UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /28 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[06:23] <dholbach> good morning
[07:59] <dholbach> hey mvo
[08:21] <mvo> hey dholbach!
[08:23] <dholbach> hiya seb128
[08:23] <seb128> hello dholbach
[08:29] <mvo> sey seb128
[08:30] <seb128> hey mvo!
[08:33] <seb128> doh, lot of bug activity since hardy
[08:47] <mvo> yeah, my bug mailbox is not fun
[08:47] <Hobbsee> mvo: introduce a data loss bug.
[08:49] <mvo> heh :) they won't let me close to LP (I tihnk I now know why)
[08:50] <Hobbsee> mvo: i'm sure you could bribe smoeone.
[08:50] <Hobbsee> mvo: or do a mass status change, or something
[08:55] <slomo_> mvo: hi :) is there some magic commandline switch to let update-manager update from feisty to hardy directly? i can't update to gutsy before because it doesn't boot on that machine because of a broken device driver... and i want to prevent apt-get dist-upgrade because iirc update-manager has special things for resolving common conflicts
[08:59] <mvo> slomo_: you can only do it with manual hacking, easiest it probably to change /etc/lsb-release to dapper and use the update-manager-core from dapper to run the upgrade then (but this is not official advice ;)
[09:00] <slomo_> mvo: ok, so the best is probably manual dist-upgrade? :)
[09:02] <mvo> slomo_: if you do that, run apt-get install dpkg apt first, before the dist-upgrade so that the triggers code is available (needs new apt/dpkg)
[09:29] <mvo> seb128: do you think the scrollkeeper bug might be releated to a invalid xml ? bug #222459 (and probably others) show invalid xml for the blackjack el translations in gnome-games
[09:29] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 222459 in pkgsel "xml parser error during upgrade to 8.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/222459
[09:30] <seb128> mvo: I doubt of it, this one is a duplicate btw
[09:30] <mvo> seb128: I would like to milestone the xml error (if that hasn't been done already)
[09:30] <mvo> seb128: do you remember the bugnumber of hand so that I can dup it?
[09:30] <seb128> mvo: I played on the idea saturday and corrupted some of the scrollkeeper files since some of the logs had xml errors but no error in valgrind still, and some of crash log have no invalid xml errors
[09:31] * mvo nods
[09:31] <mvo> ok, thanks for checking that
[09:31] <seb128> mvo: I'm wondering why people focus on this translation error, we got a surprising number of bugs and comment, that's only command line noise
[09:31] <seb128> mvo: bug #216789
[09:31] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 216789 in gnome-games "Broken "el" translation of help file" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/216789
[09:33] <seb128> gicmo!
[09:33] <huats> morning everyone !
[09:33] <huats> seb128: hey you
[09:33] <huats> :)
[09:33] <seb128> lut huats
[09:34] <huats> I hope you haven't miss me a lot, I was on holidays till tis morning :)
[09:36] <gicmo> seb128: hey hey
[09:36] <seb128> bah
[09:36] <seb128> I got 922 bug mails in bugsbox during the weekend
[09:37] <seb128> and that's only desktop components I'm subscribed to
[09:37] <huats> seb128: oh :(
[09:38] <huats> i am just exploring my emails right now (after a 2 weeks break...) and it is true that I see a lot with your name on it...
[09:38] <huats> (I mean in the bugbix...)
[09:38] <huats> (bugbox)
[09:51] <mvo> hrm, so far it looks like a lot of the failure reports are due to the scrollkeeper bug, a really nasty one it seems :(
[09:55] <seb128> mvo: rebuild in nostrip mode and start running under valgrind too
[09:55] <seb128> mvo: maybe one of us will success to get an error log
[09:56] <mvo> yeah, I will do that after I finished my triage of the u-m reports that came in over the weekend
[10:07] <seb128> brb
[10:30] <seb128> pitti: the gnome-panel locations come from libgweather so bugs about incorrect datas should be reassigned there
[10:31] <pitti> seb128: aah, thanks; will do that in the future
[10:41] <Ng> seb128: have you come acros any reports of crashing (possibly machine crashing?!) wrt the clock applet?
