UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /23 /#ubuntu-meeting.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <boredandblogging> hello
[00:00] <L1pe> hi
[00:00] <boredandblogging> meeting time?
[00:00] <DPic> hello everyone and happy earth day
[00:00] <DPic> yeah, meeting time :)
[00:00] <L1pe> hi DPic
[00:00] <DPic> hi L1pe
[00:01] <DPic> So we have a blank agenda but i think we should still talk about a few things
[00:01] <DPic> this is our last meeting before the hardy release
[00:01] <L1pe> just arrived for the meeting I thought I wouldn't get on time
[00:02] <DPic> we still haven't gotten any new flyers from LoCo's have we?
[00:03] <boredandblogging> nope
[00:03] <L1pe> DPic I' will be sendong ubuntu-ar's flyers for flisol to the loco contact list
[00:03] <L1pe> tonight
[00:03] <L1pe> *sending
[00:04] <boredandblogging> L1pe: can you share that on the wiki?
[00:05] <L1pe> yes, sure It's in spanish, I will put it in the ubuntu-ar page on the wiki and link it from Marketing. is it ok?
[00:05] <DPic> that sounds good
[00:06] <DPic> maybe we really can't depend on LoCo's to create fliers for us and we just need more marketing team members
[00:06] <L1pe> k, I'm doing it right now
[00:07] <L1pe> DPic: maybe we can designate someone to be the "flyers coordinator" or something like that
[00:07] <DPic> what would their job be?
[00:08] <L1pe> his role in the team will be to encourage and follow up the creation/update of the fliers and related marketing
[00:09] <L1pe> I think we just need someone to focus on that as his main job in the team
[00:09] <DPic> well i think the benefit of us making out own fliers and distribute them to LoCo's is that the flyer or poster or whatever is created with the intention of being used for one team
[00:11] <boredandblogging> can't help much with that
[00:11] <boredandblogging> I have no artistic ability at all
[00:11] <DPic> well i'm not really artistic but i can create flyers as they're needed
[00:12] <L1pe> boredandblogging: I don't think the main issue is the art, the ussual problem is the redaction and the grammar
[00:12] <L1pe> (and the translation :) )
[00:13] <RoAkSoAx> why dont you just get in contact with the people who creates flyers for their own LoCo's so that way you can work together in the creation of them, and then.. after being created... they can be modified to satisfy own LoCo's needs
[00:14] <L1pe> RoAkSoAx: sure... but if someone takes the job as his main task, the task will be performed...
[00:14] <DPic> RoAkSoAx: that sounds like a good idea. we could message the marketing team and loco contacts lists to recruit people
[00:15] <RoAkSoAx> yes, that way... they would not only create flyers for the LoCo's.... but for all the Ubuntu Community to use...
[00:16] <RoAkSoAx> *(for their own LoCo's)
[00:17] <DPic> yeah, i'll send out an email for that
[00:17] <L1pe> RoAkSoAx: yes, it would be great to ask them to make an english version to share
[00:17] <boredandblogging> ask them for an editable version
[00:17] <boredandblogging> not a flattened jpg
[00:17] <boredandblogging> or something similar
[00:18] <DPic> yeah
[00:18] <L1pe> boredandblogging: sure. some free editable format
[00:18] <DPic> well they'll be working with us so that won't be a problem
[00:19] <DPic> at the last meeting we talked about electing a leader, do we want to put that on our schedule for our next meeting? i'm not sure if we really need a "leader." I'm currently listed as a contact for this team and anyone else is free to add themself
[00:20] <boredandblogging> don't really have an opinion about it
[00:21] <DPic> it doesn't seem to be very important
[00:21] <DPic> does anyone think we should need an elected leader?
[00:21] <L1pe> me neither. Can't we make a launchpad poll to ask the marketing team members if a leader should be elected or not?
[00:22] <RoAkSoAx> i believe that it is always useful to have a leader! that way it can conduct the team into the right direction... manage things, and decide over important decitions to make...
[00:22] <DPic> well we sort of make decisions as a team. the only thing a leader might be able to do is be a tiebreaker of sorts
[00:25] <DPic> is there anything more we should do for the hardy release?
[00:26] <boredandblogging> maybe see if locos need help advertising install fests
[00:27] <DPic> and how would we help? creating materials or did you have more in mind?
[00:28] <L1pe> this saturday in all Latin america is the biggest Free software event in the world. I feel we as the marketing team are doing nothing to help with it
[00:28] <L1pe> (the locos are doing a big job, but we are not giving any marketing support to them asa far as I know)
[00:29] <DPic> i didn't even know about it. what can we do ?
[00:31] <L1pe> Good question, I don't know... any ideas?
[00:34] <DPic> doesn't seem like we can do much in our current state
[00:35] <L1pe> I will send the ubuntu-ar flyer to the loco contacts list when this meeting finishes
[00:36] <L1pe> I't already in spanish an I think I can get it translated to portuguese
[00:38] <DPic> alright great
[00:39] <DPic> oh and the ubuntu in stores campaign
[00:39] <DPic> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Campaigns/UbuntuInStores
[00:41] <DPic> should we continue trying to get people to contact stores?
[00:43] <L1pe> hmmm did the campaign worked for someone?
[00:44] <DPic> well no, major stores haven't started selling machines with ubuntu on them but the point is to let the stores know that we want them
[00:47] <L1pe> and what are we doing for that purpose?
[00:48] <DPic> well it's left up to people to contact those stores via mail, phone, or email
[00:49] <L1pe> how we track down the people to see if anybody is responding to the campaign
[00:49] <DPic> how can we?
[00:50] <L1pe> because maybe never has called and we have to find out another way...
[00:51] <DPic> yeah but how can we track who has contacted stores?
[00:53] <L1pe> I don't know maybe a "call registry" wiki page
[00:53] <DPic> i could add a section to the wiki page for that
[00:53] <DPic> alright sounds good
[00:54] <DPic> anything else before the meeting ends?
[00:54] <L1pe> not here
[00:54] <DPic> going once
[00:54] <DPic> twice
[00:54] <DPic> alright everyone thanks for coming
[00:54] <DPic> meeting adjourned
[00:55] <L1pe> :)
[00:55] <L1pe> I have to leave, see you.
[00:55] <L1pe> thanks for coming
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 23 Apr 20:00 UTC: LoCo Council | 23 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 30 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team
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[06:20] <dholbach> good morning
[06:20] <Hobbsee> guten tag.
