UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /25 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:59] <Kamping_Kaiser> wubrgamer, its an extra cd for ubuntu which contains all the edubuntu packages
[01:00] <wubrgamer> Kamping_Kaiser: so there is no edubuntu cd?
[01:00] <Kamping_Kaiser> wubrgamer, no stand alone cd
[01:01] <wubrgamer> Kamping_Kaiser: that's new
[01:01] <wubrgamer> Kamping_Kaiser: isn't it ?
[01:01] <wubrgamer> Kamping_Kaiser: I thought there used to be one
[01:02] <Kamping_Kaiser> wubrgamer, until this release edubuntu has been a stand alone cd
[01:04] <theunixgeek_> The loading bar in the usplash keeps bobbing back and forth instead of actually loading. how do I fix this?
=== gnomefre4k is now known as gnomefreak
[01:28] <wubrgamer> how many gnome freaks are there?
[01:29] <wubrgamer> gnomefreak:
[01:29] <gnomefreak> wubrgamer: too damn many :(
[01:29] <gnomefreak> my connections is being cranky
[01:30] <wubrgamer> you need to cut that down, i'm pretty freenode is cranky about that sort of thing
[01:30] <Kamping_Kaiser> gnomefre?k, hey mate
[01:30] <Kamping_Kaiser> ;)
[01:31] * wubrgamer is away: I'm Away, Send me a PM
[01:31] <Kamping_Kaiser> wubrgamer, could you not publicly announce aways please? :)
[01:31] <wubrgamer> how do I do that?
=== wubrgamer is now known as wubrgamer-away
[01:32] <wubrgamer-away> is that better ?
[01:32] <Kamping_Kaiser> not really, but its less obnoxious :)
[01:33] <wubrgamer-away> does it announce my nick change?
[01:33] <wubrgamer-away> honestly, what's the difference?
[01:35] <Kamping_Kaiser> many clients dont show nick changes. as it happens many do, which is why its not really better
=== gnomefre2k is now known as gnomefreak
=== wubrgamer-away is now known as wubrgamer
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[02:15] <roe_> I'm looking for a child oriented word processor, I've looked at some of the programs edubuntu offers, but didn't see one
[02:18] <Kamping_Kaiser> what does 'child oriented' mean exactly?
[02:19] <roe_> K thru 2
[02:20] <Kamping_Kaiser> what would you want from it though? are you thinking like the wordprocessor in an XO?
[02:20] <roe_> XO?
[02:21] <roe_> something very simple that would allow them to compose a letter, or a story, with some light formating ability
[02:22] <Kamping_Kaiser> so exactly like whats in the xo. wonder what its called. it may be packaged
[02:22] <roe_> what is xo
[02:22] <Kamping_Kaiser> the OLPC laptop
[02:22] <roe_> ah
[02:24] <roe_> the olpc website says it is packaged with abiword
[02:24] <Kamping_Kaiser> a modified abiword yeah.
[02:24] <Kamping_Kaiser> try abiword from the repositories. might be simple enough
[02:24] * Kamping_Kaiser hasnt used it for ages
[02:25] <roe_> I have used it recently, it is more of a 3rd to 5 grade or adult light weight processor not very interactive
[02:26] <Kamping_Kaiser> afk. catch you later
[02:26] <roe_> so long
[02:36] <lns> roe_, why not gedit? (Applications -> Accessories -> Text Editor)
[02:39] <roe_> it isn't interactive (read fun for a kindergartner to use)
[02:39] <roe_> it needs to help walk them through the various steps of writing
[02:56] <lns> roe_, did you look at gcompris suite? I'm not sure if there's a word processor or not but that's probably in the ballpark
[02:57] <roe_> I did and I didn't see one there
[02:57] <lns> ya got me then
[02:57] <lns> but there very well could be one out there
[02:59] <lns> check this out
[02:59] <lns> http://ingwa2.blogspot.com/2005/09/koffice-kids-office.html
[03:03] <roe_> that looks perfect
[03:04] <roe_> can't find if it has made any progress since 2005 though
[03:04] <lns> maybe it's bug-free ? =)
[03:07] <roe_> looks like it is bundled with koffice 2
[03:09] <lns> some of KDEs apps are really top-notch...it'd be nice to see integration with gnome (such as the user mgr - very nice, well made comparatively)
[13:49] <hbons> are there any docs available for customizing ubuntu like edubuntu does? and what tools do the edudevs use?
