UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /28 /#edubuntu.txt
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[00:23] <kingair_six> hello, I have a problem with the Edubuntu Add On CD. When trying to install the included programs with Synaptic, it starts downloading and while it installing it produces an error saying that there is a hash missmatch occuring with pretty much all the programs. Any idea as to what the solution is?
[00:34] <ogra> kingair_six, thats on a standard ubuntu hardy install ?
[00:34] <ogra> (the addon requires ubuntu hardy to be installed already)
[00:45] <kingair_six> ogra, yes, that is the case, ubuntu hardy is installed and running
[00:45] <ogra> which programs did you try to install ?
[00:46] <ogra> and are you sure its the final addon CD (the released version)
[00:49] <kingair_six> I tried to install pretty much everything included in the package and I assume it is since I got it from edubuntu.org
[00:53] <ogra> hmm, it was pretty extensively tested
[00:54] <ogra> so it should actually work ... all dependencies the packages need are either installed or on the CD if both is hardy ... the only explanation i have would be that the CD is not the latest
[00:54] <kingair_six> I am just wondering whether I did something wrong since this is the first time i ever used linux
[00:55] <ogra> https://wiki.edubuntu.org/HardyClassroomServer
[00:55] <kingair_six> in this case I am currently downloading the iso again from a different server, even though i only just downloaded it last night originally
[00:55] <ogra> see the second paragraph "Installing the Edubuntu Addon CD"
[00:56] <kingair_six> yea, I did all those steps in order
[00:57] <ogra> hmm, thats very strange
[00:57] <JapyDooge> good luck on using linux then kingair_six :) its not always giving errors though :p
[00:57] <JapyDooge> but indeed strange
[00:57] <ogra> heh, yeah
[00:58] <JapyDooge> why the addon and not a fresh Edubuntu install?
[00:58] <ogra> there is no edubuntu install anymore
[00:58] <ogra> with hardy the edubuntu desktop moved to an addon CD
[00:58] <kingair_six> yes, I was wondering about that while going through the documentation cause somewhere there's still a screenshot from an edubuntu install
[00:58] <ogra> and the ltsp bits from the former edubuntu install CD moved into ubuntu
[00:59] <ogra> well, you can stll get older releases
[00:59] <kingair_six> japydooge, i'm sure linux is going to give me more freedom and fun when developing websites, windows is just not satisfactory any more
[00:59] <ogra> dapper, feisty and gutsy are all supported and have installable edubuntu CDs
[01:00] <JapyDooge> ooh didnt know that ogra
[01:00] <JapyDooge> so in fact you can install an older version and do a dist-upgrade?
[01:00] <ogra> yup, that would work
[01:01] <JapyDooge> kingair_six: i installed it with that in mind also 5 years ago :) and i never really looked back
[01:01] <ogra> (even though not dist-upgrade, use update-manager ;) )
[01:02] <JapyDooge> only for some gaming, but after CodeWeavers came with CrossOver:Games (a commercial version of wine - to make games believe they run on windows), i'm able to play all the games i like on linux (Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 for me atm) also.
[01:02] <kingair_six> @japydooge: well, unfortunately I will probably need windows for my beloved flightsimulators, but that's gonna be it...
[01:02] <JapyDooge> its not free, but having a second pc for gaming is way more expensive
[01:02] <JapyDooge> hmm, microsoft flight simulator?
[01:02] <kingair_six> yes,
[01:03] <JapyDooge> X?
