UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /21 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <poseidon> oldmanemu, I'm dualbooting xp and kubuntu. I'm using the same reutor and usb wireless adapter right now in xp
[00:00] <szakulec_> I'm sure I'm missing something but Strigi is a slow unresponsive slug on my machine
[00:03] <oldmanemu> poseidon: I have the same setup, and I get less signal on kubuntu than i do in windows
[00:04] <oldmanemu> poseidon: not sure why!
[00:06] <DarkShinigami> Is there a way to grant an IRC user access to only one server/channel and can only PM admins?
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
[00:10] <julie> hi I donl;t have ./kde/config
[00:10] <julie> any ideas
[00:11] <julie> where is my kde conjfig
[00:11] <julie> I can#'t find
[00:11] <julie> it
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[00:12] <Signil> hi.. my acrer orbicam isn't detected! pls help
[00:13] <julie> isn't there anyone to help me fix this problem
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
[00:13] <julie> I need to change the lang back to englihs
[00:13] <julie> damn
[00:13] <julie> I have spent hours
[00:14] <julie> kubuntu sucks
[00:14] <INIT_6> no it doesn't
[00:14] <INIT_6> Resolved an issue I was having. Thought I would share the result.
[00:15] <INIT_6> When trying to setup video. I had all the drivers installed but for some reason couldn't get my resolution past 640x480
[00:15] <DarkShinigami> julie: First, it's ~/.kde
[00:15] <INIT_6> it's because it was going through a KVM switch and giving the wrong info to kubuntu
[00:15] <julie> okay
[00:16] <julie> where is the config file
[00:16] <DarkShinigami> Look through your directory
[00:16] <INIT_6> pluged right into the mointer everything worked like a charm. just thought I would share.
[00:16] <kurumin_> oi
[00:17] <DarkShinigami> INIT_6: Weird. I'm on a KVM and I don't have any resolution issues.
[00:17] <Stepa1> i need help enabling the Monkey Audio (ape) plugin in K3b
[00:18] <Stepa1> I used the instructions on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=380394 and got no errors, but it still does not work
[00:18] <INIT_6> Dark, You might have a better KVM switch
[00:18] <julie> what do i do
[00:19] <julie> shoudl there be a kde config file out there?
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[00:21] <INIT_6> DarkShinigami: I also understand my issue wasn't a problem with kubuntu or anything like that it was a end user run time issue
[00:21] <Stepa1> can anyone help me with K3b
[00:21] <julie> should there be a kde config file in /.kde
[00:23] <Stepa1> I Need Help With K3b
[00:23] <tiberius1701> hey i just install the compiz stuff the compiz kde and the compiz manager, but cant get the desktop effects to work???
[00:24] <szakulec_> Stepa1: what do you need?
[00:25] <Stepa1> szakulec_: I am trying to get the Monkey Audio plugin to work
[00:25] <julie> what can I do?
[00:25] <Stepa1> I followed the instructions on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=380394
[00:25] <Stepa1> got no errors, but i still dont see the plugin listed
[00:26] <julie> help help
[00:26] <julie> help
[00:26] <julie> help
[00:26] <szakulec_> so when you go to the menu, the plugin isn't listed?
[00:26] <Stepa1> szakulec_: thats corrent
[00:31] <Stepa1> szakulec_: any ideas?
[00:31] <szakulec_> if you give me a few minutes, I can try to install it here, and tell you if it worked
[00:31] <Stepa1> szakulec_: sure, thanks a lot
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[00:37] <klobster> so what's up with this remix thing? This doesn't jive with the realease guidelines as I am familiar with them. Are we forking? Does this have something to do with the LTS release schedule?
[00:37] <Odd-rationale> klobster: kubuntu won't be lts this release
[00:38] <klobster> so why the fork?
[00:38] <tiberius1701> hi i running gutsy, and you know where you enable desktop effect and it says like normal and extra, well my kubuntu does not have the option to enable desktop effects, where is it?
[00:38] <Odd-rationale> you have a choice between rock solid kde 3.5.9 or community supported bleading edge kde4
[00:39] <tiberius1701> so your saying i dont have kde 3.5.9
[00:39] <ISS_Student> By default 3.5.9 is installed
[00:39] <Odd-rationale> tiberius1701: not on gutsy.
[00:40] <SlimeyPete> tiberius1701: I don't think it's anywhere. I don't have kubuntu to hand at the moment but I don't think the desktop effects stuff is available by default.
[00:40] <ISS_Student> On Hardy Heron you have to choose to install KDE 4 after the install
[00:40] <SlimeyPete> compiz and kde don't always work well together
[00:40] <SlimeyPete> but...
[00:40] <SlimeyPete> !compiz
[00:40] <ubotu> Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[00:41] <tiberius1701> cool
[00:41] <dom> has anyone managed to get the rtl8180 chipset to work with wpa?
[00:41] <SlimeyPete> I ran compiz on kubuntu for a while - it worked OK but I lost window decorations
[00:41] <SlimeyPete> which didn't bother me but would annoy most people
[00:41] <ISS_Student> I like Hardy Heron so far but I'm still kind of mixed on feelings about KDE4 I like some aspects but can't stand others
[00:42] <klobster> thats silliness, I had the option to install kde 4 in gutsy, why make a prepakage?
[00:46] <Niklas> hi
[00:46] <szakulec_> Stepa1: it's compiling now, so hopefully I'll have an answer for you
[00:46] <Niklas> is 8.04 still scheduled for april 24?
[00:46] <Odd-rationale> Niklas: so far!
[00:46] <PhilTrunk> ISS_Student: I suspect that once kde 4 gets all the customizability we're used to from 3.5, we'll all be able to love it again
[00:46] <Niklas> all righty
[00:47] <ISS_Student> Phil You're probably right I am liking it more as I use it. It took forever to get knetworkmanager to work for me
[00:47] <ISS_Student> The best part of Hardy for me is they got the realtek sound to work
[00:48] <DarkShinigami> Is there a way to grant an IRC user access to only one server/channel and can only PM admins?
[00:48] <PhilTrunk> ISS_Student: do you mean kde 4 knetworkmanager? is it better than the one in kde 3? I didn't find the kde 3 version useful at all
[00:48] <Niklas> DarkShinigami: give him a customized client
[00:48] <Stepa1> szakulec_: okay, thanks a lot
[00:49] <DarkShinigami> Niklas: How so? I am thinking the settings are app-related.
[00:49] <ISS_Student> Phil I didn't know there was a kde4 knetworkmanager I was refering to the one on the taskbar
[00:49] <PhilTrunk> ISS_Student: ok, the kde3 one then, I guess
[00:50] <Niklas> DarkShinigami: give him a restricted irc client
[00:50] <Jucato> DarkShinigami: you would need to own the IRC server, and create a new IRC app.
[00:50] <latitu> where can i see alternative apps of windows? what is the alternative of ms frontpage in linux?
[00:50] <DarkShinigami> Hey there, Jucato
[00:51] <Jucato> !alternatives | latitu
[00:51] <ubotu> latitu: To change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.
[00:51] <DarkShinigami> There isn't a current method for limiting the channel/server on the client side (app)?
[00:51] <Jucato> er. sorry
[00:51] <Niklas> latitu: amaya
[00:51] <Jucato> latitu: kompozer, quanta, to name 2
[00:51] <Jucato> DarkShinigami: nope
[00:51] <szakulec_> Stepa1: I got it to show up in the plugins window
[00:51] <DarkShinigami> Back to the drawing board. Thanks Niklas and Jucato
[00:52] <Stepa1> szakulec_: hmm, do you think it might be because I am using Ubuntu and not Kubuntu
[00:52] <ISS_Student> Is there a appthat allows me to play m4a files from itunes?
[00:52] <latitu> Niklas Jucato thx . any web where a list i can see for others?
[00:52] <szakulec_> Stepa1: the only change I made was to grab the plugin from k3b.org instead of the kde-apps page
[00:53] <Jucato> !equivalent | latitu
[00:53] <ubotu> latitu: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant
[00:53] <szakulec_> latitu: try http://www.osalt.com/
[00:53] <latitu> thx
[00:54] <Jucato> latitu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeSoftwareAlternatives and KDE-oriented: http://docs.kde.org/kde3/en/kdebase/userguide/migrator-applications.html
[00:54] <klobster> DarkShinigami: look into java web-based irc clients. They have the customiazation you are looking for.
[00:54] <Stepa1> szakulec_: What is the link on the k3b.org site
[00:54] <szakulec_> ISS_Student: these aren't from the iTunes store are they?
[00:54] <DarkShinigami> klobster: Thanks. Will do
[00:54] <ISS_Student> szakulec it's my itunes library some purchased and some ripped
[00:55] <szakulec_> Stepa1: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/k3b/k3bmonkeyaudioplugin-3.1.tar.bz2
[00:56] <Stepa1> szakulec_: let me try that one out
[00:57] <spiroo> How do I upgrade to 8.04 RC without the dist-upgrade-devel command which not is working for me.
[00:57] <spiroo> I got this "error": "python: can't open file '/tmp/kde-spiroo/adept_managerXwytgb.tmp-extract/dist-upgrade.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory"
[00:59] <Jucato> spiroo: #ubuntu+1 please
[01:00] <spiroo> why not here? :P
[01:00] <Jucato> because this is not yet the channel for Hardy questions
[01:00] <spiroo> okay, sorry
[01:00] <Stepa1> szakulec_: still does not work
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
[01:04] <yao_ziyuan> how do i change root's kde theme settings?
[01:05] <Jucato> "kdesu systemsettings"
[01:05] <Jucato> and change the theme from there
[01:06] <latitu> whats difference b/w WYSIWYG html editor and html editor ?
[01:06] <genii> WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get
[01:08] <Jucato> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wysiwyg
[01:09] <latitu> hm
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[01:11] <jhutchins> Usually the code created by a WYSIWYG html editor is amazingly bloated crap full of empty definitions.
[01:11] <jhutchins> The code created by a decent html editor may be crap, but that's due to the operator.
[01:12] <jhutchins> A good editor will provide easy mark-up functions, intelligent tag completion, things like that. Quanta's not bad.
[01:13] <jhutchins> I've tried to take code created by MS HTML editors, WordPerfect, and Apple stuff and clean it up - it was easier to view it in a browser, copy the text, paste it as plain text and mark it up manually.
[01:18] * genii hands out a round of coffees
[01:18] <LimCore> jhutchins indeed
=== mwilliams is now known as linuxguymarshall
[01:35] <linuxguymarshall> Where are the icons for programs located?
[01:36] <Odd-rationale> linuxguymarshall: try /usr/share/icons or /usr/share/pixmaps
[01:36] <linuxguymarshall> OK
[01:36] <Dr_willis> locate .png can find a lot of other icons laying about also. :)
[01:36] <Dr_willis> or was it 'locate png'
[01:42] <linuxguymarshall> How can I access my file manager with root access?
[01:42] <loki_> how do i enable the desktop effects in the latest RC of kubuntu with kde4
[01:42] <PhilTrunk> linuxguymarshall: kdesudo konqueror
[01:42] <PhilTrunk> I think
[01:43] <linuxguymarshall> PhilTrunk: That did not work. I also tried sudo dolphin
[01:43] <Jucato> "kdesu konqueror" would do
[01:43] <Jucato> loki_: #kubuntu-kde4 please
[01:45] <loki_> ?
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[01:45] <PhilTrunk> Jucato: ah, cool - what's the difference?
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[01:46] <Jucato> PhilTrunk: kdesudo is a version of kdesu that works specifically with and like sudo (kdesu originally was just for su, except it was later modified to include very rough support for sudo)
[01:47] <PhilTrunk> Jucato: gutsy has kdesudo as default, right?
[01:47] <Jucato> kdesudo started to become available in gutsy only. when it is installed, kdesu links to kdesudo, so that kdesu actually calls kdesudo. that's why I personally recommend just using kdesu instead
[01:47] <PhilTrunk> ah!
[01:47] <PhilTrunk> good knowledge :-)
[01:47] <Jucato> so that whether or not kdesudo is installed, you'll be able to get admin access one way or another :)
[01:47] * PhilTrunk needs to walk home before it gets too dark - bbiab
[01:47] <Jucato> take care!! :)
[01:47] <Jucato> (Doc)
=== enzo is now known as DarkShinigami
[01:50] <linuxguymarshall> Whyen I close Dolphin I get this error : Unable to save bookmarks in /home/mwilliams/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml. Reported error was: Permission denied. This error message will only be shown once. The cause of the error needs to be fixed as quickly as possible, which is most likely a full hard drive.
[01:50] <linuxguymarshall> Any ideas? I have 50+ GB on my HDD
[01:50] <Dr_willis> linuxguymarshall, you ran the file manager as root at sime time in the past. thus making that file owned by root and not the normal user.
[01:50] <Dr_willis> delete that file - is one fix.. OR change its ownership/permissions
[01:50] <linuxguymarshall> Dr_willis:Can this be fixed?
[01:51] <Dr_willis> this is linux.. of COURSE it canbe fixed. :)
[01:51] <linuxguymarshall> Dr_willis:lol. Thanks
[01:51] <Dr_willis> sudo rm /home/mwilliams/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml
[01:51] <Dr_willis> is one way
[01:51] <Dr_willis> One of the many reasons i always suggest to NOT ever run the filemanagers as root. :)
[01:52] <linuxguymarshall> Thanks. I will keep that in mind
[01:52] <genii> linuxguymarshall: Since earlier you said you ran sudo dolphin, now you know why you shouldn't do that anymore
[01:52] <Dr_willis> linuxguymarshall, I knew this answer..because last week we spent part of a day troubleshooting this for another guy. :)
[01:52] <linuxguymarshall> genii:Yes I do.
[01:52] <Dr_willis> Now' kdesudo dolphin just MIGHT of not had that problem
[01:53] <linuxguymarshall> Now is there anyway to change the Konquerer background to a custom image without too much trouble? Because the font colour I use is gray and that is hard on the white background
[01:53] <Dr_willis> with gui apps rember to always use kdesudo (or was it kdesu now?) under gnome it would be somthing else..
[01:53] <Dr_willis> we need more 'whatever-su' commands! :)
[01:53] <theunixgeek> what's the name of the program that controls the panel?
[01:53] <linuxguymarshall> Dr_willis: I belive it is kdesu
[01:54] <Dr_willis> I think kde4 has kdesudo , I just go old-skool and use 'sux' :)
[01:54] <linuxguymarshall> What is sux?
[01:54] <Dr_willis> !info sux
[01:54] <ubotu> sux (source: sux): wrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-3.2 (gutsy), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB
[01:55] <Dr_willis> If you ever get where the app you are running becuase of display not set, or somt other error.. its the X security stuff kicking in. :)
[01:55] <Dr_willis> this is whats keeping some other user from sshing in, and running an app on your desktop.
[01:56] <latitu> why ipcop dont exists in ubuntu? how can i install ipcop?
[01:57] <linuxguymarshall> Is there an advantage of running a text system besides the system requirements or for a server?
[01:58] <p_quarles> linuxguymarshall, the fewer applications you run on a server, the less likely one of them will enccounter an exploit
[02:01] <linuxguymarshall> w
[02:01] <linuxguymarshall> p_quarles:OK
[02:07] <Daisuke_Ido> Dr_willis, i'm | | this close to dumping amarok :\
[02:07] <linuxguymarshall> Daisuke_Ido:Why?
[02:08] <Daisuke_Ido> because it's bothering me that a major break like cover fetching no longer working has been completely and utterly ignored for gutsy (hardy has the new version) - i was under the impression that there's still another year of support for gutsy
[02:09] <Daisuke_Ido> i compiled my own, and that works alright, but i keep getting bugged to "upgrade" from to 1.4.8
[02:09] <p_quarles> Daisuke_Ido, there is, but only major bugs are going to get fixed after the release
[02:10] <Daisuke_Ido> p_quarles, that's pretty major, it breaks a fairly important chunk of amarok's functionality
[02:10] <Daisuke_Ido> ...and hardy hasn't been released
[02:10] <Daisuke_Ido> i keep hearing a fix is coming, so i'll be patient :)
[02:10] <p_quarles> Daisuke_Ido, that's a packaging issue -- you could probably fix it by building a custom package (the "upgrade" bit, thatis)
[02:10] <p_quarles> Daisuke_Ido, it's "major" for some people, but it's not a remote exploit
[02:10] <Daisuke_Ido> p_quarles, the upgrade thing is a minor annoyance
[02:11] <Daisuke_Ido> p_quarles, again, hardy hasn't been released, we aren't to "bug-fix only" status with gutsy yet
[02:12] <p_quarles> Daisuke_Ido, well, the RC just came out, so that's getting the most attention right now
[02:12] * genii keeps an eye on gutsy-backports
[02:12] <Daisuke_Ido> genii, i've been keeping an eye on it for a week now
[02:12] <p_quarles> in any case, a good bug report on launchpad can get some results
[02:15] <family> Hello. When attempting to boot, Kubuntu Fiesty won't boot.. after doing a troubleshoot session - startkde fails.. .xession-errors is pretty long. it's looking for some files in /var/dbus, can't find them(the directory isn't there) - however, if you "startx" - it will work... any ideas? can i just re-configure kde4?
[02:15] <Daisuke_Ido> well, it is considered low urgency
[02:16] <Dr_willis> i would consider album art low urgency. :)
[02:16] <Dr_willis> I dont need all the Kenny. G. album covers.. I got the posters hanging on the wall anyway. :p
[02:17] <p_quarles> it is low urgency; plus, my understanding is that bug-fixes in KDE 3 can be difficult -- cleaning up the code base was part of the reason for KDE 4, to make things easier to track and fix, etc.
[02:18] <Daisuke_Ido> p_quarles, ah, but it was fixed (hence - it wasn't amarok that broke, amazon changed their api
[02:18] <p_quarles> ah, ok
[02:18] <p_quarles> I never liked the fact that Amarok uses Amazon anyway -- why not AMG or something? /ot
[02:18] <Daisuke_Ido> there's a deb of a patched 1.4.7 available from some random user's webspace, and that's why i chose to compile my own :)
[02:19] <Daisuke_Ido> p_quarles, you make a good point, offtopic or not :)
[02:19] <p_quarles> I've been pulling the art off the web manually for some time now anyway, given Amarok's low hit/fail ratio
[02:20] <Daisuke_Ido> makes me wonder how tough it would be to write a script to pull covers from AMG
[02:20] <Ch1ppy> hey, I'm trying to play a game, but every minute or so X is spiking in cpu usage (using BOTH cores) for 10+ seconds and rendering the game unplayable.. can anyone help me figure out what's wrong?
[02:21] <p_quarles> good question, Daisuke_Ido -- there might be one on kde-apps.org already; I've never bothered to look
[02:21] <Ch1ppy> when I'm not playing anything, X spikesto 2-3% cpu usage at about the same frequency, but in game it takes over the entire cpu
[02:21] <Daisuke_Ido> nor have i, think i probably should :)
[02:21] <p_quarles> Ch1ppy, which game?
[02:21] <Ch1ppy> p_quarles: Trackmania in wine, but I've had the same issues with native games as well; it seems to be an issue with 3d games in general
[02:22] <family> When attempting to "startkde" - i get a boatload of errors, and they scroll off my screen. Where can I find an error log so I can google the errors for KDE4? Kde3 starts fine.. it's just kde4.
[02:22] <Arrow> does anyone know if Hardy has the Phenom TLB fix applied?
[02:23] * Arrow has a new one and does 'not' want that...:/
[02:26] <family> Does anyone know where the KDE4 error log is so I can find out why it's not booting?
[02:29] <p_quarles> Daisuke_Ido, this is a script that gets covers from a Chinese database: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/AutoFetchCover_CN?content=57604
[02:30] <p_quarles> changing the site it searches shouldn't be too hard, I'm guessing
[02:30] <nosrednaekim> family: where are you typing in startkde? raw command line?
[02:31] <family> it's too late now. I just erased KDE4.. and going to try again.
[02:31] <family> But yes, I was typing it in a troubleshooting session because kde4 won't start, but kde3 will. kde4 wanted /var/dbus/ files, but the directory wasn't even there.
[02:32] <nosrednaekim> family: how did you install it?
[02:32] <family> I installed it with apt-get.. Probably two months ago.
[02:33] <family> but it was crashing, and I couldn't figure out why. I did some updates 2 days ago.. I guess they broke the installation?
[02:33] <nosrednaekim> family: is this gutsy?
[02:33] <family> yes.
[02:35] <family> What's the command to activate my eth0 connection ?
[02:35] <nosrednaekim> family: what repository are you using?
[02:35] <family> The one that was on kubuntu's website.
[02:36] <family> copy and pasted, verbatim from it
[02:36] <linuxlover> hi room, i want to know more about KCorn task scheduler, can anybody help me by proving any website?
[02:37] <Odd-rationale> linuxlover: try "man cron" in terminal. kcron is a graphical frontend to cron
[02:37] <Dr_willis> rember to use 'full path to commands' in your cron jobs.. :) I learned that the hard way once...
[02:38] <family> How do I enable eth0 to connect to my router ? it's an ifconfig command.. but I can't find it on google.
[02:38] <Odd-rationale> ifup?
[02:39] <family> Ugh. I can't even enable it.
[02:40] <nosrednaekim> family: sudo dhclient eth0
[02:40] <linuxlover> Thank you Odd-rationale for your response. I am actually new to linux and do not understand the man pages well. I need any help line by which I can use this GUI of corn. By the way of pdf books or html pages anything, i need how to use it. Man pages are tough for understanding for novice like me, pls. help me
[02:40] <nosrednaekim> or maybe sudo ifconfig eth0 up
[02:41] <nosrednaekim> linuxlover: whats the problem?
[02:42] <linuxlover> nosrednaekim: I need tutorial for KCorn (using Kubuntu)
[02:43] <Daisuke_Ido> linuxlover, it's pretty self-explanatory
[02:43] <Daisuke_Ido> you enter a command
[02:43] <Jucato> doesn't kcorn come with a Handbook? (Help -> Handbook)
[02:43] <Daisuke_Ido> then tell it when and how often it should execute
[02:43] <nosrednaekim> whats Kcorn? you sure you don't mean Kcron?
[02:43] <Daisuke_Ido> nosrednaekim, yes, kcron
[02:44] <Jucato> I want it to be kcorn :)
[02:44] <Jucato> (well, korn is taken already :P)
[02:44] <Daisuke_Ido> yeah, by a terrible band
[02:44] <Jucato> !info korn
[02:44] <ubotu> korn (source: kdepim): KDE mail checker. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.7enterprise20070926-0ubuntu2.1 (gutsy), package size 183 kB, installed size 632 kB
[02:44] <Jucato> no, actually by that ^^^^
[02:45] <Daisuke_Ido> Jucato, yes, but
[02:45] <Jucato> :P
[02:45] <Daisuke_Ido> trust me, the band korn *IS* terrible
[02:45] <Jucato> and offtopic (which is why I redirected it to the korn package)
[02:45] <nosrednaekim> they are probably korney (like that joke)
[02:45] <Jucato> :P
[02:45] <Jucato> yeah, nosrednaekorn
[02:46] <nosrednaekim> haha
[02:48] <linuxlover> Jucato: Yes, I have found that handbook. Thank you for your help. Now I can read it for its details. Thank you room for providing such a nice help.
[02:51] <ubuntu> hey i just update from kubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 hardy, i enabled desktop effects, i rebooted and got that white screen, any ideas on how to fix this
[02:51] <Jucato> ubuntu: #ubuntu+1 please
[02:52] <ufuk_k> hello, when will we install kde4 base files and applications under kde name?
[02:53] <ufuk_k> will it be split like kde/kde4 for a long time?
[02:54] <Jucato> we're planning to go KDE 4-only next release (Intrepid Ibex). Though you will still be able to install KDE 3 apps. so I think there will be a kde/kde3 split by that time. (still under discussion)
[02:55] <ufuk_k> thanks you, I asked this because I plan to stick with kde (3)
[02:56] <ufuk_k> because kde still too buggy for me
[02:56] <ufuk_k> kde4 i mean
[02:56] <Jucato> sure. you still have about 6 months (and even then, you can still probably stick to KDE 3)
[02:57] <family> Hey, this may sound stupid.. but is there a way to have a system generated fstab? Like the one created when you originally installed.
[02:57] <ufuk_k> Jucato: I just couldn't use only kde4, do you agree with this, using kde4 only?
[02:58] <ufuk_k> there are missing menus everywhere, and can not configure settings properly
[02:59] <Jucato> ufuk_k: with the current stable release (4.0), it's impossible (no KDE PIM, unfinished Plasma). by KDE 4.1 (July or August), it would be possible already, but still some popular 3rd party apps are not yet ported to KDE 4.
