UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /28 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <mohbana> any ideas? i am going my uni project and i am loosing text for my thesis everytime it logouts
[00:05] <ogra> did you install any non standard X server ?
[00:05] <secretlondon> randomly logged out = x server crash
[00:05] <mohbana> no i using the default
[00:05] <mohbana> i got compiz running if that helps
[00:06] <secretlondon> try without compiz
[00:07] <mohbana> has anyone else reported this?
[00:07] <mohbana> i honestly think firefox is crashing it
[00:08] <pochu> are you using the propietary nvidia drivers?
[00:08] <mohbana> pochu: yes i am
[00:08] <ogra> aha
[00:08] <secretlondon> x crashes are connected to things like your graphics driver, whether you have any addins in compiz etc
[00:09] <mohbana> how about flash?
[00:09] <ogra> right, disable desktop effects as first step ... if that doesnt hep check if diabling the proprietary driver makes the crashes go away
[00:09] <ogra> s/hep/help/
[00:09] <pochu> mohbana: could it be bug 212648? there are steps in the description to reproduce it
[00:09] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 212648 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[nvidia-new] a visit to http://www.themareks.com/xf/ in firefox hardy causes X to restart" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/212648
[00:10] <mohbana> mine was crashing on ubuntu guide
[00:10] <mohbana> very strange bug
[00:10] <mohbana> thanks
[00:12] <mohbana> 100% it's that bug
[00:12] <mohbana> thanks pochu
[00:12] <mohbana> it logged me straight out
[00:12] <pochu> np
[00:15] <osmosis> im not seeing a way to change the subject of a bug . help?
[00:19] <secretlondon> edit description i think
[00:19] <secretlondon> on the left
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[03:00] <emma> What's up doc?
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[03:26] <calc> cool, intel's new chipsets coming out RSN (or maybe already) support 4GB DIMMs
[03:26] <calc> 16GB ram in a desktop, drool :)
[03:27] <emma> That's cool :)
[03:27] <emma> And hello calc :)
[03:43] <calc> emma: hello
[03:44] <emma> Hello there :)
[03:54] * calc headed for bed, have to be up early tomorrow :(
[04:22] <mrooney> hmm is there some sort of bug for, hardy install crashed and trashed my partition table
[04:23] <techno_freak> mrooney, should be there in LP, check out
[08:05] <thekorn> good morning mvo, I've seen alot of "package update-manager 1:0.87.24 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: SystemError in cache.commit():" bugs reported over the weekend,
[08:05] <thekorn> is it save to mark them all as duplicate
[08:06] <thekorn> what additional infos are needed?
[08:06] <mvo> thekorn: oh? that sounds wrong, unless the logs look the same
[08:07] <mvo> thekorn: do you happen to rember the master bugreport for this?
[08:07] <thekorn> mvo I've found no master so far,
[08:07] <thekorn> most of them don't have any log attached
[08:08] <mvo> ok, the first question I ask always if I can get a log :) I will go over them this morning and un-duplicate
[08:09] <mdke> we had a lot of dups filed by the same reported yesterday with a scrollkeeper crash breaking upgrades, bug 223324
[08:09] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 223324 in scrollkeeper "package gnome-user-guide 2.22.0+svn20080407ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: problemi con le dipendenze - lasciato non configurato" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/223324
[08:10] <thekorn> mvo, a sorry, they are not marked as duplicate, just wanted to ask if i should mark them as duplicate
[08:10] <mvo> aha, ok
[08:10] <mdke> that seems to be from apport, but I thought that was turned off for the stable release?
[08:11] <mvo> update-manager still reports those issues if they happen during the upgrade
[08:11] <mdke> mvo: I see. I don't know how the guy managed to report 20 bugs about it, though
[08:12] <mdke> mvo: do you think he did it manually or could that have been automatic?