[01:03] <kingair_six> soon i'm gonna be looking for Dx10 support
[01:03] <kingair_six> indeed
[01:03] <JapyDooge> ah
[01:03] <kingair_six> @orga: i'm gonna try the new iso first
[01:03] <ogra> ok
[01:04] <JapyDooge> http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/browse/name/?app_id=2633 << not yet :p
[01:04] <ogra> well, you could have a look at flightgear
[01:04] <JapyDooge> flightgear is nice yea
[01:05] <ogra> its surely not as advanced as the MS one but should be an alternative if you are to lazy to reboot :)
[01:05] <JapyDooge> way lesser quality in graphics, but fun to use, and where it's open source u can help the community on making it more complete
[01:05] <JapyDooge> adding planes for instance if you are not a coder, or making nice textures, writing manuals, translating, etc
[01:05] <JapyDooge> i like that the most about linux
[01:06] <JapyDooge> i participate in working on some applications i really like and everyone can bring in its own ideas
[01:06] <kingair_six> i've done that with a flight sim before
[01:06] <kingair_six> unfortunately never finished our project, due to lack of time
[01:07] <JapyDooge> well this is already a flight sim so the first step is there hehe
[01:07] <kingair_six> the reason why I'm going to stick with FSX though is that i'm looking for the "as real as it gets" factor
[01:07] <JapyDooge> http://www.flightgear.org/ for some info :)
[01:07] <JapyDooge> ah
[01:07] <kingair_six> hm, i'm just a 17 year old kid... not a coder
[01:08] <JapyDooge> yea then you're probably stuck at windows for the moment on that part
[01:08] <JapyDooge> i'm a coder neither, except for some html/php and some basic C/C++. but i did some work on maintaining webpages, writing manuals, translating parts, making screenshots, reporting bugs, making textures, etc :)
[01:09] <kingair_six> well, php, html etc. i don't consider real coding or would you say?
[01:09] * ogra thought 17yo kids are the better coders
[01:09] <kingair_six> they are?
[01:09] <JapyDooge> although i think these graphics are nice for example: http://www.flightgear.org/Gallery-v1.0/Link/picture-0003.html
[01:09] <JapyDooge> nope, php and html isn't the hardcore coding :p
[01:10] <kingair_six> hm, i've done thisn that in terms of developement, websites with php, mysql etc --> powerofflight.de.vu , usaltgen.de ... textures for flight sims and so on, but other than that I've never attempted to learn java or so
[01:10] <kingair_six> looks alright
[01:11] <JapyDooge> u should check out this gallery: http://www.flightgear.org/Gallery-v1.0/ maybe its a nice 'second flight sim' :p
[01:11] <kingair_six> yeah, i usually say "scripting"...
[01:11] <kingair_six> hm, i wonder whether my gliding simulator would run on linux... condor competition soaring simulator...
[01:12] <kingair_six> should google it..
[01:12] <JapyDooge> i really like this one: http://www.flightgear.org/Gallery-v1.0/Link/A-10-KNID-09.html
[01:13] <kingair_six> a10.. yeah, nice plane
[01:13] <JapyDooge> shiny: http://www.flightgear.org/Gallery-v1.0/Link/Blackbird-chute_1.html !! :P
[01:13] <kingair_six> how advanced is the 3d support in linux?
[01:13] <kingair_six> that one definetely is nice...
[01:13] <ogra> depends on your hardware
[01:13] <kingair_six> no question
[01:13] <kingair_six> hm, so basically whatever I got, linux will do it?
[01:13] <ogra> no
[01:14] <ogra> it really depends on the graphics card you have
[01:14] <ogra> generally best 3D support is on intel cards
[01:14] <ogra> which is typically not what gamers use
[01:14] <JapyDooge> i have nice support for my ATi card trough
[01:14] <JapyDooge> and the nVidia card in my other pc is working nice also
[01:14] <ogra> but intel releases all HW specs so you can write proper drivers
[01:14] <JapyDooge> but i'm using restricted (non-free) drivers for those
[01:15] <ogra> ati starts to follow up on that slowly
[01:15] <JapyDooge> well, they are free in terms of paying for them, but not open source
[01:15] <ogra> since they are owned by amd at leats
[01:15] <ogra> *least
[01:15] <JapyDooge> the cpu bakers know whats good for support :p
[01:15] <kingair_six> i'll see what happens when i'm back on my own pc in two months.... linux is the first thing going back on there^^
[01:15] <ogra> nvidia has surely the most performant 3d HW but it can be a hell wrt drivers
[01:16] <JapyDooge> true
[01:16] <JapyDooge> older hardware mostly works better through
[01:17] <JapyDooge> the driver support i mean
[01:17] <ogra> well
[01:17] <ogra> nvidia is different there
[01:17] <JapyDooge> lol partly true yea
[01:17] <JapyDooge> GeForce series are okay
[01:17] <ogra> they drop support as they like in newer drivers
[01:17] <ogra> yeah
[01:17] <JapyDooge> then theres a kinda a black hole
[01:18] <JapyDooge> and the 7xxx and 8xxx cards are better supported nowadays
[01:18] <kingair_six> talking about drivers, the reason why i put on ubuntu here last night was cause windows was screwed and would not support my atheros 5006x, guess what, linux does and gets this machine online after 6 monts of battle with windows... should'a thought of that earlier
[01:18] <JapyDooge> but on this machine i'm able to run a lot of (windows) games including World of Warcraft, Half-life, Counter Strike, Unreal Tournament G.O.T.Y. and 2003 and way more
[01:19] <JapyDooge> lol nice kingair_six
[01:19] <JapyDooge> sometimes i think driver support on linux is better than windows's one.