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=== profoX_ is now known as profoX`
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[19:37] <boredandblogging> @now
[19:37] <ubotu> Current time in Etc/UTC: April 23 2008, 18:37:52 - Next meeting: LoCo Council in 1 hour 22 minutes
[19:58] <zul> @schedule montreal
[19:58] <ubotu> Schedule for America/Montreal: 23 Apr 16:00: LoCo Council | 23 Apr 17:00: Server Team | 30 Apr 17:00: Server Team
[20:08] <lucianodrosda> who}
[20:34] <RoAkSoAx> @schedule lima
[20:34] <ubotu> Schedule for America/Lima: 23 Apr 15:00: LoCo Council | 23 Apr 16:00: Server Team | 30 Apr 16:00: Server Team
[20:54] <jono> @ now
[20:54] <jono> @now
[20:54] <stgraber> jono: 21:39 -!- ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has quit [Client Quit
[20:55] <jono> thanks stgraber :)
[20:55] <jono> @now London
[20:55] <jono> ;)
[20:55] * jono chuckles
[20:56] <RoAkSoAx> lol
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: LoCo Council Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 23 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 30 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team
[20:57] <jono> @now
[20:57] <ubotu> Current time in Etc/UTC: April 23 2008, 19:57:02 - Current meeting: LoCo Council
[20:57] <RoAkSoAx> @schedule Lima
[20:57] <ubotu> Schedule for America/Lima: Current meeting: LoCo Council 23 Apr 16:00: Server Team | 30 Apr 16:00: Server Team
[20:58] <keffie_jayx> boredandblogging, almost ready?
[20:59] <keffie_jayx> popey, ready?
[20:59] <popey> oops
[20:59] <popey> here
[20:59] <popey> :)
[21:00] <boredandblogging> ready
[21:00] <JanC> I'm here too ツ
[21:00] <jono> hey all
[21:00] <popey> lo jono
[21:00] <jono> which LoCo Council people are here?
[21:00] <keffie_jayx> me
[21:00] <popey> o/
[21:00] * boredandblogging raises his hand
[21:00] <JanC> \o
[21:00] <jono> no Nick Ali?
[21:00] <popey> thats boredandblogging
[21:00] <jono> oops
[21:00] <boredandblogging> jono: thats me
[21:00] <keffie_jayx> jono, that'll be boredandblogging
[21:00] <jono> sorry, being an idiot
[21:01] <jono> so we have a full house?
[21:01] <popey> BINGO!
[21:01] <jono> great stuff :)
[21:01] <JanC> does that mean we win?
[21:01] <jono> I think so
[21:01] <jono> everyone wins :)
[21:01] <jono> you win a prize of buying me a beer :)
[21:01] <jono> congrats!
[21:01] <popey> you coming to De Hems tomorrow?
[21:01] <JanC> jono: if you ever come to Belgium... ;)
[21:01] <jono> popey: I am in the US, so unlikely :)
[21:01] <jono> JanC: count on it dude :)
[21:01] <popey> I'll drink one for you
[21:01] <jono> popey: do :)
[21:02] <jono> alrighty
[21:02] <jono> is anyone chairing this?
[21:02] <jono> I can do it if you want, but don't mind if someone else does it
[21:02] <keffie_jayx> we would hope you would for it being the first
[21:02] <juliux> hoi
[21:02] <juliux> puh just in time;9
[21:02] <juliux> johnc4510, boredandblogging ?
[21:02] <juliux> yep;)
[21:02] <juliux> let's hope that is not the last time;)
[21:02] <jono> sure, I can do it if you like
[21:02] <keffie_jayx> jono, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncilAgenda
[21:02] <jono> thanks :)
[21:02] <juliux> +1 for jono
[21:03] <jono> ok, first thing is privacy of the list
[21:03] <jono> I recommend a closed list
[21:03] <popey> a new closed list?
[21:03] <popey> in addition to ubuntu-locoteams?
[21:03] <jono> the CC has a closed list so discussions can occur in private where private discussions need to happen
[21:03] <jono> yes, this will be a list for the council members
[21:03] <popey> ok
[21:03] <popey> I agree then
[21:03] <boredandblogging> agreed
[21:03] <juliux> agreed
[21:04] <keffie_jayx> agreed
[21:04] <juliux> perhaps we can open the archive somedaies
[21:04] <JanC> I don't care much about the private aspect, but it's okay for me
[21:04] <jono> juliux: I think taking a list that was private and making it open is a suspect thing to do
[21:04] <boredandblogging> juliux: probably not depending on what is discussed
[21:04] <jono> ok, so we have agreement
[21:04] <jono> good thing :)
[21:04] <jono> I will put in an RT for the council list right now
[21:05] <boredandblogging> jono: there is one already
[21:05] <JanC> jono: I think some Debian lists do that (they open private lists after a certain time)
[21:05] <juliux> ok then a closed list
[21:05] <jono> boredandblogging: there is a loco council list?
[21:05] <popey> uhm
[21:05] <JanC> like security lists etc.
[21:05] <keffie_jayx> jono, one ticket in rt for it
[21:05] <boredandblogging> jono: this is an rt request for it
[21:05] <jono> oh thanks
[21:05] <jono> :)
[21:05] <boredandblogging> let me find it
[21:05] <popey> if you have a private archive, there is no real way you can "open the archives" in the future
[21:05] <popey> unless you get agreement from everyone who ever posted / quoted in it
[21:05] <JanC> not with default mailman
[21:06] <popey> no, I am not saying technically
[21:06] <jono> ok, next up
[21:06] <popey> politically and in some ways legally
[21:06] <jono> the remit of the council
[21:06] <JanC> popey: everybody would have to okay it, true
[21:06] <boredandblogging> jono: https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=1764
[21:06] <jono> thanks boredandblogging
[21:06] <boredandblogging> we've dealt with the privacy issue on fridge-devel
[21:07] <boredandblogging> its better to just create a new mailing list if you want it to be public after it was initially private
[21:07] <popey> yes
[21:07] <jono> so lets discuss the things the council should do:
[21:07] <jono> approve members
[21:08] <juliux> i thouht we shouldn't approve members
[21:08] <nxvl> jono: should't it only approve LoCo teams?
[21:08] <boredandblogging> think he meant LoCos
[21:08] <keffie_jayx> the membership councils?
[21:09] <jono> oops
[21:09] <jono> sorry I meant approve teams
[21:09] <juliux> loco council will be a super council;)
[21:09] <jono> hehe
[21:09] <jono> so everyone happy to approve locos?
[21:09] <JanC> of course
[21:09] <keffie_jayx> definetely
[21:09] <jono> we will need to document the approval process for members
[21:09] <boredandblogging> +1
[21:09] <juliux> +1
[21:09] <keffie_jayx> +1
[21:10] <nxvl> jono: s/members/LoCos/
[21:10] <jono> ok I recommend we do this:
[21:10] <popey> +1
[21:10] <jono> * flesh out exactly how the approval process works - what kind of criteria is being approved
[21:10] <jono> * when a team is approved by the council they are official
[21:11] <jono> sound ok?
[21:11] <boredandblogging> what is the maximum bribe we can accept? :-P
[21:11] <jono> haha
[21:11] <juliux> sounds good for me
[21:11] <jono> can I ask someone to document this?
[21:11] <JanC> boredandblogging: one case of beer? :P
[21:11] <nxvl> nop
[21:12] <keffie_jayx> good enough,
[21:12] <jono> I would like to summarise the process and have some people take charge of documenting it in detail
[21:12] <nxvl> wrong window
[21:12] <jono> any volunteers?
[21:12] <juliux> jono, is there allready a base?