[02:59] <Jucato> 3rd party and KDE Extragear (Konversation, K3b, Basket)
[03:00] <ufuk_k> Jucato: so what about other distros, any other ones think plan to use 4.1 default ?
[03:00] <ufuk_k> ydo you know about this?
[03:00] <Jucato> anyway, keep on using KDE 3.5 as long as you like (but don't expect new features or even bug fixes regularly from KDE). KDE 4 discussion in #kubuntu-kde4
[03:00] <ufuk_k> ok thank you
[03:00] <Jucato> ufuk_k: Kubuntu will, by October (probably 4.1.2 or 4.1.3)
[03:00] <Jucato> depends on whether the distro will release a new version after 4.1 is released
[03:02] <ufuk_k> I mean I want kde 4 as soon as possible, but not with this bugs and this shape. Do you think there will be a problem when moving 4.1 as default after using 3.5.9 ?
[03:02] <ufuk_k> about upgrading I mean
[03:02] <tommy540> UUID=c8dc0299-8ed7-4d10-9074-9a845a50b4eb / ext3 defaults, errors=remount-ro 0 1 <<--- is there anything wrong with this? fstab generates an error for this line.
[03:03] <ufuk_k> tommy540: did you format a partition ?
[03:03] <tommy540> No. I mean, it works.. but if I start in recovery mode, fstab gives me an error.. says line 3 bad. but i mean, it mounts..
[03:04] <ufuk_k> if it mounts
[03:04] <tommy540> I mean, hey, it mounts.. just those errors look ugly in red :)
[03:04] <ufuk_k> then there is not a problem with UUIDs
[03:05] <ufuk_k> which partition is this, the mount point?
[03:05] <tommy540> It's /..... hda1.
[03:06] <ufuk_k> can you pastebin /etc/fstab?
[03:06] <tommy540> sure.
[03:06] <tommy540> hold on!
[03:06] <tommy540> http://pastebin.ca/991497
[03:09] <tommy540> hehe, any idea?
[03:09] <ufuk_k> no problem in fstab
[03:09] <ufuk_k> I dont see any problem
[03:10] <tommy540> thanks brother!
[03:10] <ufuk_k> do you dual boot with Xp or another
[03:10] <ufuk_k> distro
[03:10] <tommy540> No, thank goodness. I moved away from Windows almost a year ago!
[03:10] <ufuk_k> another distro?
[03:10] <tommy540> Not at all.
[03:11] <ghittsum> I have edgy edge how do I edit repository settings in adept manager?
[03:12] <Jucato> !repositories | ghittsum
[03:12] <ubotu> ghittsum: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories
[03:12] <Jucato> guide is there (near the bottom for older versions)
[03:12] <ghittsum> thanks
[03:12] <linuxlover> room mates, I asked some newbie question for KCron. I am interested to know that using KCron, what can I do --can only run a program only? I need to start and stop my ongoing downloads using Ktorrent Clicent. Can I do that?
[03:13] <Jucato> linuxlover: there's this thing called "dcop" in KDE which allows you to control KDE apps using simple commands or scripts. maybe you can use those with kcron to start/stop ktorrent
[03:14] <Jucato> guide about dcop: http://developer.kde.org/documentation/other/dcop.html
[03:14] <Jucato> you can browse possible dcop commands using "kdcop"
[03:15] <linuxlover> Thank you Jucato, my best regards to you.
[03:15] <Jucato> an example of a dcop command: "dcop kicker kicker popupKMenu 0"
[03:16] <Jucato> that will open up the K Menu wherever your mouse is
[03:16] <linuxlover> Jucato: yes.......listening to you
[03:16] <Jucato> heh just read :)
[03:17] <GeekFarm> hey folks, anyone got time to help out a newbie with some kubuntu troubles?
[03:18] <linuxlover> Ok I am trying it of my own
[03:18] <Jucato> !anyone | GeekFarm
[03:18] <ubotu> GeekFarm: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?
[03:19] <GeekFarm> eheh thanks jucato... anyway my adept updater failed while I was updating kubuntu last night and now it just boots to a command prompt. I've been trying to reinstall packages but it tells me files are write protected even if I use chmod to change their status....
[03:20] <Jucato> !aptfix | GeekFarm
[03:20] <ubotu> GeekFarm: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[03:20] <GeekFarm> thanks jucato!
[03:20] <GeekFarm> i will try that out
[03:31] <GeekFarm> jucato - it doesnt seem to help anything - it simply displays "/var/lib/dpkg:" -- but I also typed "$path /usr/bin/sudo fuser -fki /var/lib/dpkg --configure -a" instead because it told me the path did not include sudo's location... is that why it failed perhaps?
[03:32] <Jucato> hm.. what was the first command you actually entered?
[03:32] <Jucato> GeekFarm: can you try this command first? "which sudo"
[03:33] <GeekFarm> it says nothing in response :)
[03:33] <Jucato> ouch :/
[03:34] <Jucato> how about "whoami"?
[03:35] <GeekFarm> heh "the command could not be located because /usr/bin is not included in the path"
[03:35] <GeekFarm> $path /usr/bin/whoami says "root"
[03:36] <Jucato> er... how are you booting into Kubuntu?
[03:37] <Jucato> if you are root, you don't need to use sudo for commands...
[03:37] <Jucato> but why/how are you root? :)
[03:37] <GeekFarm> It still brings up the menu of bootable systems it just fails to load after
[03:38] <GeekFarm> I'm not sure, I'm not used to the command prompt.. I've always used the desktop environment
[03:38] <Jucato> ok.. do this.. reboot your Kubuntu, then in the menu of bootable systems (GRUB), choose your normal system. where does it stop?
[03:39] <GeekFarm> It shows the kubuntu loading screen, fills the meter about halfway then starts showing a bunch of data, then ends up in the command prompt telling me to manually run dpkg --configure -a
[03:40] <GeekFarm> but that runs me into the read only problem
[03:40] <GeekFarm> which chmod doesnt help
[03:40] <Jucato> no, don't chmod stuff
[03:40] <GeekFarm> I thought your command was going to be it for sure, but maybe it's totally mucked up from the failure?
[03:40] <GeekFarm> heh yeah that was probably a hasty move huh...
[03:40] <Jucato> hold on
[03:41] <greeg> hi
[03:41] <GeekFarm> heh will do jacato
[03:41] <Jucato> GeekFarm: so you are dumped into a command prompt immediately? are you still asked for your username and password?
[03:41] <GeekFarm> no
[03:41] <GeekFarm> it doesnt get that far
[03:41] <greeg> i keep getting the KDE crash handler on random occations (about 45-60 intervals) when runnign konqurer.
[03:41] <Jucato> GeekFarm: does the prompt end with a # or a $ ?
[03:41] <GeekFarm> #
[03:41] <Jucato> ah ok..
[03:42] <Jucato> GeekFarm: run "fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock" first
[03:42] <Jucato> (no need for sudo. you are temporarily root already)
[03:42] <GeekFarm> ah yeah that name came up.. ok brb
[03:42] <Jucato> then "dpkg --configure -a"
[03:45] <greeg> is it wise to apt-get remove konqueror ?
[03:45] <stunatra> why do you want to remove it?
[03:45] <greeg> i want to reinstall it
[03:45] <GeekFarm> "unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system"
[03:45] <stunatra> Hmmm
[03:45] <greeg> i keep getting the KDE crash handler on random occations (about 45-60 intervals) when running konqueror
[03:45] <stunatra> What exactly is the problem with it?
[03:46] <Jucato> !patience | greeg
[03:46] <ubotu> greeg: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[03:46] <stunatra> Is the system updated?
[03:46] <greeg> like every 30 seconds
[03:46] <greeg> the crash handler keeps coming up.
[03:46] <stunatra> Report the bug.
[03:46] <greeg> stunatra: 7.10 fresh installation. few days old
[03:47] <stunatra> It could be a bug.
[03:47] <greeg> i dont want to report the bug (too much work). i want a working version of linux.
[03:47] <stunatra> Try updating the system.
[03:47] <greeg> apt-get update ?
[03:47] <Jucato> GeekFarm: ok... take note of the 2 commands I gave (fuser and dpkg), then reboot, but this time choose the "Recovery mode" option in the GRUB menu
[03:47] <greeg> is it ok to purge konqueror. then apt-get install it ?
[03:47] <Jucato> greeg: sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
[03:47] <Jucato> no it's not ok
[03:47] <greeg> kk
[03:48] <GeekFarm> ok will do jacato, thanks.. I'll be right back
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
[03:54] <crazy_bus> is there any way to have a virtual filesystem (or something similar) so that I can browse files contained on different dvd's at the same time in konqueror (or anyother program?)
[03:55] <BioVorE> having 2 dvd's mounted at the same time and seeing them as 1?
[03:56] <Jucato> crazy_bus: you can make an ISO out of the DVDs, then mount those ISO so you can browse them even if the DVD's are not there
[03:56] <Jucato> !iso | crazy_bus
[03:56] <ubotu> crazy_bus: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.
[03:57] <Jucato> to create an iso: dd if=/dev/foo of=filename.iso (where foo is the device name for your DVD drive)
[03:57] <GeekFarm> sorry jacato - I'm still having the same problem. when I run "dpkg --configure -a" it tells me it's "unable to access dpkg status area: read-only file system"
[03:58] <crazy_bus> no, that not what I'm looking for. I just want a list so I can remember what things I've yet to view, but have had to burn to disk for space reasons
[03:58] <GeekFarm> anyway I'm going to call it quits for tonight but thanks alot for the help jacato!
=== GeekFarm is now known as GeekFarm-away
[03:59] <BioVorE> crazy_bus: You could make a database of file on each disk I guess
[04:00] <crazy_bus> would that enable me to browse though folders and have it tell me which disk to insert when I click on a file BioVorE?
[04:00] <BioVorE> no..
[04:01] <BioVorE> technical on could write a program to do that.. But mosty people just keep a file that contains the file and the volume (dvd) is on.
[04:02] <BioVorE> make a file for each volume..
[04:02] <BioVorE> then use grep to search the files..
[04:02] <BioVorE> I don't think there is any gui tool for that atm.
[04:03] <crazy_bus> is there anyway to copy a dvd's filesystem and store each file as a 0 byte file that I can move around?
[04:04] <BioVorE> possibly
[04:04] * PhilRod imagines it's two lines of shell script
[04:05] <PhilRod> find /mount/point -type -d - exec mkdir -p '{};'
[04:05] <PhilRod> find /mount/point -type f - exec touch '{};'
[04:05] <BioVorE> yup that would work..
[04:05] <PhilRod> well, that wouldn't work, but something not dissimilar
[04:05] <Jucato> how about "tree"?
[04:06] <Jucato> !info tree
[04:06] <ubotu> tree (source: tree): displays directory tree, in color. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 27 kB, installed size 92 kB
[04:06] <BioVorE> could do that..
[04:06] <Jucato> cd to the DVD's mount point, enter "tree > filename".. filename will contain the contents of the DVD in a tree heirarchy
[04:07] <BioVorE> I would just have 1 textfile with the following format. <DVD Volume Name> : <file path >/<filename>
[04:07] <BioVorE> and do it for every file on all you dvd's
[04:07] <crazy_bus> I already do this ls -R /media/cdrom0/ >> /home/philip/Desktop/cdrom.txt but what I want is folders containing empty files with the same names as the real files
[04:08] <BioVorE> then you can just grep <file of interesst> <database txt file>
[04:08] <greeg> how long does this dist-update take ?
[04:08] <BioVorE> possibly a while..
[04:08] <Jucato> fresh install? maybe quite a while...
[04:08] <greeg> probobly wont even fix konqurer
[04:08] <greeg> we'll see
[04:09] <BioVorE> Is there something borked on konquer?
[04:09] <Jucato> who knows. first time I heard of someone having problems like that in Konqueror, even on a fresh Gusty install
[04:10] <BioVorE> yeah.. konqueror only crashes on my on some websites because of a pluggin doing weirdness
[04:10] <PhilRod> crazy_bus: the recipe I suggested will do nearly that
[04:11] <PhilRod> you'll need to add the oupt path to both before the '();' and also check the manpage of 'find' to make sure I got the exec syntax right
[04:11] <PhilRod> s/oupt/output/
[04:14] <crazy_bus> PhilRod: so I just type find /media/scd0 -type -d - exec mkdir -p ~/Desktop/cdtest'{};'
[04:15] <PhilRod> "-type d" and no space between the dash and "exec"
[04:15] <PhilRod> I think the rest is correct - to test it, put 'echo' before the mkdir
[04:15] <PhilRod> then it'll just tell you what it *would* do, instead of doing it
[04:17] <crazy_bus> PhilRod: so this? find /media/scd0 -type d -exec echo mkdir -p ~/Desktop/cdtest'{};'
[04:17] <PhilRod> crazy_bus: yes, I think that's correct
[04:17] <crazy_bus> I get this error, find: missing argument to `-exec'
[04:18] <PhilRod> you should check the manpage before running commands from random strangers on IRC though :-)
[04:21] <PhilRod> crazy_bus: find /media/scd0 -type d -exec echo mkdir -p ~/Desktop/cdtest'{}' ';'
[04:22] <PhilRod> (The ; has to be an oargument on its own - the way I gave it to you initially, there's just one argument ~/Desktop/cdtest/'{};')
[04:22] <PhilRod> the extra space makes it its own argument, which is what find requires
[04:23] <crazy_bus> the /media/scd0 is only in system:/ how can I input the correct address?
[04:24] <PhilRod> type 'mount' to see what's mounted
[04:25] <crazy_bus> it says /dev/scd0 on /media/HST110 L01-26 type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev,noatime,uid=1000,utf8) but bash says /dev/scd0 is not a directory
[04:26] <crazy_bus> do I have to input /media/cdromname everytime there's a different cd?
[04:27] <PhilRod> /media/HST110 is the mount point
[04:28] <PhilRod> the output of mount is "device" then "where it's mounted in the file system"
[04:28] <crazy_bus> so there's no static address for the dvd drive I can use?
[04:28] <PhilRod> I assume it would get mounted to the sam place every time - it depends what app you're using to mount the drive I guess
[04:28] <PhilRod> s/sam/same/
[04:33] <crazy_bus> it's a shame because konqueror use to mount all dvd's to /media/cdrom0 but now it's a different address everytime depending on the dvd's name. Is there anyway to go back to having a static address?
[04:34] <crazy_bus> also thanks PhilRod, I also used find /media/HST110\ L01-26/ -type f -exec touch ~/Desktop/cdtest'{}' ';' and it works perfectly
[04:35] <PhilRod> np, I can never resist a chance to find a one-line way of doing something in the shell :-)
[04:36] <crunchybumble> how would I remap my capslock to escape?
[04:36] <PhilRod> I wouldn't be surprised if there's a way to get konqueror to mount things to the same place - if you're using kde 3, konqueror uses hal-based tools to autmoatically mount things, so you might be able to configure those to get the mount point the same each time
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[04:37] <crunchybumble> and do it in a fashion that I can stick in the bashrc (or just some way to make it persistent)
[04:37] <PhilRod> crunchybumble: first look in system settings -> regional & lang -> keyboard layout
[04:37] <PhilRod> there are a whole bunch of options for remapping various keys there
[04:38] <PhilRod> if that doesn't have what you want, use xmodmap
[04:38] <crunchybumble> ah. awesome
[04:38] <PhilRod> (which is something you can easily drop in .bashrc, although you'll actually want to put it in a *.sh script in ~/.kde/env)
[04:39] <crunchybumble> oh
[04:39] <crunchybumble> what is ~/.kde/env the locale for
[04:40] <crunchybumble> (not a directory i've ever had reason to touch)
[04:40] <PhilRod> any scripts you put in ~/.kde/env which have the extension .sh will be sourced at kde startup
[04:40] <crunchybumble> that's good info, thanks
[04:40] <PhilRod> (sourcing means that any environment variables you define in the scripts will propagate to the whole of the kde session)
[04:41] <PhilRod> particularly useful for things like ssh-agent
[04:45] <crazy_bus> PhilRod: just to let you know I found the problem. cdrom0 was pointing to the wrong address, so I fixed it
[04:50] <hicron> hey guys, why am i not finding the -fno-stack-protector switch in gcc-4.1?
[04:51] <Agent_bob> ummm just a guess, but; maybe gcc was compiled without it?
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[04:51] <hicron> sorry i'm a bit of a noob... i have the option to compile with -fstack-protector
[04:51] <hicron> and it seems like that's the default
[04:52] <Agent_bob> ? -fno-stack-protector != -fstack-protector ?
[04:53] <hicron> -fno-stack-protector should disable SSP
[04:53] <hicron> afaik
[04:55] <hicron> which is what i want to do... SSP is keeping me from smashing the stack properly
[05:01] <Agent_bob> i was just thoumbing through the man page but, it's not forth-comming with info on that. plenty about limiting stacks -fno-stack-limit and such tho. so, idk. maybe there's a #gcc or something? or even ##linux might be helpfull
[05:04] <Agent_bob> and i answered a spook again.
=== Hydrogen is now known as f-bomb
[05:41] <edoceo> Where does KDE keep the list of programs to autostart?
[05:41] <Hikejinx> edoceo: /home/yourhome/.kde/Autostart
[05:43] <Iced_Eagle> Hey everyone, I'm a new Linux user so I'm still deciding my desktop environment... Just curious but is Kubuntu in any way treated as an inferior version? Or is the real difference only in that it uses KDE?
[05:43] <edoceo> And some other stuff in .kde/share/config
[05:44] <Hikejinx> Iced_Eagle: kubuntu is not regarded as inferior.
[05:44] <Hikejinx> Some may argue that, some argue ubuntu as inferior, but that is more of a KDE vs. Gnome debate.
[05:44] <Iced_Eagle> Yea I don't want to start a kde vs gnome debate as that's something I want to decide.
[05:45] <Iced_Eagle> But is everything besides the desktop essentially the same and kept up with what's in gnome ubuntu?
[05:45] <Hikejinx> Yes.
[05:45] <Iced_Eagle> Cool, thanks. :)
[05:45] <Hikejinx> NP
[05:46] <Iced_Eagle> From everything I've seen and what KDE has in the future, I'm going to give that a try. :) KDE 4 looks like it has a bunch of cool stuff in it, with a lot of it forward-looking.
[05:47] <Iced_Eagle> Plus from the screenshots, it seems to have a better "feel" than gnome. Though I guess that's what I'll try out later this week when Hardy is released
[05:47] <Iced_Eagle> :)
[06:01] <kaminix> Is there no way to link arts to phonon somehow yet? Would be kinda cool if one could use the same audio interface for both of them, remember last time in 4.0.3 i couldn't control the KDE4 apps sound level through the KMix interface
[06:11] <Romina> hi
[06:12] <Romina> how can I force kubuntu NOT to show the splash screen?
[06:12] <Romina> I want to see the text output
[06:12] <Romina> how it was years ago in times of debian
[06:12] <Romina> Service .... [OK]
[06:12] <Romina> or
[06:12] <Agent_bob> boot with option "nosplash" in place of "splash"
[06:12] <Romina> Service .... [failed]
[06:12] <Romina> thank you Agent_bob
[06:12] <Agent_bob> np
[06:12] <Romina> see you soon, I try it out
=== Agent_bob is now known as intelikey
[06:16] <Romina> re
[06:16] <Romina> Agent_Bob?
[06:17] <Romina> well he left *g*
[06:17] <intelikey> im still here.
[06:17] <Romina> if there is someone else:
[06:17] <Romina> intelikey, are you Agent Bob?
[06:17] <intelikey> yeah
[06:17] <Romina> beautiful
[06:17] <Romina> well it did not show me a splash screen ...
[06:17] <Romina> but it also did not show the text-output
[06:18] <intelikey> try adding a vga= to that line vga=normal maybe.
[06:18] <Romina> oh dear I just did a workaround on that
[06:18] <Romina> vga=792
[06:18] <Romina> then I removed radeonfb from the the drivers blacklist
[06:19] <Romina> and loaded radeonfb manually
[06:19] <Romina> before, I had to wait over 5 minutes until kubuntu booted
[06:19] <Romina> and while these 5 minutes I only saw "black"
[06:19] <intelikey> test with. vga=0x0f05
[06:19] <Romina> may I please ask you to explain that
[06:20] <intelikey> textmode 80x30 non-frame buffered
[06:20] <Romina> btw. with my vga=792 solution it still looked wired, because the Kubuntu logo (splash screen) was too wide on the right bottom side
[06:20] <Romina> hum OK I try it out
[06:20] <Romina> thank you so far
[06:20] <Romina> intelikey, will you keep this nickname?
[06:20] <intelikey> for a while
[06:20] <Romina> at least for the next 5 mins?
[06:20] <Romina> *g*
[06:20] <Romina> ok
[06:20] <Romina> see you soon
[06:21] <leileilol> dang the ubuntu channel is loaded
[06:21] <leileilol> i'm worried my new version won't make it to the new version's repository :(
[06:27] <intelikey> i need a mid-usa isp.... looking at q-west but wondering if anyone has any sujestions ?
[06:28] <Romina> re
[06:28] <Romina> intelikey?
[06:29] <Romina> Well it worked =) Thank you very, very much!
[06:29] <Romina> where did you get this value from?
[06:29] <intelikey> Romina human ram
[06:30] <Romina> I would have some some questions concerning some applications which make problems but the devolopers of these apps pointed me to this channel because they think its a problem of the ubuntu-package
[06:30] <intelikey> Romina but there is a web page that lists them all. google can find it for you.
[06:30] <Romina> I will search google on than
[06:30] <Romina> that
[06:30] <Romina> for example xchat is one of this applications ... there are 2 different view types
[06:30] <Romina> one if "tabs" for tabs at the bottom of xchat
[06:31] <Romina> the other channel switcher view mode ist "tree"
[06:31] <Romina> to show a tree on the left side
[06:31] <Romina> normally, a channel tree entry turns red if someone says something in the channel
[06:32] <Romina> and turns blue if your own nickname was highlighted by someone else
[06:32] <Romina> you know what I mean?
[06:32] <Romina> xchat 2.8.4 does not change the color any more
[06:32] <intelikey> Romina ummm xchat is default in ubuntu not kubuntu might ask in there /join #ubuntu i don't use a GUI hardly at all. and havent seen xchat in years.
[06:32] <Romina> xchat-gnome is a different program
[06:32] <Romina> thats what they come up with afaik
[06:32] <Iced_Eagle> intelikey: I used Roadrunner when I lived in Wisconsin. It was decent... Though if you have the cash, try to get Fios ;)
[06:33] <Romina> Fios?
[06:33] <Iced_Eagle> Verizon Fios. Fiber optic
[06:33] <Iced_Eagle> essentially, it boils down to blazing fast :)
[06:33] <Iced_Eagle> but pricey
[06:33] <Romina> i c =)
[06:33] <intelikey> Iced_Eagle fo is out of reach but thanks for the reply.
[06:33] <Romina> thx =)
[06:33] <Iced_Eagle> np
[06:33] <monkeybritches> Makes for mad wicked ping time
[06:34] <Iced_Eagle> haha yea
[06:34] <Iced_Eagle> It's such bullshit though. I live in Bellevue, right across the street from microsoft and we don't have fios
[06:35] <intelikey> ping time like ...icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.183 ms ?
[06:35] <intelikey> that's a lan ping.
[06:35] <monkeybritches> That would be nice
[06:36] <monkeybritches> I would prefer a ping that comes back to me before I send it
[06:36] <monkeybritches> Like, before I even type 'ping'
[06:36] <monkeybritches> Now *that* would be fast
[06:36] <Iced_Eagle> would make playing online games a hell of a lot more fun ;)
=== f-bomb is now known as Hydrogen
[06:37] <monkeybritches> Yeah, you could really rock those muds then
[06:37] <intelikey> my ping to google is a bit slower tho icmp_seq=4 ttl=242 time=231 ms
=== zeke is now known as gnub_daemon
[06:37] <Iced_Eagle> I'm getting ~75ms to google
[06:38] <Iced_Eagle> using Comcast
[06:38] <intelikey> but i'm on dialup
[06:38] <Iced_Eagle> eek
[06:38] <Iced_Eagle> lol
[06:38] <monkeybritches> I have a dozen gerbils on bicycles powering my connection
[06:38] <monkeybritches> It's really hard to get them to stay on the bicycles...
[06:39] <intelikey> use shock collars
[06:39] <monkeybritches> That makes them blow up in little tufts of fluff
[06:40] <intelikey> just dont clap your hands at them. they'll all bounce 8.34 inches high at once
[06:41] <intelikey> gerbils are really fun that way.
[06:41] <monkeybritches> Flighty little things...
[06:42] <intelikey> very easy to startle. but quick to calm down.
