UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /25 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:03] <boolka> just installed 8.04 on laptop, it only uses 3/4 of the screen? Is there any way to fix it?
[00:04] <TheSheep> boolka: most possibly it thinks you have some smaller monitor connected
[00:04] <TheSheep> boolka: and scales the panels to fit in that monitor
[00:04] <boolka> ok
[00:04] <boolka> how do i fix it?
[00:05] <TheSheep> what outputs does the 'xrandr' command list?
[00:05] <boolka> sec
[00:07] <TheSheep> if it lists something like 'TVOUT', you can do 'xrandr --output TVOUT --off' and see if it helps
[00:07] <boolka2> TheSheep: can i msg you the paste?
[00:07] <TheSheep> !pastebin
[00:07] <ubotu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[00:08] <boolka2> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64292/
[00:09] <zut> Why does the Xubuntu site say that the new 8.10 release is supported until 2012 (i.e. 4 years)? I thought LTS versions are only supported for 3 years?
[00:09] <TheSheep> boolka2: do you have anything connected to the vga-0? an external monitor screen?
[00:10] <boolka2> yes
[00:10] <boolka2> my backlight is broken and thats the only way i could see
[00:10] <boolka2> brb
[00:10] <TheSheep> boolka2: then disable the laptop's screen
[00:11] <TheSheep> boolka2: with 'xrandr --output LVDS --off'
[00:12] <TheSheep> you can also disable it in xorg.conf, but I'm not sure how, there are some posts on the forum about that
[00:14] <PsynoKhi0> is brasero 0.6.1 reknown for not properly verifying disc integrity?
[00:14] <TheSheep> no idea, you could search the bugs
[00:15] <PsynoKhi0> found this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brasero/+bug/198030 but input varies
=== ubuntu__ is now known as vidd
[00:15] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 198030 in brasero "brasero does not check disc integrity right" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[00:16] <vidd> anyone know how to format a hard drive via live cd so i can boot and add the drive to my system?
[00:17] <TheSheep> vidd: there is no gparted on the livecd?
[00:17] <vidd> when i ran gparted from tty, it was all messed up
[00:17] <TheSheep> fun
[00:18] <TheSheep> you can always run mkfs.whatever
[00:23] <vidd> TheSheep, what i want to do is remove all the partitions on /dev/hdc and make it on 80gig partition
[00:24] <TheSheep> vidd: use fdisk then
[00:24] <TheSheep> fdisk /dev/hdc
[00:24] <TheSheep> vidd: note that it doesn't format, it only creates partitions
[00:25] <boolka2> TheSheep: thanks, it worked. Do i have to do it every time I connect it to external monitor?
[00:25] <boolka2> and what does LVDs stand for?
[00:25] <TheSheep> LVDS is the laptop's built-in LCD screen
[00:25] <ere4si> parted is the command line version of gparted - it will gormat - man parted for help
[00:26] <ere4si> *format
[00:26] <boolka2> Ah i see
[00:26] <TheSheep> boolka2: you can disable LVDS in xorg.conf, just every graphics card driver uses different options for that
[00:26] <boolka2> TheSheep: how do i go about activating the svideo?
[00:27] <TheSheep> boolka2: I have an intel card and I had to disable my tvout, because it thought it is connected and wans't using the whole screen
[00:27] <TheSheep> boolka2: connect something to svideo and do 'xrandr --output S-video --auto'
[00:28] <boolka2> I got an ati mobility radeon 9200
[00:28] <boolka2> okay let me try
[00:28] <TheSheep> boolka2: no idea about atis
[00:32] <KiFka> :D
[00:32] <KiFka> hallo
[00:32] <TheSheep> hello KiFka
[00:34] <boolka> how to switch back from svideo TheSheep
[00:34] <boolka> ?
[00:35] <TheSheep> just disable it with -off
[00:35] <TheSheep> --off
[00:35] <TheSheep> and enable others with --auto
[00:38] <boolka> hmm
[00:38] <boolka> well it didnt work
[00:39] <boolka> nothing appeared on my tv
[00:39] <TheSheep> does the 'xrandr' show S-video connected?
[00:39] <boolka> i cant check
[00:40] <TheSheep> ?
[00:40] <boolka> when i turn on svideo , my monitor shuts off
[00:40] <TheSheep> that's weird
[00:40] <boolka> nothing appears on tv
[00:41] <TheSheep> it should display on all outputs simultaneusly just fine :/
[00:41] <boolka> svideo and vga?
[00:41] <TheSheep> yeah
[00:41] <TheSheep> maybe this is something specific to your card or driver
[00:41] <TheSheep> but then it should at least display something on the tv
[00:42] <TheSheep> gotta go to bed, good luck with that, alt+ctrl+backspace restarts X in case you mess somehting
[00:43] <boolka> thanks
[00:43] <boolka> gn
[01:07] <PsynoKhi0> nite
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[01:51] <apathetic-> Hello, I cannot find xinitrc in my home directory in xubuntu, is it supposed to be missing?
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[02:17] <flowbot> anyone using xubuntu able to use Revelation Password Manager successfully?
[02:18] <flowbot> or hydrogen drum machine?
[02:51] <manuel__> so 8.04 is not out yet??
[02:52] <Odd-rationale> manuel__: yes!
[02:52] <manuel__> Odd-rationale: Xubuntu too?
[02:52] <Odd-rationale> manuel__: yes!!
[02:52] <manuel__> I can't find the link though
[02:52] <manuel__> just Ubuntu
[02:52] <Stroganoff> yes but update servers are swamped
[02:52] <manuel__> my bad
[02:52] <Stroganoff> http://xubuntu.org/get
[02:53] <manuel__> I was looking in ubuntu.com :D
[02:53] <manuel__> I'm planning on switching to xubuntu , good idea?
[02:53] <Stroganoff> yes. download the torrent
[02:53] <manuel__> I will
[02:54] <xjden> i has problem
[02:54] <Stroganoff> i has bucket
[02:54] <xjden> lol
[02:54] <xjden> seriously
[02:54] <Stroganoff> ^_^
[02:55] <manuel__> I already have ubuntu 8.04 installed ... is there a difference in installing a clean xubuntu install or just adding xfce?
[02:55] <xjden> last night i *tried* to install xfce 4.4.2... (upgrading from 4.4.1)... im CURRENTLY on 7.10 (very soon to upgrade to 8.04 if all is ok).... however it errored half way through the installation... with an error saying alsa is missing... but its not >.< and now i can only do half the stuff i need to in xubuntu
[02:56] <xjden> what i need to know... is:
[02:56] <xjden> what version of xfce does 8.04 come with?
[02:56] <xjden> and if installing 8.04 will correct xfce again
[02:56] <MiKa^> 4.4.2
[02:56] <xjden> or if i have to do that first
[02:58] <xjden> well... ill hit upgrade and see what happens... thats all i wanted to know ^_^
[02:58] <xjden> ...it didnt say on xubuntu.org that i could see
[02:58] <homebrewcider> hey there, every time I log in I get a "brown" desktop background (sounds strange I know) with none of my icons. I have to go Applications>settings>desktop settings and click "allow xfce to manage the desktop" every time to get my wallpaper and icons back. Can someone help please
[02:58] <manuel__> can someone say besides resources, why xubuntu is better than ubuntu ?
[02:59] <xjden> i have tried all 3 (x, u and k) and i like Xubuntu the best
[02:59] <manuel__> homebrewcider: I had that problem too when I tried xfce yesterday
[02:59] <xjden> its easier to use (i think)
[02:59] <xjden> its simpler
[02:59] <Stroganoff> homebrewcider, login, enable your desktop, logout with "save this session"
[02:59] <homebrewcider> ah ok
[02:59] <homebrewcider> thanks for the envy tip the other day stroganoff
[02:59] <manuel__> xjden: what about ati driver problems, is it the same?
[02:59] <homebrewcider> worked a treat
[03:00] <Stroganoff> glad to now
[03:00] <Stroganoff> uninstall the driver before upgrading to hardy
[03:00] <homebrewcider> could not have been simpler to implement
[03:00] <homebrewcider> trying the save session tip now
[03:01] <Stroganoff> manuel__ its faster and it got mice
[03:01] <manuel__> can you name some other good apt based distros?
[03:01] <manuel__> Stroganoff: yeah the mice are nice
[03:01] <Stroganoff> linux mint, manuel__
[03:01] <manuel__> Stroganoff: that's basically ubuntu though
[03:01] <Stroganoff> yep ;)
[03:01] <Stroganoff> debian or sidux then
[03:01] <homebrewcider> nope, the save session box was checked but had the same problem
[03:02] <Stroganoff> add xfdesktop to your startup items, homebrewcider
[03:02] <manuel__> Stroganoff: I've always been curious about debian
[03:02] <homebrewcider> ah ok
[03:02] <manuel__> Stroganoff: is it more mature than ubuntu?