[08:13] <mvo> hm, that could have been automatic, might be a bug in u-m :/
[08:13] <mdke> ah, there are another 4 dups, /me marks as such
[08:20] <mdke> scrollkeeper is evil
[09:25] <mvo> mdke: do we have a master bug for the scrollkepper issue? I just ran across it again
[09:36] * calc thinks he might have found the solution to the load_cycle_count issue - ngflushd
[11:19] <pochu> mvo: hi, is that scrollkeeper bug the same as Debian bug 474952, aka GNOME bug 527426? If so, it's already fixed in Debian, you might want to take the patch from there
[11:19] <ubotu> Debian bug 474952 in gnome-games "[gnome-games-data] ///usr/share/gnome/help/blackjack/el/blackjack.xml:402: parser error : Entity 'Βοήθεια' not defined" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/474952
[11:19] <ubotu> Gnome bug 527426 in Greek [el] "Broken help file in gnome-games blackjack" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=527426
[11:20] <mvo> pochu: thanks
[12:49] <thekorn> does anybody have an idea to which packages bug 223607 is related, I'm able to reproduce this bug with all mozilla based browsers
[12:49] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 223607 in ubuntu "Xorg[9720] crash back to login on entering http://ubuntuguide.org/" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/223607
[12:52] <seb128> thekorn: xorg
[12:53] <seb128> thekorn: the xorg server is crashing, you might want to ask in #ubuntu-x
[12:53] <thekorn> seb128, okay thanks
[12:54] <qense> When I upgraded my fathers computer to hardy the upgrade program removed the five-a-day program.
[12:54] <qense> This could be caused by the disabling of the repos
[12:54] <qense> but is this like the program should behave?
[12:55] <seb128> mvo: ^
[12:56] <qense> I don't like it when programs are just removed. :)
[12:58] <seb128> that's usually because something conflicts on them or they are marked as deprecated
[12:58] <seb128> but this one should be in none of those cases
[13:03] <ogra> it probably just doesnt want to give bad advice and rather commit suicide than to show that page ;)
[13:05] <mvo> qense: I can have a look if you post the logs somewhere (/var/log/dist-upgrade ?)
[13:06] <qense> argh!
[13:06] <qense> I'm not at my fathers right now :(
[13:06] <qense> I could have expected this question though
[13:06] <qense> but I'm there at Wednesday
[13:17] <XiXaQ> ok, I have a practical example. There is an annoying bug in Evolution that causes it to crash everytime you try to copy text from a preview window.. The bug is now fixed and committed. I was wondering how I'd go about making sure that will also be reflected in Hardy? http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=524121
[13:17] <ubotu> Gnome bug 524121 in Tasks "Copy in task preview closes evolution" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]
[13:17] <XiXaQ> this is one of those extremely annoying bugs..
[13:17] <james_w> XiXaQ: is there a corresponding bug in launchpad?
[13:18] <XiXaQ> I don't think so. I've been told by people in this channel to either file bugs upstream or in launchpad.
[13:19] <XiXaQ> and to preferably report them upstream. Should I file another bug in launchpad when thiese bugs are fixed, or...?
[13:19] <james_w> if you would like it fixed in Hardy the first step is to file a bug in launchpad.
[13:19] <XiXaQ> but only after it's fixed?
[13:20] <james_w> either one is fine, but to get it fixed in a stable release we need a launchpad bug
[13:20] <james_w> for two reasons, one is because the process of doing so revolves around the bug report, the second is to create a record of why the change was made.
[13:20] <XiXaQ> ok. Should I tag the bug in a special way or something?
[13:21] <james_w> if you let us in here know the number then we can walk you through the rest.
[13:21] <XiXaQ> ok, then if I understand correctly, I'll work with upstream on the bugs until they're fixed, then report a bug in launchpad for the LTS version with a link to the bug on upstreams tracker?
[13:21] <XiXaQ> james_w, I did..
[13:21] <XiXaQ> oh :
[13:22] <XiXaQ> that was bugzilla. Right, I get it :)
[13:22] <james_w> XiXaQ: yep, that's a great way to do it, upstream are in the best place to fix it, and then you can come to us to get it updated.
[13:23] <james_w> XiXaQ: just a warning that the bug report may be unnecessary here, as the fix was also committed to the stable branch, and that may well be uploaded to Hardy. seb128, can you comment on that?
[13:24] <XiXaQ> since this is already fixed, I think it should get some priority in the triage. Is there anything I can use in the subject to get it, or should I just chat about it here? :)
[13:24] <seb128> we got no bug about that I think, so I would not consider it highly annoying for users
[13:24] <seb128> if we think that should be fixed in a SRU having a launchpad bug is useful
[13:25] <seb128> otherwise we plan to do standard GNOME stable version updates so it'll be fixed anyway but in some weeks
[13:25] <james_w> thanks seb128
[13:25] <XiXaQ> oh...