[06:45] <intelikey> i used to think it quite amusing to walk into the room where they kept the gerbils and clap, watch all 22 cages of them bounce in uniscen, then turn to see what it was that startled them....
[06:45] <monkeybritches> What were the 22 of them powering?
[06:46] <intelikey> lol a sciense department.
[06:49] <intelikey> i never did quite get the connection... they used "white rats" and "black gerbils" ???
[06:49] <intelikey> never mind.
[06:56] <kaminix> Has something been done for dvd playback in Hardy or is it just my imagination that .vob (dvd) playback looks better now?
[06:56] <kaminix> Might of course be the video drivers too, Intel 915 chipset.
[06:58] <intelikey> -:- kubrick.freenode.net Sunday April 20 2008 -- 22:58:21 -07:00
[06:58] <intelikey> so the -07:00 means what ?
[06:59] <kaminix> Isn't that some time zone thingie?
[07:00] <kaminix> Just a guess.
[07:00] <intelikey> i'm thinking so. but would that be gmt+7 ?
[07:01] <intelikey> GMT+7 i mean.
[07:01] <kaminix> If you're GMT I'd suppose it's GMT -7, considering the - and all. :p
[07:01] <kaminix> Still, I'm only guessing.
[07:01] <intelikey> kaminix you're no fun, "only guessing" and all...
[07:01] <Nyad> d
[07:02] <kaminix> Though GMT-7 would be 00:00, no? Was the connection an hour ago?
[07:02] <alixthedark> i tried to put in a third party source in adept and i cannot open it now. how do i fix that?
[07:03] <intelikey> kaminix i really wanted to rant about the bug in the "tzconfig" app you have to set tz to GMT+7 to get it to subtract seven hours from gmt for your local time.
[07:03] <intelikey> if you set it to GMT-7 it adds seven hours.
[07:03] <kaminix> Ahhh........
[07:04] <intelikey> i.e. in tzconfig - is farther east and + is farther west
[07:05] <ds187> alixthedark: what is it you can't open?
[07:05] <alixthedark> all adept
[07:05] <intelikey> by what i call logic that's backwards.
[07:05] <intelikey> !adeptcrashfix
[07:05] <ubotu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[07:05] <alixthedark> adept manager mainly
[07:05] <intelikey> alixthedark ^
[07:05] <sat437> any one try ubuntu in vmware
[07:06] <sat437> ?
[07:06] <intelikey> many have. i'm not one of them.
[07:06] <sat437> im doing it now
[07:06] <sat437> just want to know if tany one has had problems
[07:07] <sat437> i love ubuntu but i like have windows and other os's at the same time
[07:07] <intelikey> dual boot ?
[07:07] <sat437> no
[07:07] <sat437> any one else tried this
[07:08] <alixthedark> i love linux but i want the games and programs that are in windows
[07:08] <sat437> me to
[07:08] <jerknextdoor> sat437: i did at one time. but i hated vmware so that's why i switched to virtualbox.
[07:08] <sat437> i think linux is better then windows and beter then os X
[07:08] <sat437> but i still need windows
[07:08] <alixthedark> linux is the best
[07:08] <alixthedark> All hail Tux!
[07:08] <intelikey> "need windows" </gag>
[07:08] <sat437> and im not shure if my linux system will get messed up from VMWARE in windows
[07:09] <sat437> steam cs bf2 WOW
[07:09] <sat437> yep i need windows
[07:09] <jerknextdoor> try to keep this a support channel. #kubuntu-offtopic
[07:09] <sat437> ok
[07:09] <sat437> WINE + games ?
[07:10] <jerknextdoor> i havent tried that. i've heard mixed things about wine and games.
[07:10] <alixthedark> wine+games=BAD!
[07:10] <jerknextdoor> mostly bad
[07:10] <sat437> any one use wine
[07:10] <alixthedark> i do
[07:10] <sat437> im going to install it
[07:10] <Nyad> why would it be bad???
[07:10] <intelikey> i have. it's slow
[07:10] <alixthedark> it is a waste of time
[07:11] <intelikey> games are a waste of tiem
[07:11] <Nyad> Runs decently
[07:11] <intelikey> time
[07:11] <sat437> im upgrading to 7.10 now
[07:11] <sat437> i cant get beryl to install
[07:11] <kaminix> I agree with intelikey on that.
[07:11] <sat437> help please
[07:11] <kaminix> ^^
[07:12] <sat437> never mind
[07:12] <sat437> i give up
[07:12] <alixthedark> has anyone seen the beryl setup?
[07:12] <sat437> thanks for the help guys
[07:12] <DreadKnight> sat437: dude
[07:12] <kaminix> You're quick to give up :p
[07:12] <sat437> yes i em
[07:12] <sat437> thanks guys bye
[07:13] <DreadKnight> sat437: 8.10 release in 3 days, compiz / desktop effects by default i think, at least very stable / easy to activate
[07:13] <intelikey> kaminix but he "needs windows" !
[07:13] <alixthedark> lol
[07:13] <sat437> im using vmware to run ubunty
[07:13] <sat437> 3 days ?
[07:13] <sat437> how big is the upgrade
[07:13] <DreadKnight> sat437: on 24th
[07:13] <DreadKnight> xD
[07:13] <intelikey> sat437 full system
[07:13] <sat437> is there a site about the new distro
[07:13] <sat437> demos
[07:13] <DreadKnight> sat437: info on www.kubuntu.com lol
[07:14] <intelikey> you mean "new release"
[07:14] <sat437> thanks
[07:14] <sat437> yes
[07:14] <DreadKnight> sat437: i'm running it for quite some time, it works great
[07:14] <sat437> KDE or GNOME for new os
[07:14] <DreadKnight> i use KDE
[07:15] <kaminix> lol intelikey, I could see reasons for needing Windows really :p
[07:15] <sat437> can i upgrade from gnome to kde on new 8.1
[07:15] <intelikey> #_K_ubuntu
[07:15] <DreadKnight> sat437: yep
[07:15] <intelikey> ^ ^
[07:16] <sat437> will i loose my data
[07:16] <DreadKnight> sat437: not really
[07:16] <sat437> not realy ?
[07:16] <kaminix> sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop is all he needs, right?
[07:16] <DreadKnight> sat437: but on 24th ubuntu/kubuntu etc get upgraded... (so gnome too)
[07:16] <DreadKnight> right
[07:16] <sat437> can i change to kde now
[07:16] <jerknextdoor> sat437: you won't lose any data. you just need to upgrade and then install kde.
[07:17] <intelikey> caution! with any upgrade/update/install/reload there is always the possability of loosing data.
[07:17] <DreadKnight> sat437: you can, but it's a bit harder to remove a DE.
[07:17] <intelikey> there is no substitute for "backups"
[07:17] <DreadKnight> :-)
[07:17] <sat437> thanks there is better support here thn there is over at microsoft
[07:17] <DreadKnight> even if something goes wrong, you reinstall and don't lose data
[07:18] <sat437> bye thanks for the help guys
[07:18] <DreadKnight> lol? he was using konversation xD
[07:18] <intelikey> DreadKnight in a vmware
[07:18] <kaminix> Konversation is teh shit. <3
[07:18] <DreadKnight> he was on gnome haha xD
[07:19] <DreadKnight> Konversation FTW!
[07:19] <kaminix> So? Why couldn't he use Konversation? :s I switched to KDE when I started noticing most of my apps were KDE apps :p
[07:19] <intelikey> how do we know he was in "gah-no-me"
[07:19] <DreadKnight> i like gnome apps, but don't really want them in kde etc
[07:20] <DreadKnight> and gnome has a 'wrong' feeling for me, i mean the desktop itself..
[07:20] <kaminix> I don't much mind the Desktop except it's ugliness :p
[07:20] <intelikey> you mean the default setup of gnome
[07:20] <DreadKnight> :-)
[07:20] <kaminix> *its
[07:20] <DreadKnight> somehow ugly and don't like the default setup no more
[07:21] <DreadKnight> well, looking forward to kde4.1
[07:21] <intelikey> intelikey rule #43 "leave nothing default"
[07:21] <DreadKnight> :-)
[07:21] <DreadKnight> i hate how the nautilus gui is configured in the 1st place
[07:22] * DreadKnight has kde as default xD
[07:22] <intelikey> when i start a gui it's usually blackbox and i just use what ever app stricks my fancy at the time.
[07:23] <DreadKnight> eh
[07:25] <intelikey> did they get twm debugged in the hardy release ?
[07:25] <kaminix> intelikey: What are you doing in #kubuntu then? :p
[07:26] <intelikey> hangin'
[07:28] <kaminix> Ah. :p
[07:28] <intelikey> anyone used twm in the hardy ? does it's menu update propperly now ?
[07:28] <kaminix> Well, school time. ^^
[07:29] <DreadKnight> hammer time!
[07:29] <DreadKnight> intelikey: what the heck is twm ? O_o
[07:29] <intelikey> tiny window manager
[07:29] <intelikey> !info twm
[07:29] <ubotu> twm (source: twm): Tab window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0.3-2 (gutsy), package size 105 kB, installed size 372 kB
[07:29] <DreadKnight> oh >_<
[07:29] <DreadKnight> haha tab :P
[07:30] <intelikey> size 372 KB
[07:30] <intelikey> that's the whole window manager. compare to kde-core
[07:31] <DreadKnight> xD
[07:31] <Daisuke_Ido> compare to kwin
[07:31] <Daisuke_Ido> that's a little more fair
[07:31] <emilsedgh> compare to kwin, right
[07:31] <DreadKnight> !kwin
[07:31] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about kwin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[07:31] <intelikey> !info kwin
[07:31] <ubotu> kwin (source: kdebase): the KDE window manager. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2.2 (gutsy), package size 1039 kB, installed size 3360 kB
[07:32] <emilsedgh> kde is not a window manager anymore.it includes a window manager
[07:32] <intelikey> 10 X
[07:32] <DreadKnight> yeah xD
[07:32] <emilsedgh> thats tiny! thats designed to be tiny
[07:32] <Daisuke_Ido> emilsedgh, but it *has* a window manager
[07:32] <intelikey> but you can't install kwin alone
[07:32] <intelikey> you can twm
[07:32] <Daisuke_Ido> if you're going to compare a window manager to part of kde, it would be wise to choose the window manager
[07:32] <Daisuke_Ido> and the point still stands, kwin is 10x the size
[07:33] <emilsedgh> intelikey: kwin features are 10x of that tiny probably ;)
[07:33] <DreadKnight> :)))
[07:33] <emilsedgh> intelikey: btw, you cannot install twm alone too.sure it has many dependencies
[07:33] <emilsedgh> probably gtk stuff, right?
[07:34] <DreadKnight> sudo apt-get install twm | sudo apt-get remove kde
[07:34] <DreadKnight> xD
[07:34] <intelikey> emilsedgh yes you can. install xorg and then adding twm depends on nothing else can't say that for kwin.
[07:34] <Daisuke_Ido> it requires nothing you don't already have installed
[07:34] <Daisuke_Ido> no gtk or qt required at all
[07:34] <Daisuke_Ido> it really is friggin tiny]
[07:34] <emilsedgh> intelikey: so, what is the purpose of doing so? a window manager to use xclocks?
[07:35] <Daisuke_Ido> emilsedgh, lightweight = fast
[07:35] <Daisuke_Ido> slow machine + twm = faster machine. slow machine + kde != faster machine
[07:35] <intelikey> emilsedgh or mozilla-suite ...
[07:35] <emilsedgh> maybe
[07:36] <emilsedgh> but then you should use xfce.not kde
[07:36] <Daisuke_Ido> okay
[07:36] <intelikey> emilsedgh why use xfce when twm can do all i want done ? it's all about choices anyway.
[07:36] <emilsedgh> oh
[07:36] <Daisuke_Ido> replace kde in the last statement with xfce
[07:37] <Daisuke_Ido> twm is still a whole lot lighter and faster
[07:37] <intelikey> but my question was and is, have they fixed twm ?
[07:37] <DreadKnight> kde4 is damn slugish
[07:37] <DreadKnight> xD
[07:37] <emilsedgh> i dont think that a window manager affects speed a lot
[07:37] <alixthedark> can someone help with adept? i put in a custom third party source and now it doesn't open.
[07:37] <DreadKnight> alixthedark: restarted pc?
[07:37] <alixthedark> yes
[07:38] <intelikey> !adeptcrashfix | alixthedark have you tried this ?
[07:38] <ubotu> alixthedark have you tried this ?: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[07:38] <DreadKnight> alixthedark: edit sources.list and remove 3rd party stuff..
[07:39] <intelikey> what is the char before sudo and after -a supposed to be ?
[07:40] <intelikey> not counting space
[07:40] <flaccid> it shouldn't be there
[07:40] <flaccid> not part of the command
[07:40] <intelikey> flaccid i mean what do you see there ?
[07:41] <alixthedark> i did what ubotu said and it says i have an apt database error
[07:41] <intelikey> i see the cap A and two small arrows
[07:41] <flaccid> comes up as a square on this client and font
[07:41] <intelikey> alixthedark you need to fix /etc/apt/sources.list then.
[07:41] <alixthedark> how?
[07:42] <intelikey> pastebin it and we'll see.
[07:44] <intelikey> pasting file /usr/local/bin/pastebin
[07:44] <intelikey> http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d776a6be7
[07:45] <alixthedark> i do not have permission. how do i get permission?
[07:45] <intelikey> sudo
[07:45] <intelikey> kdesu
[07:45] <intelikey> !kdesudo
[07:45] <ubotu> In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)
[07:46] <alixthedark> i am using kate to edit it
[07:46] <intelikey> like i said ^ kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list
[07:47] <intelikey> !sudo
[07:47] <ubotu> sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.
[07:47] <intelikey> !root
[07:47] <ubotu> Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo
[07:48] <alixthedark> thanks intelkey!
[07:49] <alixthedark> it worked
[07:49] <intelikey> (ubuntu default user) == (root jr.) and anyone that gains access to your user can own you. (if they know what they are doing)
[07:50] <alixthedark> cya guys thanx!
[07:50] <intelikey> welcome
[07:50] <alixthedark> bye
[08:14] <Nyad> Does anyone know of a Desktop Environment that looks exactly like the standard XP one, since I am not used to KDE,GNOME or XFce
[08:15] <emilsedgh> Nyad: xpde :)
[08:15] <Nyad> thanks
[08:15] <emilsedgh> Nyad: but its dead i think.you could configure your kde to look like windows
[08:16] <Nyad> dead :(
[08:16] <jerknextdoor> nyad: i'm sure there are plenty of tutorials out there
[08:16] <Nyad> So KDE is that configurable?
[08:17] <emilsedgh> Nyad: KDE is much more customizable than what you think :)
[08:17] <tsung_> hey,guys
[08:17] <Nyad> but that would mean compiling it from source?
[08:17] <Iced_Eagle> No, you can download themes for it.
[08:17] <emilsedgh> you know, KDE, could be like itself, but could look like win, osx, gnome or itself or combination of them
[08:17] <Iced_Eagle> Try this: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=1499
[08:17] <emilsedgh> Nyad: no, no you dont need to compile it
[08:19] <Nyad> so just fidling around in System Settings can do the trick? I must have missed a lot when I was configuring my system
[08:20] <emilsedgh> Nyad: almost yes i think.also please install the dekorator and some XP-like themes for it
[08:21] <Iced_Eagle> well, doing things through GUI can only do so much... To get the best you need to go into script files, which is fairly advanced. Unless you are advanced, stick to GUI, or try pre-made themes
[08:21] * intelikey wonders if kde can look like twm
[08:21] <Nyad> what extra things could I do with the scripts?
[08:21] <intelikey> right click everything
[08:25] <Nyad> Iced_Eagle, what extra things could I do with the scripts?
[08:27] <intelikey> hmm "JavaScript support is not enabled." does elinks do javascript ?
[08:28] <intelikey> claydoh: i have an issue. when i start xorg the keyboard stops working propperly
[08:29] <intelikey> oh<<< i have an issue. when i start xorg the keyboard stops working propperly
[08:29] <intelikey> stupid nick completion.
=== intelikey is now known as _2
[08:50] <taricris> I need help to install .BIN file!!!!!!!!!1
[08:50] <flaccid> taricris: sh ./file.bin
[08:50] <flaccid> or you might need to chmod _x ./file.bin first
[08:51] <Nyad> flaccid, that makes it executable right?
[08:51] <taricris> I trying install RealPlayer11GOLD.bin file to lisen web radio.
[08:51] <flaccid> !real | taricris
[08:51] <ubotu> taricris: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[08:52] <flaccid> correct
[08:52] <taricris> tks
[08:52] <_2> if it's a shell script wrapped around an archive (as most of them are) it doesn't need to be executable. but you should probably use bash and not sh. bash path/to/blah.bin
[08:52] <flaccid> taricris: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealPlayerInstallationMethods
[08:53] <flaccid> it depends what file RealPlayer11GOLD.bin is
[08:53] <Nyad> flaccid, I've seen people use chmod u+x filename , what difference is there?
[08:53] <_2> yeah i said "most" not "all"
=== yanchao is now known as yanchao__
[08:54] <flaccid> executable for the file owner
[09:09] <pukyo> hi i want to download from rapidshare,
[09:10] <_2> pukyo download what ?
[09:11] <pukyo> file
[09:11] <jussio1> pukyo: why cant you?
[09:11] <pukyo> windows = rapget
[09:12] <pukyo> I search the same apt for linux
[09:13] <gromozekin> Hi there. Can you help me, how to admit to login as root? I have already setup root password but when i see logon screen, i type root ad then my password and it said that It`s prohibited to login as root
[09:14] <flaccid> !root | gromozekin
[09:14] <ubotu> gromozekin: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo
[09:14] <gromozekin> daaaaaaamn\
[09:14] <gromozekin> sudo passwd root
[09:14] <gromozekin> what is it?
[09:14] <gromozekin> so so
[09:14] <flaccid> that changes root's password under sudo
[09:14] <gromozekin> yeah
[09:15] <gromozekin> but i need to login as root
[09:15] <_2> gromozekin you can set a root passwd. you can even enable the gdm/kdm to allow root login if you want
[09:15] <flaccid> then do so
[09:15] <flaccid> _2: its bad practice to use root in a DE
[09:15] <gromozekin> you can even enable the gdm/kdm to allow root login if you want
[09:15] <gromozekin> exactly
[09:15] <gromozekin> but i dunno how to do it in kdm
[09:15] <_2> flaccid don't lecture me. please.
[09:16] <_2> gromozekin edit the config file
[09:16] <flaccid> _2: i wasn't aware that i was lecturing. i was correcting.
[09:17] <_2> but i wasn't incorrect.
[09:17] <jussio1> !supportroot | _2
[09:17] <ubotu> _2: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)
[09:17] <gromozekin> daaamn
[09:17] <flaccid> true, you were just advising a bad practice
[09:17] * gromozekin think that slackware rocks, but it has no sky2 working
[09:17] <flaccid> hehe
[09:17] <gromozekin> ((
[09:19] <ds187> gromozekin: why do you need to login as root?
[09:19] <jussio1> where does openoffice store its templates ?
[09:19] <gromozekin> <ds187> cause its much comfortable
[09:20] <flaccid> lol
[09:20] <flaccid> ever heard of sudo -i if you want to feel 'comfortable' heh
[09:20] <gromozekin> yeah yeah yeah
[09:20] <gromozekin> so please shut up, cause its your own opinion and its my own opinion
[09:20] <gromozekin> if you dont like it just ignore
[09:20] <ds187> jussio1: in ~/.openoffice.org2/user/template
[09:20] <jussio1> Ok, please leave the root discussion right here. We dont support it so there is no need to discuss further.
[09:20] <flaccid> !language | gromozekin
[09:20] <ubotu> gromozekin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[09:21] <flaccid> please refrain from being negative
[09:21] <jussio1> ds187: thanks
[09:24] <ds187> jussio1: at least that is the place where you would save your templates. the "build-in" templates are somewhere in /usr/lib/openoffice
[09:24] <jussio1> ds187: yeah, thats what im after :)
=== gserg is now known as gserge
[09:25] <gserge> hello all
[09:25] <gromozekin> hello nigga
[09:25] <gromozekin> *nigra
[09:28] <gserge> jussi01: he russian, as a am. This normal :)
[09:32] <E_mE> hi, im trying to compile kdesvn but keep getting the following errors: /bin/sh: MSGFMT-NOTFOUND: not found -- make[2]: *** [po/es.gmo] Error 127 --
[09:32] <E_mE> make[1]: *** [po/CMakeFiles/translations.dir/all] Error 2
[09:32] <E_mE> make: *** [all] Error 2
[09:32] <E_mE> does anyone have any ideas?
[09:32] <SilentDis> hello :)
[09:33] <SilentDis> I see that 8.04 went RC. I'm running 7.10 now. I'd like to go to the 'remix' version with KDE4. is such an upgrade path possible, or would it be better to go to 8.04 'normal' then add a package for KDE4?
[09:34] <jussi01> SilentDis: #kubuntu-kde4 and read the topic, there is a link there that helps with this :)
[09:34] <SilentDis> thanks jussi01!
[09:34] <jussi01> :)
[09:37] <_2> ok gromozekin got his kdm.conf file edited... now he can login as root..... i wonder how long before he drives that off in the ditch...
[10:09] <Jackubus> what is a good swap size on a machine with 4 GB ram ? do i need it at all?
[10:10] <llutz> Jackubus: depends on your pc-usage
[10:11] <flaccid> llutz: 4GB i would do. linux manages memory correctly only using swap when needed
[10:11] <Jackubus> lutz: don't think I'm gonna use huge amounts of ram. desktop usage
[10:12] <llutz> Jackubus: then you hardly will need any swap. Just keep in mind that you always can add swap-space with a swap-file, so no need for a partition (imho)
[10:12] <flaccid> if you have the space for a swap partitiont then make one. in the rare case your desktop uses all 4gb ram which is quite possible, the swap is there
[10:14] <Jackubus> what happens if there is no swap ?
[10:14] <flaccid> nothing until you max out the ram
[10:15] <flaccid> ta
[10:15] <flaccid> i hope its easy :)
[10:16] <flaccid> yeah looks easy, except it will probably take a long long time on my p2 300mhz
[10:16] <Jackubus> ok, thinki'll just make a 4GB swap then, just in case. if I would ever need more i can always add a swapfile or mount another swap... does it matter where on the disk? better in the middle or maybe better on another sata controller?
[10:17] <flaccid> oops wrong channel for my last message
[10:17] <flaccid> well messages
[10:17] <llutz> Jackubus: if possible on separate disk (performance
[10:19] <flaccid> Jackubus: yep so, just use free -m to seek how much real mem is being used and how much swap is being used at any time. you will see it won't use swap until ram is maxed out
[10:22] <legacy> how to change default window manager?
[10:23] <legacy> not using graphical log in
[10:24] <llutz> legacy: starting with "startx"? use ~/.xinitrc
[10:27] <legacy> i can't find it
[10:27] <Jackubus> thanks guys!
[10:50] <ubuntu> can it be that 64 bit does boot but not installs ? i tried to install but when i in the process it shutdown my notebook
=== ubuntu is now known as Wesley
=== _Czessi is now known as Czessi
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[11:06] <ActionParsnip> hey all
[11:21] <me_> hey
[11:21] <me_> i am cocoail
[11:21] <me_> i finally got it working lol
[11:22] <me_> now do i make sure its coming for iinet servers with all the updates
[11:29] <me_> ok my gfx suck
[11:29] <me_> how do i change it
[11:29] <me_> and does anyone get a blank screen when they boot there system up
[11:29] <me_> and have to take the power cord out
[11:29] <me_> then put it back in the monitor
[11:29] <me_> to get it to work
[11:30] <me_> or have a message saying optimal resolution 1200 by whatever it say ?
[11:30] <me_> s
[11:31] <me_> is anyone out there
[11:32] <x-X-x> i keep getting " no suitable demux plugin " when trying to play radio streams on amarok, i have installed libxine-ffmpeg (which replaces libxine-extracodecs) and all other xine packages but i still get the " no suitable demux plugin "
[11:32] <x-X-x> how i solve this ??
[11:33] <me_> doesnt seem like anyone is out there
[11:33] <me_> ive been asking questions aswell
[11:33] <x-X-x> :(
[11:33] <me_> ;)
[11:33] <me_> (
[11:33] <me_> oi
[11:34] <me_> do u know anything about the gfx side of linux
[11:34] <me_> i just install it
[11:34] <me_> and install the 6600 GT nivada drivers
[11:34] <me_> but im getting shit resolution
[11:34] <x-X-x> dude u install the drivers recommended to u from ubuntu ?