[03:03] <Stroganoff> no
[03:03] <Stroganoff> ubuntu is the best you can get in most ways
[03:03] <manuel__> I'm just sick that the ati restricted drivers never work. .. I was so optimistic with the coming of hardy
[03:04] <Stroganoff> manuel__ they work for some people ;)
[03:04] <manuel__> the minority
[03:04] <manuel__> How about fedora?
[03:05] <Stroganoff> they are doing some nice work as well
[03:05] <manuel__> do you know if i can upgrade online to the next version like ubuntu does?
[03:06] <Stroganoff> you can
[03:06] <Stroganoff> try this for installing ati drivers in ubuntu: http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html
[03:07] <manuel__> Yep, I've done it
[03:07] <manuel__> what happened was that instead of opening gnome correctly, it gave me a white screen
[03:07] <Stroganoff> change DefaultDepth
[03:08] <manuel__> how?
[03:09] <Stroganoff> sudo nano /etc/X11/Xorg.conf
[03:09] <Stroganoff> change DefaultDepth to 16
[03:09] <Stroganoff> just guessing...
[03:10] <homebrewcider> mmm, under Applications>settings>sessions and startup settings, I have "automatically save session on logout" checked, but I still have the same problem on logout, is ther a config file i can check?
[03:10] <homebrewcider> on login I mean
[03:11] <manuel__> Stroganoff: would you believe me that, my xorg.conf is empty???
[03:11] <Stroganoff> you could delete the cache files at ~/.config/ somewhere (i dont use xfce session manager)
[03:11] <Stroganoff> manuel__ big X.. Xorg.conf
[03:11] <manuel__> yes, Xorg.conf
[03:12] <manuel__> is completely empty
[03:12] <Stroganoff> manuel__ always use [TAB] for auto completion in terminal
[03:12] <manuel__> :o
[03:12] <manuel__> I always do
[03:12] <Stroganoff> X wouldnt start a white screen with an empty config file
[03:12] <manuel__> oh
[03:12] <manuel__> in ubuntu is xorg not Xorg
[03:14] <Stroganoff> oops ;)
[03:14] <Stroganoff> so you didnt use tab :p
[03:19] <manuel__> Stroganoff: no, I blindly trusted you
[03:19] <manuel__> And why exactly a depth of 16?
[03:20] <Stroganoff> manuel__ because theres 24 and 16
[03:20] <Stroganoff> 24 doesnt work, so try 16
[03:21] <manuel__> Ok put 16
[03:21] <manuel__> should I try the restricted manager or envy now ? Stroganoff?
[03:21] <Stroganoff> i dont know
[03:22] <Stroganoff> installing a driver might reset the defaultdepth, so double-check after installing each driver
[03:22] <Stroganoff> or google ubuntu + your ati card.
[03:24] <manuel__> Here I go, with the will of god
[03:35] <owen1> how do i run apps on startup? i am trying to use the gui but it's not working. can i do it in terminal?
[03:35] <owen1> (or scripts)
[03:35] <HACKhalo2> what version are you running? 7.10 or 8.04?
[03:37] <owen1> i have two machines, one with 7 and one with 8.
[03:38] <owen1> HACKhalo2: it will be nice to learn the command line so if the UI changes i'll know how to do it.
[03:38] <HACKhalo2> well, im not sure on 7, but in 8
[03:39] <owen1> autostart applications?
[03:39] <HACKhalo2> well, i used the settings manager when i wanted to run the xscreensaver deamon
[03:40] <HACKhalo2> basically, applications/Settings/Settings Manager/Autostarted apps
[03:41] <HACKhalo2> click "+Add"
[03:41] <owen1> when i run this command from terminal it's work - sudo syndaemon -i 1 -d
[03:41] <HACKhalo2> Type in the name of the app, the discription, and the terminal command
[03:41] <owen1> but when i add it to autostart apps it's not running after logout.
[03:42] <HACKhalo2> oh
[03:42] <owen1> HACKhalo2: what is the name of the app. do i need to create a script?
[03:42] <HACKhalo2> the name is whatever you call it
[03:43] <HACKhalo2> it could be called Bob for all Linux cares
[03:43] <owen1> so does it have to be a script file?
[03:43] <HACKhalo2> no
[03:43] <HACKhalo2> i used a command
[03:43] <HACKhalo2> it could be a script file, but im not that advanced
[03:44] <owen1> that's what i did - in the name i wrote something random and in the command i wrote "sudo syndaemon -i 1 -d"
[03:44] <owen1> but it doesn't work.
[03:44] <HACKhalo2> does syndaemon need to be sudo?
[03:44] <owen1> mmm ne
[03:44] <owen1> no, let me try...!
[03:45] <HACKhalo2> minus qoutes ftw
[03:46] <LukeL> torrent.ubuntu.com is really taking a long time to do my requests
[03:46] <HACKhalo2> i know
[03:46] <LukeL> anyone have a direct link to the xubuntu 8.04 desktop torrent?
[03:46] <HACKhalo2> give it time
[03:46] <HACKhalo2> i did...
[03:46] <HACKhalo2> i'm working on getting the altCD fo i can upgrade offline
[03:46] <LukeL> ah
[03:47] <HACKhalo2> because my router is a pos and won't let my lappy online
[03:47] <LukeL> there we go, got it
[03:47] <owen1> HACKhalo2: thanks. it worked.
[03:47] <HACKhalo2> np
[03:47] <HACKhalo2> now i got my own question
[03:47] <owen1> you little hacker (-:
[03:48] <owen1> shoot
[03:48] <LukeL> so, anyone know if there is a DVD release for xubuntu like kubuntu/ubuntu?
[03:48] <HACKhalo2> how do i download files for Linux on winderz?
[03:48] <owen1> u want to use windows apps?
[03:49] <HACKhalo2> because of said problem, i can't get the openGL plugins for Linux
[03:51] <HACKhalo2> im looking for the Python OpenGL and Python GTKGLExt files
[03:52] <owen1> ahhhmm. not sure i know this stuff.
[03:53] <HACKhalo2> because all i need is the tarballs
[03:53] <HACKhalo2> after that, i can burn it to a CD and install from there
[04:05] <n000b> hey guys?
[04:05] <n000b> anyone active?
[04:05] <HACKhalo2> me
[04:05] <n000b> hey
[04:05] <HACKhalo2> hey
[04:05] <n000b> can i ask you a queston
[04:05] <HACKhalo2> shoot
[04:06] <owen1> n000b: go for it
[04:06] <n000b> what is the advantage of xubuntu over other ubuntu sub-distros
[04:06] <HACKhalo2> xubuntu is lighter
[04:06] <n000b> and over ubuntu
[04:06] <n000b> lighter how?
[04:06] <owen1> n000b: i just swicth....it's fast!
[04:06] <HACKhalo2> since it's based on the XFCE interface
[04:06] <n000b> why is it faster?
[04:07] <owen1> n000b: they choose light-wieght apps for everything.
[04:07] <n000b> light weight usually means less options, right?
[04:07] <owen1> n000b: and it was built from scratch for performance.
[04:07] <n000b> les features
[04:07] <owen1> n000b: not always, but sometimes yes.
[04:07] <HACKhalo2> not really
[04:08] <Jasone> anyone gotten remote desktop goin
[04:08] <HACKhalo2> the OS's are compairable
[04:08] <owen1> n000b: i don't see the difference from ubuntu.
[04:08] <HACKhalo2> but xubuntu beats ubuntu in speed
[04:08] <n000b> owen1: have you tried out all the apps again since your installation
[04:09] <n000b> HACKhalo2: have you noticed any differences in the apps?
[04:09] <owen1> Jasone: wait for 8.04. they added vinagre. great app.
[04:09] <HACKhalo2> i couldn't install ubuntu
[04:09] <HACKhalo2> my lappy's to old
[04:09] <owen1> n000b: i don't understand the question.
[04:09] <HACKhalo2> 8.04 got released already
[04:09] <n000b> hackhalo2: was your system too slow
[04:09] <owen1> HACKhalo2: true. got it.
[04:09] <Jasone> owen1 i have 8.04
[04:10] <n000b> ubuntu 8.04 has been released?
