UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /21 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:15] <mrooney> hmm what about bug #220037, that isn't a bug is it, has everything just transitioned to sda?
[00:15] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 220037 in ubuntu "ata harddrives are listed as scis sda" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220037
[00:16] <Nafallo> it is not a bug indeed.
[00:17] <mrooney> I did some googling but couldn't find anything explaining authoritatively what happened
[00:17] <mrooney> all all hard drives sda?
[00:19] <Nafallo> no, but we're getting there.
[00:19] <mrooney> oh, are there any blog posts or anything. you say "getting there", so is there somewhere explaining why the transition is taking place, that I can use
[00:21] <Nafallo> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks
[00:22] <Nafallo> also, http://linux-ata.org/faq.html
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[01:17] <bdmurray> calc: pong
[01:19] <calc> bdmurray: bug 218793 can you see it?
[01:19] <ubotu> Bug 218793 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/218793 is private
[01:20] <bdmurray> calc: nope, why?
[01:21] <calc> its supposedly a OOo bug but its hidden from me still
[01:36] <jarlath> In hardy, is migration-assistant a part of ubiquity or debian-installer? packages.ubuntu.com only references gutsy and says it's in debian-installer.
[01:43] <bdmurray> jarlath: you only seen m-a in ubiquity not in debian-installer.
[01:44] <jarlath> bdmurray: Thanks.
[01:44] <bdmurray> no problem
[03:15] <mroone1> oh me oh my, that was the fourth or fifth hard lock-up in three days, with Hardy
[03:15] <mroone1> I have never had this before, I have no clue what to do about it :[
[03:15] <mroone1> how do you debug something like that?
[03:16] <RAOF> Check the system logs, see if anything stands out?
[03:17] <RAOF> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSystemCrash may also help.
[04:11] <DShepherd> hello everyone
[04:12] <DShepherd> can someone help find someone that can fix bug 48180
[04:12] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 48180 in control-center "System -> Prefernces -> About Me does not work" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48180
[04:12] <DShepherd> ?
[04:19] <bdmurray> DShepherd: does not work with which release?
[04:19] <DShepherd> i know it doesnt work for gutsy.
[04:19] <DShepherd> bdmurray, do you have hardy?
[04:20] <bdmurray> DShepherd: why yes I do
[04:20] <DShepherd> bdmurray, do you have this problem also>
[04:20] <DShepherd> ?
[04:20] <DShepherd> in hardy of course
[04:20] <bdmurray> I'm still reading but I can input data w/o any problems
[04:21] <DShepherd> bdmurray, the title is a bit misleading..
[04:21] <bdmurray> You could change it then
[04:21] <DShepherd> if you save an email address in work and close it.. it comes up in home when you reopen it
[04:21] <DShepherd> bdmurray, how do you I go about changing the title?
[04:22] <bdmurray> click the pencil by "Bug description"
[04:22] <DShepherd> bdmurray, should i open another bug and mark this one as a duplicate?
[04:22] <DShepherd> bdmurray, indeed...
[04:24] <bdmurray> I think I can confirm the e-mail addresses being transposed
[04:24] <DShepherd> bdmurray, so... do you have this problem too?
[04:24] <DShepherd> o
[04:25] <DShepherd> in hardy too bdmurray ?
[04:25] <bdmurray> I'm double checking with a different account / system
[04:25] <DShepherd> bdmurray, ok. i will do the same
[04:28] <DShepherd> bdmurray, it seems to be a problem for another account i have on this system
[04:33] <bdmurray> DShepherd: I put the package version I tested with, but I think the package is wrong
[04:33] <bdmurray> nope, by bad the package name is right
[04:33] <DShepherd> ok
[04:34] <bdmurray> The only bug I observed was the work and home e-mail addresses being transposed
[04:34] <DShepherd> bdmurray, well.. here's another....
[04:34] <DShepherd> bdmurray, after entering information and clicking the close button all inputted info seems not to be saved.
[04:34] <DShepherd> bdmurray, is that the same for you?
[04:35] <bdmurray> no, that is not the case on Hardy
[04:36] <DShepherd> bdmurray, ... well in gutsy no matter what change you make and then you click the Close Button at the bottom right of the dialog. the information is not saved
[04:37] <DShepherd> bdmurray, you say that this is not in hardy?
