UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /23 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <asac> yeah i see. i am fine with everything as long as we split things into multiple scripts
[00:01] <asac> i think i can understand it, but probably would need to uncover my perl-fu from dirt :)
[00:01] <asac> splice @$pkgs_order, 0, $#$pkgs_order + 1, @ARGV if $#ARGV >= 0;
[00:01] <asac> $#$pkgs_order
[00:01] <Jazzva> scary...
[00:01] * Jazzva has to learn new things :)
[00:02] <asac> hehe
[00:02] <Jazzva> but it looks like it could be readable to me...
[00:02] <asac> i think i have a perl advanced programming book somewhere ;)
[00:02] <asac> these pointers scare me ;)
[00:03] <fta> or this: http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/build-ppa.pl.txt ?
[00:03] <asac> dereferencing and all ... anyway. as long as things are maintained in single chunks of code that could in worst case be replaced one-by-one in case you get hit by a truck i am fine :)
[00:03] <asac> i think thats ok
[00:03] <asac> as long as the script stay at that level of complexity
[00:04] <asac> fta: maybe give me a refresh. wasn't there something like $_ ?
[00:05] <fta> yes
[00:05] <asac> and something that would implicitly catch up arguments from that?
[00:05] <asac> e.g. implicit function arguments ... i just vaguely remember.
[00:06] <asac> ah ... and shift ... is that replaceble by something more explicit in functions?
[00:06] * Jazzva is reading about Perl on wikipedia... "Many earlier computer languages, such as Fortran and C, were designed to make efficient use of expensive computer hardware. In contrast, Perl is designed to make efficient use of expensive computer programmers." hehe (sorry about the offt)
[00:06] <asac> right ;)
[00:07] <asac> depends on how you define "efficient" here :)
[00:08] <asac> fta: point is that what we are doing here is also kind of mini prototype on how the distro maintenance in future might be
[00:09] <asac> e.g. everything maintained in bzr
[00:09] <asac> no package uploads, but pushing to a branch to publish and so on
[00:11] <fta> well, i'm nearly there with the .head branches and my ppa
[00:11] <fta> i use the 2 perl scripts above + http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/update-pkg.sh.txt
[00:13] <asac> yeah, but it becomes tricky to do the same thing on a large scale
[00:13] <asac> with more variables
[00:13] <asac> complexity grows exponential
[00:14] <fta> depends
[00:15] <fta> what else do you propose we should do then ? I'm all hears :)
[00:19] <asac> i think for us its working quite well. i don't feel qualified enough to give a complete overview of what is required to maintain the complete distro yet.
[00:20] <asac> fta: i am sure there will be interesting discussions on this topic at UDS
[00:20] <asac> if not in a core session, then there are certainly a bunch of people there that thought alot about it
[00:31] <fta> oh, you mean the future apt stuff, not our own mozilla business
[00:35] <asac> yeah ;)
[00:35] <asac> i think there will even be a core session about it
[00:35] <asac> most likely in the platform team track
[00:48] <asac> fta: 399 bugs ;)
[00:48] <fta> ?