[11:34] <me_> yes
[11:35] <x-X-x> f*k that :P just install the official drivers u get best 3d and all round support for your gpu
[11:35] <x-X-x> wait
[11:36] <me_> i got it from driver manager
[11:36] <me_> the button it has here
[11:36] <me_> hardware drivers manager
[11:36] <x-X-x> uncheck it
[11:37] <me_> done
[11:37] <x-X-x> http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/nvidia/scripts/legacy/envy_0.9.10-0ubuntu10_all.deb
[11:37] <x-X-x> download that and FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS
[11:37] <ds187> envyng is also in adept_manager
[11:37] <flaccid> !envy
[11:37] <me_> wtf is this
[11:37] <ubotu> envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »
[11:38] <x-X-x> ubotu u NOOB
[11:38] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about u noob - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[11:38] <flaccid> !nvidia | me_
[11:38] <ubotu> me_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[11:38] <me_> it said currupt
[11:38] <me_> saving this will result in a corrupt file
[11:38] <x-X-x> lmao ubotu u a jker i never knew bots were so noobish :P
[11:38] <me_> what do i do now
[11:38] <flaccid> x-X-x: the no demux problem you have is a problem with shoutcast. its intermittant, you can click it again and it will eventually connect
[11:39] <me_> flaccid can u help me ?
[11:39] <x-X-x> flaccid thnx man
[11:39] <flaccid> me_: follow the above link i pasted, don't use envy. please read what ubotu says
[11:39] <flaccid> np x-X-x
[11:39] <me_> ok
[11:39] <x-X-x> me_ type " /j #nvidia "
[11:39] <x-X-x> me_ u play games ?
[11:40] <flaccid> x-X-x: no need to. the wiki advises the steps for the nvidia driver
[11:40] <me_> i dont understand
[11:40] <x-X-x> flaccid the "safe risk free" driver sucks for bleeding edge gamin
[11:40] <me_> yes i do play games
[11:40] <me_> im such a nob
[11:40] <x-X-x> if u play games DONT INSTALL THE RISK FREE DRIVER
[11:41] <me_> noob
[11:41] <flaccid> x-X-x: i've never heard of a 'safe risk free' driver
[11:41] <flaccid> x-X-x: don't shout
[11:41] <me_> what the hell do i do
[11:41] <me_> last time it install with out a hitch
[11:41] <x-X-x> flaccid the one in the repo is the " safe risk free driver "
[11:41] <me_> gfx was good
[11:41] <x-X-x> flaccid: sorry :P
[11:41] <me_> im using the same kubuntu
[11:41] <flaccid> no its the binary prop. driver from nvidia
[11:41] <me_> how do i do
[11:41] <me_> it
[11:42] <flaccid> by reading
[11:42] <me_> do i write it in koncole
[11:42] <me_> i read it
[11:42] <me_> i dont understand
[11:42] <x-X-x> last time i tried install the binary from nvidia manually i ended up with breakage
[11:42] <x-X-x> envy solves all that while u get yourself a coffee
[11:43] <flaccid> me_: what specifically do you not understand?
[11:43] <me_> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6600 GT] (rev a2)
[11:43] <me_> i did the command
[11:43] <me_> i installed the driver from manager
[11:43] <me_> but still have rubbish resolution options
[11:43] <flaccid> x-X-x: well that doesn't mean that the problem was the driver, it could of been something else. thousands of people don't have a problem with it.
[11:44] <flaccid> me_: pastebin glxinfo please
[11:45] <x-X-x> me_ if u play games get the official driver " 169.12 "
[11:45] <x-X-x> not 97.xx
[11:45] <me_> VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6600 GT] (rev a2)
[11:45] <me_> how xXx
[11:45] <me_> its been a while
[11:45] <x-X-x> u used gnome before ?
[11:45] <me_> since i messed around with linux
[11:46] <me_> gnome
[11:46] <flaccid> me_: run kdesu restricted-manager-kde and make sure the driver is enabled, then reboot
[11:46] <x-X-x> ie did u install the binary driver with " Ubuntu " ?
[11:46] <caris_mere> How can I fix this: "kernel panic-not syncing VFS:unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0"?
[11:46] <linuxlover> hi room, I am trying to learn KCron. I am adding a task using Edit-->NewTask. In the program field I am writing konsole (with a view to it will open a terminal) and specifying the Month as April, Days of Month as 21 and Hours as 16pm, Minutes as 0. But when my computer clock reaches to 16:00 pm it actually do not opening any konsole program for me. What mistake I am doing? I am a newbie.
[11:46] <x-X-x> flaccid he plays games dont give him 97.xx
[11:47] <flaccid> most people don't have a problem with that driver and games
[11:47] <flaccid> x-X-x: have you got a URI saying otherwise?
[11:47] <x-X-x> Most games tell u to install the official
[11:47] <x-X-x> flaccid lol
[11:47] <djouallah> i am downloadin kubuntu8.04 just for wubi
[11:47] <flaccid> there are thousands of games on linux x-X-x
[11:47] <djouallah> is it possible to
[11:47] <x-X-x> me_ what games u play ?
[11:48] <me_> css
[11:48] <me_> what is the command to run it flaccid
[11:48] <djouallah> make boot option in a flash disk usb
[11:48] <me_> please
[11:48] <me_> sorry
[11:48] <flaccid> me_: i've already given it to you.
[11:48] <me_> once i get this resolution sorted i can read lol
[11:48] <djouallah> so my boss can not see it
[11:48] <me_> it didnt work
[11:48] <djouallah> please help
[11:48] <me_> can u write it again
[11:48] <x-X-x> me_ NO commands just go to restricted drivers and check it
[11:49] <me_> where is it
[11:49] <ds187> <flaccid> me_: run kdesu restricted-manager-kde and make sure the driver is enabled, then reboot
[11:49] <ds187> there it is
[11:49] <x-X-x> me_ its just if u gonna play games like quake wars or ut3 when its out on linux u WILL need the official drivers but i doubt your gpu will support those games anyway
[11:50] <flaccid> me_: please read our help, otherwise you are wasting everyones time
[11:50] <x-X-x> yeh
[11:50] <me_> me@me:~$ run kdesu restricted-manager-kde
[11:50] <me_> bash: run: command not found
[11:50] <x-X-x> lol
[11:50] <ds187> :-)
[11:50] <me_> i can hardly read this screen
[11:50] <flaccid> me_: goto alt+f2 and enter https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[11:50] <flaccid> oops
[11:50] <flaccid> and enter kdesu restricted-manager-kde
[11:50] <x-X-x> type " kdesu retricted-manager-kde "
[11:51] <flaccid> me_: if you had of read the link we gave you and followed the directions, you wouldn't be asking x6 times
[11:51] <me_> command not found it recons
[11:51] <linuxlover> hi room, I am trying to learn KCron. I am adding a task using Edit-->NewTask. In the program field I am writing konsole (with a view to it will open a terminal) and specifying the Month as April, Days of Month as 21 and Hours as 16pm, Minutes as 0. But when my computer clock reaches to 16:00 pm it actually do not opening any konsole program for me. What mistake I am doing? I am a newbie.
[11:51] <x-X-x> lol
[11:51] <flaccid> typo
[11:51] <flaccid> kdesu restricted-manager-kde
[11:51] <me_> sorry :(
[11:51] <x-X-x> kdesu retricted-manager-kde
[11:51] <x-X-x> kdesu retricted-manager-kde
[11:51] <x-X-x> type that
[11:51] <flaccid> we were missing the 's' in restricted
[11:52] <x-X-x> oh yeh
[11:52] <x-X-x> soz
[11:52] <x-X-x> kdesu restricted-manager-kde
[11:52] <flaccid> me_: if you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto#head-792c267f08a2bf078f9ec923b65d0ac07d48a6b7 you will find you don't need a command
[11:52] <me_> kk
[11:52] <x-X-x> yeh no commands needed but just enter them anyway
[11:52] <x-X-x> its faster
[11:53] <me_> maybe my kubuntu is a old version
[11:53] <x-X-x> omg
[11:53] <flaccid> me_: thats details in the link we gave you
[11:53] <caris_mere> How do I fix this? kernel panic-not syncing VFS:unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0
[11:53] <x-X-x> go to terminal and type kdesu restricted-manager-kde
[11:53] <me_> i know
[11:53] <flaccid> caris_mere: try google
[11:53] <me_> there is not there
[11:54] <flaccid> me_: what version are you using?
[11:54] <x-X-x> u sure its kubuntu u using then ?
[11:54] <caris_mere> flaccid: I have been trying for a long time
[11:54] <me_> command not found !
[11:54] <x-X-x> lol
[11:54] <x-X-x> k
[11:54] <me_> yes
[11:54] <me_> lol
[11:54] <flaccid> caris_mere: submit a bug and launchpad and see if one exists already
[11:54] <flaccid> me_: run this sudo apt-get install resticted-manager-kde
[11:54] <flaccid> !info restricted-manager-kde
[11:54] <ubotu> restricted-manager-kde (source: restricted-manager): manage non-free hardware drivers - KDE frontend. In component restricted, is optional. Version 0.33.1 (gutsy), package size 64 kB, installed size 288 kB
[11:54] <me_> command not found
[11:55] <x-X-x> flaccid: it should already be installed
[11:55] <flaccid> the standalone is optional i believe. thats why the wiki says to goto the system settings...
[11:55] <flaccid> negative. see how it says optional
[11:55] <me_> Couldn't find package resticted-manager-kde
[11:55] <x-X-x> o.o
[11:55] <flaccid> maybe im wrong
[11:55] <flaccid> [20:54] <flaccid> me_: what version are you using?
[11:55] <me_> how do i find out what version of kubuntu i installed
[11:55] <me_> lol
[11:55] <x-X-x> me what version of kubuntu ?
[11:55] <flaccid> me_: lsb_release -a
[11:55] <linuxlover> KCron Probelm!!! I am trying to learn KCron. I am adding a task using Edit-->NewTask. In the program field I am writing konsole (with a view to it will open a terminal) and specifying the Month as April, Days of Month as 21 and Hours as 16pm, Minutes as 0. But when my computer clock reaches to 16:00 pm it actually do not opening any konsole program for me. What mistake I am doing? I am a newbie.
[11:55] <x-X-x> omg u noobcake
[11:56] <me_> Description: Ubuntu hardy (development branch)
[11:56] <me_> Release: 8.04
[11:56] <me_> Codename: hardy
[11:56] <me_> lol
[11:56] <x-X-x> why hardy when u a noob ?!?!?!
[11:56] <flaccid> me_: The easiest way to install binary drivers is to use the built in Restricted Driver Manager from System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager in Ubuntu .
[11:56] <me_> i hard it was the shit
[11:56] <x-X-x> install gutsy not hardy
[11:56] <flaccid> damn thats gnome
[11:56] <x-X-x> hardy is BETA
[11:56] <me_> i know
[11:56] <emilsedgh> !language | me_
[11:56] <ubotu> me_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[11:56] <me_> how do i upgrade
[11:56] <x-X-x> U MEAN DOWNGRADE
[11:57] <x-X-x> soxz caps
[11:57] <me_> to the rc ?
[11:57] <flaccid> me_: please goto System Settings -> Advanced -> Restricted Drivers <<-- do this
[11:57] <flaccid> me_: you shouldn't of installed the beta, but a bit late now
[11:57] <Jucato> me_: you are already in the latest (unstable) version. you just need to do regular, normal updates. #ubuntu+1 for hardy questions
[11:57] <me_> i can uninstall
[11:57] <me_> why
[11:57] <pjv> is it normal for ktorrent to use a lot of memory?
[11:57] <x-X-x> me_ u in wrong channel u should be at #ubuntu not #kubuntu u using gnome
[11:58] <me_> they said yesterday i should get it
[11:58] <me_> damn
[11:58] <me_> GOD DAMN
[11:58] <me_> but i download kubuntu
[11:58] <x-X-x> pjv no
[11:58] <me_> i want kubuntu
[11:58] <Jucato> me_: please watch your language
[11:58] <me_> ok
[11:58] <me_> sorry
[11:58] <pjv> hmm
[11:58] <x-X-x> pjv yes if its " allocating disk space "
[11:58] <flaccid> x-X-x: you don't know if hes on ubuntu or kubuntu, it doesn't say in lsb_release
[11:58] <me_> kubuntu is better
[11:58] <pjv> ohh
[11:58] <x-X-x> ubuntu hardy not kubuntu hardy 8.04
[11:58] <me_> it must be kubuntu
[11:59] <me_> its kubuntu beta
[11:59] <me_> its got a K on the start menu
[11:59] <x-X-x> then its kubuntu
[11:59] <Jucato> x-X-x: lsb_release does not indicate whether it is Ubuntu or Kubuntu
[11:59] <Jucato> it always says Ubuntu
[11:59] <x-X-x> jucato flaccid kk
[11:59] <flaccid> x-X-x: like i said it doesn't say kubuntu in lsb_release
[11:59] <me_> and i started irc and its default channel was kubuntu
[11:59] <x-X-x> kk
[11:59] <x-X-x> i take that back then
[11:59] <pjv> x-X-x: so it doesn't matter what client i use if it's allocating disk space, it would still use a lot of memory?
[11:59] <me_> so what am i using lol
[12:00] <linuxlover> Problem KCron!!! I am trying to learn KCron. I am adding a task using Edit-->NewTask. In the program field I am writing konsole (with a view to it will open a terminal) and specifying the Month as April, Days of Month as 21 and Hours as 16pm, Minutes as 0. But when my computer clock reaches to 16:00 pm it actually do not opening any konsole program for me. What mistake I am doing? I am a newbie.
[12:00] <Jucato> me_: Kubuntu 8.04 Hardy
[12:00] <flaccid> Jucato: is restricted drivers in system settings | advanced in hardy?
[12:00] <x-X-x> pjv no, but u can change that in settings did u enable full preallocation ??
[12:00] <me_> so what do u recommand me using ?
[12:00] <Jucato> flaccid: should be. unless kubuntu-restricted-manager isn't installed
[12:00] <pjv> let me check
[12:01] <Jucato> flaccid: not sure about the package name btw
[12:01] <ds187> linuxlover: from posting your question over and over again it is not getting solved faster
[12:01] <flaccid> see http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/restricted-manager-kde
[12:01] <me_> what should i be using guyes
[12:01] <me_> what are u people using
[12:01] <me_> flaccid
[12:01] <me_> i dont mind reinstalling and downloading
[12:01] <flaccid> me_: gutsy which is the stable
[12:01] <me_> oh
[12:02] <me_> is that what your using ?
[12:02] <pjv> x-X-x: no i haven't
[12:02] <flaccid> yeah
[12:02] <me_> ok cool ill download it
[12:02] <x-X-x> pjv if u enabled full prealloctaion and dont like it useing alot of memory then uncheck it and check " disable diskspace allocation" but then it wont save diskspace and u will get more fragmentation
[12:02] <me_> because i remember it never used to be this much trouble to my drivers working last time i installed linux
[12:02] <x-X-x> pjv whats your memory ?
[12:02] <flaccid> me_: after download, goto the kmenu, system settings - advanced | restricted drivers and then enable the driver.
[12:02] <pjv> x-X-x: 2GB
[12:03] <me_> i have to uninstall this peice of rubbish first yes ?
[12:03] <flaccid> me_: well its not. its very simple, but you don't seem to be able to get to it but 3 clicks
[12:03] <linuxlover> I am extreamly sorry
[12:03] <me_> there is no way to down grade lol
[12:03] <flaccid> me_: downgrade would be pointless and hard
[12:03] <x-X-x> pjv lol i using 1.5gb and im not getting any high mem usage, what version of ktorrent the repo version or the bleeding edge ?
[12:04] <me_> or should i just presisting with this beta version ?
[12:04] <me_> and read more ?
[12:04] <me_> why is it so unstable ?
[12:04] <pjv> bleeding edge
[12:04] <x-X-x> me_ becouse its still in testing
[12:04] <flaccid> its not finished thus the beta status
[12:05] <x-X-x> pjv its the repo version its been optimized to work well with kubuntu
[12:05] <me_> so serious now ill download gusty yeah ?
[12:05] <me_> its for the best hey
[12:05] <flaccid> me_: thats what we recommend
[12:05] <me_> ok
[12:05] <me_> nuff said
[12:05] <flaccid> beta is for devs...
[12:05] <x-X-x> me_ u use 64bit ?
[12:05] <pjv> x-X-x: ok thank you
[12:05] <me_> sorry for being so annoying lol
[12:05] <flaccid> testers and devs of the distro
[12:05] <me_> thanks
[12:05] <x-X-x> lolno it was fun :D
[12:05] <flaccid> me_: all good
[12:06] <x-X-x> flaccid: devs and ppl who wanna brag to their mates :P
[12:06] <flaccid> but what you brag about heh. it runs kde4, oh yay heh :p
[12:06] <flaccid> actually does it even have kde4 can't remember
[12:06] <me_> whats festy
[12:06] <me_> the even older version ?
[12:06] <flaccid> yeah
[12:07] <x-X-x> i cant wait for full opengl plugins for kde4 then i can uninstall compixz which is giving me problems with kicker
[12:07] <me_> desktop or alternate ?
[12:07] <me_> what do u recommand ?
[12:07] <flaccid> desktop, me_
[12:07] <me_> which is faster to install
[12:07] <me_> kk
[12:07] <flaccid> just boot into the livecd then click the install icon and off you go
[12:08] <DreadKnight> me_: faster to install is alternate, because you don;t boot in it
[12:08] <x-X-x> me_ install gutsy in 1 month and a few days hardy will be finished
[12:08] <me_> lol
[12:08] <me_> then i can upgrade
[12:08] <flaccid> you can do alternate like DreadKnight said as its faster, but its text-based which may not suit you
[12:08] <me_> can i burn from this peice of rubbish
[12:08] <x-X-x> u should be able to
[12:08] <flaccid> yes burn the iso
[12:08] <me_> im not that dumb its just im not very exspeinced in linux
[12:09] <me_> do i need to mount anything
[12:09] <me_> or
[12:09] <x-X-x> me_ yeh i was just like u 1 month ago
[12:09] <me_> what software do i use
[12:09] <x-X-x> u get used to linux
[12:09] <flaccid> me_: download the iso and burn it
[12:09] <x-X-x> me_ type cd burn in add/remove software
[12:10] <x-X-x> or install acetoneiso
[12:10] <x-X-x> but thats not inrepos so do the first
[12:10] <flaccid> me_: you can burn in k3b if you are using hardy
[12:10] <x-X-x> oh kl
[12:10] <DreadKnight> k3b on kde, bracero in gnome (hardy preinstalled already)
[12:11] <DreadKnight> you can burn in k3d in pretty much any kubuntu, not just hardy :P
[12:11] <DreadKnight> k3b*
[12:11] <me_> ok might need to download and burn
[12:11] <x-X-x> anyone here using creative xmod ?
[12:11] <me_> i found a cd i had a while ago
[12:11] <flaccid> i said that because me_ could be downloading it on another OS
[12:11] <me_> its kubuntu 7.04
[12:11] <x-X-x> no
[12:11] <me_> dont use it
[12:12] <x-X-x> download kubuntu 7.10
[12:12] <me_> i am
[12:12] <x-X-x> k
[12:12] <me_> just thought ild ask
[12:12] <x-X-x> oh ok
[12:12] <me_> but u can upgrade it once u install a older version
[12:12] <me_> isnt that right
[12:12] <me_> u know what i mean
[12:12] <x-X-x> yeh but some ppl get problems with that
[12:12] <flaccid> me_: it would take longer and not necessarily be easy
[12:12] <me_> kk
[12:12] <me_> better not then
[12:12] <me_> im still noob
[12:12] <me_> i want to be a linux master
[12:12] <x-X-x> lol
[12:13] <me_> its interesting
[12:13] <me_> i get bored with windows and all the viruses
[12:13] <me_> and how it slows my computer down
[12:13] <me_> i sometimes feel like smashing the keyboard
[12:13] <x-X-x> i have a feeling u gonna become a linux zealot and slaughter all who use msdos
[12:13] <flaccid> hopefully nobody uses msdos anymore
[12:13] <x-X-x> win vista i mean
[12:13] <me_> i may install vista on the other hd though lol
[12:14] <x-X-x> omg
[12:14] <me_> my friend said its good
[12:14] <me_> i dont need that rubbish ?
[12:14] <x-X-x> just install linux and if u need bleeding edge game support then pay for cedega
[12:14] <flaccid> a lot of friends don't know what they are talking about, particularly windows users
[12:14] <me_> if i learn linux right i should be able to do everything on linux anyway hey
[12:14] <flaccid> not everything, but it depends on what you do
[12:14] <me_> i look at alot of porno lol
[12:14] <me_> hahah
[12:14] <me_> naa i build websites and stuff
[12:14] <DreadKnight> me_: you can install 7.04 and upgrade a few times.. like i do
[12:15] <x-X-x> me_ anything if u code apps that windows has but that are not on lin
[12:15] <me_> play a few game
[12:15] <DreadKnight> me_: if you have good internet connection that is
[12:15] <me_> well i download it from my isp's ftp server
[12:15] <me_> coz its free downloads
[12:15] <me_> doesnt go towards my quota
[12:15] <x-X-x> o.o
[12:15] <DreadKnight> me_: it's free from official site dude...
[12:15] <x-X-x> you isp gives u porn ?
[12:15] <me_> and someone told me yesterday iinet does host software for linux
[12:15] <DreadKnight> :))
[12:15] <me_> i know
[12:15] <me_> what do u mean
[12:16] <me_> it doesnt go towards your download quota
[12:16] <me_> in australia we get shaped
[12:16] <me_> lol
[12:16] <flaccid> you are in australia, me_?
[12:16] <me_> yes
[12:16] <DreadKnight> :-)
[12:16] <me_> u guys probably dont have a download quota
[12:16] <flaccid> g'day mate, im in sydney heh
[12:16] <me_> hahaha
[12:16] <me_> perth
[12:16] <x-X-x> wtf you isp hosts pron ?
[12:16] <me_> no
[12:16] <me_> linux
[12:16] <x-X-x> oh
[12:16] <me_> lol
[12:16] <flaccid> well iinet might have a mirror
[12:16] <me_> i think they do
[12:17] <me_> i am download gusty from there mirro now
[12:17] <me_> or ftp
[12:17] <fildo_> flaccid fildo.org
[12:17] <me_> i should be able to download software and rubbish from iinets mirror too
[12:17] <flaccid> fildo_: pardon?
[12:17] <x-X-x> me_ i think there must be an unlimited isp in australia
[12:17] <me_> i would like to run windows apps on linux too
[12:17] <me_> sometimes
[12:18] <x-X-x> me_ install wine
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[12:18] <me_> yeah but it costs alot of $$
[12:18] <x-X-x> no
[12:18] <me_> i did that last time i installed linux
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[12:18] <me_> its a bit dicky
[12:18] <flaccid> no unlimited isp anymore not in soho range
[12:18] <me_> i didnt mean wine cost money
[12:18] <x-X-x> wine is FWWWWEEEE
[12:18] <me_> i know
[12:18] <me_> i tried to play steam on it
[12:18] <me_> wasnt too good
[12:18] <me_> i got upto install the fonts
[12:18] <me_> lol
[12:18] <me_> and then it crashed
[12:18] <me_> and crashed again
[12:18] <flaccid> !punctuation | me_
[12:19] <ubotu> me_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[12:19] <me_> then i got drunk and beat the missus lol
[12:19] <me_> jj
[12:19] <x-X-x> me_ and when was that app bug fixes go Forward not backwards
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=== fild is now known as fildo
[12:19] <x-X-x> me_ lmao
[12:19] <me_> bug
[12:19] <me_> i seen linux xp
[12:19] <me_> u have to pay though
[12:19] <x-X-x> me_ steam support is soooo much better now
[12:19] <me_> rubbish
[12:19] <me_> really
[12:19] <me_> no bugs
[12:19] <flaccid> me_: stop flooding.
[12:20] <me_> k
[12:20] <x-X-x> me_ what version of wine did u use ?
[12:20] <me_> i cant remember
[12:20] <me_> i use the enter key like a full stop sometimes lol
[12:20] <x-X-x> http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1554
[12:20] <DreadKnight> !enter
[12:20] <ubotu> Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[12:20] <flaccid> yes. stop doing it please me_
[12:20] <Signil> hi I am trying to play a cd.. but I guess it has scratches on it .. it gets stuck right int the middle.. kaffeine and vlc refuse to play any further :s
[12:21] <flaccid> Signil: check dmesg to see if it has read errors etc.
[12:21] <DreadKnight> Signil: try jumping over that section...
[12:21] <x-X-x> signil check it with k3b
[12:21] <Signil> I tried.. jumping over that part.. but I cant
[12:22] <flaccid> not much you can do about physical damage
[12:22] <x-X-x> signil pirate dvds ??