[04:37] <bdmurray> That is correct, that bug does not exist in Hardy.
[04:37] <DShepherd> bdmurray, what version gnome is hardy runng?
[04:37] <bdmurray> I put the package version in the bug
[04:37] <DShepherd> bdmurray, ok
[04:39] <DShepherd> bdmurray, ok. I am currently talking to ivazquez in #gnome or gimp.net. I want to check to see if this is an bug is upstream too
[04:39] <DShepherd> bdmurray, do you know ivazquez?
[04:40] <bdmurray> no I do not
[04:40] <DShepherd> bdmurray, ok
[04:43] <DShepherd> bdmurray, do you know what i can do to kinda push this bug to be fixed?
[04:44] <bdmurray> forward it upstream for Ubuntu 8.10, for 8.04 it depends
[04:45] <DShepherd> bdmurray, by the way, does your help button do anything?
[04:46] <bdmurray> Help where?
[04:47] <DShepherd> bdmurray, on the about me dialog. does the help button do anything?
[04:47] <bdmurray> there is no help button anymore it seems
[04:47] <DShepherd> bdmurray, oh ok
[04:51] <DShepherd> bdmurray, how do i go about forwarding it upstream. Excuse my ignorance. I am quite new to this part
[04:53] <bdmurray> DShepherd: We have some documentation on that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream/GNOME
[04:54] <DShepherd> bdmurray, thanks for your patience and your time. I will give that a read
[04:54] <bdmurray> no problem I'll be a around for another 30 minutes or so if you have any more questions
[05:06] <DShepherd> is bug 182356 some sort of duplicate bdmurray ?
[05:07] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 182356 in gnome-control-center "The gnome-about-me application erases information on reboot." [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182356
[05:11] <JohnPhys> kees: Did you ever get a chance to look at Bug #195052 ?
[05:11] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 195052 in inkscape "Latex formula does not work on Ubuntu Hardy" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195052
[05:11] <bdmurray> DShepherd: I think it might be a different issue
[05:12] <DShepherd> bdmurray, ok
[05:12] <bdmurray> I haven't tried rebooting and can't very easily
[05:12] <bdmurray> While the other one should be about transposing the e-mail addresses
[05:12] <techno_freak> bdmurray, i feel that bug is valid in hardy, i remember filling up personal details and everything is gone now
[05:13] <DShepherd> bdmurray, yeah. its a weird bug. I just tried switching tabs before i close the about me dialog after putting an email address in home. On reopen both home and work have the same email address
[05:16] <bdmurray> techno_freak: okay, it would be best to test it with a specific package version and add that to the bug
[05:16] <techno_freak> bdmurray, ok
[05:17] <bdmurray> Uh, I mean test it and the package version to make it more complete
[05:22] <DShepherd> bdmurray, i have filed a bug upstream but it has not been 'approved' should I wait until its confirmed before I make a note on launchpad?
[05:22] <techno_freak> rebooted, all details seems to be intact as it was :)
[05:23] <DShepherd> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=529147
[05:23] <ubotu> Gnome bug 529147 in about-me "The home address in the About Me dialog overrides the Work Address" [Normal,Unconfirmed]
[05:25] <bdmurray> DShepherd: no, you should create a bug watch in Launchpad now that will point to the upstream bug report see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Watches for details
[05:26] <DShepherd> bdmurray, ok
[05:26] <bdmurray> I'm updating that Gnome page I pointed you to to reflect that
[05:27] <DShepherd> bdmurray, ok
[05:28] <DShepherd> bdmurray, wow, can launchpad grow fruits and vegetables too?
[05:29] <bdmurray> No, that would feed the bugs. ;)
[05:30] <DShepherd> ;-)
[05:31] <DShepherd> bdmurray, that's if for now?
[05:31] <DShepherd> it*
[05:31] <DShepherd> bdmurray, anything else i need to do?
