UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /23 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[12:51] <pips1> hi there
[12:51] <pips1> is there a meeting coming up?
[12:53] <stgraber> good question
[12:53] <pips1> hi stgraber
[12:53] <pips1> RichEd-1: ping ?
[12:54] <pips1> we need to update the website for the release
[12:54] <RichEd-1> hi pips1 & stgraber
=== RichEd-1 is now known as RichEd
[12:54] <pips1> hi
[12:54] <RichEd> pips1: well remembered ...
[12:55] <pips1> i very hard pressed for time
[12:55] <RichEd> i presume there is a meeting ... mr ogra dear sir ... you round and about ?
[12:55] <RichEd> pips1: me too ... and energy
[12:55] <stgraber> probably busy with ISO testing :)
[12:55] <pips1> I can't spend the usual 4-5 hours doing the update on the site.. :-/
[12:55] <RichEd> stgraber: the fun never stops
[12:56] <RichEd> speak of the devil / ogre :)
[12:56] <RichEd> we meeting now ollie ?
[12:56] <pips1> what I really need is a finished text for the download page that I can then format nicely and done.
[12:56] <RichEd> pips1: if we can list what needs to be done ... i can work with people like highvoltage
[12:57] <stgraber> RichEd: the good point is that we have less edubuntu images so less testing needed here (but we now have Ubuntu-Studio ...)
[12:57] <RichEd> he is always a good person to volunteer in his absence
[12:57] <RichEd> ogra: meeting ? or are you dead busy ?
[12:58] <ogra> RichEd, what would you want to discuss ?
[12:58] * pips1 notices stgraber mentions ubuntu-studio
[12:58] <RichEd> website updates, press release ... party balloons and candles ... release stuff
[12:58] <pips1> party balloons :-)
[12:59] * RichEd just *knows* that pips1 will "steal" one of our balloons to take home for his kid
[12:59] <ogra> i'm pretty busy with cmpc installer bugs (apparently intel found out that you can *test* th eimage yesterday) i'm drowning in feedback since the conf call
[13:00] <pips1> o_o
[13:00] * ogra sighs ...
[13:00] <stgraber> ogra: uhm, aren't test images available for months ? :)
[13:00] <ogra> would have been nice if they started that a month or two ago, not at dawn of the release where i'm busy with other stuff ...
[13:00] <ogra> stgraber, right
[13:01] <ogra> stgraber, i wouldnt complain if they wouldnt actualy find serious bugs :P
[13:01] <RichEd> ogra: same as usual :) :(
[13:01] <stgraber> yes, and archive being frozen + everyone busy ISO testing doesn't really help I guess
[13:01] <ogra> RichEd, not really
[13:01] * pips1 starts to think about the list of things that need done for the website
[13:01] <ogra> RichEd, i have 24h left for changes
[13:02] <stgraber> pips1: the css would need a good bugfix update
[13:02] <pips1> erm... we might as well move to #ubuntu-meeting ?
[13:02] <RichEd> pips1: if you can mail me, and cc highvoltage ... then we can call off the meeting in the interest of higher priorities
[13:02] <stgraber> content/screenshot too
[13:02] <pips1> ah
[13:03] <RichEd> pips1: no need to move to the channel i think ... i'll be around and about here ... so ping for comments, or mail me a list of what needs to be done
[13:03] <RichEd> i'll rope in some help ... and let you know what we can or can't take care of
[13:03] <pips1> stgraber: well, I suppose I'll make a list of 1.) crucial short-time update needs and 2.) notes about things that ideally need updating... I'm really pressed for time
[13:11] <RichEd> pips1: thanks ... highvoltage will also have some ideas / comments i am sure
[13:17] <ogra> btw, https://wiki.edubuntu.org/HardyClassroomServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall are ready so far
[13:17] <pips1> *click* *click*
[13:18] <pips1> ogra: excellent, thanks
[13:22] <pips1> quick question: I can't find oo.org Database in my edubuntu 8.04 installation?
[13:22] <pips1> ?
[13:40] <ogra> pips1, ask calc in -devel
[13:40] <ogra> some oo.o bits had to be dropped for space reasons, nit sure which
[13:40] <ogra> *not
[13:41] <RichEd> ogra: did you see the price jump for cmpc gen 2 ?
[13:41] <RichEd> First Classmates available for pre-order in US (for $500!)