[13:25] <james_w> XiXaQ: is that acceptable for you?
[13:25] <XiXaQ> yes that sounds good. :)
[13:25] <XiXaQ> I would like to make sure it's fixed though.
[13:26] <XiXaQ> seb128, I know. It's very strange. I'd think alot of people would copy and paste text between windows. :)
[13:27] <seb128> XiXaQ: I'm not sure so many people use tasks, I'm trying to get the issue but I've no task preview displayed
[13:27] <seb128> ok, I've it now
[13:27] <seb128> ok, confirmed
[13:27] <XiXaQ> seb128, james_w; how would I go about registering a bug for SRU? It could be good practice in any case :)
[13:27] <seb128> feel free to open a bug, I'll backport the fix
[13:28] <james_w> XiXaQ: have you reported the bug yet?
[13:28] <seb128> just open a bug, mention it has been fixed upstream, add the upstream task
[13:28] <XiXaQ> should I just report it as a normal bug, or should there be any tags or spesific subject?
[13:28] <seb128> I'll add the hardy task and do the backport
[13:28] <seb128> normal bug
[13:28] <james_w> XiXaQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates is the process
[13:28] <seb128> with a clear description of how to trigger the crash
[13:28] <seb128> the one from the upstream bug is good
[13:31] <XiXaQ> heh, seb128.. It seems it's already reported on lp, but you marked it as invalid (: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/219495
[13:31] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 219495 in evolution "Performing a Copy on an Evolution 2.22.1 Task crashes Evolution" [Medium,Invalid]
[13:32] * Hobbsee sighs
[13:32] <seb128> hey Hobbsee
[13:32] <Hobbsee> hi seb128!
[13:32] <seb128> XiXaQ: that's because there was no stacktrace
[13:33] <XiXaQ> ah.
[13:33] <XiXaQ> should I add my request for SRU as a comment to that, or file a new bug anyway?
[13:34] <Hobbsee> note to self: channels take a while to sync.
[13:34] <seb128> XiXaQ: as you want
[13:35] <seb128> XiXaQ: using this one should be alright
[13:37] <XiXaQ> ok; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/219495
[13:37] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 219495 in evolution "Performing a Copy on an Evolution 2.22.1 Task crashes Evolution" [Medium,Invalid]
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[16:02] <jcastro> bdmurray: pedro_: you guys are set for your session today?
[16:02] <jcastro> ogasawara: You have a session today too!
[16:03] <pedro_> jcastro: yeah!
[16:26] <afflux> pedro_: will you rather do a "how to triage" or something like "hi I've that bug what do I have to do with it" and you'll answer?
[16:27] <pedro_> afflux: the first option, we can help people with the second one here at the channel :-)
[16:27] <afflux> yeah right
[16:33] <bdmurray> jcastro: sure, thats in 2 hours right?
[16:33] <jcastro> yep
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[18:33] <macabro22> Hi, I would like to call this bug to attention. It's marked as new, in spite of being quite old. Someone already found a workaround. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/74426
[18:33] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 74426 in hal "Edgy: Firewire/IEEE1394 conflict with Synaptics Touchpad and Synaptics Pointstick" [Undecided,New]
[18:35] <persia> macabro22: Are you currently experiencing the bug? Perhaps you can confirm it.
[18:36] <macabro22> Persia. Yeah, I am
[18:36] <macabro22> persia: I suppose that workaround can give a clue on whats going wrong
[18:36] <persia> macabro22: OK. If you click the little arrow next to "New", you ought be able to set it to "Confirmed", indicating your confirmation.
[18:39] <macabro22> persia: Ok, I got it. Thanks.
[18:40] <persia> macabro22: If you find any more like that, where someone reported a bug, and it's still "New", and you can repeat it, and there's enough information in the bug to be sure, please also set those confirmed. It really helps to get them fixed.
[18:41] <macabro22> persia: Alright, I will do that from now on.
[18:41] <persia> macabro22: Thanks
[18:42] <afflux> macabro22: only assign yourself to a bug when you're really working on it.
[18:42] <macabro22> afflux: oh, ok. I will try to undo that.
[18:43] <afflux> you can just click that arrow again and choose "assign" "nobody" or something similar
[18:43] <macabro22> afflux: Ok, my mistake. Done that.