[05:32] <bdmurray> I think updating the title would be helpful
[05:33] <bdmurray> techno_freak: okay, we could close that bug as Fix Released since it is fixed in Hardy
[05:33] <techno_freak> bdmurray, ok :)
[05:36] <techno_freak> done
[05:36] <bdmurray> I'm heading out, thanks for helping out techno_freak and DShepherd
[05:36] <DShepherd> bdmurray, thanks for the help too
[05:36] <techno_freak> ciao bdmurray
[05:36] <DShepherd> bug 48180
[05:36] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 48180 in control-center "The home address in the About Me dialog overrides the Work Address" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48180
[05:36] <bdmurray> great!
[05:37] <DShepherd> should i say something nice..
[05:37] <DShepherd> ? :-)
[05:38] <DShepherd> like i changed your title and description?
[05:38] <DShepherd> or.. the bug has been reported upstream?
[05:38] <DShepherd> bdmurray, sorry if I am keeping you..
[05:41] <DShepherd> anyways.. I am out. I'll try and drop by sometime tomorrow
[05:42] <techno_freak> ciao DShepherd
[05:42] <DShepherd> techno_freak, take care
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[09:31] <jfcgauss_> greetings. i have xubuntu 7.10 amd64 desktop on a dell core2 laptop. i have postgresql-{,client-,doc-,server-dev-}8.2 installed, and nothing else from any other version of PG. pg_config reports incorrect results that belong to v8.3 instead of v8.2. thx...
[09:46] <techno_freak> what he did? :s
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[15:21] <RochJer> Hello - I wanted to know if I can report one simple bug in here
[15:33] <jarlath> I don't know what package to assign this bug. The bug is the lack of installed help for users and groups in xubuntu.
[15:33] <jarlath> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/220255
[15:33] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 220255 in ubuntu "no help for xubuntu "users and groups"" [Undecided,New]
[15:34] <jarlath> Even if I knew the package, the bug is that it's not included as opposed to the package itself so can anyone tell me what to assign it to?
[15:36] <pedro_> xubuntu-system-tools maybe?
[15:37] <pedro_> works fine with gnome-system-tools on hardy though
[15:37] <seb128> they use gnome-system-tools directly nowadays no?
[15:37] <seb128> pedro_: they might not have yelp installed though
[15:37] <pedro_> right
[15:40] <jarlath> I could just assign it to xfce4 and let those guys decide where to go with it?
[15:42] <mr_pouit> xubuntu-meta seems to be a better idea
[15:44] <jarlath> Ah, very good.
[16:43] <afflux> morning :)
[16:43] <pedro_> re :-P
[16:44] <Iulian> Oups, this is the right channel.
[16:45] <bdmurray> hello all
[16:45] <afflux> hey bdmurray
[16:46] <Iulian> Hi bdmurray
[16:46] <pedro_> morning bdmurray!
[16:46] * afflux wonders whether ubuntu release is an excuse for getting some free days from school: we probably have lots of bugs to triage :)
[16:47] <bdmurray> afflux: I'll sign something for you!
[16:47] <afflux> thanks! I'll tell my teacher. He uses linux on the school machines btw., but it's suse 10.1 :(
[16:47] <bdmurray> Now, really is a critical time though. We have lots of bugs coming in and need to identify the most important ones.
[16:50] <afflux> yeah right. though I've the impression that we got far more reports after alpha releases than after the RC
[16:54] <bdmurray> I'm checking the graphs, that's weird.
[16:54] <afflux> yes, it's really only an impression I had, I didn't check any numbers ;)
[16:55] <bdmurray> you might be right, I'm not certain how to interpret it though
[16:56] <afflux> I think either all major problems are known or they even have been fixed :)
[16:56] <bdmurray> I hope so!
[17:29] <james_w> Hi all.
[17:29] <james_w> Can anyone reproduce https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aalib/+bug/218868 ?
[17:29] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 218868 in aalib "libaa1-dev uninstallable; causes FTBFS in other packages" [Critical,New]
[17:30] <bdmurray> james_w: I'm checking
[17:31] <james_w> thanks
[17:32] <hggdh> james_w: so am I :-)
[17:33] <hggdh> james_w: successfully installed libaa1-dev. Hardy, AMD64
[17:33] <james_w> thanks for testing
[17:33] <bdmurray> I was able to install it too, is that really the bug though?