[12:22] <x-X-x> :P
[12:22] <Signil> umm yeah
[12:22] <x-X-x> lmao
[12:22] <x-X-x> what a guess
[12:22] <flaccid> can we stay on -topic and don't do !enter
[12:22] <x-X-x> flaccid kk luv
[12:23] <x-X-x> signil i want to say how u can fix that problem of yours for free but that will go against this channels rules of piracy
[12:24] <x-X-x> so signil just buy the movie u watching ;)
[12:24] <Signil> hmm x-X-x u can always om ;)
[12:24] <Signil> pm*
[12:24] <x-X-x> lol ill get raped
[12:24] <Signil> nah I will protect ya
[12:25] <me_> ok downloaded
[12:25] <me_> so what do i do to burn it again
[12:25] <flaccid> me_: use k3b
[12:26] <flaccid> !burning | me_
[12:26] <ubotu> me_: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto
[12:27] <me_> thanks guys your bloody do a good job here
[12:27] <x-X-x> lol
[12:27] <x-X-x> its comes with being a nix user
[12:27] <me_> do i make a data dvd
[12:27] <me_> i dont see a iso option
[12:27] <x-X-x> yeh
[12:27] <x-X-x> u have a cd oto ?to burn r dvd
[12:28] <x-X-x> or*
[12:28] <me_> its in
[12:28] <x-X-x> wtf
[12:28] <flaccid> me_: read the link above!!! ffs
[12:28] <me_> k sorry
[12:28] <x-X-x> typo u have a cd or dvd to burn to ?
[12:28] <me_> dvd
[12:28] <x-X-x> * gives flaccid a chill-pill *
[12:28] <x-X-x> then yeh make a data dvd
[12:28] <flaccid> hes aussie, the 'f' will make him do action
[12:28] <me_> r u sure it will boot
[12:29] <x-X-x> lol
[12:29] <flaccid> if you burn the iso, the iso is a bootable image
[12:29] <me_> f ?
[12:29] <x-X-x> me_ do it it will work
[12:29] <mhp> hello all
[12:29] <me_> k when i come back ill be better
[12:29] <x-X-x> heya mhp
[12:29] <me_> im just nervious thats all
[12:29] <x-X-x> me_ didnt u burn 7.04 o.O??
[12:29] <DreadKnight> me_: hey you can always watch an installation video guide/tutorial
[12:30] <mhp> i just tried out the latest kde4 spin. kde4 has made a LOT of progress since the last time i saw it!
[12:30] <flaccid> me_: ok so burn the dvd, boot and install then change driver then come back if you have a problem
[12:30] <x-X-x> mhp yes but its still too unstable to recommend
[12:30] <DreadKnight> kde4 is slugish anyway
[12:31] <mhp> yeah..a few things do hinder it's adoption though
[12:31] <x-X-x> kde4 in noobs eyes = kde + compiz
[12:31] <x-X-x> but yeh im looking forward to kde4
[12:31] <mhp> haha..look..SHINY!
[12:32] <x-X-x> flaccid where u from ?
[12:32] <flaccid> sydney
[12:32] <x-X-x> mhp whats your gpu
[12:32] <wesley> kde4 is great but not as complete as kde3
[12:32] <flaccid> capital of australia
[12:32] <mhp> an ATI Mobility X300
[12:32] <x-X-x> flaccid lol why u say that thing about aussies then
[12:33] <flaccid> we swear alot
[12:33] <x-X-x> o.o
[12:33] <x-X-x> thats hard to imagine
[12:33] <x-X-x> we british swear a f*k lot
[12:34] <x-X-x> so bad tourism has gone down
[12:34] <flaccid> yeah we are on par with that really
[12:35] <mhp> now that I have installed 8.04 KDE4 spin, is there a way to go back to the trusted old 3.5.9 desktop without downloading a whole new ISO?
[12:35] <x-X-x> mhp if u install hardy then it must have been for a reason
[12:35] <x-X-x> installed*
[12:36] <mhp> yeah..distro tourism ;)
[12:36] <flaccid> mhp: maybe better asked in #kubuntu-kde4
[12:36] <noaXess> !sms
[12:36] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about sms - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[12:37] <x-X-x> ubotu u noob
[12:37] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about u noob - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[12:37] <x-X-x> XD
[12:37] <gianluca> ciao
[12:38] <ICMike5> is 8.04 final due out this week?
[12:38] <mhp> 3 days i think
[12:38] <naught101> on the 24th
[12:38] <x-X-x> what?
[12:38] <x-X-x> i thought still 1 month to go
[12:38] <ICMike5> great/thanks
[12:39] <ICMike5> no it was due late this month, last i read. i just wasnt sure of the date
[12:39] <mhp> nah..fedora is the one that keeps getting delayed. k/ubuntu keep pumping out distros every 6 months like clockwork
[12:39] <x-X-x> me too
[12:39] <x-X-x> lo
[12:42] <mhp> so do you guys know of an apt-get install ___ command to keep the rest of kubuntu and replace kde4 with kde3?
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[12:42] <mhp> the rest of the OS seems pretty solid
[12:48] <mhp> i think i might just try:
[12:48] <mhp> apt-get install kdebase-bin-kde3
[12:49] <clau30> is there amarok 1.4.9 for gutsy available?
[12:50] <mhp> clau: i'm guessing there should be
[12:50] <mhp> sorry..that's 1.4.7
[12:51] <mhp> and apparently (acc to distrowatch) the latest release is 1.4.8
[12:53] <ICQnumber> will new kubuntu come out with kde3 or kde4 by default, or both versions of them?
[12:53] <mhp> kde3 by default..and a kde4 spin for the adventurous!
[12:54] <sahin_w> clau30: Based on the packages.ubuntu.com hardy contains the following amarok version: amarok (2:
[12:54] <sahin_w> clau30: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/amarok
[12:54] <clau30> sahin_w: I currently have gutsy ;) and version 1.4.8
[12:55] <clau30> but it's not that important, 1,4,9,1 has only cover fetching fix
[12:55] <clau30> on medibuntu is a 1,4,9 version, but uninstallable due to other dependancies
[12:55] <sahin_w> clau30: Yes, is a cover fix only.
[12:56] <clau30> I can live without it for now :)
[12:58] <sahin_w> clau30: And if you going to upgrade/install hardy you will got the version. Few days left... ;-)
[12:58] <|Dreams|> when is kubuntu 8.04 released?
[12:59] <sahin_w> On 24. April. I guess...
[12:59] <|Dreams|> oh right thought it might be different
[12:59] <clau30> yep, thursday
[12:59] <sahin_w> I hope this version won't be a thursday child! ;-)
[13:00] <|Dreams|> will you all be upgrading?
[13:00] <|Dreams|> will it be worth it
[13:00] <sahin_w> I'm always reinstall my system. I have a separate /home.
[13:00] <sahin_w> However that's my practice.
[13:01] <|Dreams|> thats a good idea i never thought of that before so i dont lose all my documents and dont have to backup 200gb
[13:01] <|Dreams|> damn
[13:01] <|Dreams|> going to take me a while to back it up
[13:01] <sahin_w> Backup always a good idea!
[13:01] <|Dreams|> lol
[13:01] <shadowbox> good morning all
[13:01] <sahin_w> I have a separate /home, however I'm going to backup my system first.
[13:03] <shadowbox> can anyone suggest a good avi-mpeg/divx converting program? is Devede anygood?
[13:05] <sahin_w> shadowbox: If you familiar with cli (don't affraid of konsole ;-) ) try xvidenc
[13:05] <sahin_w> shadowbox: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xvidenc
[13:06] <sahin_w> shadowbox: I used to xvidenc in the past...
[13:07] <naught101> anyone know why a kdenlive crash like this:
[13:07] <naught101> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to Thread 0xb3859b90 (LWP 8807)] 0xb607f7c8 in ?? () from /usr/lib/mlt/modules/libmltsdl.so
[13:07] <naught101> would cause kde to logout?
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[13:11] <makina-corpus__> moonlight
[13:13] <cimma> hi @ all
[13:15] <cimma> when i start my ubuntu there ist only a black screen. after autostarting the x the screen is ok. mybe the resulation is wrong?? sombody can help me
[13:22] <freq_fraq> Hello. I'm relatively new to linux and I'm trying the kubuntu live CD, with two problems. 1) when KDE loads it wants a username and a password. what are they? 2) for some reason my mouse is not responding (it worked perfectly with ubuntu 7.10 live CD). any ideas? thanks
[13:24] <flaccid> freq_fraq: which iso did you burn? or where did you get it from. standard desktop cd has no username/password in kde
[13:25] <flaccid> it should boot straight into kde
[13:26] <freq_fraq> flaccid: weird... downloaded kubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso when followed link from kubuntu.org. even the md5 matched (ae9b209fe4b9caf545fa2011631de797).
[13:31] <flaccid> freq_fraq: its asking for password in kdm?
[13:33] <Jucato> Desktop CD username: ubuntu; Password = "" (blank)
[13:33] <cracker> hi all
[13:34] <freq_fraq> flaccid: one moment. I think I've found a picture...
[13:35] <freq_fraq> flaccid: here, a window like that http://tinyurl.com/4wztxd (but the left white box is empty, with no users to choose from)
[13:37] <flaccid> i've had that bug as well the other day freq_fraq
[13:37] <flaccid> it did it to me on my gutsy flash drive
[13:37] <flaccid> freq_fraq: you could check !bugs or perhaps try the alternate cd. its unfortunate
[13:38] <freq_fraq> what does !bugs mean?
[13:39] <ds187> freq_fraq: here is someone with the same problem.....quite old but he solved it by downloading the iso again: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31318
[13:40] <flaccid> !bugs | freq_fraq
[13:40] <ubotu> freq_fraq: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots
[13:42] <freq_fraq> thanks. my guess is that downloading the file again will make no difference (the md5 was right, so I didn't download a bad file). maybe I'll install from the alternate CD, or install ubuntu first and then install the kubuntu package. thanks anyway
[13:44] <flaccid> yeah its a bug
[13:46] <papa_> hi all
[13:47] <papa_> i got a short question concerning kubuntu... if I install rc now will can i simply upgrade it into release in three days?
[13:48] <flaccid> papa_: yep
[13:49] <ds187> .oO( short question , short answer )
[13:49] <ds187> :-)
[13:49] <flaccid> :o)
[13:50] <papa_> good
[13:50] <papa_> next time ill be online here
[13:50] <papa_> ill be on 804
[13:50] <papa_> ;)
[13:50] <ds187> :-)
[13:50] <Jucato> and you'll mostly stay in #ubuntu+1 until the release day
[13:51] <flaccid> Jucato: you seen that login screen/no user bug before?
[13:51] <Jucato> flaccid: not at all
[13:51] <Jucato> but the username for all live cd's are ubuntu
[13:51] <flaccid> yeah, no usernames come up in kdm and kdm loads which it should not :(
[13:51] <papa_> you guys tried kde4 remix?
[13:52] <flaccid> it did it randomly to me the other day
[13:52] <papa_> i want to use kde4 productive on my main notebook... is it tooooooo unstable or will it somehow work?
[13:53] * stdin *only* uses KDE4
[13:53] <flaccid> papa_ well technically need to wait for stable/prod release
[13:53] <papa_> stdin: stdout >> nice
[13:54] <Jucato> what's KDE 3?
[13:54] <papa_> flaccid: but for webbrowsing and so on it will be okay or won't it be?
[13:55] <flaccid> papa_: sure, but always the risk of a problem. people are reporting fairly good stability however
[13:57] <stdin> nothing stopping you from using KDE 3 apps on KDE 4 either
[13:57] <papa_> flaccid: okay i think i'll give it a try
[14:09] <ryy> Hello, I cannot connect to a wireless network since I upgraded to Gutsy. In Feisty I was using ndswrpaper and everything worked fine. When I upgraded to Gutsy the wireless did not work but I was asked if I wanted to enable restricted drivers. Enabling restricted drivers made the wifi light come on but I can't connect. The connection fails while the machine is establishing an IP. Does anyone know what I should do?
[14:10] <flaccid> that usually indicates wrong key/phrase. is this a secure or unsecure network, ryy/
[14:10] <ryy> Unsecured
[14:10] <flaccid> you are selecting it via knetworkmanager?
[14:10] <flaccid> ie. the icon in tray?
[14:11] <ryy> Yes, through the icon tray.
[14:11] <flaccid> ok sweet. can you please pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces
[14:12] <ryy> I am sorry I don't understand what would you like me paste?
[14:13] <flaccid> !pastebin | ryy
[14:13] <ubotu> ryy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[14:13] <flaccid> goto the above url, paste the /etc/network/interfaces file and then paste back the return URL
[14:15] <ryy> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63917/
[14:15] <ryy> Is this what you wanted?
[14:16] <flaccid> yes thanks, which interface is the wireless?
[14:17] <flaccid> ryy
[14:17] <ryy> I know that the eth0 is wired I dont know the rest! sorry
[14:17] <flaccid> ryy: can you check iwlist scanning for the interface
[14:18] <flaccid> iwlist scanning <-- konsole command
[14:18] <ryy> Let me try
[14:19] <ryy> I typed int iwlist scanning. I and pasted the result on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63918/
[14:20] <flaccid> cool so its eth1
[14:20] <flaccid> is one of those APs, the one you want to connect to, because they are secure
[14:21] <ryy> I can see a Belkin router through my icon tray. Thats mine and currently unsecured. Thats the one I would like
[14:23] <flaccid> ryy: whats the ssid of that AP, also please pastebin ifconfig -a and also lspci | grep -i network && lspci | grep -i ether <-- into one pastebin is fine
[14:23] <flaccid> sorry to go in depth, but i wanna check a couple of things first
[14:24] <ryy> Ok
[14:27] <FrauHansen> Hi. I'd like to use my webcam. when i plug it the following is added to /var/log/messages: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7663/
[14:28] <flaccid> sweet
[14:28] <flaccid> !webcam | FrauHansen
[14:28] <ubotu> FrauHansen: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras
[14:28] <kblin> hi folks
[14:29] <kblin> is there an alternative to ekiga that doesn't force me to install evolution?
[14:29] <ryy> flaccid: Threre you go. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63919/
[14:30] <flaccid> ta
[14:30] <ryy> ?
[14:31] <FrauHansen> i tried luvcview - d /dev/video0
[14:31] <FrauHansen> Unable to map buffer (22)
[14:31] <FrauHansen> Init v4L2 failed !! exit fatal
[14:31] <flaccid> ryy won't be a sec
[14:32] <flaccid> FrauHansen: identify your cam and look at the support first
[14:33] <FrauHansen> flaccid: my cam is a cheap silvercrest. that brand isn't even listed under "supported cams" list
[14:34] <flaccid> FrauHansen: thats probably why
[14:34] <flaccid> what does it come up as in lsusb ?
[14:34] <FrauHansen> flaccid: thats why i posted the /var/log/messages if anyone can judge the chances i got here
[14:35] <flaccid> it doesn't help
[14:35] <flaccid> it indicates it can set a device but a driver may still be required
[14:35] <FrauHansen> ah ok.
[14:35] <FrauHansen> lsusb: Bus 003 Device 003: ID eb1a:2820 eMPIA Technology, Inc.
[14:36] <flaccid> FrauHansen: you can go through http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=eb1a:2820+eMPIA+Technology,+Inc.&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
[14:36] <mifauna> hola
[14:36] <mifauna> comoestan
[14:36] <flaccid> FrauHansen: hmm that vendor id looks like video capture only
[14:37] <FrauHansen> flaccid: it's just a cam without a mic... if it's that what you mean
[14:37] <flaccid> i'd say they use that for the video component. you could google with all the related keywords FrauHansen but it doesn't look good
[14:38] <FrauHansen> ok. thank you so far
[14:39] <flaccid> there is no standard webcam protocol, so it depends on the vendor making a driver for their product for linux :(
[14:44] <ryy> flaccid: Do you think there something I can do?
[14:45] <flaccid> sorry got caught up
[14:45] <flaccid> im checking the support now
[14:46] <flaccid> website seems to have gone down
[14:47] <flaccid> !wireless
[14:47] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[14:48] <flaccid> is that down for you too ryy?
[14:48] <ryy> let me try again
[14:49] <to_> I can read http://www.kubuntu.org/ , but not https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ and neither http://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ
[14:49] <genii> Timing out for me
[14:49] <ryy> flaccid: no its still up http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/63919/
[14:50] <flaccid> im talking about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[14:50] <ds187> flaccid: seems down
[14:51] <flaccid> yeah
[14:52] <ryy> flaccid: you are talking to me right? The link I pasted is up.
[14:53] <flaccid> the wiki is down ryy
[14:53] <philipp__> lol
[14:54] <flaccid> i think they are fixing it
[14:55] <to> Yes, Viagrid is helping to fight flaccid problems
[14:55] <to> :-)
[14:56] <ryy> OK. Is this is a common problem? Should I come back later or should I wait?
[14:56] <flaccid> ryy: http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=ubuntu+BCM94311MCG&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
[14:56] <flaccid> lets look at it a bit further
[14:58] <ryy> Ok I will try them. Thank you for all your help.
[14:59] <flaccid> lol i was still helping
[14:59] <to> http://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs it's working now !
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[15:03] <wesley> !adeptfix
[15:03] <ubotu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[15:07] <philipp__> konqueror kann nicht googlen seit ich auf wlan umgestiegen bin
[15:08] <flaccid> !de | philipp__
[15:08] <ubotu> philipp__: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[15:08] <flaccid> umgestiegen ?
[15:09] <flaccid> i think that means transferred hmm
[15:10] <ghostcube> hiho :) someone updated from gutsy to hardy rc1 ?? and could tell me if it works fine :)
[15:10] <ds187> flaccid: he changed from wired to wireless network i would guess
[15:10] <ghostcube> or should i wait for final in 3 weeks
[15:10] <ghostcube> *2
[15:10] <flaccid> ah ok danke
[15:11] <flaccid> ghostcube: #ubuntu+1
[15:11] <ds187> and now i'm leaving......see u later
[15:11] <flaccid> cia0
[15:11] <ghostcube> why ubuntu if im on kubuntu
[15:11] <ghostcube> ^^
[15:12] <flaccid> because there is no #kubuntu+1
[15:12] <flaccid> afaik
[15:12] <ghostcube> prob is kubuntu is no lts
[15:12] <ghostcube> :|
[15:13] <flaccid> what do you mean
[15:13] <jpatrick> !khardy | flaccid
[15:13] <ubotu> flaccid: Kubuntu Hardy Heron expects to ship with both KDE 3 and KDE 4 as 2 separate disks. KDE 3 should be offered by shipit. The KDE 3 CD will be commercially supported for 18 months and KDE 4 will be community supported
[15:14] <flaccid> i don't see what the problem is then
[15:14] <flaccid> dapper LTS was woeful
[15:14] <flaccid> lts can be a disadvantage
[15:22] <genii> Dapper LTS is still good til 2011
[15:22] <genii> (server)
[15:22] <flaccid> still good in what respect but genii ?
[15:23] <flaccid> most people find a bug or dependency a reason to upgrade
[15:23] <flaccid> or usually a requirement
[15:23] <flaccid> i mean i've had to continually advise people that dapper can't d what they want
[15:24] <flaccid> especially considering ubuntu server is way behind in terms of software available in repos. you have to go to hardy to get some certain php mods for example
[15:25] <rohanrhu> dolphin isn't create new file what do solution ?
[15:25] <flaccid> rohanrhu: what do you want to do?
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=== david_ is now known as Cupidos
[15:27] <Cupidos> helloo
[15:28] <Cupidos> anyone here?:)
[15:28] <makdaknife> hi
[15:29] <flaccid> nobody is here
[15:29] <Cupidos> funny..
[15:29] <Cupidos> i have this question, and i was hoping someone can help me ?:)
[15:30] <jerknextdoor> that's what we're here for, Cupidos .
[15:31] <flaccid> !ask | Cupidos
[15:31] <ubotu> Cupidos: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[15:31] <rohanrhu> flaccid: i'm want create whichever empty file but dolphin is give error message: "could not create new file" in the bottom
[15:31] <genii> flaccid: My usual practice is to go from server LTS to server LTS so I'll wait 3-6months after 8.04 release for comfort, then migrate the 6.06.2 boxes over. They don't use any strange php mods etc
[15:31] <flaccid> genii: thats well and good if you are simpleton that uses basic and old server software
[15:32] <Cupidos> can i use adobe photoshop, and illustrator & indesign, whit linux ?
[15:32] <flaccid> rohanrhu: where are you trying to create it
[15:32] <flaccid> Cupidos: to some extent yes. using wine.
[15:32] <flaccid> you can check the winedb via google, Cupidos
[15:32] <Cupidos> flaccid: wine? iam kinda noobie :)
[15:32] <flaccid> !wine | Cupidos
[15:32] <ubotu> Cupidos: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.
[15:32] <makdaknife> Cupidos: better than wine is CrossoverOffice but its commercial software and you pay a nominal amount to install it
[15:33] <flaccid> cxoffice or cedega or wine extensions in the commercial realm
[15:33] <flaccid> or wine = are wine
[15:33] <rohanrhu> flaccid: home folder
[15:33] <flaccid> rohanrhu: ?
[15:33] <Cupidos> sounds kinda hard;D
[15:33] <flaccid> Cupidos: its not exactly straight forward
[15:34] <flaccid> Cupidos: it can be as simple as installing wine, then just running your windows executable under the command wine
[15:34] <flaccid> providing default support for the particular is good
[15:35] <makdaknife> Cupidos: its actually very easy if you use cxoffice as it has a nice gui that guides you through installing software and integrates with your window manager menu
[15:35] <flaccid> makdaknife: please don't plug commercial software here
[15:35] <Cupidos> ooh okey ;D
[15:36] <Cupidos> then, how do i get it?;D
[15:36] <makdaknife> flaccid: I have no connection with cxoffice... I'm just providing advice from my personal experience
[15:36] <jerknextdoor> cupidos: I believe this is the walkthrough http://news.softpedia.com/news/Install-Photoshop-CS2-on-Your-Ubuntu-PC-77260.shtml
[15:36] <flaccid> makdaknife: ubuntu is not commercial
[15:36] <makdaknife> flaccid: the wine project does happen to spin off from cxoffice anyway
[15:36] <flaccid> makdaknife: its the other way around. cxoffice extends wine base
[15:36] <makdaknife> pedant
[15:37] <flaccid> pedant?
[15:37] <Cupidos> någon svensk här elller ?:)
[15:37] <flaccid> !sv | Cupidos
[15:37] <ubotu> Cupidos: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se
[15:37] <rohanrhu> flaccid: my home folder namely: /home/rohanrhu but no problem in konqueror
[15:38] <flaccid> rohanrhu: if thats the case, i guess you could lodge a bug for it
[15:38] <flaccid> it seems to be application specific rohanrhu
[15:41] <rohanrhu> flaccid: ok, thanks
[15:41] <flaccid> np
[15:49] * Scrounch is now away: off
[15:51] <gromozekin> hi again. i have one problem with opera browser.
[15:51] <gromozekin> i would like to delete it
[15:51] <flaccid> gromozekin: how did you install it?
[15:52] <flaccid> whats your problem with it anyway?
[15:52] <gromozekin> from deb package
[15:52] <gromozekin> ok
[15:52] <flaccid> then remove the package
[15:52] <gromozekin> i type: apt-get remove opera
[15:52] <flaccid> under which user?
[15:52] <gromozekin> root of course
[15:52] <flaccid> and?
[15:52] <gromozekin> and
[15:53] <gromozekin> i am using russified de
[15:53] <gromozekin> so
[15:53] <gromozekin> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
[15:54] <flaccid> what is russified de?
[15:54] <flaccid> that doesn't look like the full error output either
[15:54] <gromozekin> KDE with Russian Language
[15:54] <gromozekin> yeah
[15:54] <flaccid> fair enough
[15:55] <gromozekin> cause i got russian version. but i will try to translate
[15:55] <flaccid> !ru
[15:55] <ubotu> Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[15:55] <flaccid> there is a channel for you
[15:55] <gromozekin> ))
[15:55] <gromozekin> thanks a lot guyz
[15:55] <gromozekin> bye
[15:55] <flaccid> np
[15:58] * Scrounch is now away: off
[15:58] <stdin> !away > Scrounch
[15:59] <gromozekin> !away
[15:59] <ubotu> You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users. (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.) The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines»
[16:00] <Pici> stdin: I warned him about it earlier in #ubuntu, and just now did a remove with a note.
[16:00] <stdin> oh
[16:20] <me_> can anyone help a newb, I installed LinuxMCE on a Kubuntu, durring install it removed all my package managers how do i get one back>?