[01:19] <JapyDooge> when i install windows
[01:19] <JapyDooge> i also have to install lots of drivers that came with my pc
[01:19] <JapyDooge> some of them not even working good
[01:19] <kingair_six> as i said, linux didn't even ask, it just WORKED!, just as it says on the website... compliments here!
[01:20] <kingair_six> i cant tell you, i was ready to kill this pc...
[01:20] <kingair_six> i was picking viruses to make it look fun for my parents too, this was just a desperate action;)
[01:21] <JapyDooge> when i installed 8.04 on this laptop (i did a clean install becouse i upgraded a few times on older distro's and my harddisk was a mess), it booted without any problem and i directly had wireless and sound. a nice box popped up telling me that for better 3D support, i should enable a driver from ATi itself (thats closed sourcecode so not enabled by default) and 3 clicks later i was all done
[01:22] <JapyDooge> http://www.flightgear.org/Gallery-v1.0/Link/multiplayer-map.html ooooh google maps powered! nice
[01:22] <JapyDooge> http://www.flightgear.org/Gallery-v1.0/Link/Seneca-SingleEngineApproachEDHL.html and the night scenes are great
[01:23] <JapyDooge> some buttons need repainting or retexturing trough
[01:23] <kingair_six> yeah, looks real nice
[01:24] <JapyDooge> i never liked flight sims much
[01:24] <JapyDooge> but this one is installed by now :p
[01:25] <kingair_six> to explain my crazyness about flight sims, I really need a substitution for real flying in the winter ;) otherwise the addiction kicks in too much^^
[01:25] <JapyDooge> well im gone for some sleep, its 2:25AM here, and i have to be at my work at 8:00AM :p
[01:25] <JapyDooge> lol :p
[01:25] <kingair_six> wher're u?
[01:25] <kingair_six> europe?
[01:25] <JapyDooge> Netherlands
[01:25] <JapyDooge> u're in Germany i think :p
[01:25] <kingair_six> oha... i'm from germany..
[01:25] <ogra> JapyDooge, oh, same TZ here
[01:26] <JapyDooge> where u from ogra? :p
[01:26] <ogra> hallo kingair_six
[01:26] <kingair_six> yea, i am, how could u tell
[01:26] <ogra> germany as well
[01:26] <kingair_six> oha,
[01:26] <JapyDooge> kingair_six: u liked me to some webpages u created before, remember?
[01:26] <kingair_six> european connection here... well, i'm in the states currently
[01:26] <JapyDooge> those where pretty much german :p
[01:26] <kingair_six> oh, right
[01:26] <kingair_six> kinda, yeah
[01:27] <JapyDooge> haben sie ferien? (i know i did'nt write that right, but well it's been 10 years since my last german lessons)
[01:27] <kingair_six> that's alright;) i couldn't speak any dutch
[01:27] <JapyDooge> lol :p
[01:27] <ogra> JapyDooge, thats perfectly right
[01:27] <JapyDooge> ah well u're able to say 'hallo' :p
[01:27] <JapyDooge> it was right? o.O
[01:27] <kingair_six> yeah
[01:28] <JapyDooge> well maybe i forgot a capital on 'sie' > 'Sie' ?
[01:28] <kingair_six> hm, ogra, where about in germany?