[17:36] <hggdh> it does seem to be the issue. The autotest log shows the failure
[17:36] <james_w> maybe this has been fixed by something else then.
[17:36] <hggdh> and on an amd64...
[17:36] <afflux> huh. bug 220298
[17:36] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 220298 in ubuntu "/usr/bin/X11 is a reference to ." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220298
[17:37] <james_w> heh
[17:37] <hggdh> now, I looked up my aalib.info, and it seems correct (i.e., without the space in front of the '* AA-lib' entry
[17:38] <afflux> can confirm the X11 thing, but I think this is quite... weird :) /usr/bin/X11: symbolic link to `.'
[17:38] <james_w> afflux: it's intentional
[17:39] <afflux> oh. Right, just found that in NEWS.Debian
[17:52] <thekorn> hello all!
[17:52] <bdmurray> thekorn: hello
[17:53] <thekorn> hi bdmurray
[17:57] <thekorn> is there a list of all known bugs in the RC of the different flavours somewhere?
[18:06] <stgraber> thekorn: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/report
[18:06] <stgraber> thekorn: that'll be hidden tomorrow when the first final candidates will be released though
[18:06] <stgraber> thekorn: We don't have a way to access our archives yet :(
[18:07] <thekorn> stgraber, WOW, that's exactly what I was looking for, much better than the views in launchpad
[18:07] <bdmurray> thekorn: its nice having the counts there too
[18:07] * thekorn hugs stgraber
[18:08] <bdmurray> It's also possible to look for bugs tagged iso-testing
[18:08] <syke> hi
[18:08] <thekorn> my first idea was to look here: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+bugs
[18:09] <syke> I think I've figured out why flash apps lock up on my laptop
[18:09] <bdmurray> right, those are bugs with approved nominations which isn't as useful I think
[18:09] <thekorn> but it's defenetly not well structured
[18:09] <syke> it has nothing to do with the nth song playing on pandora
[18:09] <bdmurray> the qatracker ones may not yet be nominated and approved for Hardy
[18:09] <syke> it's when there's a powersave mode change
[18:11] <syke> I have my policy set to powersave
[18:11] <syke> when the screen blanks after x number of minutes, pandora stops playing
[18:11] <syke> and the browser screen where the flash control is goes blank
[18:13] <syke> can someone try to reproduce?
[18:14] <syke> this is on amd64, kubuntu
[18:14] <syke> hp pavilion laptop
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[18:44] <syke> I entered my bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/220317
[18:44] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 220317 in ubuntu "flash hangs when screen blanks on laptop with hardy" [Undecided,New]
[18:45] <syke> if there's any info I can/should add to help debug, let me know
[18:46] <bdmurray> syke: it isn't clear to me what to set in gnome-power-manager to test this
[18:47] <syke> bdmurray: I'm using kubuntu, so it's kpowermanager here
[18:47] <syke> but I right-click, policy->powersave
[18:51] <syke> bdmurray: find it?
[18:53] <ogra> bdmurray, g-p-m doesnt allow to set the cpufreq governor deliberately, you wont find options like powersave/ondemand/performance there
[18:55] <ogra> we default to ondemand for everything because powersave forces the lowest speed the cpu offers (in my case 133MHz for example which will likely break sound playback as the CPU cant handle the sampling rate)
[18:56] <ogra> (see /etc/init.d/powernowd)
[18:58] <ogra> the bug here is that kpowersave allows you to select such a mode
[18:59] <ogra> s/kpowersave/kpowermanager/
[19:00] <bdmurray> ogra: thanks for that information, that's really useful!
[19:02] <syke> ogra: dynamic also triggers the issue here
[19:02] <syke> for me, "powersave" is 800mhz
[19:03] <ogra> lucky you :)
[19:03] <ogra> syke, for many people its not ... thats why we use ondemand by default :)
[19:03] <syke> you could probably still test
[19:04] <ogra> i dont have kubuntu available here
[19:04] <syke> dynamic == ondemand
[19:04] <syke> I don't think it's a kubuntu issue
[19:04] <ogra> well, ubuntu doesnt offer any UI element to do what you do there
[19:05] <ogra> it might technically be an issue, but ubuntu users wont experience it
[19:08] * syke sighs
[19:08] <syke> if it defaults to ondemand
[19:08] <syke> as you say
[19:08] <syke> then, likely they will
[19:08] <syke> since the issue occurs in that mode as well
[19:08] <syke> sorry if I wasn't making that clear
[19:15] <osmosis> the icon for xchat-gnome is broken after first installing, but is fine after a reboot.