[16:20] <nosrednaekim> me_: "sudo apt-get install adept_manager"
[16:20] <nosrednaekim> *adept-manager
[16:22] <me_> nosrednaekim: you are the man, thanks!
[16:22] <Loevborg> Guys, how do I change engery options in Kubuntu? I know how to do it in gnome, but not in KDE.
[16:22] <flaccid> whats engery?
[16:22] <Loevborg> Specifically: don't lock screen on resume; hibernate on power button
[16:22] <Loevborg> Mind you, I don't have a laptop, so no "battery" icon.
[16:24] <nosrednaekim> Loevborg: install kpowersave
[16:25] <flaccid> yeah powersave and kpowersave
[16:26] <Signil> why isnt my cam showing up on lsusb??
[16:26] <flaccid> is it supported, Signil?
[16:26] <flaccid> !webcam | Signil
[16:26] <ubotu> Signil: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras
[16:26] <makdaknife> Signil: you might want to see what messages are being reported by dmesg when you plug your cam in
[16:27] <Signil> well its an inbuilt acer orbicam
[16:27] <flaccid> its unlikely to be supported but check the doc above
[16:28] <Signil> ok
[16:29] <makdaknife> Signil: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=322218
[16:31] <Signil> makdaknife: I did what they mentioned there still not working!
[16:31] <flaccid> Signil: what does it come up on lsusb as?
[16:31] <Signil> the only thing I get is
[16:32] <Signil> Bus 005 Device 002: ID 5986:0100
[16:32] <Signil> Bus 005 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
[16:32] <Signil> Bus 004 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
[16:32] <Signil> Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
[16:32] <Signil> Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
[16:32] <Signil> Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
[16:32] <JoshOvki> !pastebin
[16:32] <ubotu> pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)
[16:33] <flaccid> Signil: if the device is 002 then its not a logitech cam which means the driver won't work
[16:34] <flaccid> Signil: see http://www.google.com/search?q=webcam+5986%3A0100&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
[16:34] <flaccid> Signil: http://ivangarcia.org/blog/?p=13
[16:34] <Signil> ok
[16:35] <flaccid> Signil: http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/
[16:36] <flaccid> Signil: http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=482967 that should be enough
[16:36] <papa_> hi
[16:37] <papa_> i'm now on 804rc
[16:37] <Signil> ok flaccid tx
[16:37] <nosrednaekim> papa_: #ubuntu+1 for that then :)
[16:39] <papa_> how do i enable proprietary 3d drivers?
[16:40] <trappist> papa_: nvidia or ati?
[16:40] <papa_> ati
[16:40] <trappist> !ati
[16:40] <ubotu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[16:40] <trappist> oh, I guess that was a spurious question :)
[16:40] <trappist> but at least I got an opportunity to use the word 'spurious'
[16:41] <papa_> !ati
[16:41] <ubotu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[16:41] <trappist> and I used it wrong :/
[16:42] <papa_> btw: is there a way to get rid of that new start menu... it takes ages to get to programs
[16:42] <papa_> ?
[16:42] <trappist> what new start menu?
[16:42] <papa_> in kde4 rmx
[16:42] <papa_> sry
[16:43] <papa_> i forgot to mention
[16:43] <jussio1> papa_: please use #kubuntu-kde4
[16:44] <papa_> k
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
=== mifauna is now known as mifauna_
[16:51] <mifauna_> hola
[16:52] <djouallah> do kubuntu support wubi like ubuntu ?
[16:53] <spanther> djouallah what is wubi?
[16:54] <djouallah> installing ubuntu on windows partition
[16:54] <djouallah> and i have to say thanks u ubuntu for doing that, thanks thanks thanks
[16:54] <spanther> just search in google :)
[16:55] <spanther> why are you so pleased about this feature? :P
[16:55] <djouallah> i was expecting a live experience
[16:55] <djouallah> cause i am in work, no right to touch the dd
[16:55] <spanther> i see
[16:55] <djouallah> so they they make my dream true
[16:55] <spanther> so wubi is a liveCD like base?
[16:56] <djouallah> yeah
[16:56] <djouallah> but it is persistant
[16:56] <rickest> djouallah: yes, kubuntu and ubuntu are virtually identical except what packages they install by default. you can even switch between them from the same insatll
[16:56] <djouallah> rickest, i was asking just to be sure
[16:56] <spanther> ubuntu and kubuntu has the same repository
[16:56] <rickest> spanther: wubi is a single file on a windows file system that internally represents a whole linux filesystem
[16:57] <stdin> djdarkman: the question you need to ask is does wubi support kubuntu
[16:57] <spanther> rickest nice :D so no repartitioning anymore and i ever can backup this file so that i never have to reinstall and ever have all my made settings?
[16:57] <spanther> god this rocks !! XD
[16:57] <rickest> spanther: correct
[16:57] * djouallah is downloading kubuntu
[16:57] <spanther> thats awesome lol xD
[16:58] <spanther> but it wont run in a window it will run for itself right?
[16:58] <rickest> stdin: wubi is WAY underneath Desktop Env and Window Managers, it doesn't matter
[16:58] <djdarkman> stdin: ?
[16:58] <stdin> rickest: wibi is a windows app
[16:58] <stdin> wubi*
[16:58] <rickest> spanther: yes
[16:58] <djouallah> spanther, yes of course
[16:58] <spanther> thats nice :)
[16:58] <spanther> but i dont have to boot windows to start it then or ?
[16:58] <djouallah> i understood it make a live virtual disk
[16:59] <djouallah> it is like ubuntu but with a fat partition
[16:59] <spanther> wubi = next step into virtualisation and just owns :D
[16:59] <stdin> wubi (as I understand it) will install the OS in windows then modify the windows boot loader to boot from that
[16:59] <rickest> stdin: that's correct
[17:00] <spanther> ah okay hehe that really sounds nice :3 i'll use wubi now lol
[17:00] <stdin> that has been possible for a long time but wubi automates the process
[17:00] <rickest> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wubi_(Ubuntu)
[17:00] <stdin> so the question remains, does wubi support kubuntu ?
[17:00] * djouallah is searching to make the boot choiser in usb flash so he can't be caught by his it administrator
[17:01] <rickest> yes, knoppix has done that for years and several other distros, but as you say not as automatic
[17:01] <spanther> its just that when i have changed my system harddrive or repartitioned it linux was away again so i could backup it and only would have to install it one time then i could use it forever configured as it is :)
[17:01] <DreadKnight> wubi lets you choose DE (ubuntu flavor) when installing
[17:01] <stdin> there's the answer then :)
[17:01] <rickest> stdin: do you mean "is there a wubi installer that runs in KDE"?
[17:01] <stdin> rickest: no, I meant what DreadKnight said, does it let you choose Ubuntu/Kubuntu
[17:02] <djouallah> i want to have a bad surprise, it work with kubuntu 8.04 !
[17:02] <djouallah> i meant i don't ;)
[17:02] <rickest> stdin: yes, it's a full blown distro running on a virtual file system
[17:02] <ubuntu> hi
[17:03] <spanther> and how does wubi work ? does it install while started over downloading all required files or does it need a whole download (700mb) before installing is possible?
[17:03] <Dorwin6> where can i download nvidia driver for kubuntu ? :)
[17:03] <stdin> !nvidia | Dorwin6
[17:03] <flaccid> !nvidia > Dorwin6
[17:03] <spanther> Dorwin6 use system -> restricted driver management
[17:03] <ubotu> Dorwin6: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto
[17:03] * djouallah is dancing a local dance
[17:04] <spanther> there you can choose nvidia proprietary driver :)
[17:04] <Dorwin6> thanks
[17:04] <spanther> oops wait its kde... lol sorry
[17:04] <DreadKnight> Dorwin6: the restricted manager will install it for you as far as i know :P
[17:04] <ubuntu> somebody speaks french here
[17:04] <djouallah> oui
[17:04] <spanther> djouallah lol nice ! xD
[17:04] <ubuntu> coment va tu
[17:04] <ryy> flaccid: are you still around
[17:05] <DreadKnight> je n'ais pas parle francais xD
[17:05] <flaccid> yeah
[17:05] <spanther> DreadKnight this manager is inside of gnome i think or isnt it? :3
[17:05] <djouallah> but not on public
[17:05] <Dorwin6> DreadKnight : where is restricted manager under system ?
[17:05] <flaccid> system settings | advanced | restricted drivers - Dorwin6
[17:05] <DreadKnight> there you go :-)
[17:05] <DreadKnight> spanther: inside kde too
[17:06] <spanther> i know what ubuntu and kubuntu and other distros really need :D an online manual for newbies where to find everything and then direct help to known problems this all at one place without need to search :)
[17:06] <DreadKnight> Dorwin6: it detects the video card automatically and let's you choose if to install the proprietary driver or not
[17:06] <eagles0513875> do we have any compiz users in here
[17:06] <Dorwin6> yeap it deletec nvidia acceleted graphics driver, however, i can click on install after clicking on administrator mode
[17:06] <DreadKnight> spanther: ubuntu/kubuntu have very good online documentation, especially as wikis
[17:06] <flaccid> ryy: i am here
[17:06] <ubuntu> djouallah i use a live cd
[17:06] * djouallah will use linux, in the office, fuck my it admin ;)
[17:07] <ubuntu> there is some restrictions
[17:07] <flaccid> spanther: ubuntu doc team believe they are doing the right thing heh
[17:07] <ryy> flaccid: After all that I still couldn't get it work. I noticed that only the password protected connections showed up on one pages you had me post. Does that have anything to do with the problem? Do have any ideas for me?
[17:07] <stdin> !ohmy | djouallah
[17:07] <ubotu> djouallah: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[17:07] <djouallah> sorry
[17:07] <spanther> naaah i dont say there are no manuals :)
[17:07] <flaccid> ryy: your ssid did not come up in the iwlist
[17:07] <djouallah> just i want to say it before it make me happy now
[17:07] <spanther> i mean there is a need for a real visible tree list so that newbies can learn where to find things at the menus :)
[17:07] <flaccid> im writing a kubuntu manual
[17:07] <DreadKnight> djouallah: one beer coming right up ... xD
[17:08] <spanther> and explaining which menu parts can change what settings :)
[17:08] <ryy> Yes, none the open connections did.
[17:08] <flaccid> ryy: huh
[17:08] <djouallah> DreadKnight, u are devieus u know i don't drink ;)
[17:08] <ryy> There are two connections in the area that do not require passwords.
[17:08] <DreadKnight> djouallah: we are um 80-90% water xD it's best to drink 2L of liquid daily
[17:09] <spanther> DreadKnight wrong! :D
[17:09] <DreadKnight> xD
[17:09] <spanther> its proven that this is not right
[17:09] <flaccid> ryy: do they appear in iwlist scanning ?
[17:09] <DreadKnight> spanther: well?
[17:09] <spanther> newest researchmends found out that its not needed to drink 1 or 2 liters per day just drink when you are thirsty
[17:09] <djouallah> DreadKnight, i like to be sobre
[17:09] <flaccid> ryy: well if its not your AP then they could use MAC filtering
[17:09] <ryy> let try again
[17:09] <DreadKnight> djouallah: you get drunk from 1 beer? haha
[17:10] <spanther> your body reacts if you are thirsty just drink but there is no mark you "have to" :) its proven wrong what they believed before
[17:10] <DreadKnight> spanther: well, yea... :P
[17:10] <eagles0513875> any compiz user im guessing not
[17:10] <DreadKnight> eagles0513875: what's the matter?
[17:10] <djouallah> DreadKnight, my culture assume if i drink i'll go to hell ;)
[17:10] <spanther> DreadKnight i'Ve seen this in tv they said this (doctors) so yeah know it since 2 months now is very new information :)
[17:10] <Pici> !ot
[17:10] <eagles0513875> DreadKnight: i want you to help me test something
[17:10] <ubotu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[17:10] <DreadKnight> djouallah: what culture is that? O_o
[17:11] <spanther> so yeah where to download wubi? ^^
[17:11] <flaccid> not kubuntu culture thats for sure
[17:11] <flaccid> spanther: google
[17:11] <spanther> does wubi work with vista?
[17:11] <DreadKnight> eagles0513875: some plugin or reproduce a bug? xD
[17:11] <djouallah> spanther, it is in the last distribution by default
[17:11] <DreadKnight> spanther: have you googled? xD
[17:11] <spanther> DreadKnight *gg* meanie
[17:11] <DreadKnight> it has its own site with .exe download
[17:11] <DreadKnight> :-)
[17:12] <eagles0513875> DreadKnight: try this for me install compiz prior to installing kde4 then let me know if it works
[17:12] <spanther> google are spy's so i hate them :P
[17:12] <eagles0513875> !offtopic | spanther
[17:12] <ubotu> spanther: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[17:12] <flaccid> heh
[17:12] <ryy> flaccid: no the unsecured connections do not show up when I do iwlist scanning. But I can see them through the icon tray.
[17:12] <DreadKnight> eagles0513875: i use kde3....
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[17:12] <flaccid> ryy: thats interesting
[17:12] <djouallah> ubotu, sorry
[17:12] <ubotu> It's ok, I can't stay mad at you.
[17:12] <DreadKnight> spanther: google is your frind
[17:12] <eagles0513875> dread nm
[17:12] <DreadKnight> friend*
[17:13] <DreadKnight> eagles0513875: it's a plugin that works just in kde4 or what?
=== ubuntu is now known as FelipeFloripa
[17:13] <djouallah> but thanks really guy u made me literraly dancing when i read i could use this wubi thing
[17:13] <eagles0513875> !compiz-fusion | DreadKnight
[17:13] <ubotu> DreadKnight: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[17:13] <eagles0513875> DreadKnight: thats what im talking bout
[17:13] * flaccid rolls his eyes
[17:13] <spanther> DreadKnight wubi is beta? :(
[17:13] <DreadKnight> eagles0513875: i think i have it installed in kde3 (i run hardy)
[17:14] <eagles0513875> u have cube effects setup
[17:14] <DreadKnight> spanther: well, yes xD
[17:14] <DreadKnight> eagles0513875: custom settings don't display me any configuration dialog from what i've seen..
[17:14] <eagles0513875> DreadKnight: humm not the exact problem im experiencing though
[17:14] <DreadKnight> eagles0513875: so i can manually choose the plugins like in gnome/ubuntu
[17:15] <DreadKnight> :-(
[17:15] <DreadKnight> so... kwin effects for the win
[17:15] <flaccid> ryy: check your logs after selecting the AP from knetworkmanager
[17:15] <spanther> lol sourceforge doesnt work wubi wont download :( any other source site?
[17:16] <DreadKnight> xD
[17:16] <flaccid> spanther: this is kubuntu support
[17:16] <DreadKnight> sourceforge and berlios are damn ugly
[17:16] <spanther> flaccid okay so where to get real linux support then not specialised at little parts of it?
[17:17] <flaccid> spanther: what is 'real linux support' ?
[17:17] <ryy> flaccid: where do I check logs? Sorry :(
[17:17] * DreadKnight stabs flaccid
[17:17] <flaccid> ryy: /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages and
[17:17] <spanther> flaccid support without barriers like "thats not our business" more like "its all linux" :)
[17:17] * DreadKnight ~ back to (re)watching Conan The Barbarian xD
[17:18] <flaccid> spanther: kubuntu doesn't support wubi. maybe you should be asking wubi this question
[17:18] <flaccid> wubi has a support page..
[17:19] <flaccid> barrier != scope
[17:19] <DreadKnight> kubuntu doesn't support nothing, the community does so
[17:19] <flaccid> or does it :p
[17:19] <spanther> DreadKnight right :)
[17:19] <flaccid> !off-topic
[17:19] <ubotu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[17:19] <flaccid> maybe that will help
[17:19] <spanther> but why not one community for every linux question so no switching between channels
[17:20] <flaccid> spanther: you didn't try ##linux ?
[17:20] <DreadKnight> wubi = a way of installing kubuntu
[17:20] <flaccid> good luck there...
[17:20] <flaccid> DreadKnight: im sure official support doesn't advocate wubi
[17:20] <DreadKnight> omg, you are spamming the channel uselessly
[17:21] <DreadKnight> :D
[17:21] <flaccid> arent we all?
[17:21] <spanther> lol
[17:21] * djouallah is going to kubuntu-offtopic
[17:22] <DreadKnight> flaccid: so why ##linux would be more suited then?
[17:22] <DreadKnight> wubi is a windows application after all
[17:22] <DreadKnight> .exe
[17:22] <flaccid> its a general linux about channel
[17:22] <DreadKnight> you are missing the point :-)
[17:22] <flaccid> spanther was asking for linux support, not specialised at little parts of it?
[17:23] <flaccid> what is the point DreadKnight
[17:23] <flaccid> technically anything is related to kubuntu
[17:23] <flaccid> i am
[17:23] <flaccid> so why doesn't this channels support me?
[17:23] <ryy> flaccid: nope no new entries made. Sigh :[
[17:23] <DreadKnight> wubi = related to kubuntu; you are not really helping
[17:23] <DreadKnight> :D
[17:23] <flaccid> DreadKnight: do you know what UoD is?
[17:24] <flaccid> i use kubuntu therefore i am related to it, but that doesn't mean this channel supports me
[17:24] <spanther> lol DreadKnight you're fighting for me? xD
[17:24] <DreadKnight> flaccid: i could ask you the same about some random 3 letters put together xD
[17:24] * DreadKnight stabs spanther xD
[17:24] <DreadKnight> ha
[17:24] <flaccid> exactly my point DreadKnight
[17:24] * flaccid rests his case
[17:24] <flaccid> thanks for that.
[17:24] <spanther> ouch :( lol
[17:26] <DreadKnight> spanther: if you are some hot naked chick, i don't care xD
[17:26] <spanther> DreadKnight LOOL
[17:26] <Pici> !offtopic
[17:26] <ubotu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
[17:26] * flaccid sits patiently
[17:27] <amerigo> help need
[17:28] <flaccid> amerigo: ask a specific question
[17:28] <amerigo> I have download a game> vega trike
[17:28] <spanther> oh and for all askers YES inside of wubi you can choose between ubuntu kubuntu kubuntu-kde4 and xubuntu as desktop environment :)
[17:29] <DreadKnight> you forgot edubuntu :P
[17:29] <amerigo> but because the game was too slow i-ve decided to change video card
[17:29] <spanther> DreadKnight no edubuntu isnt inside
[17:29] <amerigo> result--- geme is more slow
[17:29] <DreadKnight> amerigo: video card drivers issues? :P
[17:29] <amerigo> and the keybord seems to be krazy
[17:30] <DreadKnight> spanther: yey
[17:30] <amerigo> video card is a geoforce fx 5200
[17:31] <amerigo> it is recognized by kubuntu
[17:31] <flaccid> amerigo: which driver are you using?
[17:31] <amerigo> but at this point i-ll try to reinstall driveer
[17:31] <amerigo> none
[17:32] <flaccid> ok cool amerigo
[17:32] <DreadKnight> amerigo: install the proprietary one from the restricted manager..
[17:32] <flaccid> a driver must be in use to use the card and X
[17:32] <flaccid> !nvidia > amerigo
[17:32] <DreadKnight> use |
[17:32] <julie> I have still not fixed my error..
[17:32] <flaccid> no DreadKnight
[17:32] <amerigo> kubuntu recognize like 0000:01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1)
[17:33] <julie> http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3093450.0
[17:33] <eagles0513875> julie: did u get it upgrade or not yet
[17:33] <flaccid> amerigo: follow the binarydriver howto
[17:33] <DreadKnight> amerigo: open source drivers used by default i think, but you really need the proprietary ones for gaming..
[17:33] <julie> eagles0513875: that is a new problem , I have two more in total.
[17:33] <julie> http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3093450.0
[17:33] <amerigo> ok thanks for all
[17:34] <eagles0513875> julie: what problem u have
[17:34] <julie> eagles0513875: I did upgrade now the resolution of my sreen in higher than the reolution of my monitor
[17:34] <julie> eagles0513875: go to that link
[17:34] <amerigo> still another question> why my keybord now won-t work correctly_
[17:35] <flaccid> amerigo: did you check the support of vega trike?
[17:36] <amerigo> no
[17:37] <flaccid> amerigo: they have support on their webpage
[17:37] <amerigo> but now vega strike it-s off , and I have not question mark, no semicolon , no vertical bar
[17:37] <amerigo> it-s a bed dream
[17:37] <amerigo> bad
[17:37] <flaccid> amerigo: contact vega strike authors as vega strike is not a part of kubuntu
[17:38] <flaccid> actually it is in repos
[17:38] <flaccid> !info vegastrike
[17:38] <amerigo> see you
[17:38] <ubotu> vegastrike (source: vegastrike): 3D space combat game. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3.debian-1ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 4582 kB, installed size 11824 kB (Only available for i386 powerpc sparc mips mipsel s390 alpha arm ia64 hppa amd64 ppc64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)
[17:38] <flaccid> hmm
[17:38] <flaccid> amerigo: did you install from repos or the website?
[17:39] <amerigo> reposities
[17:39] <amerigo> or not___
[17:39] <amerigo> ok
[17:39] <flaccid> well which is it?
[17:39] <amerigo> a have done ! game
[17:39] <flaccid> how did you install the actual game, amerigo?
[17:39] <DreadKnight> amerigo: bought a new video card just to play that game?
[17:39] <amerigo> and then i-ve download from page of ubuntu
[17:40] <DreadKnight> how touching T_T
[17:40] <DreadKnight> amerigo: sudo apt-get install vegastrike
[17:40] <flaccid> DreadKnight: its already installed
[17:40] <DreadKnight> from some unkown source? :P
[17:40] <DreadKnight> eh
=== ubuntu_ is now known as FelipeFloripa
[17:40] <DreadKnight> :D
[17:40] <amerigo> no from ubuntu page
[17:40] <flaccid> we don't know yet, amerigo has not specified
[17:41] <flaccid> amerigo: what did you actually do to install it
[17:41] <amerigo> this
[17:41] <DreadKnight> xD
[17:41] <amerigo> ! game
[17:41] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about game - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[17:41] <DreadKnight> :)) cool
[17:41] <flaccid> amerigo: !game doesn't install anything
[17:41] <amerigo> yes i know
[17:41] <flaccid> you are not helping yourself
[17:41] <amerigo> but in the page there-is the relative links
[17:42] <flaccid> amerigo: feel free to search or submit a bug for vega strike according to your behaviour: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=19507&atid=119507
=== drsatyri is now known as majorglitch
[17:49] <ubuntu_> ...
[17:49] <majorglitch> howdy
[17:49] <majorglitch> everyone enjoying this fine kubuntu day
[17:49] <majorglitch> in 8.04 land
[17:50] <eagles0513875> majorglitch: lol yep
[17:50] <eagles0513875> 64 bit here
[17:51] <majorglitch> they should call it kd-EASY yuck yuck yuck
[17:51] <majorglitch> anyway, anyone know anything about the kernel module for rtl8187?
[17:51] <flaccid> majorglitch: #ubuntu+1 this is for gutsy and below
[17:51] <llutz> majorglitch: rtl8187.ko
[17:52] <ubuntu_> i do not want be nicknamed "ubuntu_"...
[17:52] <majorglitch> no i know which one it is, im talking about recent changes to it
[17:52] <majorglitch> seeing if it was fixed
[17:52] <flaccid> majorglitch: that should be on launchpad if its ubuntu specific
[17:52] <pag> ubuntu_, erm.. so change your nick?
[17:52] <majorglitch> yeah it is, just didnt see any real news
[17:53] <llutz> ubuntu_: /nick newnick
[17:53] <ubuntu_> <llutz> thanks!! )))
[17:53] <majorglitch> im using ndiswrapper + win98 drivers myself, so im fine; id just like to see it work with the stock kernel
=== ubuntu_ is now known as k-user
[17:53] <majorglitch> at least the vanilla :/ tried that too for 2.6.25
[17:54] <Johnson_> man what happend to abbatoir and intelikey those guys were legit
[17:54] <DreadKnight> flaccid: ~2 days and this is for hardy too... lol
[17:54] <majorglitch> i guess ill find a kernel hacking room or something then
[17:54] <majorglitch> any suggestions?
=== guillaume is now known as blackmail
[17:54] <blackmail> Hello
[17:54] <majorglitch> pref ubuntu specific obviously
[17:54] <flaccid> !enter | majorglitch
[17:54] <ubotu> majorglitch: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!