[21:12] <jono> juliux: not yet - this will be a new document
[21:12] <boredandblogging> was there any documentation on the old process of approving?
[21:12] <keffie_jayx> jono, i could, provided that several people have a good look at it... I have duffy fingers
[21:12] <jono> its largely what kind of things are considered in an approval
[21:12] <popey> keffie_jayx: paste the url, we can subscribe to the wiki page and edit
[21:12] <popey> It *is* a wiki :)
[21:12] <jono> keffie_jayx: ok you happy to do it?
[21:12] <JanC> right
[21:13] <juliux> i will try to provide something in the next weeks, but i am busy with work
[21:13] <keffie_jayx> jono yep, no problem
[21:13] <jono> ok cool
[21:13] <keffie_jayx> shall email the link once I get started
[21:13] <juliux> keffie_jayx, yes please
[21:13] <JanC> there have been some rules in the past
[21:13] <jono> keffie_jayx: I will email you with a summary of the process, just write it up - I will let you know in the email
[21:13] <juliux> we should als review that process with the locoteams
[21:13] <jono> ok, next up is approving resources
[21:13] <JanC> like "proof of sustained activity"
[21:13] <jono> mainly mailing lists, but also hosting
[21:14] <jono> are you all happy to do this?
[21:14] <juliux> sure
[21:14] <popey> yup
[21:14] <popey> this would be a very good thing to offload to us
[21:14] <juliux> its good if more people know about that
[21:14] <popey> you / canonical sysadmins get a lot of shit about that
[21:14] <jono> indeed
[21:14] <boredandblogging> lol
[21:14] <jono> I am looking forward to offloading it ;)
[21:14] <juliux> and they can inform people about it if they are asking in the irc channel
[21:14] <jono> popey: can I ask you to document this?
[21:15] <boredandblogging> do we need to get the sysadmins to buy into this?
[21:15] <popey> sure, drop me an email with whatever you have
[21:15] <jono> popey: will do, thanks
[21:15] <jono> boredandblogging: already spoke to them about it, they are cool
[21:15] <JanC> how will this work ?
[21:15] <boredandblogging> jono: cool
[21:15] <juliux> does everybody of us gets an account for the rt?
[21:15] <juliux> or is there one for the council?
[21:15] <jono> juliux: I will get advice from them about this
[21:15] <JanC> can we add mailing lists, or do we have to ask them?
[21:15] <jono> they will liaise with you
[21:16] <jono> JanC: you will approve the lists and they will create them
[21:16] <juliux> ok
[21:16] <juliux> and we will ping and ping and ping the sysadmins;)
[21:16] <juliux> asking about the status;)
[21:16] <jono> in terms of ensuring the technical implementation of resource approval happens, can I suggest the IS team liaise with one person, maybe popey as he is writing it up?
[21:17] <boredandblogging> i have an account on rt, I can start doing that
[21:17] <popey> ooh, handy
[21:17] <JanC> great
[21:17] <jono> boredandblogging: we need to get the process in place first, ensure everything is ticking over ok
[21:17] <boredandblogging> right
[21:17] <jono> ok, I will send a mail to IS and copy in popey
[21:17] <jono> then we can kick that off
[21:18] <jono> right, conflict resolution
[21:18] <jono> we should expect conflict resolution to come to the LoCo council
[21:18] <jono> I would like to recommend that the Council goes and modifies LoCo documentation to say how to add a conflict to the council agenda
[21:18] <jono> does this sound fine?
[21:19] <popey> conflict between who and who?
[21:19] <JanC> +1
[21:19] <popey> using what medium?
[21:19] <juliux> popey, inside a locoteam
[21:19] <popey> hmm
[21:19] <boredandblogging> maybe email the mailing list too if there are some issues they would like to discuss?
[21:19] <popey> irc and forums are covered
[21:19] <JanC> and conflicts between LoCoTeams
[21:19] <popey> what medium do you expect this conflict to present itself?
[21:19] <juliux> popey, sometimes you need a independent person
[21:19] <jono> I would recommend this:
[21:20] <jono> * there will be some loco teams that have conflict, they can add an agenda item to a loco council meeting to get the help of the council on the issue - that is the normal process
[21:20] <jono> * some conflict will be private, and teams should be able to mail the loco council mailing list so it can be discussed privately
[21:20] <jono> sound reasonable?
[21:20] <juliux> yes
[21:20] <boredandblogging> +1
[21:20] <JanC> fine for me
[21:20] <popey> so long as they know about it
[21:20] <jono> yep
[21:20] <popey> I'd be surprised if we get any activity in that dept
[21:20] <popey> but +1 anyway
[21:20] <jono> ok, can I ask one of you to update the LoCo documentation to reflect this?
[21:20] <keffie_jayx> popey, it does happen
[21:21] <juliux> popey, i know that it will happen one day
[21:21] <keffie_jayx> resources get hijacked... like ubuntu-ve's IRC channel
[21:21] <jono> juliux: you ok to do this?
[21:21] <juliux> jono, yes
[21:21] <popey> keffie_jayx: but that's my point - surely the irc council deal with that?
[21:21] <keffie_jayx> yes
[21:21] <jono> thanks
[21:21] <jono> ok next up is reporting
[21:22] <jono> I would like to ensure all loco council meetings are added to the monthly report
[21:22] <juliux> popey, what are you doing if two teams are coming and saing they hijacekd the irc channel? the irc council don't knwo the is the "real" locoteam;)
[21:22] <jono> can someone take charge of summarising meetings on the report?
[21:22] <JanC> popey: the IRC council can't always decide who represents the LoCoTeam
[21:22] <boredandblogging> i can do the reports
[21:22] <jono> popey: believe me there is conflict - the swedish team fell out quite a bit and needed a mediator to help
[21:22] <juliux> thxs boredandblogging
[21:22] <jono> and its all fixed now
[21:22] <popey> ok
[21:22] <jono> thanks boredandblogging
[21:23] <popey> clearly i live in a rose-tinted loco team :)
[21:23] <popey> we _never_ have conflict
[21:23] <popey> HAH!
[21:23] <Daviey> HAHAHA
[21:23] <jono> popey: us brits are perfect, remember?
[21:23] <popey> shut it Daviey
[21:23] <jono> :P
[21:23] <popey> of course
[21:23] <jono> ok, so meeting times
[21:23] <jono> can I recommend monthly meetings?
[21:23] <jono> as a minimum
[21:23] <juliux> i think once a month should be the minimum
[21:23] <jono> I recommend you start with monthly meetings and make them more regular if required
[21:23] <jono> try a few meetings first
[21:24] <boredandblogging> weren't we talking about twice a month?
[21:24] <boredandblogging> similar to the CC schedule?
[21:24] <jono> what do you all feel?
[21:24] <juliux> i think we should start with twice a month
[21:24] <juliux> and if that is too much we can skip one
[21:24] <jono> CC? twice a month? have you been smoking crack boredandblogging? :P
[21:24] <jono> ok, everyone happy with twice a month?
[21:24] <JanC> I would say, let's see how many items are on the agenda, and how urgent they are?
