuntu available
[15:13] <gegema> should I paste my sources.lst for someone to have a look at, maybe I am missing an important repo?
[15:14] <piti> gegema: what " cat /etc/lsb-release | grep CODENAME "gives to you ?
[15:15] <gegema> DISTRIB_CODENAME=dapper
[15:15] <ScottK> gegema: It was recommended that Dapper -> Hardy upgraders wait until 8.04.1 next month. Dunno if that's why update manager isn't yet aware of it.
[15:16] <sls> piti, no I have not... I will.
[15:17] <gegema> maybe I still need the -d flag then...was assuming since hardy went live, -d was not necessary
[15:19] <rgl> is there a ubuntu jeos for amd64?
[15:19] <gegema> I had tried the awstats package on a VM hardy install which didn't work with my configuration.. and I wanted to do a dist-upgrade before going ahead and compiling awstats, just in casew
[15:19] <gegema> case**
[15:20] <nealmcb> ScottK: where did you see that recommendation?
[15:20] <ScottK> IIRC it was in the release announcement.
[15:20] <nealmcb> rgl: yes
[15:21] <rgl> nealmcb, where should I get the iso?
[15:21] <nealmcb> oops - maybe not...
[15:22] <nealmcb> spoke too soon - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/jeos/releases/8.04/release/
[15:22] <rgl> yeah, I only found the i386 there :D
[15:22] <nealmcb> but you can use ubuntu-vm-builder to build your own custom image in a few minutes
[15:23] <rgl> nealmcb, neat. thx :)
[15:23] <nealmcb> there is a bug with setting locales that you can check out
[15:23] <nealmcb> you just have to set one up yourself right now
[15:24] <nealmcb> rgl: yeah - ubuntu-vm-builder is sweet
[15:24] <nealmcb> if still a bit rough around the edges
[15:25] <ScottK> gegema: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading#head-e059d5452a24b50d09c64df48058ef2d834eb197-2 suggests do-release-upgrade -d. Did you try with the -d option?
[15:40] <ScottK> sommer: This thread: http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/postfix/2008-04/1343.html has some discussion on Debian (and Ubuntu) specific cyrus-sasl setup stuff. It might be worth looking to see if this is correctly documented for Ubuntu.
[15:42] <sommer> ScottK: cool, I'll check it out
[15:42] <ScottK> Thanks.
[16:30] <_ruben> hmm .. trying to figure out how syslogd-listfiles determins if a logfile is to be rotated daily or weekly ..
[16:30] <sommer> _ruben: look into logrotate
[16:30] <sommer> _ruben: specifically the scripts in /etc/logrotate.d
[16:31] <_ruben> logrotate is what im used to .. but syslog comes with its own mechanism .. then again, i might just trash those and go with logrotate as im used to using that :)
[16:32] <sommer> ah, sure either way... heh
[16:33] <_ruben> syslogd-listfiles is nice because you dont need to keep track of which files to rotate .. downside is: no per logfile 'rules' ;)
[16:33] <_ruben> ah well .. time for dinner and do some thinking in the background
[16:37] <_ruben> if only my ears hadnt tricked me into thinking girlfriend was home already .. back to work for a bit then :p
[17:10] <blueyed> Is there any reason why the "root" account does not get created when installing mysql-server?
[17:13] <blueyed> Only "debian-sys-maint" is in mysql.user (when started with --skip-grant-tables)
[18:07] * delcoyote hi
[19:08] <mathiaz> dendrobates: do you know symas Openldap directory ?
[19:08] <dendrobates> mathiaz: nope. is it a commercial ldap?
[19:09] <mathiaz> dendrobates: don't know - I was just reading a blog post about using mysql ndb cluster engine as an openldap backend
[19:09] <dendrobates> mathiaz: oh, nevermind, I think this is where most of the openldap developers work.
[19:10] <dendrobates> howard chu works there and is coming ot uds.
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[19:19] <zul> ach launchpad is painful today
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[19:36] <ScottK> Even more than usual.
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[19:58] <_CitizenKane__> hi everyone, i've been looking into network monitoring software (nagios, zenoss, etc.) and I was wondering if anyone knew of a website that had a good comparison or had a personal preference?