[01:28] <JapyDooge> never got that part of your language
[01:28] <kingair_six> ... i never do that
[01:28] <JapyDooge> oh lol
[01:28] <ogra> kassel
[01:28] <kingair_six> i doesn't make sense to me either
[01:28] <kingair_six> alright... cologne
[01:28] <JapyDooge> one of you ever been on holiday in the netherlands?
[01:29] <kingair_six> sure
[01:29] <JapyDooge> where? :p
[01:29] <kingair_six> i don't remember, i was 6 then :)
[01:29] <JapyDooge> lol
[01:29] <ogra> kingair_six, i lived in blankenheim for the last 4 years
[01:30] <ogra> and in cologne before
[01:30] <kingair_six> hm, gotta love the rheinland... karneval is just awesome
[01:30] <JapyDooge> ah well i could have guessed that. i wonder if there are people over there that never been on holiday at our coast :p
[01:30] * ogra was working for "ish" for some years
[01:30] <kingair_six> cable provider, right?
[01:30] <ogra> yup
[01:30] <kingair_six> hm, we were doing boating, my parents, anyway
[01:30] <JapyDooge> ah
[01:31] <kingair_six> over here in the USA it's funny, people all ask about holland cause they figure smoking is legal:D
[01:31] <JapyDooge> well i used to live with my parents in Zeeland, near the cost at the islands (south-west)
[01:31] <JapyDooge> lol :D
[01:31] <kingair_six> and they're like: isnt holland in germany? .... well duah?!?
[01:31] <JapyDooge> ah well they're working on a plan to make smoking weed and so legal over here, so not that strange haha
[01:32] <ogra> well, in canada and australia as well
[01:32] <JapyDooge> where a small country can be big in :p
[01:32] <ogra> not many people know that ...
[01:32] <JapyDooge> true ogra
[01:32] <kingair_six> hm, certainly i didn't, but i'm not interested either
[01:33] <JapyDooge> but well i'm now living closer to Rotterdam with my girlfriend and child since urrm, 4 months or so :)
[01:33] <JapyDooge> had a nice change to get a nice job over there
[01:33] <JapyDooge> and now i have it :p
[01:33] <kingair_six> wtg!
[01:34] <JapyDooge> one of you ever heard of 'Xella'/'Ytong'/'Hebel' or 'Silka'? those are big company's in Germany
[01:34] <ogra> sure
[01:34] <kingair_six> i've got 2 months left here and then I go back home...
[01:34] <kingair_six> nope
[01:35] <kingair_six> ytong, yea
[01:35] <ogra> foamed concrete
[01:35] <JapyDooge> i'm head network management for the netherlands there now :)
[01:35] <JapyDooge> true
[01:35] <kingair_six> yup, good to make stuff out of with a saw^^
[01:35] <JapyDooge> xella is the main company, silka, ytong and hebel are 'daughters'
[01:35] <JapyDooge> lol true
[01:36] <kingair_six> hm.. boyscouts experience^^
[01:36] <JapyDooge> haha
[01:36] * ogra had that too ....
[01:36] <ogra> and i'm a child of the 70s
[01:37] <JapyDooge> heh, theres not even one update since i installed Hardy 8.04, how strange! its already 4 days old \o/
[01:37] * JapyDooge is now 22
[01:37] <ogra> ytong art .... timeless
[01:37] <ogra> 38
[01:37] <kingair_six> definetely
[01:37] <JapyDooge> i came in there as a half newbie, they toke me instead of someone straight from school because of my linux experience
[01:38] <JapyDooge> after two months the 'head network management' came free and they let me took it o,o
[01:38] <kingair_six> hm, that sounds promising
[01:39] <JapyDooge> yea
[01:39] <JapyDooge> i had loads of luck
[01:39] <ogra> same here
[01:39] <kingair_six> talking linux again, is there a restriction on the visual effects setting that goes by hardware or so? i'd like to activate some and it won't let me
[01:39] * ogra didnt learn anythig he could put up a piece of paper for
[01:39] <kingair_six> i still got two years of school, just looking
[01:40] <JapyDooge> my parents kicked me out of the house ^^ so i started living with my girlfriend the other day, and i gone look for a new job in that region. it was the first thing i found, and i was the first one that reacted on the advertisement
[01:40] <JapyDooge> there were over 600 reactions in total, how much luck can you get :p
[01:40] <kingair_six> that sounds awesome.... i'm shooting for a 380/7000 chance for my favorite job with lufthansa^^
[01:40] <ogra> dropped off school in 12th grade witout finishing ... started a job at an internet provider around the corner ...