[04:10] <Jasone> i cant get remote desktop goin
[04:10] <Jasone> on xubuntu
[04:10] <HACKhalo2> it's running a Intel Celloron processor
[04:10] <owen1> Jasone: r u trying to connect to remote machine?
[04:10] <owen1> n000b: yes.
[04:10] <HACKhalo2> it's really slow
[04:10] <Jasone> im trying to bake xubuntu a vnc sever
[04:10] <owen1> n000b: the servers are busy. wait a few days.
[04:10] <n000b> owen1: i have an older version CD. will ubuntu automatically update me like windows does?
[04:11] <Jasone> lol bake it a server...
[04:11] <owen1> n000b: what version?
[04:11] <n000b> owen1: 7.04
[04:11] <HACKhalo2> no
[04:11] <owen1> n000b: yes. i had it as well.
[04:11] <HACKhalo2> im not sure about the altCD though
[04:11] <n000b> owen1: and it automatically updated it?
[04:12] <HACKhalo2> 7.04 to 8.04?
[04:12] <owen1> n000b: u'll see a button (today) that say - upgrade.
[04:12] <n000b> ok thanks
[04:12] <owen1> owen1: my wife's laptop didn't see it yet. but I did.
[04:13] <darthanubis> where is this "upgrade button"?
[04:13] <Jasone> the guides made to get xubuntu going sharing its desktop dont seem to work
[04:13] <owen1> n000b: xubuntu is like ubuntu but awesome.
[04:13] <HACKhalo2> it's in the update manager
[04:14] <n000b> owen1: im afraid of loosing features
[04:14] <darthanubis> I don't have the update manager on my system anymore
[04:14] <gopp> does anyone know if wubi works with external usb
[04:14] <owen1> n000b: like what?
[04:14] <darthanubis> the last update removed it
[04:14] <darthanubis> lol
[04:14] <n000b> owen: like anything
[04:14] <n000b> owen1: like anything
[04:15] <owen1> n000b: 7.04 didn't come with pdf viewer so i had to install evince.
[04:15] <owen1> n000b: but that's it.
[04:15] <n000b> owen1: 7.04 ubuntu didnt have it either
[04:15] <owen1> n000b: ok (-:
[04:15] <Jasone> nobody here has vnc4server going on their 8.04 ubuntu here?
[04:16] <Jasone> xubuntu*
[04:16] <n000b> can you use the ubuntu support forums to get xubuntu help?
[04:16] <owen1> "enable automatic login" doesn't work. any ideas?
[04:16] <owen1> n000b: great question. i think u do.
[04:17] <n000b> owen1:hmm how would you find out?
[04:17] <owen1> n000b: because u can use all the gnome apps on xubuntu.
[04:17] <owen1> n000b: i am new to xubuntu but i think it's the same forums.
[04:18] <n000b> i heard you dont need any antivirus or anti malware for linux
[04:18] <owen1> n000b: i also believe it's good to know the command line sometimes so u'll not be depend on a UI.
[04:18] <owen1> n000b: true.
[04:18] <n000b> owen1: good point
[04:18] <owen1> n000b: the best thing is the community.
[04:18] <n000b> owen1: can you do torrenting with xbuntu
[04:18] <owen1> n000b: people will help u to get away from MSF.
[04:19] <n000b> whats MSF
[04:19] <owen1> n000b: (-: sure. click on torrent file and enjoy!
[04:19] <owen1> n000b: it comes with 8.04 - transmission.
[04:19] <n000b> owen1: oh there's an included bittorrent client?
[04:20] <owen1> n000b: microsoft
[04:20] <n000b> ok
[04:20] <owen1> n000b: sure. and it's light-weight.
[04:20] <n000b> owen1:cool
[04:20] <owen1> n000b: i also have win XP as a virtual machine.
[04:20] <n000b> owen1: have you tried gobuntu?
[04:21] <owen1> use virtualbox.
[04:21] <n000b> owen1: im doing a dual boot system
[04:21] <owen1> n000b: no. is it nice?
[04:21] <owen1> n000b: why dual boot?
[04:21] <n000b> owen1: i've yet to try it
[04:21] <owen1> use virtualbox
[04:21] <n000b> so I can play certain windows only games and run some windows only software
[04:22] <owen1> n000b: it's great. it takes 2 seconds to have XP on full screen.
[04:22] <owen1> instead of dual boot.
[04:22] <n000b> owen1: so i dont need a dual boot?
[04:23] <owen1> no
[04:23] <n000b> owen1: hows the media player on xubuntu? will it play every kind of file?
[04:23] <owen1> install virtualbox from sun's website. i'll guide u.
[04:24] <owen1> n000b: yes. it's the same as ubuntu.
[04:24] <n000b> I see
[04:24] <n000b> owen1: what kind of system do you have
[04:24] <owen1> n000b: u can also try vlc or mplayer
[04:24] <owen1> n000b: 1.5 gig ram, 2.6 (i think) cpu.
[04:24] <n000b> owen1: whats vlc?
[04:25] <owen1> n000b: another video player.
[04:25] <n000b> owen1: what's it stand for?
[04:25] <owen1> n000b: not sure. google..
[04:25] <owen1> n000b: it's work with anything.
[04:26] <owen1> n000b: u have many options with linux. u'll love it.
[04:26] <owen1> my XP is fast. i don't feel that it's virtual at all.
[04:27] <n000b> owen1: i have a bunch of files on an external hard drive that I put on there when I had windows
[04:27] <owen1> and u can play flightgear on linux (open source flight simulator)!
[04:27] <n000b> owen1: how will i run them on linux
[04:28] <owen1> what kind of files?
[04:28] <n000b> owen1: thanks for the software recommendations , im writing them all down
[04:28] <n000b> Owen1: my folders show up as files on ubuntu, so i cant get into them
[04:29] <owen1> n000b: in 1 month u'll do the same - help others.
[04:29] <n000b> they were windows file system
[04:30] <owen1> mmm. it's a usb thingy?
[04:30] <n000b> yes
[04:30] <n000b> external
[04:30] <n000b> external usb
[04:30] <owen1> just connect to the linux and u'll be able to access it.
[04:31] <owen1> "enable automatic login" doesn't work. any ideas?
[04:31] <n000b> I opened it on linux but all the folders showed up as files
[04:32] <owen1> n000b: ask it on ubuntu channel. there are 1400 people now..
[04:32] <n000b> owen1: did you say 1400? are you serious>
[04:32] <owen1> n000b: yes. it's insane.
[04:33] <owen1> most of your questions can be addressed there.
[04:33] <owen1> i am going there as well. got a question with automatic login.
[04:34] <n000b> ok
[04:34] <n000b> link me pls
[04:34] <owen1> link?
[04:34] <owen1> what app do u use for irc?
[04:34] <n000b> chatzilla
[04:34] <n000b> im there now
[04:35] <owen1> ok. what link do u need. #ubuntu
[04:35] <n000b> no i dont need it abymore thanks anyway
[04:42] <yukonho> Hi - xubuntu is failing during the "loading drivers" portion of the boot sequence
[04:42] <Utalcn2me> my pulseaudio device chooser doesn't start when selected, and there is nothing listed when i run paman or pavucontrol, any ideas on using pulseaudio?
[04:52] <owen1> "enable automatic login" doesn't work(xubuntu) . any ideas?
[04:52] <maxamillion> don't use auto login?
[04:56] <owen1> maxamillion: when i logout it shows me the login screen..
[04:58] <maxamillion> right ... its supposed to
[04:59] <owen1> maxamillion: i am confused. can't i login automatically?
[04:59] <HACKhalo2> the auto login only works when you start the computer up
[04:59] <owen1> HACKhalo2: and not when i restartL
[04:59] <owen1> ?
[05:00] <HACKhalo2> restart should autologin too\
[05:00] <owen1> it didn't....
[05:00] <maxamillion> owen1: yes, you should be able to but i don't do it so i've never seen that problem and don't know how to fix it, i was just suggesting that you not use auto-login
[05:02] <owen1> maxamillion: what is the risk?
[05:02] <owen1> vnc?
[05:02] <owen1> ssh?
[05:02] <HACKhalo2> you get carpal tunnel typing in your password
[05:02] <HACKhalo2> lol
[05:02] <owen1> good one
[05:04] <maxamillion> well, i just don't like the idea of others using my machine ....
[05:04] <maxamillion> i have a fully encrypted hard drive, grub password, and required login prompt
[05:07] <owen1> what is grub password?