[19:15] <osmosis> it was this way in gutsy, and appears the same in hardy.
[19:18] <syke> so...
[19:18] <syke> is there anything else I need to add to this bug?
[19:19] <syke> should I contact my canonical support rep to try and get some attention?
[19:22] <bdmurray> syke: I'm still not clear on how to recreate it in Ubuntu but I set laptop lid is closed to "Blank screen" and am listening to music from pandora.com with the lid closed
[19:22] <syke> yea, the lid itself doesn't do it for me either
[19:28] <syke> can you try setting the powersave mode?
[19:30] <ogra> syke, you said it is occuring during mode switching only
[19:31] <syke> seeminglu
[19:31] <ogra> there is no way to switch modes in ubuntu
[19:31] <syke> er
[19:31] <syke> I don't mean when manually switching the policy
[19:31] <ogra> unless you use the commandline and know what to do
[19:31] <syke> I mean when the CPU/input has been idle, and the CPU and display power down further
[19:32] <ogra> they wont in ondemand
[19:32] <syke> ACPI modes, or whatever they are called these days
[19:32] <syke> actually
[19:32] <syke> they will in ondemand
[19:32] <ogra> ondemand will always give as much CPU as needed
[19:32] <syke> I have this problem with either policy
[19:32] <syke> exactly
[19:32] <syke> it switches modes to do that
[19:32] <ogra> the thing is that you say it only occurs when you swith modes
[19:32] <ogra> which doesnt happen in ubuntu
[19:33] <syke> I think you are confusing the powermanager/cpufreq policy
[19:33] <ogra> it doesnt switch from ondemand to anything ese ever
[19:33] <syke> and the actual changing of power modes in the hardware
[19:33] <ogra> *else
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[20:12] <Arby> mvo_: I've been looking at bug 216907 some more, got time to discuss?
[20:12] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 216907 in update-manager "update-manager does not accept debian proxies" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/216907
[20:15] <mvo_> Arby: yes
[20:16] <Arby> mvo_: I set up apt-proxy and then tried running update-manager -d in a VM pointing at the proxy
[20:16] <Arby> having removed all none proxy lines from sources.list
[20:16] <Arby> as you suggested in the bug report
[20:17] <mvo_> ok - what happens then?
[20:17] <Arby> u-m still disables the proxy repos
[20:17] <Arby> and inserts it's own
[20:17] <mvo_> Arby: could you please put your /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log online? I would like to have a look (or sent it to me by mail)?
[20:18] <Arby> sure, I'll have to re-run the test first, should have saved that log file, oops :)
[20:18] <Arby> back in a few minutes
[20:18] <mvo_> ok
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[20:31] <Arby> mvo_: main.log http://paste.stgraber.org/2676
[20:31] <Arby> I think my proxy might be messed up
[20:32] <Arby> but I don't know why
[20:33] <Arby> I have no experience with apt-proxy until now
[20:33] <mvo_> Arby: yeah, that is actually a feature you see here :) if no package source that works can be found it will add one for oyu
[20:34] <Arby> mvo_: ok, so I need to work out what's up with the proxy
[20:34] <mvo_> yes
[20:34] <Arby> I can ssh between the two machines so connectivity is there.
[20:34] <Arby> OK I think I'll start over
[20:52] <Arby> mvo_: would you mind looking at my apt-proxy config file http://pastebin.com/f3f7780b4
[20:53] <Arby> I'm getting errors about 'no suitable backend found'
[20:53] <Arby> when running apt-proxy-import
[20:53] <Arby> and I can't work out why
[21:01] <mvo_> Arby: what does your sources.list look like? apt-proxy expectes something like deb http://server:9999/ubuntu I think
[21:02] <mvo_> Arby: hm, did you try (just for the fun of it) to remove the trailing "/" from your ubuntu/ source entry?