[13:41] <pips1> right. Open office database was dropped from ubuntu cd, AFAIK
[13:42] <RichEd> that from chris dawson ... zdnet
[13:43] <RichEd> a week after he reviewed the HP education offerring ... which he commented on as great, but at around $400, he'd take 2 classmates
[13:44] <ogra> RichEd, my dual CPU laptop with 2G ram and 120G HDD costs 599€
[13:44] <ogra> i doubt that really cuts it ... tsk
[13:44] <pips1> looks like blender was dropped from edu add-on cd ?
[13:44] <ogra> pips1, three releases ago, yes
[13:44] <pips1> oops
[13:45] <pips1> :-)
[13:45] <ogra> :)
[13:45] <RichEd> yep ... he also said about the HP that $400 was close to a real notebook at around $ 600
[13:45] <pips1> that web page on e.org really needs an update :-)
[13:45] <RichEd> so $ 500 for classmate makes it an expensive toy with a small screen ...
[13:45] <ogra> and bad resolution
[13:45] <RichEd> pips1: it needs a full overhaul, not a face-lift :)
[13:45] <ogra> i have the actual gen 2.0 here with HDD and big screen
[13:46] <RichEd> by big do you mean 9"
[13:46] <ogra> using still 800x480 and looking totally clunky
[13:46] <ogra> yeah
[13:46] <ogra> but it doesnt have a higher resolution
[13:46] <RichEd> well 9" aint very big in many people's minds ...
[13:46] <RichEd> (ask madonna ;)
[13:48] <pips1> pfft
[13:49] <ogra> that really depends on the angle you look at it ...
[13:49] <RichEd> mr 12" pips1 scoffs at a mere 9"
[13:49] <pips1> Ubuntu Education Edition 8.04 - Linux for Young Human Beings - new slogan? anyone?
[13:49] <RichEd> ogra ... not many girls believe that old line any more ;)
[13:50] <pips1> keep slogan?
[13:50] <ogra> "Educating Human Beings" ?
[13:50] <RichEd> pips1: we'd need to get some go ahead to change i think ... but well spotted ... let's give it some thought and come up with some suggestions
[13:50] <RichEd> ogra: sounds a bit klunky ...
[13:51] <pips1> What is the ubuntu slogan?
[13:51] <ogra> yeah
[13:51] <ogra> Linux for Human Beings
[13:51] <pips1> so that hasn't changed, then
[13:51] <ogra> Education for Human Beings
[13:51] <RichEd> so we need to stick to that with adding one word or so
[13:51] <pips1> hmm
[13:52] <ogra> Linux for Educated Human Beings
[13:52] <pips1> I like the second suggestion better
[13:52] <RichEd> Linux for Growing Human Being
[13:52] <pips1> nah
[13:52] <RichEd> +s
[13:52] <RichEd> Linux for Learning Human Beings
[13:54] <highvoltage> hi
[13:54] <stgraber> hi highvoltage
[13:54] <pips1> I prefere the "Educated" over "Learning"
[13:54] <pips1> hi highvoltage
[13:54] <pips1> *prefer
[13:54] <highvoltage> aplologies, deadlines looming and I thought the meeting was at 10
[13:55] <pips1> me also got deadlines looming :-/
[13:55] <RichEd> Linux for Educated Human Beings <- sounds like they are already educated ... i.e. like "It's Linux for our intelligent elitist folk ... not the great umwashed commonners"
[13:55] <pips1> unwashed hehe
[13:55] <RichEd> said in a WW II British accent
[13:55] * RichEd has to collect a kid from a cancelled soccer practise
[13:56] <RichEd> back in 15
[13:56] <pips1> cu
[13:56] <highvoltage> ogra: how are you feeling about tomorrow?
[13:57] <RichEd> pips1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Unwashed <- see here ... an established english expression
[13:57] <ogra> highvoltage, from an edubuntu and ltsp POV i'm fine cmpc keeps me busy though
[13:58] <pips1> RichEd: stop throwing funny things at me!
[13:58] <pips1> Hoi polloi
[13:58] <pips1> When I was a film critic, I actually met a british director who had made a short form title Hoi Polloi
[13:59] <pips1> ah wikipedia even has the link right there! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoi_Polloi_%281935_film%29
[13:59] <pips1> looks like another film tho
[13:59] <pips1> anyway, back to work
[14:00] <highvoltage> ogra: ok. when the new build with suspend is ready, let me know and I'll test.
[14:01] <ogra> highvoltage, thats ready since ages
[14:01] <ogra> 7th i think
[14:01] <ogra> err
[14:01] <ogra> 17th
[14:01] <ogra> should be 17.1
[14:01] <highvoltage> I think the one I had was 17
[14:01] <highvoltage> had/have
[14:04] <pips1> qcad is new on the cd, right?
