UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /25 /#ubuntu-server.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <Deeps> Hehe, from the Gobuntu wiki: "At this stage, we recognize that Gobuntu will work with relatively few laptops and desktops, because of the widespread use of binary-only firmware. Running Gobuntu on your laptop will be quite an achievement"
[00:02] <nealmcb> Deeps: sure there's a difference - canonical is the main sponsor of ubuntu, but ubuntu is an independent entity, with a community council etc. Generally all working closely together, but e.g. note that the partner component is the only one that uses a repo at "canonical.com"
[00:02] <Deeps> Fair enough
[00:04] <Deeps> nealmcb: Does the indepedant entity of Ubuntu have it's own domain, or does it reside on the commercially trademarked domain provided by Canonical?
[00:05] <BadSneakers> for new users, webmin on ubuntu server is about the easiest thing to do, right ?
[00:05] <nealmcb> Deeps: well, I suspect ubuntu is a trademark of canonical
[00:05] <nealmcb> !webmin
[00:05] <Deeps> nealmcb: Heh, sorry if that sound like flambait
[00:05] <ubotu> webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.
[00:05] <Deeps> nealmcb: Indeed it is, see the footer of ubuntu.com
[00:05] <BadSneakers> !ebox
[00:05] <ubotu> ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See the plans for Hardy at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EboxSpec
[00:06] <BadSneakers> neat bot. great answer.
[00:06] <nealmcb> :-)
[00:06] <nealmcb> BadSneakers: just try it with bug numbers or packages!
[00:07] <nealmcb> !info kvm
[00:07] <ubotu> kvm (source: kvm): Full virtualization on x86 hardware. In component main, is optional. Version 1:62+dfsg-0ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 691 kB, installed size 2324 kB
[00:07] <Deeps> I like how the bot lets you pipe output of !triggers to people too, smooth
[00:07] <nealmcb> FTW!!
[00:07] <nealmcb> !info munin
[00:07] <ubotu> munin (source: munin): network-wide graphing framework (grapher/gatherer). In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.5-2ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 588 kB, installed size 996 kB
[00:08] <Deeps> !info vmware
[00:08] <ubotu> Package vmware does not exist in hardy
[00:08] <Deeps> hehe
[00:08] <nealmcb> !find vmware
[00:08] <ubotu> Found: xserver-xorg-video-vmware
[00:08] <nealmcb> !info vbox
[00:08] <ubotu> Package vbox does not exist in hardy
[00:08] <nealmcb> !info virtualbox
[00:08] <ubotu> Package virtualbox does not exist in hardy
[00:09] <nealmcb> !find virtualbox
[00:09] <ubotu> Found: virtualbox-ose, virtualbox-ose-dbg, virtualbox-ose-guest-modules-2.6.24-16-386, virtualbox-ose-guest-modules-2.6.24-16-generic, virtualbox-ose-guest-modules-2.6.24-16-openvz (and 24 others)
[00:09] <Deeps> Urg, I probably need to upgrade to hardy at some point too.
[00:09] <nealmcb> !info virtualbox-ose
[00:09] <ubotu> virtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.6-dfsg-6ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 6216 kB, installed size 20176 kB
[00:09] <Deeps> That said, gutsy will be supported for another year, and that box'll have been rebuilt before then...
[00:12] <nealmcb> tlyng: so note that the "!info <package>" command in irc gets ubotu to tell us what component something is in
[00:33] <hsn_> !info db2exc
[00:33] <ubotu> Package db2exc does not exist in hardy
[00:41] <jords> How do you change your apt mirror in ubuntu server?
[00:41] <jords> archive.ubuntu.com is completely fried
[00:42] <flyback> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Pk6s1MbszA&feature=related# <--- cool
[00:46] <nealmcb> jords: /etc/apt/sources.list - or via synaptic
[00:47] <nealmcb> man 5 sources.list
[00:51] <jords> Is there a list of mirrors somewhere?
[00:55] <jords> nvm found one
[01:00] <MatBoy> hi guys
[01:00] <MatBoy> itś still 7.10 today ?
[01:00] <Kamping_Kaiser> whats 'it'?
[01:00] <MatBoy> the latest stable release
[01:01] <Kamping_Kaiser> should be 8.04
[01:01] <MatBoy> ok
[01:01] <MatBoy> I will upgrade than
[01:01] <MatBoy> as I need to find a good howto to be sure :)
[01:02] <Kamping_Kaiser> MatBoy, the wiki has upgrade instructions at (iirc) HardyUpgrade
[01:03] <MatBoy> Kamping_Kaiser, ok, great !
[01:03] <MatBoy> can I ask a bot here for it ?
[01:04] <Kamping_Kaiser> MatBoy, sure.
[01:05] <MatBoy> Kamping_Kaiser, I'm not very familair with the bot here :)
[01:05] <MatBoy> !HardyUpgrade
[01:05] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about hardyupgrade - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[01:05] <MatBoy> mhh
[01:05] <MatBoy> ok
[01:06] <MatBoy> ubotu, HardyUpgrade
[01:06] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about hardyupgrade - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[01:06] <MatBoy> man
[01:07] * Kamping_Kaiser finds the ubuntu wiki fairly irritating at times. found it though: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades
[01:07] <MatBoy> Kamping_Kaiser, thanks, so it wasn't me ?