[19:59] <_CitizenKane__> I did some googling but I turned up empty handed
[20:00] <sommer> I'm a nagios fan :)
[20:00] <sommer> if nagios was peanut butter I'd put it on a sandwhich and eat it with jelly
[20:02] <_CitizenKane__> sommer: be playing with nagios, not exactly in love with configuration but it seems to be pretty solid
[20:03] <_CitizenKane__> gah, been playing with nagios, i really need to get more sleep
[20:05] <erimar77> look into opennms, that's pretty nice too
[20:05] <erimar77> and self discovering
[20:15] <giovani> _CitizenKane__: nagios is the standard, takes some getting used to, but is the most scalable of any free monitoring software I've seen
[20:16] <bamed> OpenNMS is designed more for Enterprise-level infrastructures than nagios is
[20:17] <_CitizenKane__> well, not for a huge network, mostly just need something that has good notifications when things go down, or when certain conditions, like hard drive space running out occur
[20:18] <bamed> either one should do that
[20:19] <giovani> and smaller ones will too
[20:19] <giovani> if it's really not a large network, and you need something up quick ... jffnms meets your requirements
[20:25] <_CitizenKane__> alright, i'll look into everything, thanks for the help everyone
[20:52] <stiv2k> Apparently you do not have both the openssl binary and openssl development libraries installed.
[20:52] <stiv2k> what packages are these named ?
[20:52] <stiv2k> openssl and openssl-dev or something?
[20:58] <giovani> yes
[20:58] <giovani> apt-cache search is your friend
[20:59] <giovani> libssl0.9.8 and libssl-dev
[20:59] <giovani> or use openssl
[21:00] <giovani> if you want all the tools, etc
[21:44] <Vlet> Anyone know if 7.04 supports 'multiplying' esata controllers at all?
[21:55] <rpop> Could someone help me configure virtual hosts on Apache? It's not intuitive for me.
[22:01] <rpop> Is there someone here who can help me figure out how to configure Apache virtual hosts on Ubuntu 7?
[22:01] <seanh> rpop: there are quite a few good articles on that on the net
[22:01] <seanh> http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Apache/Configuring-and-Using-Virtual-Hosts-in-Apache/
[22:01] <seanh> what are you getting hung up on?
[22:01] <seanh> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/vhosts/name-based.html
[22:02] <seanh> or for apache2, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/name-based.html
[22:02] <rpop> I've been checking several articles (it's Apache 2.0), and I'm getting hung up because when I restart Apache, it tells me VirtualHost overlaps with some other VirtualHost
[22:03] <rpop> After I installed Apache, httpd.conf was blank, but I understand it needs to have a config in there. The Ubuntu docs say nothing about that file though.
[22:03] <rpop> They tell me to edit the config in /etc/apache2/sites-available
[22:04] <rpop> So I set up an additional host, edited its config file, put includes in the http.conf file, and yet I still can't restart apache properly.
[22:04] <rpop> I'm new to Apache configs, and I can't seem to find definitive documentation.
[22:05] <rpop> I need something I can use with two virtual hosts, the default one, and an additional one.
[22:05] <faulkes-> http.conf is deprecated, well, to a point for apache2, you do wnat sites-available but you need to enable those sites once created using en2site
[22:05] <faulkes-> which will create symlinks to sites-enabled
[22:05] <rpop> see, it's confusing, because I haven't seen anywhere in the docs that httpd.conf is deprecated. so frustrating...
[22:06] <rpop> do I even need the includes in httpd.conf?
[22:06] <rpop> should it just be blank?
[22:06] <Mimi> rpop: Read the topic, there's so much documentation there https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/ oh and ofcourse http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/
[22:07] <rpop> I've been going through the Apache.org documentation. It's confusing to me, honestly.
[22:07] <rpop> I'm used to IIS, where I have a nice, intuitive GUI. I have to set up a site in Apache, and I've already wasted a few days trying to sort through confusing documentation.
[22:09] <Mimi> Security and freedom isn't easy :D
[22:09] * Mimi winks.
[22:09] <rpop> Well, I wish it were, for the sake of those of us who aren't used to Terminal and obscure Linux commands and config files.
[22:09] <blue-frog__> rpop: apt-get install apache2 copy your site to /var/www is difficult?
[22:10] <rpop> I'm trying to configure a separate site, not use the default one.
[22:10] <rpop> I want to learn how to do that properly, not just blindly use what's there.