[10:42] <Ng> mbonnefon is saying such a thing happens. I'm just sorting out something else from her upgrade and then I'll see if I can persuade her to let me crash it ;)
[10:43] <seb128> Ng: crashing in which sense?
[10:43] <seb128> Ng: we have quite some bugs about the gnome-panel freezing when opening the applet, those seems to be due either to google calendar use or evolution-data-server crashes
[10:44] <seb128> Ng: not easy to get useful reply from submitter though :-(
[10:44] <Ng> seb128: interesting, that sounds more plausible than the machine crashing
[10:44] <Ng> when I'm done rsyncing her ~ I'll persuade her to let me try it and try to get you some useful info :)
[10:44] <seb128> Ng: the gnome-panel stop working, so no way to open the menus, etc but alt-tab, switching desktop using the keyboard etc should still be working
[10:45] <Ng> I can see how she'd interpret that as "crashes my computer" :)
[10:45] <seb128> Ng: bug #204775
[10:45] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 204775 in gnome-panel "hardy final, selecting gnome panel intlclock causes top bar and many other things to not respond" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204775
[10:47] <Ng> ta
[10:49] <seb128> Ng: I tried to get extra infos less than one hour ago and filed http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=530323 about some e-d-s errors
[10:50] <ubotu> Gnome bug 530323 in Contacts "valgrind invalid read and write errors" [Critical,Unconfirmed]
[10:55] <Ng> seb128: can't reproduce it, it's working fine now :(
[10:58] <seb128> Ng: right, I got the issue once on a new hardy installation here and I've difficulties to trigger it again too
[10:58] <Ng> :/
[10:58] <seb128> but I think I got the error in valgrind, so I just need to work with upstream on a fix and get that to hardy-proposed and see if that makes things better for people have the bug
[10:59] <seb128> trying again
[10:59] <seb128> brb
[11:41] <seb128> re
[11:48] * Amaranth looks around
[11:49] <Amaranth> seb128: About the panel locking up, if it started to pop up the menu then locked up wouldn't it prevent your mouse from working too
[11:49] <Amaranth> Since it had a grab on it
[11:50] <Amaranth> keyboard too, i think
[11:50] <seb128> I guess it could but I'm not sure why it should
[11:50] <seb128> that doesn't grab the pointer
[11:50] <Amaranth> a popup menu does
[11:50] <Amaranth> oh, but that menu isn't a popup menu
[11:51] <Amaranth> it's just a widget that appears
[11:51] <seb128> right
[11:51] <Amaranth> well, i suppose the compiz animation plugin could be dying right then and making compiz lock up, then the machine will look dead :)
[11:53] * Ng h9 grabbing
[12:54] <DShepherd> http://contentconsumer.wordpress.com/2008/04/27/is-ubuntu-useable-enough-for-my-girlfriend -- interesting read about the usability of the ubuntu desktop
[13:00] <xhaker> seb128: I can't get the thing to crash when i run e-d-s on valgrind
[13:02] <xhaker> seb128: any idea?
[13:03] <seb128> xhaker: the valgrind log might have "Invalid read, write" errors in case where there is no crash too
[13:03] <seb128> xhaker: incorrect memory use don't always crash but valgrind might log an error anyway
[13:03] <seb128> otherwise it might be a race issue
[13:03] <xhaker> do you want a long run log or starting, and clicking the applet should show something?
[13:04] <seb128> whatever you usually do to get the crash
[13:04] <seb128> you can run valgrind without giving it a log filename
[13:04] <seb128> in which case it'll print errors on the standard command line
[13:05] <seb128> also no need to use --leak-check=full in this case
[13:05] <seb128> that will only create noise
[13:06] <xhaker> funny.. the calendar takes some time to show, but eventually does under valgrind
[13:07] <xhaker> the first time only
[13:08] <xhaker> i dont see any invalid read, write
[13:08] <xhaker> it might be a race then.. i'm not sure but i think sometimes e-d-s doesn't start on login
[13:10] <xhaker> it does eventually start when i click the applet
[13:10] <xhaker> so maybe.. it just crashes when it does get started on login..
[13:10] <seb128> xhaker: do you get the crash every time usually?
