UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /25 /#ubuntu-irc.txt
Initial commit
=== Andres_ is now known as RoAk
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
=== ionutjula is now known as fdd_
=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd
[18:28] <newz2000> hi, I've set up a channel #ubuntu-website for website related discussions. In the past I've used #ubuntu-matt but this feels a little more clear
[18:32] <Seveas> newz2000, don't forget to add it to the InternetRelayChat wikipage :)
[18:32] <newz2000> I hit the save button now, so it should save sometime in the next 10m. :-)
[18:35] <Seveas> hehe
[18:36] <Seveas> the archive and websites should be in different datacenters ;)
[18:37] <erUSUL> Seveas: it would be really interesting to read a few blogpasts of the sysadmin of ubuntu servers about what has happened during the release XD
[18:37] <erUSUL> blogposts*
[18:38] <newz2000> I don't think anyone but me blogs about it, and I haven't yet.
[18:38] <Seveas> erUSUL, I heard from a reliable source that ubuntu releases in the past caused nationwide internet problems in smaller, less well-connected countries
[18:39] <Seveas> erUSUL, I don't think there's a reason to assume the problem was less big this time :)
[18:39] <erUSUL> Seveas: that's the juicy details i want to know ;) then people say that noones uses linux ;)
[18:40] <RoAkSoAx> i heard that some mirrors from switzerland and netherlands werent loaded at all... and download was as fast as possible...
[18:40] <erUSUL> newz2000: are you on planet ubuntu ??
[18:40] <newz2000> no
[18:40] <newz2000> this release wasn't very eventful, smooth as silk
[18:41] <newz2000> except the desgn firm delivered the homepage graphics at the last min and they were broken for IE
[18:42] <nalioth> newz2000: IE is broken.
[18:42] <erUSUL> newz2000: congrats then :) but the load on servers was really high wasn't it?
[18:43] <newz2000> our total amount of traffic was up compared to prev releases but the servers were far more responsive than usual.
[18:44] <newz2000> congratulate the sysadmins on that, they did an awesome job
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker`
=== atoponce is now known as encryptz