UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /26 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== johanbr_ is now known as johanbr
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[12:21] <crlcan81> Hi everybody, I just was wondering how much of a difference goign from win xp to ubuntu was gonna be like. And waht all I gotta do to get it installed on my system. Also is it possible to dual boot with it and xp.
[12:22] <crlcan81> also, no CD burner.
[12:22] <crlcan81> so gotta find some way to run the ISO without a CD
[12:22] <crlcan81> anyone able to help?
[12:23] <crlcan81> *sighs* guess not
[12:24] <Nafallo> !help
[12:24] <ubotu> I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[12:24] <Nafallo> hmm
[12:24] <Nafallo> no
[12:24] <Nafallo> crlcan81: the help channel you are looking for is probably #ubuntu :-)
[12:25] <crlcan81> well I just.. I really don't trust linux ever since Mandrake I think it was.
[12:25] <crlcan81> I got the ONE version you didn't wanna get.
[12:25] <crlcan81> Which my local walmart only had THAT.
[12:25] <crlcan81> still downloading the ISO though.
[13:39] <andreasn> mpt: ping
[14:25] <Keybuk> interesting
[14:25] <Keybuk> hadn't noticed we use rhythmbox for cd extraction
[14:25] <Keybuk> (I think I did know, but hadn't actually seen it to really know :p)
[14:28] <Amaranth> rhythmbox can do that now?
[14:30] <bhale> used to be sound-juicer
[14:43] <Keybuk> yup
[14:43] <Keybuk> actually, the experience is very nice
[14:44] <Keybuk> having one app for managing music, burning to cd, ripping from cd, copying to/from music players, etc. feels right
[14:44] <Keybuk> I have a niggle that it's awkward to fix a CD that doesn't have a CDDB entry
[14:44] <Keybuk> and that it's awkward to deal with compilation CDs (but SJ has that issue too)
[14:55] <Keybuk> it's great though that I can rip from CD into Ogg for the library
[14:55] <Keybuk> and then drag them onto my phone, which converts them to MP3 automatically
[14:55] <Keybuk> and it's even cooler when I know how little code that takes
[14:55] <Keybuk> (well, little code for the app - gstreamer rocks)
[15:56] * Ng looks for an officially correct way for a user to install a font
[15:56] <Ng> gnome 2.22's user guide lists two options, neither of which work
[15:57] <Ng> and that user guide seems to be what we have in System->Help
[15:58] <Ng> it says use System->Preferences->Font (which we don't have, but even the Fonts bit of Appearance doesn't have the "Go to font folder" button they reference), and gvfs doesn't support fonts:///
[16:03] <ofh> helo someone here ?
[16:03] <ofh> have a prob with firefox plugin
[16:04] <ofh> can't install as a non-root user
[16:04] <ofh> anny advise
[16:10] <mpt> andreasn, ponggggg
[16:10] <andreasn> hey
[16:11] <andreasn> there was a dude in #tango that asked for advice on the nautilus copy dialog, but I pointed him to usability list
[16:15] <mpt> andreasn, do you mean the progress window, or the name conflict alert?
[16:16] <andreasn> the progress window
[16:16] <mpt> ooh interesting
[16:16] <andreasn> File operations dialog redesign
[16:17] <andreasn> is the header of the e-mail
[16:19] <mpt> yes, reading it :-)
[16:19] <mpt> thanks
[16:21] <mpt> Why did it change?
[16:22] <andreasn> from what was in 2.20?
[16:22] <andreasn> someone decided it popped up too many dialogs when you copied two or more things at a time
[16:23] <mpt> oh, because it's stacked
[16:23] <mpt> good good
[16:23] <andreasn> the notification area thingy is a bit weird though
[16:23] <mpt> notification area thingy?
[16:24] <mpt> oh!
[16:24] <mpt> yeah, that's a bit bong
[16:24] <mpt> it does nothing minimize couldn't do
[16:24] <mpt> Oh, I know why it's there
[16:26] <mpt> It's because _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE doesn't have a "progress window" type
[16:26] <mpt> therefore progress windows get a close button when they shouldn't
[16:26] <mpt> and if you close it, how are you going to reopen it again?
[16:26] <mpt> by clicking the notification area mcguffin
[16:28] <andreasn> hm? you can do that?
[16:28] <andreasn> sounds really weird
[16:28] <mpt> so basically the new window does what's suggested in the "Tiling windows" section of <http://www.mackido.com/Interface/Copy.html>
[16:28] <mpt> yeah, it is really weird :-)
[16:28] <mpt> (the notification area thing, I mean, not the combining)
[16:29] <andreasn> yeah
[16:30] <calc> Ng: for a local user only copy into ~/.fonts
[16:30] <calc> Ng: then run fc-cache
[16:30] <calc> Ng: that is the non-gui way
[16:30] <calc> Ng: aiui fonts: is broken due to conversion to gvfs, probably will be fixed in next gnome release
[16:31] <calc> Ng: probably worth filing a bug against the appropriate thing in launchpad though if it isn't there already
[16:31] * calc bbl
[16:32] <calc> Ng: or pinging seb128 about it at some point
[16:44] <andreasn> mpt: nice work on the User Experince stuff in the ubuntu wiki btw
[16:45] <mpt> thanks
[16:51] <Ng> calc: .fonts is what I would have done. i think we should have a better way to do this
[16:51] <Ng> even fonts:// is hideously undiscoverable
[16:52] <Ng> gnome-font-viewer and right clicking on a ttf in nautilus should both offer a user install
[16:52] <Ng> imho :)
[18:43] <slomo__> hm, update-manager doesn't allow dist upgrades from feisty to hardy but only from gutsy/dapper to hardy?
[18:47] <Nafallo> slomo__: should be right
[18:48] <slomo__> doesn't make things easy here... gutsy doesn't boot ;)
[19:03] <Nafallo> slomo__: you now how you can work around it if needed.
[19:04] <slomo__> Nafallo: yes, how? :)
[19:04] <Nafallo> slomo__: you are not the slomo I know :-P
[19:05] <slomo__> i don't want to think about it or look into code or use s/feisty/hardy/ on sources.list and call apt-get dist-upgrade ;)
[19:31] <Nafallo> slomo__: hehe. the last one was the solution indeed ;-)