[17:55] <blackmail> I have a few problems, i don't have any sound on my newly installed Kubuntu
[17:55] <flaccid> !sound | blackmail
[17:55] <ubotu> blackmail: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3
[17:55] <blackmail> gracias flaccid
[17:55] <flaccid> blackmail: what card is it
[17:55] <majorglitch> i got yelled at
[17:55] <genii> blackmail: Is it some Intel HDA? There are specific instructions for them
[17:56] <blackmail> genii: yes
[17:56] <genii> !intelhda | blackmail
[17:56] <ubotu> blackmail: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto
[17:56] <majorglitch> i feel grateful my intel worked out of the box
[17:56] <blackmail> my laptop is a dv6585EF, there are some stuff on the forum, but nothing works
[17:56] <blackmail> either i can't compile Alsa or i have other problems
[17:57] <blackmail> thanks for the link genii
[17:57] <genii> blackmail: np
=== alx_ is now known as alx1
[17:58] <flaccid> if you have probs with the howto above then let us know blackmail
[17:58] <k-user> пипл! аре ю реали хелп!
[17:58] <flaccid> !ru > k-user
[17:59] <k-user> yeah!
[17:59] <llutz> !ru | k-user
[17:59] <ubotu> k-user: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[17:59] <majorglitch> so, wheres a good place to talk about this realtek module (rtl8187)?
[18:00] <flaccid> majorglitch: launchpad or the mailing lists
[18:00] <majorglitch> and what information should i prepare? im guessing dmesg + lsusb, but am i missing anything?
[18:01] <flaccid> majorglitch: you said there was an entry in launchpad already?
[18:01] <amerigo> hey boy vido card seems to work perfectly...
[18:01] <amerigo> thank to everybody
[18:01] <flaccid> np amerigo
[18:01] <majorglitch> well there is, but its triaged. the bug still exists though.
[18:02] <amerigo> but keyboard won-t work
[18:02] <amerigo> - this is the question mark
[18:02] <k-user> yes-yes, thanks for all
[18:02] <majorglitch> i can check for duplicates; if i remember correctly, there were a few
[18:02] <amerigo> -
[18:02] <flaccid> amerigo: as i said you can report a bug
[18:02] <k-user> by
[18:02] <amerigo> there is no way to set it again_
[18:02] <flaccid> majorglitch: you can re-raise it or create new i think
[18:02] <amerigo> the last symbol is a question mark
[18:03] <jussi01> !keyboard
[18:03] <ubotu> To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts
[18:03] <majorglitch> ill just make sure i post it in the right place; should i post any additional information?
[18:03] <flaccid> majorglitch: maybe its entry in lsmod
[18:03] <julie> did you mange to look on at the link eagles0513875
[18:03] <julie> http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3093450.0
[18:03] <flaccid> and yeah uname -a is good majorglitch
[18:04] <majorglitch> yeah for my kernel gotcha, thanks a lot
[18:04] <eagles0513875> julie: not yet
[18:04] <flaccid> np
[18:04] <eagles0513875> julie u have the same error
[18:04] <amerigo> perfect... i was looking for it in hardware>>keybord
[18:05] <julie> eagles0513875: there is no error as such just cant change the system lang back to english
[18:05] <amerigo> and so it do not work
[18:05] <flaccid> julie: this may help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=381896
[18:06] <sparr_> I have many hard drives. I would like to spread certain folders over multiple drives, so that I don't have to manually manage free space on each drive. Is there a [much] less destructive solution for this than RAID?
[18:07] <trappist> sparr_: raid is destructive?
[18:07] <flaccid> sparr_: there might be but i don't know. raid is designed to be the opposite of destructive like raid 5
[18:08] <sparr_> trappist: building it is. and equally so if you try to use one of the drives without the rest
[18:09] <flaccid> if you have the right requirements and do it correctly and don't have the data on the disks, how can it be destructive?
[18:09] <trappist> sparr_: I sure don't know of a solution where you could get away with removing one of the drives
[18:09] <julie> eagles0513875: that is not my problem it dosen't solve my issue
[18:09] <sparr_> trappist: i don't want anything that "breaks" the normal readability of the drives
[18:09] <trappist> sparr_: except raid5
[18:09] <flaccid> the easy solution is to buy a SAN and hot swap without worry heh
[18:10] <flaccid> what is normal readability?
[18:10] <sparr_> flaccid: i want to do this with my current storage, which is full
[18:10] <sparr_> ive already GOT a TB of data. i don't have anywhere to keep it while i set up RAID
[18:10] <trappist> flaccid: I think he means he wants to be able to access data on one of the disks without going through raid
[18:10] <flaccid> there could be something. maybe fuse can do something but i aint heard of it
[18:11] <flaccid> nah its like a wrapper for a vfs
[18:11] <sparr_> right now im using bind mounts
[18:11] <sparr_> to put hda2/movies and hdc1/movies in the same place
[18:11] <sparr_> the problem comes when i try to copy new stuff to /movies
[18:12] <sparr_> it all goes to one of those two drives, and when that drive fills up it errors, instead of going to the other drive
[18:12] <flaccid> sparr_: i can only see prop. solutions like disk suite from Sun
[18:12] <trappist> sparr_: http://www.linux.com/feature/118645 <-- I don't think that's non-destructive, but it's the only non-raid solution I know of
[18:13] <sparr_> ok, well thanks
[18:13] <flaccid> i didn't know lvm can do that hmm
[18:14] <trappist> flaccid: me neither until I asked google just now :)
[18:15] <flaccid> looks like you can merge into a volume group
[18:21] <RickKnight> WHen I upgraded my notebook PC from Feisty to Gutsy, my battery monitor in the task bar quit working. Can anyone tell me how to get the monitor back?
[18:24] <flaccid> RickKnight: run the command: `which guidance-power-manager` &
[18:25] <RickKnight> flaccid: I get /usr/bin/guidance-power-manager returned.
[18:25] <trappist> RickKnight: did you use the backquotes?
[18:25] <flaccid> RickKnight: well you can just run guidance-power-manager
[18:25] <flaccid> that should do
[18:26] <flaccid> i think they are back ticks :p
[18:26] <trappist> or back ticks :)
[18:26] <RickKnight> flaccid: no, missed the quotes. Triead again with them. Lot's of output.
[18:26] <flaccid> if it doesn't give you the icon back, pastebin the output
[18:31] <RickKnight> flaccid: I just pasted the output of the command. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7689/
[18:32] <RickKnight> flaccid: It looks like it's getting some errors from something. I do have a battery installed and I do have a power supply connected.
[18:33] <flaccid> RickKnight: why are you running it under sudo?
[18:33] <RickKnight> flaccid: It's also showing "no powersave method found"
[18:33] <almel> *cry* Someone here with ATI experience who have 10-20 minutes on their hands...
[18:33] <RickKnight> flaccid: Yes, I ran it as sudo.
[18:33] <flaccid> RickKnight: huh?
[18:33] <flaccid> why??
[18:33] <flaccid> !ask | amerigo
[18:33] <ubotu> amerigo: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[18:33] <almel> Kubuntu newbie here, and I cant make things work according to the guides on the forums... Running the latest 8.04 rc
[18:34] <flaccid> !ask | almel
[18:34] <ubotu> almel: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[18:34] <flaccid> almel: goto #ubuntu+1
[18:34] <flaccid> newbies shouldn't be using the beta
[18:35] <RickKnight> flaccid: I assumed sudo was appropriate as it is usually a startup item, I think. I ran it again as a regular user with identical results.
[18:35] <flaccid> sudo is not for startup items
[18:35] <flaccid> RickKnight: run killall guidance-power-manager.py; guidance-power-manager & and if you get same output submit a but
[18:35] <flaccid> bug
[18:36] <flaccid> this is assuming you upgrading without a problem and did it correctly..
[18:36] <flaccid> upgrading=upgrade
[18:37] <RickKnight> flaccid: Same results again. I'll guess I'll head on over to launchpad. Thanks.
[18:38] <flaccid> np
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
[18:48] <mkultras> hey what's the bottom panel program called in kde4 ? mine isn't showing up
[18:48] <mkultras> i guess i have tro try and start it manually or something
[18:48] <trappist> mkultras: per the topic, KDE 4 support in #kubuntu-kde4
[18:48] <mkultras> ok thx
[18:48] <trappist> np
[18:49] <Odd-rationale> Is there a way for kdesudo to "lockdown" on the focus, keyboard, and mouse like gksudo does?
[18:50] <flaccid> Odd-rationale: i havnt seen it, but #kde might be able to confirm
[18:50] <Odd-rationale> ok
[18:53] <ScorpKing> hi guys. my nvidia drivers has gone mad again. nvidia-glx-new doesn't work so i'm using the binary driver. i boot to recovery mode, install the driver and all is fine. as soon as i reboot i get a black screen. Xorg.0.log shows "Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module!" amongs other things. any ideas?
[18:53] <flaccid> ScorpKing: reinstall the driver via restricted manager
[18:54] <flaccid> after booting into the desired kernel via the option in grub
[18:54] <ScorpKing> flaccid: tried that but doesn't work either
[18:54] <flaccid> which card is it
[18:54] <ScorpKing> flaccid: NVidia 8800 GTX
[18:55] <ScorpKing> the binary driver i use is NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.09-pkg1.run
[18:56] <flaccid> right well i can only help you with the drivers in the repos
[18:56] <flaccid> is that ok?
[18:56] <ScorpKing> flaccid: sure. :)
[18:57] <phoenixz> Does kubuntu (7.10) out of the box support files > 2GB? lets say, files of 7GB?
[18:57] <ScorpKing> phoenixz: yes
[18:57] <Pici> phoenixz: Yes.
[18:57] <phoenixz> Thanks
[18:57] <Pici> For the most part, linux oriented file systems have good limits on filesize and partition size
[18:58] <ScorpKing> flaccid: i suppose i must uninstall the binary drivers right?
[18:58] <flaccid> ScorpKing: well can you remove that driver and then launch restricted-manager, but before rebooting, check dpkg -l | grep nvidia for me?
[18:58] <ScorpKing> ok one sec
[18:58] <trappist> phoenixz: the filesystems do, but some apps are compiled without support for it. for example I don't think you can wget a file > 2GB
[18:59] <ScorpKing> flaccid: ii nvidia-kernel-common 20051028+1ubuntu7
[18:59] <ScorpKing> flaccid: how do i start the restricted manager from cli?
[19:00] <ScorpKing> ah nvm
[19:00] <flaccid> ScorpKing: i dont see nvidia-glx r nvidia-glx-new installed to go with teh common
[19:00] <flaccid> and the common must match your running kernel version..
[19:01] <ScorpKing> flaccid: ok one sec. installing
[19:01] <flaccid> coo.
[19:01] <flaccid> man i must be wack atmm..
[19:01] <ScorpKing> flaccid: ii nvidia-glx-new 100.14.19+ and ii nvidia-kernel-common 20051028+1ubuntu7
[19:02] <flaccid> what you got in uname -r ?
[19:02] <ScorpKing> 2.6.22-14-generic
[19:03] <flaccid> right, so did you just install that, now just need to reboot?
[19:03] <flaccid> also is the free nv driver removed and any other nvidia drivers?
[19:03] <ScorpKing> i don't see nvidia-glx
[19:03] <ScorpKing> i removed the binary drivers yes
[19:04] <flaccid> well nvidia-glx-new is a binary driver as well, so is nvidia-glx
[19:04] <ScorpKing> ah ok
[19:04] <ScorpKing> so if i only have nvidia-glx-new it should be ok?
[19:04] <flaccid> so you just installed nvidia-glx-new?
[19:04] <ScorpKing> yes
[19:05] <flaccid> well you should be ok on reboot if thats what is configured in xorg.conf and those 2 packages are installed correctly which they look like they are
[19:06] <phoenixz> trappist> wget can not download files of > 2GB?
[19:06] <phoenixz> thing is, I AM wgetting a file of 7GB.. :P
[19:07] <trappist> phoenixz: I've run into it before with wget on ubuntu, but I just checked on hardy and it does have largefile support - not sure about gutsy
[19:07] <ScorpKing> flaccid: sorry i'm confused. i only need nvidia-glx-new and nvidia-kernel-common? what must the driver be in xorg.conf? "nv" ?
[19:07] <flaccid> ScorpKing: um nvidia
[19:07] <flaccid> "nvidia"
[19:07] <flaccid> or have i got it the wrong way around
[19:07] <ScorpKing> ah ok. right, checking it now
[19:07] <daemon3> It seems like baghira only works for a fw applicatoins.
[19:07] <trappist> phoenixz: if it's not going to work, it'll bail at 2GB
[19:07] <daemon3> ...applications.
[19:08] <flaccid> ScorpKing: "nvidia" it is as per GNU diff3 not found
[19:08] <flaccid> oops i mean https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto#head-3bce99fcdcae50501735bd4e639c85acc115c4c8
[19:08] <ScorpKing> flaccid: ok it's "nvidia"
[19:09] <ScorpKing> flaccid: i'm on dialup and this connection is so slow it takes 2-5 minutes just to open a webpage
[19:09] <flaccid> np
[19:09] <ScorpKing> flaccid: can i reboot now or is there something else?
[19:10] <dhq> !source-o-matic
[19:10] <ubotu> source-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.
[19:10] <dhq> how do i update my system to hardy
[19:10] <ScorpKing> !upgrade
[19:10] <jussio1> !upgrade
[19:10] <ubotu> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[19:10] <flaccid> dhq: goto #ubuntu+1
[19:10] <flaccid> oh and that
[19:11] <ScorpKing> flaccid: all done?
[19:14] <flaccid> yeah those packs is all you need ScorpKing you should reboot and see
[19:19] <BluesKaj> those ba*tards at google earth have removed all previous version links that worked and are forcing the beta on all users. It's fine if you have a fancy gaming pc but it runs like crap on a regular one with onboard graphics
[19:19] <Signil> flaccid: I followed the steps here http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=482967
[19:19] <Signil> but the last step aint working
[19:20] <NeaturaLizeR> hello
[19:20] <NeaturaLizeR> rohanrhu: hi (:
[19:20] <flaccid> Signil: whats the problem with it
[19:24] <Signil> well i run make
[19:24] <Signil> and i get error
[19:24] <flaccid> which is?
[19:24] <hydrogen> thats irrelevant!
[19:24] <hydrogen> BluesKaj: use marble...
[19:25] <Signil> shuld i copy paste it?
[19:25] <Signil> flaccid: pm?
[19:25] <flaccid> pastebin please Signil
[19:25] <Signil> ok
[19:25] <BluesKaj> hydrogen: no thnaks ...that's not good advice for someone needing help
[19:26] <hydrogen> BluesKaj: if proprietary software doesn't work.. then suggesting a free alternative that does is bad advice?
[19:26] <hydrogen> I GET IT
[19:27] <ScorpKing-Lost> flaccid: i kicked the power cord and after restart it still has the same problem
[19:28] <BluesKaj> if some one wants advice for a specific peice of software suggesting a personal choice free or otherwise isn't what most ppl want '
[19:28] <flaccid> ScorpKing-Lost: purge the packages and make sure the free driver is not installed still. then install the prop. driver via resticted manager. in theory that should work
[19:29] <flaccid> BluesKaj: maybe you should be asking google
[19:29] <hydrogen> BluesKaj: well, unfortunatley theres no way to "support" propriatery software that bumps the version requirements..
[19:29] <hydrogen> unless you'd rather me tell you "get a better computer"
[19:29] <flaccid> hehe
[19:30] <Signil> flaccid: http://pastebin.com/d77f3df07
[19:30] <ScorpKing-Lost> flaccid: the free driver?
[19:30] <flaccid> yeah
[19:30] <flaccid> one sec
[19:31] <flaccid> ScorpKing-Lost: what does dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia return?
[19:31] <hydrogen> BluesKaj: especially considdering marble was developed from the beginning so it would work without opengl and on low end hardware...
[19:31] <flaccid> ScorpKing-Lost: this package should not be installed xserver-xorg-video-nv
[19:31] <ScorpKing-Lost> flaccid: ii nvidia-kernel-common 20051028+1ubuntu7 NVIDIA binary kernel module common files
[19:32] <ScorpKing-Lost> flaccid: it's not ;)
[19:32] <flaccid> ScorpKing-Lost: purge them and reinstall them via restrictedmanager. the mod probably needs rebuilding
[19:33] <ScorpKing-Lost> flaccid: ok done.
[19:33] <ScorpKing-Lost> flaccid: can i just start a new session on tty8 to see if it's working?
[19:34] <amerigo> ! VEGASTRIKE
[19:34] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about vegastrike - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[19:34] <flaccid> not sure, they have always said reboot instead of X restart but i thought that was only when the free one was installed
[19:34] <amerigo> ! games
[19:34] <ubotu> Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php
[19:34] <ScorpKing-Lost> flaccid: ok i'll see if it works. i might have to load the modules though
[19:35] <flaccid> well sudo depmod nvidia loads the mod iirc
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[19:39] <Signil> flaccid: ? :(
[19:39] <flaccid> i gtg crash
[19:39] <Signil> ohh
[19:40] <Signil> :'( gnite
[19:41] <flaccid> yeah
[19:41] <flaccid> its 4:42am here
[19:41] <Signil> ok
[19:42] <flaccid> i just look at your thing first
[19:42] <flaccid> Signil: do this sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev
[19:42] <flaccid> then try make again Signil
[19:43] <Signil> ok
[19:43] <Signil> :D tx!!
[19:43] <flaccid> workin?
[19:43] <zeno> hi its saying theres an apt lock but i dont have any package managers running
[19:43] <flaccid> !adeptfix | zeno
[19:43] <ubotu> zeno: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[19:44] <DigWeed> <-- ScorpKing (need to ghost my username)
[19:44] <DigWeed> flaccid: still the same problem. can't event get to tty1. gonna do some reading online
[19:44] <zeno> flaccid: nope still saying "Couldn't lock list directory..are you root?"
[19:45] <jussio1> !ghost > DigWeed
[19:45] <DigWeed> thanks jussio1 :)
[19:45] <jussio1> zeno: you sure you used the sudo ?
[19:45] <zeno> yes
=== DigWeed is now known as ScorpKing
[19:46] <ScorpKing> ah thants better :)
[19:46] <ScorpKing> that's *
[19:46] <flaccid> zeno: what command you running?
[19:46] <jussio1> flaccid: go to bed!
[19:46] * ScorpKing goes to google..
[19:47] <flaccid> lol yeah
[19:47] <zeno> flaccid: also su is saying "Authentication failure" (and i know its the right password i changed it)
[19:47] <zeno> flaccid: sudo aptitude install eterm
[19:47] <jussio1> zeno: try: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a
[19:47] <zeno> jussio1: i just ran that
[19:48] <jussio1> zeno: and you have adept and all other apt frontend closed?
[19:48] <zeno> yes
[19:48] <zeno> just xterm running
[19:48] <flaccid> do a sudo passwd root; kdesu adept_manager
[19:49] <flaccid> like in konsole and see what problems you have
[19:50] <Signil> flaccid:
[19:50] <zeno> im root and its saying i couldnt lock list directory
[19:50] <zeno> wth
[19:50] <Signil> http://pastebin.com/d66dcb29c
[19:51] <flaccid> zeno: and the command whoami returns root?
[19:52] <jussio1> sounds like you are not in the sudoers group. is this the first user or a subsequent one?
[19:52] <flaccid> Signil: unlucky. http://www.google.com/search?q=Init+v4L2+failed+!!+exit+fatal&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
[19:52] <flaccid> jussio1: apparently hes root
[19:53] <Signil> flaccid: unlucky? :s
[19:53] <flaccid> Signil: well your install seems ok but its a runtime problem now in the app/driver
[19:54] <jussio1> Signil: sorry I missed your issue, could you give me a 1 line summary?
[19:54] <flaccid> Signil: check dmesg also and google the errors
[19:54] <Signil> hmmm ok
[19:55] <zeno> flaccid: sure does
[19:55] <Signil> hmm jussio1 well I cant get acer cam to work..
[19:55] <zeno> almost to the point of doing a new install :(
[19:55] <jussio1> Signil: ahh. whats the lspci entry for it?
[19:56] <flaccid> jussio1: its all in http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=482967&page=2
[19:56] <jussio1> flaccid: thanks
[19:56] <jussio1> flaccid: now off to bed with you :P
[19:57] <zeno> jussio1: im root
[19:57] <zeno> (just to make sure its not a sudoers problem)
[19:57] <zeno> could i just get rid of the lock somehow
[19:58] <jussio1> zeno: what happened to cause this, adept crash?
[19:58] <zeno> jussio1: gf hit the breakers cause there was a short in another room
[19:58] <jussio1> ahh.
[19:59] <zeno> (and package manager was running)
[19:59] <flaccid> jussio1: have you tried reboot?
[19:59] <flaccid> ops i mean zeno
[19:59] <jussio1> flaccid: lol
[19:59] * flaccid nearly asleep
[20:00] <zeno> flaccid: yeah (and dont stay up for me its cool =p
[20:00] <flaccid> i had too much caffeine heh
[20:00] <ScorpKing> flaccid: just btw, i found this. looks like my problem - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=598780 ;)
[20:01] <zeno> me too
[20:01] <zeno> a entire french press
[20:01] <jussio1> zeno: can you log in as a regular user and use sudo?
[20:01] <zeno> (with frangellica yum)
[20:01] <zeno> jussio1: yeah (although i did that initially)
[20:01] <flaccid> ScorpKing: ah s its a bug really. did the fix wrk?
[20:02] <jussio1> zeno: do other sudo based items work?
[20:02] <ScorpKing> flaccid: i'm gonna try it now but it makes sense. i'll manage from here. thanks for all your help :)
[20:02] <zeno> jussio1: yeah
[20:02] * ScorpKing hands flaccid a warm cup of tee and sends him to bed..
[20:03] <flaccid> thanks guys
[20:03] <flaccid> take it easy
[20:03] <ScorpKing> right its rebooting time. cheers guys
[20:03] <jussio1> zeno: that in my opinion takes teh prize for weirdest issue of the day :/
[20:03] <zeno> yeah sorry man
[20:04] <jussio1> zeno: dont be sorry, its intriguing
[20:05] <zeno> ill put this off and try to get my internet workin
[20:08] <djdarkman> can someone tell me how to restart alsa in kubuntu?
[20:08] <djdarkman> It seems like impossible
[20:09] <zeno> killall alsa;alsa?
[20:11] <acemo> djdarkman: try "/etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart"
[20:13] <djdarkman> acemo: tried but didn`t work, and skype does something to my soundcard
[20:14] <jussio1> djdarkman: what error did it give?
[20:14] <DigWeed> !compiz | me
[20:14] <ubotu> me: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion
[20:15] <DigWeed> ugh.. :( silly bot
[20:15] <djdarkman> jussio1: no error just my microphone not working as if it didn`t existed on skype, but sometimes it works
[20:15] <DigWeed> hmm.. blond me. hehe
[20:15] <djdarkman> it`s realy frustrating
[20:15] <jussio1> !msgthebot | DigWeed
[20:15] <ubotu> DigWeed: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.
[20:15] <jussio1> djdarkman: ouch
[20:15] <djdarkman> is there a working cross platform voip client?
[20:16] <jussio1> djdarkman: skype works perfectly here :/
[20:16] <acemo> i think i killed my flash player
[20:17] <acemo> i can only see 1 second of a flash movie then it stops
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[20:17] <djdarkman> I don`t get it what do developers use for communication?
[20:18] <acemo> djdarkman: what developers n to communicate to who?
[20:18] <jussi01> !bug | djdarkman
[20:18] <ubotu> djdarkman: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots
[20:22] <djdarkman> acemo: I meant as in talking to each other
[20:22] <jussio1> djdarkman: #kubuntu-devel
[20:23] <djdarkman> sorry, I meant voip
[20:24] <djdarkman> I can`t believe that skype has no free counterpart, that actualy works
[20:24] <hydrogen> mumble isn't bad, from what I've heard
[20:24] <jussi01> !voip
[20:24] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about voip - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[20:25] <slow-motion> hi
=== _Czessi is now known as Czessi
[20:25] <Daviey> djdarkman: If you use stun.. it's normally ok
[20:25] <djdarkman> stun? what do you mean?
[20:25] <Daviey> google stun :)
[20:26] <Daviey> It helps the software determine what type of firewall you are sat behind
[20:40] <acemo> !flash | acemo
[20:42] <Tm_T> root: are we rooted now?
=== calimero is now known as Calimero
[21:07] <Calimero> Hey
[21:07] <DarkestHour> Hello
[21:07] <Calimero> anyone knows why any attempt to run anything on hardy CDs lead me into a black screen with a blinking _ ?
[21:08] <Calimero> i'm just trying to install kubuntu, but something's going wrong
[21:08] <DarkestHour> which CD are you using? the regular desktop?
[21:08] <Calimero> i've tried both, desktop and alternate
[21:08] <Calimero> same result
[21:09] <DarkestHour> are you getting to an installer at all? or just nothing?