[21:24] <boredandblogging> jono: maybe not crack, but... :-P
[21:25] <popey> I'd say once a month
[21:25] <jono> JanC: I think there needs to be an enforced regularity really
[21:25] <popey> twice seems like too much for us
[21:25] <popey> especially as we all tend to hang out on irc
[21:25] <jono> maybe do once a month, and if there is too much stuff call an additional meeting?
[21:25] <keffie_jayx> +1 once a month
[21:25] <popey> so can easily communicate with eachother
[21:25] <juliux> i am also fine with once a month
[21:25] <JanC> well, once a moth would be nice, with a possibility to have an additional meeting in between if needed?
[21:25] <juliux> and extra meetings if necessary
[21:25] <jono> sounds good
[21:26] <jono> so once a month?
[21:26] <juliux> +1
[21:26] <JanC> +1
[21:26] <keffie_jayx> enough time for changs to occur. I just hope we don't get full up with memberships
[21:26] <keffie_jayx> +1
[21:26] <popey> +1
[21:26] <jono> ok cool
[21:26] <popey> unlikely keffie_jayx
[21:26] <popey> be nice if we did tho :)
[21:26] <juliux> is like in the udds everything gets 100% of the votes;)
[21:26] <jono> ok, so I think we have the core things decided now
[21:26] <popey> time for beer?
[21:26] <juliux> jono, one more issuse the irc council asked me about ubuntu-tr
[21:27] <keffie_jayx> I would klike to ask about the loCo teams already on the CCagenda
[21:27] <juliux> jono, have you any document or irc log that says the are allready approved?
[21:27] <jono> can I suggest I send out a summary and you all follow through on the actions we discussed?
[21:27] <jono> ubuntu-tr?
[21:27] <keffie_jayx> I got the idea (from someone) that we would be aproving those
[21:27] <juliux> jono, yes
[21:27] <JanC> keffie_jayx: those should be moved to LCC agenda
[21:27] <keffie_jayx> and teams informed of the new process
[21:28] <jono> juliux: I don't know off hand if there is a log
[21:28] <jono> it should have been approved by the CC though
[21:28] <popey> there's the meeting logs surely?
[21:28] <jono> this is a good point, can I suggest that meeting logs of approvals are kept somewhere
[21:28] <juliux> jono, ok i will grep the cc logs
[21:28] <popey> jono: looks like someone just moved it to the "approved" section on hte wiki
[21:28] <jono> thanks juliux
[21:28] <jono> popey: oh right
[21:28] <juliux> jono, i think we should add a colom where it says when a locoteam was approved
[21:28] <jono> this is a great first mission for the LoCo council, can you look into it?
[21:28] <popey> people have grepped and couldn't see
[21:28] <jono> juliux: yes indeed
[21:29] <jono> if they cannot be proved to be approved, then you should bring them to a meeting to discuss it I think
[21:29] <popey> Your mission Jan, should you choose to accept it..
[21:29] <juliux> jono, i will search on the logs, and where i find a date i will add it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList
[21:29] <jono> thanks
[21:29] <jono> ok, so I think we are largely done - I will get onto the mail now
[21:29] <jono> feel free to discuss things in my absence :)
[21:29] <juliux> jono, thanks for your time
[21:29] <keffie_jayx> jono, thanks for your time
[21:29] <boredandblogging> thanks jono
[21:29] <jono> thanks all for contributing to the council - I think this is going to be extremely helpful :)
[21:29] <keffie_jayx> juliux, beat me to it ¬¬
[21:29] <juliux> jono, and lets drink a beer in prague;)
[21:30] * popey talks about jono in his absence
[21:30] <JanC> popey: my mission = what exactly ? ツ
[21:30] * keffie_jayx is the onlyone not going to prague :(
[21:30] <popey> so that bead
[21:30] <popey> *beard
[21:30] <juliux> keffie_jayx, next time;)
[21:30] <popey> how we going to get jono drunk at uds to shave it off?
[21:30] <jono> hehe
[21:30] <jono> yes indeed :)
[21:30] <juliux> keffie_jayx, it is my first uds in 3,5 years ubuntu;)
[21:30] <popey> Jagermeister I reckon
[21:30] <jono> popey: erm no :P
[21:30] <popey> :)
[21:30] <juliux> popey, jägermeister;)
[21:30] <boredandblogging> swoon him with some metal music
[21:30] <popey> ta
[21:31] <keffie_jayx> jono, was that really you in the treckie suit?
[21:31] <JanC> lol
[21:31] <popey> :)
[21:31] * keffie_jayx hides
[21:31] <nxvl> are you going to check for new LoCo's applications today or after the documentation on the process is done?
[21:31] <popey> well done guys
[21:31] <popey> nice tight meeting
[21:31] <popey> lets make them all like that :)
[21:31] <keffie_jayx> next meeting then?
[21:31] <jono> can I recommend you all book a meeting
[21:31] <juliux> nxvl, hopefully at the next meeting;9
[21:31] <popey> well, 1 month from now is UDS
[21:32] <keffie_jayx> a week befor usd?
[21:32] <nxvl> popey: < 1 month
[21:32] <popey> so we could do it at UDS and have keffie_jayx on the phone
[21:32] <keffie_jayx> :D
[21:32] <boredandblogging> lol
[21:32] <popey> use the voip system
[21:32] <juliux> hehe
[21:32] <juliux> that sounds funny
[21:32] <popey> I'm serious :)
[21:32] <Daviey> voip \o/
[21:32] <keffie_jayx> that would make me feel soooooo included
[21:32] <popey> we will all be in a room
[21:32] <popey> cool
[21:32] <juliux> i think we should try that
[21:32] <juliux> invite all other locoteams to join us
[21:33] <keffie_jayx> right then I am in for a VOIP meeting... just pick a time already
[21:33] <popey> yeah, others can listen in
[21:33] <nxvl> can i film the meeting? sounds so funny
[21:33] <JanC> I don't think I can make it to UDS ;)
[21:33] <boredandblogging> videocast our meetings?
[21:33] <juliux> JanC, :(
[21:33] <popey> same time as this meeting, on the wednesday
[21:33] <popey> of uds
[21:33] <keffie_jayx> facebook our meetings...
[21:33] <keffie_jayx> c'mon guys pick a tme already
[21:33] <juliux> popey, 20:00 utc is in prage 22:00 that is a little bit late for a meeting
[21:33] <popey> ah
[21:33] <popey> yes
[21:33] <juliux> popey, the cz's have realy good beer
[21:34] <nxvl> keffie_jayx: or twitt them
[21:34] <popey> also might be difficult getting access to the room
[21:34] <boredandblogging> everyone will be too drunk by then :-P
[21:34] <popey> 7pm prague time would be better
[21:34] <popey> then we go out at 8pm :)
[21:34] <popey> 7pm is after all the UDS stuff is finished
[21:34] <popey> but not too late
[21:34] * keffie_jayx can't stress he wants to go to usd enough
[21:34] <popey> :(
[21:35] <popey> so, Wed 28th May, 19:00 local time prague?