[01:41] <JapyDooge> kingair_six: maybe you are using default drivers that wont allow those, try System > Management (i think, localized version) > Hardware Drivers to enable them, enable and reboot and it should work
[01:41] <kingair_six> hm, i guess i don't need to add that i'm currently on my exchange year in the usa... 11th grade
[01:41] <ogra> led departments inbetween (at ish and the company before) ...
[01:41] <kingair_six> alright, thx
[01:41] <JapyDooge> that kinda sounds like my story ogra
[01:41] <ogra> well, and four years ago i met that shuttleworth guy ... :)
[01:43] <ogra> i never really had any need for any piece of paper in my life
[01:43] <JapyDooge> i did application development, but that stopped at school becouse there where to less students. i didnt continue on the regular part so i dropped out without any piece of paper except for some worthless certificates. worked at an ISP callcenter for 8 months, then worked a year for myself as freelance programmer on Visual Basic .NET 2003. after that i worked in a computer store service van (dont ask :P) and became a network manager at xe
[01:43] <JapyDooge> lla lol
[01:43] <kingair_six> hm.... lufthansa is gonna do a screening, i just need my brain and hope it's good enough, if not i'll need to pay 100k for the license
[01:43] <JapyDooge> woah
[01:44] <JapyDooge> nice amount
[01:44] <kingair_six> hm... talking about a student loan
[01:44] <JapyDooge> i dreamed about being a pilot when i was a kid
[01:44] <JapyDooge> until i found linux
[01:44] <JapyDooge> lol
[01:44] * ogra crosses fingers for kingair_six
[01:44] <kingair_six> thanks;)
[01:44] <kingair_six> hm, i dreamed about it until 2.5 years ago, now i got my gliders license and am completely into it
[01:45] <JapyDooge> ooh so installing linux, you already prepare for not being able to pay windows licences anymore huh?
[01:45] <JapyDooge> but good luck yea :o
[01:45] <kingair_six> pay? ;)
[01:45] <JapyDooge> hehe ^^
[01:45] <kingair_six> thx guys
[01:45] <JapyDooge> 'lent'
[01:45] <kingair_six> borrow
[01:45] <kingair_six> basically
[01:46] <JapyDooge> hmm yea was looking for that word :p
[01:46] <kingair_six> .... share is probably the best word
[01:46] <ogra> tsk
[01:46] <JapyDooge> im still borrowing my dad's chainsaw
[01:46] <JapyDooge> for urrm
[01:46] <JapyDooge> a year now
[01:46] <JapyDooge> i guess he doesnt use it that much
[01:46] * ogra didnt touch any windows since 2000
[01:47] <JapyDooge> i did for gaming until last two months
[01:47] <ogra> and even that only because i had to
[01:47] <JapyDooge> when CrossOver Games was released to the public
[01:47] <kingair_six> hm, so i guess my destiny is predecided now with having started on linux!? ;)
[01:47] <ogra> heh, might be :)
[01:47] <JapyDooge> oh and at work offcourse, but my desktop is running 8.04 there and is in the active directory using Likewise
[01:48] <JapyDooge> heh
[01:48] <JapyDooge> on next release
[01:48] <JapyDooge> we need a install screen saying:
[01:48] <JapyDooge> 'knock knock'
[01:48] <JapyDooge> 'wake up <username>'
[01:48] <JapyDooge> 'your destiny starts now'
[01:48] <JapyDooge> \o/
[01:48] <ogra> haha
[01:49] <kingair_six> i've got this problem figured out for myself, in 3 days i'm gonna get my 4gb flash drive and this is gonna take portable linux so i don't have to put up with windows at school any more
[01:49] <kingair_six> :D
[01:49] <kingair_six> way to go... that's what we need
[01:49] <JapyDooge> now hope usb boot is enabled
[01:49] <JapyDooge> and the proxy server does'nt use pass trough authentication
[01:50] <kingair_six> oh, it's gonna be running "in"windows, so that shoudl deal with tha
[01:50] <kingair_six> t
[01:50] <kingair_six> can't reboot pcs at school without detention^^
