UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /21 /#ubuntu-mythtv.txt
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=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
[01:11] <sirbob> has anyone set up a DCH3416
[02:02] <Sadarax> Hello? I have a problem getting my Hauppauge PVR 150 to work in Mythbuntu 7.10
[02:07] <matooke> where can I find a comprehensive howto to get the Hauppauge WinTV PVR-150 remote working?
[02:12] <famicom> try the mythtv wiki
[02:36] <a1fa> my audio is choppy.. i think its related to DMA
[02:36] <a1fa> can you not enable DMA on SATA disk?
[02:38] <tgm4883_laptop> a1fa, no you can't
[02:39] <tgm4883_laptop> AFAIK, it's not configurable
[02:39] <a1fa> heh
[02:39] <a1fa> so what do I do about choppy audio
[02:39] <tgm4883_laptop> well i would assume that it is not the hard drive and you should look elsewhere
[02:39] <tgm4883_laptop> why do you think it is the dma?
[02:40] <a1fa> i had the same issue before on my 80GB hard-drive
[02:40] <a1fa> enabling dma solved that problem
[02:40] <a1fa> DMA modes: mdma0 mdma1 mdma2
[02:43] <tgm4883_laptop> a1fa, SATA?
[02:46] <a1fa> yes
[02:46] <a1fa> no
[02:46] <a1fa> no sata
[02:46] <a1fa> IDE
[02:46] <a1fa> old one was IDE
[03:01] <a1fa> this sucks :(
[03:06] <tgm4883_laptop> a1fa, I believe that SATA is locked to UDMA 5 while sata was configurable
[03:07] <a1fa> USDMA is
[06:52] <gnub_daemon> anyone know if Harmony remotes are supported?
[06:53] <gnub_daemon> or compatible...configurable...or otherwise usable in mythtv
[06:53] <superm1> yeah its just a matter of what you have them emulate
[06:56] <gnub_daemon> hmmm...there a tutorial for that anywhere?
[06:57] <superm1> well it depends on what ir receiver you have
[06:57] <superm1> most people i've heard end up emulating a mceusb2
[07:01] <gnub_daemon> oh
[07:01] <gnub_daemon> I guess I've got some reading to do...right now I have a wireless keyboard/mouse setup with a usb cable running under the rug
[07:02] <superm1> well do you have an ir receiver at all then right now?
[07:02] <gnub_daemon> nope
[07:02] <superm1> oh that's a functional enough solution. i lived on that for ages
[07:02] <superm1> until a mceusb2 fell into my lap
[07:02] <superm1> then i started to use that
[07:03] <gnub_daemon> gotta love it when things just fall into your lap
[07:03] <superm1> but if i could do it all over, i'd use the wireless BT keyboard (Apple aluminum) currently on my desktop instead
[07:03] <gnub_daemon> mine's just a cheapo MI from wal-mart
[07:04] <superm1> well if you can find yourself a mceusb2, that's the way to go emulation wise, otherwise there is things like building a serial ir receiver
[07:07] <gnub_daemon> I do have a remote from the X-Fi bay drive...
[07:07] <gnub_daemon> but the receiver for that is in the drive itself
[07:11] <gnub_daemon> would that be usable if I got a proper usb receiver?
[07:12] <superm1> well that actually has a lirc driver if its the same as the old style audigy2 remote
[07:13] <gnub_daemon> how might one find out such a thing?
[07:14] <superm1> try it (tm) ;)
[07:15] <gnub_daemon> heh...usb or serial receiver?
[07:15] <gnub_daemon> or does it matter?
[07:16] <superm1> its a special device on its own
[07:16] <superm1> it should be expicitly listed
[07:16] <superm1> and have its own driver
[07:16] <superm1> i had horrible luck with my old audigy2 though
[07:16] <superm1> so dont get your hopes up too much
[07:18] <gnub_daemon> well, I'm trying to buy a house so what I have now might just have to last a few more years
[07:19] <superm1> yeah if you are looking for the easy solution, just go buy a mceusb2
[07:19] <superm1> and when you've settled down
[07:19] <superm1> then come back and play with this
[07:19] <superm1> your 35 dollars will save you a heck of a lot of trouble
[07:19] <gnub_daemon> I also wanted to do the whole projector thing and have the setup beside/behind my couch to save space...but their cost is exhorbitant
[07:19] <gnub_daemon> yeah
[07:20] <gnub_daemon> $300-$500 for a lamp...