[21:35] <nxvl> so i can make a presential application for Peruvian LoCo team?
[21:35] <juliux> or we make it one week lyter
[21:35] <juliux> popey, 28th is no uds
[21:35] <juliux> popey, uds is 21may
[21:35] <popey> oh yeah
[21:35] <keffie_jayx> if it's for me, am in -4:30 but I would be fine with wahtever time
[21:35] <JanC> 20h CEST / 18h UTC is okay for me
[21:35] <popey> so, Wed 21th May, 19:00 local time prague?
[21:35] <juliux> yes
[21:35] <juliux> so 17:00UTC
[21:35] <JanC> 19h CEST / 17h UTC too
[21:35] <juliux> prague is utc +2
[21:35] <keffie_jayx> hey guys a minute for this meeting?
[21:36] <boredandblogging> sounds good
[21:36] <popey> +1 ?
[21:36] <boredandblogging> +1
[21:36] <juliux> +1
[21:36] <JanC> +1
[21:37] <keffie_jayx> is it VOIP then?
[21:37] <popey> should be
[21:37] <popey> we need to ask elmo to keep a line open for us after uds finishes that evening
[21:37] <boredandblogging> just in case, we'll reserve -meeting
[21:37] <popey> or alternatively one of us can just run skype on a laptop or something :S
[21:37] <popey> boredandblogging: can you put it in the fridge?
[21:37] <JanC> I don't have VoIP ;)
[21:37] <popey> JanC: you dont need it
[21:37] <nxvl> would you accept presential applications on this meeting?
[21:37] <boredandblogging> yeah, I'll put it on the fridge
[21:38] <nxvl> i will be on prague also
[21:38] <nxvl> :D
[21:38] <juliux> nxvl, depends on the kind of the presential application;9
[21:38] <popey> JanC: you can phone in, or listen to a shoutcast feed
[21:38] <JanC> nxvl: you can prepare your application if you want to be approved then, yes
[21:38] <nxvl> juliux: a normal aplication, but intead of being on IRC, to be sit front of you presenting my application
[21:39] <juliux> nxvl, i am fine with that
[21:39] <popey> heh, excellent
[21:39] <popey> bring cake
[21:39] <boredandblogging> so wed 21st may, 17:00 UTC?
[21:39] <popey> yup
[21:39] <juliux> yep
[21:39] <nxvl> popey: s/cake/beers/
[21:39] <viperhoot> +1
[21:39] <JanC> popey: I'll see what I can do then
[21:39] <popey> JanC: do you have no internet access then?
[21:39] <keffie_jayx> I am in may 21 at 17 UTC
[21:40] <keffie_jayx> who does the minute for this meeting? is it the same we do for monthly reports?
[21:40] <JanC> popey: I should have internet access, but for VoIP a microphone is useful I suppose ;)
[21:41] <popey> JanC: you can use irc
[21:41] <JanC> of course
[21:41] <popey> :)
[21:41] <popey> we can relay questions/comments from you
[21:41] <popey> we did that at UDS last year for numerous topics
[21:41] <popey> works well if _someone_ is responsible for looking at the irc channel :)
[21:41] <boredandblogging> we should probably rearrange the agenda page to accept loco applications
=== calavera is now known as calaveraFN
[21:42] <RoAkSoAx> so, where can i propose that the next year the UDS could be in Cusco Peru, so that you guys can go visti Macchu Picchu xD :P
[21:42] <JanC> if it would be during a weekend, the chances of me being able to visit Prague would be a little higher
[21:42] <popey> it is :)
[21:42] <popey> FOSSCamp is the weekend before
[21:42] <popey> I will be in Prague from 15th May
[21:43] <juliux> i will come at 18th
[21:43] <juliux> at the evening
[21:44] <boredandblogging> think I get in on the 15ht
[21:45] <keffie_jayx> I stay home
[21:45] <keffie_jayx> :(
[21:46] <popey> :(
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: LoCo Council Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 23 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 30 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 21 May 17:00 UTC: LoCo Council
[21:46] <nxvl> keffie_jayx: we will send you photos
[21:46] <popey> would have been nice to have a "full house"
[21:46] <nxvl> keffie_jayx: don't worry
[21:46] <juliux> we should switch to #ubuntu-locoteams
[21:46] <keffie_jayx> popey, next time ;)
[21:46] <nxvl> popey: y will be there 15th also
[21:46] <keffie_jayx> juliux, fine by me
[21:46] <juliux> to give the channel free for the server-team;)
[21:46] <popey> @now
[21:47] <juliux> there meeting starts in 10min
[21:55] <falk_> a
[21:55] <owh> o/
[21:55] <nxvl> \o\ <o\ <o> /o> /o/
[21:55] <zul> hello
[21:57] <owh> nxvl: Is that morning exercises?
[21:58] <nealmcb> owh: looks like a group of cheerleaders to me :-)
[21:58] <sommer> hey all
[21:58] <nxvl> owh: nop, mid day dancing
[21:58] * mathiaz waves
[21:59] * faulkes- looks around for some beer
[21:59] <nxvl> faulkes-: bring one for everyone!
[21:59] <Koon> o/
[21:59] <faulkes-> one beer isn't going to serve all of you ;)
[22:00] <faulkes-> no matter how much I walk on water ;)
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Server Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 30 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 21 May 17:00 UTC: LoCo Council
[22:00] <zul> if you have a low tolerance for alcohol it will
[22:00] <nxvl> faulkes-: heh, u r right
[22:00] <mathiaz> alright - let's get started
[22:00] <soren> Hello.
[22:00] <nijaba> o/
[22:00] <mathiaz> #startmeeting
[22:00] <MootBot> Meeting started at 23:00. The chair is mathiaz.
[22:00] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[22:00] <mathiaz> Welcome to the last meeting of the Ubuntu Server Team
[22:00] <jdstrand> \o
[22:00] * faulkes- raises an eyebrow
[22:01] <mathiaz> for the Hardy Release cycle
[22:01] <sommer> heheh
[22:01] <jdstrand> oh
[22:01] <jdstrand> *phew*
[22:01] <nxvl> i'm going for a quick smoke and brb
[22:01] <soren> dendrobates sends his apologies.
[22:01] <soren> He's on a road trip.
[22:01] <mathiaz> Unless you've dropped off the Ubuntu planet, you know that we're releasing hardy tomorrow
[22:02] * kirkland recommends UpIRC PalmOS application for IRC connectivity in the car ;-)
[22:02] <nijaba> kirkland: this is an add free channel ;)
[22:02] <mathiaz> so testing testing and testing are the magic words these days
[22:02] * owh recommends mIRGGI for an N95 :)
[22:03] <mathiaz> Today's agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting
[22:03] <mathiaz> Last meeting note (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20080416) lists no ACTION
[22:04] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Review release-blocker/criticial bugs related to the Server Team.
[22:04] <MootBot> New Topic: Review release-blocker/criticial bugs related to the Server Team.
[22:04] <mathiaz> Anyone knows about such a bug ?
