UbuntuIRC / 2008 /04 /19 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== gaurdro is now known as gaurdro|away
[02:16] <homebrewcider> I get a message saying "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver". Can someone help me please
[02:16] <homebrewcider> mmm, the first part of my message is missing
[02:18] <homebrewcider> I got a new video card, an Asus EN8800GT, tried installing new drivers from add/remove, tried installing drivers from nvidia web-site, when I try <sudo nvidia-settings> I get a message saying "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver". Can someone help me please
[02:35] <mfe> what's the latest on gnash?
[02:35] <mfe> still in alpha testing?
[02:38] <homebrewcider> is ther any way I can nuke any attempts I've made to install this new video card and start again?
[02:49] <BunnyRevolution> !mp3
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[05:34] <Oath> anybody around for some help :(
[05:34] <Catoptromancy> heh
[05:35] <Catoptromancy> !ask
[05:37] <Catoptromancy> this channel got smaller = (
[05:37] <Oath> Every time I boot up any live CD (tryed ubuntu, sabayon, suse, etc) It frezes up mid load. It stopped during "udevs" for sabayon, maybe the others but they didn't list what was happening during the load.
[05:37] <Oath> HELP ME PLZ
[05:43] <ere4si> Oath: is it a laptop you're using?
[05:43] <Oath> no, it is a desktop
[05:44] <ere4si> Oath: how much system meory is there?
[05:44] <ere4si> *memory
[05:44] <Oath> 2.5gb
[05:48] <ere4si> Oath: with the xubuntu live cd you can press F6 at the start or install prompt - and at the end of the line that appears remove quiet splash and add verbose to see what's happening - it will help sort it out
[05:49] <Oath> alright, I'm going to try something I did not do before really qick first
[05:49] <ere4si> k
[06:17] <chewit> quick question, i have switched from ubuntu to xubuntu by install xubuntu from synaptic (i followed a tutorial). but i'm slightly concerned that i havn't completely switched. Because in system monitor, under the system tab. It says Gnome & Ubuntu 7.10
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[06:19] <chewit> is it meant like that xubuntu?
[06:20] <zoredache> installing xubuntu doesn't install gnome.. all the know packages would still be present
[06:21] <chewit> so does your system monitor say the same as mine
[06:21] <zoredache> which page are you on?
[06:21] <chewit> system tab
[06:22] <zoredache> the graphic too the left says gnome. yes
[06:22] <chewit> yeh, ok thanks
[06:22] <chewit> i was just concerned that i had not switched to xubuntu correctly.
[11:10] <qwerku1> hello all
[11:11] <Stroganoff> h
[11:11] <qwerku1> I have a problem with my 7.10 ubuntu notebook
[11:11] <Stroganoff> i
[11:11] <qwerku1> using HUGE memory eating softs like GMT, i reach pretty fast my hardware limits
[11:12] <Stroganoff> what is GMT?
[11:12] <Stroganoff> how much ram do you have?
[11:12] <qwerku1> GMT = general mapping tools (to make maps)
[11:12] <qwerku1> may memory is 978
[11:13] <qwerku1> the problem is that when this limit is broken, the swapping mechanics start
[11:13] <qwerku1> wich slow down the whole lap for hours
[11:13] <qwerku1> isn't it possible to turn off swaping ?
[11:15] <qwerku1> (btw: here is the link to gmt: http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/)
[11:16] <qwerku1> (and here is an example of GMT achievement. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/da/Deutschland_topo.jpg)
[11:17] <TheSheep> qwerku1: you can turn off swaping. then when you run out of memry, it will just crash
[11:18] <qwerku1> that's exactly what i m looking for
[11:18] <qwerku1> how do you achieve it ?
[11:18] <TheSheep> sudo swapoff -a
[11:18] <qwerku1> that's all ?
[11:18] <TheSheep> yes
[11:19] <qwerku1> are there some "risks" related to this ?
[11:19] <qwerku1> (eg my lap is going to blow up after a while ...)
[11:19] <TheSheep> it will start killing programs randomly when out of memory
[11:19] <qwerku1> even sys progs ?
[11:19] <TheSheep> if you just want to limit the memory usage of a single program, use ulimit
[11:20] <qwerku1> ahhh
[11:20] <qwerku1> that seems much better
[11:20] <TheSheep> yeah
[11:20] <qwerku1> you sure of the spelling ?