[07:20] <superm1> same thing on a DLP too
[07:23] <gnub_daemon> that why HD always looks "wiggly"
[07:25] <gnub_daemon> I bet DLP price makes regular projection bulbs seem like ginger beer...
[07:27] <superm1> yeah that's why i think normal ole' LCD or Plasma are the way to go
[07:27] <gnub_daemon> indeed
[07:27] <gnub_daemon> I didn't know what DLP was so I watched TI's video
[07:28] <gnub_daemon> pretty interesting stuff
[07:30] <gnub_daemon> "DLP sets are usually lower in price than plasmas and LCDs, and they tend to have a better picture."
[07:30] <gnub_daemon> that's just crazy talk
[07:30] <superm1> lower in price initially
[07:30] <superm1> told cost to own is higher
[07:31] <gnub_daemon> ah
[07:32] <gnub_daemon> Oh I see now...dlp is only projection
[07:32] <gnub_daemon> O.o
[07:36] <gnub_daemon> or not...I'm tired and confused now
[11:40] <abarbaccia> anyone using hardy and having issues changing volume during playback
[11:40] <abarbaccia> i think alsa is giving me some issues - possibly related to pulseaudio
[13:01] <v0lksman> hey all...I read the faq but it doesn't really say if there is a "best" way to upgrade (7.10 -> 8.04) is update-manager -d a good way? will it update the software and keep my DB in tact?
[13:40] <munzli> looking for dvb-s card, any good recomendations? seems like a hauppage nova-s or pinnacle card are the best supported?
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[17:43] <Ptit_Nico> Hello all :)
[17:46] <Ptit_Nico> All apologies for my english i m french
[17:46] <Ptit_Nico> i had RTFM and STFW but i have some questions ^^
[17:47] <laga> then ask :)
[17:47] <Ptit_Nico> I m running Kubuntu here and all my media are in this computer, i had a small pc for my tv
[17:47] <Ptit_Nico> this PC will be frontend only
[17:48] <Ptit_Nico> i suppose i will put the backend on my PC here (Kubuntu)
[17:48] <Ptit_Nico> so my question is :
[17:49] <Ptit_Nico> can i install only "mythtv-backend-master"
[17:49] <Ptit_Nico> ?
[17:49] <laga> yes
[17:49] <Ptit_Nico> and running a mythbuntu installed allready on my small PC near my tv
[17:50] <laga> yes, that'll work
[17:50] <Ptit_Nico> ok :)
[17:50] <Ptit_Nico> thxs
[17:50] <Ptit_Nico> so it seems i understood the mythtv functionnement ^^
[17:50] <laga> mais oui :)
[17:50] <laga> (disclaimer: thaT's the only french i speak)
[17:51] <Ptit_Nico> but i see there s a lot of dependencies (apache,mysql,.....)
[17:51] <Ptit_Nico> lol laga :D
[17:51] <laga> Ptit_Nico: mythtv needs mysql, yes
[17:51] <Ptit_Nico> btw a lot of deamon will run :/
[17:52] <laga> Ptit_Nico: mythtv-backend-master recommends mythweb, which is why it installs apache
[17:52] <Ptit_Nico> erf
[17:52] <Ptit_Nico> i m not intersted by any web services
[17:52] <laga> you don't have to install it, but i don't know how to avoid it
[17:52] <Ptit_Nico> just watching movies, listen music
[17:52] <Ptit_Nico> ok
[17:52] <laga> Ptit_Nico: then install mythtv-backend mythtv-database
[17:53] <laga> and something ntp-ish to keep your time in sync, unless you already have that
[17:53] <Ptit_Nico> mmmmm good idea :)
[17:53] <Ptit_Nico> i check dependencies ;)
[17:54] <Ptit_Nico> laga: omg ! good job, only 17 dependencies (mysql actually)
[17:54] <Ptit_Nico> ;)
[17:57] <Ptit_Nico> so i suppose i will create my database media with this packet and read it from my frontend only on my small pc mythbuntu installed
[17:57] <Ptit_Nico> no ?
[18:02] <EvilGuru> Can anyone help me with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4752131
[19:11] <JoeyJoeJo> is there a certain server I need to add to my sources.list in order to install .21?
[19:12] <rhpot1991_laptop> JoeyJoeJo: what version of mythbuntu/ubuntu are you running
[19:12] <rhpot1991_laptop> ?