[00:49] <asac> last chance to see the bug count below 400 :(
[00:49] <asac> firefox-3.0
[00:49] <asac> we should probably reset the crashers button
[00:49] <asac> i mean 85% percent are probably due to flash (if not libflashsupport)
[00:50] <asac> all crashers older than 5 days that have no duplicates :) -> done
[00:51] <asac> fta: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bugs?field.searchtext=crash&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=
[00:51] <asac> 140 crashers ;)
[00:51] <asac> well ... searched for "crash" :)
[00:51] <asac> like bug 192885
[00:51] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 192885 in firefox-3.0 "firefox keeps crushing" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192885
[00:52] <asac> a fix commited crasher ;)
[00:52] <asac> yay
[00:54] <asac> *sigh*
[00:54] <Jazzva> 192985 should be Fix Released, since b5 is out... (if topdog is not receiving any more crashes ... will post a comment)
[00:54] <asac> i cannot exclude bugs from the list that would match "crash"
[00:54] <asac> what a desaster
[00:54] <asac> those crashes really hide any important issue for sure
[00:55] <asac> Jazzva: i closed that already ;)
[00:55] <Jazzva> *reload* oh, look at that
[00:55] <Jazzva> :)
[00:55] <fta> all that are not __kernel_vsyscall() probably need review, some may have value
[00:56] <asac> fta: most _kernel_vsyscall have a proper stacktrace
[00:56] <asac> its just that apport is confused what is the top
[00:56] <asac> fta: anyway, this flash thing showed all kind of stacktrace
[00:57] <asac> unless we see a null-deref somewhere we can probably just close them
[00:57] <asac> (or a dupe a testcase)
[00:57] <asac> null-deref, duped and testcased ones might have value imo
[00:58] <asac> as a first measure we could reassign them all to xulrunner-1.9 :)
[00:58] <asac> like as a sink for anything that we processed :)
[00:58] <asac> (once)
[00:59] <asac> most issues will most likely be reported against firefox-3.0 ;) ... so keeping that list small has top-prio ;)
[00:59] <asac> but i think i already lost that race :(
[01:00] <asac> nsNavHistoryResult
[01:01] <asac> i remember that i duped some related to those
[01:01] <asac> the sad thing is that launchpad doesn't even search attachments ... i am not even sure if it searches comments
[01:01] <asac> nor am i aware of any trick to make it do that
[01:01] <asac> ah ;)
[01:02] <asac> i remember something
[01:02] <asac> damn where
[01:05] <asac> mozilla bug 356370
[01:05] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 356370 in Extension/Theme Manager ""installLocation has no properties" during install/update of extensions (line 3849/_getActiveItems)" [Major,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=356370
[01:05] <asac> fta: ^^ i think we need that on the 1.8 branch to make switching firefox 3 to firefox 2 safe
[01:07] <fta> http://www.flickr.com/photos/nitot/2289897020/sizes/l/
[01:08] <asac> at the current time the ubuntu release might really be significant :)
[01:08] <asac> for their user-base
[01:10] <fta> but it's not accounted for
[01:10] <asac> i which way?
[01:11] <fta> how would moz know how many ubuntu users are using ff3 ?
[01:12] <asac> good question ;)
[01:14] <asac> ok i think i found something ;)
[01:16] <asac> hmm no.
[01:16] <asac> ok back to square one ...
[01:16] * asac looking at bughelper ;)
[01:22] * asac running bughelper -T firefox-3.0 "nsNavHistoryResult" "Navigation Crash" -p firefox-3.0
[01:22] <asac> lets see what happens next ;)
[01:23] <asac> darn .. i have to search attachments
[01:24] <Sergeant_Pony> evening
[01:25] <asac> ole
[01:25] <asac> ;)
[01:25] <Sergeant_Pony> Hola'
[01:26] <asac> ok bughelper couldn't cope with it
[01:26] <asac> ;)
[01:26] <asac> it crashed
[01:27] <asac> fta: do you know any full-text indexing thing that can be easily embedded in C code?
[01:28] <asac> well ... i don't mind in what language ;)
[01:28] <fta> mysql
[01:29] <asac> how efficient is mysql doing that?
[01:29] <asac> and how effektiv ;)
[01:30] <CheGuevara> very
[01:30] <fta> yep
[01:30] <asac> ok its confirmed bughelper even crashes with .bughelper removed ;)
[01:30] <asac> *sigh* :/
[01:31] <asac> RuntimeError: Something went wrong \o/
[01:35] <asac> i think there is something completely screwed. even bugnumbers -p firefox-3.0 fails
[01:35] <asac> which is probably the most simple thing to do
[01:42] <fta> asac, btw, here is the debdiff for xul : http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/debdiff/xulrunner_1.8.1.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu1--
[01:49] <asac> why do we need this armel patch at all?
[01:55] <asac> i think we should push that to intrepit and work on a 1ubuntu0.8.4 package that is decoupled from debian
[01:55] <asac> e.g. just upgrade of upstream sources
[01:56] <asac> if we trust debian enough we can use the same orig though :)
[02:08] <fta> it's just a merge as motu usually expects it
[02:12] <asac> k
[02:16] <New_lemming> Is it proper to ask firefox on ubuntu support questions here?
