UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /21 /#bzr.txt
Initial commit
[00:09] <spiv> poolie: I'm reviewing http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/request/%3C48090895.1010406@arbash-meinel.com%3E
[00:11] <poolie> thanks
[00:11] <poolie> replying to list mail and queries
[00:12] <joh> Eh, I just committed rev 88 to my bzr repository but when I run 'bzr update' from another local copy it says 'Tree is up to date at revision 87.' why?
[00:13] <spiv> joh: how did you make the copy?
[00:13] <joh> spiv: pulled earlier
[00:13] <joh> spiv: Ah, 'pull' did the trick :-)
[00:13] <spiv> joh: if you made it with "bzr branch", it will be an independent branch, so "bzr update" won't find the new revisions.
[00:14] <joh> spiv: Right, that's what I did. So pull is the right way to update it?
[00:14] <spiv> (but "bzr pull" will)
[00:14] <spiv> Right.
[00:14] <joh> Great, thanks :-)
[00:14] <spiv> Or if you want to behave as a checkout, you can do "bzr reconfigure --checkout".
[00:14] <spiv> Not a huge difference either way.
[02:06] <ubotu> New bug: #220067 in bzr "poor documentation/broken link on how to use split" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220067
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh
[04:14] <lifeless> poolie: ping
[05:14] <poolie> lifeless: pong
[05:17] <poolie> i guess that was about pqm
[06:03] <Peng> Augh, 561 new messages on the list.
[06:14] <poolie> spiv: what should we do re jam's fix for bug 211661?
[06:14] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 211661 in bzr "bzr.dev smart client fails on log" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/211661
[06:14] <poolie> merge it without a per-repo-impl test?
[06:35] <spiv> poolie: I think so
[06:35] <spiv> poolie: if the per-repo test lands a day later, I don't think it's a big issue (so long as it *does* happen)(
[06:41] <poolie> maybe we should leave it unmerged in trunk and just merge it into 1.4 for today then
[06:41] <spiv> That sounds like a reasonable solution.
[06:42] <poolie> i'll do your tweak of not using an assertion
[06:42] <poolie> indeed i'd like to write a test that we have no assertions
[06:45] <jml> jetsaredim: hi
[06:45] <jetsaredim> hey
[06:45] <jetsaredim> so yea
[06:45] <jml> jetsaredim: so, you were saying that it looks like the server is maintaining the lock?
[06:45] <jetsaredim> killed all of my outgoing shh connections for bzr
[06:46] <jetsaredim> still says things are locked
[06:46] <jml> what's the output of bzr break-lock now?
[06:46] <jetsaredim> there's output?
[06:46] <jml> jetsaredim: it says nothing at all?
[06:46] <jetsaredim> nada
[06:46] <jml> jetsaredim: oh, wait, 'bzr break-lock <remote_url>'
[06:46] <jml> right?
[06:46] <jetsaredim> o
[06:46] <jetsaredim> that might help
[06:47] <jetsaredim> the whole bzr+ssh url?
[06:47] <jml> yeah.
[06:47] <spiv> Yeah.
[06:47] <jml> 'bzr info' should give you something to copy and paste
[06:48] <jetsaredim> k
[06:48] <jetsaredim> have it from the push command
[06:48] <jetsaredim> )
[06:48] <jetsaredim> )
[06:48] <jetsaredim> :)
[06:48] <jetsaredim> should have something in there about needing a url
[06:48] <clsk> is there a version of bzr-svn compatible with bzr 1.4rc1?
[06:48] <jml> jetsaredim: well, no arguments means break the local lock
[06:48] <jetsaredim> ah
[06:49] <jml> jetsaredim: which is roughly consistent with every other bzr command.
[06:49] <jetsaredim> ah
[06:49] <jetsaredim> i suppose the man page would have told me that
[06:50] <jml> 'bzr help break-lock' also
[06:50] <jml> hmm.