[01:09] <Kamping_Kaiser> MatBoy, i went and searched the wiki :)
[01:09] <MatBoy> Kamping_Kaiser, oeh, you are my friend today :) thanks :D
[01:09] <MatBoy> hehe, quite slow that upgrade... how come :P
[01:09] <Kamping_Kaiser> hehe
[01:10] <MatBoy> Kamping_Kaiser, in my opinion, most mirrors were already slow by default
[01:12] <Kamping_Kaiser> MatBoy, cant really comment - i use my ISP's mirror whenever i do ubuntu stuff
[01:12] <MatBoy> Kamping_Kaiser, I need to setup a mirror
[01:12] <Kamping_Kaiser> MatBoy, using debmirror its pretty easy.
[01:12] <MatBoy> Kamping_Kaiser, mhh, sounds nice
[01:12] <Kamping_Kaiser> theres a proper mirror building script by debian, but i haent migrated to that yet
[01:12] <Kamping_Kaiser> just a tic
[01:13] <MatBoy> okay
[01:14] <Kamping_Kaiser> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64295/
[01:15] <MatBoy> looks nice ! thanks
[01:15] <jords> do-release-upgrade is'nt working for me, hangs on checking for a new ubuntu release. Netstat suggests that the problem is that lithium.ubuntu.com is dead.... any suggestions?
[01:15] <MatBoy> jords, try try try
[01:15] <MatBoy> I just got through after 3 times
[01:15] <jords> :D
[01:16] <MatBoy> download spead is horrible slow
[01:16] <jords> will do
[01:16] <MatBoy> I'm max at 54Kb/s
[01:16] <nealmcb> today is the peak of the action
[01:16] <MatBoy> now it holds
[01:16] <MatBoy> yes it is
[01:16] <nealmcb> you might want to use bittorrent to download a CD and upgrade using the CD
[01:16] <MatBoy> nealmcb, nah, one of my servers is in the DC
[01:17] <nealmcb> e.g. you could put it in your sources.list
[01:17] <MatBoy> I will go to sleep now :)
[01:17] <jords> Not going to work on a vps in another country :D
[01:17] <Kamping_Kaiser> MatBoy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Debmirror more up to date then mine ;)
[01:17] <MatBoy> It will upgrade and be done in an houir
[01:17] <MatBoy> hour
[01:17] <flyback> dloes ubuntu server lts 6.06 have any known issues with smp and/or vmware server
[01:17] <flyback> 2 of our blades took random shits
[01:18] <MatBoy> Kamping_Kaiser, it seems so.. never mind... good try !
[01:18] <Kamping_Kaiser> flyback, not aware of smp errors. vmware server i dont know about though.
[01:18] <flyback> thx
[01:18] <MatBoy> flyback, why use LTS ?
[01:18] <Kamping_Kaiser> MatBoy, some people like systems theat work
[01:18] <flyback> the blades have 2 serial, one front and one virtual/console going to redirect one of the blades that crashed kernel messages to the port a few days
[01:18] <flyback> and log it on a old laptop
[01:18] <Kamping_Kaiser> MatBoy, i wrote the debmirror page (its been mangled since, but i did write the first few revisions)
[01:18] <flyback> hopefully see the kernel panic before it dies
[01:19] <MatBoy> Kamping_Kaiser, yes but I hope you migrate earlier than those 5 years :D
[01:19] <MatBoy> Kamping_Kaiser, ow.. sorry :)
[01:19] <flyback> matboy cause these are production
[01:19] <flyback> we don't want to change in the middle of shit
[01:19] <MatBoy> flyback, yes ? and so ?