[05:08] <maxamillion> owen1: its a password that is required to even select a boot device/kernel/partition
[05:09] <maxamillion> owen1: and then i have a LUKs password that is required to decrypt my filesystem upon boot
[05:09] <maxamillion> well technically it decrypts and encrypts on the fly as i use the filesystem, but the password is required at boot time
[05:11] <owen1> maxamillion: r u an fbi agent? what's the pannic?
[05:12] <n000b> hey owen
[05:12] <n000b> owen are you on yahoo?
[05:12] <owen1> maxamillion: just kidding.
[05:12] <maxamillion> owen1: no, just security concious .... i'm just a college student
[05:12] <maxamillion> :P
[05:12] <owen1> maxamillion: one day i'll be like u.
[05:12] <owen1> hi n000b
[05:12] <n000b> owen1 im going to restart my PC in ubuntu
[05:13] <maxamillion> owen1: i hope your not like me, i hope you are better than me ;
[05:13] <maxamillion> ;)
[05:13] <n000b> will you be here
[05:13] <n000b> owen whats your location
[05:13] <n000b> owen1:
[05:14] <owen1> n000b: LA
[05:14] <owen1> n000b: you?
[05:15] <owen1> guy, n00b is trying ubuntu for the first time, so let's help him!
[05:15] <owen1> i mean guys
[05:16] <maxamillion> rgr
[05:16] <n000b> ok owen im going to restart my pc
[05:16] <n000b> will you be here?
[05:16] <owen1> n000b: probabsy
[05:16] <owen1> probably
[05:16] <n000b> ok this will take 10 minutes
[05:29] <n000b> hey
[05:29] <n000b> owen
[05:29] <n000b> owen can you walk me through the installation?
[05:30] <owen1> sure
[05:30] <owen1> next..
[05:31] <n000b> its asking me how do i want to partition the disk
[05:32] <owen1> my advice is to fully install it.
[05:32] <owen1> do u have a problem with it?
[05:38] <maxamillion> n000b: is there another operating system on that computer or any data that you don't want deleted?
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[06:56] <lucasmk> is um
[06:56] <lucasmk> Xubuntu based on Hardy ready yet?
[06:56] <zoredache> yes
[06:56] <lucasmk> anyone had any luck with powerpc ?
[06:57] <zoredache> I don't think that is an option anymore...
[06:58] <zoredache> but I am not certain. I know that I didn't see any ppc cd images on the xubuntu site
[06:58] <lucasmk> yeah it's unsupported
[06:59] <lucasmk> but i still think packages are built for it
[07:05] <lucasmk> hmm
[07:05] <lucasmk> guess I'll wait
[07:54] <whyking> hi
[07:55] <whyking> I just upgraded xubuntu to hardy.. everything fine, but I think PulseAudio is not installed.. can't seem to find it.. onyl pkg installed is libpulse0
[07:58] <whyking> also, why is xmms uninstalled
[08:01] <TheSheep> !pulseaudio
[08:01] <ubotu> PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions
[08:02] <whyking> but shouldn't it be installed automatically when upgrading?
[08:02] <TheSheep> whyking: xmms is not installed beacuse it's unsupported and very old software with limited functionalities, and on top of that it's illegal to distribute it in many countries such as United States and japan because of software patents
[08:02] <TheSheep> s/japan/Japan
[08:02] <whyking> oh ok... is there a new good and simple player?
[08:02] <TheSheep> try audacious
[08:03] <whyking> TheSheep, ok.. ... so its normal that PulseAudio did not get installed?
[08:03] <TheSheep> I suppose so
[08:10] <lucasmk> PulseAudio is great once you get it working
[08:32] <latitu> i have hp deskjet 3900 printer. how can i see ink levels and have some advanced configs and printing quality levels . like in windows?
[08:49] <whyking> lucasmk, got it working.. was actually pretty easy and works indeed nice
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[08:49] <whyking> especially nice is the feature to allow other pcs on the lan to play music over my boxes.. no more music from my gf's laptop speakers! :-)
[08:57] <whyking> although audacious is choking when trying to play an mp3
[08:59] <whyking> ah, wrong output plugin
[10:09] <venil> how come my update manager says "new distribution 7.10 is uvailable", when 8.04 is out, is there any way i can update 7.04 to 8.04 bypassing 7.10
[10:11] <jarnos> Hello! Has anyone succeeded in running midbrowser or installing konqueror embedded in ubuntu?
[10:14] <Iskr> venil, i don't think so but either case it is not reccomended
[10:17] <venil> thanks, does anyone know if 8.04 solves the display not being switched back on after a laptop lid open
[10:18] <venil> this has been a problem for Dell branded laptops
[10:28] <Iskr> i dunno
[10:54] <whyking> how can I set what modules in /etc/init.d should get started automatically during boot?
[10:59] <saint-takeshi> hey all
[11:00] <saint-takeshi> just put xubuntu on my lovely new Acer Aspire 5315 laptop :D:D it's gorgeous
[11:00] <saint-takeshi> so......fast
[11:04] <Iskr> yes it is
[11:05] <saint-takeshi> just a couple of things i need to sort out... how come dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ends after the emulate 3-button mouse question?
[11:08] <saint-takeshi> i'd really prefer it to use the intel video driver and direct rendering and 3d acceleration. i did it a few months ago on a simillar, older lappy and had guildwars running under wine at bearable speeds...
[11:08] <saint-takeshi> keep forgetting to back up up my xorg.conf after i get everything working.
[11:49] <bowenyah> hi, I am trying to run a python script on xubuntu (linutop machine) but it seems to get killed by the system after about a minute. The script basically makes a urllib2.request every 10 seconds or so. Can anyone give me any pointers on how I could diagnose the problem?
[12:10] <Prodoc81> good afternoon
[12:11] <Prodoc81> I'd like to upgrade from xubuntu 6.06 to 8.04. If I use the update manager only 7.10 is provided. According to the help file I have to enable the "dapper-updates" software channel but where/how do I do this?
[12:14] <Prodoc81> or is it recommended to install 7.10 first?
[12:17] <Prodoc81> correction, I'm running xubuntu 6.10
[12:19] <PsynoKhi0> heya
[12:20] <PsynoKhi0> the upgrade to hardy went ok, something's bugging me though: the panels aren't what I expected them to become
[12:21] <PsynoKhi0> size can prolly be tweaked but I don't have the "Places" menu, what gives?
[12:23] <Sionide> PsynoKhi0, right-click on the top panel, add an item, places is in there
[12:24] <PsynoKhi0> eh... and it was that simple :( struck by the "OMGOMGOMG IRC HELP!" syndrome...
[12:24] <PsynoKhi0> Sionide: thanx
[12:25] <Sionide> PsynoKhi0, figured it was installed during the update, just not added automatically
[12:27] <Sionide> Prodoc81, i'd recommend backing everything up and doing a fresh install.. because it looks like you'd have to dist-upgrade to 7.10, then again up to 8.04 if that's even possible... it's likely things would break :S but i'm no expert.. just making an educated guess from what i read on http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades
[12:29] <soren> Prodoc81: Upgrading from 6.06 to 8.04 is supported.
[12:29] <Sionide> soren, what about 6.10?
[12:29] <soren> Sionide: No.
[12:30] <Sionide> hrm
[12:30] <Sionide> http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[12:30] <soren> Upgrades to 8.04 are supported from 6.06 and 7.10
[12:30] <PsynoKhi0> isn't Places supposed to include submenus like in gnome? "Documents", "Music" etc.
[12:30] <Sionide> but you can only upgrade 6.10 to 7.04 :s
[12:31] <Sionide> PsynoKhi0, I've just got home dir, trash, desktop and file system on mine..
[12:31] <PsynoKhi0> !upgrade
[12:31] <ubotu> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[12:31] <PsynoKhi0> oops
[12:31] <soren> Sionide: I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm just saying what's supported (i.e. what's been tested and what you can expect to get help with).
[12:31] <Prodoc81> I'm now in the process of upgrading from 6.10 to 7.10
[12:31] <Sionide> soren, indeed..
[12:31] <PsynoKhi0> Sionide: fresh install?
[12:32] <Sionide> 6.10 -> 7.10 -> 8.04, heh
[12:32] <PsynoKhi0> ah
[12:33] <Sionide> i prefer fresh install.. making a clean start is nice
[12:33] <Sionide> i tend to install this and that package just to see what they do, never use them again.. system gets clogged up.
[12:34] <Sionide> back in the old days, i installed openoffice 2.0 manually when it came out, and gnucash i think and between them they wrecked dist-upgrade..
[12:35] <PsynoKhi0> guess I'll do that
[12:35] <PsynoKhi0> not sure it will revert to defalt desktop settings though
[12:35] <PsynoKhi0> default*
[12:36] <PsynoKhi0> I keep /home on a separate partition
[12:37] <Sionide> i was talking about what Prodoc81 is trying..