[22:10] <faulkes-> it's a little more than just a cp depending on his setup
[22:10] <faulkes-> especially if he's coming from IIS
[22:11] <faulkes-> and he is here asking questions
[22:11] <faulkes-> so, lets do our best
[22:11] <rpop> what I want to do is to set up a wordpress site. you wouldn't happen to know of a GUI for Apache/MySQL/PHP for Ubuntu?
[22:11] <rpop> I've already installed all three.
[22:12] <rpop> Now I need to configure the site.
[22:12] <rpop> Then make sure PHP can run on that site.
[22:12] <rpop> Then I think I can take it from there, because I've used WordPress and MySQL already.
[22:14] <ScottK> rpop: Hang in there. The transition is painful, but at the end of it you will understand what your system is doing and be able to control it much better.
[22:16] <rpop> I'll try, but in the meantime, you wouldn't happen to know what this means? "[warn] VirtualHost overlaps with VirtualHost, the first has precedence, perhaps you need a NameVirtualHost directive"
[22:16] <rpop> I tried the NameVirtualHost directives, and I got errors with that as well.
[22:16] <rpop> What gives?
[22:17] <ScottK> Sorry. I know about mail servers, not web servers.
[22:19] <Nafallo> :-)
[22:19] <faulkes-> rpop: you have two choices, which would be named virtual hosts, or ip based virtual hosts
[22:20] <rpop> Right.
[22:20] <faulkes-> :0 typically indicates a port #
[22:20] <Nafallo> I don't use virtual interfaces so... :-)
[22:20] <Nafallo> ah.
[22:20] <Nafallo> dooh
[22:20] <faulkes-> so
[22:20] <rpop> I'm naming each site by IP
[22:20] <Nafallo> I read bad today :-D
[22:21] <faulkes-> rpop: those ip's do not appear to be globally routed
[22:21] <Nafallo> rpop: what ports are you trying to listen on?
[22:21] <faulkes-> i.e. 1918 space
[22:21] <rpop> Not naming ports, so it's listening on all, not just 80. Should I name them?
[22:21] <rpop> faulkes-, not understanding that.
[22:22] <rpop> I edited the hosts file to map IP addresses to host names.
[22:22] <rpop> Is that what you mean?
[22:22] <Nafallo> rpop: /etc/apache2/ports.conf
[22:22] <rpop> Okay, that lists 80 and 443
[22:22] <Nafallo> rpop: also, you should have ip:port in your virtual host's conffiles :-)
[22:22] <faulkes-> rpop: that is entirely different, 172.16 is rfc 1918 space, it is not globally routed, so I'm assuming this is on your local lan
[22:23] <rpop> faulkes-, right, it is.
[22:23] <Nafallo> rpop: i.e. for the first virtual host something like this:
[22:23] <faulkes-> there are several things which must occur
[22:23] <Nafallo> NameVirtualHost *:80
[22:23] <Nafallo> <VirtualHost *:80>
[22:23] <rpop> i have two conf files under sites-available: default and blogs
[22:23] <faulkes-> 1. you must have virtual interfaces setup, i.e. eth0:1 = 172.16.x.x, eth0:1 = 172.16.x.y, etc. etc.
[22:24] <rpop> I do
[22:24] <Nafallo> faulkes-: that's not how I do it :-)
[22:24] <Nafallo> faulkes-: I have multiple IPs per interface instead.
[22:24] <rpop> I have two IPs for eth0 interface.
[22:24] <faulkes-> 2. you must setup individual config files for each site, each site should like the IP and only the IP - ignore dns / host resolution and only deal with ip's
[22:25] <rpop> And each of them is mapped to a host name in the host file.
[22:25] <rpop> okay, i'll remove host names from site configs.
[22:25] <faulkes-> hosts file on the client, or server?
[22:25] <rpop> i'll do it right now.
[22:25] <rpop> hosts file on server.
[22:25] <rpop> on the ubuntu machine where i have apache installed.
[22:25] <faulkes-> wait, what?
[22:25] <rpop> ?
[22:26] <faulkes-> the server is ubuntu, which is where the /etc/hosts file is
[22:26] <rpop> right, that's the file I edited to map the two IP addresses to the host name
[22:27] <rpop> Here's what I said there:
[22:27] <rpop> lamp.domain.com lamp
[22:27] <rpop> blogs.domain.com blogs
[22:27] <rpop> is that wrong?