[13:10] <seb128> xhaker: can you copy the log on http://paste.ubuntu.com?
[13:11] <xhaker> not everytime.. but always only after a reboot
[13:11] <xhaker> login out/in doesn't seem to do it
[13:11] <seb128> ok
[13:11] <seb128> and doing evolution --force-shutdown and trying again doesn't make a difference?
[13:12] <xhaker> http://paste.ubuntu.com/8494/
[13:12] <xhaker> seb128: doesn't seem to.. but i can try a few times
[13:12] <seb128> no error there
[13:12] <seb128> ok, so what you can do is
[13:12] <xhaker> should e-d-s be started on login?
[13:13] <seb128> sudo cp evolution-data-server evolution-data-server.ubuntu
[13:13] <seb128> sudo gedit evolution-data-server
[13:13] <seb128> #!/bin/sh
[13:13] <seb128> valgrind command
[13:13] <xhaker> ooh yeah
[13:13] <seb128> sudo chmod +x evolution-data-server
[13:13] <seb128> and use a path for the log, ie /tmp/valgrind.log
[13:13] <seb128> so you know where to find it
[13:14] <seb128> otherwise if that's a race same thing but no valgrind
[13:14] <seb128> still set G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly
[13:14] <seb128> that might give a better stacktrace
[13:14] <xhaker> good idea--
[13:15] <xhaker> let me try that
[13:21] <mpt> DShepherd, that's really cool
[13:22] <DShepherd> mpt, the article?
[13:22] <mpt> yeah
[13:22] <mpt> (I just came across it independently, then looked in here to see if anyone had mentioned it:-)
[13:22] <DShepherd> mpt, yeah i think ubuntu can take a few hints from this.
[13:23] <DShepherd> :-)
[13:29] <andreasn> DShepherd: url?
[13:30] <DShepherd> http://contentconsumer.wordpress.com/2008/04/27/is-ubuntu-useable-enough-for-my-girlfriend
[13:31] <seb128> there is some weird tasks there
[13:33] <xhaker> seb128: if this is a race how can i debug? you said same thing without valgrind?
[13:33] <DShepherd> seb128, the fouth task is weird
[13:33] <seb128> xhaker: use the wrapper to run G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly evolution-data-server
[13:33] <seb128> xhaker: then attach gdb and get a stacktrace the normal way
[13:34] <seb128> xhaker: that should show the invalid free maybe, the stacktrace using the allocator might be harder to read
[14:03] <xhaker> seb128: i can't make it crash with G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly
[14:04] <seb128> ok, all that is weird
[14:04] <xhaker> seems to be the only variable since yesterday
[14:04] <seb128> is it still crashing in normal run?
[14:04] <xhaker> seb128: it should.. or maybe todays date is not problematic, haha
[14:05] <xhaker> i'd have to try again.
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[14:31] <mvo> is there a way to bring up the logout dialog in gnome by running some command/script?
[14:36] <mvo> seb128: is there a way to bring up the logout dialog in gnome by running some command/script?
[14:39] <seb128> mvo: gnome-session-save --kill I think
[14:40] <seb128> brb, trying another change
[14:48] <seb128> xhaker: still around?
[14:48] <xhaker> seb128: yes
[14:49] <seb128> xhaker: do you have a stock evolution config?
[14:49] <xhaker> without the G_* env vars i can crash it now
[14:49] <seb128> or do you have adressbooks, etc configured?
[14:49] <xhaker> i don't have anything configured in evo
[14:49] <seb128> xhaker: what arch do you use?
[14:50] <xhaker> i'm Flávio Martins in launchpad
[14:50] <xhaker> so.. x86
[14:50] <seb128> I know, I just didn't note who was using what arch exactly
[14:50] <seb128> ok, I'll build you a test package
[14:50] <seb128> I got an error in valgrind and spotted and obvious issue, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=110039&action=view
[14:51] <seb128> same list freed twice there
[14:51] <xhaker> yeah, the first one is really in a strange place
[14:51] <xhaker> not even idented the same
[15:15] <seb128> xhaker: http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/evolution-data-server_2.22.1-0ubuntu2_i386.deb
[15:15] <seb128> xhaker: try installing this one and see if that fixes your issue
[15:17] <xhaker> seb128: any reason for that package to depend on libdb4.4?