[14:06] <pips1> what else is new? rasmol? denemo? iTalc?
[14:07] <pips1> highvoltage: I'm going through the list of edubuntu apps on http://www.edubuntu.org/UsingEdubuntu
[14:08] <pips1> ... trying to figure what what has changed
[14:09] <highvoltage> pips1: good. tirion is also going through screenshots and generating new ones. it's a pity he doesn't do IRC
[14:09] <highvoltage> (well not much, anyway)
[14:12] <stgraber> pips1: iTalc is new
[14:12] <stgraber> IIRC we already had rasmol in Gutsy
[14:16] <pips1> ic
[14:16] <pips1> i thought that was only recently packaged by laserjock
[14:17] <pips1> dunno
[14:17] <pips1> what about kwordquiz?
[14:17] <pips1> I guess I can use packages.ubuntu.org to find out...
[14:18] <stgraber> pips1: you probably can diff the depends of the -addon packages from Gutsy to Hardy
[14:38] <pips1> stgraber: erm, how exactly would i be able to do that?
[14:43] <stgraber> pips1: the package list in edubuntu-addon is exactly the same !!!
[14:43] <pips1> ?
[14:44] <stgraber> stgraber@castiana:~/diff$ diff old-pkg new-pkg
[14:44] <stgraber> stgraber@castiana:~/diff$
[14:44] <pips1> strange, that doesn't sound right
[14:45] <stgraber> according to changelog for the -addon only some icon/category and packaging stuff no package change
[14:45] <pips1> we *know* that italc is new... no? you packaged it, no?
[14:45] <stgraber> italc is not in -addon but in edubuntu-desktop
[14:45] <ogra> -master is in -addon though
[14:46] <ogra> users wont see anything of the client
[14:46] <stgraber> pips1: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/e/edubuntu-meta/edubuntu-meta_1.59/changelog
[14:46] <pips1> *click*
[14:46] <stgraber> ogra: it's not in one of the edubuntu-addon-* package though right ?
[14:47] <stgraber> ogra: it's just in the addon CD seed ?
[14:47] <ogra> yep
[14:47] <ogra> which is sufficient
[14:47] <stgraber> ok, so my diff is right. the -addon-* meta packages haven't changed
[14:47] <ogra> right
[14:47] <ogra> only the seeds have
[14:48] <ogra> well, i dropped two empty categories from the addon package
[14:48] * pips1 never understood this whole seeds proces
[14:48] <ogra> so they did change :) minimally
[14:48] <pips1> *process
[14:50] <pips1> so what are you saying? nothing has changed from gutsy to hardy?
[14:50] <pips1> ;-P
[14:51] <stgraber> hang on, I'm trying to find an easy way of getting what has changed
[14:52] <pips1> ogra: since this is a new LTS, what will happen to dapper?
[14:52] <stgraber> still supported
[14:52] <pips1> will all the dapper iso's be pulled from the servers?
[14:52] <pips1> ah
[14:52] <pips1> right
[14:52] <pips1> there needs to be some overlap
[14:53] <stgraber> Dapper came out with 3 years desktop support and 5 years server support
[14:53] <stgraber> you can't change that two years after
[14:53] <pips1> right
[14:54] <pips1> but as i undertood, edubuntu 6.06. LTS "standalone distro" only qualified for 3 years support...
[14:54] <pips1> not 5 years
[14:54] <pips1> right, ogra?
[14:54] <ogra> right
[14:55] <ogra> single pieces of it are 5 years
[14:55] <stgraber> edubuntu is desktop so only 3 years
[14:55] <ogra> but the distro as a whole isnt
[14:55] <pips1> well, there are those "single pieces" :-)
[14:55] <ogra> i.e. you can still run the kernel and dhcpd :)
[14:55] <pips1> wow :-)
[14:55] <ogra> they would be supported longer, but the desktop and ltsp bits wouldnt
[14:55] <pips1> how cool is that?
[14:55] <pips1> !
[14:56] <pips1> ;-)
[14:56] <ogra> the support is defined on a per package set base ....
[14:56] <ogra> -server has 5 years of support
[14:56] <ogra> packages in -server inherit that
[14:57] <stgraber> pips1: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/edubuntu.hardy
[14:57] <pips1> so basically, all edubuntu 6.06 LTS deployments now have 1 year to update to 8.04 LTS
[14:57] <stgraber> yes
[14:57] <ogra> right
[14:58] <pips1> we need to mention that on the website
[15:00] <pips1> stgraber: thanks for the above link, but it's all rather cryptic to me :-)
[15:02] <stgraber> pips1: so basically : Hardy is now an addon, italc instead of tcm, version upgrade for the other packages
[15:02] <stgraber> ogra: any major change/add ?