[01:50] <JapyDooge> at work i had HP Thin Clients with internal usb ports (like if you want to put in a thumbdrive by default)
[01:50] <JapyDooge> a virtual machine? :)
[01:50] <ogra> the classmate PC from intel has that too
[01:51] <JapyDooge> those usb ports are set to bootable by default
[01:51] <ogra> yup
[01:51] <kingair_six> hm, i found that thing called "Damned Small Linux"
[01:51] <kingair_six> that oughta do it
[01:51] <JapyDooge> DSL <3
[01:51] <ogra> yeah, thats a mode where ubunu lacks
[01:51] <ogra> *ubuntu
[01:51] <ogra> bt that will change :)
[01:52] <JapyDooge> so i made a usb stick (16mb lol, we had a few dozens old ones with the company name of them lying around) with initrd, syslinux on it, and put ThinStation linux in it
[01:52] <ogra> *but
[01:52] <JapyDooge> now they boot up with a nice fullscreen tux <3 and then connect to our Citrix-servers automatically without configuration
[01:52] <ogra> why didnt you use ltsp ? :)
[01:52] <JapyDooge> we need the citrix client for those darn windows addicted users ;(
[01:52] <ogra> yeah indeed :(
[01:53] <JapyDooge> so a new HP Thin Client comes in, one screw > usbstick in > one screw > ready for use!
[01:53] <JapyDooge> in less than a minute
[01:53] <JapyDooge> thats what i call a timesaver
[01:53] <JapyDooge> regular configuration of those took about a hour, and they where booting really slow and users had to login 3 times
[01:54] <JapyDooge> now all other locations are using 'my' solution too, except for germany, becouse they sold the whole IT-department to IBM there
[01:54] <ogra> yay for outsourcing :)
[01:54] <JapyDooge> they where trying to make it cheaper, but in fact it had become way more expensive and less flexible
[01:55] <JapyDooge> adding a user on a lotus notes domain takes them 3 weeks lol
[01:55] <kingair_six> hm, that's gonna be a challenge.. how to get an iso on the flash drive?
[01:55] <ogra> heh
[01:55] <JapyDooge> before they sold it, we were able to make them ourself within 5 mins
[01:55] <JapyDooge> kingair_six so to make it bootable like a cd u mean?
[01:55] <ogra> kingair_six, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick
[01:56] <JapyDooge> http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/wiki/index.php/Installing_to_a_USB_Flash_Drive for DSL
[01:56] <kingair_six> hm, i thought burning it to a cd and then doing.... hm, something to it?
[01:56] <JapyDooge> and now im really going to bed, my girlfriend 's asking where i am lol
[01:56] <ogra> heh, same here
[01:56] <kingair_six> alright, here we go, i need to practice researching^^ u guys are much faster at it
[01:56] <JapyDooge> lol
[01:56] <kingair_six> kk, appreciate the help, thanks again!
[01:57] <JapyDooge> we know the power of the big G
[01:57] <JapyDooge> :p
[01:57] <JapyDooge> some ppl put 'oogle' after it
[01:58] <ogra> kingair_six, i work with such stuff all day :) that link was in my bookmarks
[01:58] * JapyDooge << Google-addict
[01:59] <JapyDooge> i even have a Google-widget on the 'desktop' of my phone! :p
[01:59] <kingair_six> well, i appreciate google, but it seems i need to practice
[01:59] <kingair_six> lol
[01:59] <JapyDooge> hehe
[02:00] <JapyDooge> well when im using a english google i never find where i look for, or not that fast. on a dutch one i find it in seconds, even when i search using englidh keywords for an english page... should be a grammar thing
[02:01] <JapyDooge> so maybe http://www.google.de/search?q=dsl%20usb%20boot will do it for you :p
[02:01] <JapyDooge> heh
[02:01] <JapyDooge> that url worked \o/
=== JapyDooge is now known as Japy|zZz
[02:01] <Japy|zZz> ill be online for a few more mins
[02:02] <Japy|zZz> but no guarantee that i'll be able to reply or see what you type as my eye caps get kinda heavy :p
[02:02] * ogra smokes a last cigarette
[02:02] <Japy|zZz> i just did that :p
[02:02] <Japy|zZz> what brand?