[15:18] <seb128> xhaker: because that's the version I have on my laptop and I built it there
[15:18] <seb128> xhaker: I can rebuild using libdb4.6 if you want
[15:19] <xhaker> no.. don't bother
[15:19] <seb128> xhaker: that's just to do a quick testing, I'll upload the change as a stable update anyway, so if you want install this one and then come back to the hardy version and remove libdb4.4 again
[15:25] <xhaker> seb128: you might have fixed it
[15:26] <xhaker> 2 reboots.. no crash
[15:26] <xhaker> will continue using this version, and see if i can make it crash
[15:26] <seb128> xhaker: good, I've uploaded as a sru, it needs to be approved now but should be in hardy-proposed is not too long
[15:27] <seb128> xhaker: ok, thanks for the testing and the help tracking the issue ;-)
[15:27] <xhaker> i don't have proposed enabled yet.. good time to do it
[15:30] <xhaker> seb128: thanks for fixing it :) fingers crossed
[18:04] <xhaker> seb128: you there. i think i've found another bug in clock-applet
[18:04] <xhaker> seb128: it might solve it for amd64 users now
[18:05] <xhaker> it's in gnome-panel 2.21.3
[18:06] <xhaker> rather
[18:06] <xhaker> http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/gnome-panel/trunk/applets/clock/ChangeLog?view=markup&pathrev=11083
[18:06] <xhaker> the last change before release :D
[18:21] <seb128> xhaker: we have this patch already, I backported it before hardy
[18:21] <seb128> xhaker: if you are speaking about the gsize against unsigned int issue
[18:22] * xhaker checks changelog again
[18:22] <xhaker> it's the very last change. it seems i'm blind
[18:25] <xhaker> guess it's wait and see.. i might even install amd64 to test it.. x86 or x86_64 runs in this laptop
[18:26] <seb128> xhaker: what issue do you have?
[18:27] <xhaker> i'm still talking about the clock applet bug.
[18:28] <seb128> xhaker: do you still get it with the patched e-d-s?
[18:30] <xhaker> nope. but did you read the latest comments?
[18:30] <xhaker> they probably are affected by something else
[18:30] <xhaker> they're reporting they are not able to crash the applet *today*
[18:30] <xhaker> what is special about today?
[18:31] <xhaker> :D
[18:31] <seb128> xhaker: they might have added a contact in evolution since
[18:32] <seb128> xhaker: the bug only trigger when you have 0 contacts in evolution, this code path is the fallback case there
[18:33] <xhaker> ic, ok
[18:33] <seb128> xhaker: also memory corruption leads to random crash, the access might lead to a crash or not depending
[18:33] <seb128> I get this crasher every 15 tries or something on a stock amd64 install
[18:34] <xhaker> seb128: you don't have any contacts in evo?
[18:35] <seb128> I got the bug once and that was when playing with hardy candidate cds
[18:35] <seb128> and I didn't run evolution yet on this test account
[18:35] <seb128> I never got the issues on my desktop and laptop, that might explain why
[18:36] <xhaker> indeed :)
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
[18:37] <seb128> and I guess that explain why upstream didn't run into it
[18:37] <seb128> all the evolution hackers are likely evolution users and have contacts configured ;-)
=== fta_ is now known as fta
[18:51] <lifesf> Hi; was wondering if anyone could help me on this issue: i have problems with my graphics hardy fresh install; hp pavilion a1654n NVIDIA GeForce LE; monitor proview widescreen
[18:52] <seb128> try #ubuntu
[18:52] <lifesf> alright... Thanks
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[21:25] <ElMo2dab> heloo
[21:26] <ElMo2dab> can i ask for some details here... other chats are busy... i just installed ubuntu like 2 hours ago and i dont know a lot of what i c
[21:26] <seb128> you should better try #ubuntu
[21:26] <ElMo2dab> how do i change the mount point of a partition
[21:27] <seb128> or http://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu
[21:27] <ElMo2dab> oh thanks
[22:19] <xtobbex> hi how can i remove the little arrow thar appers on a linked folder?