[15:04] <pips1> we should have two sets of information: 1.) what changed from last release, for release notes, 2.) a complete list of all the cool apps currently shipped as "ubuntu education edition"
[15:04] <ogra> stgraber, new artwork indeed, but thats about it i think
[15:05] <stgraber> pips1: I can give you 2) as I have the addon CD here
[15:05] <ogra> we need to point out the ltsp change very prominent
[15:05] <pips1> yep, both in release notes and on website
[15:05] <ogra> edubuntu is mostly known for its ltsp implementation people need to grasp that they dont lose anything
[15:07] <pips1> right
[15:07] <pips1> ltsp is in "core" ubuntu now, no harm in that
[15:08] <pips1> ltsp will continue to mature, but the plan is to focus on education apps more ..
[15:08] <stgraber> pips1: atomix, dia, edubuntu artwork, gcompris, epiphany, denemo, gnupain, gobby, gvim, inkscape, italc, kalzium, keduca, kino, kstars, kverbos, kvoctrain, liferea, gnome lockdown, qcad, rasmol, screem, scribus, tuxmath, tuxpaint, tuxtype, xaos
[15:09] <pips1> gnupain sounds fun
[15:09] <pips1> for aspiring doctors
[15:09] <stgraber> pips1: that's what the user can install from gnome-app-install when he inserts the CD
[15:09] <pips1> thanks
[15:17] <ogra> pips1, you plan a complete release announcement atm ?
[15:17] <ogra> slangasek asked if he could link that from the official announcement
[15:18] <ogra> do we have an url ?
[15:18] <ogra> (or future url)
[15:23] <pips1> future url could be http://www.edubuntu.org/news/8.04-release, but we should coordinate with ubuntu.com, i.e. what their url will look like
[15:23] <pips1> have a look at http://www.edubuntu.org/news/7.10-release
[15:25] <pips1> the above future URL was for the *tour* the future release notes URL could be: http://www.edubuntu.org/ReleaseNotes/8.04
[15:27] <pips1> ogra: do you know where i can reach newz2000 ?
[15:27] <ogra> <slangasek> ogra: ok, thanks, will use that url as a placeholder for now
[15:27] <pips1> he used to have his own irc channel around release time
[15:27] <ogra> ( http://www.edubuntu.org/news/8.04-release)
[15:30] <pips1> ok, that url is for the feature tour, though
[15:30] <pips1> release notes should be :
[15:30] <pips1> http://www.edubuntu.org/ReleaseNotes/8.04
[15:33] <ogra> pips1, meet slangasek ;)
[15:34] * slangasek waves :)
[15:35] <slangasek> pips1: hi, so the question is, what page on edubuntu.org should I be linking to from the release announcement mail, as the top-level Edubuntu release announcement
[15:37] <pips1> http://www.edubuntu.org/ReleaseNotes/8.04
[15:37] <ogra> pips1, thats the anouncement ? or ony the release notes ?
[15:37] <ogra> *only
[15:38] <ogra> RichEd, meep, meep ^^^^
[15:38] <pips1> ogra: now you got me...
[15:39] * pips1 re-reads the question of slangasek and feels daft
[15:39] <pips1> sorry for the confusion
[15:39] <pips1> I think the release announcement should be:
[15:39] <pips1> http://www.edubuntu.org/news/8.04-release
[15:40] <ogra> you said thats the tour before
[15:40] <pips1> analog to the 7.10 release:
[15:40] <pips1> http://www.edubuntu.org/news/7.10-release
[15:40] <pips1> oh.
[15:41] <pips1> so what is the difference between the tour and the release announcement, then?
[15:41] <pips1> and how does ubuntu.com do it?