[18:44] <macabro22> Well, I hope that helps. Thanks guys
[18:44] <afflux> it's really no problem, it just makes other triagers/devs think they don't need to work on the bug ;)
[18:45] <macabro22> Alright then, thanks for the info.
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[19:07] <jcastro> ogasawara_: you're up in about 50 minutes!
[19:08] <afflux> mbt: okay. when you're done checking the debdiff, you probably only need to get it sponsored
[19:08] <mbt> afflux: Yeah, that patch is up-to-date.
[19:08] <afflux> I'm not entirely sure on how to deal with that currently, as hardy is released and intrepid has not yet opened
[19:08] <mbt> The sponsorship team has been on there since before Hardy went into FinalFreeze... but probably because I forgot to un-assign myself, they didn't review it lol
[19:09] <ogasawara_> jcastro: I'm ready :)
[19:09] <mbt> afflux: It's a fix, so it should go to -updates, if not, then it should go out in 8.04.1, honestly.
[19:09] <afflux> right, good point
[19:10] <afflux> I'll set it to medium and we can consider whether an SRU (ie. -updates) is suitable
[19:10] <james_w> mbt: -updates and 8.04.1 are the same thing really.
[19:11] <mbt> afflux: The only other one that I have ready, I think, is one in Evolution, but that one was rejected here because upstream rejected it, appearing to want a fix not in a central location, though I am still waiting for feedback on that one.
[19:11] <mbt> james_w: Ah. Wasn't aware of that; I thought that they'd be updating the regular archive when 8.04.1 came out.
[19:12] <james_w> mbt: ah, I'm not sure of the mechanics there, but anything you want in 8.04.1 must come from -updates, so get an SRU going.
[19:13] <afflux> mbt: then I must admit that -bugs is not really responsible for checking SRUs. That's rather a motu thing.
[19:13] <mbt> SRU is required for a bug fix to get into the release?
[19:13] <james_w> mbt: for a point release, yes.
[19:13] <james_w> what's the bug number here?
[19:13] <afflux> bug 106583
[19:14] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 106583 in alltray "No windows hiding with compiz" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106583
[19:14] <lunartear> I'm looking for a solution to upgrade svn and openssh on dapper 6.06 to get the sigterm trapping error in ssh while trying to avoid compiling the latest source tarballs and dont have the option to upgrade ubuntu itself.. any suggestions? bug described here: https://bugsrc.vintela.com/show_bug.cgi?id=409
[19:14] <ubotu> bugsrc.quest.com bug 409 in ssh ""Killed by signal 15" when using subversion" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]
[19:15] <james_w> thanks
[19:15] <james_w> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates is the process if you didn't know
[19:15] <mbt> james_w: Thanks for the link.
[19:15] <james_w> you need to subscribe motu-sru when the bits are available.
[19:16] <mbt> k. I will read that procedure now, and get it going on this one.
[19:16] <james_w> I know it's annoying to have to do all the extra work just because the fix didn't make it in to Hardy, but there needs to be more control over changes to a released version.
[19:16] <james_w> mbt: thanks for your help/
[19:17] <lunartear> any reason that fix didnt make it to dapper backports?
[19:17] <mbt> james_w: I understand that entirely. I am hoping that might change in the future if/when there is a differentiation between the base system and application software. :)
[19:17] <Jared> LOL. Hello :) I just joined the BugSquad :-d
[19:17] <bdmurray> Yeah!
[19:18] * niekie considers joining in too.
[19:19] <Jared> hi afflux, i certainly will do that :)
[19:19] <afflux> :)
[19:19] <artir> hi all
[19:20] <lunartear> i feel ignored yay
[19:20] <afflux> lunartear: is there any launchpad bug for this?
[19:21] <lunartear> afflux Im not sure
[19:21] <lunartear> the url i posted is as close as i could find
[19:21] <afflux> lunartear: the thing is, backports is for new realeases o
[19:22] <mbt> james_w: So I have to wait for Intrepid to open up before I can do the SRU, is that correct?
[19:22] <afflux> oy, that was to early
[19:22] <Jared> Joined the mailing list too.
[19:22] <lunartear> afflux, are you saying that packages dont get updated except through new release methodologies unless its security related?