[01:19] <Kamping_Kaiser> MatBoy, why? buy a system, put on an OS, rep,alce in 4 years
[01:19] <MatBoy> Kamping_Kaiser, I say the same, no LTS for me
[01:19] <flyback> Mat
[01:19] <flyback> where I work
[01:19] <Kamping_Kaiser> MatBoy, your call
[01:20] <Kamping_Kaiser> :)
[01:20] <flyback> I can't even change a dead bagttery in a ups
[01:20] <flyback> wiothout a disaster recovery plan
[01:20] <flyback> even if the ups is hot swapable
[01:20] <MatBoy> flyback, bad infra than
[01:20] <MatBoy> or management :D
[01:20] <flyback> na I understand his thinking in the long term
[01:20] <MatBoy> when it's broken you don't even can rely on it
[01:20] <flyback> not always at the moment
[01:20] <flyback> he's had yrs of shit blow up in his face
[01:21] <flyback> even when the vendor swore on a stack of bibles "this won't break shit"
[01:21] <MatBoy> flyback, get better suppliers or people that know what they do
[01:21] <MatBoy> flyback, you should know better ;)
[01:21] <MatBoy> ok I'm off
[01:21] <MatBoy> sleep well
[01:22] <jords> Argh ubuntu really needs better systems for keeping things going when theres a major surge in traffic
[01:23] <MatBoy> jords, man, they are slow by default
[01:23] <MatBoy> all mirrors
[01:23] <MatBoy> cu
[01:23] <jords> still trying to get do-release-upgrade to check for the new ubuntu version
[01:24] <Kamping_Kaiser> canonicals datacentre is always low on bandwidth. its compounded by release time
[01:24] <jords> yep
[01:26] <flyback> canuckboy
[01:26] <flyback> it doesn't matter
[01:26] <flyback> you could have GOd certified hw
[01:26] <flyback> ok well if it was God cert it would never break
[01:26] <flyback> but anywyas we don't take the chance
[01:26] <flyback> ever
[01:30] * flyback bbl, nature calls
[01:31] * wubrgamer is away: I'm Away, Send me a PM
=== wubrgamer is now known as wubrgamer-away
[01:33] <jords> yay downloading updates from a mirror at 4000kb/s now :d
[01:40] * flyback looks like he has malaria right now because his allergies have made his eyes and area around them so red
=== wubrgamer-away is now known as wubrgamer
[01:45] <BadSneakers> Setting up a file server with 3 drives, I installed ubuntu server in small / and /home partitions on a drive, and set the rest of the drive to mount as /data1 then the 2nd drive is mounted as /data2 and the 3rd is mounted as /data3 How wrong is that ?
[01:53] <Kamping_Kaiser> ...?
[02:00] <nealmcb> BadSneakers: well, if you're looking for alternatives, lsb recommends putting stuff under /srv (e.g. /srv/data[123]), and so that may be clearer for folks and better supported by some tools.
[02:00] <Kamping_Kaiser> Download all files that we need to get (34685 MiB).
[02:00] <Kamping_Kaiser> cricky :|
[02:01] <Kamping_Kaiser> i thought LSB said /media (i use /mount myself)
[02:01] <nealmcb> oops - fsh - http://www.pathname.com/fhs/
[02:02] <nealmcb> /media : Mount point for removeable media
[02:03] <Kamping_Kaiser> i thought fhs said /mnt. perhaps only network goes there
[02:03] * Kamping_Kaiser will switch his mounts to /srv
[02:03] <nealmcb> /mnt : Mount point for a temporarily mounted filesystem
[02:12] <BadSneakers> nealmcb yeah. I see thats correct now.
[02:12] <nealmcb> BadSneakers: I don't think it is a strict rule, but it may help
[02:13] <nealmcb> and it is nice for tools to be able to correctly intuit how to deal with paths
[02:35] <derspankster> I want to set up a home server using Ubuntu and need a good tutorial on server command line.
[02:37] <nealmcb> nice - the jeos iso is down to 99 MB, from 151
[02:38] <nealmcb> (hardy vs gutsy)
[02:38] <simmerz> nealmcb: the jeos can be installed in a normal xen virtual machine, right?
[02:39] <nealmcb> !shell | derspankster
[02:39] <ubotu> derspankster: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal
[02:39] <nealmcb> simmerz: I would think so
[02:40] <simmerz> ok
[02:41] <nealmcb> derspankster: seems that that is targetted to desktop users, but some of the references may be helpful
[02:42] <derspankster> nealmcb: so you're suggesting installing the desktop environment?
[02:42] <simmerz> derspankster: you're best off buying one of the many books out there about linux server admin
[02:42] <nealmcb> no - just pointing out that that tutorial assumes you have one - you can ignore that part
[02:43] <nealmcb> I learned this stuff way too long ago to know how to learn it now :-)
[02:44] * simmerz too
[02:44] <derspankster> nealmcb: my first computer experience was in DOS many years ago. I've forgotten most of that and I know the syntax is different as well. I've used Ubuntu as a desktop for about two years now.
[02:44] <nealmcb> cool
[02:44] <simmerz> derspankster: I stole a book off a friend of mine to start with. Think it was one of the o'reilly ones years ago.
[02:44] <nealmcb> another possibility is !ebox
[02:44] <nealmcb> !ebox
[02:44] <ubotu> ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See the plans for Hardy at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EboxSpec
[02:45] <simmerz> ooo, a replacement for cPanel et al
[02:46] <derspankster> I have 5 computers networked. 2 ubuntu, 2 XP and a Mac. Decided I wanted a dedicated server.
[02:46] <simmerz> understandable. I have a server at home that runs my svn install, and a few other bits
[02:47] <nealmcb> derspankster: yeah - need ubuntu to win the vote there :-)
[02:47] <derspankster> I need to be able to create directories, change permissions, assign a static IP address, etc, etc.
[02:48] <derspankster> Want a headless system that I can administer from another Ubuntu machine - SSH?
[02:48] <simmerz> create directories: mkdir <name of dir>. look at: man mkdir
[02:48] <simmerz> derspankster: you got it
[02:48] <derspankster> does SSH need to be installed on both machines?