[12:37] <Sionide> thought you said your upgrade went okay?
[12:37] <PsynoKhi0> Sionide: ah... well "so far so good"
[12:37] <Sionide> the thing with keeping the home dir is then you get old hidden files in it which is clutter
[12:38] <Prodoc81> sorry, got distracted
[12:38] <Prodoc81> how big is the chance that I'm able to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04?
[12:39] <Sionide> Prodoc81, very.. it's supported. see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades
[12:39] <Prodoc81> ah yes, of course
[12:40] <Prodoc81> I just thought it would be different again like from 6.10 to 8.04 but as soon as I got 7.10 installed that's not the case anymore
[12:41] <Sionide> Prodoc81, have you backed up important data just in case?
[12:41] <Prodoc81> hehe, nope :-D
[12:41] <Sionide> i would.. just as a precaution
[12:42] <Prodoc81> too late now. I should have but fortunately it's not a critical system, hence the reason I was still working with 6.10 thus far
[12:43] * Sionide watches The Apprentice 4x05
[12:45] <Prodoc81> hmm, it stops at 'Services to restart for PAM library upgrade:'
[12:46] <Prodoc81> though nothing is listed
[12:49] <cody-somerville> TheSheep, ping
[12:50] <Prodoc81> ah, the magic Enter button is performing miracles again :-D
[12:52] <cody-somerville> :)
[13:32] <leftStanding> hi, i recently downloaded xubuntu 8.04, burned it and when tried booting from CD it throws my laptop into what looks like an infinite loop after i click on the "try xubuntu" menu option. is anyone experiencing similar problems?
[13:32] <leftStanding> i haven't encountered this while using regular ubuntu, i verified the iso against the md5 hash and that seems to match up
[13:33] <ere4si> I've never seen a "try xubuntu" option - where did you get the iso from?
[13:34] <leftStanding> ere4si: i'm paraphrasing, its the first option in the menu that doesn't automatically try to install itself
[13:34] <ere4si> start or install?
[13:34] <leftStanding> start
[13:34] <ere4si> k
[13:35] <leftStanding> i've tried all the options and each one leads to a loop -- cd-rom speeds up, spins for awhile, then slows down, repeats
[13:35] <leftStanding> no status bars or anything to show progress
[13:35] <ere4si> infiniter loops are generally kernel issues - did you check the md5 against the burnt cd?
[13:35] <leftStanding> yes, i did compare the two and it checked out
[13:35] <ere4si> *infinite
[13:36] <leftStanding> infiniter loops are more infinite than infinite loops, right? ;)
[13:36] <ere4si> \at "start or install" click F6 and type a space then noapic nolapic
[13:38] <cody-somerville> leftStanding, hey
[13:38] <cody-somerville> How much memory does your computer have?
[13:38] <leftStanding> i'll try that when i get home, do you have other ideas as to why its not working?
[13:38] <leftStanding> cody_somerville: i have 1GB of RAM
[13:38] <cody-somerville> Do a CD integrity test.
[13:39] <leftStanding> cody_somerville: i've tried selecting that option but same problem, it freezes - never loads but i am able to use CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart the laptop
[13:39] <cody-somerville> leftStanding, Do an MD5 check before booting from the cd.
[13:39] <leftStanding> i've tried the ubuntu 8.04 beta version and that seemed to work fine
[13:40] <leftStanding> cody_somerville: yep, i'm compared the hashes
[13:40] <cody-somerville> You have or are am?
[13:40] <leftStanding> can you restate the question?
[13:41] <ere4si> md5 check leftStanding
[13:43] <leftStanding> oh yes, i've ran md5 and compared the result against the one on the download site, they both match
[13:44] <ere4si> seems strange the beta worked and the final doesn't
[13:45] <ere4si> ?
[13:45] <ere4si> There's not much difference between them'
[13:46] <leftStanding> I'd imagine other people would complain about this if it was a wide spread problem.
[13:47] <leftStanding> Must be something funky with my machine. I'll take a closer look when I get home. Thanks for the help ere4si & cody-somerville!
[13:47] <cody-somerville> okay, np
[13:48] <ere4si> leftStanding: ask again if there's any more trouble
[15:05] <Ultraputz> i upgraded from gutsy to hardy, and use LUKS / LVM. Upon reboot, i find that it asks for LUKS password, but will not unlock the new system
[15:05] <Ultraputz> i assume grub's menu did not get updated to reflect the new system, but i can't get it at it.
[15:06] <Ultraputz> any ideas?
[15:07] <TheSheep> Ultraputz: you can always hit 'e' on the grub screen and edit the entry in place
[15:07] <Ultraputz> sure
[15:07] <Ultraputz> but i'm not sure what to set it to
[15:12] <Ultraputz> autocomplete is helpful
[15:12] <TheSheep> you can also start grub from a livecd
[15:12] <Ultraputz> anyohw, the problem goes a bit beyond that -- once i get past grub, it keeps asking for the LUKS passphrase, and won't accept it
[15:12] <TheSheep> but I guess it wouldn't have access to the encrypted files
[15:13] <Ultraputz> if this is locked out, it would be very, very bad.
[15:14] <TheSheep> otoh grub must have a way to read them somehow...
[15:14] <Ultraputz> i assume it's grub because during the upgrade process, it asked me whether or not to keep or replace the grub menu
[15:14] <TheSheep> well, since you know the passphrase, you could probably use some tools to recover that anyway
[15:14] <TheSheep> I just don't knw any
[15:17] <Ultraputz> updated grub, got a new error:
[15:17] <Ultraputz> "VIA PadLock Hash Engine not detected, modprobe: WARNING: Error inserting padlock_sha) (/lib/modules/...26-16-generic/kernal/drivers/crypto/padlock-sha.ko): No such device
[15:18] <TheSheep> just an error
[15:18] <TheSheep> a warning I mean
[15:18] <TheSheep> I think it's not critical
[15:19] <Ultraputz> it's still not recognizing the passphrase.
[15:20] <Sionide> Prodoc81, how's it going?
[15:32] <Sionide> What the... Why do .odt OpenDocument files open with "Archive Manager" as default...? That's a bit odd.
[15:33] <gabkdlly> Sionide: probably because you don't have OpenOffice installed
[15:34] <Sionide> True, but it's just a format.. Abiword supports OpenDocument Format, rightly so.. Abiword *made* the file
[15:35] <Sionide> opendocument format files aren't archives :S
[15:36] <koldrakan> what's the 2 commands for disabling thhe system beep? I seem to have forgotten:P
[15:38] <Ultraputz> bbl
[15:41] <koldrakan> anyone
[15:41] <koldrakan> ?
[15:42] <Linuturk> well, I'm running xubuntu at homenow
[15:43] <Linuturk> home now*
[15:43] <Odd-rationale> koldrakan: this might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=634295
[15:43] <Linuturk> it seems alright
[15:45] <gabkdlly> Sionide: actually, odt files are either XML or ZIP archives containing XML
[15:45] <koldrakan> thx=)
[15:45] <Sionide> gabkdlly, apparently so.. the lamen user doesn't need to to know that. it's a document format..
[15:46] <gabkdlly> true
[15:48] <Odd-rationale> koldrakan: as you could see, I prefered to "humanize" it rather that blacklist it... :) or you could just "xset b 0"
[15:50] <koldrakan> I used the blacklist option:P
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[15:55] <_stijn_> hey
[15:55] <_stijn_> i've a quick question
[15:56] <_stijn_> what are the requirments for xubuntu?
[15:56] <Odd-rationale> _stijn_: 256 mb ram and 1.5 gb hdd space
[15:57] <Odd-rationale> _stijn_: let me get the exact numbers..
[15:57] <_stijn_> got it
[15:57] <ere4si> 128mb memory is the main one - after install - 192mb mem for the live cd
[15:57] <_stijn_> great, this pc has exact 256MB
[15:58] <Odd-rationale> _stijn_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements#head-1e8a8a2a2221583a5ce5a57a242f72b623469815
[15:58] <_stijn_> k
[16:21] <Sionide> heh, absolute minimum looks like fun, might see if i've got an old machine knocking about i could try it on
[16:22] <Sionide> i bet my dad has a 486 in the loft
[16:25] <TheSheep> Sionide: that's a bit o an overkill
[16:32] <PsynoKhi0> that "minimum req" discussion reminded me of a YouTube with some guy trying to boot the live cd on a system with 16 MB ram...