[21:03] <Arby> no but I can do
[21:03] <Arby> mvo_: I'm at the step before that working from this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy#head-be0e5f3cd615e9100d4bd6d75dc57d2b19d2919a
[21:03] <Arby> trying to import from main apt cache to apt-proxy cache
[21:04] <Arby> I've just found a bug report saying this is broken
[21:04] <Arby> and likely to remain so
[21:04] <Arby> but having read the report I don't think this function is critical
[21:04] <Arby> so I'll bypass that step and see what happens
[21:05] <mvo_> Arby: please try without the "/" after ubuntu
[21:05] <Arby> OK I will
[21:26] <Arby> mvo_: all seems to be working now with trailing '/' removed
[21:27] <Arby> I get a dialogue saying 'No Valid Mirror found. Would you like to proceed. Clicking yes will change all gutsy to hardy'
[21:27] <Arby> or words to that effect but a bit more verbose
[21:29] <Arby> mvo_: would u-m be expected to work if the machine running the proxy had no internet access and only a dvd as a repo
[21:34] <mvo_> Arby: sort of, it would hang for a long time at startup though because it tries to connect to the net
[21:35] <Arby> I'm just thinking that the reporter on 216907 implied that none of the machines had access to the outside world
[21:35] <Arby> comment 3 just after your first comment
[21:36] <Arby> and I was wondering what the solution is there
[21:38] <Arby> mvo_: do you have any plans to teach u-m to test for an available network and behave accordingly in the future?
[21:38] <Arby> it's something that comes up often in the bug reports
[21:39] <mvo_> Arby: I have a pending upload that shorten the timeout considerable (from 120s to 20s) - this should improve it a lot
[21:39] <mvo_> Arby: its not ideal currently but there is no reliable way to tell is there is a network currently (hopefully network-manager will provide one in the future)
[21:39] <mvo_> but its definitely something that should get fixed
[21:40] <Arby> mvo_: ok, I might test a dvd-via-proxy update tomorrow
[21:40] <Arby> it's a bit of a corner case but 216907 implies it does happen
[21:41] * mvo_ nods
[21:43] <Arby> mvo_: last question I promise :) , is deb file://path/to/dvd.iso a valid entry in sources.list? just to save dvd's
[21:44] <mvo_> Arby: most likely not, you could mount the iso there (using -o loop) I guess, but there is apt-cdrom add for this :)
[21:45] <Arby> fair enough
[23:08] <bdmurray> james_w: ping
[23:09] <james_w> hi bdmurray
[23:09] <bdmurray> I used 'bzr revert -r 87' and then want to get back up to date is 'bzr revert -r 88' the right way to do that?
[23:10] <james_w> I think so
[23:10] <james_w> plain "bzr revert" should do it as well I think
[23:11] <bdmurray> I tried a 'bzr pull' and that didn't work which makes sense but isn't intuitive to me at least
[23:18] <kees> james_w: "bzr revert" alone will bring you all the way back to "now"
[23:18] <kees> (I do this for generating CVE stats)
[23:19] <james_w> thanks kees
[23:32] <blueyed> kees, james_w: be careful, it deletes files that have been added (or rather backs them up as "*~X~", but symlinks get removed)
[23:42] <bdmurray> james_w: I'm looking at bug 219209 and I'm not certain that is supposed to work. Did it ever?
[23:42] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 219209 in oem-config "United States keymap suggested for United Kingdom" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219209
[23:44] <secretlondon> the one in debian installer *has* marked for uk keyboards
[23:44] <secretlondon> although it didn't in previous releases
[23:44] <secretlondon> -marked +worked
[23:44] <secretlondon> it asks you for the position of @ and " I think
[23:45] <bdmurray> james_w's bug is really about ubiquity I think since that is what comes about after running oem-config-prepare
[23:46] <secretlondon> ah okay, I thought oem was done on the alt cd
[23:48] <bdmurray> Hmm, that's interesting I think it changed
[23:50] <bdmurray> No matter what I pick it defaults to a US layout