[19:23] <afflux> lunartear: the thing is, backports is for new releases of software that are requested and fit certain needs. Fixing a crasher bug or something similar is usually a StableReleaseUpdate (would go to -updates)
[19:24] <afflux> but before the ubuntu people can fix it, it must be known to them. So we need a bug report asking for a SRU (as outlined here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates) to fix the issue in dapper-updates.
[19:25] <lunartear> afflux, I figured it had been addressed somewhere at somepoint, but apparently it didnt get handed down the pipeline
[19:26] <ligemeget> Jared, now I've joined as well :D
[19:26] <lunartear> afflux, do i need to report this or what
[19:26] <afflux> lunartear: wait a minute, I'll check
[19:29] <Jared> i just fixed a classification issue with one of the unpackaged bugs. dictionary lookup issue. that's one of the gnome-applets so reclassed it under that package.
[19:30] <bdmurray> Jared: great! thanks for helping out.
[19:31] <Jared> it should get that bug moving along to being fixed :) I'll spend a few hours looking over the unclassified bugs LOL.
[19:31] <afflux> lunartear: did I get that correctly that it's really just a cosmetical issue?
[19:33] <ligemeget> Can anyone tell me where the menus that are displayed when booting the live-cd, are being translated?
[19:33] <bdmurray> ligemeget: translations usually happen in Launchpad
[19:34] <Jared> there's a number of translation groups on launchpad and a few other ubuntu-related places.
[19:35] <bdmurray> ligemeget: the package would be gfxboot in this case
[19:37] <lunartear> afflux, apparently openssh traps sigterm and reports it as an error when svn sends the sigterm to end the session.
[19:37] <ligemeget> bdmurray, we (the Danish Team) have received complaints that the Danish tranlsation of the Live-CD was not properly done, and I would like to fix that :)
[19:37] <lunartear> afflux: its been fixed in newer versions, they just arent available in dapper apparently
[19:38] <afflux> lunartear: yes, I got that.
[19:38] <afflux> lunartear: my question is whether that affects the usability of those programs
[19:39] <lunartear> the application appears to work but gives those errors on the console.. I've seen some posts where people had failed svn commands such as commits and whatnot
[19:40] <Jared> finally figured out how to autojoin a channel using chatzilla. this channel will now open whenever i start chatzilla now.
[19:40] <afflux> failed commits because of those errors?
[19:40] <bdmurray> ligemeget: I'm looking into it
[19:40] <lunartear> afflux: http://nopaste.snit.ch/12845
[19:40] <lunartear> there's my output
[19:41] <ligemeget> bdmurray, thanks - just hand me a link (or a .po-file) ;)
[19:41] <afflux> lunartear: yes. I know that there are error messages, but they don't appear to affect svn. It still works, doesn't it?
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[19:43] <lunartear> afflux, I havent used it in this setup enough to know.. I saw the errors and began to investigate to see what was wrong. but like i said i saw posts where it caused things to fail
[19:46] <afflux> lunartear: okay. When ubuntu has a bug report (ie. a report at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh ) we can get the fix via a StableReleaseUpdate (See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates for how to work on this)
[19:46] <bdmurray> ligemeget: I'm having a hard time tracking it down. The source package is actually gfxboot-theme-ubuntu
[19:46] <lunartear> afflux, so i should report it there?
[19:46] <bdmurray> looking at the translation files they seem to be done in Launchpad but I can't find it
[19:46] <ligemeget> damn...
[19:47] <afflux> lunartear: probably
[19:48] <ligemeget> bdmurray, who should I poke for an anwer?
[19:48] <ligemeget> *answer
[19:48] <lunartear> afflux: http://forum.dreamhosters.com/3rdparty/77463-svn-killed-by-signal-15.htm there's one post that had a failed co
[19:49] <bdmurray> ligemeget: somebody on the ubuntu-installer team like cjwatson or evand perhaps
[19:49] <ligemeget> bdmurray, and where can I find them? What channel?
[19:49] <bdmurray> ligemeget: I just found one of them, give me a minute
[19:49] <ligemeget> or mail or jabber or whatever
[19:49] <ligemeget> k
[19:55] <thekorn> hi all!
[19:56] <bdmurray> thekorn: hello
[19:56] <thekorn> hi bdmurray, just reading the logs of your talk, nice one!