[16:32] <PsynoKhi0> som people never learn
[16:32] <PsynoKhi0> YouTube vid*
[16:33] <PsynoKhi0> or was it 32 MB... bah, anyway...
[16:34] <PsynoKhi0> was the switch to PulseAudio really rational btw?
[16:35] <eternalswd> I just finished installing xubuntu 8.04 rc on my old imac graphite. When I try to boot, it reaches the place where the kernel is loading and just powers off. Any ideas how to resolve. Do I need to add noapic to the kernel options? If so, how do I?
[16:35] <eternalswd> Installation finished without error btw.
[16:38] <ere4si> at the grub menu - hit e - scroll down one line then hit e again - type a space then type noapic nolapic and then hit enter then b for boot
[16:40] <eternalswd> the ppc version has no grub that I can see. There is a yaboot
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[18:47] <Prodoc81> darn, I walked away during the upgrade process from 6.10 to 7.10 and now it doesn't accept my password any more to get rid of the screensaver
[18:48] <Prodoc81> anyone got a suggestion how to get out of the screensaver?
[18:48] <PsynoKhi0> ctrl alt f2 maybe
[18:48] <Prodoc81> what will that do?
[18:49] <PsynoKhi0> send you to a terminal
[18:49] <Prodoc81> I dont know how far it got with the upgrade process
[18:49] <Prodoc81> ok
[18:49] <PsynoKhi0> then you can ps aux | grep screensaver
[18:49] <PsynoKhi0> and kill the PID
[18:49] <PsynoKhi0> use at your own risks
[18:51] <PsynoKhi0> I hear you there though, having the option to block the screensaver during an upgrade could be neat
[18:52] <Prodoc81> it got me in the terminal, is there a way to get back to the gui?
[18:52] <Prodoc81> my login does get accepted in the terminal
[18:54] <PsynoKhi0> dang
[18:54] <pleia2> Prodoc81: there isn't really an upgrade path from 6.10 directly to 7.10, should have gone 6.10 > 7.04 > 7.10
[18:54] <PsynoKhi0> ctrl alt f7
[18:54] <pleia2> so you might run into other issues
[18:55] <Prodoc81> the 7.10 upgrade got offered in the update manager so I went for it
[18:55] <pleia2> interesting
[18:56] <Prodoc81> darn, going back to the gui still doesn't allow me to exit the screen saver with my login details
[18:58] <PsynoKhi0> your pw borked somehow...
[18:58] <Prodoc81> I guess I got no other option then to kill the PID?
[18:58] <PsynoKhi0> (no sh!t sherlock)
[18:58] <PsynoKhi0> Prodoc81: well yeah but if you can't log in a term nor get out of the screensaver... =/
[18:59] <PsynoKhi0> btw my comment within parenthesis was targeted at my own comment :P
[18:59] <Prodoc81> my account details do get accepted in the terminal
[18:59] <PsynoKhi0> oh
[19:00] <Prodoc81> would a pw reset do the trick?
[19:00] <PsynoKhi0> ouch my bad, read wrong
[19:00] <PsynoKhi0> if it works in terminal but not in screensaver, I'd say your pw is fine
[19:01] <PsynoKhi0> so uh yeah kill the pid for s-saver
[19:01] <PsynoKhi0> it might have updated the package forit while it was running, butnot configured yet
[19:01] <Sionide> Prodoc81, i told you this upgrade thing was a bad move..
[19:01] <PsynoKhi0> hence pw no go (wild guess)
[19:02] <Prodoc81> Sionide: than why did I get the offer in the first place? ;-)
[19:03] <Prodoc81> PsynoKhi0: how does this kill stuff work?
[19:04] <PsynoKhi0> it fries the RAM space the process is running in, so use sparely
[19:04] <PsynoKhi0> nah j/k
[19:04] <PsynoKhi0> :D
[19:04] <PsynoKhi0> it forces the process to stop and frees the ram
[19:06] <Prodoc81> 'ps aux | grep screensaver' gives me a huge list of libblabla with one line at the end: 'prodoc 32078 0.0 0.0 2976 752 tty2 R+ 20:09 0:00 grep screensaver'
[19:07] <PsynoKhi0> ps aux | grep gnome
[19:08] <Prodoc81> 'prodoc 32087 0.0 0.0 2976 772 tty2 R+ 20:09 0:00 grep gnome'
[19:12] <leche> how do i get my old "settings" menu back?
[19:19] <PsynoKhi0> Prodoc81: then the whole beef: ps aux | grep gnome-screensaver
[19:19] <PsynoKhi0> shortcuts aren't always that short eh?
[19:20] <Prodoc81> hehe
[19:21] <PsynoKhi0> though I can't remember if ps aux requires wildcards to work properly
[19:22] <Prodoc81> 'prodoc 32104 0.0 0.0 2976 752 tty2 R+ 20:28 0.00 grep gnome-screensaver'
[19:22] <PsynoKhi0> ffs
[19:22] <Prodoc81> this time no huge libblabla list
[19:23] <PsynoKhi0> no useful info either
[19:23] <PsynoKhi0> well I'm out of ideas sorry :(
[19:23] <Prodoc81> darn
[19:25] <gaurdro> wow, the ubuntu servers are timing out with getting the upgrade release notes. they must be under some serious load.
[19:27] <PsynoKhi0> Prodoc81: not too sound to pessimistic but, in the short term, a potential issue with the screensave thingie is that (at least in my case) the upgrade manager could ask you to keep or delete a proc blacklist file...
[19:27] <PsynoKhi0> since you can't give any input, it's gonna sit there
[19:27] <PsynoKhi0> and your upgrade won't complete no matter how long you wait, unless MAYBE the screensaver automagically gets back to normal
[19:30] <Prodoc81> PsynoKhi0: well...I started to upgrade process 6 hours ago... I don't think it would have taken that long for it to turn back to normal
[19:30] <PsynoKhi0> anyone with a fresh FRESH 8.04 installation here?
[19:30] <PsynoKhi0> Prodoc81: that sounds a tad long indeed... errmm do you have a backup of your home folder? :(
[19:30] <PsynoKhi0> or is it on a separate partition?
[19:31] <PsynoKhi0> konnichiwa
[19:31] <Prodoc81> hehe, nope :-D
[19:31] <PsynoKhi0> Prodoc81: anything important in your /home folder? :(
[19:32] <Prodoc81> just a bloody tricky postgres/perl server setup :-(
[19:32] <PsynoKhi0> gah
[19:33] <Prodoc81> what if I just shut down the system in the hope that it's finished or will resume?
[19:33] <PsynoKhi0> I'd boot on a LiveCD and save whatever I can...
[19:33] <PsynoKhi0> Prodoc81: I tried that once
[19:33] <PsynoKhi0> resulted in a messed up filesystem
[19:34] <Prodoc81> GOT IT! killed the screensaver
[19:34] <PsynoKhi0> WOOOO!
[19:34] <Prodoc81> I'm back in
[19:34] <PsynoKhi0> (<-.-)
[19:34] <PsynoKhi0> (-.->)
[19:34] <PsynoKhi0> *this is my "Travolta in Pulp Fiction" smilie, (c) me*
[19:35] <Prodoc81> hehe
[19:36] <Prodoc81> wow, weird, I got back in with a config error but gefore I could respond all of a sudden it logged me out. I can login again and I get a clean desktop
[19:36] <Prodoc81> is there any way I can check if everything installed fine now?
[19:38] <PsynoKhi0> launch Synaptic
[19:38] <biro> hi all, is it possible to reorder items on the task bar?
[19:38] <PsynoKhi0> biro: you mean your elements in the upper panel?
[19:39] <PsynoKhi0> or lower too
[19:39] <PsynoKhi0> right click on the applet, there should be an option to move the icon
[19:39] <biro> PsynoKhi0: just the lower
[19:39] <PsynoKhi0> ah
[19:40] <PsynoKhi0> your minimized apps?
[19:40] <biro> yeah
[19:40] <PsynoKhi0> or your applets?
[19:40] <biro> I really miss that feature
[19:40] <biro> minimized apps
[19:40] <PsynoKhi0> hold left mouse button I think
[19:41] <biro> no, doesn't work
[19:41] <biro> :(
[19:44] <PsynoKhi0> biro: ah dang... jumped to conclusions sry (in ubuntu with gnome atm here)
[19:48] <PsynoKhi0> POLL: how hot does the harddrive get on your laptop (please include approx. year of manufacture)
[19:48] <PsynoKhi0> 53C iddle after a while (2001)
[19:50] <C|-|R15> hi....does xubuntu do a good job of detecting internet modem connected via USB on a laptop?