[19:12] <JoeyJoeJo> 7.10
[19:12] <rhpot1991_laptop> backports should do it for you
[19:13] <JoeyJoeJo> Ok.. I'm unfamiliar with backports... is there a guide to it somewhere?
[19:14] <rhpot1991_laptop> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports
[19:14] <JoeyJoeJo> thanks
[19:14] <rhpot1991_laptop> describes a few different ways of doing so
[19:14] <rhpot1991_laptop> np
[20:00] <sabhain> I've got a frontend processor question for any hardware experts here.
[20:00] <sabhain> I see repeatedly that P4 x 3.0 GHz is the minimum for frontend HD playback on mythtv
[20:01] <sabhain> Though a lot of the comments are somewhat dated (2006 / early 2007).
[20:04] <sabhain> Am I better off w/ a Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz over a 3.0 GHz single core?
[20:05] <rhpot1991_laptop> yes
[20:05] <sabhain> This would be for dedicated front end systems w/ no backend jobs.
[20:05] <sabhain> I see that the newest mythtv build enables configuration for dual processors, so I thought it might.
[20:06] <sabhain> Do you think that I can go to the slowest / cheapest core 2 duo and still be better off?
[20:06] <sabhain> Trying to get my front end costs down to ~$300 .. and it's a struggle.
[20:06] <rhpot1991_laptop> I would think so, but without having one I can't tell you for certain
[20:08] <sabhain> I've setup a test combo frontend/backend that's 1.8 duo core and it seems to do ok .. but all I have at the moment going through it are DVD rips and analog live TV
[20:10] <sabhain> thanks for your input
[20:11] <rhpot1991_laptop> np, you could see if someone could get you a HD sample or if you can find anyone with that cpu on the mailing lists
[20:12] <darthanubis> anyone with a working mythtv-export?
[20:12] <darthanubis> mythexport?
[20:12] <darthanubis> I get no output
[20:12] <darthanubis> zilch
[20:13] <darthanubis> nuvexport works, but won't use the recordings name from the database so that the file is a human readable format
[20:13] <rhpot1991_laptop> did you run it by hand or as a user job?
[20:14] <darthanubis> mythexport?
[20:14] <rhpot1991_laptop> yes
[20:14] <darthanubis> well both as user jobs
[20:14] <rhpot1991_laptop> did you check your backend logs?
[20:14] <darthanubis> yes
[20:14] <rhpot1991_laptop> anything in there?
[20:14] <darthanubis> it said mythexport completed successfully
[20:15] <darthanubis> the output dir is owned by mythtv
[20:15] <darthanubis> its weird
[20:15] <darthanubis> I'd love to get this working
[20:15] <darthanubis> I'm running out of HD space
[20:15] <darthanubis> and shows I want to watch are expiring
[20:15] <darthanubis> :(
[20:16] <darthanubis> I can't keep them all
[20:16] <rhpot1991_laptop> add " debug" to the end of your user job
[20:16] <rhpot1991_laptop> and run it again
[20:16] <rhpot1991_laptop> then pastebin the results from your backend logs
[20:16] <rhpot1991_laptop> !pastebin | darthanubis
[20:16] <ubotu> darthanubis: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[20:17] <darthanubis> for what its worth I'm doing exactly as this page instructs
[20:17] <darthanubis> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythExport
[20:19] <rhpot1991_laptop> mythexport isn't really meant for replacing your recordings currently either, its more or less meant for getting them in a portable format (but you can bump the numbers and use it to replace recordings, will need to do some scripting on your own to get it to replace them though)
[20:19] <rhpot1991_laptop> in time it could get that functionality, but I haven't had the time
[20:19] <darthanubis> I realize that
[20:20] <darthanubis> but if I have it in a smaller readable format
[20:20] <darthanubis> it'd be easier to download/faster
[20:20] <rhpot1991_laptop> alright, get the debug output and let me see what that looks like, also do a ls -la on the folder you are exporting to
[20:20] <darthanubis> and I could delete the original
[20:20] <darthanubis> nothing is in the folder
[20:20] <rhpot1991_laptop> well the folder itself
[20:21] <rhpot1991_laptop> I want to see its permissions, should be 2775 I think
[20:21] <rhpot1991_laptop> mythtv:mythtv as well
[20:21] <darthanubis> drwxrwxr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 6 2008-04-19 02:19 .
[20:21] <darthanubis> drwxrwxr-x 4 mythtv mythtv 24576 2008-04-21 15:18 ..