[19:57] <thekorn> ligemeget, maybe it's https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/gfxboot-theme-ubuntu/+pots/bootloader/da/+translate
[19:58] <afflux> thekorn: HOW DARE YOU doing the bughelper task on friday to early? It's the day after 1st may man! :P
[19:58] <afflux> s/task/talk/
[19:59] <thekorn> afflux, hehehe good question
[20:00] <lmontrie> Hello, all
[20:00] <thekorn> and I don't know the answer yet, so let's just see how it will work
[20:00] <lmontrie> I just dealt with my first bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+bug/223787
[20:00] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 223787 in pidgin "pidgin crashes when xmpp username has illegal characters in it" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[20:00] <lmontrie> can someone tell me if I did things the right way ?
[20:01] <Jared> i dealt with the bug i mentioned earlier :) i think i'm gonna like fixing bugs LOL.
[20:01] <afflux> thekorn: I'll try to be attending, but I can't promise I won't be sleeping on my keyboard
[20:01] <afflux> *to attend... omg
[20:02] <ligemeget> thekorn, well that may indeed be a possibillity! I'll look at it and fix it if it's broken - thank you
[20:03] <Jared> gonna take a lunch break now as it's noon here. and i'm not too interested in the next session on kernels.
[20:06] <james_w> mbt: no, it's been decided that until intrepid opens it is ok to do an SRU as long as a plan for fixing it in intrepid is outlined in the bug report.
[20:08] <mbt> Ahh, okay. Thanks.
[20:08] <mbt> Any idea on when Intrepid will open?
[20:08] <mbt> Just out of curiosity?
[20:09] <afflux> I think after UDS, but just a guess
[20:11] <james_w> I think it may be a bit earlier this year, the toolchain is being prepared right now, which is the first step
[20:24] <wharp> if a project in launchpad has a status of "Doesn't use Bugs" what does that mean?
[20:26] <james_w> wharp: it usually means that the bugs are tracked elsewhere, what project are you looking at?
[20:26] <pedro_> which project?
[20:26] <pedro_> heh
[20:26] <wharp> deskbar applet
[20:26] <wharp> that's what I thought, but htere were bugs listed for it
[20:27] <james_w> it's unfortunate wording I guess, but better than "Doesn't have bugs" :-)
[20:27] <wharp> yeah, its a little confusing
=== x-spec-t is now known as Spec
[20:29] <pedro_> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/deskbar-applet <- that one?
[20:31] <pedro_> wharp: they use the GNOME Bugzilla as they primary BTS http://bugzilla.gnome.org
[20:31] <wharp> pedro_: I was looking here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/deskbar-applet/
[20:33] <pedro_> wharp: ok, that's the upstream registered project
[20:33] <wharp> hm, o
[20:33] <wharp> ok
[20:33] <pedro_> if you look at the list of bugs you'll see a list of bugs that we sent upstream
[20:33] <pedro_> of the ones that need to be send upstream
[20:33] <wharp> it was the only one that came up when I searched for deskbar
[20:34] <wharp> ok
[20:46] * niekie just confirmed a bug report for the first time :-)
[20:47] * pedro_ hugs niekie
[20:48] <niekie> :-)
[20:49] <niekie> pedro_: by the way, I wasn't able to set importance.. I'm not supposed to be able to do that? :-)
[20:49] * niekie is new to this, hehe.
[20:50] <pedro_> niekie: you need to be a member of the ubuntu bug control first
[20:50] <pedro_> niekie: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl
[20:51] <niekie> pedro_: ah. :-)
[20:52] <niekie> pedro_: oh well, I think I can manage without it for the moment :-)
[20:52] <pedro_> niekie: yeah, well if you need to set an importance you can ask here on the channel for someone to do it for you
[20:53] <pedro_> until you get the ubuntu bug control membership ;-)
[20:53] <niekie> Heh.
[20:54] <niekie> I guess https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/222574 would classify as low.
[20:54] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 222574 in linux-meta "crtl + alt + L doesn't work in combinasion with mouse detection function" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[20:57] <afflux> niekie: yep. Also note that linux-meta is hardly ever the source for bugs (except dependency stuff)
[20:57] <afflux> niekie: in that case I think the package doing the screen locking is responsible, but I have no idea which it is
[20:58] <niekie> Beats me too.
[20:58] <niekie> Guess it should be reassigned.
[20:59] <niekie> But no idea to what package indeed.