[15:42] <pips1> basically, we can set the URL to whatever we want (with a path alias in drupal)
[15:42] <pips1> we just have to make our mind up :-)
[15:43] <pips1> hold on, sorry guys, I need to look after my son for a moment :-/
[15:46] * highvoltage is back
[15:52] <slangasek> pips1: we've just had a nomenclature change on the Ubuntu side per marketing, so rather than "tour" we're now calling it an "overview", which refers to this document: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/RC
[15:53] <slangasek> pips1: and the release notes are this: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/804
[15:54] <slangasek> pips1: but optimally, what I'd be linking to from the release announcement is some sort of Edubuntu 8.04 announcement text, since the per-flavor detail in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/ReleaseAnnouncement is deliberately sparse
[15:54] <slangasek> http://www.edubuntu.org/news/7.10-release looks like a pretty good example of what I'm thinking of, yes
[15:55] * pips1 looks at the urls
[15:59] <pips1> slangasek: ok, so you'll use http://www.edubuntu.org/news/8.04-release for the url in the release announcement mail for the Ubuntu Education Edition 8.04 "overview"
[16:02] <slangasek> that sounds reasonable, yes
[16:06] <ogra> <newz2000> ogra: have pips join #ubuntu-matt
[16:06] <ogra> theer you fgot him
[16:06] <ogra> but that looks like you guys have sorted it already
[16:22] <RichEd> pips1: confirmed that you should use: http://www.edubuntu.org/news/8.04-release
[16:22] <RichEd> i'll send you the text in an our or two
[16:23] <RichEd> i''ll CC ogra for an accuracy comment review ... i want to make sure i have the install options flexibilty clear and realisic :)
[16:25] <ogra> well, the instal options are: install *any* ubunu desktop, pop in addon
[16:25] <ogra> *ubuntu :)
[16:25] <ogra> there are not many other variations :)
[16:29] <RichEd> ogra: what options does the user get then ... not just install edubuntu ? they are also able to chose components / application ?
[16:29] <RichEd> or is that only planned for the 8.10
[16:30] <ogra> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyClassroomServer#head-7d164dd6ce5d6e99bc8403e65eb2286fbd87f749
[16:31] <ogra> it operates on any ubuntu desktop that way
[16:31] * RichEd loads the link and makes coffee ... a sensible multi-task
[16:31] <ogra> with net connection that enables the desktop to upll packages from the net additionally it might work with xubuntu/kubuntu as well
[16:33] <ogra> but the officially supported setup that definately needs no net connection bases on having an ubuntu desktop
[16:34] <ogra> all others will need network access because they will miss the deskop base needed by some packages we ship
[16:44] <RichEd> ogra: thanks ... the add-remove apps from CD was what i was referring to ...
[16:45] <RichEd> for 8.10 we should also consider a few recommended bundle options
[16:45] <ogra> indeed
[16:45] <ogra> make a spec, i'll add it to the team wiki
[16:46] <RichEd> i.e. apps for young kids ... apps for teens etc.
[16:46] <RichEd> so that a newbie dad installing on his home PC can just click a category and not have to consider what his offspring is ready for or grown past
[16:46] <ogra> coding wise thats trivial, but it will need icons etc
[16:47] <ogra> so a spec should be feasable
[16:47] <RichEd> the best kind of feature ... trivial code, big user impact
[16:47] <RichEd> good leverage of resource time
[16:49] <highvoltage> RichEd: sies!
[16:50] <highvoltage> RichEd: (unless you refer to time/money, and not people)
[16:59] <RichEd> wtf ... you mean "appeals to oversized users" ?
[16:59] <RichEd> or "large collision with users"
[17:00] <ogra> large collision with oversized users ?
[17:00] <RichEd> i guess "appeals to fat people" would not work as a sales bullet point
[17:00] <RichEd> nor would "gives you a good smack"
[17:01] <ogra> edubuntu - "teaches even fat people"
[17:02] <highvoltage> RichEd: heh, no. calling people resources :)
[17:02] <RichEd> highvoltage: i was referring to oliver's time ... like gold and diamonds, it is valuable, and limited
[17:02] <RichEd> what should i call him ? smokey sweat labour ?
[17:03] <highvoltage> RichEd: :)
[17:03] <RichEd> "will work for tobacco and internet connection"
[17:04] <RichEd> "odd hours not a problem"
[17:05] <highvoltage> perfect!
[17:07] <highvoltage> pips1: are you around?
[17:07] <pips1> sort of
[17:07] <pips1> I'm babysitting my son
[17:07] <highvoltage> ok. you know that css bug in the fridge theme where short pages don't look good?
[17:13] <mcksean> hey all -- are you planning for some edubuntu sessions @ ubuntu live this summer?
[17:20] <highvoltage> RichEd should be able to answer that!
[17:21] * RichEd is out to smoke ... back in a fag's time
[17:26] <pips1> highvoltage: regarding the css bug: yes, I noticed short pages looking bad... do you have a fix for it?