[02:49] <simmerz> yep. one needs the server and one the client. the client is automatically installed on ubuntu machines
[02:49] <simmerz> so install openssh-server
[02:49] <derspankster> I need to get a book, I'm a fish out of water!
[02:49] <simmerz> http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/cli.html might help a little
[02:49] <simmerz> to start with
[02:51] <simmerz> if you need help with a command and you know what the command is, you can use: man <command> in a virtual terminal
[02:51] <derspankster> simmerz: thanks, I've bookmarked that one. I always have struggled with samba as well. I've been using my Ubuntu desktop as a media server for awhile.
[02:51] <simmerz> samba can be tricky
[02:51] <derspankster> no doubt
[02:52] <simmerz> the thing you'll probably be failing on with it is that winxp asks for a username and password but yours don't work...?
[02:52] <derspankster> No, got past that. Even my Mac is part of the network
[02:53] <simmerz> cool
[02:53] <simmerz> you'll be fine once you get to grips with the way the filesystem of linux fits together
[02:53] <simmerz> once you've got the basics, you'll start joining commands together to make complex mini-scripts.
[02:54] <derspankster> I've built a small box with a Athlon XP CPU and 512 MB of ram and a couple of HD's
[02:54] <simmerz> anyhow, I need to sleep!
[02:55] <derspankster> simmerz: I won't keep you, I thank you for your suggestions
[02:55] <simmerz> no probs. nearly 3am here...
[02:56] <derspankster> I can't stay up that late - too old!
[02:56] <simmerz> my advice: keep asking questions. no matter how stupid you think they might be
[02:56] <derspankster> Well, that's never stopped me before
[02:56] <derspankster> Is this channel pretty active? Never been here before
[02:57] <simmerz> and there are a whole host of channels in IRC that are there for that purpose
[02:57] <simmerz> yep, normally is
[02:58] <simmerz> #ubuntu-server might be useful to you as well
[02:58] <derspankster> I thought that's what this is??
[02:58] <simmerz> oh yeah
[02:58] <simmerz> doh
[02:58] <simmerz> I thought I was in #ubuntu for some reason
[02:59] <derspankster> you'd better get to bed!
[02:59] <simmerz> this is less active than #ubuntu, but still active enough
[02:59] <simmerz> night. good luck
[02:59] <derspankster> #ubuntu is all "this won't work, that won't work" right now
[03:00] <simmerz> lol. heron's just been released....
[03:00] <derspankster> yes
[03:01] <simmerz> I'll let the humdrum die down before I upgrade. got a couple of dapper -> heron server upgrades to do as well now that we have a new LTS
[03:01] <nealmcb> this is probably a better link for eBox: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox
[03:02] <derspankster> I'm running Hardy on this laptop, got the beta and just upgraded my way to final
[03:02] <derspankster> thanks for the link
[03:03] <nealmcb> it should help with samba - but we won't know until folks like you try it out :-)
[03:03] <simmerz> definitely off now. take care
[03:03] <derspankster> you too - goodbye
[03:03] <nealmcb> simmerz: thanks
[03:03] <simmerz> np
[03:05] <derspankster> nealmcb: I appreciate your input as well
[03:05] <nealmcb> :-)
[03:05] <nealmcb> good luck!
[03:06] <derspankster> oh, I'll get there, will get frustrated as hell, but I'll make it
[03:09] <jords> I'm having a iptables issue. I'm getting blocked traffic logged like this: Apr 25 02:07:28 preturns kernel: iptables denied: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=40:40:43:cf:8f:f0:00:18:8b:f9:70:0c:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=93 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=47 ID=0 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=6881 DPT=51413 LEN=73 which I want to let through. My iptables -L output: http://pastebin.com/f48775602
[03:26] <BadSneakers> i didn't get all of ebox and by the time I realized it and figured out what I needed to do, the servers are borked
[03:27] <BadSneakers> but from what I read, it is now all in universe
[03:43] <nealmcb> BadSneakers: yes - universe at this point
[03:43] <nealmcb> !info ebox
[03:43] <ubotu> ebox (source: ebox): the eBox platform - Base framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.99-0ubuntu11 (hardy), package size 293 kB, installed size 2324 kB
[03:45] <Mythril> I am having trouble getting subversion set up, are there any good tutorials out there (the ones I have googled are horrible)
[04:13] <compaqr4000> I'm trying to run open office calc via ssh and I get the following on one of my machines: /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin X11 error: Can't open display: Any ideas why this is? It works fine on another machine.
[04:53] <sanmarcos> so anybody updated from 6.06 LTS to 8.04 LTS and like to share an experience?
[05:45] <jay2> brbiab
[07:53] <_ruben> 2 cluster nodes reinstalled .. one gutsy, one hardy ..