[11:20] <simu> hello
[11:20] <simu> hello, I just started my computer and after I logged on there is not application bar at the top
[11:20] <simu> I can see the desktop and its icons thought
[11:22] <simu> ah I got it
[11:22] <simu> hick]
[11:23] <TheSheep> qwerku1: I'm not sure what options you should pass to ulimit
[11:23] <TheSheep> qwerku1: maybe google for it, the man page seems incomplete
[11:23] <qwerku1> no problem: I m chechking it out
[11:23] <qwerku1> thanks a lot for your help
[12:34] <platyhelminth> !lol
[12:34] <ubotu> Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.
[12:34] <ubuntu> Hello
=== ubuntu is now known as Matti_A
[12:35] <platyhelminth> !omg
[12:35] <ubotu> Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.
[12:35] <TheSheep> !botabuse | platyhelminth
[12:35] <ubotu> platyhelminth: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.
[12:35] <platyhelminth> !xfce
[12:35] <ubotu> Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels
[12:36] <Matti_A> I'm running xubuntu live-cd on my laptop
[12:36] <Matti_A> And I can't get wlan to work
[12:36] <TheSheep> Matti_A: not much experience here, but there are some docs:
[12:36] <TheSheep> !wifi | Matti_A
[12:36] <ubotu> Matti_A: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[12:37] <Matti_A> Thanks!
[12:46] <floating> i have installed w32codecs but the stream(after ad) is not working: http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/?rn=1929421&ch=1929421&src=deeurosport
[12:56] <Stroganoff> floating have you install mozilla-mplayer
[12:58] <floating> ill try install and see
[12:58] <floating> i would prefer not to use mplayer to anything tho
[13:01] <floating> i didnt have iti nstalled, i installed now but it didnt help
[13:01] <floating> only the ads play
[13:03] <floating> wait!
[13:03] <floating> now it works :) thanks
[13:04] <floating> hrrm, im just unable to do the things with it that i can in windows :( like putting it in full screen
[13:05] <Stroganoff> mozilla-mplayer should have a fullscreen feature
[13:05] <floating> and i cannot adjust audio and is set to low
[13:06] <Stroganoff> try pressing F
[13:06] <floating> nothing happens. the full screen button and audio tuning is grayed out on the panel
[13:06] <Stroganoff> mmh
[13:06] <Stroganoff> try asking in #mplayer
[13:06] <floating> oki
[13:07] <floating> thx
[13:07] <Stroganoff> or try mozilla-plugin-vlc
[13:09] <floating> hmm, do i have to uninstall mozilla-mplayer first ?
[13:09] <floating> i would really like to use vlc since i kinda chose it to my primary player anyway^^
[13:14] <floating> hmm, i removed mozilla-mplayer and installed mozilla-plugin-vlc, but now it is back to square one :oI
[13:17] <Stroganoff> check about:plugins (in firefox) to see if the vlc plugin is loaded correctly
[13:19] <floating> all is enabled that is listed
[13:22] <Stroganoff> ,
[13:22] <Stroganoff> i dont know then
[13:22] <Stroganoff> try #mplayer or #vlc
[13:22] <Stroganoff> i'm not even on linux right now
[13:24] <floating> i installed mozilla-mplayer back, and i can see that that one gives me more plugins than vlc one. also the stream comes back online with mplayer... so i leave the mplayer, and try to figure out how to get it full screen or smth
[13:31] <Matti_A_> Thanks for help!!
[13:31] <Matti_A_> Now wlan works just fine
[13:32] <Matti_A_> There is one last problem to be solved
[13:32] <Matti_A_> I need to change keyboard settings to finnish
[13:32] <Matti_A_> It now uses american setup
=== gaurdro_ is now known as gaurdro|away
[14:14] <qwerku3> hi
[14:14] <qwerku3> i have another weired problem:
[14:14] <qwerku3> how comes my Xorg pumps over 700MB ???