[17:28] <highvoltage> pips1: I was going to ask you if you have any ideas :)
[17:28] <pips1> um, no
[17:29] <highvoltage> ogra: is it reasonable to say that the edubuntu add-on cd will be released withing the next 24hrs?
[17:29] <ogra> pretty sure, yes
[17:34] <highvoltage> J to the S to the G to the O
[17:34] * ogra curses his touchscreen
[17:35] * pips1 rubs his eyes
[17:35] <ogra> everytime i want to wipe something off my screen i move windows or click something
[17:35] <pips1> hey jsgotangco
[17:36] <pips1> ogra: don't eat and work at the same time?
[17:36] <jsgotangco> hi pips1
[17:36] <jsgotangco> highvoltage: are we there yet? hehe
[17:36] <ogra> pips1, i smoke ....
[17:36] <pips1> ahh
[17:36] <highvoltage> jsgotangco: yep!
[18:11] <RichEd> ogra ? you back ?
[18:11] <ogra> back ? from what ?
[18:11] <ogra> i wont go away ...
[18:12] <RichEd> i smoke
[18:12] <RichEd> or was that a reference to your hot programming ?
[18:12] <ogra> no to the dirt on my screen i wanted to wipe off
[18:13] <ogra> vs pips1's assuption of sesame seeds from munching wth open mouth :)
[18:14] * pips1 chuckles as he is munching on japanese rice crackers
[18:14] <RichEd> is this okay by you ?>
[18:14] <RichEd> 8.04 bring the first release of the restructured Edubuntu - now known
[18:14] <RichEd> as the Ubuntu Eucation Edition. The education desktop and application
[18:14] <RichEd> suite now installs as an add-on to a standard Ubuntu desktop, or
[18:14] <RichEd> individual Education applications can be selected for easy install
[18:14] <RichEd> from the CD.
[18:15] <ogra> sounds a bit lonish, like you couldnt take breath during saying it, but technically its correct
[18:15] <RichEd> that's intended for a bridge sentence in the ubuntu announcement
[18:16] <RichEd> okay then ... steve and i can play with grammar, but that gets the main point across ?
[18:17] <pips1> "application suite" sounds a bit nebulous? but otherwise it think it's clear
[18:18] <ogra> yup, its fine
[18:18] <pips1> it think therefore it is!
[18:18] <RichEd> i think
[18:18] <RichEd> pips1: i need to make it clear that it is the edubuntu bundle on the CD ... not the whole education repository
[18:18] <RichEd> hence the suite is what we have selected as a good base set
[18:18] <RichEd> make sense ?
[18:19] <pips1> it makes sense
[18:19] <pips1> why not use bundle?
[18:19] <pips1> instead of "suite"?
[18:19] <RichEd> so that covers ... if you go hit me with edubuntu, you get the suite
[18:19] <pips1> dunno
[18:19] <RichEd> i you want to select, you can chose from the suite
[18:20] <RichEd> using bundle i think does not make the selection point clear
[18:20] <RichEd> comments welcome
[18:21] <RichEd> how's this ?
[18:21] <RichEd> 8.04 bring the first release of the restructured Edubuntu - now known
[18:21] <RichEd> as the Ubuntu Education Edition. The education desktop and application
[18:21] <RichEd> bundle now installs as an add-on to a standard Ubuntu desktop, or
[18:21] <RichEd> individual Education applications may be selected from the bundle for
[18:21] <RichEd> easy install from the CD.
[18:21] <RichEd> s/installs/install/ grandma change
[18:22] <pips1> hmm
[18:22] * pips1 looks up bundle in the thesaurus
[18:24] <RichEd> suite i guess does kind of imply "from one company" ... or not
[18:25] <pips1> well, I only ever read the word suite in the combination "office suite"
[18:25] <RichEd> lounge suite
[18:25] <RichEd> hotel suite
[18:25] <pips1> so in that respect, yes, it sounds a bit like "from one producer"
[18:25] <RichEd> he wore a badly spelt suite
[18:26] <pips1> what about "collection" ?
[18:27] <RichEd> we often talk about the bundle ... so i'd need some convincing that that is not the right word
[18:27] <pips1> ach, we're nitpicking... suite or bundle is probably just fine..
[18:28] * RichEd takes a break
[18:28] <RichEd> famil
[18:28] <RichEd> family
[18:30] <pips1> "suite" just sounds a bit snobbish? marketing speak?
[18:31] <pips1> and "bundle", conversely, sounds a bit like "super savers deal" from your local low cost ... get 2 for 1
[18:33] <ogra> enerprise bundle :)
[18:33] <pips1> (suite means "a series of things", BTW)
[18:39] <pips1> compilation? --> as in "the best of"?