=== crummygummy_ is now known as CrummyGummy
[09:07] <tengulre> hi,all
[09:07] <tengulre> why I got could not install grub in my box when setup ubuntu8 server ?(Vmware)
[09:14] <_ruben> tengulre: dunno, i am in the progress of an hardy jeos install under vmware esx now though
[09:15] <_ruben> crap .. gotta do a server install as well .. since it'll be a build env for my server installs :p
[09:19] <_ruben> initiating hardy server install
[09:25] <_ruben> tengulre: grub works like charm over here in my vmware guest
[09:25] <_ruben> tengulre: did you use any special options (in both vmware and in the ubuntu installer)
[09:30] <_ruben> guess he didnt want to be helped after all
[09:31] <Deeps> hehe
[09:40] <Zorg95> ok, but i could use some apt-related help :-) i would like to grab kernel from older distribution to hardy (for xen), no install, just download (and probably unpack)... i think that the best way how to do this would be apt in order to keep getting security fixes for that older kernel
[09:41] <Zorg95> by unpack i mean copy files to right locations but without touching grub
[10:18] <stefg> Hi, I'm trying to install hardy to our companys brandnew server. Im planning to set up a raid 10 array for some virtual machines and a raid 5 array for general storage. The installer doesn't show me an option for raid 10 (although i know that mdadm can do that). does that mean i have to set up a nested raid 1 + 0?
[10:24] <_ruben> stefg: you could open up another virtual console during the partitioner .. and set up the raid10 manually using raid10 .. i did that recently
[10:24] <gaouzief> hi people
[10:25] <gaouzief> trying to install 8.04 server on a machine with lsi megaraid SAS
[10:25] <stefg> _ruben: ok... so it's not me being stupid, but a limitation of the installer
[10:25] <gaouzief> ubuntu installer can't detect hard drives
[10:26] <gaouzief> tried megaraid* drivers in the list
[10:26] <ivoks> huh?
[10:26] <gaouzief> not working
[10:26] <gaouzief> any clue?
[10:26] <ivoks> gaouzief: this is odd, since that's very common and supported hardware
[10:26] <_ruben> gaouzief: which ubuntu version, and what kind of hardware ?
[10:27] <gaouzief> latest ubuntu server 64bit
[10:27] <_ruben> stefg: correct
[10:27] <ivoks> gaouzief: any errors in dmesg output?
[10:27] <gaouzief> hardware: xeon server with 4 SAS hardrives and lsi megaraid 256 SAS controller
[10:28] <gaouzief> no errors
[10:28] <_ruben> and lspci ?
[10:28] <gaouzief> it just says, no hardrives detected, please selet a driver (list)
[10:28] <ivoks> gaouzief: dmesg output - alt+f2, enter, dmesg
[10:28] <gaouzief> i tried allthe megaraid* ones
[10:29] <gaouzief> ok just a second
[10:30] <gaouzief> nope, nothing specific to ghard drives
[10:31] <ivoks> did you setup raid?
[10:32] <gaouzief> in bios, ATA set to RAID
[10:32] <ivoks> lsi raid controllers aren't controled trough computer's bios
[10:33] <ivoks> it has it's own raid
[10:33] <gaouzief> how d y access that
[10:33] <ivoks> while booting, it displays info how to access it
[10:34] <ivoks> usually it's after the bios and before the system
[10:35] <gaouzief> no message what so ever
[10:35] <gaouzief> bios -> tries to do a dhcp boot -> os
[10:36] <ivoks> there must be some way to configure raid logic disks
[10:36] <ivoks> if there's nothing like that, you don't have raid controller
[10:37] <gaouzief> it's there
[10:37] <ivoks> on-board 'raid' controllers are not raid controllers
[10:37] <gaouzief> no no this a hardware controller
[10:37] <gaouzief> lsi megaraid 256
[10:38] <ivoks> well, if it's working it will surely offer you to set it up
[10:38] <ivoks> http://www.lsi.com/documentation/storage/systems/management_software/MRMgmtSuite.pdf
[10:39] <ivoks> ups... wrong link
[10:40] <ivoks> ctrl+h
[10:40] <ivoks> 'When the message Press <Ctrl><H> for WebBIOS appears on the screen, immediately press CTRL+H to run this utility.'
[10:40] <gaouzief> it saiy bios settings F2
[10:40] <ivoks> http://www.lsi.com/files/docs/techdocs/storage_stand_prod/sas/mr_sas_8888ELP_qig.pdf
[10:45] <ivoks> any luck?
[10:48] <IsotropicSpin> hey total n00b here. How do i change the remote desktop setting on my server to allow remote destop through the SSL terminal?
[10:48] <ivoks> there is no remote desktop on server
[10:49] <IsotropicSpin> poo. is it possible to install it using the terminal? I just think it would be rad to open it up and edit the site with my mouse
[10:49] <IsotropicSpin> is it because there is no GNOME?