[22:05] <zul> I hope not
[22:05] <nxvl> nop
[22:05] * nijaba shivers
[22:05] <nxvl> i haven't find any
[22:06] <mathiaz> we've been chasing some kvm bugs
[22:06] <mathiaz> but it was solved for hardy
[22:06] <soren> Yeah. They've been popping up like crazy for the last 5-6 days.
[22:07] <nijaba> soren: that's because we all did the iso testing using it, I guess
[22:07] <jdstrand> I don't know that kvm has ever seen such a workout
[22:07] <mathiaz> soren: for my understanding, you've disable virtio-blk in hardy ?
[22:07] <soren> nijaba: Oh, yeah. Sure.
[22:07] <soren> mathiaz: That's right.
[22:07] <soren> mathiaz: Well...
[22:07] <soren> mathiaz: The kernel supports it, and kvm has the code, too, but virtinst (and hence virt-manager) doesn't enable it for hardy guests.
[22:08] <soren> We still have virtio-net, which by far was the most important one.
[22:08] <kirkland> mathiaz: worth noting that jdstrand uploaded a fix for the nss/ldap login hang bug that's been around for a long while
[22:08] <mathiaz> soren: so if I use virsh and an xml file to define my guest, I still have access to virtio-blk ?
[22:08] <nijaba> a brillant fix by kirkland!
[22:09] <jdstrand> soren: you did remove a troublesome patch for virtio-blk that makes it really not very good for normal uses though
[22:09] <jdstrand> soren: correct?
[22:09] <soren> mathiaz: Right.
[22:09] <soren> jdstrand: Right.
[22:09] <soren> For rather extreme valus of "not very good" even.
[22:09] <soren> :)
[22:10] <jdstrand> heh
[22:10] <nealmcb> I had an odd postgres install problem on an ubuntu-vm-builder vm last night - I should try it again.... https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postgresql-common/+bug/193696
[22:10] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 193696 in postgresql-common "Postgresql 8.3 not responding" [Low,Fix released]
[22:10] <mathiaz> nealmcb: I've commented on that bug - it's probably related to ubuntu-vm-builder
[22:10] <nxvl> soren: did you see the shotdown botton bug i reported?
[22:10] <nxvl> shutdown*
[22:10] <nealmcb> mathiaz: I saw that, but the postgres was installed via apt-get, not in the original build
[22:10] <mathiaz> nealmcb: postgresql works correctly in a guest
[22:11] <mathiaz> nxvl: bug number ?
[22:11] <soren> nxvl: I've not seen it, but I'm almost sure I know what it is :)
[22:11] * nxvl searches
[22:11] <soren> nxvl: ...and it's not a bug :)
[22:11] * nijaba bets for acpi
[22:11] <jdstrand> the libnss-ldap bug was tough to triage, but once it was triaged things fell into place. kirkland did most of the fix and it is working great. thanks kirkland!
[22:11] <kirkland> nxvl: soren: I reported one too, a kvm segfault, acpi related?
[22:12] <nxvl> Bug #190886
[22:12] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 190886 in virt-manager "virt-manager: pause/break key does not work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190886
[22:12] <soren> kirkland: I haven't seen it. I'm not really caught up on launchpad mail.
[22:12] <soren> nxvl: They're different issues.
[22:12] <jdstrand> still, all these kvm issues aren't release critical
[22:12] <soren> nxvl: Your problem is that you have nothing that's responding to the acpi events the shutdown button sends.
[22:12] <soren> nxvl: solution: Install acpid in the guest.
[22:13] * nxvl tries
[22:13] <kirkland> soren: yeah, i haven't noticed any ill effects, besides the segfault message on /var/log/messages
[22:13] * jdstrand likes to 'Destroy' things
[22:13] <jdstrand> (in virt-manager that is)
[22:14] <mathiaz> so it seems like we're on track for hardy release
[22:14] <mathiaz> let's move on
[22:14] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] ServerTeam report and the monthly report
[22:14] <MootBot> New Topic: ServerTeam report and the monthly report
[22:15] <mathiaz> sommer: you've been told we should have shorter reports ?
[22:15] <sommer> mathiaz: ya, that was the gist of things
[22:15] <mathiaz> sommer: right - I agree with that
[22:16] <nijaba> does this mean we work too hard?
[22:16] <mathiaz> I'm still working out the whole status reporting thing
[22:16] <sommer> nijaba: heh, I think it means we report too hard
[22:16] <owh> nijaba: No, it means we talk too much.
[22:16] <kirkland> nijaba: nah, just talk too much :-)
[22:16] <mathiaz> nijaba: it means we should edit the monthly report a little bit more
[22:17] <mathiaz> for now, I just take the meeting minutes and shove them in the monthly report with some light editing
[22:17] <owh> Is there a specified format that we need to adhere to?
[22:17] <mathiaz> So I'd like to know if the format of the Weekly meeting minutes is good ?
[22:18] <mathiaz> Are the minutes too short, too long or verbose ?
[22:18] <nxvl> mathiaz: i found them good
[22:18] <faulkes-> I find them concise and to the point
[22:18] <sommer> mathiaz: I think they are too long and verbose
[22:18] <nxvl> mathiaz: they have all the information needed
[22:18] <owh> The current format shows what people would need if they were not at the meeting. Isn't that the whole point?
[22:18] <sommer> mathiaz: it was mentioned that we don't have to report on the "ideas" that people are working on
[22:18] <mathiaz> sommer: they == the minutes sent each week or the content of the monthly report ?
[22:19] <nxvl> so anyone can understand what has been talked if they weren't present
[22:19] <sommer> mathiaz: sorry, the monthly report... I think the minutes are fine
[22:19] <mathiaz> sommer: ok - I aggree with you that the monthly report is about what has been done
[22:19] <owh> But reporting on ideas is where progress comes from - it sparks something with someone and magic happens.
[22:19] <mathiaz> sommer: I've tried to edit out the section about what people are working on
[22:20] <mathiaz> sommer: may it's just too verbose
[22:20] <mathiaz> owh: right - but I think the monthly report is about the past
[22:20] <nealmcb> mathiaz: I think the minutes are great. the reports could just be a shorter list with references to the minutes
[22:20] <sommer> mathiaz: I think that's what they were getting at
[22:20] <owh> mathiaz: But the monthly report is visible to more people, so the ideas spread wider.
[22:21] <mathiaz> ok - so I'll try to make the monthly report less verbose on focus on what has been achieved
[22:21] <sommer> we could always link the team report to the more detailed server report
[22:21] <mathiaz> owh: agreed - I'm not sure that the monthly report is the correct way to do it
[22:21] <owh> That sounds like a good idea.
[22:22] <mathiaz> owh: I'd like to have a way to advertise what we're working on now (ie - the present and the futur)
[22:22] <mathiaz> owh: but the monthly report seems to be about the past
[22:22] <owh> mathiaz: But if that is the only such forum, then there is no real alternative location.
[22:22] <mathiaz> sommer: that means we'd have three documents to maintain
[22:22] <nealmcb> mathiaz: I also would like to see ideas for the future out there, and don't want another report series....