[21:09] <Calimero> nothing at all :(
[21:09] <Calimero> i see a popup "loading linux kernel" with a progress bar going up to 100%
[21:10] <DarkestHour> is there nothing else after that?
[21:10] <Calimero> then comes the black screen of death with a blinking _ and the system is completely frozen
[21:10] <djdarkman> I don`t have pulse audo server installed in hardy, isn`t it supposed to be installed by default?
[21:11] <DarkestHour> i believe if you hit f4 at the screen where it asks if you want to boot into a live enviroment or not, it'll let you select failsafe, can you try that for me?
[21:11] <Calimero> of course DarkestHour i've been trying for days now :) thanks for the tip, i'm trying right now
[21:14] <DarkestHour> djdarkman Kubuntu still uses alsa. so it does not ship with it.
[21:14] <djdarkman> but why DarkestHour ?
[21:15] <DarkestHour> Alsa is what KDE works with the best, so thats what it's primary backend is for sound. You can install pulseaudio if you want to, i have done it in the past.
[21:15] <djdarkman> but what about phonon?
[21:17] <DarkestHour> Thats in KDE 4.0 i believe, thats a different story. They finally upgraded.
=== calimero is now known as Calimero
[21:18] <DarkestHour> I dont think i'm quite suited to answer it fully though djdarkman
[21:18] <Calimero> hmm... Still nothing, DarkestHour
[21:18] <Calimero> same results
[21:19] <DarkestHour> Calimero: you dont even get the kubuntu loading screen after it loads the kernel?
[21:19] <Calimero> no i dont :(
[21:19] <Calimero> nothing at all...
[21:20] <Calimero> i can't run anything from the cd boot menu... Everything leads me to a complete freeze
[21:20] <DarkestHour> hmm
[21:20] <Calimero> maybe this has something to do with my hardware ?
[21:20] <DarkestHour> does 7.10's live cd work?
[21:21] <DarkestHour> and also, do a CD integrity check.
[21:21] <Calimero> As a matter of fact, i tried one a few weeks ago, wich leaded me to the same results
[21:21] <Calimero> i thought i could benefit from waiting the next release...
[21:22] <Calimero> i can't even run the CD integrity check from the menu
[21:22] <DarkestHour> was it a version 7.10?
[21:22] <Calimero> but i run several MD5 checks from the command line and i'm pretty sure the CD isn't damaged
[21:22] <Calimero> it was a 7.10 yes
[21:22] <DarkestHour> ok, so what hardware do you have?
[21:22] <Calimero> as suggested on the forums, i tried burning at lower rates, with same results
[21:23] <Daisuke_Ido> the alternate cd is another option
[21:23] <Frederick> Is kde4 oki to use?
[21:23] <Calimero> i have an asus P2-P594GCX barebone with intel Q6600 CPU, 4GB DDR, and a LG DVD drive
[21:24] <Daisuke_Ido> Frederick, sure, if you want to
[21:24] <Frederick> Daisuke_Ido: im isntalling it
[21:24] <Frederick> to check
[21:24] <DarkestHour> do you have an add-on video card Calimero
[21:24] <RochJer> I have a question - which one is better - ubuntu or kubuntu?
[21:25] <Calimero> no DarkestHour, i use the chipset default card (which is some kind of intel iirc)
[21:25] <DarkestHour> ok, let me look at this hardware reak quick, and Daisuke_: Calimero has tried the alternates as well.
[21:25] <Daisuke_Ido> RochJer, that's a flamewar inspiring questino and is completely off-topic
[21:26] <RochJer> okay I'll go to kubuntu offtopic
[21:27] <slow-motion> n8
[21:27] <DarkestHour> Calimero: there is very little information on your barebones system there, lol, but there is one thing i want you to try as i've had luck in the past with it.
[21:27] <Calimero> i've read on the forum that some users seem to have experienced similar problems with an LG drive too
[21:27] <DarkestHour> In the boot menu for the live cd, press f6 and enable noacpi
[21:28] <DarkestHour> then boot with that.
[21:28] <Calimero> DarkestHour: go right ahead, i'm listening carefully.
[21:28] <DarkestHour> do you have another drive to try in place of the LG?
[21:29] <DarkestHour> the dvd drive would more likely cause corruption issues though from my point of view.
[21:29] <Calimero> yes i did... I tried with a sony, with same results
[21:29] <Calimero> though that drive seems to be defective, so i throwed it away
[21:30] <DarkestHour> hmm, well see if you can give it a try with the noacpi option i talked about, there are a couple other options in there to try as well. none of them would hurt your machine.
[21:31] <Calimero> it's ok DarkestHour, it's a brand new machine... I really want to install kubuntu on it to restore an old kubuntu setup i had before.
[21:31] <DarkestHour> you may have to press F6 twice now that i remember.
[21:31] <malouke> SALUT TOUT LE MONDE
[21:31] <Calimero> i'm trying right away. Thank you very much
[21:34] <sahin_h> Hi
[21:35] <sahin_h> Why there is no default helper application in firefox-3 on Kubuntu Hardy?
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[21:38] <payam> can anybody conet my to offtopic channel
[21:38] <payam> can anybody cennect me to offtopic channel?
[21:38] <payam> connect
[21:38] <DarkestHour> click on #kubuntu-offtopic
[21:39] <payam> thanks
=== calimero is now known as Calimero
[21:41] <Calimero> DarkestHour: congrats, thanks to you i'm moving forward
[21:41] <DarkestHour> awesome!
[21:42] <Calimero> now i 've been able to see the kubuntu loading bar for a few secs
[21:42] <DarkestHour> and what happens after that?
[21:42] <Calimero> but it's rebooting quickly
[21:42] <DarkestHour> huh.
[21:42] <Calimero> all i get is an error message like this one : PnPBIOS: Resource structure does not contain an end tag.
[21:43] <Calimero> i'm trying to search whatever that means.
[21:43] <djouallah> hello, i just installed kubuntu 8.04
[21:43] <DarkestHour> same here.
[21:43] <djouallah> using wubi
[21:43] <djouallah> but it is very slow
[21:43] <djouallah> ;(
[21:47] <DarkestHour> Calimero: in your bios, there may be an option about the PnP Bios, i would check your bios settings and see if there is anything of the sort.
[21:47] <DarkestHour> and also on the next live cd boot, also enable safe graphics mode
[21:49] <Calimero> DarkestHour: i've tried playing around with this option, but it didn't do any good
[21:49] <Calimero> but i will try with safe graphics anyway
[21:49] <Calimero> what stumbles me is that everything _is_ ok with the dapper i'm using to chat with you right now :/
[21:50] <DarkestHour> That IS very wierd, is it a live cd as well?
[21:50] <Calimero> not at all, it's an installed one and everything went fine
[21:51] <DarkestHour> might you try a dist-upgrade? from there?\
[21:51] <Calimero> in fact this is the reason why i want to reinstall
[21:51] <DarkestHour> ahh
[21:51] <Calimero> i'm stuck half-way through with a broken dist-upgrade
[21:52] <DarkestHour> ahh
[21:53] <Calimero> i've encountered similar problems before (apt-get complaining with locale, etc...) and i did not want to fix it the hard way again (besides, i don't remember how i did the previous time, hehe)
[21:54] <Calimero> fortunately my system is still stable enough to allow me to browse the web and ask for your help... otherwise i would be alone in the dark.
[21:55] <DarkestHour> yeah. unfortunately i'm at a loss as to why it is locking up, one last thing i can thing of to try, now that we get to the kubuntu loading screen is hitting Ctl+Alt+F1 when it gets there several times to see if you can watch where it exactly starts having the problem.
[21:56] <Calimero> that could be a beginning
[21:56] <DarkestHour> gettings as many errors to look at would be good :)
[21:56] <Calimero> I hope i could see that loading bar again (dunno why, but i only managed to come up this far once)
[21:57] <DarkestHour> I'll cross my fingers.
[21:57] <Calimero> anyway, i will try. See you soon wherever it works out or not :-)
[21:57] <Calimero> and thank you very much
[21:57] <DarkestHour> ok, lol
[21:57] <DarkestHour> It's no problem.
=== fabi is now known as aceta
[22:11] <tzd> how do i add rss feeds from Firefox to akregator please?
[22:12] <ubuntu> hey
[22:12] <ubuntu> is anyone here?
=== ubuntu is now known as papermoon
[22:12] <papermoon> ?
[22:12] <DarkestHour> I am here.
[22:12] <papermoon> You know about kubuntu?
[22:13] <DarkestHour> i know enough to get around. lol
[22:13] <DarkestHour> Whats your question i'll see if i can help
[22:13] <papermoon> A little while ago I used this Live CD and when I used another live cd I get this really bloated desktop
[22:13] <papermoon> Using up 500 MB of RAM
[22:14] <DarkestHour> hmm, i'm not quite sure what your question is
[22:15] <papermoon> The desktop environment on this 7.10 LiveCD is not the same as I used before
[22:15] <papermoon> The entire theme is different.
[22:15] <DarkestHour> ahh, so you are looking for the other theme?
[22:15] <tzd> papermoon: is it KDE 4?
[22:15] <papermoon> Yes I'm looking for the other theme.
[22:15] <papermoon> How do I check which KDE version it is?
[22:16] <tzd> right click panel and choose "help" about kde
[22:17] <tzd> papermoon: does that work for you?
[22:18] <papermoon> Checking now.
[22:18] <tzd> ok
[22:18] <papermoon> K desktop environment release 3.5.8
[22:19] <DarkestHour> tzd: your question earlier, this may solve it, http://porpoisehead.net/hi/?q=node/25
[22:20] <tzd> papermoon: how did it look before? Did it look like this: http://kde.org/announcements/4.0/desktop.php ?
[22:21] <tzd> DarkestHour: mmm I wish it did, have tried that one already :/
[22:21] <DarkestHour> whats the problem your getting with it? it just not working?
[22:21] <papermoon> no lemme find a screen of whwat it looked like
[22:22] <DarkestHour> tzd: are you using firefox 2.0?
[22:22] <papermoon> hmm weird
[22:22] <papermoon> i remember it looking just like ubuntu just blue
[22:23] <papermoon> maybe im just an idiot
[22:23] <tzd> DarkestHour: im using
[22:23] <djouallah> u guy that u made kubuntu possible, thank u, u will all go to heaven
[22:23] <DarkestHour> tzd: have you tried any of this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=313906
[22:24] <papermoon> hey guys
[22:24] <papermoon> whats the difference betweek kubuntu and ubuntu?
[22:25] <tzd> DarkestHour: haha that was he page i had up... I'll try that one as well although it looks really similiar to the first solution! brb
[22:25] <DarkestHour> It's the different desktop environment, Kubuntu uses KDE and ubuntu uses Gnome
[22:25] <DarkestHour> papermoon: your probley used to gnome, you might want to download that and give it a try.
[22:25] <djouallah> please who is the guy that made wubi possible, he deserve many hugs from me
[22:26] <DarkestHour> djouallah: http://wubi-installer.org/
[22:26] <djouallah> his nick ;)
[22:26] <DarkestHour> lol, heck if i know
[22:26] * djouallah has installed kubuntu in his office pc
[22:27] <djouallah> and did not touched the partition
[22:27] <DarkestHour> awesome, how's the performance? i havent had a chance to try it myself yet.
[22:27] <djouallah> DarkestHour: my pc is 2 gh with 256 mb
[22:27] <djouallah> but it is slow
[22:27] <DarkestHour> ahh
[22:28] <djouallah> anyway i can use konversation
[22:28] <djouallah> as u can see
[22:28] <DarkestHour> yeah
[22:28] <DarkestHour> it'd probley be enough to fart around and get used to the os, which is cool
[22:28] <djouallah> DarkestHour: i am a linux fanboy
[22:28] <tzd> DarkestHour: aah now i know why i never tried the second link: "It doesn't work if you use akregator integrated into Kontact"... Thansk for your help so far by the way! Any other suggestions perhaps?
[22:29] <tzd> thanks*
[22:29] <DarkestHour> not sure, let me look around.
[22:29] <djouallah> but i am stuck in work for 2 months and no way to use linux
[22:29] <djouallah> and then come wubi to save my soul
[22:29] <stdin> dje_: I think it's xivulon (not 100% though) see https://launchpad.net/wubi
[22:29] <tzd> cool thanks! Googling seems impossible though for my issue.
[22:30] <DarkestHour> tzd: so your akrgator is the one in kontact?
[22:30] <tzd> While I'm here, I have another issue with d3lphin. Sometimes when i run split view my left side tend to mess up. The size info in Gb resizes itself and flickers?
[22:31] <tzd> DarkestHour: yep, only using the one in kontact
[22:31] * djouallah is using opensuse in home !
[22:31] <tzd> DarkestHour: i had it working somewhat until i upgraded firefox
[22:31] <DarkestHour> ahh
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[22:37] <Nyad> help. I edited my xmodmap file by hand don't have a backup. How do I make a new one?
[22:38] <rodrigo__> !adeptfix
[22:38] <ubotu> If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »
[22:39] <Nyad> help. I edited my xmodmap file by hand don't have a backup. How do I make a new one?
[22:39] <stdin> Nyad: please don't repeat
[22:39] <stdin> Nyad: try purge/reinstall xmodmap; "sudo apt-get --purge --reinstall xmodmap" it may work
[22:40] <Nyad> E: Invalid operation xmodmap
[22:41] <stdin> try "sudo apt-get --purge --reinstall install xmodmap"
[22:44] <DarkestHour> tzd: seems the only way to do it is via stand-alone akregator
[22:44] <Nyad> stdin: thank you so so much
[22:44] <stdin> :)
[22:45] <daemon3> Are there any mac-like icons for the KDE?
[22:45] <stdin> kde-look.org is your friend
[22:45] <daemon3> stdin: I know.
[22:45] <Nyad> that command seemed to create a backup of the original xmodmap file instead of replacing but it just allowed me to get it to work :)
[22:45] <daemon3> I didn't see anything.
[22:45] <DarkestHour> tzd: they are the same though, so if you just dont have kontact open when you add the feed with those scripts they would still show up in kontact
[22:45] <rodrigo__> get a fuck!!
[22:46] <stdin> !language | rodrigo__
[22:46] <ubotu> rodrigo__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[22:46] <Nyad> how would I use the commandline to make a backup file become the real one and also make the current real one into a backup?
[22:46] <stdin> Nyad: copy it "cp file file.backup"
[22:46] <tzd> DarkestHour: hmm ok... are there any ways to run both simultanously without having them interacting?
[22:46] <stdin> use sudo if you need to be root
[22:46] <Nyad> stdin: tnx
[22:47] <tzd> DarkestHour: never mind my previous question. I'll manage :)
[22:47] <DarkestHour> tzd: belieave you disable akregator in kontact.
[22:47] <DarkestHour> tzd: alrighty, lol
[22:48] <tzd> DarkestHour: yeah that's what i thought but then i suddenly realised the only reason why i ever started using akregator was due to the implementation into kontact ;) Hopefully it'll work with FF3
[22:49] <tzd> DarkestHour: otherwise I'll just add everything manually... Thanks for your time and help though!
[22:49] <DarkestHour> tzd: i think it is a problem with kontact and akregator respictively, akregator has a way to pass the command through, kontact has no way to pass it to akregator that it runs as a sub-app.
[22:49] <DarkestHour> tzd: no problem.
[22:50] <rodrigo__> !wireless
[22:50] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[22:51] * djouallah is astonished no firefox in kubuntu 8.04
[22:51] <nexano> anyone really bored, feel like helping me setting up twinview on my allready weird setup?
=== nexano is now known as Nexano
[22:51] <stdin> djouallah: why would there be?
[22:51] <stdin> we have a browser already
[22:53] * djouallah don't like religieus dispute about what is the better browser
[22:53] <tzd> firefox wasn't in 7.10 either right? I'm pretty sure i installed it later.
[22:54] <jussio1> djouallah: its simple, kde has its own browser, so we use that :)
[22:54] * djouallah is a former opensuse user, he use kubuntu since 1 hour
[22:54] <stdin> djouallah: not saying which one is best, just saying it's pointless to have two pre-installed browsers
[22:54] <rodrigo__> !atheros
[22:54] <ubotu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[22:55] * djouallah is just deceived because he has a crap net connexion, so installing firefox is a problem now
[22:55] <enrique> i am Enrique I am from Mexico I speak Spanish, send please page of lang spanish
[22:55] <enrique> hola como me conecto al canal de spañol
[22:55] <PhilRod> !es
[22:55] <ubotu> Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[22:55] <Nexano> ugh
[22:55] <Nexano> !no Nexano
[22:55] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about no nexano - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[22:55] <Nexano> !no
[22:55] <ubotu> Hvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!
[22:55] <enrique> tanks
[22:55] <enrique> gracias
[22:55] <enrique> bye
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[23:03] <djouallah> strange only irc work here
[23:04] <nosrednaekim> djouallah: kill the "Network Status Daemon"
[23:04] <djouallah> done already
[23:05] <djouallah> i am in a lan
[23:05] <djouallah> i don't need it i guess
[23:05] <nosrednaekim> djouallah: kill knetworkmanager then
[23:05] <djouallah> nosrednaekim: done, but don't worry my net connexion is bad
[23:06] * djouallah think with his pc perhaps he need xubuntu better
[23:06] * djouallah my pc is 256 mb
[23:06] <Administrator_> kubuntu tukish channel ??
[23:06] <tiberius1701> does anyone know why my sound would quit working all the sudden, last thing i did was install compiz
[23:07] <stdin> !tr | Administrator_
[23:07] <ubotu> Administrator_: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.
[23:07] <Administrator_> ubotu teşekkürler
[23:07] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about teşekkürler - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[23:08] <lotfi> ciao
[23:09] <lotfi> come installare kiba dock su ubuntu 8.04
[23:11] <szakulec> I love summer of code day
[23:12] <latitu> where can i see the last installed apps??
[23:13] <bent_> Hey #kubuntu, does anyone know of a usb wireless card that works out of the box? (I'm running 8.04, by the way... if that changes stuff.)
[23:14] <snikker> when i insert a cd-rom, don't start the option windows...
[23:14] <szakulec> of the ones that are in stores now, I couldn't tell you for sure, but I've had good results with the netgear wg111v2
[23:15] <snikker> when i insert a cd-rom, don't start the option window (for select the application)..
[23:15] <szakulec> snikker: there's an option at the bottom of the window that says "Do Nothing". there should be another option that says "remember this choice"
[23:16] <snikker> szakulec: how can i show this window again?
[23:19] <szakulec> snikker: you mean once you have chosen to hide the window?
[23:21] <wesley> superkaramba says i dont have PyQT installed when enabling lwp but i installed all that should the searh result to PyQT gave me but still dont work in kde4
[23:21] <Nyad> anyone know of a channel where I can discuss embedded devices?
[23:21] <Nyad> more like handheld devices
[23:24] <nosrednaekim> !hardware | bent_
[23:24] <ubotu> bent_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection
[23:25] <tzd> is it possible to have files automatically saved in the upper right corner on the desktop instead of the default upper left?
[23:26] <snikker> i've lost cd-rom and cd-rw devices (/dev/hda /dev/hdb), how can i restore it?
[23:27] <tzd> snikker: i think you need to mount them again
[23:27] <DarkestHour> tzd: it seems that there is no way, but it is definately an interesting option. i'd like it too now that i think about it, lol
[23:28] <snikker> tzd: ?
[23:29] <tzd> DarkestHour: haha yeah that was just one thing that i noticed the other day... i use gimp on my left side and i always need to move the files before in case i want to drag them to gimp. there's a super easy workaround for my problem but still... it's linux so i should be able to modify it ^^
[23:29] <tzd> !mount cd | snikker
[23:29] <ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about mount cd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi
[23:29] <tzd> gah... my usual luck
[23:30] <tzd> snikker: have you used the terminal before?
[23:30] <tzd> !mounting
[23:30] <ubotu> Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter
[23:31] <snikker> tzd: yes, but i've lost the device (i don't have /dev/hda nomore), i can't mount the cd without it
[23:32] <tzd> snikker: oh now i get it, sorry! Hmm, i really don't know what to do then I'm afraid
[23:32] <snikker> tzd: ok,thanks
[23:32] <tzd> snikker: only thing i could think of is to restart the computer and see if that helps but I guess you've already tried that
[23:33] <snikker> tzd: i've aleady do it without success
[23:35] <tzd> snikker: do you see the devices when you type: "df" in terminal?
[23:36] <snikker> tzd: no, i can't see it
[23:36] <tzd> snikker: hmm that cmd only displays mounted devs so it won't help you.. sorry... i really don't know what to do in your case :/ Have you tried google?
[23:36] <DarkestHour> Do the drives show up in bios?
[23:37] <snikker> tzd: i'm tring to googling... :)
[23:37] <Jucato> snikker: sudo fdisk -l
[23:37] <tzd> bios sounds like a winner imho ;)
[23:37] <Jucato> instead of "df"
[23:38] <snikker> DarkestHour: yes, the drives are show in bios and items are present in fstab, but /dev/hda and /dev/hdb are deleted
[23:38] <tzd> Jucato: do you have a sheet with all useful cmds or do you just know?
[23:38] * Jucato is wondering if the hda got turned to sda, etc
[23:39] <snikker> /dev/hda and /dev/hdb are cd-rom and cd-rw
[23:39] <Jucato> tzd: just in my head... :/
[23:39] <tzd> Jucato: that's some serious skill. You always seem to know your stuff
[23:39] <Jucato> snikker: you can use "sudo fdisk -l" to see the available devices and partitions.
[23:39] <Jucato> tzd: heh... it takes practice :D
[23:40] <Jucato> and spending your waking ours in #kubuntu :D
[23:40] <tzd> Jucato: how long have u been using *nix?
[23:40] <snikker> Jucato: but fdisk is not only for hard disk?
[23:40] <Jucato> 2.5 years
[23:40] <azzco> Hi guys, anyone messed with jabber jingle (gtalk voice) and kopete? I got the impression that I only need to install the jingle lib..
[23:40] <tzd> fair enough ;)
[23:40] <DarkestHour> hmm, hda and hdb should point to a hard drive? should you be looking for... scd should be for cd rom dirves
[23:40] <nosrednaekim> azzco: its a ton harder than that
[23:40] <DarkestHour> for example on my system it has /dev/scd0 as my cd drive
[23:40] <Jucato> snikker: hm.. right... are you sure your cd drives were hda and hdb before?
[23:40] <nosrednaekim> azzco: I messed with it and gave up
[23:41] <Jucato> azzco: you might want to ask in #kopete
[23:41] <snikker> Jucato: yes i'm really shure...
[23:41] <azzco> nosrednaekim: I've messed with it before... thoguht I'd give it another try, I'll keep my hopes low then, thanks for the warning
[23:42] <azzco> Was about to go there anyways Jucato ;)
[23:43] <snikker> there is not a way to detect the hardware?
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[23:46] <Jucato> snikker: "cat sys/dev/cdrom/info" what does the first line say?
[23:48] * Jucato taps fingers on table impatiently...
[23:49] <snikker> Jucato: no such file
[23:49] <snikker> i've got /sys/devices
[23:49] <snikker> but not cdromsubfolder
[23:50] <Jucato> er sorry
[23:50] <Jucato> snikker: cat /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info
[23:50] <snikker> Jucato: no files or directory
[23:51] <Jucato> O.o
[23:51] <Jucato> ok... I'm running out of clues...
[23:52] <snikker> no cdrom subfolder under /proc/sys/dev/
[23:52] <szakulec> I'm sure this is a silly question, but what happens when you insert a CD into the drive?
[23:53] <snikker> szakulec: nothing happen
[23:54] <Jucato> snikker: can you insert one. then run the command "dmesg". then can you use pastebin and show the last 10 lines of the output?
[23:54] <snikker> also k3b is unable to find cd cd-rw device (buth yesterday they worked)
[23:54] <DarkestHour> another command to run would be "sudo lshw"
[23:54] <snikker> Jucato: ok, now i try...
[23:55] <Jucato> oh right.. I forgot about lshw :/
[23:56] <tsb_> Hello. I noticed I have -386 and -generic packages installed. I looked in apt and also found linux-686 but it sais "dummy package". So I'm a bit unsure which package to use for my intel core 2 duo system.
[23:57] <daemon3> See you.
[23:57] <snikker> Jucato: maybe i've found something.. .now i pastebin it
[23:57] <DarkestHour> tsb_: the regular packages will work just fine.
[23:58] <tsb_> DarkestHour: I understand, however if I can get a 0.3% gain by just using the right image I will :)
[23:58] <Jucato> hm.. I thought core 2 duos were dual 64-bit...
[23:59] <Daisuke_Ido> Jucato, they are