[10:49] <ivoks> graphical interface isn't supported on ubuntu-server
[10:50] <IsotropicSpin> ok
[10:50] <ivoks> you can install it, but then it's not server anymore :) it's desktop or workstation
[10:50] <IsotropicSpin> hehe
[10:53] <gaouzief> sorry, connection was down
[10:53] <gaouzief> ok i'll try th ctrl+h now
[10:55] <gaouzief> no message, but ctrl+h braught out the interface, thanks
[11:28] <kraut> re
[11:28] <kraut> http://geekosphere.org/wp-content/ubuntu_released.png
[12:01] <_ruben> kraut :P
[12:42] <rhineheart_m> hello.. anybody here who have tried heron in server environment?
[12:42] <rhineheart_m> Please tell me an update how it works... thanks..
[12:49] <mok0> rhineheart_m: it works great
[12:50] <mok0> rhineheart_m: several people have announce on Ubuntu Planet that updates run completely smooth
[12:51] <mok0> s/announce/announced
[12:53] <rhineheart_m> uhuh... is gutsy be easily upgraded to heron?
[12:54] <Kamping_Kaiser> is gutsy 7.10? if so then yes , "easily"
[12:55] <rhineheart_m> Kamping_Kaiser, can you help me with it?
[12:55] <Kamping_Kaiser> rhineheart_m, no.
[12:56] <Nafallo> !update-manager
[12:56] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about update-manager - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[12:56] <rhineheart_m> hehe...can you give me a link for instructions instead?
[12:56] <Nafallo> damn boot
[12:56] <Nafallo> bot
[12:56] <Kamping_Kaiser> *g*
[12:57] <Nafallo> rhineheart_m: you're on a server ey?
[12:57] <Kamping_Kaiser> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades
[12:57] <Nafallo> rhineheart_m: install update-manager-core and do do-release-upgrade
[12:57] <rhineheart_m> yeah.. server
[12:58] <rhineheart_m> can't it break my present live site and its configurations?
[12:58] <Kamping_Kaiser> ubotu, hardy is hi ops, also also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades for upgrades.
[12:58] <Nafallo> break as in shut down temporarily :-)
[12:58] * Kamping_Kaiser will get a lart for using the bot as a relay probably
[12:58] <Nafallo> can't see a reason it would break your conf.
[12:58] <Kamping_Kaiser> depends what changes and how
[12:59] <Kamping_Kaiser> i expect anything using pam-ldap will break for example
[13:00] <rhineheart_m> this one: sudo aptitude install update-manager-core and this: sudo do-release-upgrade ?
[13:01] <Kamping_Kaiser> yes.
[13:02] <rhineheart_m> will apache2 will be upgraded too?
[13:02] * Kamping_Kaiser wonders if that question is silly to anyone but him.
[13:02] <Kamping_Kaiser> if theres a newer version, it will be updated
[13:03] <rhineheart_m> lastly.. my sites will not be affected after the upgrade?
[13:03] <Kamping_Kaiser> depends what the sites are in, and what gets upgraded
[13:03] <Kamping_Kaiser> no one will make blanket promices about the working of your sites after upgrade
[13:05] <rhineheart_m> just a drupal site... and other php stuff
[13:07] <Kamping_Kaiser> thats not "just"
[13:07] <rhineheart_m> okay.. I'm accessing the box through ssh.. and it says it is not recommended to do upgrade via ssh.. ows
[13:08] <Kamping_Kaiser> because if te link drops you could be in trouble
[13:08] <rhineheart_m> as in I the box will not run anymore?
[13:08] <Deeps> -away
[13:08] <Kamping_Kaiser> pardon?
[13:09] <rhineheart_m> as in the box will not run anymore?
[13:10] <Kamping_Kaiser> it might not. thats what you risk when you update
[13:10] <Kamping_Kaiser> unless i misunderstand you still
[13:11] <rhineheart_m> okay.. I will remain in gutsy.. unless you will tell me that server will run smoothly and better in heron than gutsy
[13:12] <Kamping_Kaiser> i wouldnt upgrade for a few weeks
[13:13] <rhineheart_m> okay.. sounds like you are suggesting me to do it by june.. correct?
[13:13] <Kamping_Kaiser> nope. i'm suggesting you dont do it in april
[13:16] <ScottK> rhineheart_m: I would suggest that you have a test server.
[13:17] <ScottK> It is impossible to upgrade with absolutely zero downtime as at the very least you have to reboot for the new kernel and so you are down for however long it takes to reboot at a minimum.
[13:18] <rhineheart_m> is the new kernel better than in gutsy ScottK ?
[13:19] <ScottK> It's really irrelevant. You have to either upgrade or not. Picking bits of the system to upgrade isn't a good plan.
[13:20] <ScottK> It depends on your hardware. I have a laptop that had acpi problems on Gutsy that's fine on Hardy, so for that machine, definitely yes.
[13:20] <ScottK> Independent of the should you upgrade question (which only you can truly answer), you really ought to have a test system to test stuff out on before going live.
[13:21] <ScottK> If you had such a thing, then you'd be able to test upgrading and see how it affects your particular setup.
[13:21] <ScottK> If you'd hired me to figure out if you should upgrade, that's how I'd figure it out.
[13:23] <Kamping_Kaiser> rhineheart_m, expecting #debian people to know ubuntu well enough to make comparisions (or to say in #debian to use ubuntu for that matter) is a fairly silly thing to do.