[20:22] <rhpot1991_laptop> that looks ok, lets see the debug output
[20:22] <rhpot1991_laptop> also is there enough free space?
[20:23] <darthanubis> totally
[20:24] <darthanubis> where would that debug output be, in the log?
[20:25] <rhpot1991_laptop> yep
[20:25] <rhpot1991_laptop> backend log
[20:26] <rhpot1991_laptop> just copy everything from when it starts the job till it finishes
[20:26] <rhpot1991_laptop> it will pump out the commands instead of running them
[20:26] <darthanubis> got it
[20:28] <darthanubis> http://pastebin.com/d1c3f1aea
[20:31] <rhpot1991_laptop> darthanubis: see the line that says "USING nice -n19 ffmpeg"
[20:31] <rhpot1991_laptop> run that, but cut out the USING part
[20:31] <rhpot1991_laptop> and see what happens
[20:31] <darthanubis> k
[20:31] <rhpot1991_laptop> so it should be "nice -n19 ffmpeg -i /home/....."
[20:31] <rhpot1991_laptop> don't need the 2>&1 at the end either
[20:33] <darthanubis> you mean edit the mythexport script itself not the job line right?
[20:33] <rhpot1991_laptop> no, just run that line by hand
[20:34] <rhpot1991_laptop> and see if it works
[20:34] <darthanubis> k
[20:34] <rhpot1991_laptop> you should go into the directory you are exporting into before you run it as well
[20:34] <rhpot1991_laptop> as it will dump the file there
[20:35] <darthanubis> looks to be working
[20:35] <darthanubis> its encoding
[20:35] <darthanubis> sweet
[20:36] <xukun> When play dvd from the harddisk it does not play fluently. I have no idea where to look or what to change to get this wright. My hardware is good enough so that is not it. I have intel centrino whith ati x300 latpop. I,m using the ati drivers
[20:36] <rhpot1991_laptop> darthanubis: you can stop that from running, if thats working then it should work from the script
[20:37] <darthanubis> awesome
[20:37] <rhpot1991_laptop> did you enable the user job to run?
[20:37] <darthanubis> yes
[20:37] <darthanubis> what do you mean?
[20:37] <xukun> I somebody can point me the wright direction that would awesome
[20:38] <darthanubis> !ask
[20:38] <ubotu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[20:38] <xukun> if somebody..
[20:39] <rhpot1991_laptop> darthanubis: in the wiki it shows a checkbox saying "Allow 'User Job #1' jobs"
[20:39] <rhpot1991_laptop> did you check that
[20:39] <darthanubis> rhpot1991_laptop, where is the "USING" come from
[20:39] <darthanubis> yes
[20:39] <rhpot1991_laptop> for whichever user job
[20:39] <darthanubis> sure
[20:39] <darthanubis> thats how I have the nuvexport job setup
[20:39] <rhpot1991_laptop> thats the command it runs, when you put debug in there it just shows you the command instead of running it
[20:39] <xukun> When I play the movie from the disk its like its going very slow motion
[20:40] <rhpot1991_laptop> I'd remove the debug from your user job run it again and check the logs when it done
[20:40] <rhpot1991_laptop> pastebin that to me
[20:46] <darthanubis> rhpot1991_laptop, http://pastebin.com/d7de6947c
[20:48] <rhpot1991_laptop> are you positive mythtv has permissions on /home/anubis/store/mythtv/video/mythexport/
[20:48] <rhpot1991_laptop> do a sudo su mythtv
[20:48] <rhpot1991_laptop> then navigate to /home/anubis/store/mythtv/video/mythexport/
[20:48] <rhpot1991_laptop> and do 'touch test'
[20:50] <rhpot1991_laptop> those errors normally happen if the permissions are wrong and ffmpeg cannot make a file, then everything else yells about the file not being there
[20:51] <darthanubis> ok
[20:52] <darthanubis> I'm doing all this from remote, so appreciate the patience
[20:53] <darthanubis> why would th etest file write there is there where no permissions?
[20:53] <rhpot1991_laptop> different users
[20:53] <rhpot1991_laptop> you ran it as someone not mythtv
[20:54] <rhpot1991_laptop> (or so I think)
[20:54] <Tuv0k> right
[20:56] <Tuv0k> I don't know the mythtv users pwd
[20:56] <Tuv0k> does it matter what it is, or can I change it?