[06:50] <jml> we could add an example to that for 'bzr break-lock bzr+ssh://server.example.com/foo/bar/branch'
[06:51] <spiv> jml: oh, hey
[06:51] <jml> spiv: hi :)
[07:10] <jetsaredim> ok - another seemingly random question
[07:10] <jetsaredim> i added a new package a while back
[07:10] <jetsaredim> firebug
[07:11] <jetsaredim> i had a personal branch called firefox-extensions/firebug.ubtuntu that got merged into ubuntu-dev and into hardy
[07:11] <jetsaredim> now I want to update the package for a new upstream release
[07:11] <jetsaredim> i pushed to my personal firebug.ubuntu, but it doesn't show up by default in my code trees since I had previously marked the branch as merged
[07:12] <jetsaredim> am I just doing this the wrong way?
[07:12] <jml> jetsaredim: this is on Launchpad, right?
[07:13] <jetsaredim> er yea - wrong channe;
[07:13] <jetsaredim> and i think i figured out my issue anyway
[07:13] <jml> good good :)
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[11:30] <ubotu> New bug: #220182 in bzr "After rebase failure tree got broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220182
[11:55] <hsn_> are there any presentations on topic git vs bazaar
[12:01] <hsn_> http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrVsGit
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[15:45] <mw-home> How do I copy files in bzr? bzr cp doesn't exist
[15:45] <jelmer> mw-home: "cp a b"; bzr add b
[15:46] <hsn_> you can do symlink
[15:46] <Peng> Copying isn't supported yet.
[15:46] <mw-home> gotcha.
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[16:30] <grutte_pier> hsn_: symlink? you mean bzr is capable of dealing with symlinks?
[16:32] <Peng> Of course.
[16:32] <Peng> Well, there are some problems with the UI, but absolutely.
[17:51] <ubotu> New bug: #220302 in bzr-webserve "Wishlist - log display with branch graph" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220302
[17:56] <ubotu> New bug: #220295 in bzrtools "[ENH] Add plugin for gnome-keyring integration" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220295
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-dinner
=== ja1 is now known as jam
[19:50] <ubotu> New bug: #220331 in bzr "editor paths containing spaces are not parsed correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220331
[19:55] <ubotu> New bug: #220333 in bzr "incorrect indentation level in msgeditor.py" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220333
[20:26] <trepca> hey
[20:27] <trepca> i was wondering if its possible to limit access to bzr repository to only pushing
[20:27] <trepca> so not actually changing the tree
[20:27] <trepca> just having pending updates
[20:27] <trepca> and when you review.. you just commit or drop them
[20:28] <beuno> trepca, by default, if you push over ssh/sftp, the working tree doesn't get updated
[20:28] <beuno> but I'm not sure how you can approve/reject changes later on
[20:28] <beuno> as in "nicely"
[20:29] <trepca> yeah, i know its default, but developer could also use push-and-update :)
[20:30] <beuno> right, than you're probably better off using something like bundlebuggy
[20:30] <trepca> uh, whats that ?
[20:30] <beuno> trepca, http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/
[20:30] <beuno> it's what we use for bzr
[20:32] <trepca> interesting
[20:32] <trepca> but my project is private
[20:32] <trepca> ah, its open source, sorry :)
[20:32] <beuno> trepca, well, just make access to BB private :)
[20:47] <trepca> what about these pending merges ?
[20:47] <trepca> i merged a branch from remote location
[20:47] <trepca> and it didn't automatically update the working tree
[20:48] <trepca> status just says i have pending merges
[20:49] <trepca> nevermind :)
[20:55] <trepca> what is the best way to serve bzr ... built-in server, apache, sftp ... ?
[20:56] <fullermd> Depends on your situation, I imagine. For me, I use bzr+ssh pretty much everywhere.
[20:59] <trepca> k
[20:59] <trepca> me too for now
[23:01] <jam> poolie: ping, are you working yet?
[23:43] <igc> morning
[23:44] <beuno> igc, hey :)
[23:44] <igc> hi beuno
[23:45] <beuno> igc, how are you?
[23:46] <igc> beuno: I was sick in bed all day yesterday - awake today but not 100%
[23:46] <beuno> igc, aaw, I'm sorry to hear that... :/
[23:48] <beuno> we've missed you these past weeks :)
[23:58] <hsn_> http://bryan-murdock.blogspot.com/2007/03/cutting-edge-revision-control.html old bazaar-ng vs git benchmark, they are more or less comparable
[23:58] <hsn_> i expected git to be significantly faster
[23:58] <lifeless> poolie: I'm better but not up to work today;