UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /25 /#ubuntu-java.txt
Initial commit
[21:02] <mohbana> what is 'OpenJDK Java runtime (headless)'?
[21:03] <mohbana> hello?
[21:16] <munckfish> mohbana: I believe it'll be the JDK less stuff which is only used for the GUI
[21:16] <munckfish> but you're better to look at the description in the synaptic for exact definition
[21:17] <munckfish> I guess it's intended for servers where there is no UI, and therefore no reason to force install of X related packages
[21:20] <jamesstansell> the -headless package? yes, that's exactly it - no X11 needed, but still able to process image classes, etc.