[20:57] <rhpot1991_laptop> depends what you want to do with it
[20:57] <rhpot1991_laptop> if you just want to test a command do a sudo su mythtv
[20:57] <rhpot1991_laptop> and you will change to them
[20:58] <Tuv0k> touch: cannot touch `test': Permission denied
[20:58] <Tuv0k> wow
[20:58] <rhpot1991_laptop> Tuv0k && darthanubis the same person?
[20:58] * rhpot1991_laptop is confused
[20:58] <Tuv0k> yes
[20:58] <Tuv0k> sorry
[20:58] <rhpot1991_laptop> heh ok
[20:58] <Tuv0k> I'm on the remote box now
[20:59] <Tuv0k> love nx, but anyway
[20:59] <rhpot1991_laptop> ok do this, cd ..
[20:59] <rhpot1991_laptop> then ls -la
[20:59] <rhpot1991_laptop> and show me mythexport
[21:01] <Tuv0k> drwxrwxr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 17 2008-04-21 15:52 .
[21:01] <Tuv0k> drwxrwxr-x 4 mythtv mythtv 24576 2008-04-21 15:18 ..
[21:02] <rhpot1991_laptop> did you cd .. first to move back a level?
[21:02] <Tuv0k> yup
[21:02] <rhpot1991_laptop> do that and then only get the line that is for mythexport, so we can be sure its the right line
[21:02] <rhpot1991_laptop> . is where you are at, and a.. is up a level
[21:02] <Tuv0k> yes
[21:03] <rhpot1991_laptop> paste the line thats for your mythexport folder
[21:03] <rhpot1991_laptop> while sitting in /home/anubis/store/mythtv/video/
[21:04] <Tuv0k> ahh its 40775
[21:04] <Tuv0k> drwxrwxr-x 4 mythtv mythtv 24576 2008-04-21 15:18 ..
[21:04] <rhpot1991_laptop> you aren't giving me mythexport, keep giving me ..
[21:05] <rhpot1991_laptop> specifically get the one that says mythexport
[21:06] <Tuv0k> $ ls -la mythexport
[21:06] <Tuv0k> total 28
[21:06] <Tuv0k> drwxrwxr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 17 2008-04-21 15:52 .
[21:06] <Tuv0k> drwxrwxr-x 4 mythtv mythtv 24576 2008-04-21 15:18 ..
[21:06] <Tuv0k> -rw-r--r-- 1 anubis anubis 0 2008-04-21 15:52 test
[21:06] <Tuv0k> right?
[21:07] <rhpot1991_laptop> ya thats good, I wanted to make sure you were pointing at the right folder
[21:09] <Tuv0k> always have a hard time changing the 2775 4775 to "2" sets
[21:09] <Tuv0k> setuid or something?
[21:10] <rhpot1991_laptop> those look ok to me
[21:10] <rhpot1991_laptop> the 2775 sets a sticky bit, but that shouldn't be aproblem
[21:10] <rhpot1991_laptop> do this: ps aux |grep mythbackend
[21:10] <rhpot1991_laptop> and see if mythtv is running /usr/bin/mythbackend
[21:11] <Tuv0k> yes
[21:11] <Tuv0k> mythtv 7757 0.8 1.2 416348 26120 ? Ssl Apr19 30:58 /usr/bin/mythbackend --daemon --logfile /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log --pidfile /var/run/mythtv/mythbackend.pid
[21:11] <rhpot1991_laptop> and when you changed to mythtv, you couldn't make a file in the mythexport folder?
[21:11] <rhpot1991_laptop> but you could as your user?
[21:11] <Tuv0k> right
[21:17] <Tuv0k> mythtv 127mythtv /home/mythtv /bin/bash
[21:19] <rhpot1991_laptop> you are positive you were pointing at the right mythexport folder and all?
[21:19] <rhpot1991_laptop> cause mythtv should be able to do whatever it wants in there if it owns it
[21:23] <Tuv0k> I know
[21:24] <Tuv0k> its able to create files in it's dirc
[21:24] <Tuv0k> but not the export dir
[21:25] <rhpot1991_laptop> well what you showed me said it was the owner of mythexport dir, so unless that wasn't the right dir
[21:25] <rhpot1991_laptop> I'd wonder if maybe its from that dir living within your other user's home dir
[21:26] <Tuv0k> the whole tree is mythtv's
[21:27] <rhpot1991_laptop> it shouldn't be that since mythtv can write to the other dirs in there
[21:27] <rhpot1991_laptop> go compare perms between all those folders I guess
[21:27] <Tuv0k> k
[21:36] <Tuv0k> I removed the dir
[21:36] <Tuv0k> and recreated it with mythtv user
[21:37] <Tuv0k> it can write into it now
[21:37] <Tuv0k> but my normal user can't even with 775?