[22:23] <nealmcb> so put ideas for the future in the reports, but just in more summarized form?
[22:23] <mathiaz> sommer: the weekly minutes, the monthly server report and the server section of the monthly report
[22:23] <sommer> mathiaz: heh, and there's also the blog idea :)
[22:23] <faulkes-> if I have a list of current in-progress projects, I am happy to update the forum sticky on a regular basis
[22:23] <owh> Where there *specific* objections to the monthly report?
[22:23] <mathiaz> sommer: right - that's why I've tossed the idea of a blog
[22:23] <mathiaz> owh: too verbose I think
[22:23] <sommer> owh: ^^^ yes
[22:24] <nealmcb> I recall noticing that there are also some differences e.g. in formatting - lots of subheadings in our report and that is rare in others
[22:24] <nealmcb> so the table of contents looks like it is all server, all the time :-)
[22:24] <owh> Excellent :)
[22:25] <mathiaz> nealmcb: true - I'll try to fix that
[22:25] <sommer> nealmcb: it's pretty much a pay per view channel
[22:25] <owh> nealmcb: That's how it should be right :)
[22:25] <nealmcb> cool - we can even monetize it!!
[22:25] <mathiaz> [ACTION] mathiaz to make the server section of the monthly report less verbose
[22:25] <MootBot> ACTION received: mathiaz to make the server section of the monthly report less verbose
[22:25] <owh> I've just looked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReportingPage/2008-04, that's a single screen. Is that too verbose?
[22:26] <mathiaz> I'd add that I've asked for a session at UDS about this
[22:26] <mathiaz> I've got a couple of other ideas on improving the server team community and how to attract new contributors
[22:26] <mathiaz> we should get a session at UDS about this to discuss all of that
[22:27] <mathiaz> If you have ideas, add them to the IdeaPool page
[22:27] <nealmcb> mathiaz: a session on reporting for all teams, or just server?
[22:27] <mathiaz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/IdeaPool
[22:28] <mathiaz> nealmcb: just server - and it wouldn't be just about reporting
[22:28] <mathiaz> nealmcb: I'd also get the input from the community team
[22:28] <mathiaz> UDS will be a good place to discuss that
[22:29] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] VMware release times in the partner repository.
[22:29] <MootBot> New Topic: VMware release times in the partner repository.
[22:29] <mathiaz> owh: ??
[22:29] <owh> Yup
[22:29] <owh> I deploy servers with clients and rely on vmware-server.
[22:30] <owh> The challenge is that the release dates are not synchronised.
[22:30] <owh> This means that I cannot deploy a current release if it's recent.
[22:30] <owh> Are there things we can do as a server team to mitigate this?
[22:30] <soren> Not really.
[22:30] <owh> Other than migrate to a different solution :)
[22:31] <soren> It's in the hands of the partner repository people and VMWare.
[22:31] <owh> There seems to be a disconnect there.
[22:31] <owh> That is, release === release.
[22:31] <faulkes-> ok, is it possible to speak to them about it or is this a one off issue?
[22:32] <owh> faulkes-: Well it has happened two releases running and it seems it will happen again with Hardy.
[22:32] <owh> I understand that we don't control our partners.
[22:32] <owh> But if they purchase the right to be one, that comes with responsibilities.
[22:32] <faulkes-> owh: will you send me a description of the issue/problem and I will see who we can approach @ vmware to discuss it?
[22:33] <owh> IMHO
[22:33] * faulkes- doesn't know but they do have offices just down the road from here
[22:33] <nealmcb> how long was the delay in previous releases?
[22:33] <nijaba> point is that vmware does not want to build the tools until we release. that will not change until they complete the floss version of their tool
[22:33] <owh> faulkes-: There was an email to U-D-D IRC about it for hardy where a developer was discussing it with them,
[22:33] <nijaba> we talk with them bi-weekly
[22:34] <owh> nijaba: But isn't that why we freeze stuff?
[22:34] <zul> faulkes-: burlington?
[22:34] <owh> nealmcb: I recall one delay of at least a month or more.
[22:34] <nijaba> owh: they don't care, that's there rule...
[22:34] <nijaba> their, even
[22:34] <owh> nealmcb: I think it may have been at least 2 months, but my memory is hazy.
[22:34] <faulkes-> zul: yes
[22:35] <owh> nijaba: Well, that shouldn't be how it works. If you are a partner then you have a commitment.
[22:35] <nijaba> owh: it should not be that long this time (I hope)
[22:35] <faulkes-> zul: well, oakville, just near the border, they are about 5 min away
[22:35] <owh> So, what is the process to raise this kind of issue?
[22:36] <owh> Other than faulkes- knocking on their door.
[22:36] <ivoks> sounds like politics
[22:37] <owh> Am I under the misunderstanding that deploying a server with a partner repository is not meant for mission critical deployment?
[22:37] <nijaba> owh: what do you mean exactly?
[22:37] <faulkes-> owh: I think you have made your point
[22:38] <faulkes-> nijaba: that if they commit to a partnership there is an inherent obligation to meet certain timeframes/responsibilities
[22:38] <nijaba> owh: show me one os that has certified partner tools the day of release and I'll start to understand
[22:38] <owh> faulkes-: Yes.
[22:38] <owh> nijaba: That's not my point.
[22:38] <faulkes-> nijaba: point
[22:38] <owh> nijaba: It should be that way. If we cannot work towards that, then why are we partnering at all?
[22:38] <faulkes-> however, the question remains, if we want to solve the issue, is there a way we can easily do so?
[22:39] * owh hunts for the email thread.
[22:39] <faulkes-> I'm happy to show up at there door with a case of beer to discuss it but thats a bit extreme
[22:39] <nijaba> faulkes-: the only real solution is for vmware to complete their oss implementation of their tool so that WE can compile them when needed
[22:39] <nijaba> faulkes-: and that's the plan we've been following for a while now
[22:40] <faulkes-> ok
[22:40] * faulkes- nods
[22:40] <nijaba> faulkes-: unfortunately they did not complte it in time for hardy as we would have hoped.
[22:40] <owh> Hold on, I'm not talking about vmware-tools.
[22:40] <jdstrand> I am not speaking authoritatively here, but I always just figured they were going to do all their regression testing, etc when they knew things weren't going to change-- which means release
[22:40] <owh> I'm talking about vmware-server
[22:41] <nijaba> owh: vmware server is another story, as they do not even support the thing
[22:41] <owh> nijaba: So, if it's not supported, why is it in the partner repository at all?
[22:42] <nealmcb> I hear there's this kvm/libvirt/ubuntu-vm-builder suite that is sweet and open-source and could use some polish :-)
[22:42] <nijaba> owh: partner repo does not equates to vendor supported, but to vendor provided, I gues
[22:42] <owh> nealmcb: As soon as I can run that on hardware that runs vmware, I'm in.