[20:59] <JaredBuck> hello, i'm back from lunch :)
[21:01] <JaredBuck> oh yeah guys, i know this is off topic but i just upgraded to Hardy and my system clock shows 13:01 instead of the am/pm time. i'm trying to fix that but don't know how.
[21:01] <niekie> afflux: seems the package that handles System -> Preferences -> Hotkeys (I think it must be that in the English version.. though I'm translating from Dutch)
[21:02] <afflux> that would be gnome-settings-daemon IIRC
[21:02] <niekie> afflux: Any hotkey defined that starts with Ctrl is affected.
[21:02] <afflux> yes
[21:02] <afflux> but I wonder if it's rather the fault of the "ctrl+alt+L-application" (whatever does the screen locking)
[21:02] <niekie> afflux: nope.
[21:03] <afflux> okay then :)
[21:03] <niekie> afflux: as Ctrl + Alt + Delete is a hotkey to sign off/bring up the sign off screen by default.
[21:03] <niekie> And that's also affected.
[21:03] <afflux> ah yes
[21:03] <afflux> stupid me, was confused, you're right of course
[21:04] <niekie> afflux: can you confirm it's System -> Preferences -> Hotkeys in the English Ubuntu version?
[21:05] <afflux> nah, german here. But if I recall correctly it's "Hotkeys Preferences"
[21:05] <niekie> Anyone else here able to confirm then? :-)
[21:06] <bdmurray> I have Keyboard Shortcuts in English
[21:06] <niekie> bdmurray: ah, cool.
[21:06] <niekie> So.. System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts?
[21:07] <bdmurray> That is where "Ctrl+Alt+L" is set to lock the screen on my system
[21:07] <niekie> bdmurray: cool.
[21:08] <niekie> I guess it might be gnome-settings-daemon indeed.. but I'm not sure if I want to mess with that, as I'm not sure about it :|
[21:10] <bdmurray> pedro_: can you help here?
[21:12] <pedro_> bdmurray: reading the buffer
[21:14] <pedro_> niekie: assign it to gnome-control-center for now
[21:15] <niekie> pedro_: allright.
[21:15] <niekie> pedro_: reassigned.
[21:16] <niekie> + added comment about that now.
[21:16] <pedro_> niekie: rock on , thanks
[21:17] <mbt> How does one upload to hardy-proposed? The SRU process seems to require this, and implies that this can be done by anyone because the upload will require approval by the archive admins.
[21:18] <crimsun> it can be done by anyone with upload privileges.
[21:19] <mbt> I presume that I would not have those... so would I just leave the bug with the debdiff and someone else will upload it?
[21:21] <james_w> mbt: please subscribe the sponsors
[21:21] <james_w> ubuntu-universe-sponsors for universe packages.
[21:21] <pedro_> niekie: it's a dup of bug 9441
[21:21] <mbt> Already done. Should I update the bug description and do everything else that I can do as part of the SRU process?
[21:22] <niekie> Ah.
[21:22] <pedro_> niekie: feel free to mark it as such
[21:22] <niekie> pedro_: will do, thanks.
[21:22] <pedro_> niekie: thanks you for the help
[21:26] <niekie> pedro_: done.
[21:26] <niekie> pedro_: do I now need to post anything at bug #9441 indicating that I marked that bug as duplicate of it?
[21:27] <pedro_> niekie: no, that's not needed
[21:27] <pedro_> niekie: now you need to submit the bug to 5-a-day ;-)
[21:32] <niekie> pedro_: says it can't authenticate the five-a-day package, that isn't a problem?
[21:33] * niekie usually becomes a bit wary of stuff when it says that.
[21:33] <pedro_> niekie: ah you need to join to the 5-a-day team on launchpad first
[21:33] <pedro_> ah brurur read it too fast
[21:33] <pedro_> niekie: that's ok ;-)
[21:33] <pedro_> isn't a problem
[21:33] <niekie> pedro_: I doubt I'll be able to make 5 a day at the moment though :P
[21:34] <niekie> Very busy IRL :-(
[21:34] <pedro_> i thought you were talking about the bzr issue
[21:34] <pedro_> hehe
[21:34] <niekie> Even though it's vacation :-|
[21:34] * niekie sighs.
[21:34] <pedro_> niekie: https://edge.launchpad.net/~5-a-day <- join that team in order to be able to submit your bugs later
[21:35] <pedro_> niekie: don't worry, what you can do is totally ok and we appreciate it ;-)
[21:35] <niekie> pedro_: Hehe, I might join when I become less busy :-)
[21:35] <niekie> Anyway, it's sleep time for me now.