[13:50] <johnny> searc for ubuntu cd remaster
[13:50] <johnny> edubuntu is not a seperate distro as of 8.04
[13:51] <johnny> it is an addon cd
[13:51] <ogra> well
[13:51] <ogra> ubuntu uses debian-cd to build the disks
[13:51] <ogra> edubuntu is just treated like the second CD to ubuntu-desktop
[13:51] <ogra> in a standard debian-cd build setup
[14:00] <hbons> johnny, ogra: thanks! will check that out
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[16:05] <reg_> Have a question about 8.04 upgrade...
[16:05] <reg_> Is it possible to upgrade edubuntu 7.10, keeping all users and without setting up thin clients again? Im a newbie at this...
[16:07] <johnny> reg_, you should regenerate your client chroot
[16:07] <johnny> but otherwise all the settings are fine
[16:09] <reg_> Hmmm... Is it best to get a linux-nerde to help me? :-) Im running a system with 7 thin clients and about 50 users. Proxy etc. is run by seperate server.
[16:10] <reg_> I have no idea how to regenerate client chroot or even what a client chroot is... ;-)
[16:11] <johnny> you built that system dind't you?
[16:11] <johnny> it's what the clients boot from /opt/ltsp/i386
[16:11] <johnny> ltsp-build-client
[16:12] <johnny> you should backup your old /opt/ltsp/i386
[16:12] <johnny> and then run ltsp-build-client again
[16:12] <reg_> Nope... Got some help from a "guru". I only service the system by upgrading and adding users...
[16:12] <johnny> well if that person may have modified the chroot..
[16:12] <johnny> then you should talk to them again
[16:12] <johnny> and tell them that you were advised to rebuild the chroot from scratch
[16:13] <reg_> think I have to call him... The kids in the youth club would kill me if they lost their internet connection today...
[16:15] <reg_> I'll fix this later... Got to work some more now.. Thanks
[16:16] <ogra> reg_, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading
[16:16] <ogra> thats enough for the genral system upgrade
[16:16] <ogra> for ltsp follow what johnny said (move /opt/ltsp/i386 away and run sudo ltsp-build-client)
[16:17] <ogra> that should be all you need
[16:17] <ogra> but better do it on a wekend in case you run into any probs ;)
[16:18] <johnny> ogra, but the chroot could have been modified ina necessary way
[16:18] <johnny> for their setup
[16:18] <ogra> right
[16:18] <johnny> so.. i think the original person should do it
[16:18] <ogra> but you have the backup
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
[18:43] <use> Hello
[18:44] <use> ive a question - i need to use edubuntu @ school (i am sysadmin) - can i configure 1 pc and copy trhe settings to other pc`S?
[18:46] <use> oder soll ich leiber auf deutsch fragen?
[21:42] <MrBill> would a 550mhz K62 laptop with 512mb of RAM be a pretty painfully slow system to run Edubuntu on?
[21:42] <LaserJock> what are you wanting to run?
[21:42] <LaserJock> like what apps, etc.
[21:43] <MrBill> A buddy is thinking to build a machine for his system (and 3 year old nephew) that will do basic browsing, email, etc. and I figure that having something like edubuntu would give some games/whatever that might be good for a kid
[21:43] <MrBill> I'm brand new to Ubuntu myself (just converted from WinXP two weeks ago) so don't really know too much about what kinda system requirements Linux has in general
[21:45] <MrBill> errrr, when i said "build for his system" i meant "build for his sister"
[21:46] <LaserJock> I think it'd work ok
[21:46] <LaserJock> the processor is a bit low, but the memory is nice, which is often more important
[21:47] <MrBill> woudl it be adviseable to go with an older release? or is the newest release going to basically run just as quick as an older?
[21:50] <LaserJock> yeah, should be fine
[21:50] <LaserJock> you could perhaps look at Xubuntu
[21:50] <LaserJock> and then add on edu apps from the addon cd
[21:51] <MrBill> oh, I didn't realize I could do the addon apps to either xubuntu or kubuntu, i for some reason thought I had to be running a gnome version
[21:51] <MrBill> I'm still sorta learning how this all works =)
[21:51] <MrBill> that's probably the best solution, xubuntu runs a noticeable amount lighter than ubuntu ?
[21:57] <LaserJock> MrBill: yeah