[18:40] <pips1> nah
[18:44] <pips1> shipit will provide the add-on cd only, right? so really, we need to tell them to order both an ubuntu cd and a edubuntu cd, seperately?
[18:44] <pips1> ohhhhhh
[18:45] <pips1> Edubuntu Alternate CD isn't available through shipit at all?!?
[18:45] <pips1> s/Edubuntu Alternate CD/Ubuntu Alternate CD/
[18:46] <pips1> ogra: ^^^^
[18:46] <pips1> ?
[18:46] <ogra> no idea
[18:47] <ogra> oh, ubuntu alternate ? no
[18:47] <ogra> i dont think so
[18:50] <pips1> so people wont be able to get a alternate & add-on shipped to them...
[18:50] <ogra> hmm, might be, i dont really know i mst admit
[18:51] * ogra points to rich for business stuff
[18:58] <pips1> ogra: so what is the story with the "content-server" and edubuntu? What about Moodle?
[18:59] <ogra> apt-e install edubuntu-server
[18:59] <ogra> i didnt manage to split/rname te package yet, in intrepid there will be a separate content-server package that edubuntu-server will depend on
[19:00] <ogra> currently edubuntu-server == edubuntu-content-server
[19:00] <pips1> and what services does it provide?
[19:02] <pips1> moodle? something else?
[19:06] <ogra> nope
[19:06] <ogra> a siple moodle setup atm
[19:07] <pips1> what do you mean by simple?
[19:09] <ogra> apt-et install edubuntu-server , amswer somequestions, have moodle running
[19:09] <pips1> if you install edubuntu-server, will that moodle server be available publicly? or is it firewalled off and only available on the LAN?
[19:09] <ogra> depends on your answers :)
[19:09] * pips1 goes ahead and does apt-get instal edubuntu-server on his test box
[19:10] <ogra> its just depending on set of packages, nothing more
[19:10] <ogra> *a set
[19:10] <RichEd> ogra / pips : new improved shorter sweeter ...
[19:10] <RichEd> 8.04 brings a restructure of Edubuntu into the Ubuntu Education Edition.
[19:10] <RichEd> The education desktop and application bundle now install as an add-on
[19:10] <RichEd> to a standard Ubuntu desktop. Individual applications from the Edubuntu
[19:10] <RichEd> bundle may be selected for easy install from the CD.
[19:11] * RichEd leaves it at that and will check back later for comments
[19:11] <RichEd> out for an hour or two
[19:11] <ogra> RichEd, pips1 had a shipit question
[19:12] <ogra> sounds god btw
[19:12] <ogra> *good as well :)
[19:13] <RichEd> pips1: chris was suggesting that if you order education education edition ... you get ubuntu CD & add-on
[19:14] <RichEd> alternate prolly will not be shipped ... if you've got the IT muscle to install a server, the assumption is that you are able to download and burn a CD
[19:14] <pips1> but that will only provide a "workstation install", i.e. not a classroom/ltsp installation
[19:14] <RichEd> or have access to some techie who can do so for you
[19:14] <pips1> right
[19:15] <RichEd> i need to confirm that ... but apart from darkest africa ... internet access and burn iso is pretty much a commoddity
[19:15] <RichEd> so in africa, you can get someone to deliver a hand burnt one via cleft stick
[19:16] <pips1> ic
[19:18] <pips1> my edubuntu-server installation ended with an error message :-/
[19:18] <pips1_hardy-edu> Setting up postgresql (8.3.1-1) ...
[19:18] <pips1_hardy-edu> dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of edubuntu-server:
[19:18] <pips1_hardy-edu> edubuntu-server depends on moodle; however:
[19:18] <pips1_hardy-edu> Package moodle is not configured yet.
[19:18] <pips1_hardy-edu> dpkg: error processing edubuntu-server (--configure):
[19:18] <pips1_hardy-edu> dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
[19:18] <pips1_hardy-edu> Processing triggers for libc6 ...
[19:18] <pips1_hardy-edu> ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
[19:18] <pips1_hardy-edu> Errors were encountered while processing:
[19:18] <pips1_hardy-edu> moodle
[19:18] <pips1_hardy-edu> edubuntu-server
[19:18] <HedgeMage> RichEd: umm, I'm in the US and there are TONS of places you can't download something the size of an ISO
[19:18] <pips1_hardy-edu> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
[19:19] <HedgeMage> RichEd: we have awful broadband penetration here.