[22:27] <rpop> domain being our domain, of course.
[22:28] <rpop> Okay, just replaced host names in site configs with IP addresses.
[22:29] <rpop> But when I restart Apache, I still get the error about VirtualHost overlapping.
[22:31] <faulkes-> well, I will be back in about 45 minutes, I have to head home
[22:32] <rpop> i'll probably still be here, banging my head against my desk...
[22:32] <seanh> i can help you with that rpop, just give me a moment to finish a few other things
[22:34] <rpop> Thank you!
[22:34] <seanh> can you send me your httpd and site config files
[22:34] <seanh> via paste bin or something
[22:34] <seanh> http://pastebin.com/
[22:34] <seanh> and the last error you got when you tried to restart apache
[22:38] <rpop> okay, will do
[22:42] <rpop> Almost done pasting all the stuff, just a sec
[22:44] <rpop> seanh, here it is: http://pastebin.com/d6eb19fad
[22:50] <seanh> can you put port numbers after you ip addresses
[22:52] <rpop> Will do and restart Apache, then let you know what happens
[22:53] <seanh> can you also send the output from httpd -s
[22:53] <seanh> you may have to give it the full dir
[22:53] <rpop> what's the full directory?
[22:54] <seanh> /usr/local/apache2/bin/
[22:54] <rpop> still getting same error on apache restart
[22:54] <seanh> not sure where it is on your machine, i don't have an ubuntu system up right infront of me right now to check
[22:54] <rpop> no such file or directory
[22:55] <rpop> I have /etc/apache2/
[22:55] <rpop> and /var/www
[22:55] <seanh> that's config files only
[22:55] <seanh> "locate httpd"
[22:55] <rpop> just got a boatload of locations
[22:56] <rpop> most of them in /usr/share/doc
[22:56] <rpop> one in /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
[22:57] <seanh> hold on, let me look up where it's kept
[23:00] <blue-frog__> seanh: there is no httpd, only apache2
[23:01] <seanh> is that what ubuntu installs it under?
[23:01] <seanh> i have trouble remember all this stuff, everybody does it there own way :-p
[23:03] <seanh> ok
[23:04] <seanh> rpop: apache2 -S should work
[23:04] <seanh> it looks like it's in /usr/sbin/apache2
[23:04] <rpop> okay, it works
[23:05] <rpop> gives me the same virtualhost overlapping error, then lists the two virtual hosts. says syntax is OK.
[23:07] <seanh> is the error any more infomative?
[23:08] <rpop> no, same exact wording. hold on, I think there's a way to update the pastebin posting. i'll let you see it.
[23:09] <seanh> in reading though the config docs, i'm not sure you can do "servername #.#.#.ip"
[23:10] <seanh> i think it needs to be a domain
[23:10] <seanh> i'm still looking at that
[23:10] <rpop> okay, here's the new link, and the output is at the top: http://pastebin.com/d3015eab8
[23:11] <rpop> faulkes- said to stick to ip addresses and to take out the domain names, that's why I did that.
[23:13] <seanh> Syntax: ServerName fully-qualified-domain-name[:port]
[23:14] <seanh> that's off of the apache webpage
[23:14] <rpop> okay, I'll switch it back
[23:15] <rpop> but I'm still getting the virtualHost overlap error.
[23:22] <seanh> out of curiosity, what happens if you put something like "namevirtualhost *" in the httpd.conf?
[23:23] <seanh> (i'm trying to replicate your setup on a machine)
[23:24] <rpop> i get the following additional error: NameVirtualHost *:0 has no VirtualHosts
[23:25] <rpop> This is the sort of thing that makes it so confusing. According to the documentation, it should be straightforward, but it isn't. I haven't touched any other config files, and yet it's still not working properly.
[23:25] <seanh> meh, it's one of those things that is very specific about syntax, so one little thing throws it off
[23:28] <rpop> i'm going to reboot the machine, just in case.
[23:28] <rpop> i'm using irc on a different machine, so i'll remain online here
[23:29] <lllegal> <lllegal> hello, I'm wondering if theres a iscsi target for ubuntu with support for scsi-3 pf (persistent reservation)
[23:29] <lllegal> <lllegal> also which iscsi target is preferred ?