[21:37] <Tuv0k> something is wrong?
[21:39] <rhpot1991_laptop> well it should be mythtv:mythtv
[21:39] <rhpot1991_laptop> where your notmal user is a member of the mythtv group
[21:39] <Tuv0k> right
[21:39] <Tuv0k> which it is
[21:40] <rhpot1991_laptop> your sure the dir is 775?
[21:40] <rhpot1991_laptop> and can your normal user write to any of the other dirs?
[21:40] <rhpot1991_laptop> I'm thinking maybe its not in the mythtv users group
[21:40] <Tuv0k> its in the group
[21:41] <Tuv0k> my bad
[21:41] <Tuv0k> the dir was 755
[21:41] <Tuv0k> not 775
[21:42] <rhpot1991_laptop> there we go
[21:43] <Tuv0k> everything should be set now
[21:43] <Tuv0k> now to run a job
[21:46] <Tuv0k> still reporting finished before it does anything
[21:50] <rhpot1991_laptop> ok do this, add debug to the end of your user job again
[21:50] <rhpot1991_laptop> and run the ffmpeg line till it complete
[21:50] <rhpot1991_laptop> makes sure it completes
[21:51] <rhpot1991_laptop> that could be failing for some reason
[21:51] <acemo> when u click on the icon saying install mythbuntu in the add to ubuntu menu, is it normal to get the text "Please Wait..." and the page appears not to do anything further?
[21:52] <acemo> am using kubuntu btw if that might matter
[21:57] <avon_> t
[21:59] <Tuv0k> rhpot1991_laptop, but when I ran it from cli the last time, it ran longer than the time it takes for the job to tell me its complete?
[22:03] <Tuv0k> mythtv user is running and encoding the nice ffmpeg line to the mythexport folder perfectly
[22:06] <avon_> need help troubleshooting mythtv ("Watch TV" on mythfrontend) on mythbuntu 7.10 standard installation (frontend + backend) w/ {wintv-hvr-1600 (using beta drivers), SchedulesDirect video source}. The beta drivers for the wintv-hvr-1600 seem to work flawlessly, for example, playing analog cabletv using "mplayer /dev/video0" and changing changes using "ivtv-tune"
[22:08] <darthanubis> File /GetPlaybackURL/UNABLE/TO/FIND/LOCAL/FILE/ON/amd/1045_20080405185400.mpg does not exist for chanid 1045 at Sat Apr 5 18:54:00 2008 when trying to delete recording.
[22:11] <presumptious85> is buying the PVR 500 aany good? considering the whole analog drama coming next year in north america
[22:20] <darthanubis> how can I stop mythweb from showing me the tv show to delete that is no longer there
[22:21] <darthanubis> I have repaired the database
[22:21] <darthanubis> restarted the backend
[22:21] <darthanubis> reconfigured the database/backend/mythweb
[22:22] <darthanubis> and the issue with nuvexport still remains :/
[22:22] <rhpot1991_laptop> darthanubis: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Myth.find_orphans.pl
[22:22] <rhpot1991_laptop> did the ffmpeg line ever finish?
[22:22] <darthanubis> sweet
[22:22] <darthanubis> no
[22:22] <darthanubis> I don't have a dual core yet:(
[22:22] <rhpot1991_laptop> see if it ever finishes
[22:23] <darthanubis> its doing a great job so far
[22:23] <acemo> when u click on the icon saying install mythbuntu in the add to ubuntu menu, is it normal to get the text "Please Wait..." and the page appears not to do anything further?
[22:28] <presumptious85> > is buying the PVR 500 any good? considering the whole analog drama coming next year in north america
[22:28] <darthanubis> thats up to you to make that call
[22:28] <darthanubis> no one can give you that answer
[22:29] <darthanubis> to do so would be presumptious
[22:29] <darthanubis> !common
[22:29] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about common - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[22:29] <darthanubis> !sense
[22:29] <ubotu> Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.
[22:29] <darthanubis> rhpot1991, where are the instructions for this?