[19:19] <pips1> ...
[19:19] <pips1> sorry for the paste flood
[19:19] <HedgeMage> (not that you can't mail-order well enough, just making the point that broadband is NOT a given, even in developed countries)
[19:19] <HedgeMage> np pips1
[19:20] <ogra> pips1, thats from commandline ? it should have asked you abou at least ten questions
[19:20] <ogra> (moodle)
[19:21] <pips1> ogra: yes, that is from the command line
[19:21] <pips1> It did ask questions and I provided answers, but it ended with the messages pasted above
[19:22] <pips1> however, moodle seems to run under localhost... lemme continue...
[19:22] <ogra> well, nothing we can change anyway
[19:22] <ogra> archive is locked down
[19:24] <pips1> (at the Moodle main admin accout config screen now)
[19:24] <ogra> pips1, i was just told 8.04 wont be LTS for edubuntu
[19:25] <ogra> can you take care LTS doesnt show up in the new docs ?
[19:27] <ogra> sorry that info got not communicated earlier
=== nixternal is now known as lanretxin
=== lanretxin is now known as nixternal
[19:30] <HedgeMage> nixternal: hey there
[19:30] <HedgeMage> nixternal: don't know whether you are coming or going?
[19:38] <nixternal> heh, I have no clue myself...I was testing an oper script
[19:39] <HedgeMage> ahh :)
[19:39] <HedgeMage> how have you been?
[19:39] <nixternal> busy busy busy, you?
[19:40] <HedgeMage> Same
[19:40] <HedgeMage> And fighting with my awful 'net connection.
[19:42] <pips1> ogra: just so you know, moodle seems to run just fine
[19:42] <pips1> :-)
[19:44] <ogra> but had that error ?
[19:44] <ogra> weird
[19:44] <pips1> indeed
[19:44] <ogra> i'll look into that for 8.04.1
[19:45] <ogra> did you note the LTS part above ?
[20:04] <highvoltage> ogra: heh, archive is frozen, to late to take the LTS away from /etc/issue :p
[20:06] <ogra> ogra@osiris:~$ cat /etc/issue
[20:06] <ogra> Ubuntu 8.04 \n \l
[20:07] <highvoltage> awh
[20:07] <pips1> the error said "Package moodle is not configured yet."
[20:08] <pips1> so I suppose the error message was just related to the fact that I hadn't configured moodle at localhost/moodle yet...?
[20:09] <highvoltage> educators always want the latest and greatest software anyway. at first I didn't like the idea of edubuntu being non-lts. but realistically, most people deploying edubuntu are probably always pushed to upgrade to the latest, so the non-lts thing is probably a bit of a non-issue.
[20:09] <ogra> pips1, no idea, i'll take a deeper look after release
[20:09] <highvoltage> ogra: does that mean you will allow universe inclusions for the next release?
[20:10] <ogra> i'm not really fond of that, no, but if someone decides it /overrules me i will follow
[20:12] <highvoltage> I think people should respect your decision and not override it even if they are technically above you.
[20:12] <highvoltage> but that's just me :)
[20:13] <ogra> well, its only that main garantees that more people are forced to look at apps while if we allow universe all maintanance will be forced on the person who cares for the disk (me)
[20:15] <highvoltage> hmm, yes. that's true.
[20:15] <pips1> highvoltage: could you provide me with a nice banner image for the 8.04 release, to place at the top of the page...? you're always good with these things. :-)
[20:16] <highvoltage> pips1: you mean like http://www.edubuntu.org/files/banner-right-release.jpg ?
[20:16] <highvoltage> (you could replace the 7.10 one with that one)
[20:17] <highvoltage> (and replace the text in the yellow box in the drupal block upon release)
[20:17] <highvoltage> RichEd, ogra: you guys should also help and push us a bit more to update that banner a bit more in the future
[20:18] <highvoltage> I've wanted to replace it a few times, but I can't always think of things to replace it with.
[20:19] <pips1> heh
[21:34] <pips1> highvoltage: you still around?
[21:34] <pips1> RichEd: ping
[23:19] <lns> Has anyone had this issue, I'm getting randomly in some users' ~/.xsession-errors? "Window manager warning: Buggy client sent a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message with a timestamp of 0 for 0x1e00065 (OpenOffice)
[23:19] <lns> Window manager warning: meta_window_activate called by a pager with a 0 timestamp; the pager needs to be fixed."
[23:20] <lns> This causes the user to be kicked back to LDM after trying to open OOo