[02:40] <Jazzva> Off to sleep... Good night...
=== Double_D is now known as Sergeant_Pony
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== ]reed[ is now known as [reed]
=== rzr is now known as rZr
=== fta_ is now known as fta
[14:36] <fta> [reed], another flood of crashtest commits :) Why didn't the committer use title like "Add crashtest for 385289-1" instead of zillions of variations of 'Add crashtest' 'Add crashtests' 'Adding a crashtest' 'Adding crashtest.' ...
[14:36] <[reed]> because it's easier to change one character? :)
[14:37] <[reed]> bonsai groups commits with the same commit message, so he had to vary it somewhat
[14:37] <[reed]> so that the commits would show up as being separate
[14:37] <asac> [reed]: only if they get committed in the same minute :)
[14:37] <fta> i know but it reads like crap on bonsai
[14:37] <asac> (or even second?)
[14:37] <[reed]> asac: I don't think there's a time limit
[14:38] <[reed]> if two commits done after each other have the same commit time
[14:38] <asac> he? i think its similar to cvsps
[14:38] <[reed]> er
[14:38] <asac> that uses time + commitmessage to bundle
[14:38] <[reed]> if two commits done after each other have the same commit message*
[14:38] <asac> hmm
[14:38] <[reed]> dunno
[14:38] <[reed]> I know you can commit a while afterwards
[14:38] <[reed]> and it still groups it
[14:38] <[reed]> if nobody commits in between
[14:38] <asac> yeah might be
[14:38] <asac> if commits take long it would break the grouping
[14:38] <fta> yep, it groups consecutive commits with the same title, disregarding the dates
[14:39] <asac> anyway ... hopefully soon this is history
[14:39] <[reed]> http://wiki.mozilla.org/WeeklyUpdates/2007-12-17#Friends_of_the_Tree
[14:39] <[reed]> see the two links :)
[14:40] <[reed]> oh, the second one is better
[14:40] <[reed]> the first one isn't done by time :(
[14:40] <[reed]> the second one lists some of his funnier commit messages
[14:40] <asac> lol
[14:50] <saivann> asac : Since the Final Release is tomorrow, you probably want to take a look at bug 194970 to avoid the need to fix it in the next development release?
[14:50] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 194970 in firefox-3.0 "[Hardy] Incorrect .desktop files" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194970
[14:50] <saivann> thunderbird and sunbird are still affected in Hardy
[14:51] <asac> saivann: there are complains that that fix broke the menu for kubuntu
[14:51] <asac> not sure if its really the right thing to do
[14:52] <saivann> asac : Really? The firefox-3.0 is already fixed, I will give a try with kubuntu
[14:52] <asac> well ... there are complains that firefox doesn't show up in kubuntu menu anymore ... most likely caused by this
[14:52] <asac> not sure how authentic that claim is
[14:52] <saivann> asac : In fact, all we did is to follow desktop-file-validate advice
[14:52] <asac> yeah
[14:53] <asac> but if this is really problem then kde doesn't care about that ;)
[14:53] <asac> saivann: anyway ... no uploads to hardy anymore
[14:53] <saivann> asac : Ok
[14:54] <asac> saivann: why is ffox 3 in that branch: Categories=GTK;Network;
[14:55] <asac> and firefox 2 still Categories=Network
[14:55] <saivann> asac : Mmh I don't know, I did not do that change.
[14:55] <asac> i remember that this GTK;Network; thing was reported to break
[14:55] <asac> most likely the GTK prefix is bogus
[14:56] <asac> tbird just has Network as well
[14:56] <saivann> asac : I just tried kubuntu Hardy RC and Firefox shows correctly in menus, I did not test kde4
[14:56] <asac> i think it was kde4
[14:56] <asac> yeah ... this GTK prefix is only in ffox 3 :(
[14:57] <saivann> asac : Bad, but sorry I really don't know who put that here :)
[14:57] <asac> but well ... given that kubuntu folks vetoed and thus we had to put ffox lang packs into the -gnome langpack i don't feel responsible at all for KDE anymore :(
[14:58] <asac> imo that was pretty ignorant. i am sure that at least 50% of KDE users use firefox ... most likely even all expect the kubuntu devs ;)
[14:58] <asac> anyway i stop ranting ;)
[14:58] <saivann> asac : :( , I will try kde4 and if you don't get any messages about it, it's because firefox showed just well in menus
[14:58] <asac> thanks!