[22:35] <presumptious85> lol
[22:35] <presumptious85> well i'm confused
[22:39] <presumptious85> i currently have a HVR1600 which is useless at the moment. I watch tv from an analog cable source. So i'm looking for another tv tuner for mythbuntu. I want to get the PVR500 but i'm confused about the notice on this website http://www.hauppauge.com/pages/products/data_pvr500mce.html
[22:40] <darthanubis> why not just get a tuner thats got both and be done with it?
[22:41] <darthanubis> analog/hd
[22:41] <darthanubis> problem solved
[22:41] <presumptious85> lol
[22:42] <presumptious85> if i can find a working tuner that does both
[22:42] <presumptious85> and thats quality too
[22:42] <acemo> 80 GB+ disk space (Backend Role)**
[22:42] <acemo> does this means root partition 80 GB or just the home?
[23:02] <avon_> need help troubleshooting mythtv ("Watch TV" on mythfrontend) on mythbuntu 7.10 standard installation (frontend + backend) w/ {wintv-hvr-1600 (using beta drivers), SchedulesDirect video source}. The beta drivers for the wintv-hvr-1600 seem to work flawlessly, for example, playing analog cabletv using "mplayer /dev/video0" and changing channels using "ivtv-tune". Right now, when "Watch TV" is selected, the following is output (
[23:02] <avon_> from mythfrontend): http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7705/ . Notice the "EntryToProgram(0@Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969) failed to get pginfo". I'm guessing the 1969 has something to do with it. any thoughts?
[23:04] <laga> avon_: you need to fix your clock
[23:05] <avon_> laga: how do I do that?
[23:07] <laga> i usually do "sudo ntpdate ntp1.ptb.de" to sync with a ntp server. but that might do annoying stuff because it has to jump a few years into the future :)
[23:07] <laga> avon_: is your clock correct?
[23:08] <avon_> the clock on mythbuntu's menubar (xfce4 menubar) seems to be correct - shows correct time for US Central
[23:08] <laga> avon_: is the year and the timezone setting correct?
[23:09] <avon_> laga: yes it shows Monday 21 April 2008
[23:09] <laga> hum
[23:10] <laga> ok, might be a different issue then
[23:10] <laga> you usually get these weird issues when the clock is off
[23:11] <avon_> laga: there is only one hwclock shared between mythtv and all other apps, correct?
[23:11] <laga> yes
[23:11] <laga> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=340964
[23:11] <laga> just found that
[23:11] <laga> maybe your database needs repairing?
[23:14] <presumptious85> avon_
[23:14] <presumptious85> did u get your HVR1600 to work?
[23:15] <avon_> presumptious85: with "mplayer /dev/video0", plays analogtv flawlessly, but not with mythfrontend
[23:15] <presumptious85> wow
[23:15] <presumptious85> nice
[23:15] <laga> you can always ask on the forums if nobody knows in here
[23:16] <avon_> i've posted mythbackend.log - seems like its having trouble writing to the LiveTV directory: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7711/plain/
[23:17] <darthanubis> rhpot1991, that video finished
[23:18] <laga> avon_: is that your only backend?
[23:18] <laga> Running as a slave backend.
[23:18] <presumptious85> avon_
[23:18] <presumptious85> are you able to use the remote also?
[23:18] <avon_> laga: that is my only backend, yes
[23:19] <avon_> laga: remote as in from another computer?
[23:19] <laga> avon_: you need to configure it as a master backend
[23:21] <presumptious85> the remote of the HVR1600 card
[23:22] <avon_> laga: I just did a "Standard" mythbuntu install which, from my understanding, installs a "Primary backend" and "Frontend" as seen in the "System Roles" Tab of the "Mythbuntu Control Centre" app
[23:22] <laga> avon_: in mythtv-setup, you didn't put in the correct IP addresses
[23:22] <avon_> presumptious85: not yet, but I read forums online where people have gotten it working...
[23:22] <presumptious85> ok
[23:23] <avon_> avon_: hmm... the ip address is the same machine (the one assigned by my router), what should it be set to?
[23:24] <avon_> laga: I'm running frontend and backend on same machine
[23:24] <laga> avon_: there are two fields
[23:24] <laga> okay, i've got to run now
[23:24] <laga> g'night
[23:25] <avon_> laga: thx
[23:56] <avon_> the directory that the "LiveTV" records to - what owner/permissions should it have? currently, I've set owner to mythtv:mythtv drwxr-xr-x.