[02:02] <ogra> rolled
[02:03] <Japy|zZz> oh
[02:03] <ogra> ascot tobacco
[02:03] <Japy|zZz> Lucky Strike here \o/
[02:03] <Japy|zZz> sometimes rolled, sometimes not
[02:03] <ogra> has a lot dutch text on it :)
[02:03] <Japy|zZz> haha
[02:05] * Japy|zZz << walks up the stairs carrying a laptop, two bags, cola, keys, bunch of games, phone, phone charger, clothes and my battery loader and usb mouse :p so brb
[02:05] <ogra> get a backpack dude
[02:05] <Japy|zZz> rofl, its just two stairs :p
[02:05] <ogra> :)
[02:05] <Japy|zZz> oh i buyed a book
[02:06] <Japy|zZz> titled "help, i made my wife pregnant"
[02:06] <Japy|zZz> lol
[02:06] <Japy|zZz> well brb :p
[02:06] <Japy|zZz> almost forgot that book >.<
[02:06] <ogra> heh
[02:11] <Japy|zZz> back
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[04:21] <friarjack> hello all
[04:22] <friarjack> is there any way to burn a live cd (or dvd) version of edubuntu?
[04:50] <testdog> hello
[04:51] <testdog> sounds like a rhetorical question, but if I'd like to install the Edubuntu LTSP Classroom server (v8.04), is that installed from the Desktop Alternate CD or the Server Alternate CD?
[04:51] <testdog> doesn't say on this page:https://wiki.edubuntu.org/HardyClassroomServer
[04:51] <testdog> it just says ""you need the Ubuntu alternate CD for setting up LTSP"
[05:44] <testdog> hello
[05:45] <testdog> Like to install a Edubuntu Classroom Server https://wiki.edubuntu.org/HardyClassroomServer but it's not really clear if you install LTSP from the Desktop Edition or if you need to install the server edition.
[05:46] <testdog> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall
[05:46] <testdog> Both these pages just say "Get the ISO"
[05:47] <testdog> I know it's called "Classroom Server" so I would assume you need the server edition of Ubuntu to install the Edubuntu Thin client classroom server, but not really sure because it is not specifically stated
[05:51] * HedgeMage peeks in
[05:54] <HedgeMage> testdog: it says to use the alternate install CD, not the server CD
[05:56] <testdog> thanks
[05:56] <testdog> So not the alternate Sever CD?
[05:57] <testdog> thanks for the help
[05:58] <HedgeMage> that is what it says -- I haven't tried it, so I can't say from personal experience
[05:58] <testdog> so there isn't an alternate Server CD?
[05:58] <testdog> that's what it looks like..
[05:58] <testdog> thanks for clearing that up
[06:04] <HedgeMage> np
[07:00] <edutor> Hi, everyone!
=== Japy|zZz is now known as JapyDooge
[09:33] <Nubae> ahh jeez... first day of hardy and my system is freezing every couple minutes without reason
=== spacey is now known as hbos
[09:37] <Nubae> seems to be firefox is the culprit
[09:37] <Nubae> uses massive amounts of cpu time for each user
[09:39] <Nubae> can't be right, thought firefox 3 was supposed to make things more stable, not less
[09:40] <Nubae> I uninstalled gnome-watchdog and suddenly my system has gone from using 25% cpu time to 2%
[09:40] <Nubae> not compatible with hardy for sure
[09:45] <Nubae> ok, under 0.5% now, gnome-watchdog is definitly not compatile with hardy
[09:48] <johnny> sure it has to do wit hardy..