[13:34] <_ruben> hmm .. bondX devices cant be renamed like 'raw' ethX ones right?
[14:28] <nijaba> nealmcb: around?
[14:50] <slicslak> i need a cli tool to edit audio, specifically mp3s. i basically just need to recode them to different sample rates. can someone reccomend something? something like image magick but for audio?
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[15:26] <_ruben> hmm .. i think my hardy install crashed after sending 50k emails to it .. well .. quite some time after i did that actually
[15:33] <_ruben> hmm .. for some reason there were still dhclient3 instances running even though i had changed config from dhcp to static
[15:34] <_ruben> nasty
[15:51] <slicslak> bah, of course lame can be run on the cli.
[15:51] * slicslak needs more coffee
[16:10] * delcoyote hi
[16:48] <gonzzor> Isn't sudo apt-get install gnome supposed to install X11 + Gnome on a fresh installation of Ubuntu Server?
[16:57] <JaxxMaxx_> it should go out and get the "gnome" package and all dependancies, yes. try using sudo aptitude for a more detailed package manager
[17:00] <gonzzor> Tried both put it complains about fam and gamin.
[17:00] <gonzzor> and gnome-desktop-evnironment
[17:01] <soren> _ruben: If you have dhcp in your interfaces file, do an ifup, change the interfaces file, and do an ifdown, ifdown has *no* clue that it used to a dhcp managed interface.
[17:02] <soren> _ruben: It only knows to kill the dhclient on ifdown if the interfaces file says that it's a dhcp interface.
[17:11] <pvandewyngaerde> i just booted ubuntu-8.04-server-i386.iso but i cannot load the cli or cli-expert kernel
[17:11] <pvandewyngaerde> could not find kernel
[17:14] <pvandewyngaerde> hmm, in Virtual machne after installation grub cannot find the kernel
[17:26] <mathiaz> kirkland: have you looked at http://ch.tudelft.nl/~arthur/nss-ldapd/ ?
[17:27] <kirkland> mathiaz: i have not
[17:27] <kirkland> mathiaz: interesting
[17:28] <mathiaz> kirkland: I already came accross this project last november when I was preparing UDS Boston
[17:29] <mathiaz> kirkland: it seems that it's a good alternative to libnss_ldap
[17:29] <kirkland> mathiaz: are any other distros shipping it?
[17:29] <kirkland> mathiaz: have we heard from any of our users asking for it?
[17:29] <mathiaz> kirkland: nope - just looking around now
[17:30] <mathiaz> kirkland: I know there are some issues with libnss_ldap
[17:30] <kirkland> mathiaz: hmm, more than the bug we fixed earlier this week?
[17:30] <mathiaz> kirkland: I just find the fork interesting - not saying we should replace libnss_ldap now
[17:31] <mathiaz> kirkland: we should keep an eye on it I think
[17:31] <kirkland> mathiaz: okay, sounds good
[17:31] <kirkland> mathiaz: perhaps package it in universe?
[17:31] <mathiaz> kirkland: it's already there
[17:31] <kirkland> mathiaz: ah
[17:56] <melinate_> hi folks, can anyone help me recover an accidentally deleted folder?
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[18:18] <nealmcb> melinate_: how was it deleted? if you deleted it from a gui, you might get better help in #ubuntu - or look in ~/.Trash/
[18:20] <melinate_> nealmcb: this is a server, no GUI... it was removed by hitting "F8" in mc...which I assume is equivalent to "rm -fr"
[18:20] <nealmcb> melinate_: ahh - "folder" vs "directory" made me think of guis
[18:21] <nealmcb> I"ve seen some recovery tools in the past, but seem to recall they really liked to be set up in advance....
[18:21] <melinate_> nealmcb: sorry... bad habit ;)
[18:23] <melinate_> nealmcb: I'm more of a programmer than a systems guy... you know the command to see what type file system this volume is?
[18:26] <nealmcb> !ebox
[18:26] <ubotu> ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox
[18:26] <nealmcb> (updated....)
[18:38] <nealmcb> melinate_: "mount"
[18:40] <melinate_> nealmcb: thanks
[18:54] <JaxxMaxx_> Where would MySQL-5 keep its log files? trying to troubleshoot a module that uses mysql
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[18:57] <nealmcb> JaxxMaxx_: postgres puts them under /var/log ....
[19:06] <_ruben> soren: i figured it'd be something like that .. ifup *could* be a bit more smart and check for runnign dhclient's for any interface its about to configure for static ip
[19:16] <tlyng> is there any small utility for getting the last entries from any log files? for example: cat /var/log/somelog | somemagicutility -no_messages_older_than_one_hour
[19:18] <nealmcb> tlyng: well, there is "tail filename"
[19:19] <tlyng> nealmcb: Can tail work on time data? =)
[19:19] <nealmcb> tail | grep
[19:20] <tlyng> nealmcb: tail isn't the correct utility for me, but I'll create a script myself. I'm having a lot of loggin attempts via ssh, will feed it to munin so I can get some statistics from it.