[21:36] <niekie> pedro_: g'night, and thanks for the warm welcome!
[21:36] * niekie will look for some more stuff to confirm/mark as duplicate tomorrow.
[21:36] <pedro_> niekie: good night, hope to see you around soon
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[22:21] <jarlath> I've a bug here that I think can be marked as Triaged by someone from bugcontrol
[22:21] <jarlath> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/223129
[22:29] <bdmurray> jarlath: it isn't clear to me exactly what happens in that bug report.
[22:31] <jarlath> Okay. What info could be added to make it more complete?
[22:32] <bdmurray> It sounds to me like they choose restart and for some reason it gets hung somewhere. But where? What do they mean by initial loading? Perhaps rebooting w/o 'quiet' and 'usplash' would reveal more.
[22:33] <jarlath> Ah yes.
[22:33] <jarlath> I should have thought of that.
[22:33] <jarlath> I'm over eager :)
[22:33] <jarlath> Thanks, I'll ask for that.
[22:33] <bdmurray> They should be prepared to take pictures too in case there is a kernel crash.
[22:34] <bdmurray> Thank you for helping out!
[22:34] <jarlath> A pleasure.
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[23:06] <lunartear> afflax, I've got a friend using dapper 6.06 (LTS) same as me that isnt seeing the "killed by signal 15" errors
[23:09] <greg-g> bdmurray: ideas for wording of a canned response for Edgy bugs: http://www.paste2.org/p/23904
[23:10] <bdmurray> greg-g: looking
[23:11] <bdmurray> greg-g: When would this be used?
[23:13] <greg-g> bdmurray: bugs that appear to only be in Edgy. I say that and realize that we treat bugs as being against the most recent version in Ubuntu available at all times so that might not make sense
[23:15] <bdmurray> greg-g: Right, I'm just not sure when this would be used. However, one that said "We tried to recreate this in the latest supported release of Ubuntu Hardy Heron and were unable to recreate it ..." would make sense to me
[23:15] <greg-g> bdmurray: right right
[23:16] <greg-g> so, then I take back my offer, because if it were added to the list of response it might confuse people for what type of situation to use it in
[23:17] <bdmurray> ogasawara_ and I setup the 2.6.17 hug day because those are definitely "Won't Fix" but any other Edgy bug needs some testing.
[23:17] <greg-g> right
[23:18] <bdmurray> There might be some packages that only appeared in Edgy though
[23:20] <greg-g> yeah, I did a similar thing for XMMS last night
[23:21] <greg-g> found a bug that someone tried to install something dependent on XMMS that wouldn't because xmms isn't in Hardy
[23:21] <greg-g> (on purporse)
[23:22] <bdmurray> great!
[23:24] * greg-g checks to see if there is a process for removing packages from the archive, kinda like a MIR
[23:24] <james_w> greg-g: you file a bug against the package and subscribe ubuntu-archive
[23:25] <james_w> I don't know if there is a record of the removals that were done.
[23:25] <greg-g> james_w: ahh, thanks
[23:25] <james_w> -devel might be able to tell you that.
[23:27] <greg-g> right, was headed there next after the google search failed
[23:27] <bdmurray> I was looking at my main.log in '/var/log/dist-upgrade/' at the Obsolete section but that probably has a lot of false positives
[23:27] <greg-g> then you popped in :)
[23:28] <bdmurray> I think there are very few packages that have been removed over time though
[23:28] <crimsun> bdmurray: hmm, I thought edgy was EOL'd. Are we still supporting it [in terms of active bug triaging]?
[23:28] <crimsun> bdmurray: or did I misinterpret your statement regarding "any other Edgy bug needs some testing"?
[23:30] <bdmurray> crimsun: We were talking about how to deal with a bug that was reported when Edgy was supported. My point was that we should test it in whatever we are running rather than just closing it.
[23:30] <crimsun> bdmurray: ah, gotcha.
[23:32] <bdmurray> I think we should really be focused on finding bugs that need resolving via the SRU process though.
[23:35] <crimsun> yeah, I've been triaging #215728
[23:35] <crimsun> (the "firefox3.0b5 eats cpu and chews disk" symptom)