[14:16] <solar_george> what exactly do you mean
[14:17] <qwerku3> well: I'm recurrently experiencing HUGE system slowdowns
[14:17] <qwerku3> so I checked memory usage
[14:17] <qwerku3> via top
[14:17] <qwerku3> and find out that Xorg reserves over 700MB
[14:18] <solar_george> weird - on my laptop it only takes ~60mb
[14:18] <solar_george> what version are you running
[14:19] <qwerku3> sec
[14:20] <qwerku3> X Window System Version 1.3.0
[14:20] <qwerku3> Release Date: 19 April 2007
[14:20] <qwerku3> X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 1.3
[14:20] <qwerku3> i guess this is the standart Xorg server for gutsy
[14:20] <solar_george> - I mean of ubuntu - but you've answered that now
[14:21] <qwerku3> digging further into my problem
[14:21] <qwerku3> I *think* it may be related to firefox
[14:22] <solar_george> is the flash plugin being used
[14:22] <qwerku3> if I kill firefox, memory reservation goes down to some 200MB
[14:22] <qwerku3> s
[14:22] <qwerku3> and as soon as I restart it
[14:22] <qwerku3> (blank page)
[14:22] <qwerku3> memory usage skyrockets
[14:23] <solar_george> hmm running ffx does increase my mem useage but only by 20m
[14:24] <solar_george> what graphics card are you using
[14:24] <qwerku3> i855gme
[14:24] <qwerku3> is it possible to set a memory limit to firefox ?
[14:25] <TheSheep> qwerku3: http://www.lifespy.com/2007/firefox-quick-tip-limit-ram-usage/
[14:25] <solar_george> do you have hardware accelerated graphics on that card?
[14:26] <Stroganoff> qwerku3 funny thing is: firefox3 (beta) has done much about mem consumption
[14:27] <solar_george> are you running lots of addons?
[14:27] <qwerku3> no
[14:27] <qwerku3> thanks for the link
[14:27] <qwerku3> but i don t have that option
[14:28] <qwerku3> running firefox
[14:28] <solar_george> how long have you had that install? is it uptodate
[14:29] <qwerku3> hehe
[14:29] <qwerku3> last sys update was about 3-4 months ago
[14:30] <qwerku3> I basically never update until i experience any major problem
[14:30] <solar_george> maybe you should update then
[14:30] <qwerku3> the thing i do not understand
[14:31] <qwerku3> is that firefox keeps memory usage under 150Mb most of the time
[14:31] <qwerku3> although Xorg seems to explode its consumptin
[14:31] <TheSheep> qwerku3: try installing and using xrestop
[14:32] <solar_george> are you using display compositing?
[14:32] <qwerku3> what is that
[14:32] <TheSheep> qwerku3: it shws which application uses how much of X resources
[14:32] <qwerku3> ok
[14:32] <TheSheep> qwerku3: you see, if an app allocates a bitmap, it counts of X's memory, not that application's
[14:32] <qwerku3> yup
[14:32] <TheSheep> qwerku3: as far as I know, firefox keeps whole pages as bitmaps
[14:33] <qwerku3> ouch
[14:33] <qwerku3> !
[14:33] <TheSheep> qwerku3: so if you have 8 tabs with long pages...
[14:33] <qwerku3> your app gives me:
[14:33] <qwerku3> 3600000 203 44 1 1920 83 281906K 8K 281915K 8260 about:config - Mozilla Firefox
[14:33] <qwerku3> 3600000 203 44 1 1920 83 281906K 8K 281915K 8260 about:config - Mozilla Firefox
[14:33] <qwerku3> 3600000 203 44 1 1920 83 281906K 8K 281915K 8260 about:config - Mozilla Firefox
[14:33] <qwerku3> (sry for the 2 posts)
[14:34] <qwerku3> 281MB for a simple about:config page ???????
[14:34] <solar_george> odd maybe try installing the beta
[14:34] <solar_george> - of firefox
[14:34] <TheSheep> they mostly fixed it in firefox3
[14:35] <TheSheep> but it depends on what addons you have installed
[14:36] <qwerku3> 1: fireftp
[14:36] <qwerku3> 2: foxcast
[14:36] <qwerku3> and that's all
[14:38] <qwerku3> ok: I think that thanks to your advices, the problem is related to firefox
[14:38] <qwerku3> I will try to install the beta
[14:38] <solar_george> if you're going to try ffx beta you must use backports
[14:38] <solar_george> to get a decent version
[14:38] <qwerku3> what about self compilation ?
[14:39] <solar_george> its best to use versions from ubuntu repos
[14:39] <qwerku3> which one should i use ?
[14:40] <solar_george> of what/
[14:40] <solar_george> ?