[19:21] <tlyng> attempts per hour
[19:34] <elventear> Anyone using Xen?
[19:35] <melinate_> elventear: I have an ubuntu virtual server running on a Xen host
[19:36] <elventear> melinate_: What version of Ubuntu, btw? I am trying to run a virtual server of Ubuntu 8.04 and I am having problems with networking
[19:36] <elventear> some guys in the #xen channel say that Hardy is broken
[19:37] <melinate_> 7.10, I haven't upgraded it
[19:38] <melinate_> elventear: seems odd that Hardy would be broken considering there is a Hardy version of Ubuntu JeOS (which I'm in the process of setting up on a VMware server)
[19:39] <elventear> Not the networking in general. Just related to Xen
[19:40] <JaxxMaxx_> Proper syntax for restarting a daemon using /etc/init.d scripts?
[20:33] <JaxxMaxx_> what's the proper chmod to allow users outside the owning group to read a file?
[20:33] <infinity> o+r
[20:33] <infinity> o+rx, if it's a directory.
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[21:09] * faulkes- sips his afternoon scotch
[21:10] <nealmcb> nijaba: ping
[21:14] <nealmcb> nijaba: looks cool, but I'm thinking the old todo comment and LANG=C override need to go also: egrep 'LANG|locale' /usr/bin/ubuntu-vm-builder
[21:28] <elventear> I updated the Kernel and Headers to a deb package that has been posted for testing in Launchpad. This corrected a bug in Xen. But now when I run apt-get it tries to install linux-headers back and it fails.
[21:28] <elventear> Should I just install those headers back?
[21:29] <elventear> I had to use dpkg -f -i to install the headers, because it ididn't let me overwrite them although they were the same version
[21:56] <Derspankster> Somebody congratulate me. I got my Hardy server up an running. Loading it up with files right now. Thanks for some good help on this channel.
[21:58] <keymoo> well done
[21:58] <keymoo> i'm upgrading my gutsy server right now
[21:58] <ivoks> well, i can confirm
[21:59] <ivoks> update of a node in redhat cluster, running on gutsy, to hardy
[21:59] <Derspankster> keymoo: thanks. For me it was a struggle, never having built a server before. Started yesterday with the hardware and I'm running today.
[21:59] <Nafallo> I'm afraid to upgrade my server without physical access :-)
[21:59] <ivoks> is done in less than 10 minutes and works perfecty :)
[21:59] <ivoks> Nafallo: i just did it :D
[21:59] <Nafallo> ivoks: do you get your Internet through quagga? ;-)
[21:59] <ivoks> no
[22:00] <Nafallo> ivoks: there we go then :-)
[22:00] <ivoks> but i did upgrade while connected to vodafone mobile :)
[22:00] <Nafallo> upgrades might stop quagga, which then takes down the whole Internet connection :-P
[22:00] <keymoo> i'm upgrading mine though ssh
[22:15] <Vlet> Anyone know how to have samba auth against pam or kerberos instead of samba's built-in password db?
[22:16] <lifesf> Hello; i was wondering if anyone could help me on this issue: i have a fresh install of ubuntu-server hardy heron and [sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop] does not work
[22:17] <lifesf> it says: invalid operation
[22:18] <lifesf> invalid operation ubuntu desktop
[22:20] <lifesf> omg i'm sorry for the stupid question i had not used it in a long time and i managed...
[22:21] <Vlet> lifesf: you need to tell apt-get what to do :)
[22:22] <Vlet> lifesf: you want: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
[22:22] <Vlet> but why install the desktop if you're running a server!? ;)
[22:22] <Vlet> lifesf: oh, oops - had my window scrolled up - didn't see that you had caught your own error
[22:23] <lifesf> lol
[22:24] <lifesf> well... i'm running the desktop because i want all the server stuff to work properly but i am still learning and i do not necessarily know what most things are and i have messed up a lot of things everytime i tried running only server so now i use the desktop also
[22:25] <lifesf> to configure ftp etc because i have not been able to find a good program to control and use the server through a webpage like control panel
[22:26] <jiqiren> when will https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/server/C/ exist? This is a dead link from http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/documentation
[22:37] <_manny> Hi all :)
[22:44] <dra1> Hello everyone, I just upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04, and now I have no sound what so ever, ive read around the forums and have found it to be a popular problem, but still cant find any way to resolve the issue, anyone here have some advice?
[22:46] <Derspankster> dra1: actually this is the ubuntu-server channel. Have you asked on #ubuntu?
[22:46] <dra1> Woops, sorry about that, I just read the broadcast there, no i havent but i will
[22:47] <Derspankster> dra1: you likely will have better luck there
[22:47] <dra1> thanks
[22:50] <_manny> Has anyone successfully compiled Apache 1.3.41 into Ubuntu Server 7.10? I have tried and I end up with an 'Order' directive errors as well as no modules showing up in httpd -l
[23:21] * flyback heads on outside to get his mind off the bullshit