[22:43] <mathiaz> it seems that owh highlighted a misconception about the partner repository
[22:43] <owh> nealmcb: And as you well know, I've been putting my oar in there :)
[22:43] <nealmcb> I see value with folks providing stuff on ubuntu and figure it is up to them how and when they do so
[22:43] <mathiaz> This may need to be clarified by Canonical
[22:43] <owh> mathiaz: At least a non-shared understanding.
[22:44] <nealmcb> owh: right on - just didn't want that to get lost in the conversation
[22:44] <mathiaz> Let's move on
[22:44] <owh> nealmcb: Ah, the soren-pay-tv-channel :)
[22:44] * faulkes- has to head out
[22:44] <owh> Right, so what is the action for this?
[22:44] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Other Business
[22:44] <MootBot> New Topic: Other Business
[22:44] <owh> Who can talk to someone about the issue?
[22:45] <mathiaz> owh: there isn't much we can do unfortunately
[22:45] <owh> mathiaz: Well we identified several issues.
[22:45] <mathiaz> owh: it's up to vmware to figure it out
[22:45] <owh> mathiaz: But it's up to us to point issues out to the partner team and Canonical.
[22:45] <mathiaz> owh: I think that nijaba heard your concern and knows about it - it may take more time that expected to come to an proper solution
[22:46] <soren> owh: "soren-pay-tv-channel"?
[22:46] <nijaba> mathiaz: I did, indeed...
[22:46] <owh> mathiaz: nijaba: Thanks, all good.
[22:46] <mathiaz> owh: right - nijaba knows about it now - I think we cannot do much more
[22:46] <owh> soren: Just a weird reference to all ubuntu-server all the time, pay-tv and you being mr virtual :)
[22:47] <soren> owh: ok :)
[22:48] <mathiaz> As you may know, there will be an Ubuntu OpenWeek next week
[22:48] <mathiaz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/
[22:48] <mathiaz> I'll give an intro about the Server Team on Tuesday
[22:49] <mathiaz> and soren will lead a session on virtualization
[22:49] <mathiaz> there are a lot more sessions scheduled
[22:49] <mathiaz> check the wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/
[22:50] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] #
[22:50] <mathiaz> Agree on next meeting date and time.
[22:50] <MootBot> New Topic: #
[22:50] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time.
[22:50] <MootBot> New Topic: Agree on next meeting date and time.
[22:50] <mathiaz> Same place, same time, next week ?
[22:50] <owh> Can I observe that the times associated with those sessions are heavily weighted to being while I'm asleep?
[22:50] <nxvl> mathiaz: next week do we need to have a weekind, or it will be "vacations" until ibex repositories are up?
[22:51] <mathiaz> owh: true - but there will be irc logs
[22:51] <mathiaz> nxvl: repositories for intrepid may open next week
[22:51] <owh> I'm just thinking, we've sort of gone global a while ago :)
[22:51] <nxvl> woohooo, merge time
[22:51] <mathiaz> nxvl: there is also UDS to prepare
[22:52] * nijaba won't be around next week
[22:52] <nxvl> btw, is it a good idea to start merging now? or do i want until the repositories are up?
[22:52] <mathiaz> nxvl: so if you wanna discuss something, it's also a good time to do some reasearch and get prepared
[22:52] <nxvl> mathiaz: yep, i was forgeting that
[22:52] <nxvl> :D
[22:52] <owh> mathiaz: Is there going to be a way for the team to contribute to UDS even if they cannot physically attend?
[22:52] <nxvl> mathiaz: you are right
[22:52] <nxvl> next week, same time, same place
[22:52] <owh> WFM
[22:52] <ivoks> owh: yes, irc, and voip
[22:52] <mathiaz> owh: yes - there are VOIP sessions
[22:53] <mathiaz> owh: you can dial in
[22:53] <mathiaz> owh: OTOH UDS is in Prague
[22:53] <owh> Hmm, VoIP across satellite, yum.
[22:53] <mathiaz> owh: so there may be some time zone issue for you ;)
[22:53] <sommer> is there going to be icecast as well?
[22:53] <mathiaz> sommer: icecast -> voip IIRC
[22:53] <owh> mathiaz: Time I can fix, distance not so much.
[22:54] <mathiaz> people will be able to hear the discussions in the rooms
[22:54] <sommer> mathiaz: ah, gotcha
[22:54] * owh observes satellites in a geostationary orbit :)
[22:54] <owh> Right, so meeting time then :)
[22:54] <owh> Same bat channel works for me.
[22:55] <mathiaz> Allright - so next week, same time same place
[22:55] <nijaba> thanks mathiaz
[22:55] <nealmcb> :-)
[22:55] <mathiaz> thanks all for your participation
[22:55] <kirkland> adios
[22:55] <owh> mathiaz: Merci Beaucoup
[22:55] <mathiaz> and we've done some great work for hardy
[22:55] <sommer> thanks mathiaz, later on all
[22:55] <jdstrand> thanks mathiaz!
[22:55] <mathiaz> #endmeeting
[22:55] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 23:55.
[22:56] <owh> mathiaz: At release I think we should take a moment to pat ourselves on the back.
[22:56] <mathiaz> owh: that's what a release party is about
[22:56] * nealmcb begins to wonder if apt-cacher may have been part of his postgres problems
[22:56] <owh> mathiaz: Yeah, but I'll be far away in Oz :|
[22:56] <mathiaz> hanging out in #ubuntu-release-party tomorrow is also fun
[22:57] <nealmcb> fun like in crazy :-/
[22:57] <owh> mathiaz: Excellent suggestion.
[22:57] * owh heads over now to check out the pre-excitement :)
[22:57] <spiekey_> may i ask a question?!... are you guys doing this just4fun or for some profit/company? :)
[22:58] <nealmcb> spiekey_: it varies all over the board
[22:58] <spiekey_> u must invest quite a lot of time i guess.
[22:58] <owh> spiekey_: Well, personally I work for myself and in some way my clients benefit. I don't get paid to be here, but it pays towards my clients solutions.
[22:58] <nealmcb> that varies too :-)
[22:59] <owh> nealmcb: Yes :-)
[22:59] <spiekey_> i am glad that this all works out :))
[22:59] <nealmcb> I meant that the time committment varies... but yeah :-)
[22:59] <nealmcb> spiekey_: what is your interest?
[23:00] <spiekey_> i personally think that OpenSource and especially Ubuntu/Linux is a great Server system and use it for my customers, too.
[23:02] <spiekey_> unfortunatelly i have not much time to actually help with the development. I would love to get paid for that :)
[23:02] <nealmcb> spiekey_: last I saw (a while ago), canonical was hiring. and many folks work for other employers that benefit from ubuntu and pay folks to work on it
[23:04] <spiekey_> i would rather develop a AllInOne Windows Replacement server based on ubuntu to have an alternative to the Windows Small Business Server :)
[23:04] <nealmcb> spiekey_: have you used ebox?
[23:05] <nealmcb> it doesn't do everything, but is a good step
[23:05] <spiekey_> thanks, i will have a look at it
[23:08] <spiekey_> gotta go. Good night :)
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 30 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 21 May 17:00 UTC: LoCo Council