[14:40] <qwerku3> repose to install beta
[14:40] <qwerku3> i mean repos
[14:40] <solar_george> gutsy backports
[14:41] <solar_george> under updates
[14:42] <qwerku3> ok: dowloading
[14:45] <qwerku3> ...and another great victory for the xubuntu support team:
[14:45] <qwerku3> 4600000 104 88 1 72 104 275K 7K 283K 9026 about:config - Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 4
[14:46] <TheSheep> :)
[14:46] <solar_george> great
[14:46] <qwerku3> only thing missing: no anti-aliasing fonts under fx3
[14:46] <qwerku3> do i have to set them manually ?
[14:46] <jgamio> a question just select the backport and the fire 3 is intalled ?
[14:46] <TheSheep> qwerku3: no, it should work
[14:47] <TheSheep> qwerku3: do you have antialiasing enabled in user interface settings?
[14:47] <qwerku3> yup
[14:47] <qwerku3> aa works on page content
[14:47] <qwerku3> but not in menus :(
[14:49] <jgamio> qwerku3 did you select backport to install fire 3 ? that s it ?
[14:49] <qwerku3> yes
[14:50] <jgamio> qwerku3 thank you
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[14:55] <gkahla> silly question: does anyone else's screensaver just blank instead of using the selected 'saver?
[14:55] <brynjolf> anyone using composition under xfce4 with XFWM4 and ATI? I get inverted colors :S
[14:55] <qwerku3> there is an option
[14:55] <qwerku3> to invert colors
[14:57] <brynjolf> qwerku3: I cant find that option in Window manager tweaks, is it a cfg file?
[14:58] <qwerku3> don t know
[14:58] <qwerku3> last time I tried it
[14:59] <qwerku3> it was half a year ago with an nvidia card
[14:59] <qwerku3> ...
[14:59] <brynjolf> ah cant find anything on google, will take a deeper look though, thanks
[15:00] <qwerku3> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiz#Community_plugins_.28Compiz_Fusion.29
[15:00] <qwerku3> it is a community plugin
[15:00] <qwerku3> called "negative"
[15:03] <brynjolf> Ah well I wasnt't using Compiz but XFWM4
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[15:52] <x9x> ohh.. the xubuntu8.04 cd is smaller than 7.10! cool!
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[17:19] <amerigo> my xubuntu have no alias name... so i can't print (because it cannot see the printers)... any solutions?
[17:22] <siggjen> i'm not sure if i understand your problem, if you need network aliases you can look into /etc/hosts
[17:25] <x9x> what is aliases for?
[17:25] <amerigo> thank you siggjen
[18:40] <amerigo> ! games
[18:40] <ubotu> Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php
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[20:06] <Fraeon> !ubotu
[20:06] <ubotu> I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots
[20:07] <Fraeon> It took me 2 years to realize that ubotu is a portmanteau of ubuntu and bot
[20:07] <Fraeon> I just realized it a minute ago :<
[20:20] <TheSheep> Fraeon: you're a ntive speaker?
[20:20] <Fraeon> Yes, I speak Finnish natively
[20:21] <Fraeon> Not much else, though
[20:39] <Annirak> I'm trying to get a via Rhine based ethernet card working under ubuntu 7.10. The makefile that came with the card is broken and I can't find the package I need. Which package contains the Via Rhine driver?
[20:45] <Annirak> I'm trying to get a via Rhine based ethernet card working under ubuntu 7.10. The makefile that came with the card is broken and I can't find the package I need. Which package contains the Via Rhine driver?
[20:45] <TheSheep> !repeat
[20:45] <ubotu> Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience
[21:57] <floating> hI. i am trying to setup bandwidth limiter wondershaper,and i have a problem. i dont have a entry eth0 in my /etc/network/interfaces. theres only 2 lines. auto lo and iface lo inet loopback ..i should add lines after the eth0(which isnt there)
[22:19] <gar1> Hello! how do i access my ntfs drive?
[22:21] <Fraeon> Check the /media/ folder
[22:21] <gar1> nothing there
[22:22] <gar1> no hard drives
[22:23] <gar1> i see them in /dev but i can't access them
[22:23] <gar1> they have a red x on thier icons
[22:26] <gar1> might be a permission prob
[22:26] <gar1> how do i log on as root?
[22:27] <Fraeon> Right