[09:48] <johnny> more likely with gnome 2.22 itself
[09:48] <johnny> check your mounts
[09:48] <johnny> i bet you have like a bazillion /home/user/.gvfs mounts
[09:48] <johnny> one for each user
[09:48] <johnny> i've just been using a script to pkill -u ${user}
[09:49] <johnny> but that doesn't unmount the gvfs fuse mounts
[09:49] <johnny> so now the script has to do umount /home/${user}/.gvfs
[09:50] <johnny> this is not really a problem for single user systems, but for ltsp, it is not so good
[09:50] <Nubae> yeah have lots of .gvfs mounts, but before they'd be in tmpfs
[09:50] <johnny> huh?
[09:50] <johnny> you mean gnome-vfs ?
[09:50] <Nubae> before
[09:50] <Nubae> yeah
[09:50] <johnny> that's not the same thing
[09:50] <johnny> gvfs is new
[09:51] <johnny> they were not mounts before
[09:51] <Nubae> yeah I thought it was a move from gnome-vfs to gvfs
[09:51] <johnny> just temp directories
[09:51] <johnny> now they are mounts due to fuse integration
[09:51] <Nubae> ah, well, haven't noticed any problems with that yet
[09:52] <johnny> well.. all my terms are anonymous, so it was easy to notice
[09:52] <Nubae> just gnomewatchdog going crazy
[09:52] <johnny> since i kill all the directories are night
[09:52] <Nubae> guess that makes sense
[09:52] <Nubae> you could also set up a cron to restart the server each morning
[09:52] <Nubae> ;-)
[09:52] <johnny> the server is a desktop
[09:52] <johnny> and talks to our POS inventory server
[09:53] <johnny> one day i'll get another machine
[09:53] <johnny> we're just a poor bookstore coffeehouse
[09:53] <Nubae> ah... how many users?
[09:53] <johnny> only 4
[09:53] <Nubae> I normally have 150 :-)
[09:53] <Nubae> so every little thing is noticable quickly
[09:54] <johnny> flash still sucks
[09:54] <johnny> i haven't tried the hack in /etc/adobe yet
[09:54] <Nubae> yeah, better than gnash though
[09:54] <johnny> have you heard of this hack?
[09:54] <johnny> i heard it is good for ltsp
[09:54] <Nubae> I was running 64 bit with gnash before and it was much worse
[09:55] <Nubae> cpu time was much more of an issue, but still, its the first day with hardy in production, so we'll see
[09:55] <johnny> there's some setting you can put there that doesn't make much difference on rendering, but is supposed to work better over the network
[09:56] <johnny> yes.. cpu time.. :(
[09:56] <johnny> little things spiking the CPU to 100% don't help either
[09:56] <johnny> since the machine is dual core
[09:56] <Nubae> yeah godda love those graphs with 2 lines going up and down continuously
[09:57] <Nubae> what's the /etc/adobe hack?
[09:57] <johnny> i heard it mentioned in #ltsp ..
[09:59] <johnny> this is the file /etc/adobe/mms.cfg
[10:00] <johnny> i can't seem to find what the setting is called tho
[10:01] <johnny> maybe somebody else knows :(
=== JapyDooge is now known as Japy|AFK
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=== greeneggsnospam is now known as jsgotangco
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[18:13] <niklaus> i've downloaded the isos for hardy, but my cdrom/dvd has been spoilt. Can i use the isos to upgrade ? i have mount the isos
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[19:45] <paolob> Hi guys! I've just installed the 8.04 ltsp server (not upgrading it) and I'm booting the client. However, the sound of the client comes out in the server's speakers. What should I do in order to get the client's sound from its speakers? thank you!
[19:56] <musashi> is this channel related at all to the edubuntu school support project? I was recently made an admin of that project but no one gave me any info on what that means or why. I have received two requests for new members that I haven't acted on as I don't know what I should do. can anyone enlighten me? thanks.
[19:57] * musashi is https://edge.launchpad.net/~jphutch
[21:10] <generalsnus> Heyas guys, With Ubuntu 8.04 the "AD Joining" tool, Likewise-open is included. It works wonders here on our school.. But.. is there a way to have Roaming profiles/homes for our Linux users? kinda like roaming profiles in winxp/w2k3? is there a how-to/guide maybe?
[23:40] <theunixgeek> I installed the semantik package, but the program is nowhere to be found.