[14:59] <saivann> np :)
[15:03] <saivann> .. ubuntu servers overloaded
[15:31] <fta> asac, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=763264
[15:49] <saivann> asac : Firefox 3 appears correctly in KDE4 and KDE3 menus
[15:56] <fta> [reed], do you see that http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/highlight-all-icon-missing.png ?
[15:58] <[reed]> nope
[15:58] <[reed]> what do you get when you go to chrome://global/skin/icons/find.png ?
[16:01] <fta> oh, it's my fault. i've upgraded earlier but forgot to restart ff
[16:02] <fta> asac, I have a couple of: Error: [Exception... "'Component is not available' when calling method: [nsIHandlerService::getTypeFromExtension]" nsresult: "0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)" location: "<unknown>" data: no]
[17:29] <fta> armin76, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7867/
[17:30] <fta> on sparc
[17:30] <armin76> bumb
[17:30] <armin76> ew
[17:31] <armin76> a bus error when compiling? that looks really bad...
[17:32] <fta> and http://paste.ubuntu.com/7868/ on hppa
[17:32] <armin76> and with gcc-4.3 on ia64, fails to compile :)
[17:33] <armin76> https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=218977
[17:33] <ubotu> bugs.gentoo.org bug 218977 in Applications "mozilla-firefox- fails to build for ia64 with gcc-4.3" [Normal,New]
[17:33] <armin76> i didn't got any failure on sparc/hppa, though
[17:33] <armin76> with 4.1
[17:33] <fta> bugs.gentoo.org uses an invalid security certificate. :)
[17:33] <armin76> just self-signed
[17:35] <fta> i know. that's just not very pro.
[17:35] <fta> btw, I can't fix any of those I don't have access to that h/w
[17:43] <armin76> wtf
[17:43] <armin76> mozilla bug 419350
[17:43] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 419350 in XPCOM "[ia64] build failure using gcc 4.3" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=419350
[17:44] <armin76> they approved it for but it didn't land?
[17:44] <armin76> in fact its not applied
[17:44] <armin76> [reed]: ^
[17:45] <[reed]> add checkin-needed
[17:45] <[reed]> I'm in the middle of school crunch time
[17:45] <[reed]> not touching mozilla stuff
[17:49] <armin76> done
[17:49] <armin76> thanks :)
[17:51] <[reed]> don't reopen it, though
[17:52] <[reed]> it's been fixed on trunk
[17:52] <[reed]> resolution is for trunk
[17:52] <[reed]> branch commits are tracked via keywords
[17:52] <[reed]> (yay bugzilla :[)
[17:55] <armin76> sorry :)
[20:07] <fta> <asac> Jazzva: fta: ok, ill try to write this extension thoughts down so we can continue discussion from there <= any progress ?
[20:16] <Jazzva> Evening...
[20:49] <fta> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=763868
[20:49] <fta> Jazzva, hi
[20:49] <Jazzva> Hello fta... :)
[20:50] <Jazzva> Hmm ... something with graphics, I would say :/
[21:16] <fta> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=763773
[21:17] <fta> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=763742
[21:19] <fta> http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/2008/04/23/#bundlebuggy
[21:22] <[reed]> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=763773 sounds bad
[21:22] <Jazzva> that for firefox is weird ...
[21:22] <[reed]> you should report that upstream
[21:27] <[reed]> fta: mozilla bug 430530
[21:27] <ubotu> Mozilla bug 430530 in Phishing Protection "excess disk IO when updating the url-classifier" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=430530
[21:30] <fta> k
[22:04] <fta> any idea what is making ff logs this:
[22:04] <fta> ** Message: GetValue variable 1 (1)
[22:04] <fta> ** Message: GetValue variable 2 (2)
[22:04] <Jazzva> I have been getting those too ...