[19:50] <C|-|R15> direct USB connection not wifi USB internet
[19:53] <PsynoKhi0> C|-|R15: modem with SIM card?
[19:53] <PsynoKhi0> GAH!
[19:54] <PsynoKhi0> can I delete my 2 previous comments? -.-
[19:54] <C|-|R15> its a cable DSL router using USB on old laptop...ethernet port broken
[19:55] <C|-|R15> just wondering if it will detect internet connection without tweaking
[19:55] <PsynoKhi0> yeah, thought you meant something else by "not wifi" my bad
[19:55] <C|-|R15> not problem...my bad for not being clearer...lol
[19:56] <PsynoKhi0> nope, I have to learn to stop reading half of the sentences before assaulting my keyboard hehe!
[19:56] <PsynoKhi0> as for your question, I don't know
[19:57] <PsynoKhi0> there is a simple way of checkig it out I'd say
[19:57] <C|-|R15> all M$ ME and XP seem to detect it just fine...wondering if xubuntu will be the same
[19:57] <PsynoKhi0> hoe much ram does your laptop have?
[19:57] <PsynoKhi0> how*
[19:57] <C|-|R15> I would try live version, but downloaded alt version
[19:58] <PsynoKhi0> that's what I was suggesting actually, trying the live version :)
[19:58] <C|-|R15> laptop has 192MB ram
[19:58] <PsynoKhi0> ok, that's the minimum to boot the Live
[19:59] <C|-|R15> ok...guess its downloading again on torrent....
[19:59] <C|-|R15> have you tried fluxbuntu?
[19:59] <C|-|R15> just wondering if its just the same as ubuntu.....just not official
[20:01] <Odd-rationale> C|-|R15: i've used fluxbuntu
[20:01] <Odd-rationale> C|-|R15: although I think they're skipping the hardy release
[20:01] <C|-|R15> any good?
[20:02] <Odd-rationale> C|-|R15: yeah. It was good. although, anyone could make there own with no trouble...
[20:02] <C|-|R15> ah ok
[20:02] <C|-|R15> but guess its all the same...like apt-get, etc?
[20:03] <Odd-rationale> they are still on 7.10 rc
[20:03] <Odd-rationale> C|-|R15: yeah, all that is the same
[20:04] <C|-|R15> might give it a try....if its better than xubuntu for older laptops
[20:04] <Odd-rationale> C|-|R15: definitly lighter than xubuntu
[20:04] <Odd-rationale> although, my new favorite is lxde
[20:05] <C|-|R15> not familiar with that one....it liked Puppy....but never seemed to install correctly and always needed disc to boot
[20:06] <Odd-rationale> C|-|R15: frugal install?
[20:06] <Odd-rationale> lxde is a desktop environment: http://lxde.sourceforge.net/
[20:06] <C|-|R15> have used ubuntu for years...so comfortable with that....previously had mandrake...but good few years back....they lost me once discovered ubuntu
[20:09] <C|-|R15> thanks for you help odd...very helpful....will check out lxde
[20:09] <C|-|R15> bye
[20:24] <lobazo> please help me
[20:25] <lobazo> i can't mount a cd
[20:25] <lobazo> it's says me
[20:25] <lobazo> according mtab /dev/scd0 is already mounted in /media/cdrom0
[20:27] <siggjen> try eject then
[20:27] <lobazo> i have done that
[20:27] <lobazo> when i try to put again says me
[20:27] <lobazo> according mtab /dev/scd0 is already mounted in /media/cdrom0
[20:28] <lobazo> i can see the files
[20:28] <PsynoKhi0> what's the default panel size in Hardy?
[20:29] <lobazo> but i don't like the same error message again and again
[20:29] <Odd-rationale> PsynoKhi0: in xfce? 24 i think
[20:29] <lobazo> yes xfce
[20:29] <PsynoKhi0> Odd-rationale: smaller than gutsy and previous versions, isn't it?
[20:30] <Odd-rationale> PsynoKhi0: yup. more "gnomey"
[20:30] <PsynoKhi0> Odd-rationale: indeed... both upper and lower panel?
[20:33] <PsynoKhi0> Odd-rationale: ah nvm, thanks for the info :)
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
[20:54] <PsynoKhi0> hmm looks like my notification try icons are kind of bigger than they should
[20:54] <PsynoKhi0> try = tray
[20:59] <PsynoKhi0> nvm, xfce's wish list says I'll have to live with it :P
[21:05] <leftStanding> hi, when using grub interactively can you specify noacpi or acpi=off as kernel arguments or is there a special command that is needed?
[21:13] <PsynoKhi0> leftStanding: what do you mean by "interactively"? :)
[21:13] <PsynoKhi0> <- not too versed in jargon yet :P
[21:14] <PsynoKhi0> booting from cd or once installed?
[21:15] <Odd-rationale> how do I lock a xfce-session?
[21:16] <PsynoKhi0> Odd-rationale: I wish I knew... I'd loe to see the same lock screen as in gnome
[21:18] <Stroganoff> you can use xscreensaver for screen locking
[21:18] <Stroganoff> but the logout button of xfce should offer locking as well
[21:33] <Odd-rationale> Stroganoff: what is the command for that?
[21:34] <Stroganoff> xscreensaver-command -lock
=== Marcel_ is now known as Marcel
[21:38] <Jeah> I'm having a weird Window Manager problem in Xubuntu Hardy. Xfce4-terminal is opening without window decorations. It has the right shape, but instead of the title bar, frame, close button, etc it is just solid black. I can click where the buttons should be and they work, but they're not visible. Window decorations on all my other apps (at least the ones I've used so far) have been fine. I just tried re-downloading and re-installing t
[22:42] <HACKhalo2> i had to manually update my kernal this morning
[22:43] <HACKhalo2> that was fun
[22:56] <Jeah> Can anybody help me with a weird window manager problem in Xubuntu Hardy? Xfce4-terminal is opening without window decorations. It has the right shape, but instead of the title bar, frame, close button, etc it is just solid black. I can click where the buttons should be and they work, but they're not visible. Window decorations on all my other apps (at least the ones I've used so far) have been fine. Compositing is off. I tried re-d
[22:58] <HACKhalo2> did you try changing your theme?
[23:04] <lobazo> after of a problem i'm here again and i want to solve the problem of a cd of data
[23:04] <lobazo> i can't mount the cd
[23:06] <lobazo> it says me according mtab /dev/scd0 is already mounted on media/cdrom0
[23:08] <lobazo> if someone could help me please
[23:08] <totalwormface> wha?
[23:09] <totalwormface> can't you 'sudo umount /dev/scd0'?
[23:09] <totalwormface> and then mount it to the point you wanted it?
[23:10] <lobazo> no
[23:10] <lobazo> when i insert the cd
[23:10] <totalwormface> and you cant access it by browsing to /media/cdrom0?
[23:10] <lobazo> says me "according mtab /dev/scd0 is already mounted on media/cdrom0"
[23:11] <lobazo> no
[23:11] <lobazo> i can access
[23:11] <lobazo> but the error message appear again
[23:11] <lobazo> and again after of insert the cd's
[23:14] <lobazo> it's not a serious problem but i don't like the error messages
[23:14] <C|-|R15> hi...has anyone here put LXDE on top of xubuntu?
[23:19] <PsynoKhi0> iceWM yup, not tried LXDE though
[23:23] <KillerOrca> anyone here upgrade to 8.04 recently?
[23:23] <Odd-rationale> C|-|R15: i have. in gutsy
[23:23] <KillerOrca> did you use Samaba?
[23:24] <C|-|R15> so it pretty smooth and easy to get on top of xubuntu? no major problems?
[23:24] <HACKhalo2> i got the CD mount problem too, but i just double click the CD icon and i can access the disc
[23:24] <HACKhalo2> i bet the disc mounts twice
[23:24] <HACKhalo2> it mounts correctly the first time and errors out the second time
[23:24] <HACKhalo2> i did Killerkhi0
[23:25] <MiKa|> hi guys, my xubuntu isnt able to download and install a lot of software... i have no idea why
[23:25] <Odd-rationale> C|-|R15: yeah. really easy
[23:26] <HACKhalo2> MiKa -- i have the same problem, i just go to launchpad and manually download the installers
[23:26] <Odd-rationale> C|-|R15: just add the repo on the lxde site
[23:27] <MiKa|> but it's really troublesome for me, because i have 20+ apps to download
[23:27] <C|-|R15> good...just looking for a nice ultra light version of ubuntu
[23:27] <C|-|R15> did you not have any problems installing programs?