[23:29] <lllegal> anyone ?
[23:30] <rpop> another thing I just noticed is that the VM where Ubuntu is running has been using 100% CPU all along.
[23:30] <rpop> ugh. as if i didn't have enough problems.
[23:32] <seanh> lllegal: i'm not sure, i haven't messed with it inside ubuntu, only in esx
[23:32] <seanh> rpop: what's using the cpu?
[23:32] <seanh> rpop: "top"
[23:32] <rpop> have no clue
[23:32] <rpop> restarted it, will see if it still occurs afterwards. don't know where to look for something like Task Manager in Ubuntu.
[23:34] <seanh> top
[23:35] <seanh> or ps
[23:35] <rpop> you mean i should type that in terminal?
[23:37] <rpop> typed it, and also monitoring VM's cpu graph externally
[23:37] <rpop> right now, it's definitely nowhere near 100%, like it was before.
[23:37] <rpop> it's more like 100-300 MHz
[23:38] <seanh> ps aux | sort -n +2 | tail -1
[23:38] <seanh> should give you the top cpu user
[23:38] <rpop> it's root
[23:38] <rpop> at 2.3%
[23:38] <rpop> wish i'd ran that command before restarting...
[23:38] <seanh> what process though?
[23:39] <seanh> to thr right of the date should be the process that's running
[23:39] <rpop> Xorg (remote desktop?)
[23:39] <seanh> X
[23:39] <seanh> the gui
[23:39] <rpop> i'm using TightVNC to get to it
[23:39] <rpop> oh
[23:39] <rpop> okay
[23:40] <rpop> well, CPU is back to normal now.
[23:40] <seanh> i can not for the life of me get my machine to give me the same error you're getting :-p
[23:40] <rpop> any more ideas about Apache?
[23:40] <rpop> bummer
[23:40] <rpop> what should i do? can I start over with Apache?
[23:40] <rpop> what should I do to "reset to factory settings"? :-)
[23:42] <seanh> you added the namevirtualhost setting right?
[23:42] <seanh> what does it say right now?
[23:42] <rpop> same error
[23:43] <rpop> [warn] VirtualHost overlaps with VirtualHost, the first has precedence, perhaps you need a NameVirtualHost directive
[23:43] <rpop> and...
[23:43] <rpop> [warn] NameVirtualHost *:0 has no VirtualHosts
[23:43] <timboy> apache was working for me fine and I got rid of some ssl stuff now i'm having an apache issue: all I see is a white page with Index of / then below that I see Name Last Modified Size Description and nothing under there even though there are things in that directory. how do i track this down?
[23:44] <timboy> rpop, open up your /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and put this line in it: NameVirtualHost your ip address:80
[23:44] <seanh> rpop: no, i meant what's the config set to
[23:44] <seanh> namevirtualserver something
[23:44] <seanh> i was going to say *:80
[23:44] <rpop> well, you said to put in NameVirtualServer *, and that's what I did.
[23:44] <seanh> but, sure
[23:45] <rpop> i mean NameVirtualHost *
[23:45] <rpop> That's what it has right now
[23:45] <rpop> (the httpd.conf file)
[23:46] <timboy> rpop, try putting your ip address after NameVirtualHost followed by :80
[23:47] <rpop> Okay, now I have two entries there, one for each IP address
[23:47] <rpop> Saving file, rebooting apache
[23:48] <rpop> Now getting fewer errors, but still same annoying error message: "[warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts". I get this error message twice and that's it.
[23:48] <timboy> you only need it for ip's that you'll be doing name based virtual hosting. not for the ones that are ip based. IE if you have a page that has it's own ip address you do it a different way
[23:48] <timboy> rpop, that means that you don't have any virtual hosts set to
[23:48] <timboy> create one and you won't get that
[23:48] <rpop> I thought I did. I created them in the hosts file. Do I have to name them somewhere else?
[23:49] <timboy> shouldn't. did you set them to port 80?
[23:49] <rpop> I specified the IP addresses in the site config files as well, and set them to port 80
[23:50] <timboy> i just went through that myself. I started creating individual files for each site...
[23:51] <rpop> so where do I specify the virtual hosts, if not in the site configs and in the hosts file? is there another place?