[23:27] <C|-|R15> looking to put some of the kids stuff from edubuntu
[23:27] <Odd-rationale> although, last I heard is that they are trying to push it into the official repos :)
[23:27] <MiKa|> i never had problems
[23:27] <C|-|R15> that would be nice....an official one
[23:27] <Odd-rationale> C|-|R15: no, everything installed fined.
[23:28] <MiKa|> im using the sources list taken from: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#How_to_add_extra_repositories
[23:28] <HACKhalo2> i beleive it's the update to 8.04 that screwing everything up
[23:28] <C|-|R15> nice one
[23:28] <Odd-rationale> !slow | MiKa|
[23:28] <ubotu> MiKa|: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of the latest edition. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.
[23:28] <KillerOrca> is anyone using a > 1 Ghz processor?
[23:29] <MiKa|> oh thx
[23:29] <MiKa|> no wonder
[23:29] <C|-|R15> just in two minds between fluxbuntu or xubuntu with lxde
[23:29] <Odd-rationale> MiKa|: yeah. i'm using the easynews.com mirror. it works fine
[23:29] <HACKhalo2> MiKa -- i had to download and manually install the new linux core
[23:29] <MiKa|> easynews? can i add that to the sources list?
[23:30] <Odd-rationale> MiKa|: You can change you mirror in Applications --> system -- Software sources...
[23:30] <C|-|R15> lxde seems to have good reviews
[23:30] <C|-|R15> and using Xubuntu as base more 'official' ubuntu
[23:30] * HACKhalo2 adds easynews to the sources list
[23:31] <Odd-rationale> MiKa|: No. you don't need to edit your sourcelist manually. just select it your choice server from the list.
[23:31] <Odd-rationale> MiKa|: Although I backup my sources.lst file first.
[23:31] <MiKa|> thankx a lot
[23:31] <Odd-rationale> MiKa|: sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.lst /etc/apt/sources.lst.bak
[23:31] <HACKhalo2> whats the ATP for easynews? http://www.easynews.com?
[23:32] <Odd-rationale> HACKhalo2: go to Applications --> system --> software sources and choose mirror.easynews.com for your mirror
[23:32] <HACKhalo2> oh
[23:33] <Odd-rationale> HACKhalo2: you don't need to edit your source.lst manually
[23:33] <HACKhalo2> ok
[23:33] <HACKhalo2> i see
[23:33] <Odd-rationale> or you can run the "choose best server" thing...
[23:34] <HACKhalo2> which is fail?
[23:34] <Odd-rationale> ?
[23:34] <KillerOrca> so no one uses this with a > 1 Ghz processor?
[23:34] <HACKhalo2> i don't think so KillerOrca
[23:34] <KillerOrca> damn
[23:35] <HACKhalo2> what type of computer do you have?
[23:35] <KillerOrca> old Compaq P3 700 Mhz
[23:36] * HACKhalo2 whisles
[23:36] <HACKhalo2> can you overclock the processor?
[23:37] <KillerOrca> I am not sure how to
[23:37] <KillerOrca> I alrady have xubuntu installed
[23:37] <HACKhalo2> google it
[23:37] <KillerOrca> but the graphical part is soooo slow
[23:37] <KillerOrca> was wondering if it was common
[23:37] <HACKhalo2> you should be able to within the BIOS settings
[23:38] <MiKa|> noticed the official site's changes list for 8.04 from 7.10... and there's not much difference..
[23:39] <MiKa|> i mean, most of the things are available in 7.10?
[23:39] <HACKhalo2> no
[23:40] <C|-|R15> I'm looking for something for around 700Mhz also.....thinking of Lxde on top of xubuntu. Xubuntu runs slow??? how much ram do you have
[23:40] <PsynoKhi0> KillerOrca: what do you mean by slow?
[23:41] <PsynoKhi0> KillerOrca: I have a test machine with Xubuntu on it, K6-2 500 MHz, 128 MB RAM, and it's pretty smooth
[23:41] <KillerOrca> it is pretty much impossible to use with intense applications like aureus
[23:41] <KillerOrca> *azureus
[23:41] <KillerOrca> it has 128 RAM also
[23:41] <PsynoKhi0> KillerOrca: ah no wonder
[23:41] <PsynoKhi0> azureus is pretty heavy from my own experience
[23:42] <HACKhalo2> oh
[23:42] <HACKhalo2> RAM will kick your butt
[23:42] <HACKhalo2> upgrade to at least 256 MB of RAM
[23:42] <KillerOrca> even w/out azureus it is slow
[23:42] <PsynoKhi0> well please define slow :P
[23:42] <KillerOrca> I have two terminal windows open
[23:42] <KillerOrca> moving them across the screen takes a good 10 seconds to redraw
[23:42] <PsynoKhi0> takes long to start apps? dragging windows is sluggish?
[23:42] <KillerOrca> yes to both
[23:43] <PsynoKhi0> KillerOrca: could be your video drivers not being properly configured
[23:43] <PsynoKhi0> what video card are you using?
[23:43] <KillerOrca> integrated one
[23:43] <KillerOrca> not even sure of the model
[23:43] <PsynoKhi0> hmm
[23:44] <KillerOrca> I thought the problem might be the processor though
[23:44] <PsynoKhi0> could you paste your xorg.conf over at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org please?
[23:44] <KillerOrca> whenever I move a window or open a program usage spike to 100 on the panel
[23:46] <KillerOrca> where is this xorg.conf located?
[23:46] <PsynoKhi0> under /etc/X11
[23:47] <PsynoKhi0> in one of your terminal, type "mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf"
[23:47] <PsynoKhi0> case sensitive
[23:47] <PsynoKhi0> also please add the output of "lspci" in the pastebin
[23:47] <Arky44> Hello all. Does anyone have any recommendations for a very lightweight browser for XFCE (not too many bells and whistles, just the internet)?
[23:48] <PsynoKhi0> Arky44: hmm Dillo but it's not supported anymore I think
[23:49] <TheSheep> w3m, isntalled by defult
[23:49] <TheSheep> default
[23:50] <TheSheep> even supports mouse (!)
[23:50] <albuntu> araulavi, i think it was you that helped me with this same problem about a week ago; now that i upgraded to hardy, it's baaaaaAAAAAAAaaaacccckk! when i try to open a terminal, i get an (x?) crash. you told me how to change the default depth in xorg to 16, and that solved the prob. now i forgot how :(
[23:51] <TheSheep> albuntu: jus edit it and search for a line that says defaultdepth 24
[23:52] <KillerOrca> that terminal problem is still there?
[23:52] <KillerOrca> god
[23:52] <KillerOrca> also what format psynoKhi0?
[23:52] <KillerOrca> err syntax
[23:53] <albuntu> thesheep, i don't know how to get into it, we went into a terminal by some shortcut, also i don't know the EZACKT command line, can you help?
[23:53] <KillerOrca> alt-f2
[23:53] <KillerOrca> then type xterm
[23:53] <PsynoKhi0> KillerOrca: usually I don't bother with that field =)
[23:53] <KillerOrca> then click run
[23:54] <TheSheep> albuntu: sudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[23:54] <albuntu> thesheep, we went in by alt/control/f(somenumber) or somehow
[23:54] <TheSheep> alt+f2
[23:54] <KillerOrca> f2
[23:54] <TheSheep> should be enough
[23:54] <KillerOrca> alright I posted them
[23:54] <KillerOrca> I think
[23:54] <TheSheep> you can switch to text mode with alt+ctrl+f1,2,3, etc.
[23:55] <TheSheep> then use nano instead of mousepad for editing
[23:55] <albuntu> thesheep, and the cli for nano the xorg?
[23:55] <KillerOrca> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64442/
[23:55] <TheSheep> sudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[23:55] <TheSheep> sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[23:57] <Odd-rationale> gksudo mousepad ...
[23:57] <PsynoKhi0> KillerOrca: ok your gfx chipset is properly detected it seems
[23:57] <albuntu> thesheep, i don't see nano in my menus, is it on my system nonetheless?
[23:58] <PsynoKhi0> KillerOrca: have you enabled compositing?
[23:58] <KillerOrca> nooooo, would not dream of it the way this is going
[23:59] <PsynoKhi0> KillerOrca: ok one thing you could try, is to have DefaultDepth set to 16 instead of 2
[23:59] <PsynoKhi0> 24*
[23:59] <albuntu> Odd-rationale: you talkin to me? i never understood the difference between sudo and gksudo, whenever anyone helps me they tell me sudo
[23:59] <quittt> hello